Amila O.
De Silva
Derek C. G.
Kyra A.
St. Pierre
Vincent L.
St. Louis
e and
aDepartment of Chemistry, Memorial University, St. John's, NL A1B 3X7, Canada. E-mail:
bAquatic Contaminants Research Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Burlington, ON L7S 1A1, Canada. E-mail:;;
cDepartment of Geography, Geomatics and Environment, University of Toronto, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6, Canada. E-mail:
dInstitute for the Oceans and Fisheries, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada. E-mail:
eDepartment of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2E9, Canada. E-mail:
First published on 15th December 2021
We measured perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in proglacial rivers and along a non-glacial freshwater continuum to investigate the role of snow and ice melting in their transport and fate within the Lake Hazen watershed (82° N). PFAS concentrations in glacial rivers were higher than those in surface waters of Lake Hazen, suggesting melting glacial ice increased PFAS concentrations in the lake. Stream water derived from subsurface soils along a non-glacial (permafrost thaw and snowmelt) freshwater continuum was a source of PFAS to Lake Hazen. Lower concentrations were found downstream of a meadow wetland relative to upstream locations along the continuum, suggesting PFAS partitioning into vegetation and soil as water flowed downstream towards Lake Hazen. Our estimations indicate that total PFAS inputs from glacial rivers and snowmelt were 1.6 kg (78%) and 0.44 kg (22%), respectively, into Lake Hazen, totalling 2.04 kg, and the output of PFAS from Lake Hazen was 0.64 kg. A positive net annual change of 1.4 kg indicates PFAS had notable residence times and/or net storage in Lake Hazen.
Environmental significancePerfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are anthropogenic chemicals of prominent concern, owing to their persistence and ubiquity in the environment, including the Arctic. The Arctic has been responding rapidly to climate change, accelerating snow and ice melt. It is important to understand the effect of climate warming-induced melting in the Arctic because snow and ice are repositories for PFAS and other contaminants, whose meltwaters are transported to recipient freshwater ecosystems, and eventually, the Arctic Ocean. We show that glacial ice melt, accelerated by climate change, is the primary source of PFAS to Lake Hazen, the world's largest High Arctic lake. These results provide insight into the role of climate change on the accelerated release of contaminants from glacial ice in the Arctic. |
The detection of PFAS in freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems in the High Arctic is attributed to long-range and local transport to these environments.4–8 For instance, within Svalbard, Skaar et al.5 reported low total PFAS concentrations (ΣPFAS) in water from the proglacial Lake Linnévatnet (1.4 ± 0.2 ng L−1) and high ΣPFAS concentrations 100 km away in Ny-Ålesund (113–119 ng L−1 in run-off waters) due to impacts by local fire-fighting training in 2016. Cabrerizo et al.6 reported similar findings in Arctic Canada (Nunavut) in 2015–2016, where ΣPFAS concentrations (0.20–2.0 ng g−1 dw) in soils around two lakes on uninhabited Melville Island were low relative to those around Meretta Lake (9.52 ng g−1 dw) on Cornwallis Island, which was influenced by local airport activity. The occurrence of PFAS in diverse environmental media in the Arctic underscores the potential for permafrost and glaciers to store PFAS, providing an impetus for understanding their release to recipient ecosystems in response to increased glacial ice melting and permafrost thawing promoted by climate warming.
Our prior work reported PFAS in the Lake Hazen watershed, focusing on snowpack variability, snowmelt, and water column stratification.9 Key data gaps remaining in discerning sources of PFAS to Lake Hazen, are the role of glaciers and permafrost. The glaciers surrounding the northwestern shore of Lake Hazen are melting at an increasing rate.10,11 The enhanced melting and accompanying mass loss of glaciers have hydrological consequences in Lake Hazen, such as increasing lake water levels and freshwater discharge to the Arctic Ocean.10,11 Glacial meltwaters transport sediments, nutrients, and other contaminants10–13 to and within Lake Hazen. Our earlier studies emphasize a need to quantify glacial meltwaters as a source of PFAS to Lake Hazen. First, we identified exponentially increasing PFAS fluxes into a Lake Hazen sediment core from 1963 to 2011,14 coincident with the glacial meltwater discharge rates, suggesting increasing PFAS fluxes in Lake Hazen sediments were driven by climate warming. Secondly, seasonal water column profiles in the late summer ice-free period indicated PFAS concentrations were well mixed in the lake, which was suggestive of dense and turbid glacial meltwaters.9
Here, we investigate the delivery of PFAS via proglacial rivers and along a freshwater continuum fed by snowmelt and permafrost thaw. We hypothesize PFAS can be released from subsurface soils in the Lake Hazen watershed. Climate warming has deepened the soil active layer in the Lake Hazen watershed,10 a consequence of which is the thawing of soils that were once perennially frozen (i.e., permafrost) and the melting of ice contained within those soils (for a detailed depiction of the active layer and permafrost thawing, see Section S1 and Fig. S1 in the ESI†). We advance knowledge on the transport and fate of PFAS in glacial and ground ice melt and their relevance to recipient freshwater Arctic systems and ultimately to the oceans. Specifically, we provide the first quantitative assessment of PFAS in proglacial rivers in the High Arctic of Canada and insights into PFAS partitioning within a non-glacierized region of the Lake Hazen watershed.
Within the Lake Hazen watershed exists innumerable, small non-glacierized sub-catchments. These sub-catchments receive snowmelt from the landscape and stream waters derived from subsurface soils that integrate precipitation, snowmelt, and soil active layer/permafrost thaw (i.e., the thawing of soils and melting of ice contained within those soils, Section S1 and Fig. S1†), but are minor contributors to the hydrological budget of Lake Hazen (<1%). We sampled one of these representative sub-catchments, hereafter referred to as the Skeleton Continuum, located near the Lake Hazen base camp, along the northwestern shore of Lake Hazen (Fig. 1). During the spring and summer, hydrological inputs along the Skeleton Continuum are supplied primarily by snowmelt from the landscape, beginning at the end of May through to early June, and later may be fed by waters stored in soils through to the end of August. Snowmelt from the landscape and stream water (i.e., discharged to the surface from subsurface soils via seeps) enters Skeleton Lake, which drains into two small downstream ponds, a riparian and meadow wetland, and finally, the sparsely vegetated Skeleton Creek before discharging into Lake Hazen (Fig. 1).16 Further details related to the study area can be found in Section S2 and Table S1.†
A portable weather station (Campbell Scientific) was mounted onshore at the Lake Hazen base camp for hourly temperature and wind speed measurements during the summer sampling period. The mean daily temperature in July 2015 was above 4 °C and daily maximum temperatures were as high as 17 °C (Fig. S2†).
For PFAS, limits of detection (LOD) and quantitation (LOQ) corresponded to concentrations yielding an instrument response with signal-to-noise ratios of 3 and 10, respectively (Table S3†).9,14 The sum of PFAS (ΣPFAS) corresponds to concentrations equal to or greater than the LOD. PFAS with concentrations below the LOD were not assigned a numerical value for ΣPFAS calculations or statistical analyses. Kruskal–Wallis and post hoc Mann–Whitney U-tests and Spearman rank (rs) correlations were performed using StatPlus:mac (V6) to compare PFAS concentrations, with a critical p-value set to 5%.
Fig. 2 (A) Total PFAS concentrations (ng L−1) in river and creek water during snowmelt from 23 May to 1 June 2014 and 3 June 2012, and during glacial ice melting from 7 to 31 July 2015. River concentrations during the 2012 snowmelt period are represented by the symbols outside of the grey-shaded area in panel (A). (B) Normalized Total PFAS concentration during July 2015 at Blister and Snowgoose Rivers. Concentrations in each river were normalized to total PFAS concentrations on 31 July. (C) Comparison of median concentrations in river and creek water in 2014 with those in light snowpacks9 from the ice surface of Lake Hazen in 2014. Concentrations below the LOD are denoted by unfilled symbols. |
PFAS were detected in the Ruggles River outflow of Lake Hazen, including C4, C6–C9 PFCA, and PFOS. PFBA (0.44 ng L−1) and PFOA (0.066 ng L−1) were most abundant, collectively accounting for 85% of the ΣPFAS concentration (0.59 ng L−1). The ΣPFAS concentration in the Ruggles River was comparable to those in surface waters from Lake Hazen (0.32 ng L−1, Fig. S3†). Similar observations were reported in a recent study of mercury (Hg) across the watershed, where concentrations of methylmercury (MeHg) and total Hg were similar in surface waters of Lake Hazen and the mouth of the Ruggles River.11
The PFAS composition profiles in glacial rivers are generally consistent with those in the water column of Lake Hazen during the ice-free period and the Ruggles River outflow in 2015 (Table S5†). PFAS concentrations are well mixed in the lake during the ice-free period, consistent with the mixing of PFAS by underflows promoted by the delivery of turbid glacial meltwaters.9 Interestingly, PFBS and PFDA were detected frequently in glacial rivers but not in the water column of Lake Hazen during the ice-free period or the Ruggles River outflow in 2015 (Table S5†). This could suggest these congeners partitioned to biota (e.g., Arctic char) and/or were transported as sediments to the bottom of the lake, consistent with their occurrence in a Lake Hazen sediment core.14
Rivers and creeks were sampled regularly during May 2014 and July 2015 periods to understand temporal changes in PFAS concentrations. The magnitude of ΣPFAS concentrations was similar at Skeleton Creek, Blister River, and Snowgoose River during snowmelt in May 2014 (Kruskal–Wallis Test, p = 0.79). However, temporal changes in PFAS concentrations varied spatially within the high-frequency sampling in May 2014. For example, ΣPFAS concentrations had very slight changes in Blister River with an increase from 11.0 to 15.4 ng L−1 from 25 to 28 May, followed by 10.1 ng L−1 on 1 June. Over the same period, ΣPFAS concentrations increased from 5.4 to 15.7 ng L−1 in Snowgoose River and decreased from 20.9 to 2.5 ng L−1 in Skeleton Creek (Fig. 2a). These temporal changes in ΣPFAS concentrations could be related to differences in snowmelt dynamics within non-glacierized and glacierized areas of the watershed. For example, Skeleton Creek receives snowmelt from its non-glacierized catchment, whereas Blister River and Snowgoose River receive various snowmelt inputs from different elevations within the glacierized area of their watersheds. This could explain the absence of decreasing ΣPFAS concentrations at Blister River and Snowgoose River if these systems received delayed inputs of snow meltwaters from higher elevations that were enriched in PFAS (i.e., an ionic pulse).21
The weekly sampling during July 2015 indicated that ΣPFAS concentration trends were similar at Blister and Snowgoose Rivers. For instance, ΣPFAS concentrations decreased in both rivers by a factor of 1.6–1.8 (Fig. 2b). Differences in ΣPFAS concentrations were observed during the May–June period in 2014 relative to July 2015 (Fig. 2a), which could be attributed to differences in hydrological sources (i.e., snow versus glacial ice melt inputs). These observations nevertheless highlight the importance of seasonal melting as a source of PFAS in tributaries within the Lake Hazen watershed.
Here, we adapted the approach used by St. Pierre et al.11 to estimate net PFAS inputs by glacial rivers (Section S5, Table S6, Fig. S4†) and snowmelt into Lake Hazen and the output of PFAS by the Ruggles River according to:
ΔPFAS = ∑inputsPFAS − outputPFAS |
Using this approach, the estimated total input of PFAS was 1.6 kg by glacial rivers and 0.44 kg by snowmelt into Lake Hazen, totalling 2.04 kg, whereas the discharge of PFAS from the Ruggles River was 0.64 kg (Table S7†). These results indicate a positive net change accumulation of 1.4 kg in Lake Hazen during the summer of 2015. On a congener basis, PFBA had a much higher net change accumulation in Lake Hazen than those of other PFAS (Table S7†), driven by inputs from glacial rivers, representing 84% of the total PFBA input into the lake. The net accumulation of PFBA (and other PFAS with high water solubilities) in Lake Hazen is likely attributable to sustained melting inputs from snow and glaciers over time together with the long residence time of water in the lake (25 years).10
A limitation of this study is only one Ruggles River data point is used to estimate the output. However, the net estimate for ΣPFAS obtained using this limited data set would suggest Lake Hazen sediments may act as a long-term sink for approximately 36% of the PFAS inputs, assuming the measured ΣPFAS sediment flux in 2015 is representative of that in 2011 (0.51 kg).14 While the estimated net accumulation is dominated by PFBA, which was not found in Lake Hazen sediments, PFBA was the dominant congener in the Lake Hazen water column during the glacier melting period in 2015.9 The implication of these data is PFAS have significant residence times and/or storage in Lake Hazen. Lake Hazen sediments will likely continue acting as a long-term sink for select PFAS congeners (i.e., with low water solubilities), while the concentrations of other PFAS (e.g., PFBA) may increase in the Lake Hazen water column as it continues receiving hydrological inputs over time until a steady-state is established.
PFAS inputs by glacial rivers into Lake Hazen were higher than those reported in Lake Nam Co on the Tibetan Plateau.20 For example, glacial runoff accounted for 27% (0.49 kg) of the 1.81 kg annual input of PFAS into Lake Nam Co,20 whereas glacial rivers accounted for 78% (1.6 kg) of the 2.04 kg annual input into Lake Hazen. Furthermore, the catchment area-normalized PFAS input by glacial rivers in Lake Hazen (7516 km2, 2.1 × 10−4 kg km−2) is approximately 5-times higher than that of Lake Nam Co (10610 km2, 4.6 × 10−5 kg km−2).20 The contrast observed with our study is reflective of differences in hydrological inputs because Lake Nam Co receives less glacial meltwater runoff than Lake Hazen. Lake Nam Co was supplied by 0.365 km3 of glacial runoff20 compared to 0.979 km3 in Lake Hazen11 during 2015, accounting for 16% and 87% of hydrological inputs to each lake, respectively.
Our analysis for PFAS are also in contrast to the estimated 95% of THg inputs by glacial rivers (16.4 kg) stored within Lake Hazen.11 St. Pierre et al.11 noted that Lake Hazen was a sink for Hg due to the enhanced delivery of particles via glacial rivers and turbid underflows, which transported particle-bound Hg to the bottom of the lake. The differences in mass balance for Hg versus PFAS were likely due to differences in physicochemical properties because many PFCA and PFSA targeted in this study have high water solubilities and are less likely to partition to particles in the water column and accumulate in lake sediments than metal species such as Hg(II) and MeHg. However, PFAS with lower water solubilities and higher logKoc, such as long-chain PFAA (e.g., C10–C14 PFCA), may have similar environmental fates as particle-bound Hg in Lake Hazen. It is also important to consider that differences between PFAS and Hg may be expected due to differences in the underlying sources of these contaminants to Lake Hazen (i.e., proglacial soils versus glacial ice). These observations highlight the importance of glacial meltwater as a vector and source of contaminants to Lake Hazen.
Fig. 3 Concentrations (ng L−1) of PFAS along the Skeleton Continuum (A) from July 9 to August 1 2015 and in Lake Hazen snow9 from May 2013 and June 2014 (B). * indicates sampling was not conducted because water was not flowing through sites. |
PFBA, PFBS, and PFOA were detected at all sites along the continuum. Other PFAS were specific to zones within and closest to S1. For example, PFHxA, PFHpA, and PFOS were detected at S1, S2, and S3 with detection frequencies corresponding to 60 to 100% but were only present in 0 to 33% samples further downstream (Table S8†). PFNA and PFHpS were only detected frequently at the downstream sites, S2, S3, and S5.
Maximum PFAS (Σ and individual) concentrations along the continuum generally occurred at S1 and S2. PFAS profiles were dominated by PFBA and PFBS, with concentration ranges of 1.1–3.8 ng L−1 and 0.18–0.41 ng L−1, respectively, accounting for 69–86% and 5–15% of the ΣPFAS concentrations, respectively. ΣPFAS concentrations were of the same magnitude at S1, S2, and S3 (medians 3.3–4.0 ng L−1, Kruskal–Wallis test, p = 0.25). However, concentrations in the upstream sites along the Skeleton Continuum (sites S1–S3) were higher than those at downstream sites (S4 and S5, Mann–Whitney U test, p < 0.001). For example, median concentrations at downstream sites were approximately a factor of 2 lower than those measured at the upstream sites. ΣPFAS concentrations along the Skeleton Continuum (1.4–4.7 ng L−1) were much higher than those in waters from Lake A (Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, 0.027–0.456 ng L−1),7 and waters from Lake Hazen during the same sampling period (0–10 m, 0.26–0.31 ng L−1).9 ΣPFAS concentrations in waters from S1–S3 were similar to those in light snowpacks from the Lake Hazen region (Fig. 4). ΣPFAS concentrations in waters from S1–S3 were also similar to those at Blister River during July 2015 (2.4–4.1 ng L−1, Mann–Whitney U Test, p = 0.91), further suggesting the importance of non-glacial inputs within that watershed (e.g., snowmelt from higher elevations within the glacierized area).
Fig. 4 Comparison of median PFAS concentrations in water from upstream sites (S1–S3) along the Skeleton Continuum with those in snowpacks from the ice surface of Lake Hazen in 2013 and 2014.9 Concentrations below the LOD are denoted by unfilled symbols. |
PFAS congener profiles were notably different along the Skeleton Continuum than those found in snowpacks9 from the Lake Hazen region (Fig. 4 and Table S8†). In particular, snowpacks from the ice surface of Lake Hazen in 2013 and 2014 consistently had higher median concentrations of C5 and C7–C12 PFCA and PFECHS, whereas sites S1–S3 showed higher median concentrations of PFBS, PFHxS, and PFHpS (Fig. 4 and Table S8†). These observations would suggest the Skeleton Continuum was impacted by different sources than those influencing Lake Hazen snowpacks in 2013 and 2014.
The composition profile of PFAS along the Skeleton Continuum provided evidence of unique hydrological and atmospheric sources to small non-glacierized sub-catchments within the Lake Hazen watershed. For instance, PFHxS was only detected frequently at S1 but not in the recipient S2–S3 or S5 (Table S8†), whereas PFHpA and PFOA were both frequently detected in S1 to S3. Reported sorption coefficients for these PFAS are similar with the organic carbon-normalized sorption coefficient (Koc) corresponding to 50 ± 2.2 for PFHxS, 50 ± 1.3 for PFHpA, and 107 ± 4.5 for PFOA.22 Thus, it is unlikely that the absence of PFHxS within S2 was due to removal via sorption and sedimentation. Furthermore, PFHpA and PFOA concentrations were not correlated to other particulate parameters within S2 over the sampling period (Fig. S7†). The S2 site was supplied by multiple seeps and snowmelt inputs from the landscape. In contrast, PFHxA and PFHpA, which were frequently detected in Lake Hazen snowpacks,9 were found at higher concentrations in S2 than S1 (Mann–Whitney U test, p ≤ 0.03), while higher detection frequencies were observed for other PFAS (i.e., PFNA, PFTrDA, PFHpS, FOSA) at S2. These observations indicated that integrated hydrological inputs from seeps and snowmelt resulted in higher detection frequencies and concentrations of PFAS in S2 relative to the single S1 seep sampled in this study (Table S8†). PFHpS was not detected in snowpacks,9 sediments,14 or the water column of Lake Hazen,9 but was found in S2 and further downstream along the Skeleton Continuum. PFHpS correlates with PFBA, PFHpA, and PFOA along the continuum (rs ≥ 0.75, p ≤ 0.02, Table S9†), suggesting these congeners may be derived from a common source. The sites along the Skeleton Continuum were ice-free from mid-June until late August, facilitating the direct atmospheric deposition of aerosol particles and gases.
The source of PFHxS to the Skeleton Continuum is interesting because it was not a dominant PFAS in Lake Hazen snowpacks, with detection frequencies ranging from 0–11% (Table S8†).9 A recent report from the Norwegian Environment Agency indicated that PFHxS may be present in AFFF, food-contact paper, weather-proofing additives, and cleaning agents.23 Intentional production and use of PFHxS as an additive has not been disclosed24 but it is a known impurity in some PFAS technical mixtures,25 including historical AFFF formulations.26 While it is unknown if direct emissions from the use of PFHxS-containing products were sources of PFHxS in the Lake Hazen watershed over time, the long-range atmospheric transport of aerosols and volatile precursors (e.g., perfluorohexane sulfonamide, FHxSA) is a possible pathway for PFHxS, despite low detection frequencies in the Lake Hazen sediments14 and snowpacks,9 because neutral PFSA precursors have been measured in the Arctic atmosphere.27,28
In comparison, PFBS was prevalent throughout the Skeleton Continuum, much more than in glacial rivers, but not in light snowpacks from the Lake Hazen area in 2013 and 20149 (Table S8†). PFBS was detected frequently in dark snowpacks enriched with light-absorbing particles in 2014, possibly due to the role of atmospheric particulate matter (e.g., particle-mediated transport and/or scavenging); however, PFBS concentrations in dark snowpacks were much lower than those along the Skeleton Continuum (Mann–Whitney U test, p < 0.001, Table S8†).9 PFBS was detected in the Lake Hazen sediment core, with a deposition rate doubling time of 7.7 years from 1963 to 2011.14 These results suggest that PFAS fluxes in Lake Hazen sediment are attributable to enhanced climate warming-induced glacier melt over the past 10–15 years. Similarly, climate warming-induced soil active layer deepening may account for the occurrence of PFBS and PFHxS at S1 (Fig. S1†). Warmer temperatures could promote the release of archived PFAS from ice contained in active layer/permafrost soils. The origin of water at S1 may also reflect integrated inputs from permafrost and snowmelt infiltrated into soils during 2015. This could explain both PFBS and PFHxS profiles at S1 and the consistency of ΣPFAS concentrations at S1 with Lake Hazen snowpacks.9
Alternatively, it is possible that snowmelt during 2015 was a primary source and/or vector for the occurrence of PFBS and PFHxS at S1 through the action of remobilizing atmospheric deposition from snowpacks and soils in the Skeleton catchment. The remobilization of atmospheric deposition from soils is a plausible mechanism, according to observations of exposed landscape in the Lake Hazen region due to low snow accumulation11 and PFAS concentrations in snowpacks9 and snowmelt-fed rivers in May 2014 (Fig. 2c). For example, PFBS concentrations were higher in the snowmelt-fed Skeleton Creek, Blister River, and Snowgoose River than those in snowpacks from the Lake Hazen region in May 2014 (Mann–Whitney U test, p < 0.001, Fig. 2c), while PFHxS was only detected in one snowpack sample in 2014 (Table S8†). This suggested these rivers are receiving: (1) integrated hydrological inputs (i.e., mixing of snow meltwaters); (2) different atmospheric deposition than snowpacks; or (3) meltwaters that entrained atmospheric deposition from soils.
PFAS composition profiles along the Skeleton Continuum highlight that water samples in this region are affected by complex sources and processes. For instance, samples in this study likely reflect integrated inputs from various hydrological (i.e., snowmelt, precipitation, and permafrost thaw) and atmospheric sources in this region. Furthermore, Lake Hazen snowpacks were not analyzed in 2015, limiting source allocation along the continuum. Although we are unable to confirm specific sources or mechanisms along the continuum, this analysis provides insights into the role of permafrost thaw as a possible source of historically archived PFAS and the processes affecting the transport and fate of PFAS in subsurface soil environments in the Arctic, such as the elution of PFAS from melting ice in permafrost soils and the transport of meltwaters through subsurface soils to recipient freshwater systems.
The C6–C8 PFCA and C4, C6 PFSA concentrations varied similarly over time at site S1 during July (Fig. S7†). These observations suggested that subsurface transport and partitioning were similar for these PFAS, which is consistent with similarity in logKoc.22 In contrast, a distinct profile was observed for PFBA, such that concentrations increased from 1.9 ng L−1 to 3.7 ng L−1 during 9 July to 1 August sampling period (Fig. 3). This distinctive trend could be related to the progressive melting of ice contained in permafrost soils during the summer, enhancing PFBA concentrations at S1 due to its relatively higher water solubility and lower logKoc.22
Overall, PFAS concentrations and detection frequencies were comparable at S1, S2, and S3, suggesting limited PFAS partitioning to soils or lake/pond sediments across these sites (Table S8,†Fig. 3). However, lower PFAS concentrations and detection frequencies were typically observed at downstream sites S4 and S5, consistent with a recent study, where lower MeHg concentrations were measured at S4 and S5 in comparison with upstream concentrations (sites S2 and S3), resulting from soil partitioning, demethylation, and/or the settling of particle-bound MeHg in the wetland.17 Analogously, it is possible lower PFAS concentrations at S4 and S5 could be attributed to the partitioning of PFAS with plants and soils in the meadow wetland. Müller et al.30 reported uptake and depuration kinetics of PFAS in vegetation using a hydroponic plant model system. In that study, concentrations in plant roots at equilibrium were high and corresponded to 317 ± 16 ng g−1 PFNA, 771 ± 35 ng g−1 PFDA, 766 ± 68 ng g−1 PFOS, and 275 ± 14 ng g−1 PFBA; however, faster uptake and depuration kinetics were reported for PFNA, PFDA, and PFOS relative to PFBA.30 This was attributed to the enhanced translocation ability of PFBA throughout the plant system due to its high water solubility.30 This would suggest plant uptake could contribute to the removal and storage of PFAS from waters at S4, and reinforces the distinction between the transport and fate dynamics of PFAS and MeHg in the Lake Hazen watershed, as the latter is more susceptible to particle partitioning and accumulating in soils.17 However, lower concentrations and detection frequencies of other PFAS at S4 with higher Koc could also be attributed to soil partitioning and/or the settling of particle-bound PFAS in the meadow wetland. The utility of constructed wetlands to remove and store PFAS from waters in the environment has been studied as a remediation approach.31,32 We are unable to preclude the possibility that high flow conditions (i.e., dilution) contributed to lower PFAS concentrations at downstream sites (S4 and S5), as water discharge rates were not measured. However, we believe this is unlikely because this non-glacial area receives little precipitation and is not known to have seeps, according to field observations at the time of sampling.
While our study fills knowledge gaps on the importance of proglacial rivers as sources of PFAS to Lake Hazen, the role of melting glaciers on the transport and fate of PFAS in the watershed is not fully understood. Our earlier studies indicate that the delivery of glacial meltwaters creates underflows in Lake Hazen, mixing PFAS in the water column of the lake9 and promoting sedimentation.14 However, further research is required to discern the role of melting glaciers as a source or vector (i.e., entrainment of particle-bound PFAS from proglacial river channels) of PFAS in the Lake Hazen watershed. Our results also underscore the importance of permafrost soils as repositories of contaminants in the Arctic. While permafrost thaw contributes little to the water budget of Lake Hazen, it may become an important source of historically archived contaminants to freshwater and marine ecosystems in other Arctic regions with ubiquitous permafrost and high ground ice content, particularly under the influence of climate warming. Future research in the Lake Hazen watershed should focus on (1) the monitoring of PFAS along proglacial river transects (from glaciers to Lake Hazen) and along glaciers (e.g., meltwater streams), (2) exploring local PFAS sources, (3) the occurrence of PFAS in permafrost and wetland soils and vegetation in the meadow wetland, and (4) the monitoring of emerging PFAS (e.g., perfluoroalkyl ether carboxylic and sulfonic acids) and other organic pollutants of concern in the Lake Hazen watershed.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Additional details on QA/QC parameters, study areas, permafrost dynamics, correlation analysis, and PFAS concentration data. See DOI: 10.1039/d1em00349f |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |