Issue 45, 2022

Engineering the synthesized colloidal CuInS2 passivation layer in interface modification for CdS/CdSe quantum dot solar cells


Interface modification is an important means to enhance the photovoltaic performance of quantum dot sensitized solar cells (QDSCs). The TiO2/CdS/CdSe solar cells are sensitized with CdS QDs and CdSe QDs, which inevitably introduces a new interface to form a recombination center. Therefore, it is necessary to coat a passivation layer in order to effectively inhibit charge recombination at the CdS/CdSe interface. In this work, CuInS2 (CIS) has been introduced into the CdS/CdSe QD system as an inner passivation layer and the CdS/CIS/CdSe photoanode structure has been fabricated in an environmentally friendly manner. The extracted charge amount (Q) is used to express the charge separation efficiency, indicating that we have obtained outstanding charge extraction efficiency in CIS based CdS/CdSe QDSCs. As a result, the photocurrent density of the TiO2/CdS/CIS/CdSe photoanode significantly has increased from 19.01 mA cm−2 to 22.74 mA cm−2 (TiO2/CdS/CdSe photoanode), which demonstrates a higher photoconversion efficiency of 4.52% in comparison with that of TiO2/CdS/CdSe photoanode.

Graphical abstract: Engineering the synthesized colloidal CuInS2 passivation layer in interface modification for CdS/CdSe quantum dot solar cells

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Article information

Article type
05 Aug 2022
11 Oct 2022
First published
12 Oct 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 17292-17300

Engineering the synthesized colloidal CuInS2 passivation layer in interface modification for CdS/CdSe quantum dot solar cells

Z. Liang, Y. Chen, R. Zhang, K. Zhang, K. Ba, Y. Lin, D. Wang and T. Xie, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 17292 DOI: 10.1039/D2DT02555H

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