*a and
aInstitut de Sciences des Matériaux de Mulhouse, CNRS-UMR 7361, Université de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France. E-mail:;
bAttolight AG, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
First published on 7th February 2022
A recent paper reported the spatially controlled photopolymerization and subsequent 3D printing of polydiacetylene (PDA) by orthogonal chemistry using dual-wavelength polymerization. Diacetylene monomers were dispersed in an acrylate resin to form a photocomposite in a two-step process: a first irradiation photopolymerizes the acrylate freezing the diacetylene monomers which were polymerized in a second step at a different wavelength. In the present article, for a better understanding of the organization of the generated functional composites, this process is studied at the mesoscopic scale by performing optical and scanning electron microscopy combined with correlative Raman, AFM and cathodoluminescence measurements. We have diluted the PCDA/acrylate blend in dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) and performed drop casting deposition on graphite. We discovered that the acrylate-diacetylene mixture promotes dramatically the formation of large PDA crystals. The confinement of PDA crystals inside the polyacrylate hindered their thermochromic blue-to-red transition, as revealed by correlative Raman microscopy. Cathodoluminescence measurements on the photocomposite have also shown that the light emission properties of PDAs are strongly modified by the induced confinement.
This is a particularly relevant point considering that PDAs very often need to be combined with other materials in order to be used for its diverse applications. Shaping PDAs and controlling spatially their polymerization is for example a notably difficult challenge. In this context, a PDA-based photocomposite was recently used in additive manufacturing by leveraging the concept of orthogonal chemistry. By mixing PCDA (10,12-pentacosadiynoic acid) monomers with a photopolymerizable triacrylate resin (TMPTA), it was possible to overcome the mechanical limitations of PDA and to photopolymerize it with spatial control.20 The polymerization happened in two steps: the polyacrylate was formed first by an irradiation at 405 nm using a focused laser beam (laser writing), then the PCDA monomers, that were frozen in the polyacrylate matrix, were photopolymerized using a UV lamp leading to the blue PDA phase. The latter underwent a blue-to-red transition by heating the sample at 80 °C, showing the photocomposite retained the thermochromic properties of PDA. These macroscopic processes raise a lot of fundamental questions, such as how the PCDA monomers are dispersed in the (poly)acrylate matrix, how they self-assemble into monomeric crystals prior photopolymerization or about the possible role of phase separation in the TMPTA/PCDA mixture (and also about the origin of this phase separation: already existing in the monomer blend or induced by the photopolymerization reaction). The influence of the photopolymerization of the triacrylate resin on the self-assembly of PCDA is also still to investigate. But the most important questions probably concern the way the properties of PDAs are influenced by the polyacrylate-PDA interface.
To answer these questions, we study in the present paper this multistep formation process and the resulting properties of PDAs at the micro and nanoscale. We have prepared diluted mixtures of TMPTA and PCDA by using the same proportions of the molecular species used in the previous work20 but dissolved 100 times in CH2Cl2. The mixture is drop casted on HOPG samples and then irradiated and annealed. We have performed optical and scanning electron microscopy with correlative Raman, AFM and cathodoluminescence measurements.
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Fig. 1 (a and b) SEM images and (c) optical micrograph of the mixture (diluted 100 times) deposited on HOPG and irradiated 3 min at 405 nm. |
Fig. 1a shows a typical large scale SEM image where three different type of regions can be identified: droplet-like features of typically several tens of micrometers (such as those on the left side and the top right corner), apparently empty regions around the droplets and a multitude of smaller islands covering the rest of the surface (appearing with a bright contrast in Fig. 1a). The droplets consist of a polyacrylate matrix solidified after irradiation at 405 nm in which the PCDA in incorporated. PCDA crystals can be observed at the edge of the droplet in Fig. 1a (bright features). Raman mapping of the surface confirms that PCDA is present not only at the edges of the droplets but also all across them (see Fig. S4, ESI†). The presence of PCDA crystals is confirmed in Fig. 1c, where structures with straight sides and sharp edges reveal crystalline order. The “empty” regions around the droplets are in fact covered by a thin layer of amorphous material probably composed by a mixture of PCDA and polyacrylate (see Fig S1, S3 and S5, ESI†). They are the result of two phenomena: a dewetting due to the evaporation of the solvent (CH2Cl2) and a shrinkage of the TMPTA during its photopolymerization into polyacrylate. The contribution of both phenomena will be discussed in a following section and in supporting information. The islands covering the rest of the HOPG surface are usually composed by one or several PCDA crystals. Some of these islands are shown in Fig. 1b, where it can be noticed that some crystals have a rectangular shape (they are bigger and exhibit a dark contrast in Fig. 1b) and some other appear as needles (the needles have a much brighter contrast in the image). Interestingly, the crystals are often embedded in small polyacrylate domains (Fig. S1–S3, ESI†). Once again, the crystals can be unambiguously identified as PCDA by performing Raman mapping on these areas (see sections below and supporting information for more detail). Fig. 1c shows an optical micrograph of an area where a droplet and the islands present in its vicinity are separated by a very thin dewetting region. As opposed to SEM images, it is tricky to differentiate PCDA crystals and the polyacrylate in optical microscopy since they do not have a different contrast. It confirms however that PCDA crystals are typically present either above or below polyacrylate. It is also interesting to note that we do not observe PCDA crystals in regions apparently free of TMPTA/polyacrylate, such as the dewetting areas. This suggests a certain affinity between PCDA and the TMPTA resin but also a possible organization of PCDA domains due to the photopolymerization of TMPTA. Therefore, a too high solubility in a resin would also be detrimental to the formation of PCDA crystals since in that case the PCDA molecules would disperse homogenously in the resin which would thus prevent the adequate self-assembly of PCDA. It therefore seems that a subtle interplay is necessary to achieve the crystallization of PCDA in the acrylate resin and that the phase separation between the two components has a crucial role in this process. In any case this first observation shows that the chosen concentration (i.e. 5 wt% of PCDA in TMPTA)20 allows a first phase separation in the liquid resin leading to the self-organization of single crystal of monomers, which surprisingly favors the formation of large crystals.
To investigate the role of the (poly)acrylate resin in the formation of the PCDA domains, we have prepared and drop-casted a 1.4 × 10−3 mol L−1 solution of pure PCDA in CH2Cl2 on HOPG and compared it with the drop-casting of a mixture solution with the same 1.4 × 10−3 mol L−1 concentration of PCDA in TMPTA and CH2Cl2 (corresponding to a 100 times dilution of the formulation used in ref. 20). Both solutions were prepared just before deposition on the surface and the mixture was irradiated 3 min at 405 nm to polymerize the TMPTA. Since the quantity of photoinitiator (Irgacure 369) can be considered negligible, all the differences observed can be attributed to the presence of TMPTA and the photopolymerization process. PCDA crystals formed in absence of TMPTA are present with a high density and quite homogenously distributed on the surface, as evidenced by the AFM image in Fig. 2b. PCDA typically gives rise in this case to needles that generally extend over several tens of nm in width and a few hundreds of nm in length. The PCDA crystals formed after deposition from the TMPTA mixture are much bigger, as shown in Fig. 2c and d. They exhibit an important polydispersity in size, but often extend over one or several microns and have a rectangular shape. It is noticeable that these crystals exhibit a morphology and dimensions comparable to those obtained by the highest quality processes, such as the deposition under vacuum of evaporated monomers.22 This new result is really counterintuitive and confirms the role played by the TMPTA in assisting and guiding the crystallization of PCDA, probably driven by a phase separation.
The mixture has also been deposited on SiO2/Si wafer and similar observations were made (Fig. S7 and S8, ESI†): large PCDA crystals are formed inside/on top of the polyacrylate. We conclude that the role of the surface is negligible in the self-organization process of PCDA and that only the solid–liquid phase separation in the mixture and the presence of TMPTA leads to such well-organized crystals of monomer.
A subsequent irradiation of the sample by UV light for a short time (20 s) does not result in any significant change in the morphology of the film confirming the vitrification of TMPTA at the first irradiation step. We only have noticed a slight reduction of the step edges height measured by AFM on the PCDA/PDA crystal surface from 5.1 ± 0.4 nm before UV irradiation to 4.7 ± 0.4 nm after. It suggests that the molecules are very slightly compressed after polymerization, something that has already been observed for PDAs.16 Based on the measured values these steps correspond to bilayers of vertically assembled PCDA molecules (see below for a more detailed discussion).
AFM evidences how the morphology of the PDA crystals is impacted by the annealing. Numerous cracks appear within the crystal in Fig. 4b, all along its longitudinal axis. The rim of the crystal does not however undergo any change and the crystal conserves its original shape. Similar observations are typically made on all the crystals that have undergone a transformation after heating (see Fig. S15, ESI†). Fig. 4c shows an AFM image obtained at room temperature of a rectangular PDA crystal from another sample (prepared with the exact same protocol) that was annealed at 95 °C for 5 min. The cracks within this crystal are perfectly parallel to the longitudinal axis of the crystal. It appears also clearly that the rim of the crystal is different to the rest of the crystal. The rim appears unaffected by the cracks associated to the transition and seems amorphous. These rims typically exhibit a bright contrast in the phase image, similar to the phase contrast of bigger polyacrylate droplets (Fig. S15, ESI†). Based on these observations, we attribute them to a thin polyacrylate region surrounding the PDA crystal. The empty space left by the cracks reveals an in-plane contraction of the crystal and it allows to measure the loss of area of PDA crystals. The average value obtained from eight crystals from several samples corresponds to a lateral contraction of 14 ± 5%. A similar feature has been observed in previous works when the PDAs undergo blue-to-red transition.23,24 A contraction of 28% has been for instance measured after a blue-to-red transition triggered in that case by an excess UV light exposure.24 This contraction and the consequent apparition of cracks in PDA layers (in that case, Langmuir films with PCDA molecules in upright conformation) was explained by a change in the angle between the side chains and the normal of the surface (from 35° to close to 0°).23,24 This interpretation was further supported by AFM measurements showing a 22% increase of the film thickness during the transition from the blue phase to the red phase.24 In our case, the thickness of the thinnest layers measured (step edges of the thinnest terraces) showed an increase from 4.7 ± 0.4 nm to 5.8 ± 0.4 nm after annealing. It also confirms that the thinnest layers observed are bilayers based on comparison with literature16,24 and based on the length of an individual PCDA molecule (3.2 nm). The reason for this is that the initial self-assembly of PCDA is stabilized by hydrogen bonds between their carboxylic acid groups. It forms thus dimers that are stabilized within a layer by van der Waals interaction. The layers of the crystals before annealing are therefore 19 ± 7% thinner than after, which is very consistent with the ref. 24, and with a rotation from ≈ 35° to ≈ 0° (since cos(35°) ≈ 0.82). This is therefore a first confirmation that the transformations observed after heating correspond indeed to a PDA blue-to-red transition. A higher resolution AFM image of the crystal (Fig. 4d) reveals that it is composed of fibers typically aligned along the longitudinal axis, as opposed to the flat terraces exhibited by the crystals before heating. The fibers are remarkably homogeneous in width, with values in the range 15–40 nm, but more typically around 20 nm. In such crystals, the PDA backbone is therefore oriented along the fibers with the side chains almost perpendicular to the graphite surface.
In order to study in more detail the blue-to-red transition occurring during heating, the samples have been analyzed by optical microscopy and correlative Raman spectroscopy. Fig. 5 shows typical objects observed on the sample after annealing and their corresponding Raman mapping. The blue and red phases of PDA are known to have different signatures in Raman (spectra of both phases are shown in Fig. 5a),20,25 allowing to identify and map them with sub-micron precision. By placing the samples on a heating stage, the thermochromic transition can be followed in situ during heating as well. The band at around 2100 cm−1 (corresponding to the ν(CC) vibration) was used as a marker to follow the transition since there is no other peak in this region and because this is where the baseline is the flattest (the band at around 1500 cm−1 could alternatively be used). In this region, the blue phase exhibits a band at ≈ 2080 cm−1 that is shifted to ≈ 2120 cm−1 when the transition to the red phase occur. When the map is acquired, a full Raman spectrum is taken at every point (pixel size varying from 1 μm to 5 μm). The maps are obtained by calculating for each point the difference between the intensities at 2080 cm−1 and 2120 cm−1. The pixel is colored as followed: blue or red dots correspond to areas where the PDA of this color is dominant. Purple dots correspond to areas where blue and red peaks are of similar intensities (i.e. either regions with similar amounts of both phases or regions without PDA). The results of in situ heating experiments can be found in supporting information (Fig. S12 and S13, ESI†). One conclusion that can be drawn from it is that the blue-to-red transitions occurring in these PDA crystals are irreversible.
Optical microscopy images and the corresponding Raman maps taken at room temperature are shown in Fig. 5. They represent different objects observed on photocomposite films (diluted 100 times) on HOPG annealed respectively at 95 °C for 5 min (b and c) and 75 °C for 2 h (d and e). A larger crystal obtained from a more concentrated mixture solution (diluted 10 times) and annealed at 80 °C for 8 min is shown in Fig. 5f and g. Large droplets of polyacrylate with PDA crystals confined inside are presented in Fig. 5b and d. A lot of small PDA crystals or aggregates of crystals are present around the droplets. These PDA crystals are almost free of polyacrylate. The inner part of the large crystal in Fig. 5f is free of polyacrylate while its edges are embedded and covered by a polyacrylate layer. The Raman maps in Fig. 5c, e and g identify which parts of these PDA objects have undergone the blue-to-red transition depending on the presence or not of polyacrylate. Raman maps confirmed that crystals with cracks are associated with the red phase of PDA (shifting of the ν(CC) peak to ≈ 2120 cm−1), as illustrated with maps in Fig. 5g and Fig. S14 (ESI†). This shows that the reorganization of the chains observed in AFM corresponds indeed to the blue-to-red transition. An interesting feature observed on the samples after annealing is the tendency for polyacrylate-rich regions to exhibit the Raman signature of the blue phase of PDA. Blue PDAs are for instance present in majority in the polyacrylate “droplets” in Fig. 5b and c while the rest of the PDA “free” crystals from the same image often exhibit Raman spectra of the red phase. A higher resolution Raman map of a single polyacrylate droplet is shown in Fig. 5e. Here it is clear that the inner part of the droplet, where the polyacrylate layer is thicker, remained predominantly blue. Conversely, the regions where the PDA is more “free” (i.e. not totally covered by the polyacrylate), on the edge and outside the droplet, exhibit almost only the signal of the PDA red phase. The crystal analyzed in Fig. 5f and g offers an even more striking evidence. Depositing a 10-times diluted solution (instead of 100 times) allowed the formation of bigger crystals, thus permitting to study with more accuracy the inhomogeneity of Raman signatures within the same crystal. The inner part of the crystal, which is polyacrylate-free, exhibits the typical cracks evidenced before in AFM images. It corresponds to a region of PDA red phase in the Raman map in Fig. 5g, confirming that the cracks are the consequence of the blue-to-red transition. Interestingly, the edges of the crystal seem unaffected by the cracks and resemble closely the structure observed by AFM in Fig. 4c. It corresponds therefore to a thin polyacrylate film surrounding the crystal. The Raman spectra of theses edges exhibit predominantly the peaks of the blue phase of PDA. This means that the PDA present in these regions, either confined within the polyacrylate or covered by it, have a temperature of chromatic transition higher than the free PDA crystals. This trend is confirmed by Raman maps in different regions and on different samples. We interpret this behavior by the existence of a mechanical stress due to the presence of polyacrylate above or around the PDA consequently hindering the mechanical relaxation in the blue-to-red transition. In other words, when crystals are confined in the hardened polyacrylate resin, the transition becomes more difficult.
Fig. 6 shows SEM images of a “thin” region. In this region, as discussed previously, the evaporation of the solvent and the shrinkage of the acrylate during polymerization releases large organized PDA crystals. As previously shown, they are not completely free of polyacrylate as they often remain embedded in polyacrylate (with the polyacrylate/PDA interface essentially present at the edge of the crystals). The CL spectrum in Fig. 6b, which is the average of the whole image, is typical of this region. We observe a broad band of emission between 300 nm and 800 nm in which four components can be deconvoluted at 409, 503, 602 and 698 nm, respectively. The hyperspectral map of similar area (Fig. 6d) unambiguously shows that this broad band can be attributed to the PDA crystals. The bands at 503 and 602 nm can be attributed to the PDA crystal based on a comparison with literature.6,27 The band at 409 nm is possibly associated to the polyacrylate, which can also contribute partially to the band at 503 nm (the CL spectrum of the polyacrylate is shown in Fig. S16, ESI†).
The case of the thicker regions of the sample is illustrated in Fig. 7. Correlative SEM image and colorized CL map are shown in Fig. 7a and b, respectively. Two CL spectra (taken at 3 keV and 10 K) representative of the PDA signal in thick areas can be found in Fig. 7c and d. The spectrum in Fig. 7c exhibits a broad emission band between 250 nm and 800 nm where height emission bands can be deconvoluted. We observe the same emission bands at 543 and 641 nm as for the thin PDA crystals (including the possible contribution of the polyacrylate), with however a significant red shift. Both can be attributed to the exciton of red and blue phase, respectively, as they are in agreement with the values usually reported for these two PDA phases.7 Other structures at lower wavelengths can be attributed to vibronic excitons but also, as previously discussed, to the polyacrylate. The band at 341 nm could possibly be due to continuum emission. We report two new structures above 650 nm: the one at 698 nm, that was already observed in the thin film region (Fig. 6b), and the one at 747 nm. In some areas of this CL map, these two bands are strongly enhanced, as illustrated by the spectrum in Fig. 7d, although the broad one between 300 and 600 nm as observed in Fig. 7c coexists. The two intense bands above 650 nm are only observed in the thicker regions of the photocomposite film, i.e. where the quantity of polyacrylate is more important. However, since the pure polyacrylate film does not emit at all at these wavelengths (Fig. S16, ESI†), the comparison with this reference allows to attribute the two bands to PDA. We attribute these intense bands to the pressure induced by the polyacrylate film which confine the PDA crystal leading to the red shift of the two components observed at 543 and 641 nm, respectively. Such an effect has never been observed so far on PDAs, but was evidenced by photoluminescence experiments under pressure on other organic crystals, such as for PTCDA.28
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Characterization of the samples at each step of the preparation by optical, electron and atomic force microscopies and Raman spectroscopy. Analysis of the samples on SiO2. Cathodoluminescence experiments. See DOI: 10.1039/d1ma01099a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |