The journal has grown steadily over the last three years, publishing 501 articles in 2019, 564 articles in 2020 and we expect to publish more than 600 in 2021. Our authors come from 75 different countries across the globe, and we aim to provide a consistently fair and efficient publishing service to everyone. The median time from submission to first decision over the last 3 years is 37 days, so you can expect a fast but rigorous experience when you submit to Nanoscale Advances.
As a society publisher, our mission is to disseminate chemical knowledge to the largest audience possible, to the benefit of the global scientific community and we aim to do this by focusing on delivering high-quality impactful, accessible, and reproducible content and an excellent customer experience.
Nanoscale Advances is the first journal by the Royal Society of Chemistry that is Gold Open Access from launch, and the first in a series of new launches that aim to support our transition towards open access publishing, in line with the rapid changes in the publishing landscape. In July 2021, Nanoscale Advances introduced article processing charges (APCs) for articles that are accepted following peer review.3 The competitive APC is in place to support a sustainable open access business model. We believe that open access publishing needs to be available to everyone, regardless of their economic background, thus discounts and waivers are available for authors, depending on their individual circumstances. The Royal Society of Chemistry is a not-for-profit publisher, so our APCs not only cover the high-quality peer review process for the journal and the maintenance of our publication platforms, but also support the services and resources the Royal Society of Chemistry provides to the community.4 These range from grants and awards, to tailored support for chemistry teachers and people working in industry.
Corresponding authors who pay an APC to publish in Nanoscale Advances are offered a year’s free affiliate membership of the Royal Society of Chemistry, so they can take advantage of some of the benefits we offer, such as membership of subject interest groups, career advice, and mentoring.
Each journal covers the breadth of topics within nanoscience and nanotechnology, but each has its own distinguishing features so you can choose the journal that is right for you and your research.
Nanoscale Horizons aims to publish ground-breaking work representing a new concept or a new way of approaching a problem. Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances aims to publish original, insightful, and significant papers, which are also reproducible, but the key criterion for publication in Nanoscale is novelty. The main difference between Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances is the general significance and broad appeal of the work. Manuscripts of broad general interest are suitable for Nanoscale and those of a more specialised nature might be suited for Nanoscale Advances. Most importantly, Nanoscale Advances offers you Gold Open Access publication with a choice of CC-BY or CC-BY-NC licenses. This might be of particular importance to you due to personal preference or because of mandates from your funder.
We offer an efficient manuscript transfer service, where appropriate. Our hope is that no matter which journal you submit to, you will find the most appropriate home for your work with the minimum hassle. To facilitate this, Nanoscale and Nanoscale Advances have a shared Editorial Board, so the same high profile Associate Editors handle manuscripts for both journals. If you submit to Nanoscale and are offered a transfer to Nanoscale Advances, the same Associate Editor will handle your article in both journals. This reduces delays and ensures an efficient transfer of the history of your article, including any reviewer comments. In addition, several of our Associate Editors also act as Scientific Editors on Nanoscale Horizons, helping to provide a complete overview of the family to ensure we are providing you with a consistent experience.
Professor Dirk Guldi, Editor-in-Chief: “Nanoscience and nanotechnology have gained significant momentum in research activity. Considering the transdisciplinary nature of such research, it is important to have a versatile platform to disseminate new advances in the field. To this end, we not only turn to our committed authors and express a deep gratitude for their valuable contributions, but also give a warm welcome to our new readers/authors.”
We are committed to developing and taking Nanoscale Advances forward so that the journal fully meets the needs of our authors and readers. We always welcome comments, suggestions, and feedback, so please do contact us at E-mail: with your views and feedback.
Professor Dirk Guldi, Editor-in-Chief
Dr Anna Rulka, Executive Editor
Dr Hannah Kerr, Deputy Editor
Dr Alexander Whiteside, Development Editor
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |