Karina Knudsmark
David M. V.
a and
aDepartment of Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
bConcawe, B-1160 Brussels, Belgium
cShell Health, Shell International B.V., 2596 HR The Hague, The Netherlands
First published on 5th January 2022
Many factors affect the biodegradation kinetics of chemicals in test systems and the environment. Empirical knowledge is needed on how much test temperature, inoculum, test substances and co-substrates influence the biodegradation kinetics and microbial composition in the test. Water was sampled from the Gudenaa river in winter (2.7 °C) and summer (17 °C) (microbial inoculum) and combined with an aqueous stock solution of >40 petroleum hydrocarbons prepared by passive dosing. This resulted in low-concentration test systems that were incubated for 30 days at 2.7, 12 and 20 °C. Primary biodegradation kinetics, based on substrate depletion relative to abiotic controls, were determined with automated Solid Phase Microextraction coupled to GC/MS. Biodegradation kinetics were remarkably similar for summer and winter inocula when tested at the same temperature, except when cooling summer inoculum to 2.7 °C which delayed degradation relative to winter inoculum. Amplicon sequencing was applied to determine shifts in the microbial composition between season and during incubations: (1) the microbial composition of summer and winter inocula were remarkably similar, (2) the incubation and the incubation temperature had both a clear impact on the microbial composition and (3) the effect of adding >40 petroleum hydrocarbons at low test concentrations was limited but resulted in some proliferation of the known petroleum hydrocarbon degraders Nevskia and Sulfuritalea. Overall, biodegradation kinetics and its temperature dependency were very similar for winter and summer inoculum, whereas the microbial composition was more affected by incubation and test temperature compared to the addition of test chemicals at low concentrations.
Environmental significanceOne of the most critical properties for the environmental risk assessment of chemicals is persistence, which is normally assessed using standardized biodegradation tests, where microorganisms are decoupled from the environment and incubated at constant test conditions. We conducted experiments with >40 petroleum hydrocarbons at low concentrations to shed light on how inoculum season and test incubations affect biodegradation kinetics and microbial composition. Biodegradation kinetics, temperature dependence and microbial composition were similar for summer and winter inoculum. The decoupling of inoculum from the environment and incubation at constant test conditions affected the microbial composition much more than the presence of test substances. The obtained findings will help understand and reduce the gap between laboratory testing and actual biodegradation in the environment. |
The OECD 309 test guideline13 provides ample space for adjustments to specific chemicals or a specific regulatory purpose. We have recently reported test design adjustments for testing primary biodegradation of hydrophobic and (semi)volatile petroleum hydrocarbons.14 Closed headspace vials served as test systems and fully automated Solid Phase Microextraction coupled to GC/MS was then used to measure substrate depletion without opening the vials.4 The tests were conducted at low, environmentally relevant test concentrations in order to avoid solubility limitations, oxygen depletion as well as inhibition of the microbial degraders.5,14,15 Overall, these adjustments made the OECD 309 test better suited for petroleum hydrocarbons that cover a wide range of hydrophobicities and volatilities.5 In addition the hydrocarbons were tested in mixtures in order to generate more and better aligned biodegradation kinetics data,5,14 which also are more environmentally relevant since hydrocarbons co-exist as mixtures in petroleum products and in the environment.15,16
Using this test method, we recently investigated biodegradation kinetics of 43 petroleum hydrocarbons at three test temperatures in water from two geographically distant rivers adapted to different temperatures and climatic conditions. For the two inocula collected from the rivers Danube (Austria, sampled at 12.5 °C) and Gudenaa (Denmark, sampled at 2.7 °C), we found a similar temperature dependency of degradation half-times when tested at the standard temperatures,1,17 12 and 20 °C. This temperature dependency fitted well with the Arrhenius equation.18 The present study was directed to separate the effects of inoculum seasonality and test temperature on the biodegradation kinetics while avoiding the effect of different inoculum sampling locations.
A widely discussed issue is how test conditions affect microbial composition during a biodegradation test. The work by Honti et al.,19 is one of the few studies where biodegradation rates have been generated under both laboratory and field conditions. They found higher biodegradation rates for pharmaceuticals in field experiments. A possible explanation for this observation is the reduced microbial diversity in the laboratory tests compared to field conditions.19 Southwell et al.20 found that both the season of collection and incubation affected the microbial community composition, in a setup where biodegradation was investigated in the OECD 308 and 309 standard tests using inoculum from the same site eight times during a two year period. However, the microbial changes could not clearly be linked to degradation potential of the pesticide isopyrazam.20 The inoculum used in laboratory biodegradation tests is often only characterized based on microbial density (e.g. CFU per mL), whereas the initial microbial composition or its dynamics during tests are rarely investigated.3 It is thus an open question how much the incubation and the standard test conditions modulate the microbial composition. The present study was thus designed to determine changes in microbial composition when changing test temperature, adding test chemicals and separating microbes from the environment (i.e. no nutrient supply etc.).
To investigate some of the main factors potentially impacting biodegradation kinetics and microbial composition we conducted dedicated experiments to link biodegradation kinetics, microbial community composition and test temperature for two inocula sampled at the same site but at different seasons. The biodegradation kinetic data with winter inoculum from Gudenaa (Denmark, sampled at 2.7 °C) was taken from our previous study,18 and was here extended with a new biodegradation data set obtained with summer inoculum from the same location (sampled at 17 °C). The experimental platform developed by Birch et al.4,5 was used to determine compound specific biodegradation kinetics for a large number of hydrocarbons at three test temperatures. DNA extraction and analysis using 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing was applied to the river water samples (inocula) and the microbial populations in the tests to investigate differences and changes in microbial community composition.
The specific aims of the present study were to determine (1) seasonal differences in biodegradation half-times of +40 petroleum hydrocarbons by comparing winter inoculum with summer inoculum from the same river, (2) the effect of seasonality on the test temperature dependency of biodegradation kinetics, using our recent study18 and the Arrhenius equation as reference and (3) the effect of test incubation on microbial community composition for a winter and summer inoculum.
Translucent silicone rod (3 mm diameter) was ordered custom-made from Altec (altecweb.com, product code 136-8380), and used for passive dosing.21 Solvents used for cleaning and loading the silicone included ethyl acetate (Merck), ethanol (VWR Chemicals), and methanol (Sigma Aldrich). Ultrapure water was produced on an Elga Purelab flex water system from Holm & Halby (Denmark).
Sterile 1 L PET bottles from Bürkle (Mikrolab Aarhus, Denmark) were used for sampling of river water.
Parameter | Gudenaa, Denmark 56°6′25′′N 9°43′19′′E | |
Winter, 2019 | Summer, 2020 | |
2.7 °C | 17 °C | |
O2 [mg L−1] | 11.0 | 7.4 |
pH | 8.3 | 7.7 |
Conductivity [μS cm−1] | 371 | 280 |
CFU [mL−1], 24/72 h, 20 °C | 58/1.6 × 103 | 45/1.9 × 103 |
Total dissolved solids (TDS) [mg L−1] | 150 | 150 |
Total suspended solids (TSS) [mg L−1] | 0–0.4 | 5.1 ± 0.01 |
Non-volatile organic carbon (NVOC) [mg L−1] | 4.1 ± 0.1 | 5.6 ± 0.03 |
PO43− [μg L−1] | 49 ± 0.5 | 34 ± 1 |
NO2− [μg L−1] | 11.8 ± 0.1 | 8.9 ± 1.1 |
NH3 [μg L−1] | 57 ± 2.3 | 48 ± 4.8 |
NO3− [μg L−1] | 2340 ± 13 | 248 ± 38 |
The winter sample was collected January 29th 2019 as described in Sjøholm et al.18 The water temperature at sampling was 2.7 °C and during transportation, the water was kept at 0–3 °C. The summer sample was collected September 16th 2020. At sampling the water temperature was 17 °C and during transportation the temperature was kept at 15.5–16.5 °C. The average temperature the three months before the two sampling events were 5.9 °C and 16.7 °C for the winter and summer sample, respectively.22
Sampling was performed in the free-flowing current of the river, 5–20 cm below the surface. Sampling was performed walking out to 1 m depth in the river, and then 1 L was sampled at a time with a pre-cleaned stainless steel beaker at the end of a 3 m stick. Sampling was performed upstream of the collectors position. The sampled water was distributed in 3 bottles and sampling continued until 12 L were collected. The bottles were packed in an insulated aluminum suitcase, which was filled with insulation material to maintain the sampling temperature during transportation by car. The temperature in the suitcase was logged during transportation. Upon arrival to the laboratory, the sample was stored at the sampling temperature in an incubator. Within 24 h, total suspended solids (TSS), total dissolved solids (TDS), nonvolatile total organic carbon (NVOC), and dissolved nitrogen and phosphate content were determined. Microbial abundance was determined as heterotrophic plate count on R2A agar after 24 and 72 h incubation at 20 °C. Procedures for determining the sample characterization parameters are described in the ESI1† and parameters are given in Table 1.
The content of total suspended solids were low in both samples compared to the ECHA PBT guidance requirements in final decisions on compliance check for the purpose of REACH (10–20 mg L−1).17
The air–water partitioning of the test chemicals is highly temperature dependent, with increasing partitioning to the headspace with increasing temperature.24 This temperature dependent headspace partitioning is a potential confounding factor when quantifying the temperature effect on the biodegradation kinetics of test chemicals with a significant partitioning into headspace.24 In the temperature dependency plots, data were thus omitted for chemicals (8) with a Kaw > 1 L/L (at 20 °C, Table ESI2†), which partition > 25% into the headspace of a 20 mL vial filled with 15 mL water. This is a conservative approach since 20 °C was the highest test temperature, and the air–water partitioning coefficient decreases with decreasing temperature. Thus, chemicals with Kaw < 1, had less than 25% partitioning to the headspace in this test design.
Peak area was integrated by MassHunter Quantitative Analysis ver. B.09.00 (Agilent Technologies). Each integration was manually checked. Relative concentrations were calculated as:
(1) |
The relative concentrations were plotted against time and fitted with the ‘plateau followed by one phase decay’ model (2) using GraphPad Prism ver. 8.1.2: with the constraints tlag ≥ 0, ksystem ≥ 0 and Crelative(0) = 1, and no weighing of data.
(2) |
The pseudo first order half-life (T1/2) for a compound was calculated as ln(2)/k. Biodegradation half-time (DegT50) was calculated as the sum of lag-phase and half-life.
Compounds with a goodness of fit R2 > 0.70 were used in further data analysis. Lag-phase, rate constant, and half-life are reported when at least two measurements of Crelative between 0.9 and 0.1, were observed during the degradation phase.
Uncertainties in the data are reported as confidence intervals (95%, asymmetrically) on T1/2. Confidence intervals for DegT50 were determined by adding Tlag values to the confidence interval of T1/2, in order not to include the uncertainty on setting the transition point between lag-phase and degradation phase in the uncertainty on the DegT50 values.
Data were also fitted to a logistic model. The logistic model is a simplification of Monod based biodegradation kinetics that can be applied at low substrate concentration and low initial biomass.25 For biodegradation kinetics the equation for the logistic model was applied as in Birch et al.:4
(3) |
As the differences between the two models were limited (see ESI10† for comparison of DegT50 obtained via the two models), DegT50 from the first order model (eqn (2)) with a lag-phase were used in the further data treatment.
These sequences were processed using DADA2 (Version – 1.1627) with the default parameters for filtration, denoising, and chimera removal and denoised Amplicon Sequence Variants (ASVs) obtained. Taxonomy was assigned against the SILVA SSU r138 database. Phyloseq (version 1.22.3) was used to generate plots of the microbial composition in histogram or in ordination plots (non-metric dimensional scaling on weighted UniFrac distance). DESeq2 (v 1.30) was used to detect differential Amplicon Sequence Variant (ASV) abundances between treatments and Phylomeasures (v 2.1) to compute phylogenetic diversity. The influence of the treatments on microbial composition was tested using Adonis, the permutational multivariate analysis of variance using distance matrices method implemented in VEGAN R package (v. 2.5-7) and using UniFrac distances. Quantitative PCR analysis of the 16S rRNA gene was also performed by DNASense. Details on molecular methods are included in ESI3.†
Biodegradation half-times were rather similar between summer and winter inoculum for most chemicals when testing at either 20 or 12 °C. To the contrary, biodegradation kinetics at 2.7 °C differed markedly between summer and winter inoculum. Cooling the summer inoculum to 2.7 °C resulted in a lack of detectable biodegradation for most of the chemicals, whereas 13 chemicals were degraded at this temperature when using the winter inoculum. Biodegradation testing with warm adapted inoculum at low test temperature did thus result in delayed or even absence of degradation.
The linear regression from the Gudenaa summer dataset is very similar to the Gudenaa winter and the Danube ones, indicating that the effect of inoculum seasonality on the test temperature dependency was very limited. They are also similar to the Arrhenius equation with an activation energy of 65.4 kJ mol−1. This consistency is further illustrated in ESI12† where DegT50 values from all three inocula were plotted as a function of test temperature. Six compounds were selected to represent the general picture and the observed close and parallel lines indicate similar activation energies for inocula originating from the same river in Northern Europe at different seasons, and from a Central European river.
The summer and winter inocula had remarkably similar composition (Fig. 3) when considering the different seasons and ambient temperatures during collection, with a dominance of Gammaproteobacteria, Antinobacteria, Bacterioidia, Alphaproteobacteria and Verrucomicrobiae (Fig. 4). The nine most abundant sequence variants were shared by the two inocula and, collectively, accounted for 15–18% of the community.
Fig. 4 Microbial composition in the original inoculum from winter and summer and after 15 days incubation under four different treatments. |
The community composition of both inocula changed markedly during the 14 days incubations for all tested treatments (Fig. 3). The test temperature had a very clear and consistent effect on these changes. A permutational multivariate analysis of variance confirmed the significant effects of the test temperature, the inoculum and their interactions (p < 0.01) on microbial community composition. The adjusted R2 indicated that incubation temperature had a larger influence on the microbial community composition than inoculum origin (0.35 vs. 0.1).
At day 15, the composition in the 20 °C incubations with chemicals was not dominated by the same sequence variants as in the two lower incubation temperatures (ESI15†). In fact, the four dominant ASVs at 2.7 and 12 °C were small contributors to the communities of the 20 °C samples (1–4%), and there was less evidence of growth in the qPCR data. We speculate that, at this higher temperature, growth on natural organic matter might have peaked before the day 15 sampling point and that bacterial density had subsequently decreased, due to predation and/or decay. This would be consistent with reports of microbial dynamics in similar assays where, in absence of spiked chemical, growth of an incubated fresh water sample peaked the first day of incubation at 20 °C and fell close to detection limit by day 10.16 A role of predation is supported by the observation of 46 ASV belonging to the bacterivorous class Bdellovibrio, collectively representing ∼3% in the 20 °C incubations (winter), increasing from <0.2% in the inoculum. Predation has been reported to have a significant effect on degradation of hydrocarbons in at least some situations.28 For the summer samples, there was no evidence of proliferation of Bdellovibrio, but we speculate that eukaryotic predators, undetectable with 16S rRNA gene analysis, such as protozoa, might have contributed to limiting prokaryotic density.
The obtained results confirmed the recent observation that the Arrhenius equation is describing the test-temperature dependency of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation well, when testing at the standard temperatures of 12 and 20 °C. Correction of biodegradation kinetics between these two test temperatures for an inoculum is thus warranted.
On the contrary, using inoculum adapted to summer temperatures in a test at very low temperature resulted in lack of biodegradation, even though biodegradation was seen in the winter inoculum incubated at the same low temperature. This observation stresses the importance of seasonal adaptation of the microbial community in the environment. Tests conducted at very low test temperatures should therefore apply inoculum sampled at temperatures close to the test temperature in order to improve environmental realism in the test. The observation also points to the need for more research on the effect of storage conditions for the inoculum prior to biodegradation testing, since cooling a warm adapted inoculum under storage might hamper the subsequent biodegradation.
The microbial community composition in the winter and summer inoculum were remarkably similar. The composition clearly changed during incubation for all treatments relative to the inoculum. This demonstrates that the decoupling of the inoculum from the environment and its incubation under constant test conditions strongly affected the microbial composition. The test temperature had a clear effect on the development of the microbial composition, which was consistent for both summer and winter inoculum. Overall, the decoupling from the environment and the conditions in the test seemed to affect the microbial composition more than the inoculum season, which asks for further research and possibly also for test method improvements.
The samples incubated with and without chemicals had a similar overall microbial composition, indicating that the effects of the test mixture on the microbial composition was limited at the low test concentrations of the present study. However, differential count analysis still revealed an effect of the presence of hydrocarbons. In particular, two genera, previously associated with petroleum hydrocarbon degradation, appeared to have experienced growth exclusively in samples where hydrocarbon degradation occurred, Nevskia and Sulfuritalea.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1em00319d |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |