van Hoof
b and
aDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS), Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. E-mail: l.albertazzi@tue.nl
bDepartment of Applied Physics, Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
cNanoscopy for Nanomedicine, Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
First published on 13th September 2022
Antibody-functionalized nanoparticles (NPs) have shown numerous benefits in drug delivery and biosensing, improving the specificity of cell targeting and analyte detection, respectively. However, one of the main challenges is the lack of control over antibody orientation on the NP surface. Popular and easy conjugation strategies, such as carbodiimide-based conjugations, lead to a random orientation of antibodies on the NPs, compromising ligand functionality and contributing to undesired biological effects and reduced target recognition. While new methods for more controlled NP functionalization have been proposed, there is a lack of techniques that can elucidate the orientation of the antibodies at the single-particle level to determine the conjugation outcome and, therefore, the NPs' potential in selective targeting. Here, spectrally-resolved direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (SR-dSTORM), an optical super-resolution technique, is introduced to quantify the relationship between total and functional NP conjugated cetuximab antibodies at the single-particle level. An evident single-particle heterogeneity in total and functional cetuximab is observed, leading to particles with different functional:
total ratios. Additionally, the results indicate that the functional
total ratio of cetuximab highly depends on the conjugated cetuximab concentration. Overall, SR-dSTORM represents a direct approach for the NP structure–functionality relationship quantification, providing a platform to improve antibody-conjugated NPs characterization and facilitating their rational design.
Antibodies are commonly used NP ligands because they present two fragment antigen-binding (Fab) regions that enable strong interactions with their target.4,5 For selective NP targeting, it is desired that the maximum number of Fab fragments are exposed after conjugation to recognize the target receptor. However, antibodies also present a fragment crystallizable (Fc) domain that does not recognize the target but can interact with receptors on immune system cells and induce the premature clearance of the NP from the body.6 Thus, the complex interplay between Fab and Fc exposure on the NP surface can lead to unpredictable biological outcomes. Nevertheless, established procedures for NP conjugation, such as carbodiimide-based conjugation, can cause the random orientation of antibodies on the NP surface, causing a significant part of Fab fragments to be obscured and thus not able to recognize the target.7 This substantial functionality loss is often overlooked by standard ligand characterization techniques, such as a supernatant assay, that are based on indirect measurements of NP ligands and don't provide molecular information.8 Consequently, the total amount of conjugated antibodies is not representative of the functional amount, leading to a misunderstanding of the actual NP's valency and consequent targeting properties. Furthermore, recent reports indicate substantial heterogeneity in NP conjugation at a single-particle level.9–11 Understanding NP ligand orientation and their functional heterogeneity are fundamental to achieving efficient active targeting.
This study aims to zoom into the antibody conjugation process particle-by-particle and understand which fraction of total molecules conjugated are functional over the total amount of antibodies. Techniques with molecular resolution and multiplexing capability are needed to solve this question. Transmission electron microscopy is a powerful tool to illuminate NP functionality at a single-particle level with high spatial resolution.12,13 However, it lacks selective labelling and multicolor imaging, necessary to visualize both active and inactive antibodies. Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) was recently described as a powerful tool in nanomedicine research.14 SMLM has an improved resolution compared to standard fluorescence microscopy techniques (5–25 nm) by overcoming the optical diffraction limit and is thus able to resolve and quantify molecular details of nanostructures. Recently a functional direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) method was developed in our lab to quantify the number of functional antibodies conjugated to NPs.11 dSTORM is a SMLM modality that relies on the temporal separation of photoswitchable fluorophores to detect fluorescent species with high precision. Unfortunately, the multicolor quantification of dSTORM images is very challenging, as it requires two spectrally separated fluorophores with optimal photophysical properties. This is not trivial as dyes are usually best-performing in a narrow range of wavelengths in the red emission window (650–700 nm), making it challenging to distinguish these between each other. Consequently, previous work focused only on the quantification of functional antibody-conjugated nanoparticles, while the relation between total and functional molecules remained to be elucidated at a single-particle level.11 Recently, multicolor approaches based solely on infrared dyes have been proposed, such as spectral demixing and imaging.15
Spectral SMLM (sSMLM) configurations enable simultaneous optical super-resolution microscopy and spectroscopy at the single-molecule level.16 Briefly, sSMLM methods use a spectrally-dispersive optical element to provide the spatial and spectral information of single molecules simultaneously. This innovative method was first implemented for functional super-resolution microscopy using Points Accumulation for Imaging in Nanoscale Topography (PAINT) as a SMLM tool combined with environmentally sensitive fluorophores such as Nile Red.16–18 Additionally, sSMLM has been described for multicolor super-resolution microscopy of cellular structures using either STORM or PAINT.15,18–20
Herein, spectrally-resolved dSTORM (SR-dSTORM) is introduced as a tool to quantify the total versus functional cetuximab antibodies conjugated to silica NPs simultaneously. Therefore, a double-labeling strategy has been devised to stain the total and the functional cetuximab fractions separately, giving insight into the NPs' targeting properties. The multiplexing imaging capability of SR-dSTORM enabled the discrimination of red-emitting dSTORM fluorophores with emission peaks only tens of nanometer apart. First, the therapeutic antibody cetuximab was labelled prior to NP conjugation to mark the total number of conjugated antibodies. Then, a labelled Fab-specific probe was used to detect the functional sites post NP functionalization. The resulting SR-dSTORM image mapped each NP in two colors: one representative of the number of total cetuximab and the second defining the functional cetuximab Fabs. The single-molecule spectral resolution of the technique enabled the quantification of single-particle heterogeneities, illuminating the differences in cetuximab total amount, functional amount, and the functional:
total ratio between NPs of the same batch. Notably, differences in the functionality of cetuximab-conjugated NPs were observed when the cetuximab concentration was varied. The functional
total ratio per NP did not remain constant, with lower ratios at higher cetuximab conjugation concentrations.
The presented SR-dSTORM method enabled the first quantification of functional and total antibodies at the single-particle level, paving the way towards the use of spectrally-resolved single-molecule microscopy to understand ligand orientation after NP conjugation. In this context, multicolor NP mapping can improve the fundamental understanding of NP structure and functionality, potentially predicting the implications of these two properties on cell targeting. Furthermore, the presented method can be expanded to additional research areas were ligand functionality is indispensable, such as the characterization of antibody-coated nanoparticles for biosensing applications.
Fig. 2 presents a typical SR-dSTORM readout from cetuximab/EGFR-functionalized NPs. The addition of an optical grating in front of the camera separates the field of view, through diffraction, into a spatial region (Fig. 2A left), in which the position of the fluorophore is localized, and a spectral region (Fig. 2A right), which consist of a dispersed point containing information about the emission and identity of the fluorophore. The spatial to spectral pixel distance was calibrated according to the fluorophore's emission spectrum (665 nm for AF647 and 698 nm for CF680, respectively) to extract the pixel-to-wavelength ratio (ESI Fig. S1†). An example of the raw single-molecule spectra from a selected NP is represented in Fig. 2B. Each green line spectrum corresponds to an AF647 localization, while each orange line spectrum corresponds to a CF680 localization. All spectra peaks appeared very well spectrally-resolved (∼30 nm) and matched the actual wavelength peaks of the two fluorophores.
An overview of a representative field of view showing the multiplexing dSTORM image is displayed in Fig. 2C. Each NP has a finite amount of molecules (AF647 and CF680) which appear with three main pseudocolors (red, green, blue), while white is generated due to their superposition. These results demonstrate that a two-color multiplexing imaging of antibody-functionalized silica NPs to probe the total versus functional antibodies simultaneously is possible with SR-dSTORM. These results can be quantified, estimating the average functional properties using the localizations at the single-particle level (Fig. 2D). Specifically, by fitting a Gaussian profile each spectrum, each molecule was assigned to either EGFR or cetuximab. Molecules with emission peaks between 650–680 nm (AF647 green window) were assigned to EGFR (or functional antibodies) and molecules with emission peaks between 680–720 nm (CF680 orange window) to total cetuximab antibodies, as illustrated in Fig. 2D. The spectral separation that can be achieved in this particular instrument, which is important for quantitative multiplexing, depends on the spectral precision (σ) of the two fluorophores, which was calculated to be 4 nm for the AF647 and 5.5 ± 0.5 for the CF680 (ESI Fig. S2†). This allowed for successful 2-color multiplexing quantification since the emission peaks for AF647 and CF680 were sufficiently separated. On average, it was found that the functional Fab fraction was 3.5 times lower than the total amount of cetuximab. Since every antibody has 2 functional flabs, it can be estimated that only 15% fab are accessible to recognize EGFR.
Furthermore, an interparticle heterogeneity can be resolved in terms of total and functional amount of antibodies. Fig. 2E and F show a zoom-in of 3 different NPs from the same field of view with their corresponding histograms indicating the amount of localizations per fluorophore detected at a single-particle level. Notably, the relationship between total and functional antibodies can vary substantially at a single-particle level as shown in Fig. 2E and F, giving rise to heterogeneities between NP properties from the same batch. Using quantitative SR-dSTORM analysis, it was possible to assess the heterogeneity of NPs within the same batch.
Before moving to the dSTORM quantification, it is important to introduce a single-particle metric: the functionality ratio, which refers to the ratio between functional and total cetuximab Fab fragments per NP. A systematical screening of different NP formulations was performed to identify if the functionality ratio was constant over different conditions. For this experiment, the amount of cetuximab was varied during the conjugation reaction in the range of 50 to 400 cetuximab per NP, as estimated theoretically. SR-dSTORM localizations needed to be translated into amount of molecules to obtain information about the functionality ratio. For this purpose, a calibration of fluorescent cetuximab and EGFR was performed as previously described (ESI Fig. S3†).11,21 SR-dSTORM localizations are proportional to the number of molecules on the NP, thus knowing how many localizations correspond to a single cetuximab or EGFR molecule during the imaging acquisition allows for the identification of the amount of functional and total cetuximab antibodies per NP. Finally, the total amount of Fab fragments per NP was calculated by multiplying the number of total cetuximab obtained by factor 2.
Fig. 3A displays a scatter plot of functional versus total amount of Fab fragments for different NP formulations with an increasing amount of cetuximab during the conjugation. Note that each square represents the properties of a single NP, giving unprecedented insights into the total and functional antibodies at the single-particle level. Qualitatively, each studied formulation seemed to follow a linear trend, with particles having more functionality with increased total amount of conjugated cetuximab. The slope of the line represents the functional ratio where a slope of 1 would correspond to 100% functionality. Interestingly, the trends of the different formulations showed that the more cetuximab added to the formulation (400 antibodies/NP), the less functionality was present, as shown from the subtle shifts of the total Fab-functional Fab slope. This trend was confirmed when looking at the functionality ratio at the single-particle level (Fig. 3B). It was observed that while the functionality ratio median is around 0.5 for low antibody conjugation (50 antibodies/NP), it decreased to 0.2 for higher antibody conjugation conditions (400 antibodies/NP). Note that some NPs presented unrealistic functionality ratios (>1), which could be caused by the experimental variability of STORM microscopy. The unspecific binding properties of EGFR to silica NPs were described in earlier studies,11 where minimal binding was demonstrated towards bare NPs in the presence of a mild bovine serum albumin (BSA) blocking (protocol in Materials and methods). Finally, Fig. 3C and D illustrate the correlation between total cetuximab Fab or the functionality ratio with the NP diameter, respectively. These results depict that NP size dispersion had little influence on the chemical conjugation method (NP functionalization amounts and functionality), as seen from the single-particle quantification.
Carbodiimide-based conjugation strategies are non-oriented and stochastic, since the carboxylic acid groups from the silica NP can react with any of the exposed primary amines of the cetuximab antibody. Thus, it is expected that not all cetuximab antibodies will be functional to recognize the target. In accordance with a previous estimation reporting only 30% of functional Fabs, it was confirmed experimentally that indeed not all conjugated antibodies are functional to recognize their target.11 Here, the single-molecule and single-particle quantification depicts that the experimental functionality percentage lies in a similar range (between 20–50% functionality). Furthermore, the results indicate that the functionality ratio also depends on the antibody conjugation concentration. The studied antibody conjugation concentrations are theoretically far from NP surface saturation (estimated at 1328 antibodies/NP for 100 nm radius NPs11). The strong dependence of concentration and functionality ratio could thus indicate that higher antibody concentrations result in a higher chance of steric hindrance effects.
In a future outlook, the presented functionality mapping technique can be used to optimize current NP ligand conjugation or can be combined with a multiparametric imaging approach using environmental sensing probes, that change their emission spectrum according to the local nanoenvironment. Specifically, the comparison between non-oriented and oriented conjugation approaches to for maximizing the selectivity towards the target cell and minimizing the adverse effects such as premature immune system clearance due to unfavorable oriented ligands. Additionally, the presented workflow can be relevant in analytical applications, were the functionality of antibodies is imperative for analyte detection and assay sensitivity.22,23 This includes the single-molecule characterization of antibody-coated particles as well as antibody-coated flat surfaces that are developed for biosensing applications.
In summary, SR-dSTORM characterization of ligand-functionalized NPs is a promising tool to obtain a better understanding into the single-particle functionality properties. In this exploratory work the interplay between NP ligand conjugation and actual NP functionality is illustrated.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See https://doi.org/10.1039/d2na00435f |
‡ These authors contributed equally. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |