Soon Hock
bg and
aNational Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tsukuba Central 3, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba 305-8563, Japan
bOptical Sciences Centre and ARC Training Centre in Surface Engineering for Advanced Materials (SEAM), School of Science, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria 3122, Australia
cInstitute of Physics, University of Tartu, 50411, Tartu, Estonia
dInfrared Microspectroscopy (IRM) Beamline, ANSTO-Australian Synchrotron, 800 Blackburn Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
eTHz/Far-Infrared Beamline, ANSTO-Australian Synchrotron, 800 Blackburn Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia
fDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Yokohama National University, 79-5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501, Japan
gWRH Program, International Research Frontiers Initiative (IRFI) Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-8503, Japan
hCREST – JST and School of Materials and Chemical Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan. E-mail: morikawa.j.aa@m.titech.ac.jp
First published on 4th July 2022
Polarisation analysis of light–matter interactions established for propagating optical far-fields is now extended into an evanescent field as demonstrated in this study using an attenuated total reflection (ATR) setup and a synchrotron source at THz frequencies. Scalar intensity E2, rather than a vector E-field, is used for absorbance analysis of the s- and p-components of the linearly polarised incident light. Absorption and phase changes induced by the sample and detected at the transmission port of the ATR accessory revealed previously non-accessible anisotropy in the absorption–dispersion properties of the sample probed by the evanescent optical near-field. Mapping of the sample's anisotropy perpendicular to its surface by the non-propagating light field is validated and the cos2θ absorbance dependence was observed for the angle θ, where θ = 0° is aligned with the sample's surface. A four-polarisation method is presented for the absorbance mapping and a complimentary retardance spectrum is retrieved from the same measurement of the angular dependence of transmittance in structurally complex poly-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) and poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) samples with amorphous and banded-spherulite (radially isotropic) crystalline regions. A possibility of all 3D mapping of anisotropy (polarisation tomography) is outlined.
New conceptsThe new phase and amplitude mapping technique based on optical near-fields was introduced. Anisotropy of real and imaginary parts of the refractive index at the absorbance bands can be determined. Polarization analysis of attenuated total reflection (ATR) was carried out for structurally complex polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) samples using a synchrotron-based THz light source. So far, the anisotropy of absorbance and birefringence is measured at the UV-IR-THz spectral ranges using propagating far-fields. Simultaneous measurement of absorption anisotropy and birefringence at the IR-THz spectral range was not previously accessible. 3D mapping of anisotropy can be made by rotating the sample or ATR prism using evanescent optical near-fields for nano-micro-scale characterization. Such measurements will provide information about the alignment of the absorbers and patterns inside optically sectioned nano-micro-volumes. |
In the spectral range of long IR-THz wavelengths, analysis of the absorption anisotropy has the utility of optical biopsy for the detection of structural anisotropy directly related to medical conditions10 and can be performed beyond 1 mm depths.11 Usually only two orthogonal s- and p-polarisations are utilised in the attenuated total reflection (ATR) mode. Recently, we hypothesised that polarisation analysis similar to that with propagating optical far-fields can be realised with near-fields in the ATR setting.12 It was also recently demonstrated that polarisation far-field steering of the near-field delivers directional control over nano-ablation for nanoscale direct-write lithography down to 20 nm resolution and duty cycle.13 We showed that strong coupling between polymer IR absorption bands and the nanoscale cavity of a metamaterial (near-field) can be used as a narrow band absorber or emitter,14 which can be tailored to have a defined polarisation by the design of a metasurface motif. Hence, the orientation of the optical non-propagating near-field can be controlled in the transverse (in the sample's plane) direction,13 which is extended to the longitudinal near-field (out-of-plane) in this study.
For a linear case of low light intensity, the light-matter interaction is defined solely by the complex refractive index ñ = n + iκ within the focal volume inside a material at the wavelength of light λ. Both refractive index n and extinction coefficient κ should be known to account for portions of the absorbed, reflected, and transmitted light A + R + T = 100%. While absorption is usually directly measured from transmittance T = (1 − R)e−αd, where α = 4πκ/λ = 2kκ is the absorption coefficient (for intensity) and d is the axial extent of light–matter interaction volume, determination of the refractive index n is more complex. It can be determined from an angular dependence of reflectance R using Fresnel formulas or retrieved numerically via the Kramers–Kronig (K–K) relation from the measured spectral dependence of absorption as where ω = kc; the reverse relation
.15 Directly relevant to ATR, the K–K relation for the reflectivity ρ(ω) and phase upon reflection ϕ(ω) or
(ω) =ρ(ω)eiϕ(ω) (for E-field) is given as
for the experimentally measured reflectance spectrum R(ω) (for intensity).16–18 The K–K calculations work well for qualitative analysis; however, they have limited applicability for the determination of n(ω) and α(ω) (or ρ(ω), ϕ(ω)), especially for measurements carried out over a limited spectral range, where the K–K integral is affected by an unknown material response at the shorter wavelengths (ω → ∞) and/or due to a change of dispersion mechanism, e.g. electronic, ionic, etc.19 Currently, there is no method available to determine n(ω) and α(ω) (ρ(ω), ϕ(ω)) simultaneously, especially in the IR chemical fingerprint region where refractive index anisotropy affects the orientation of the linearly polarised probe. The lack of spectral characterisation prompted this study to measure anisotropy of absorbance – dichroism – Δα and birefringence Δn = ne − no defined by the ordinary and extraordinary refractive indices no,e, respectively.
In this study, we used a high brilliance synchrotron radiation, which is indispensable for material characterisation at frequencies lower than 10 THz (300 cm−1 or ∼33 μm), as well as at higher frequencies in the mid-IR spectral range due to typically an order of magnitude better signal-to-noise ratio. The light source with high brilliance is valuable for polarized spectroscopy due to high intensity/power even after the polarizer. Phase transitions can be monitored spectroscopically by emission and absorption at the vibrational, rotational, and phonon spectral range from volumes comparable to the wavelength of light20,21 as well as by diffraction of synchrotron X-rays or free-electron lasers (X-FELs).22–24
Here, we validate the hypothesis of polarisation analysis using non-propagating evanescent light. Anisotropy of absorbance is determined by measuring the difference between two perpendicular s- and p-polarisation components, in amplitude and phase, from the fit of the angular dependence of transmittance through an ATR setup. The feasibility of determining a 3D absorbance anisotropy in ATR mode was demonstrated using organic micro-crystals which are in-plane isotropic and out-of-plane anisotropic. The anisotropy was revealed following cos2θ angular dependence. This opens the possibility for polarisation tomography. Direct measurement of optical response spectra Δα(ω) and Δn(ω) over a spectral range of an arbitrary extent is introduced.
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Fig. 1 ATR accessory (Pike Technologies) used in this study with ten reflections from the port-IN (synchrotron side) to OUT (detector side). |
First, the polarisation response of the ATR unit without a sample (in air ambient) was analysed (Fig. 2). A mesh grid polariser was set at the IN-port and analyser at the OUT-port. Linear (horizontal) polarisation was set to enter the ATR unit, which corresponds to the linear polarisation of the synchrotron-IR radiation (θin = 0° in Fig. 2). A spectral window of 30–630 cm−1 was selected with a suitable beamsplitter, and the detector was a Si bolometer. Mesh-grid polarisers-1,2 had the same extinction ratio over the range of the wavelengths used in this study. Tmax,min is the transmission at the maximum and minimum orientation of the polariser, respectively. The detected ATR reference signal without a sample is only affected by the THz active absorbers/scatterers in air; hence, only the characteristic feature of atmospheric water is present in this spectral region. The evanescent field protrudes ∼λ/4 into the air and experiences absorption and phase changes at s-/p-polarisation corresponding to the refractive index ratio n2/n1 ≈ 1/2.42 (without the sample with n(air)2 = 1). The intensity change between s- and p-polarisations caused by the ATR unit (x-/y-polarisation lab frame of reference) and due to beam focusing at the ATR crystal surface (a range of incidence angles) led to an overall low measured extinction ratio over the entire ATR unit Er ≈ 2.5. There was strong light leakage from the ATR unit, even under crossed polariser–analyser conditions (a cross-Nicol intensity is non-zero at minimum; Fig. 2(a)).
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Fig. 2 Polarisation analysis of the ATR signal of air (no sample) at 385.2 cm−1 (11.55 THz or 25.96 μm in wavelength) in the xy-plane (see Fig. 1). This wavenumber is close to an absorption band of the PHB sample. (a) Polarisation analysis of the transmitted signal with Polariser-1 (OUT-port) for four different input polarisations 0, π/4, π/2, and 3π/4 set at the input by Polariser-2 (IN-port). Experimentally measured values in 15° steps are represented by dots, and the lines are best fits by eqn (1). The inset shows the geometry of the experiment and conventions. (b) The same data as in (a) plotted as a function of the difference between the set angles of the two polarisers (θout − θin). The error of polariser alignment was smaller than ±5°. |
A perfect fit of the output signal (at OUT-port) can be obtained by the combined amplitudes Ax and Ay of orthogonal components (As and Ap at the ATR-sample interface) following the intensity (power) addition:
PowerOUT(θ) = Ax × cos2(θ − ψx) + Ay × sin2(θ − ψy), | (1) |
The entire ATR unit acts as an optical retarder with slow (or fast) axis aligning in the X or Y axis (Fig. 1). Transmittance through the crossed polariser–analyser setup with a retarder in between at angle θ is given by T(θ) = sin22(θ − θATR) sin2(πΔnd/λ), where θATR ≈ 0° (along x-axis) is the orientation of the slow (or fast) axis of the ATR unit and the phase retardance π Δnd/λ ≈ 0.1 rad over the entire spectral range (Fig. S1, ESI†), and a Δnd is the equivalent retardance birefringence × thickness of the ATR unit. The physical reason for this effective retardance in this ATR unit is due to interchanges between s- and p-polarisations upon reflections and reflectivity differences due to changes of angle of incidence due to focusing in the ATR unit.
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Fig. 3 ATR transmittance spectra of poly-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) plotted as the difference in absorbance amplitude ΔA = Ax − Ay normalised to the total ![]() |
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Fig. 4 Non-polarized ATR transmittance, T (absorbance A = −lg![]() ![]() ![]() |
The measured ΔA and Δψ (Fig. 3) are related to the dichroism Δκ and birefringence Δn, which are, in turn, linked to the common nature (via K–K relation) of the refractive index κ and n at the absorption band. Fig. 5(a) shows the absorption A(ω) and dispersion D(ω) lineshapes of a Lorentzian oscillator in a complex plane presentation with Re-axis A(ω) and Im-axis D(ω).30 This presentation visualises a π-phase change as the frequency ω passes through the resonance at ω0 (a circle projection on the phase plane in Fig. 5(a)). The measured ΔA and Δψ (Fig. 3) are directly linked to anisotropy in κ and n and defined by changes of absorbance and phase difference between x- and y-orientations. This anisotropy can be determined in the ATR mode of operation using the measurement of transmission at 4-angle polarisations of the incident light (Fig. 5(b)). The xy-plane of the sample is probed by the evanescent fields which follows eqn (1). In the case of the far-field (propagating light) version of the 4-angle polarisation method, the absorbance A is measured at the four polarisation angles increasing in π/4 steps. For the simplest case, a measurement of transmitted power (energy) was carried out using one polariser, which can be considered equivalent to one fixed incident polarisation (by polariser) and a cumulative power of all analyser resolved measurements at different analyser angles. For the ATR mode, this corresponds to the ΔA averaged over all possible (θout − θin) angles for the selected polarisation of incidence (by polariser), i.e., the area enclosed in the Fig. 8 for the specific incident polarisation.
The PHB and PLLA samples with amorphous regions and spherulite inclusions are isotropic in the xz-plane (Fig. 1; the plane of optical image in Fig. 4). Their anisotropy is, on the other hand, presented in the xy-plane (Fig. 1), which is probed by the evanescent 4-angle polarisation method introduced above. Fig. S4 (ESI†) shows 4-angle polarisation fitted by the Amp × cos2(θ − θxy) + const function of ATR transmittance at selected spectral bands, where θxy is the orientation direction of the polymer main chain in the xy-plane, which is probed by the evanescent intensity. The observed ∝cos2θ dependence is typical for the absorbance; however, here it is measured with the evanescent light field in ATR mode in the sub-surface volume (out-of-plane). The anisotropy of absorbance and phase of the ATR reflected light is directly measured by the proposed method based on eqn (1) over the selected spectral range (without the need of K–K evaluation). A multi-dimensional data analysis with an added polarisation dependence increases the data set size and its complexity; however, tools for image, spectrum and polarisation analysis are developing fast.31–34
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The area of characterisation on the ATR-sample interface was defined by the projection of a ∼3 mm-diameter THz beam; at π/4 angle of incidence. The area of measurement was an ellipsis with a 1/cos(π/4) ∼ 1.43 times longer axial width (along reflection; z-axis in Fig. 1) as compared to the width (x-axis in Fig. 1).
Polarisation is defined as x and y-polarisations in the room frame of reference (Fig. 1) along the direction of propagation (z-axis). At the interface of the ATR prism and sample, standard conventions were used for the plane of incidence on the sample as Es and Ep, which are ⊥ and ‖ to the plane (or TE and TM modes), respectively.
A Bruker IFS 125/HR Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrometer with a Si bolometer (Bruker Optik GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany) was used in this study. The ATR unit (Pike Technologies, Fitchburg, WI) was equipped with a diamond prism stage (refractive index of n1 = 2.42), which had the capability of controlling the temperature by a heater/cooler placed around the diamond ATR prism. Its sample compartment was designed to be suitable for cooling by a liquid (such as liquid nitrogen). Data analysis was carried out with OPUS 8.0 software (Bruker Optik GmbH, Ettlingen, Germany).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2nh00187j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |