Chen Zhou,
Saifei Yuan*,
Wen Zhao,
Wenyue Guo
* and
Hao Ren
School of Materials Science and Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao 266580, Shandong, China. E-mail:;
First published on 10th August 2022
Efficient catalysts for the electroreduction of N2 to NH3 are of paramount importance for sustainable ammonia production. Recently, it was reported that NbSe2 nanosheets exhibit an excellent catalytic activity for nitrogen reduction under ambient conditions. However, existing theoretical calculations suggested an overpotential over 3.0 V, which is too high to interpret the experimental observations. To reveal the underlying mechanism of the high catalytic activity, in this work, we assessed NbSe2 edges with different chirality and Se vacancies by using first principles calculations. Our results show that N2 can be efficiently reduced to NH3 on a pristine zigzag edge via the enzymatic pathway with an overpotential of 0.45 V. Electronic structure analysis demonstrates that the N2 molecule is activated by the back-donation mechanism. The efficient tuning of the local chemical environments by edge chirality provides a promising approach for catalyst design.
The past few years have witnessed remarkable progresses in the electrocatalytic and photocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR) at mild conditions.8,10–13 The bottleneck of electrocatalytic and photocatalytic NRR is the lack of effective catalysts with high catalytic activity, high efficiency, high selectivity, and high stability.3 In this regard, intensive studies have focused on designing effective NRR catalysts, including transition metal-based catalysts10,14–16 and metal-free catalysts.8,17–19
Due to the versatile physical and chemical properties of transition metal dichalcogenides, this family of materials attracted tremendous interest in the catalysis community.18,20–23 For instance, Nb-based compounds have been considered as efficient NRR catalysts, where the partially occupied d-orbitals of Nb4+ cations provide empty states for strong N2 adsorption and activate the N2 triple bond with the back donation mechanism.24 Skúlason et al. predicted that the limiting potential of the (110) facet of NbO2 (−0.57 V) would be much lower than that of the Ru(0001) step surfaces (−1.08 V),25,26 where the latter has been widely adopted as a reference system for NRR. It has also been validated that NbO2 nanoparticles possess excellent electrochemical stability with an outstanding ammonia production rate of 11.6 μg h−1 mg−1 at −0.65 V versus the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE).24,27 NbSe2 also exhibits its potential for nitrogen fixation catalysis.28–31 Wang et al. found that self-supported NbSe2 nanosheet arrays possess excellent NRR performance with a yield rate of 89.5 μg h−1 mg−1 at −0.45 V vs. RHE and a faradaic efficiency of 13.9%. However, the overpotential of NRR on the observed NbSe2(104) surface was predicted higher than 3.0 V by density functional theory (DFT) calculations,31 which is a quite large value and is not sufficient to interpret the experimental observations. This contradiction implies that the real active site might not be appropriately modeled in the calculations. Recently, Li et al. proposed that defect-rich MoS2 nanostructures boosted NH3 production rates more than two times compared to the pristine system, as well as lowering the energy barrier to 0.87 eV.32 The crystalline surface exposed to the reaction and the defects were crucial for the high performance. Both of the exposure of specific facets and the introduction of defects have been predicted to be effective to tune the catalytic activities via edge engineering of nanosheets.33,34 In this context, the observed high NRR catalytic performance of the NbSe2 nanosheets in ref. 31 would be rationalized by considering the probability that the active sites lie on crystalline surfaces other than the assessed (104) plane, or that the local chemical environments of the active sites been tuned by imperfect crystalline periodicity. The coordination number of the Nb ions varies significantly when they locate at surfaces or edges with different chirality and defects. Previous atomic-resolution annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscope (ADF-STEM) imaging has revealed that the major defects in the monolayer NbSe2 are Se2 vacancy, Se vacancy, and anti-site defect where a Nb atom be substituted by two Se atoms.34 And the most frequently observed defect in monolayer NbSe2 is the Se vacancy.35 Furthermore, the exposed edges experience serious reconstruction,36–40 together with the probably existence of Se vacancies introduced during fabrication,41,42 there is a large set of freedoms to tune the electronic structures of the active center for efficient catalysis.
In this paper, we assessed the effects of edge engineering of NbSe2 monolayers on NRR catalytic performance based on first-principles calculations. As expected, both the zigzag and the armchair edges are capable of binding N2 strongly. Se vacancies would further significantly enhance the N2 affinity these edges. Our results indicate that the zigzag edge of the NbSe2 monolayer exhibits the overpotential as low as 0.45 V along the enzymatic pathway, which is even smaller than that on the well-established Re(111) surface (0.50 V),43 and explains the high NRR catalytic performance of the NbSe2 nanosheets. Our work explicitly indicates that edge engineering is a promising method to improve catalytic activities of nanomaterials.
NRR is a multistep process involves N2 adsorption, six hydrogenation steps, and NH3 desorption. Each hydrogenation step is usually considered to take a coupled proton and electron transfer (CPET) mechanism, where a proton comes from the solution and an electron from the electrode. The free energy change in a hydrogenation step was calculated using the computational hydrogen electrode (CHE) model.50 The Gibbs free energy change of an elementary step was given by ΔG = ΔE + ΔEZPE − TΔS, where ΔE, ΔEZPE, and TΔS are the reaction energy of each elementary step, zero-point energy difference, and the entropy difference between the products and reactants, respectively. T is the absolute temperature set as 298.15 K in this work. Only the adsorbates and their nearest substrate atoms were allowed to move in the frequency calculations. Entropies of gas molecules, such as H2, N2, and NH3 were taken from the standard values obtained from the NIST database.51 The formation energies of Se vacancies were evaluated as Ef = E(VSe) + μ(Se) − E(edge), where E(VSe), μ(Se), and E(edge) are the energies of NbSe2 nanoribbon with a Se vacancy, the chemical potential of a Se atom in the bulk phase, and the energy of perfect NbSe2 nanoribbon.
The fully optimized structures of the edges are shown in Fig. 1. The formation energies of a Se vacancy on the zigzag (armchair) edge is 1.17 (0.40) eV, much lower than that on the NbSe2 monolayer (1.94 eV). The Nb–Se bonds have lengths of 2.62 Å in the extended monolayer, while as shown in Fig. 1a, these bonds are significantly shortened to 2.57 Å at the zigzag edge. The existence of a Se vacancy on the zigzag edge leads to severe reconstruction (Fig. 1b): the atoms near the Se vacancy move towards the vacancy, result to new Nb–Nb bonds and significant structural disorder. The Nb–Se bonds are shortened to 2.45 Å in the pristine armchair edge (Fig. 1c), while only exhibits slight reconstruction when a Se vacancy exists (Fig. 1d). The different structure relaxation behaviors of edges provide rich possibilities to tune the electronic structures of the edge Nb atoms, which would lead to distinct catalytic activities.
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Scheme 1 The mechanism of proton-coupled electron transfer for nitrogen reduction via a distal pathway (yellow), alternating (green), mixed (dashed orange), and enzymatic (red) pathways. |
On pristine zigzag edges, the N2 molecule prefers the side-on configuration on the edge Nb atom with an adsorption free energy of −0.71 eV, lower than that of the end-on pattern (−0.39 eV). Calculations suggest that the enzymatic pathway is favorable on this edge, of which the free energy diagram is shown in Fig. 2a. The first hydrogenation step (*N2 + H+ + e− = *NNH) and the first NH3 formation step (*NH2NH2 + H+ + e− = *NH2 + NH3) are exothermic, while the rest elementary steps are endothermic. The fourth hydrogenation step, i.e. *NHNH2 to *NH2NH2 is the potential-determining step requires an energy input of 0.61 eV. The existence of a Se vacancy on the zigzag edge lowers the N2 adsorption free energies to −0.55 eV and −1.22 eV, respectively, for the end-on and the side-on configurations.
The NRR on the defective zigzag edge also prefers the enzymatic mechanism, with the free energy diagram shown in Fig. 2b. It is intriguing that all the hydrogenation intermediates on the zigzag edge with a Se vacancy are lower than those on the pristine zigzag edge. The first NH3 formation step (*NH2NH2 + H+ + e = *NH2 + NH3) is the rate-limiting step with a free energy lifting of 0.86 eV.
Dinitrogen adsorption on both the pristine and the defective armchair edges prefer the end-on configuration, with adsorption Gibbs free energies of −0.24 and −0.17 eV, respectively. However, it is difficult to reduce the dinitrogen molecules on the armchair edges, due to the large free energy increase of the first hydrogenation steps. As shown in Fig. 2c, the first hydrogenation step on the pristine armchair edge requires an energy gain of 1.08 eV, indicating that NRR on this edge is not favorable. The introduction of a Se vacancy on the armchair edge lowers the energy requirement to 0.93 eV for the first hydrogenation step (Fig. 2d). But this value is still insufficient to interpret the observed high performance.31 The high limiting potential is the consequence of the insufficient activation of the dinitrogen molecules, of which only one of the nitrogen atoms is bonded to an edge Nb atom.
Both the differences in the free energy variations along the NRR pathways on NbSe2 edges with different chirality (zigzag vs. armchair), and the differences introduced by a Se vacancy, indicating that the NRR catalytic activity of the NbSe2 can be effectively tuned by edge engineering. This tunability stems from the rich possibilities in exposing an edge with specific chirality. The edge atoms at the resulted edges then possess various local chemical environments due to edge reconstruction or introduction of defects (Se vacancies in this case). The change in the local environment of the active site then tunes its electronic structure, which directly governs the catalytic activity.
The overpotential (η) is a good indicator of the electrochemical catalytic reactivity: a lower overpotential implies a more efficient NRR.10 Based on the CHE model, the η value is evaluated as η = Ueq − Ulim, where Ueq is the equilibrium potential of NRR with the value of −0.16 V.10 Ulim is the applied potential to eliminate the energy barrier of the potential-determining step, determined by Ulimiting = −ΔGmax/e, where ΔGmax is the free energy change of the potential-limiting step. The overpotentials of the most favorable NRR pathways of the pristine zigzag edge, the defective zigzag edge, the pristine armchair edge, and the defective armchair edge are 0.46 V, 0.70 V, 0.92 V, and 0.77 V, respectively. Therefore, NRR prefers to proceed on the pristine zigzag edge via the enzymatic mechanism with an overpotential of 0.46 V, which is even lower than the Re(111) surface (0.50 V).43 All these values are much lower than the previous predicted ∼3.0 V of the NbSe2 (104) surface,31 it would be more reasonable to ascribe the observed high catalytic performance of the NbSe2 nanosheets to the edges rather than the (104) surface.
In the cases studied here, the electronic structure of the active site, i.e. the edge Nb atoms, varies significantly according to the change in their chemical environments.29 The coordination number of the Nb atoms on the edges is less than that of the internal ones, left dangling bonds that would facilitate adsorbate trapping.41 The energy gain of N2 adsorbed on the zigzag-edged Nb atoms are −0.89 and −1.19 eV, respectively, with the end-on and side-on configurations, indicating that the side-on configuration dominates the zigzag edge adsorption. As shown in Fig. 3a, the N2 molecule lies perpendicularly between two edge Nb atoms, with each N atoms bonded to both nearby Nb atoms. This strong bonding elongated the N–N bond length to 1.21 Å (from 1.11 Å in gas phase). A Se vacancy at the zigzag edge further stabilizes N2 side-on adsorption with an adsorption energy of −1.76 eV and a bond length of 1.20 Å. Although the adsorption energy on the defective edge is significantly higher than that on the pristine edge, the N–N bond length, another good indicator for activation, have similar values. That means the N2 molecule adsorbed on these two zigzag edges are at the similar degree of activation. The difference in adsorption energy can be ascribed to the saturation of the dangling bonds of the edge Nb atoms reside in different chemical environments. On the other hand, in the outmost chain of the armchair edges, the Nb and Se atoms are arranged alternatively, making it is difficult to accommodate the adsorbed N2 molecule in the side-on configuration to bonding to two nearby Nb atoms. In this case, N2 adsorbs on armchair edges prefer the end-on configuration, where only one N atom is bonded to an edge Nb atom, and leaving the other pointing outward. In consequence, the N2 molecule would only be weakly activated.
Fig. 3a depicts the charge density differences of the N2 adsorption on the pristine zigzag edge. Significant charge transfer can be observed between the edge Nb atom and the N2 molecule, according with the back donation mechanism.17 Specifically, electron depletion and accumulation occurs, respectively, inside and outside the internuclear region of the N2 molecule, corresponding to the spatial distribution of the bonding and the antibonding states. On the other hand, both electron accumulation and depletion occur around the two Nb atoms bonded to the N2 molecule. The case is similar for N2 adsorbed on the defective zigzag edge, as shown in Fig. 3b. As the consequence of the strong activation effect of the zigzag edges, the first hydrogenation step on the zigzag edges are thermodynamically favorable.
The N2 adsorption on the armchair edges are different. Due to the distinct edge structures than at the zigzag edges, the N2 molecule can not simultaneously bond to two edge Nb atoms. As shown in Fig. 3c and d, the N2 molecule adopt an end-on configuration. The charge transfer is much less than that at the zigzag edges. In consequence, the adsorbed N2 molecule would not be sufficiently activated, and the first hydrogenation steps are thermodynamically unfavorable. As shown in Fig. 3c and d, the free energy increases significantly upon the first hydrogenation steps making them the potential limiting steps.
The above analysis can be validated by calculating the net charges of the atoms of interest. Bader charge analysis shows that, the net charge on the adsorbed N2 molecule is −0.86 (−0.83) e− on the pristine (defective) zigzag edge, indicating a considerable amount of electrons were transferred to N2 and the occupation of the antibonding states by these electrons weakens the NN bond effectively. The strong N–Nb bonding and significant charge transfer are in consistent with the projected density of states (PDOS) plots shown in Fig. 4a, b, S1a and b:† the Nb d states and the N p states overlaps considerably near the Fermi level, which is necessary for strong bonding. On the other hand, the net charge on the N2 molecule adsorbed on the pristine (defective) armchair edge is −0.11 (−0.17) e−. This much weaker charge transfer can be ascribed to the fact that only one N–Nb bond exists in the end-on configuration at armchair edges. The weak overlap between the N p states and Nb d states near the Fermi level (Fig. 4c, d, S1c and d†) is also an indication of much weaker N–Nb interactions.
The N2 activation by the back-donation mechanism can also be illustrated by projected crystal orbital Hamilton population (pCOHP) analysis. As shown in Fig. 5, the positive (green) and the negative (red) shadings denote anti-bonding and bonding populations, respectively. In all cases of N2 adsorption, the anti-bonding character dominates the N–N interactions near the Fermi level, indicating significant occupation of the anti-bonding πg states. This anti-bonding population was schematically illustrated by the local density of states (LDOS) plots shown as the insets for each adsorption.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |