*a and
aKey Laboratory of Materials Modification by Laser, Ion and Electron Beams (Ministry of Education), Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China. E-mail: jiangx@dlut.edu.cn
bKey Laboratory for Intelligent Nano Materials and Devices of the Ministry of Education, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
First published on 13th December 2021
As an unconventional bonding pattern different from conventional chemistry, the concept of planar hypercoordinate atoms was first proposed in the molecular system, and it has been recently extended to 2D periodic systems. Using first-principles calculations, herein we predict a stable FeSi2 monolayer with planar hexacoordinate Fe atoms. Due to its abundant multicenter bonds, the FeSi2 monolayer shows excellent thermal and kinetic stability, anisotropic mechanical properties and room-temperature ferromagnetism (TC ∼360 K). Furthermore, we have demonstrated the feasibility of directly growing an FeSi2 monolayer on a Si (110) substrate while maintaining the novel electronic and magnetic properties of the freestanding monolayer. The FeSi2 monolayer synthesized in this way would be compatible with the mature silicon semiconductor technology and could be utilized for spintronic devices.
Stimulated by the upsurge of 2D materials, there have been some attempts to extend planar hypercoordinate bonding into 2D periodic lattices.3 To date, plenty of 2D hypercoordinate structures have been predicted, and few of them have been synthesized.4–7 For example, FeB2 and CaSi monolayers with planar hexacoordinate Fe and Si atoms, respectively, exhibit excellent electronic and optical properties from theoretical calculations.8,9 Yang et al. proposed a series of nonmagnetic 2D hexacoordinated monolayers, such as Ni2Ge, Cu2Si, Cu2Ge, Cu2As, Au and Cu, showing strong chemical bonding and in-plane stiffness.10–14 Experimentally, Feng et al. synthesized a Cu2Si monolayer with planar hexacoordinated Cu and Si atoms by directly evaporating Si atoms on single-crystalline Cu (111).7 Despite the above progress, there are still two issues in the research of 2D hypercoordinate materials to be solved urgently.
First of all, few efforts have been devoted to the study of the magnetism of 2D hypercoordinate structures as well as its correlation with the unique multicenter bonds. Zhu et al. predicted several transition metal carbide (TMC) (TM = Co, Ni, and Cu) monolayers with planar pentacoordinate carbons. The CoC monolayer is antiferromagnetic (AFM), while the NiC monolayer is ferromagnetic (FM). Both of them have large magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE).15 Tang et al. reported a novel planar hypercoordinate boron structure, i.e., α-FeB3, which is a FM metal with a Curie temperature (TC) of 480 K and large vertical magnetic anisotropy.16
Another issue is that only a few 2D planar hypercoordinate structures have been synthesized experimentally, hindering their applications in microelectronic devices.7 So far, a variety of methods have been developed to fabricate 2D materials, including mechanical exfoliation, chemical vapor deposition, and molecular beam epitaxy.17–20 However, monolayer materials synthesized by these methods need to be transferred to a suitable insulating substrate for application in electronic devices, and such a transfer process inevitably introduces various impurities and defects. Alternatively, directly growing a monolayer on an insulating substrate avoids such a complicated transfer process and prevents the formation of associated defects. Due to their low cost, moderate band gap, and mature technology, silicon substrates are widely used for growing nanomaterials.21,22
In this paper, we design a planar FeSi2 monolayer containing unusual hexacoordinate Fe atoms. The coexistence of delocalized σ bonds and π bonds helps maintain the stability of the monolayer. Remarkably, the FeSi2 monolayer is a FM metal with a Curie temperature above room temperature. Encouragingly, the FeSi2 monolayer can grow directly on a Si (110) substrate, meanwhile retaining its electronic properties and exhibiting enhanced magnetic properties. These results demonstrate that such FM FeSi2 monolayers may be integrated with silicon-based semiconductor technology, which is conducive to expanding their application in spintronic devices.
Phonon dispersion of the FeSi2 monolayer was computed using the direct supercell method implemented in the Phonopy code.30 To evaluate the thermal stability, ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations in the NVT ensemble was performed with a time step of 1 fs. The initial configurations of the FeSi2 monolayer in a 6 × 3 × 1 supercell (18 Fe atoms and 36 Si atoms) were kept at different temperatures (300, 600, and 900 K) for 10 ps. The Curie temperature of the FeSi2 monolayer was evaluated using Monte Carlo simulation with the Wolff algorithm based on the Heisenberg model.31,32 The Monte Carlo steps were set to 1.2 × 105 on a 32 × 32 lattice, and all of the renormalization group Monte Carlo algorithms described here were implemented in the MCSOLVER.33 The solid-state adaptive natural density partitioning (SSAdNDP) algorithm was used to analyze the chemical bonding pattern of the FeSi2 monolayer.34 SSAdNDP is an extension of the AdNDP method in a periodic system and follows the concept of the periodic natural bond orbital method to interpret chemical bonding in terms of classical lone pairs, two-center bonds, and multi-center delocalized bonds.35,36
The interface structure can be constructed by stacking the (2 × 3) FeSi2 monolayer on a five-layer slab model of the (1 × 5) Si (110) surface. The in-plane lattice mismatch between the FeSi2 monolayer and Si substrate is small, i.e. about 3%. The van der Waals (vdW) interaction between the FeSi2 monolayer and Si substrate was described by Grimme's DFT-D3 scheme.37 The whole structure was fully relaxed with only the bottom three layers of Si atoms fixed. Charge transfer between the FeSi2 sheet and Si substrate was evaluated by the Bader charge analysis.38 To help experimental identification, the constant-current scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) image of the FeSi2 monolayer grown on the Si (110) surface was simulated using the Tersoff-Hamann approach implemented in the bSKAN code.39–41
Ecoh = (EFe + 2ESi − EFeSi2)/3, | (1) |
Ef = (EFeSi2 − μFe − 2μSi)/3, | (2) |
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Fig. 1 (a) Top and side views of the FeSi2 monolayer. The dashed lines represent a unit cell, while a, b and c represent the lattice vectors. (b) Phonon spectrum of the FeSi2 monolayer. |
The dynamic stability of the FeSi2 monolayer was confirmed by the phonon spectrum. As seen in Fig. 1(b), there is no imaginary frequency in the entire Brillouin zone, indicating that the configuration is stable against distortion perturbation. Furthermore, the evolution of total energy and snapshots of the final structures of the FeSi2 monolayer at different temperatures from AIMD simulations are shown in Fig. S1.† The framework of the FeSi2 monolayer is well maintained at 600 K, with the energy fluctuating in a small range (∼0.12 eV per atom). These results confirm that the FeSi2 monolayer has good thermal stability and could be used in devices under high-temperature conditions.
In addition, we calculated the 2D elastic constants of the FeSi2 monolayer, which are C11 = 85.72 N m−1, C22 = 154.10 N m−1, C66 = 34.26 N m−1, and C12 = C21 = 32.02 N m−1. According to the Born criteria, the mechanical stability of the FeSi2 monolayer, which belongs to the orthorhombic system, should satisfy C66 > 0 and C11C22 − 2C122 > 0.43 Clearly, both criteria are well satisfied, indicating that the FeSi2 monolayer structure is mechanically stable.
To better describe the type of chemical bonding in the FeSi2 monolayer, SSAdNDP analyses were performed for a 3 × 1 × 1 supercell by considering spin polarization, and the results for two spin channels are shown in Fig. 2. For the spin-up states, there are twelve single electrons, three two-center-one-electron (2c–1e) σ bonds, six 3c–1e σ bonds, three 4c–1e σ bonds, and three 7c–1e π bonds. For the spin-down states, there are six single electrons occupying Fe atoms, three 2c–1e σ bonds, six 3c–1e σ bonds, three 4c–1e σ bonds, and three 7c–1e π bonds. These results unveil that the existence of multi-center delocalized bonds and abundant π bonds is helpful to maintain the planar stability of the FeSi2 monolayer.
To further understand the bonding nature of the FeSi2 monolayer, we calculated the electron localization function (ELF). As shown in Fig. S2(a),† the ELF isosurface shows substantial accumulation of electrons in the middle of Si–Si bonds, indicating strong covalent interactions in the Si network. In contrast, the Fe atoms are electron deficient with a nearly zero ELF value. Differential charge density and Hirshfeld charge analyses were also performed to reveal the charge transfer behavior between Fe and Si atoms.44 The differential charge density in Fig. S2(b)† shows that charge transfer occurs from Fe atoms to Si atoms; the charge density is delocalized over the Fe–Si bonds, contributing to the stabilization of the FeSi2 monolayer. Hirshfeld charge analysis reveals that each Fe atom donates about 0.084 electrons to the adjacent Si atoms. The charge accumulation on Fe–Si bonds and the small amount of charge transfer between Fe atoms and Si atoms indicate covalent interactions between these two types of atoms. As in the cases of Cu2Si (∼0.06|e|) and FeB2 (∼0.051|e|) monolayer structures, such a small amount of charge transfer is sufficient to ensure the stability of 2D lattices.8,10
Furthermore, we examined the in-plane Young's modulus E(θ) and Poisson ratio ν(θ) along any direction θ (where θ is the angle relative to the positive a direction), which can be calculated as follows:45
![]() | (3) |
![]() | (4) |
Next, we discuss the electronic properties of the FeSi2 monolayer. The spin-polarized band structures are displayed in Fig. 3(a). Several bands in both spin-up and spin-down channels cross the Fermi level; thus, the FeSi2 monolayer is metallic. We also employ the Heyd–Scouseria–Ernzerhof (HSE06) functional to further confirm its band characteristics. As shown in Fig. S4,† the FeSi2 monolayer still exhibits a metallic nature. As revealed by the partial density of states (PDOS) of the FeSi2 monolayer in Fig. 3(b), the density of states at the Fermi level is mainly contributed by Fe 3d orbitals.
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Fig. 3 (a) Spin-polarized band structures of the FeSi2 monolayer. (b) Total and partial density of states of the FeSi2 monolayer. The Fermi level (dashed line) is set to zero. |
The calculated spin polarization of electrons in Fig. 4(a) indicates that the magnetism mainly originates from Fe with a magnetic moment of 2.27 μB per Fe atom, which can be explained within the framework of crystal field theory [see Fig. 4(b)]. Due to symmetry breaking under the planar hexagonal crystal field, the five degenerate d orbitals of the Fe atom split into three groups: the degenerate dxy and dx2−y2 orbitals with higher energy, the dz2 orbital with intermediate energy, and the degenerate dyz and dxz orbitals with lower energy. In the FeSi2 monolayer, distortion of the hexagonal plane leads to further splitting of the orbitals so that the five d orbitals are no longer degenerate. According to the above bonding analysis, although there is a small amount of charge transfer between the Fe and Si atoms, the total number of valence electrons on the Fe atom ([Ar]3d74s1) remains nearly intact. Because of the competition between the Coulomb repulsion and the crystal field splitting energy, electrons will first occupy the orbitals with parallel spin according to Hund's rule. Finally, all five spin-up d orbitals are occupied, while the spin-down dxz and dz2 orbitals are left empty. Hence, the spin magnetic moment on each Fe atom should be approximately 2.0 μB, consistent with the PDOS picture for the Fe atom from DFT calculations [Fig. 4(c)]. The above SSAdNDP analysis shows that in the 3 × 1 × 1 supercell, the spin-up states of six 1c–1e bonds on Fe atoms are unpaired, resulting in the spin polarization of the system. In the supercell, the difference between the numbers of occupied spin-up and spin-down states from the SSAdNDP analysis is about 6.53|e|, which is almost the same as the calculated magnetic moment of ∼6.34 μB.
The magnetic ground state of the FeSi2 monolayer was determined by comparing the energy of the FM state with those of seven AFM configurations shown in Fig. S5.† The energy differences of different AFM configurations relative to the FM state are listed in Table S1,† demonstrating that the ground state is FM. Also note that the magnetic moment and magnetic ground state are not affected by the HSE06 functional. In order to understand the magnetic exchange mechanism in the FeSi2 monolayer, we considered seven-order spin-exchange interaction (Fig. S5†) to ensure that the exchange parameter Ji can converge to a small value. The exchange parameter Ji and the corresponding Fe–Fe distance di are listed in Table S2.† As the distance between the magnetic atoms increases, the exchange parameter Ji does not decrease consistently; instead, Ji oscillates with an overall decreasing trend. This suggests that the magnetic exchange mechanism in the FeSi2 monolayer belongs to the indirect Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida (RKKY) interaction, similar to that of the planar hypercoordinate FeB3 monolayer reported before.16 Using the exchange parameter Ji, we performed Monte Carlo (MC) simulation based on the 2D Heisenberg model to estimate the Curie temperature of the FeSi2 monolayer. The Curie temperature [Fig. 4(d)] is approximately 360 K, which is above room temperature and higher than those of 2D planar FM monolayers of χ3 CrB4 (242 K) and orthorhombic phase FeC2 (245 K), both belonging to 2D hypercoordinate compounds by transition metals and light nonmetal elements.48,49 Taking spin–orbit coupling into account, we further compared the energies of the FeSi2 monolayer among four magnetization directions, namely, (100), (010), (110), and (001). The easy magnetization axis is along the (100) direction with a MAE of 56 μeV per Fe atom.
With all these unique chemical and physical properties, we expect to prepare this FeSi2 monolayer experimentally. Since its 3D FeSi2 parent is a non-vdW layered material, it is difficult to obtain a FeSi2 monolayer by mechanical exfoliation. However, such a 2D non-vdW material may synthesize directly on a suitable substrate by the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. Based on the two methods, several 2D non-vdW ultrathin films have been recently synthesized successfully.50,51 Among the low-index Si surfaces, the Si (110) surface has been widely used in the synthesis of electronic devices, and the Si (110) surface also has higher hole mobility than the other surfaces.52–54 Upon using our structural model of the (2 × 3) FeSi2 monolayer on the (1 × 5) Si (110) surface, the lattice mismatch is less than 3% upon relaxation. In order to accommodate the strain energy caused by lattice mismatch, the Fe–Si bond length in the heterostructure changes and the Si-supported FeSi2 layer is slightly distorted compared to the freestanding monolayer [Fig. 5(a)]. The interlayer distance between the FeSi2 monolayer and Si (110) surface is about 2.28 Å. Specifically, the average distance between Fe atoms and substrate Si atoms is about 2.64 Å, which is comparable to the covalent Fe–Si bond length (2.40 Å) in the freestanding FeSi2 monolayer.
To describe the interfacial interaction between the FeSi2 monolayer and Si (110) substrate, we calculated the formation energy defined as:
Ef = (Etot − EFeSi2 − Esub)/Natom, | (5) |
In addition, we plotted the differential charge density to visually show the interface interaction between the monolayer and substrate, as shown in Fig. 5(b). Obviously, due to the strong interface interaction between the FeSi2 monolayer and Si (110) surface, the charge is redistributed near the interface, which is conducive to interface adhesion, suggesting that the FeSi2 monolayer can be grown directly on the Si (110) substrate. The method of preparing a 2D thin film by using the strong interaction between the film and substrate has been widely used in experiments.57–61 For future experimental identification, we also simulated the STM image of the FeSi2 monolayer on the Si (110) surface. The bright areas in the simulated STM image are associated with Fe atoms (see the labels in Fig. S6†).
We also examined the effects of the substrate on the electronic and magnetic properties of the FeSi2 monolayer. As shown in Fig. S7,† compared with the freestanding FeSi2 monolayer without the Si (110) substrate, the DOS peak of the freestanding FeSi2 monolayer with the substrate becomes flatter and the peak decreases, which may be due to the formation of chemical bonds by charge transfer between the FeSi2 monolayer and substrate. The energy differences between the FM and AFM states (Table S2†) indicate that the magnetic ground state of the FeSi2 monolayer on the silicon substrate remains in the FM state. In comparison to the case of the freestanding monolayer, the MAE and average magnetic moment of the FeSi2 monolayer on the silicon substrate are enhanced to 1.34 meV per Fe atom and 2.87 μB per Fe atom, respectively, and the easy magnetization axis remains in the in-plane direction. These findings indicate that the Si (110) substrate not only provides a structural template for the deposited FeSi2 film but the interaction between the film and the substrate itself leads to enhanced magnetic properties.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1na00772f |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |