Stuart W.
Jason W. L.
bc and
Michael N. R.
aSchool of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TS, UK. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3TA, UK
cDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany
First published on 22nd July 2022
Multi-mass velocity map imaging studies of charged fragments formed by near infrared strong field ionization together with covariance map image analysis offer a new window through which to explore the dissociation dynamics of several different highly charged parent cations, simultaneously – as demonstrated here for the case of CF3IZ+ cations with charges Z ranging from 1 to at least 5. Previous reports that dissociative ionization of CF3I+ cations yields CF3+, I+ and CF2I+ fragment ions are confirmed, and some of the CF3+ fragments are deduced to undergo secondary loss of one or more neutral F atoms. Covariance map imaging confirms the dominance of CF3+ + I+ products in the photodissociation of CF3I2+ cations and, again, that some of the primary CF3+ photofragments can shed one or more F atoms. Rival charge symmetric dissociation pathways to CF2I+ + F+ and to IF+ + CF2+ products and charge asymmetric dissociations to CF3 + I2+ and CF2I2+ + F products are all also identified. The findings for parent cations with Z ≥ 3 are wholly new. In all cases, the fragment recoil velocity distributions imply dissociation dynamics in which coulombic repulsive forces play a dominant role. The major photoproducts following dissociation of CF3I3+ ions are CF3+ and I2+, with lesser contributions from the rival CF2I2+ + F+ and CF32+ + I+ channels. The CF32+ fragment ion images measured at higher incident intensities show a faster velocity sub-group consistent with their formation in tandem with I2+ fragments, from photodissociation of CF3I4+ parent ions. The measured velocity distributions of the I3+ fragment ions contain features attributable to CF3I5+ photodissociation to CF32+ + I3+ and the images of fragments with mass to charge (m/z) ratio ∼31 show formation of I4+ products that must originate from parent ions with yet higher Z.
Removing multiple electrons from an isolated molecule causes it to undergo a Coulomb explosion (CE)6–9 and, as noted above, many CEs are now initiated using fs laser pulses at near infrared (NIR, e.g. λ ∼ 805 nm) or short XUV wavelengths. The route to forming multiply charged cations is different in the two cases: strong field ionization (SFI) when using NIR photons, Auger cascade following removal of a core electron when using photons from an X-ray free electron laser.10 In both cases, the multiply charged cation ‘explodes’ yielding two or more proximal positively charged atomic and/or molecular fragments. Determining the fragment ion velocities and momenta using, for example, coincidence velocity map imaging (VMI) methods or VMI in conjunction with covariance analysis methods offers a route to determine static molecular structures,10–12 to distinguish isomers13–18 and enantiomers,19 to explore the fragmentation dynamics of multiply charged cations20 and, in appropriately-designed ultrashort laser pulse pump–probe experiments, to follow the time-evolving structure and/or the fragmentation of photoexcited small molecules21–23 and ions.24–26
The present study explores the fragmentation dynamics of multiply charged CF3IZ+ ions formed by non-resonant NIR SFI. Each excitation pulse creates a distribution of multiply-charged parent cations, which display Z-dependent explosion dynamics. The hydrogen analogue, methyl iodide (CH3I), has been a very popular molecule for testing dynamical understanding of CEs induced both by NIR27–36 and X-ray37,38 excitation. Our recent studies of the NIR SFI of CH3I at three different incident intensities (I)39 revealed a clear transition from ‘diatomic-like’ explosion to CH3+ and Iq+ (q = 1, 2) fragments from parent ions in low Z states (Z = 2, 3), through a complex pattern of fragmentation behaviours involving loss of one or more H atoms or protons from parent ions with intermediate Z, to limiting Coulomb-driven dissociation to the constituent (charged) atoms once Z ≥ 6. Aspects of this behaviour could be rationalised by reference to complementary on-the-fly ab initio trajectory simulations,40 but the finding that the observed velocities of the Iq+ (q > 2) fragments were consistently lower than those predicted by such calculations hinted at non-adiabatic coupling effects in the evolution from the photo-prepared parent cation to asymptotic fragments. Thorough investigation of the transition from ‘low’ to ‘high’ Z fragmentation behaviour in the case of CH3I was hampered by the unfavourable mass ratios: the experimental mass resolution precluded mass-selective imaging of heavier fragments differing by just one mass unit, while the recoil velocities of many of the light H+ fragments were too high to permit detection with the available time and position sensitive detector.
Hence the motivation of the present multi-mass imaging study, wherein we present and analyse velocity map images of all major fragment ions arising in the NIR SFI of jet-cooled CF3I molecules following excitation with ultrashort (40 fs), non-resonant NIR (805 nm) laser pulses at the same three peak intensities as used in the CH3I studies (I ≈ 2.6 × 1014–1.3 × 1015 W cm−2 (260–1300 TW cm−2)). As in the case of CH3I, many aspects of the CE dynamics of CF3IZ+ cations with low Z can be understood using a 1-D picture that recognises the competition between (attractive) bonding and (repulsive) coulombic forces along the C–I bond (RC–I). In distinction to CH3I, however, where the loss of one (or more) light H atoms causes only a small (and generally unresolvable) change to the momentum of the CHnp+ (and Iq+) fragments formed in any CE and the H+ ions can only ever carry a q = 1 charge, F atom (or F+ ion) loss during the CE of CF3I has a discernible effect on the momenta of any CFnp+ partner fragments and the F atoms deriving from CE of CF3I ions in high Z states can carry multiple charges, offering the prospect of richer, further from ‘diatomic-like’ explosion dynamics.
Unravelling these dynamics can be challenging, given that there will generally be more than one route to forming any given fragment ion in a NIR SFI-induced CE experiment. The velocity (and momentum) information encoded in the fragment ion images helps in unravelling this complexity, but the present multi-mass imaging measurements carry time and position of arrival (at the detector) information for all fragments which allows identification of correlated product-pairs (or, at least in principle, even triplets) via analysis of 2-D (and 3-D) covariance-map images.41,42 Covariance-map imaging methods have already been applied in analysing the CE of CF3I molecules following electron impact at collision energies in the range 20–100 eV43,44 and are here used to provide further insights into dominant two-body and some of the more probable three-body SFI-induced fragmentations of CF3IZ+ cations.
Analyses of the velocity-map and covariance-map images of the various fragment ions observed at the three NIR field strengths offers a new way of exploring the fragmentation dynamics of multiply-charged CF3IZ+ cations. The data reported here complements and extends previous discussions of the dissociative ionization of CF3I+ cations,45–47 provides additional insights into the more important fragmentation pathways available to the CF3I2+ cations48 and provides completely new information about rival fragmentation pathways for CF3IZ+ cations with Z ≥ 3. More generally, the present work also illustrates the multiplex advantage afforded by multi-mass imaging coupled with covariance analysis methods; just in the case of CF3I, this single family of experiments informs on more than 15 fragmentation channels from five different CF3IZ+ cations.
These data were converted to the corresponding product velocity (v) and kinetic energy (KE) distributions using the r to v scaling determined via two-colour pump (267 nm)–SFI probe (805 nm) measurements of the CH3 and I fragments (measured via the CH3+ and I+ cations) from the well-documented photolysis of CH3I52 at long pump–probe delays using the same ion optics conditions. Fig. 3 shows the velocity distributions P(v) determined for each Iq+ fragment at each incident I with, in each case, the CE-induced feature of most interest scaled to unit peak intensity. The KEs of these Iq+ fragments (KEI) are shown on the upper abscissa. As before,39 the reported P(v) distributions have been derived by summing signal in three adjacent time bins (i.e., a δt = 75 ns time slice) that span the centre of the TOF peak of interest rather than by Abel inverting the ‘crushed’ image. The three-time-bin analysis approach allows better m/z resolution, but the returned P(v) distributions are somewhat less resolved (though show better signal to noise ratio) – as illustrated in Fig. S1 in ESI.† Key in the present context, the P(v) distributions returned by the two approaches peak at reassuringly similar velocities.
Fig. 4 shows symmetrized images of the various CFnp+ (n = 1–3, p = 1, 2) fragment ions measured at these same peak intensities, recorded with the same extraction voltages. The CFn+ (n = 1–3) images also show both ‘slow’ and ‘fast’ components with different recoil anisotropies and I-dependent relative intensities, whereas the CFn2+ (n = 1–3) images all show at least two ‘fast’ components with parallel recoil anisotropy. Note that Fig. 4 shows no image attributed to CF+ ions following SFI at I = 1300 TW cm−2. Given the available TOF mass resolution, CF+ and I4+ (and O2+) ions all appear at the same m/z. The CF+ and I4+ fragment ions appear at similar radius but are deduced to have clearly different angular distributions. Both recoil preferentially along the axis defined by the laser polarization vector but the I4+ fragments, which only contribute significantly at the highest incident intensity, are much more tightly aligned with ε, as shown in Fig. 5. Hence the decision to display the image of the fragment ions with m/z ∼ 31.5 recorded at I = 1300 TW cm−2 in Fig. 2 rather than Fig. 4. [Note, the small O2+ contribution (from SFI of O2 in any trace air impurity) is also readily recognizable as a central dot in the relevant image in Fig. 2.] The P(v) distributions determined from the various CFnp+ images are shown in Fig. 6. The images of the F+, F2+, IF+, CF2I+ and CF2I2+ fragment ions all imply that the formation of at least a fraction of each species is also accompanied by some dynamical energy release. These images and the associated P(v) distributions are collected in, respectively, Fig. S2–S4 in the ESI.†
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Fig. 4 Symmetrized images of the CFnp+ (n = 1–3, p = 1, 2) fragments observed following SFI of CF3I with λ = 805 nm photons at I = 1300, 650 and 260 TW cm−2. The ticks on the white horizontal scale overlaid on each of the 650 TW cm−2 images indicate 1000 m s−1 intervals to provide a relative comparison of achievable velocities. The orientation of the ε vector of the SFI laser radiation is shown by the double headed red arrow in the top left panel. The m/z ∼ 31.5 (CF+) image recorded at the highest I is omitted as I4+ fragment ions are adjudged to be the dominant contributor (see Fig. 2). |
Fig. 7 presents covariance map images recorded at I = 260 TW cm−2 that show clear correlations between the I+ and I2+ fragments with both the CF3+ and CF2+ fragment ions. These are displayed as (CFn+, Iq+) covariance map images (i.e. where the Iq+ species has been selected as the reference ion and its velocity fixed to be vertically upwards (defined as θ = 0°, with a non-italic θ, by the red arrow in the top left hand panel, and displaying the correlated 2-D velocity distribution of the CFn+ partner in the frame defined by the reference ion). Fig. S5 in the ESI† confirms that the same correlations are revealed in the corresponding (Iq+, CFn+ (n = 1–3)) covariance map images. The correlations between the Iq+ (q = 1, 2) and CF3+ products are tightly focussed along θ = 180°, as required by momentum conservation in the case of a two-body fragmentation, and as demonstrated in Fig. 7(c). The correlations between the CF2+ (and CF+) and Iq+ (q = 1, 2) products are also centred along θ = 180°, but the covariance map images are more diffuse, consistent with these ion pairs arising via three- (or more-) body fragmentation processes. The tight correlation between CF3+ and both I+ and I2+ products is also evident in covariance map images derived from data recorded at the higher laser intensities (Fig. S6 in the ESI†). Fig. S7 and S8 in the ESI† illustrate further detectable covariances between, respectively, CF32+ and I2+ fragment ions in images recorded at I = 650 TW cm−2, and between IF+ and CF2+ and between CF2I+ and F+ ions fragment ions in images recorded at I = 260 TW cm−2.
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Fig. 7 Covariance map images from the I = 260 TW cm−2 data from SFI of CF3I, selecting I+ (left column) and I2+ (right hand column) as the reference ion, and fixing the respective velocity to be vertically upwards (as indicated by the red arrow in the top left hand plot), and displaying the correlated 2-D velocity distributions of the (a) CF3+ and (b) CF2+ counter-fragments in the frame of the reference ion. The covariance signal of interest in each case is bounded by dashed white lines. Panel (c) illustrates the momentum matching between the product pairs from dissociation channels (4) and (11), with each P(v) distribution plotted so that the peak signal is displayed with unit intensity. |
CF3I + hν → CF3+ + I, E = 11.384 eV | (1) |
CF3I + hν → CF3 + I+, E = 12.80 eV | (2) |
CF3I + hν → CF2I+ + F, E = 13.40 eV. | (3) |
The present data show signatures of all three of these DI processes, most clearly in the images recorded at low intensity (I = 260 TW cm−2). The I+ image (Fig. 2) shows a ‘slow’ feature with parallel recoil anisotropy. The breadth of the P(v) distribution of these I+ fragments (which spans the range ∼400 < v < 900 m s−1 though, given the previously noted under-detection of on-axis fragments, this distribution may well extend down to zero velocity) may indicate DI from SFI-produced parent ions in a range of vibronic states, and/or a spread of internal energies in the neutral CF3 partner fragments, and/or that the SFI process yields I+ products in all three 3PJ (J = 0–2) spin–orbit states.
The P(v) distribution for the CF3+ fragments (Fig. 6) shows a double humped feature spanning the range ∼300 < v < 1500 m s−1 that is plausibly attributable to branching into ground (2P3/2) and spin–orbit excited (2P1/2) I atoms in DI process (1) – as proposed in previous studies of the DI of CF3I+ cations in, respectively, the X and A electronic states.46,47 Again, we caution that under-detection issues on axis mean that we cannot be certain that this distribution does not extend down to zero velocity. Higher excited states of CF3I+ have been identified in one photon excitation studies46 and will likely be populated in the present SFI environment. The fragmentation behaviour of these higher excited states has not been characterised in any detail, but the similarities between the ‘slow’ (small r) features in the CF3+, CF2+ and CF+ images suggests that some of the primary CF3+ fragments are formed with sufficient excitation that they decay further, by sequential loss of one (or two) neutral F atoms.
CF2I+ fragments are also observed, with a small relative yield (cf. CF3+, Fig. 1) and a P(v) distribution that peaks at low velocity but also shows a second, more clearly anisotropic component at larger v that grows in relative importance with increasing I (Fig. S3, ESI†). We first focus on the low velocity component, again noting that the ‘hole’ in the centre of the image may reflect known under-detection issues and lead to a somewhat exaggerated mean recoil velocity for this yield of slow CF2I+ fragments. Following Powis et al.,46 it is likely that these ions arise via near-threshold autoionization (process (3)). The form of the kinetic energy distribution is also reminiscent of that found for the CF2I+ fragments arising in the dissociative electron ionization of CF3I using incident electron energies throughout the range 20–80 eV.43 We recognise that secondary decay of internally excited CF2I+ fragments could also contribute to the observed yield of ‘slow’ CF2+ fragments and, conceivably, to the observed yield of IF+ products, but note that covariance map image analysis also demonstrates that Z = 2 parent ions contribute to the yields of these fragment ions (see below).
CF3I2+ → CF3+ + I+, | (4) |
Both fragments display very similar (I-dependent) recoil anisotropies, which evolve from preferential parallel to preferential perpendicular recoil with increasing I (Fig. 4). Such observations serve as reminders that the fragmentation of CF3I2+ cations is still far from the pure Coulomb limit. The valence bonding forces are sufficient to sustain several diabatically bound states of the CF3I2+ cation,48 with symmetries that can be accessed by parallel or perpendicular transitions from the ground state. The present data suggest that the latter gain in relative importance at higher I. As also noted in our recent SFI studies of CH3I,39 the P(v) distributions of the fragments arising from the two-body dissociation process (4) are narrow. Expressed in terms of total kinetic energy release (TKER) derived from the ‘sliced’ image data following Abel inversion (see Fig. S1, ESI†), the CF3+ + I+ products display a TKER of ∼5.7 eV with a full width half maximum of only ∼0.6 eV. The earlier double photoionization study at 40.8 eV photon energy identified a similarly narrow TKER distribution for the CF3+ + I+ products from dissociation of the CF3I2+ cation.48 These energy widths are comparable to the spin–orbit splitting in the I+ cation, and less than half that of an 805 nm photon as used in the present study. Both experiments imply that a near-constant amount of the available energy is released as product translation, i.e. that more internally excited CF3I2+ parent cations must dissociate to correspondingly more internally excited CF3+ (and/or I+) products.
Weaker CF2+, CF+ and even C+ fragment ion signals are evident in the TOF mass spectrum (Fig. 1). As Fig. 4 and 6 show, the associated images show an annular ring reminiscent of that seen for the CF3+ fragments but, with decreasing F-content, the peak in the associated P(v) distribution broadens and its centre of gravity shifts to higher velocity. The (CF2+, I+) covariance map image shown in Fig. 7 confirms a correlation between the I+ and CF2+ ions and, as in the case of the CF3+ products from DI process (1), it is logical to attribute these CF2+ ions to the dissociation of Z = 2 parent ions formed with sufficient internal energy that the resulting CF3+ fragments (formed via process (4)) themselves have sufficient internal energy to dissociate further, by losing one (or more) F atoms to yield eventual CF2+, CF+ and even C+ fragments, i.e.
CF3+ → CF2+ + F → CF+ + 2F → C+ + 3F, | (5) |
Eland et al.48 noted the operation of several rival fragmentation pathways for Z = 2 parent ions. One is process (6):
CF3I2+ → CF2I+ + F+, | (6) |
CF3I2+ → IF+ + CF2+. | (7) |
CF3I2+ → CF2I2+ + F | (8) |
CF3I2+ → CF3 + I2+. | (9) |
The observation of CF32+ cations with m/z ∼ 34.5 in the TOF mass spectrum (Fig. 1) and the associated ion images (Fig. 4) confirms the intrinsic stability of this dication,57,58 but the absence of any slow feature in the CF32+ (or other CFn2+) images tends to rule out any role in the present experiments for the third possible charge asymmetric dissociation process
CF3I2+ → CF32+ + I, | (10) |
CF3I3+ → CF3+ + I2+ | (11) |
Notwithstanding the weakness of the m/z ∼ 34.5 (CF32+) peak in the TOF mass spectrum (Fig. 1), well-resolved velocity map images of the CF32+ fragment ions were readily obtainable at I = 650 and 1300 TW cm−2 (Fig. 4). These show at least two velocity sub-groups, exhibiting parallel recoil anisotropy. The P(v) distribution associated with the weak, slowest sub-group peaks at v ∼ 4200 m s−1 (Fig. 6). As noted above, momentum matching requires that the corresponding Iq+ fragments must have v ∼ 2300 m s−1 and the P(v) distribution of the I+ cations shows a weak pedestal (shown in the inset to Fig. 3) stretching out to such velocities. We conclude that CE of Z = 3 parent ions occurs predominantly via process (11), with only a minor contribution from the rival fragmentation
CF3I3+ → CF32+ + I+. | (12) |
Fig. S4 (ESI†) shows the m/z 88.5 (CF2I2+) image recorded at all three incident intensities. The image recorded at I = 1300 TW cm−2 and its analysis must be viewed with some caution. Scrutiny of the image data suggests that the small peak at v ∼ 1050 m s−1 is real, but we cannot exclude the possibility that the more obvious peak centred at v ∼ 2400 m s−1 is associated with fragment ions from SFI of trace bromothiophene contaminant (the immediate prior experiments in the apparatus involved this molecule). Notwithstanding, it is tempting to associate the v ∼ 1050 m s−1 signal (at least) with some contribution from another rival fragmentation channel
CF3I3+ → CF2I2+ + F+. | (13) |
CF3I4+ → CF32+ + I2+, | (14) |
CF32+ → CF22+ + F → CF2+ + 2F | (15) |
CF32+ → CF2+ + F+ → CF+ + F+ + F → C+ + F+ + 2F | (16) |
The I3+ fragment ion images recorded at I = 650 and 1300 TW cm−2 both show peaked recoil velocity distributions aligned parallel to the ε-vector, but the peaks of the P(v) distributions derived from these images clearly shift to higher velocity with increasing I. The distribution measured at I = 650 TW cm−2 peaks at v ∼ 2700 m s−1 and is logically assigned to a rival, charge-asymmetric, decay process for Z = 4 parent ions
CF3I4+ → CF3+ + I3+. | (17) |
The I3+ fragment ion image measured at I = 1300 TW cm−2 peaks at a larger radius, corresponding to v ∼ 3400 m s−1. Increasing the incident intensity will increase the relative proportion of higher Z parent ions in the interaction region, and the logical source of these ions is the process
CF3I5+ → CF32+ + I3+, | (18) |
Given that parent cations with Z = 5 are present in the interaction region at the higher incident intensities, we note that the rival process
CF3I5+ → {CF33+} + I2+ | (19) |
Evidence for CE of CF3IZ+ cations with Z > 5 in the present experiments is limited to observations of (i) I3+ fragment ions with velocities v > 4500 m s−1 in the data recorded at I = 1300 TW cm−2 (i.e. much faster than can be accommodated by dissociation process (18)) and (ii) I4+ fragments. Interpretation of the image of the m/z ∼ 31.5 ions measured at high I (Fig. 2) required rather more thought. The central feature is attributable to O2+ ions from SFI of trace air impurity. The feature centred at v ∼ 4200 m s−1 is plausibly consistent with that expected by extrapolating the CF+ data measured at lower I (Fig. 4 and 6) but, as Fig. 5 convincingly shows, I4+ fragments also contribute to the image recorded at I = 1300 TW cm−2. No I5+ fragments are discernible in the TOF mass spectrum measured at this highest incident intensity.
Previous reports that DI of CF3I+ cations can result in CF3+, I+ and CF2I+ fragment ions (together with, respectively, I atoms in both spin–orbit states, CF3 neutrals, and an F atom) are confirmed and some of the CF3+ fragments are deduced to be formed with sufficient internal energy to undergo secondary loss of one or more neutral F atoms.46,47
The covariance map images confirm the dominance of CF3+ and I+ products in the photodissociation of CF3I2+ ions.48 The I-dependent recoil anisotropy of these fragments shows that the dissociation of Z = 2 cations is far from Coulomb dominated. Valence bonding forces have an obvious influence on the fragmentation dynamics, and the I-dependent recoil anisotropy is most readily explained by assuming that different incident laser intensities sample different distributions of dissociative parent electronic states of CF3I2+. The measured images reveal that the CF3+ + I+ products are formed with a narrow spread of kinetic energies. The data imply a strong propensity for parent internal excitation to map into internal excitation of the products and show that some of the primary CF3+ fragments are formed with sufficient internal energy to decay further by secondary loss of one or more F atoms. Rival dissociations to CF2I+ + F+ and to CF2+ + IF+ products are revealed by covariance map image analysis. Charge asymmetric dissociations to CF3 + I2+ and CF2I2+ and F are also both identified, but the present study finds no evidence for the alternative (higher energy) CF32+ + I product channel.
The findings reported here for CF3IZ+ ions with Z ≥ 3 are entirely new. In all cases, the coulombic repulsive forces are sufficient to ensure that the photofragments recoil along an axis parallel to ε. The primary products formed in the photodissociation of CF3I3+ ions are mainly CF3+ and I2+, with only minor contributions from the rival, more endoergic, CF2I2+ + F+ and CF32+ + I+ channels. Again, the covariance map images indicate that the internal energies of some of the CF3+ products are sufficient to allow the subsequent loss of one or more F atoms. The CF32+ fragment ion images measured at higher I show another faster velocity sub-group consistent with their formation in tandem with I2+ fragments from the photodissociation of CF3I4+ parent ions. Again, the measured fragment ion yields and ion images suggest that some of the nascent CF32+ fragments decay further by losing F and/or F+ atoms. The P(v) distributions derived from I3+ fragment ion images recorded at the highest I show a component attributable to CF3I5+ photodissociation to CF32+ + I3+ and the m/z ∼ 31.5 images clearly show I4+ products from parent ions with Z > 5.
Dissociative pathways from parent ions with CF3IZ+ ions where Z ≥ 3 could, in principle, be investigated by application of three-fold covariance methods. Such studies should complement the conclusions in this manuscript, by confirming the kinetic energies of the fragment ions directly. To date, however, successful examples of three-fold covariance analysis generally require the collection of significantly more data (better statistics) than achieved in the present work and/or have been limited to relatively simple molecules with a modest number of dissociative pathways (e.g. the covariance between the D+, D+, O+ fragments arising in the dissociation of D2O3+ parent ions 59). Any such experiment on highly charged CF3IZ+ ions would surely benefit from pre-alignment of the parent molecules to simplify the data analysis and interpretation, as demonstrated in earlier ground-breaking CEI studies of pre-aligned 3,5-dibromo-3′,5′-difluoro-4′-cyanobiphenyl molecules.60
Finally, comparisons with CH3I are revealing: analogous SFI experiments on CH3I, at the same incident intensities, yielded measurable images of I5+ and even I6+ fragment ions.39 These differences (cf. CF3I) might be explicable if the cross-sections for SFI of CF3I at λ ∼ 805 nm are relatively smaller than for CH3I, or if the SFI-induced charges are less heavily concentrated on the I atom in CF3I than in CH3I, i.e. that F atoms (and a CF3 group) are a better sink for positive charge than H atoms (and a CH3 group).
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: A compilation of the thermochemical threshold energies for many of the fragmentation processes relevant to this study and a summary of all fragmentation channels identified; a comparison of the P(v) distributions of the I+ and CF3+ fragment ions derived from the symmetrized 3-time bin images shown in Fig. 2 and 4 and by Abel inverting the symmetrized crushed images; symmetrized images (and P(v) distributions derived therefrom) of F+, F2+, CF2I+, IF+ and CF2I2+ fragments obtained following SFI of CF3I at I = 1300, 650 and 260 TW cm−2; the following covariance map images: (Iq+, CF3+), (Iq+, CF2+) and (Iq+, CF+) (q = 1, 2) from the I = 260 TW cm−2 data; (CF3+, Iq+) and (Iq+, CF3+) (q = 1, 2) from the I = 650 and 1300 TW cm−2 data; (I2+, CF32+) and (CF32+, I2+) from the I = 650 TW cm−2 data; and (IF+, CF2+) and (CF2I+, F+) from the I = 260 TW cm−2 data. See DOI: |
‡ Current address: Department of Chemistry, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, USA. |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2022 |