T. Alan
*d and
aDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA. E-mail:
bMaterials Science and Engineering Program, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204, USA
cDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. E-mail:
dDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. E-mail:
First published on 30th September 2022
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is essential if global warming mitigation scenarios are to be met. However, today's maturing thermochemical capture technologies have exceedingly high energy requirements and rigid form factors that restrict their versatility and limit scale. Using renewable electricity, rather than heat, as the energy input to drive CO2 separations provides a compelling alternative to surpass these limitations. Although electrochemical technologies have been extensively developed for energy storage and CO2 utilization processes, the potential for more expansive intersection of electrochemistry with CCS is only recently receiving growing attention, with multiple scientific proofs-of-concept and a burgeoning pipeline with numerous concepts at various stages of technology readiness. Here, we describe the emerging science and research progress underlying electrochemical CCS processes and assess their current maturity and trajectory. We also highlight emerging ideas that are ripe for continued research and development, which will allow the impact of electrochemical CCS to be properly assessed in coming years.
Fig. 1 A portfolio of options to mitigate annual CO2 emissions. Detailed action plans were designed to arrive at the margin of a 2 °C global temperature rise and beyond. The portfolio was designed to further reduce the emissions from the “Reference technology scenario” which takes into account today's commitments by countries to limit emissions according to the Paris Agreement; if realized, it would still result in an average temperature increase of 2.7 °C. For the “2 °C scenario” (panel A), annual CO2 emissions are projected to be reduced by ∼75% (compared to that of the reference scenario), while for the “beyond 2 °C scenario” (panel B), net-zero emissions are expected to be needed by 2060. The figure highlights the importance of deployment of interim technologies such as carbon capture and storage (CCS) in the mitigation action plans. The data were adapted from Energy Technology Perspective5 by the International Energy Agency (IEA). |
In this context, there has been growing interest in developing electrochemical technologies that can replace conventional thermochemical CCS processes. Electrochemical technologies allow for direct and often more-efficient manipulation of CO2 in the bound (captured) state, achieving efficient separation of CO2 from the sorbent and obviating the need for inefficient steam heating. Electrochemical approaches also offer a wide-open design space to re-imagine how capture and separation processes may operate at a fundamental molecular level. The field has expanded significantly in recent years to include a multitude of technology concepts at varying stages of technology readiness. Given the urgency to identify solutions on a decadal and sub-decadal timescale, it is important to critically examine how technologies in the development pipeline stand to contribute to and potentially enhance the scenarios envisioned in Fig. 1.
The objective of this review is to provide a timely assessment of electrochemical CCS concepts along with, where appropriate at this stage, their current technology status and challenges for practical development. Although we refer to the approach as CCS, we largely emphasize the upstream separation step in the review, with the understanding that storage needs to be developed (though is outside the scope of the work). Two excellent recent reviews have contributed focused analyses pertaining mainly to one category of electrochemical CCS, pH-swing processes;7 as well as a cross-cutting thermodynamics assessment of electrochemical CO2 separations.8 In this work, in contrast, we comprehensively review the four broad categories of electrochemical CCS—(1) electrochemical generation of nucleophiles, (2) electrochemical modulation of proton concentration (also known as pH-swing processes), (3) electrochemical capacitive adsorption, and (4) electrochemically mediated amine regeneration—as well as some earlier-stage electrochemically based systems that are emerging (e.g., electrochemical mineralization by direct amine–CO2 reduction). We evaluate the current development status for each category and indicate suggestions for future research needs. We believe this approach offers clear context and indicates pathways for the community to further advance these emerging electrochemical CCS technologies.
Following capture, carbon must be sequestered and prevented from re-entering the environment. While geologic storage will be necessary for the permanent sequestration of the major proportion of captured CO2, there is also a strong interest in its potential utilization as a feedstock for chemical production, primarily by electrochemical routes (Fig. 2). Thus, for context and comparison, we begin by briefly describing potential roles and limitations of electron-competitive CO2-to-chemicals or CO2-to-fuels conversion (known as carbon capture and utilization; CCU), with a critical eye towards large-scale environmental impact. Given identified limitations, the remainder of the review discusses operating principles and current status of the growing set of technologies enabling coupling of electrochemistry into CO2 capture and storage processes. These processes take a CO2 mixture (e.g., CO2, N2, O2) as an input and have varying outputs, either as a separated stream of CO2 for subsequent storage or as a mineralized form (Fig. 2). Overall, electrochemical approaches to CO2 management are becoming more versatile and variable, which is broadening their potential for impact; meanwhile some have progressed beyond bench scale testing and stand ready to be implemented at pilot scales and beyond.
Consequently, the technologies that have progressed beyond the laboratory scale to prototype development have largely focused on the more-facile CO2-to-CO conversion reaction.18–20 CO is a versatile CO2 reduction product because it may be used either directly as a chemical feedstock, such as in Fischer–Tropsch synthesis of hydrocarbons, or can be further electrochemically reduced, e.g., to produce products such as methane, ethylene, and ethanol.21–23 As further electrochemical reduction will accrue additional purification steps, energy inputs and separations penalties from the baseline mentioned above, it is not discussed further here; the reader is referred to several excellent papers on the underlying electrochemistry and catalysis of these reactions.10,24,25 Because Fischer–Tropsch requires an H2 stream as input, some researchers have suggested capitalizing on co-production of CO and H2 at proper ratios, in which case the parasitic HER may be turned to advantage.26,27 In this scenario, potential drying and change in the properties of the electrolyte solutions must be carefully monitored.
Fig. 3 Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to produce value-added chemicals. (A) A schematic of the CO2-to-CO process at the cathode and oxygen evolution reaction at the anode in an aqueous environment. A two-compartment electrochemical cell with a separator and gas diffusion electrodes (GDE) is shown. (B) The Gibbs free energy to electrochemically produce a certain chemical together with its market size and annual CO2 emission mitigation potential28 is presented. |
An important consideration associated with global-scale electrosynthesis is the magnitude of electricity required. Katelhon et al.33 considered a broader portfolio of 20 large-volume chemicals that have potential to be electrosynthesized, including CO, ethylene and methanol, together accounting for approximately 75% of the chemical industries’ CO2 emissions. The authors concluded that CO2 utilization (also including electrolytic H2 production, a major feedstock which was not considered by De Luna et al.28) could achieve a higher mitigation value of 3.5 Gt CO2 per year of avoided emissions by 2030. However, achieving this target and ‘greening’ the chemical industry would require >18 PWh of low-carbon electricity, or 55% or more of the projected global electricity generation capacity in 2030 (Fig. 4) for chemicals alone. In these scenarios, the remaining renewable electricity must be partitioned among other uses including home and industrial use, charging of electric vehicles, transportation-scale H2 production, and so on. For comparison, we roughly estimate the electricity required for electrochemical CO2 capture and separation (Fig. 1), assuming that conventional thermal capture/regeneration processes are replaced with electricity-driven technologies. The calculations assume, for simplicity, the same capture energy penalty for these electrochemical processes as that of the conventional thermal process with a total energy requirement of 240 kJ molCO2−134,35 (this thermal work can be converted to electrical work, kJe, by assuming a Carnot efficiency of 25%; 60 kJe molCO2−1). Notably, the estimated electrical energy requirements for CO2 capture and separation are significantly lower than that for electrochemical CO2 conversion (e.g. 0.5–1 PWh in 2030; Fig. 4). This observation highlights the importance and attractiveness of the CCS processes from an energy, grid infrastructure, and environmental impact perspective. In particular, it emphasizes that integration of electrochemical capture processes with conventional fossil-based production methods of critical chemicals may be a compelling alternative to electrolysis-based production in the likely shorter-term scenarios where renewables production capacities cannot meet widespread decarbonization demands.
Fig. 4 The electricity required for electrochemical reduction of CO2 to produce chemicals and CCS. (A) Comparison of the electricity required for electrochemical reduction of CO2 to produce chemicals and the projected global electricity generation. The electricity generation data were adapted from International Energy Outlook 202136 provided by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). (B) Projected electricity consumption needed to achieve the goal of mitigation through CCS, assuming full transition toward electricity-driven capture processes. In our calculations, we considered the same capture energy penalty for these electrochemical processes as that of the state-of-the-art thermal process. |
Overall, electrosynthesis should be considered as an economic incentive for industry to retrieve sunk costs from CO2 capture prior to eventual release to the atmosphere; and/or as a technological testbed to develop short-term CO2 demand while longer-term CCS technologies for permanent fixation are being developed. Both of these points have merit, but they are different from having climate impacts, which are assessed by us and others28,37 to be low. Therefore, additional strategies beyond CO2 conversion are essential if electrochemical technologies are to reach the levels of impact needed for the 2 °C scenario and beyond.
CO2 separation from a mixed gas matrix is the most energy-intensive step of CCS, and much effort has gone into developing separation technologies with minimum energy penalty per unit of CO2 captured. Current CO2 capture technologies use thermal cycles where a nucleophilic agent absorbs CO2 from mixed gas streams (e.g., CO2 and N2 in flue gas) and pure CO2 is subsequently released on thermal regeneration of the nucleophilic agent.40–42 The most developed thermal-based capture system uses an amine absorbent such as monoethanolamine (MEA) which acts as a nucleophile.40,43 Despite their technological maturity, amine-based thermal scrubbing processes face several challenges that have hindered their deployment. The key concerns are the high regeneration energy penalty, degradation of amines at high temperature, corrosion, and high operational costs.41,44–46 Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) has been widely investigated as an absorbent to replace the amines in the thermal scrubbing process. It offers several advantages, including high capacity for CO2 absorption, low degradation rate, ease of regeneration, and low cost, toxicity, and corrosiveness.47–50 The major challenge of using K2CO3 as an absorbent is its low rate of reaction with CO2 which lowers the performance at the absorber stage.47,51
A fundamentally different approach employs electrochemical processes to drive the CO2 separation. Electrochemical-based CO2 separations have the advantage of being readily integrated as plug-and-play processes that do not require external sources of steam, high pressures, or vacuum to operate. Following, we describe four emerging electrochemical processes for CO2 capture, and discuss their working principles, potentials for emission mitigation, and challenges for future developments. Other earlier-stage electrochemically based systems such as electrochemical mineralization by direct amine–CO2 reduction are also discussed in detail.
Recently, a liquid quinone sorbent, as a redox-active molecule that is liquid at room temperature, was employed to develop a flowing, electrochemically mediated carbon capture process. A good electrochemical stability and continuous capture and release of CO2 was achieved in a full bench scale process. Promising initial energetics between 50 and 200 kJ mol−1 CO2 are found.62
There still are opportunities and challenges associated with electrochemical capture-release of CO2 by redox active quinone compounds. While the early-stage systems were developed for proof-of-concept at laboratory scales, the recent immobilized, quinone-based systems were scaled up beyond that – for example, a stacked parallel passage electrochemical cell contactor was developed to enable continuous capture-release of CO2.59 Both the early-stage and recent quinone-based approaches were designed to effectively operate at a wide range of CO2 concentrations, enabling these technologies to be implemented for capture from large point sources (e.g., industrial flue gas) as well as potentially from air through a process known as direct air capture (DAC). When applying these technologies for CO2 separation from a gas mixture containing significant amounts of O2, such as air, the long-term stability of the quinones must be carefully investigated because O2 can oxidize some reduced quinones to form superoxide radical anions. This can be minimized by carefully tuning the electron density of the quinone to make it more selective towards CO2.57,63
Although quinone-based nucleophiles have been the most-studied, other organic redox compounds such as bipyridine64,65 and thiolate66 have also been investigated for electrochemical capture and release of CO2. The separation mechanisms are similar to that of the quinone because these compounds selectively capture CO2 in their reduced states and release the CO2 upon oxidation. Promising experimental and computational results with fast kinetics for both electron transfer and CO2 capture were observed for a bipyridine (e.g., 4,4′-bipyridine). The radical anion is created by a one-electron reduction of 4,4′-bipyridine, and it quickly forms a covalent bond with carbon dioxide to create an adduct. This adduct undergoes a one-electron oxidation, which liberates bipyridine and carbon dioxide.64 As with the quinones, in its reduced state this compound reacts rapidly with O2, rendering it unavailable for reaction with CO2 and destabilizing the compound to lower the efficiency of the process.40 Thiolates, such as benzylthiolate, were also investigated as nucleophiles that could potentially capture CO2;66 while it is capable of rapid CO2 capture, this process suffered from unwanted side reactions and irreversibility.40
Three different processes, membrane electrodialysis (MED), redox-mediated pH swing, and recently, an electrochemically-driven proton concentration process (PCP), have been developed to take use of the CO2 hydration's pH responsiveness for CO2 separation (Fig. 6). In most MEDs, a voltage is supplied across an alternating stack of anion-exchange membranes and water-dissociating bipolar membranes to trigger CO2 capture by hydroxide generation and release through proton generation (Fig. 6(A)). The MED system has been developed to separate CO2 potentially from both large point sources (namely power plant flue gas with 15% CO2)70 and air, through DAC71,72 with results indicating that the process could be successfully implemented at scale. Although a variety of different configurations of the membrane type and electrolyte were investigated,70–76 the cost of CO2 separation using MEDs was likely to be high because of the use of several bipolar and anion-exchange membranes. Additionally, as described previously, water splitting, which is the core electrochemical reaction driving MED, is energetically demanding, and results in a high energy penalty for CO2 capture and release.
A redox-mediated pH swing process using quinone compounds has also been proposed for both CO2 capture from industrial flue gas and for DAC. In this approach, the reversible coupling of the quinone molecule with H+ upon reduction or oxidation is exploited to modulate the solution pH, rather than relying on reduction of the molecule itself to generate a nucleophilic site to capture CO2 (as discussed earlier). In an early-stage investigation, hydroquinone (HQ) and 2,6-dimethylbenzoquinone (DMBQ) were considered and the system was formulated around capturing CO2 from flue gas. In this approach, CO2 was captured in the form of HCO3− at a gas-breathing cathode, where reduction of quinone consumed H+, resulting in increased local pH. Subsequently, electromigration facilitated diffusional HCO3− transfer across the cell to the anode, where quinone oxidation released H+ to decrease the local pH. This pH decrease resulted in the dissociation of HCO3− to drive the release of CO2 which desorbed through the gas-breathing anode77 (Fig. 6(B)). The primary limitations of this approach are the complexity of the system due to the use of catalysts such as platinum, palladium, and ruthenium metals to improve the kinetics of the quinone redox reaction, and the low solubility of quinone as the active material. The quinone solubility is particularly important as it directly dictates the pH swing ability (and consequently CO2 capture capacity of the system).
In another manifestation, tiron, which has a higher solubility in aqueous solutions than either HQ or DMBQ, was investigated as an electrochemically active mediator to generate a pH gradient.78 A successful experimental separation of CO2 from a simulated flue gas in a batch-type cell was demonstrated; however, the developed system suffered from a reversibility issue because the alkalinity could not be recovered in subsequent cycles of operation. Recently, a flow configuration, similar to those employed for flow batteries, with phenazine-based organic mediators was developed to capture CO2 from flue gas. Phenazine derivatives such as 7,8-dihydroxyphenazine-2-sulfonic acid (DHPS) exhibited high solubilities and fast kinetics, significantly lowering the energy requirement for CO2 capture-release compared to that of tiron.79 The major concern in using DHPS as the active compound is its high sensitivity towards O2 which limits its application in CO2 capture from actual industrial flue gases (normally contain 3–7% O2) or DAC. An attempt was recently made to formulate an electrochemical process with a quinone-based proton-coupled reaction to capture and release CO2 from flue gas and from air. The results showed low theoretical and experimental energy penalties for both capture scenarios, ranging from 16 to 75 kJe mol−1.80
Recently, 1-aminopyridinium (1-AP) nitrate as a redox-active amine absorbent in an aqueous solution was employed for electrochemical capture and release of CO2 through proton modulation (i.e., capture as bicarbonate ions).81 Reversible electrochemical redox-active amine cycles were demonstrated, obtaining CO2 capture and release with electron utilization (i.e., mole of CO2 per mole of electrons) of up to 1.25 over a wide range of CO2 concentrations and, in particular, from ambient air. The developed redox-active amine showed high stabilities towards oxygen when implemented for DAC, with energy requirement as little as 162 kJe per mole of CO2,81 which is comparable to the target energy penalty of DAC of 100 kJe mol−1.82 This is a promising new redox chemistry for DAC applications, which is in early-stage of development.
A different type of CO2 capture system based on electrochemical modulation of proton concentration was recently introduced which relies on H+ exchange (i.e., intercalation/deintercalation) between a solid electrode and the electrolyte.83 This cell configuration contrasts with the previous scenario where the active molecule (e.g., quinone) is the proton carrier. Manganese oxide (MnO2) electrodes exhibit efficient proton intercalation/deintercalation behavior through a proton-coupled reaction: MnO2(s) + H+(aq) + e− ⇌ MnOOH(s). The process scheme, dubbed ‘proton concentration process’ (PCP), consists of a two-compartment symmetrical electrochemical cell with MnO2 electrodes and an absorber similar to those found in thermal scrubbing systems. The absorbent is a potassium carbonate (K2CO) solution in which CO2 is absorbed as bicarbonate (HCO3−) and carbonate (CO32−). After the absorber captures the CO2, the stream with a high CO2 loading is transferred to the anode compartment of the electrochemical cell, where deintercalation of protons from a MnO2 anode raises the proton concentration and shifts the equilibrium of CO2(aq)/HCO3−(aq)/CO32−(aq) toward CO2 production. In a flash tank that is positioned after the anode compartment, the desorbed CO2 is separated from the solution. The stream is then transferred to the cathode compartment to regenerate the absorbent, where intercalation causes the proton concentration to decrease. The regenerated solution is returned to the absorber column for further absorption (Fig. 6(C)). Based on insights from a process model to evaluate the energy penalty in the captured CO2 from flue gas streams (∼33 kJe mol−1),83 a bench-scale experimental setup was constructed in which a continuous CO2 desorption was achieved through reversible cycles.84 The system does not suffer from solubility constraints on the active component due to the nature of the proton-coupled reaction in PCP which relies on a solid electrode interaction (as opposed to a dissolved molecule). Rather, the CO2 capture-release is dictated by the capacity of the material to host proton ions. Future investigations on PCP should include development of electrodes with higher proton capacities.
The SSA process was adapted in the design and construction of a hybrid system that could simultaneously capture and mineralize CO2 (a method to sequester CO2) in one cell. A dual-material anode made from a porous carbon (e.g., graphite) acting as supercapacitor and a sacrificial metal (e.g., aluminum) was used to mineralize the captured CO2.90 The gas was captured as HCO3− within the diffuse part of the electrical double layer and reacted with metal cations generated by oxidation of aluminum as a sacrificial metal to form mineralized carbon dioxide (e.g., aluminum hydroxycarbonate mineral). Water electrolysis occurred at the cathode, generating H2 and OH−, the latter of which facilitated CO2 absorption. The process was demonstrated experimentally to capture and mineralize CO2 from a dilute gas stream (5% CO2) while producing H2 as a valuable by-product. The cell configuration, especially the ratio of carbon to metal in the dual-material anode, was also optimized to maximize the efficiency and capacity in the capture and sequestration of CO2. The energy requirement for the optimized capture-mineralization processes was 230 kJemol−1.91 This estimation does not consider the energy cost for preparation of the metal electrode used in the process. In light of the current annual production rate for aluminum and steel and their recycling rate, it was predicted that the developed technology could annually capture and sequester 20–45 million tons of CO2 using aluminum or ∼800 million tons using steel.90
In another manifestation of CO2 capture by capacitive adsorption, a membrane capacitive deionization (MCDI) process was developed, which relies on the adsorption of ionic CO2 molecules (i.e., HCO3− and CO32−) within the electrical double layer established at a carbon-based anode surface. To satisfy charge neutrality, protons are simultaneously adsorbed on the cathode. The adsorbed ions are removed upon short-circuiting of the cell or switching of the polarity of the electrodes, leading to CO2 desorption from the solution to the gas phase.92 In a typical MCDI, one electrode is covered by an anion exchange membrane, while the other by a cation exchange membrane93 (Fig. 7(B)). CO2 was successfully captured from simulated flue gas through energy-efficient cycles ranged between 60% and 80% in an experimental demonstration of the process with total energy requirements of 40–50 kJe mol−1. The gas stream was sparged into deionized water as the absorbent, and was then pumped through the MCDI cell for capacitive adsorption of HCO3− and CO32− ions.92 Since deionized water was used as the absorbent, the system operated at a low CO2 cyclic capacity.
Compared to SSA, the developed MCDI offers higher adsorption efficiencies, mainly due to the use of ion exchange membranes. A theoretical investigation along with experimental validation demonstrated the necessity for the use of ion exchange membranes to ensure that only HCO3− and CO32− ions are delivered to the anode during the adsorption process, and to hinder the delivery of repulsed co-ions (i.e., H+) to the solution from the anode compartment.94,95 This controlled transport of ions resulted in high adsorption efficiencies and low energy consumption. However, the cost of CO2 separation with a MCDI cell is likely to be high because of the use of ion exchange membranes, which was shown in other systems to significantly impact the capital cost – in some cases, it accounted for more than 50% of the capital cost.96,97 In addition, the proposed MCDI configuration suffers from high ohmic resistances, mainly due to the low conductivity of deionized water used as the absorbent. Although MCDI is still in the early stages of development, such systems may present a chance to take advantage of knowledge in the area of capacitive deionization for carbon capture.
Electrochemical capacitive adsorption processes offer unique opportunities for CO2 separation. They can be charged within seconds or minutes, providing potential time advantages for such processes.98,99 In addition, these processes normally use inexpensive, available, and environmentally-friendly materials such as porous carbons and aqueous NaCl solutions. The biggest concern associated with the current capacitive-based technologies is the low capacity of the electrodes that eventually dictates the cyclic capacity for CO2 capture-release. The current carbon-based electrodes used in both SSA and MCDI exhibited capacities of ∼0.01–0.02 molCO2 per melectrode2. To put this into context, the capacity of anthraquinone immobilized onto a carbon mesh electrode discussed earlier is ∼0.1 molCO2 per melectrode2.59 For MCDI, the system also suffers from low absorption kinetics associated with slow CO2–water equilibrium. Future development of capacitive adsorption processes for CO2 capture should include optimization of the cell configuration and absorbent chemistry, as well as fabrication of electrodes with higher capacities.
A systematic analysis of several transition metals was performed along with monoamines, diamines, and polyamines to determine the best chemistry for the EMAR process.102,103 A combination of Cu as the metal and EDA as the amine was found to be an effective chemistry, owing to the high CO2 capacity (i.e., ∼0.5 molCO2 per molEDA), high stability constant of the copper complexation with EDA, suitable reduction potential of the complex, good reversibility, and low cost.100,102 Based on this chemistry and using the EMAR technique, continuous CO2 capture from flue gas was accomplished for 50 hours of operation, spanning 25 sucessive cycles of absorption and desorption. Additionally, it was demonstrated experimentally that the Cu-EDA combination can effectively transfer electrical energy to CO2 desorption with an electron utilization (defined as moles of CO2 desorbed per one mole of electrons transferred) of ∼0.8.104
To enable the EMAR process to be scaled up further, factors concerning the long-term operation of the process must be carefully considered. The high vapor pressure of EDA is one of the factors that could potentially complicate running the process long-term on a large scale. A mixture of EDA and aminoethylethanolamine (AEEA), which exhibited a significantly lower vapor pressure, was investigated to address this concern. The electrochemical performance of the mixed amines was evaluated, and it was shown that an equimolar mixture of EDA and AEEA can provide more energetically efficient operations relative to that with the single amine, EDA, while still maintaining comparable electron utilization. A continuous EMAR process to separate CO2 from a flue gas was run for over 100 hours (50 cycles of 2 hours each) using this mixture and achieved a steady CO2 gas output of ∼6 mL min−1. The desorbed gas was analyzed and found to be 100% CO2, confirming no evaporation of the amine during long-term operation.105
The EMAR approach offers several advantages over other thermally driven amine-based processes for capturing CO2. EMAR can be carried out at low temperatures (∼50 °C), in contrast to thermal procedures, which reduces the rate of thermal amine degradation—one of the main challenges in the thermal scrubbing processes.43,106,107 Additionally, it provides essentially no additional energy penalty for CO2 desorption at moderate to high pressures (1–10 bar),108 minimizing the downstream compression costs of CO2 storage.
A possible limitation of the EMAR process is, however, that the amines deployed must be able to form soluble complexes with metal ions (e.g., Cu2+) to displace and release the CO2. The number of amines possessing this property is limited compared to those that can be used for the traditional thermal processes. For example, MEA, which is the benchmark amine in the thermal scrubbing, cannot be easily used in an EMAR cycle as MEA does not complex copper; rather, Cu(OH)2 precipitates out of solution. Other absorbents including ammonia109 and imidazole110 were recently investigated in an EMAR-like process and the results were comparable to that of a system operating with EDA.
Cu electrode stability can potentially be a concern because electrochemical plating and stripping of metals may not be 100% efficient; the electrode will gradually lose Cu to precipitation with prolonged cycling, and eventually requires replacement.96 In an electrochemical cell similar to EMAR with Cu electrodes and EDA, it was found that the system suffers from high rate of stripping compared to that of the plating, resulting in a complete corrosion of the electrode after a few cycles.111 The unbalanced rates of plating and stripping in the EMAR cell are probably not that severe, as the cell successfully operated over 50 cycles (overall 100 hours) without performance decay or visual observation of any electrode instability.105 Ionic surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) were successfully implemented in the EMAR electrolyte to further improve the electrode stability.112 Nevertheless, a comprehensive detailed study on the electrode stability is necessary for future developments of the EMAR process.
Subsequent follow-up studies exploring the translation of this initial model process to other electrolyte systems revealed new amine–solvent–salt combinations which may be promising for developing improved processes with higher electrochemical reaction rates.114 Altering the alkali salt cation, for example, had implications for both the carbamic acid/carbamate equilibria and the subsequent alkali carbamate reduction kinetics. Smaller cations – or harder Lewis acids – resulted in increased equilibrium populations of alkali carbamate (Li+ > Na+ > K+), ranging from ∼50% for Li+ to ∼11% for K+.114 Upon electrochemical polarization, however, the kinetics were largely determined by alkali cation desolvation energetics in nonaqueous solvents, which favored larger alkali cations (e.g.: altering the cation from Li+ to K+ resulted in a nearly two-fold increase in the electrochemical reaction rate). Furthermore, apart from EEA, additional amine structures such as diisopropylamine (DIPA) (in glyme-based electrolytes) were also found to be active for integrated capture-mineralization, and facilitated amine–CO2 conversion over a wider temperature range (up to 70 °C) reflective of practical capture conditions.112 A recent study reported that direct amine–CO2 reduction can also proceed in aqueous electrolytes with proper selection of electrolyte salt, catalyst, and cell conditions (temperature and flow rates), yielding CO with up to 70% FE using a Ag catalyst, providing a first indication that amine-facilitated CO2 conversion is viable in aqueous media as well.116
While these early studies have demonstrated a first step of scientific feasibility, amine-mediated CO2 electrochemistry is still in early stages of development. From a fundamental point of view, the rates of such reactions need to be significantly accelerated. Currently, the Li+-based process has the potential to sequester an estimated 2 tons CO2 per year per mstored3 (assuming complete utilization of active surface area); with K+, this mineralization rate could be further increased by nearly two-fold. 2 While these rates are significantly higher than the chemical carbonation rates attained either naturally (∼1 gram CO2 per year m−3 for olivine) and are comparable to in situ carbonation at elevated temperatures and pressures (∼1 ton CO2 per year m−3 at T = 185 °C and PCO2 = 150 bar), further improvements in current cathode architectures will be necessary to maximize active surface area utilization and realize attainable gains in mineralization rates. In terms of assessing practicality, an essential next step is to examine the potential to replace the scarce and CO2-intensive Li metal anode with more earth-abundant metal anode materials (e.g.: Na, K, Ca, Mg) or their mineral sources (e.g. silicates or oxides) as a source of cations in the mineralization reaction. Along these lines, a recent life-cycle analysis (LCA) of several proposed electrochemical mineralization processes employing amines found that Na is a leading contender for prospective sacrificial mineralization reactions given the low-CO2-intensity nature of its production.117 Estimated cradle-to-gate CO2 emissions reductions from a power plant using the Na-based system were found to be 30–70% compared to baseline business-as-usual operation of a power plant without CO2 mitigation, and assuming that the produced Na2CO3 can further displace current fossil-intensive production methods of this mineral feedstock. Further work is also needed to test tolerance of such processes to realistic flue gas contaminants, including O2 and H2O, and to examine feasibility of processes requiring harvesting of electrochemically-formed carbonate and physical replacement of metal ion-sourcing anodes to enable quasi-continuous operation. Ultimately, exploration of electrochemical mineralization reactions in aqueous media is also of interest and may exhibit scientific synergies with thermochemical efforts currently underway.118 Beyond LCA, techno-economic assessments of integrated CO2 capture-mineralization to carbonates are ongoing and will be critical to guide future research and development pathways in this area.
In addition to direct CO2 conversion to solids, indirect electrochemical mineralization of CO2 to solid carbonates has also been reported. In aqueous-based systems, a two-compartment cell containing an acidic anolyte and an alkaline catholyte with a Ca2+ or Mg2+ source (e.g.: silicates (CaSiO3)126 or chlorides (CaCl2)127) was employed for CO2 mineralization. Membrane-electrolysis was performed to form H+via H2 oxidation at the anode, and to generate OH− in the catholyte via alkaline water reduction at the cathode (2H2O + 2e− → 2OH− + H2). The hydroxide anions reacted with the metal cations to form metal hydroxides (e.g.: 2OH− + Mg2+ → Mg(OH)2), which subsequently absorbed CO2 to form insoluble metal carbonates (e.g.: CaCO3, MgCO3)127 that were easily separated from the bulk electrolyte. Overall, future efforts focusing on optimization of technical components such as membrane selectivity, acid/alkali recovery rates, and reactor design alongside economic factors and potential challenges such as diffusion limitation issues will be important to determine the scalability of electrochemically-mediated CO2 mineralization against more conventional CO2 mineralization routes.
Several technical considerations must be carefully evaluated for future development of electrochemical CCS processes at the pilot scale and beyond. The oxygen sensitivity of various processes is a major concern; O2 can substantially degrade performance by either deactivating the active redox compound or by directly participating in electrochemical reactions, resulting in poor efficiencies. This issue needs to be fully addressed before any large-scale implementation for CO2 separation from actual point sources or DAC can be realized, given that industrial flue gas and air contain notable amounts of oxygen (3–7%, and 21%, respectively). In addition, the effect of other gaseous compounds such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulfur oxides (SOx) that exist in industrial flue gases should be investigated, as they might reduce the system performance by deactivating redox compounds, poisoning the electrode, and/or impacting the CO2 capture mechanism. Operation of processes with actual flue gas streams in the future is essential to provide a more realistic picture of their performance.
Another key area that needs to be addressed is process stability. Most of the developed approaches are based on reversible electrochemical reactions to perform the capture-release cycles, mainly involving oxidation and reduction of a molecule or stripping and plating of an electrode. For a large scale, long-term operation, these electrochemical systems should be fully reversible to avoid unacceptable performance decay over time. The lab-scale experimental setups developed to date may not be sufficient for accurate evaluation of reversibility because they are designed to operate for shorter time periods with limited cycles, where minor irreversibilities will not be evident. Lab-scale setups should either be redesigned to allow for continuous operation, or investigations should be done at larger scales with longer operational times to evaluate realistic system reversibilities. Another important aspect of system stability is the durability of membranes in membrane-based systems such as proton concentration processes. It should be confirmed that the ion exchange membranes maintain selectivity under variable conditions and over relevant timescales. Potential problems commonly associated with membranes, e.g. fouling, should be carefully investigated.
Overall, electrochemical CCS processes are a relatively new class of separations as is clear from the fact that most of the reports reviewed here have been published only over the past four years (Fig. 10(B)). However, other electrochemical technologies, including batteries, have a long history of development on many frontiers. Although electrochemical CCS processes are still in the development stage, the scientific proofs-of-concept are now well within place such that they provide an opportunity for experts on batteries, electrochemical capacitors, and fuel cell/electrolyzer design to apply their considerable expertise to the carbon capture field. This could potentially lead to faster development of new chemistries, alternative electrodes, modified cell configurations, and even entirely new concepts. We believe the wave of research on developing electrochemical CCS processes that has recently begun is just a prelude to the exciting years ahead for these technologies.
Electrochemical CCS processes are generally implemented for two purposes: capture of CO2 from large point sources, such as industrial flue gas, or from diluted streams, such as air. Based on the current status of the technology, electrochemical CCS processes generally perform better for CO2 separation from large point sources. In addition, fossil fuels are expected to remain a significant source of energy for decades to come, and rapid integration of CCS with fossil fuel power plants is a priority. Therefore, to be effective, short-term implementation of electrochemical CCS processes should be considered through retrofitting of these technologies into existing and future power plants to separate CO2 from flue gas streams before they are released to the atmosphere.
Electrochemical processes must be competitive in terms of energy demands and cost relative to state-of-the-art amine thermal scrubbing approaches to be an appealing investment. To evaluate the energy requirement and cost of the electrochemical CCS, a comprehensive analysis of the process flow diagram including all energy penalties (e.g., electrochemical cell, and operational elements such as pumps and compressors) is required to compare these systems fairly with thermal approaches. To date, such an analysis was reported only for the electrochemically mediated amine regeneration (EMAR) approach, where a complete process scheme from CO2 capture from flue gas to compression at 150 bar (similar to that of thermal processes) is modeled and evaluated.108 The analysis on the energy requirement indicated that EMAR with ethylenediamine (EDA) as the amine requires less energy compared to that of the EDA-based thermal process to desorb the same amount of CO2 from flue gas. The EMAR energy requirement was very competitive with that of the MEA-based process on the most advanced CCS technology, and also the piperazine-based thermal process that is still being developed (Fig. 11(A)).
Fig. 11 The energy requirement and cost of implementing CCS processes. (A) Comparison of the total energy requirements for CO2 capture with electrochemically mediated amine regeneration (EMAR) and thermal processes with ethylenediamine (EDA), monoethanolamine (MEA), or piperazine (PZ) amines.96,108 Various components of energy associated with the electrochemical process, heat supplied for the thermal process, and operational energy penalties such as pumps and compressor are indicated. For EMAR, the data was adapted from an investigation aimed to model an integrated process by including the absorption and electrochemical desorption stages. For thermal processes, equivalent electrical works, kJe, were estimated by assuming a Carnot efficiency of 25% (B) Comparison of the energy requirement of the electrochemical processes of EMAR104,108 with quinone-based electrochemical generation of nucleophiles (EGN),59 electrochemical modulation of proton concentration (EMPC) with a quinone,78,79 and electrochemical capacitive adsorption (ECA) using a supercapacitance.87,130 For each process, the graph was constructed based on the range of experimental energy values reported in the literature to separate CO2 from simulated industrial flue gas streams which varied based on the cell configuration, electrode and electrolyte used. (C) Comparison of the cost of electricity generated by a coal-fired power plant without a CCS unit (no CCS), with EMAR, and with thermal processes with MEA or PZ amines CCS units. The base plant cost scaled to its net generation capacity, and additional costs associated with the CCS unit include the capital expenditures and operating expenses. The data were adapted from the literature.96 |
Although other electrochemical CCS systems lack a comprehensive analysis of the energy requirements of a full system, their energy penalties related to the electrochemical process to desorb CO2 can be compared to that of the EMAR process. This comparison could be used to roughly predict their total energy requirements for CO2 capture, as the full process scheme developed for EMAR (which includes balance of plant such as pumps and compressors) can also be (to some extent) applied to these systems. Based on the values reported for the electrochemical desorption work of the developed systems, it can be predicted that they will be as competitive as EMAR if they are scaled up to the same level (Fig. 11(B)).
In terms of cost, implementation of any CCS process in power plants would raise the price of the electricity produced. A comparison of the final cost of electricity after implementing both EMAR and thermal processes led to the conclusion that retrofitting an EMAR unit for CCS would add almost the same cost to the final electricity price as would the other thermal processes (Fig. 11(C)). The reported cost values of EMAR are adapted from a comprehensive techno-economic analysis of a theoretically scaled-up system for post-combustion CO2 capture from a 550 MWe power plant capturing 3.1 MtCO2 annually.128,129 More than 50% of the total electricity cost is attributed to the base plant cost, which is further raised by 20% as a result of decreases in the power plant's net generation capacity when an EMAR unit is installed (still lower than the scenario in which a thermal process is implemented).96 Overall, electrochemical CCS processes, such as EMAR, have the ability to operate isothermally in a plug-and-play mode using simply electricity as an input without the requirement for complicated heat integration could potentially give a cost- and energy-efficient alternative to avoiding the drawbacks of thermally based CO2 release in the benchmark amine process.
It should be noted that most of the electricity required will be generated by renewable sources of energy in the future when designing a long-term implementation plan for the electrochemical CCS processes. This means that those technologies that are not yet practical due to their high energy penalty will be appealing in the future when they are connected to renewables as an inexpensive and abundant source of energy with minimum carbon footprint. Meanwhile, direct air capture of CO2 is increasingly expected to emerge as a key technology in the coming decades.131 DAC is essential for climate change mitigation as capture of CO2 from large point sources such as flue gas streams can only cut emissions but they cannot reduce the climate risk posed by the anthropogenic CO2 that has already been added to the air;132 DAC could be considered as a method to atone for past transgressions. However, the energy requirement and cost of capturing DAC have been the main limitations.133,134 This is because it is fundamentally energy intensive and relatively costly with the conventional technologies to capture CO2 from dilute streams. Therefore, there are unique opportunities for electrochemical processes to play a key role for future DAC, since the energy penalty and cost of these electricity-driven approaches will be minimized in the future when they are integrated with renewables. In addition to employment for DAC, electrochemical CCS processes should effectively continue to be used to capture CO2 from large point sources in the long-term implementation plan because a substantial amount of electricity will still be generated by fossil fuels (often through coal-fired power plants) in the future.
Electrochemical CCS processes could be implemented either as independent units or be integrated partially with a conventional technology for DAC purposes. To date, several electrochemical approaches such as electrochemical generation of nucleophiles by redox-active quinone molecules57,59,81,135 have been developed independently to capture CO2 from very dilute streams such as air (Fig. 10). An evaluation of the experimental energy penalties and a techno-economic analysis of CO2 capture from air indicate the great promise of these recently developed approaches for DAC, making them appealing for future implementation and investment. In addition, electrochemical CCS processes could be integrated with conventional DAC approaches in which the thermal regeneration step is replaced by an electrochemical cycle resulting in a capture-release process that relies exclusively on electricity. For example, in a recent attempt, a hybrid DAC process was proposed which captured CO2 using a wet scrubbing with an aqueous potassium hydroxide solution (as a conventional method) while the solvent regeneration and CO2 release were carried out through a membrane electrodialysis136—an electrochemical scheme previously developed with bipolar and ion exchange membranes.71 The results of the techno-economic analysis showed that the electrochemical-based regeneration process could be less energy intensive than the thermal. However, the system still suffered from the high costs of bipolar and ion exchange membranes. This integrated process could be particularly interesting in the future, when more affordable and improved membranes are available.136 Overall, the implementation of electrochemical processes (both independently and partially) for DAC purposes has been initiated, but it still requires future advancements, especially to further reduce the cost of capture.
A significant fraction of the total global CO2 emissions reports to the oceans, with the resulting increased acidification leading to destruction of coral reefs, and harming of shellfish and other marine life. Since the total amount of CO2 absorbed in the oceans is similar to that in the atmosphere (and at 100 mg L−1, is 140-fold more concentrated), effective means for its removal could contribute significantly to the overall reduction in the environmental burden imposed by this greenhouse gas. The oceans serve as a natural absorption medium, and thus only the regeneration step need be considered in liberating the CO2 and re-alkalizing the ocean waters. In the few studies reported to date, this has generally been accomplished through pH modulation in either bipolar membrane electrodialysis or electrodeionization processes,137–143 with the acidification and basification of separate ocean streams, accompanied by the release of molecular CO2 which can be removed by vacuum stripping, and, in some cases, also the precipitation of CaCO3.144
These technologies require expensive bipolar and anion and cation exchange membranes, and the preparation of electrolyte solutions for the terminal anode and cathode chambers bookending the bipolar stacks, either via addition of chemical reagents or by reverse osmotic deionization of seawater. An attractive alternative approach to the ocean water CO2 removal without water-splitting is to exploit pH modulation of feed streams through the release of protons on application of an appropriate voltage across an asymmetric membrane-less electrochemical cell comprised of intercalating electrodes, a process that is currently under development in our laboratories.
In addition to DAC and ocean removal applications, electrochemical CCS processes could be effectively implemented to separate CO2 from diverse mobile sources with dilute concentrations. For example, the transportation sector, where individual units, known as small emitters (e.g., car or airplane), produce a relatively low amount of CO2, but in aggregate they account for ∼20% of the global emissions, could benefit from the installation of electrochemical-based CCS units on board mobile platforms to effectively capture CO2 before it is released to the atmosphere. Due to the diversity and quantity of small emitters, there is a vast opportunity for flexible plug-and-play units (e.g., electrochemical processes) to play a vital role in mitigating the associated emission as it is challenging to neutralize these large quantities of CO2 by conventional capture technologies. These unique advantages of electrochemical CCS processes may compensate for their energy penalty and cost of capturing CO2 from dilute streams such as air or small emitters.
AEM | Anion exchange membrane |
BPM | Bipolar membrane |
CCS | Carbon capture and storage |
CCU | Carbon capture and utilization |
CEM | Cation exchange membrane |
DAC | Direct air capture |
ECA | Electrochemical capacitive adsorption |
EGN | Electrochemical generation of nucleophile |
EIA | Energy information administration |
EMAR | Electrochemically mediated amine regeneration |
EMPC | Electrochemical modulation of proton concentration |
EU | European union |
FE | Faradaic efficiencies |
GDE | Gas diffusion electrode |
HER | Hydrogen evolution reaction |
IEA | International energy agency |
IPCC | Intergovernmental panel on climate change |
LCA | Life-cycle analysis |
MCDI | Membrane capacitive deionization |
MED | Membrane electrodialysis |
OER | Oxygen evolution reaction |
PCP | Proton concentration process |
SG | Sweep gas |
SSA | Supercapacitive swing adsorption |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |