Raphael J. F.
*a and
aFachbereich für Chemie und Physik der Materialien, Paris-Lodron Universität Salzburg, Jakob-Harringerstr. 2a, A-5020 Salzburg, Österreich, Austria. E-mail: raphael.berger@plus.ac.at
bDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki, P.O. Box 55, A. I. Virtasen aukio 1, FI-00014, Finland
First published on 21st September 2022
A new natural scheme is introduced to analyze quantitatively the magnetically induced molecular current density vector field, J. The set of zero points of J, which is called its stagnation graph (SG), has been previously used to study the topological features of the current density of various molecules. Here, the line integrals of the induced magnetic field along edges of the connected subset of the SG are calculated. The edges are oriented such that all weights, i.e., flux values become non-negative, thereby, an oriented flux-weighted (current density) stagnation graph (OFW-SG) is obtained. Since in the exact theoretical limit, J is divergence-free and due to the topological characteristics of such vector fields, the flux of all separate vortices (current density domains) and neighbouring connected vortices can be determined exactly by adding the weights of cyclic subsets of edges (i.e., closed loops) of the OFW-SG. The procedure is exemplified by the minimal example of LiH for a weak homogeneous external magnetic field, B, perpendicular to the chemical bond. The OFW-SG exhibits one closed loop (formally decomposed into two edges), and an open line extending to infinity on both of its ends. The method provides the means of accurately determining the strength of the current density even in molecules with a complicated set of distinct vortices.
In molecular magnetic response theory, the induced electronic current density, J, is the key quantity from which all other magnetic response properties can be calculated in a quasi-classical fashion by evaluating the expectation value integrals. Hirschfelder has coined the term subobservable for quantities for which it is possible to define a formal quantum mechanical operator.1 A series of reviews on the current state of research on magnetically induced molecular current densities is available.2–5 One branch of this research field is concerned with both the topological and the quantitative characterization of J, an undertaking that is analogous to the topology analysis of the electron density based on the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM).6,7 The J field typically consists of multiple vortices, some embedded in each other. However, their boundary surfaces may never cross due to charge conservation. These surfaces are known as separatrix surfaces. Topological characterizations of the induced molecular current density field are fairly abundant in the literature6,8–26 and analogies between the QTAIM analysis and the SG graph analysis have been discussed.3 Unlike for bond paths in QTAIM, there are no established empirical rules or simple models of interpretation for the topology of the magnetically induced current density, yet. Large unsymmetric molecules in general do not seem to posses a connected stagnation graph, but rather a collection of isolated stagnation points (see below).
We have recently reported some progress on the quantitative characterization of the current–density field27 from the secondary magnetic field that it induces, Bind, better known as the nucleus-independent chemical shift (NICS), which can be derived from the chemical shielding tensor, σ, by contracting it with the external magnetic field.28 The obtained data are used, for example, to rationalize the aromatic or antiaromatic nature of a compound. For the quantification of the molecular current density, one is typically interested in its flux, Φ, through a particular surface, , chosen according to chemical intuition or other demands or model ideas, such as the “ring-current” model for molecular systems2 or the integration based on the zero-flux electron density surfaces used in QTAIM.29,30 The idea underlying our recent work27 is to apply the integral form of the Ampère–Maxwell law by evaluating a line integral of Bind instead of evaluating a surface integral of J. The flux is then obtained by line-integration of μ0−1Bind over the boundary line of surface ,
(1) |
In this work, we employ the simple example of the lithium hydride molecule to illustrate in simple terms the essence of our method and show how this method can be naturally extended by applying it to the stagnation graph (i.e., the set of zero points) of J, such that the quantification of separate current vortices becomes exact, simple and possible to automate.
Analysis of the magnetically induced current density is done routinely for various molecules, including compounds of potential practical application such as porphyrinoids. Their current density field consists of multiple pathways, the strength of which is difficult to determine using the standard approach of placing an integration plane through the molecule and calculating the strength of the flux across the plane. In our scheme, one first needs to obtain the stagnation graph (SG) of the molecule and then perform the integration along the points of the SG as described in Section 2. Hence, it becomes possible to precisely characterize the magnetically induced current density in molecules where the vortices are hard to identify and discern.
This work is, furthermore, intended as the first of a series, where we outline the new method by increasingly complex examples. The upcoming works in the series are planned to contain studies on II. homo- and heterodiatomic molecules, III. Benzene, IV. Neutral and charged [CnHn]m type annulenes, V. Condensed ring systems and porphyrins, VI. Selected organometallic molecules. Work on them is already under way.
The outer vortex has an open stagnation line, 1, extending from z = −∞ to z = ∞ and lying in the (y, z) plane. Line 1 passes very close to the H atom, only a fraction of an atomic unit, and bends towards it. Above and below the (x, y) plane, 1 is bending slightly towards the center of the LiH molecule but straightens out at larger ±z heights. The current vortex around this stagnation line 1 is diatropic, thus, according to our convention, the vortical flow is clockwise if the external field B is pointing in the z direction and the reader looks towards negative z. The approximately spherical inner vortex domain can be seen as inserted in-between the streamlines of the outer vortex which bypass this domain similarly to how a laminar-flowing fluid would pass around a ball fully submerged into it. This results in two isolated “toroidal stagnation points”†p(3,1)+ and p(3,−1)− on the separatrix sphere, , where the outer flow diverges in (and converges from) all directions on , respectively.
The inner domain encloses the Li atom, and its radius extends roughly to the midpoint between the two atoms. The geometrical center of does not lie on the Li atom, but instead, it is significantly shifted away from the H atom. The stagnation line, 2, of the current–density vortex is closed, which gives rise to a toroidal flow with a (metaphorically speaking) “reflux” region in the middle. On the side towards the H atom, the flux resembles that of a paratropic vortex, while on the remote side of the Li atom, the flux acts as if it were diatropic. The respective parts of the stagnation line are illustrated in red and green in Fig. 3 and 4. We define the two somewhat arbitrary stagnation points p0 and (illustrated in orange) where the apparent diatropic and paratropic parts of the critical stagnation line meet as the “branching points” of the closed loop. However, they are not (0,0) branch critical points in the topological sense. The streamline representations show that the current–density flow in the middle region is similar to the water circulating in a waterspout fountain with an inner tube (illustrated using cyan arrows in Fig. 4). The inner stream passes close to the Li atom, roughly perpendicular to both B and the Li–H bond, lying in the (x, y) plane. It has the shape of a double S and contains a heteroclinic streamline line which connects the source critical point p(3,1)+ with the sink critical point p(3,−1)− also inside . Critical points can be classified using the Collard–Hall indices (r, s).‡ Points p− and p+ are illustrated in cyan in Fig. 3 and 4.
Fig. 4 The reflux region in the toroidal vortex of the magnetically induced current density field J of LiH. The current flux of this vortex integrates to 4.6 nA T−1, as can be easily derived from Fig. 3 by adding the weights of branches 2,p and 2,d. |
The stagnation line of the inner vortex, 2, is a topological circle (a closed loop) that we split into two branches, 2,d (with diatropic current vortices in the vicinity) and 2,p (with paratropic vortices in the vicinity), connected by the “branching points” p0 and illustrated in orange. Strictly speaking, this division is arbitrary, and 2 is actually one unbranched topological domain. Nevertheless, this scheme provides a simple example of the general method for determining the current flux that we are outlining here. We also note that this type of toroidal current vortex is, obviously, neither diatropic nor paratropic over its whole domain. Due to charge conservation, no current can pass from one vortex into or out of another one. In LiH, this means that the inner and the outer domains are perfectly separated by surface . Hence, a total current flux can be defined for each individual vortex. As a chemical interpretation, one would assign the diamagnetic, spatially unconfined current vortex around 1 to the hydride anion, which dominates the response and encloses a spatially confined toroidal vortex arising from the Li+ cation.
As we have shown previously,27 and since Bind is vanishing at infinity in the z and y directions, the total current flux, Φ1, of the outer vortex can be obtained from the line integral
(2) |
Here we have chosen the direction of stagnation line 1 such that Φ1 becomes positive. In this way, every current–density stagnation graph can be uniquely oriented to yield a directed graph. Furthermore, to each “edge” (line segment) of a stagnation graph, a flux integral can be assigned, such that an oriented edge-weighted graph with strictly positive weights is obtained.
To obtain the current flux of the toroidal current inside , one can make use of the notion that the total flux is passing through the D-shaped closed stagnation line 2 (composed of 2,d and 2,p). Thus,
(3) |
(4) |
= Φ2,d + Φ2,p, | (5) |
Any field J partitioned into vortices separated by asymptotic surfaces (separatrices), i.e., the field is decomposable into pairwise disjunct sets, has cyclic stagnation subgraphs defining the vortex, such as the pair of stagnation lines 1 and 2 in the example of the toroidal vortex in LiH. Setting this cyclic subgraph to in the line integral in eqn (1) gives the current flux, Φ, in this vortex. Then, in order to obtain the flux of a separate vortex, one only has to add the weights of the corresponding cyclic subgraph in the correct orientation (i.e., a plus or minus sign).
Regarding the efficiency and feasibility of the proposed method, there are the following advantages:
• Instead of surface integrals, only line integrals have to be calculated, which roughly leads to scaling of order versus.
• For integrals of the current flux for which the stagnation lines are (approximately) known, e.g., the central axis in planar (approximately) symmetric rings, and which yield the total “ring” current,27 no current density has to be calculated directly but instead only the typically simpler chemical shielding tensors have to be computed.
• With this method, there is no ambiguity concerning the precise definition and localization of the vortices under consideration, which is in stark contrast to the commonly used schemes which rely on explicit or implicit topological knowledge that very often was present only in rudimentary form. So it seems highly likely that many of the previous studies where surface integrals of the current density have been calculated based on a casual inspection of streamline graphs or various ad hoc integration schemes are flawed due to ill-defined current domains.
On the contrary one has to face two methodological disadvantages using this method:
• For all but the simplest cases (total current in symmetric ring systems), the SG has to be determined. As outlined above, we suggest that this is only an ostensible disadvantage since integration without knowledge of the topology is at risk of being erroneous, particularly if not at least investigated visually.
• For vortices with open stagnation lines (such as the hydride vortex in our example), one has to integrate relatively far out (i.e., approximately 100 or even 200 atomic units) into the shielding cone of the molecule in order to achieve convergence (see appendix C for one numerical and one analytical example). This is a consequence of the non-local nature of the shielding contributions with respect to the underlying J field.
• As shown previously,17 only relatively small or highly symmetric molecules possess non-trivially connected stagnation subgraphs. Hence, only in such cases, the current–density field can be partitioned into physically well-defined separate (pairwise disjunct) current–density vortices. Thus, only in these cases, it is possible to unambiguously define flux integrals (other than the total molecular flux). This leads to the conclusion that concepts like “bond-currents”, “local ring currents”, or “semi-local ring currents” can actually not be well-defined for molecules without non-trivially connected stagnation subgraphs. Their definition would either require—to the best of our knowledge—a yet unknown unambiguous physical definition, or it should be completely abandoned until we arrive at a deeper understanding of the general topology of molecular current–density fields (a subject on which we are continuously working).
Further research is needed to address cases which do not possess a non-trivially connected stagnation graph. This probably applies to the vast majority of molecules. However, one way to deal with this problem is to restrict the analysis to the pseudo-SG,13 where the z component of the induced magnetic field is set to zero, or related methods. Thereby, the topology of the current density field tends to become significantly simpler and usually gets partitioned into smaller separate vortices (current density domains). This comes at the cost that in such fields, the continuity condition is violated, which, strictly speaking, implies that the usual topological tools (such as the Poincaré–Hopf theorem8) are inapplicable. Apart from the usage of pseudo-SGs, we need to arrive at a deeper understanding of the topology of molecular current–density fields for the cases where the SGs are just a collection of isolated points. Ultimately, in this way we could bridge the gap between the intuitive ring-current model and the actual physical current–density field of molecules in general. From our point of view, this is a necessary requirement to give a physically meaningful and mathematically sound definition to any of the traditionally applied schemes for integration of the current density flux. Otherwise, the integration surfaces commonly used in current density analysis studies remain ambiguous and arbitrary to some extent.
The current–density field can be inspected visually on a slice or using streamlines. In this work, we have visualized the results by obtaining the current density on a three-dimensional (3D) grid using the gauge-including magnetically induced current (GIMIC) method3,4,39–41 which is interfaced to quantum chemistry program packages such as Gaussian,42 and employing the Paraview43 program to prepare the graphics. As the name suggests, the method employs gauge-including atomic orbitals (GIAOs)44 rather than GSGT.
(6) |
To approximate the surface integral over J, we have used the dual of the base grid which yields 49 × 99 = 4851 points {rdi}i∈{1,…,4851} centered in the squares of the basis grid such that
Basis set | μ 0 −1 B ind·dl | J·ds | Difference |
aug-cc-pVTZ | 3.83 | 4.00 | 0.17 |
aug-cc-pVQZ | 4.21 | 4.34 | 0.13 |
aug-cc-pV5Z | 4.41 | 4.47 | 0.05 |
Height | Path integral for path | ||
Semi circle | Line | Semicircle ∪ line | |
50 | 0.01821 | 11.20840 | 11.22661 |
100 | 0.00457 | 11.23570 | 11.24027 |
200 | 0.00107 | 11.24250 | 11.24357 |
400 | −0.00000 | 11.24420 | 11.24420 |
(7) |
(8) |
For R = 1 a.u., we obtain . Thus, if we want to recover 99.9% of the total current (correct to one digit), z0 needs to extend already to more than 22 a.u.
For molecules with a more diffuse current density distribution and larger ring-current radii, it is plausible that in order to arrive at two digits accuracy, one has to integrate out to a hundred atomic units or more.
Footnotes |
† According to Reyn,32 these two stagnation points can be classified as “three-branched saddle-node with stable two branched plane node” and they are connected by a heteroclinic streamline. |
‡ The Collard–Hall index gives rank r and signature s of the Jacobian as an ordered pair (r,s) where s is the sum of the signs of the eigenvalues.33 |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022 |