Issue 16, 2022

Well-designed internal electric field from nano-ferroelectrics promotes formic acid oxidation on Pd


Pd-Based catalysts are considered the most efficient catalysts in direct formic acid fuel cells. However, the poisoning and dissolution of Pd in acidic systems limit its commercialization. Here, we propose an all-in-one solution for the anti-dissolution and anti-poisoning properties of palladium. A novel structured catalyst, Pd nanoparticles embedded in a carbon layer internally decorated with tourmaline nanoparticles (TNPs), is proposed for formic acid oxidation (FAO). The internal electric field strength of the catalysts is readily regulated by controlling the amount of TNPs. Remarkably, the prepared catalyst exhibits as high as 3.9 times mass activity (905 A g−1) compared with the commercial Pd/C catalyst. The significant improvement in the electrocatalytic performance of the catalyst is mainly due to the polarized electric field of TNPs causing charge transfer from Pd to tourmaline, which weakens the O–H bond of HCOOH and the bond between Pd and COad. Another advantage brought by the internal polarized electric field is that it facilitates water dissociation to produce OHad, thereby improving the anti-poisoning ability of the catalyst in acidic media. Moreover, the firmly anchored Pd nanoparticles can avoid dissolution and agglomeration during long-term use. 80.2% mass activity remained after the accelerated durability test.

Graphical abstract: Well-designed internal electric field from nano-ferroelectrics promotes formic acid oxidation on Pd

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Article information

Article type
02 Sep 2021
25 Feb 2022
First published
26 Feb 2022

Nanoscale, 2022,14, 6007-6020

Well-designed internal electric field from nano-ferroelectrics promotes formic acid oxidation on Pd

G. Luo, S. Hu, D. Niu, S. Sun and X. Zhang, Nanoscale, 2022, 14, 6007 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR05777D

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