El Hassan Yahakoub*,
Amine Bendahhou
Karim Chourti
Fatima Chaou,
Ilyas Jalafi,
Soufian El Barkany,
Zahra Bahari and
Mohamed Abou-salama
Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Molecular Chemistry, Materials and Environment, Faculty Multidisciplinary Nador, University Mohamed Premier, B.P. 300, Selouane, Nador 62700, Morocco. E-mail: elhassan.yahakoub@ump.ac.ma
First published on 18th November 2022
This paper presents a systematic study of the substitution effect by lanthanides (Ln3+ = Sm3+ and La3+) in the A-site of perovskite Ba(1−x)Ln2x/3(Ti0.99Zr0.01)O3 with a substitution rate equal to 3.4%. All samples were synthesized by the classical solid-state reaction route and characterized by X-ray diffraction and a complex impedance spectroscopy technique. The synthesized compounds exhibit single-phase perovskite structures without detectable secondary phases. The P4mm space group was verified by the Rietveld method from the X-ray diffraction data, with the tetragonal distortion decreasing with the increasing ionic radius of the lanthanides. SEM micrographs of all ceramics revealed high densification, low porosity and homogeneous distribution of grains of different sizes over the entire surface. The dielectric properties of non-doped and Sm3+ and La3+ doped Ba(1−x)Ln2x/3(Ti0.99Zr0.01)O3 compound are studied in the temperature range of 40–250 °C. The dielectric permittivity ε′ increases and the ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition temperature decreases when the lanthanides are inserted into the A-site of Ba(1−x)Ln2x/3(Ti0.99Zr0.01)O3 perovskite. The Nyquist plots indicate a non-Debye type relaxation process. Conductivity and electrical modulus plots as a function of frequency (10 to 106 Hz) include two electrical responses corresponding to grain and grain boundary effects for all ceramics studied.
Barium titanate is an interesting system is which considered one of the best known ferroelectrics and dielectrics with a perovskite structure due to its high maximum polarization (Pmax) high remanent polarization (Pr), high Curie temperature (TC = 120 °C), high dielectric constant (103 ≤ ε′ ≤ 3.3 × 103) and low dielectric loss (tanδ).11,12 BaTiO3 shows three phase transitions: cubic to tetragonal (TC–T), tetragonal to orthorhombic (TT–O), orthorhombic to rhombohedral (TO–R),13,14 at lower temperature TC this compound shows a polar structure and a tetragonal symmetry (space group P4mm), which leads to the formation of the normal ferroelectric state.14 On the other hand by the development of capacitor industry, the (MLCC) need some important improvements such as high permittivity, low dielectric loss and high temperature stability. Some studies have already been conducted to improve the dielectric properties of BaTiO3 ceramics by replacing the A-site (Ba2+) and B-site (Ti4+) in the BaTiO3 structure.15–18 It is found that the presence of transition elements in BaTiO3 ceramics stabilizes the perovskite structure and remarkably reduces the dielectric loss.9,19,20 While Jian-Hua Li et al.21 proposed adding transition elements to solve the unsolved problem of the stability of BaTiO3 ceramics at high temperature.
To date, considerable research has been conducted on BaZrxTi(1–x)O3 (BZT) solid solutions with perovskite structure due to their high dielectric properties. Their high dielectric permittivity and medium breakdown voltage demonstrate their potential applications in ceramic capacitors.22,23 In general, the properties of these materials are mainly associated with significant variations in electrical and structural properties, produced by the partial replacement of Ti4+ by Zr4+ in the BZT matrix.24 In BZT ceramics, Zr4+ ion is chemically more stable than Ti4+ ion and has an ionic radius (RZr4+ = 0.72 Å, CN = 6) larger than the ionic radius of Ti4+ (RTi4+ = 0.605 Å, CN = 6) which leads to a perovskite lattice expansion.25 Following research by Cristina Ciomaga, who found a categorization of (BZT) dielectrics based on the variation of concentration (x) of Zr in BaTiO3,25 BZT ceramics presented a normal ferroelectric behavior for x ≤ 0.10, and for 0.10 ≤ x ≤ 0.42, they acted as relaxing ferroelectrics while for x ≥ 0.42, the material eventually became anti-ferroelectric.26 It has been reported that Zr4+ can replace the Ti4+ ion in the B-site of the ABO3 perovskite structure, accompanied by a shift in TC to a lower temperature.27 Since BaZrO3 is a non-ferroelectric material,28 the substitution of Ti4+ ion by Zr4+ ion would disrupt the long-range polarization order and weaken the ferroelectricity in BT, resulting in a decrease in TC.27 Recently, new emerging applications of BZT-based compounds, such as electrocaloric cooling systems or energy storage capacitors, have been widely published.29–35
Doping in BZT ceramics has become a popular way to improve the performance of these compounds. The dopant introduced into BZT plays a crucial role in compensating for defects created in the perovskite structure. The dopant can be either an acceptor or a donor and thus needs oxygen vacancies or holes and electrons or barium vacancies, respectively, to compensate for the defects.36–38 in this framework, many researchers have been interested in lanthanides doped BZT which has very good dielectric and electrical properties.39,40 Lanthanides ions (Ln3+), because of their intermediate ionic radii and their ability to replace the atoms of the A and B sites in the perovskite structure, are widely used to improve the dielectric, electrical and optical properties of the BZT system.36,41–50 Thus, some important microstructure and dielectric response features were observed. For example, the phase transition temperature is significantly reduced by the addition of rare earth ions and this decrease in phase transition temperature is related to the increase in ionic radii of lanthanides,51,52 in particular, the ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition and in order to maintain the ferroelectricity of the lanthanide-doped BZT at room temperature, the value of x and y should not exceed 0.1 in the compound Ba(1–x)Ln2x/3(Ti(1–y)Zry)O3 as mentioned by several authors in the literature.14,50,52,53 The ionic radii of these trivalent elements are between 0.8 and 1.3 Å, which is intermediate between the ionic radii of Ba2+ and Ti4+/Zr4+ ions. Based on the ionic radii, these ions can substitute for atoms in the A site (Ba1–xLn2x/3TiO3) or the B site (BaTi1−xLnxO3−x/2). However, intermediate ions can be substituted at the A and B sites in equal amounts (self-compensation, Ba1−xLnxTi1−yLnyO3).54
In this paper, we chose BaTi0.99Zr0.01O3 (BZT) as the base material because BaTi(1−x)ZrxO3 ceramics exhibited normal ferroelectric behavior for x ≤ 0.10 as we motioned before and we doped with a lanthanide (Ln3+ = Sm3+ and La3+) ratio of 3.4% in this basic structure (BZT) to ensure that our materials remain ferroelectric normal and study the impact of these dopants on the structural, dielectric and electrical properties of these composites to understand the relationships between structural and dielectric properties. The choice of these trivalent lanthanides (Ln3+ = Sm3+ and La3+) is justified by their particular electronic configuration which can lead to specific behaviors. Indeed, trivalent Ln3+ ions behave as a donor by replacing Ba2+ ions in BZT compounds, which leads to a charge imbalance, which favors the improvement of BZT ceramics properties.
(0.95)BaCO3 + 0.017Ln2O3 + 0.01TiO2 + 0.99ZrO2 → (Ba99Ln0.034)(Zr0.99Ti0.01)O3 + 0.95CO2 |
The obtained powders were ground and mixed with an organic binder of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). Then, cylindrical pellets were obtained by pressing at 20 kN (12 mm diameter, 2 mm thickness). The sintering of the obtained pellets was carried out at 1300 °C for 6 hours in air. The temperature was raised to 700 °C at a rate of 10 °C min−1, followed by a one-hour plateau at this temperature, and then raised to the sintering temperature at a rate of 5 °C min−1. Finally, a natural cooling process of the samples was performed to room temperature.
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Fig. 1 (a) XRD diffractograms of BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT powders calcined at 1200 °C, (b) the magnification of (a) in the range 44° to 45°. |
To study the impact of different lanthanide doping on the crystal structure, the (002) and (200) diffraction peaks located between 44° and 45° have been enlarged and presented in Fig. 1(b). It can be seen that the insertion of lanthanides (Sm3+ and La3+) in the BZT structure leads to the convergence of the diffraction peak (002) and (200).57 On the other hand, it was very clear that the diffraction peaks tend to shift to high 2θ values, according to Bragg's law [2dhkl × sin(θ) = nλ], this shift indicates that the volume of the elemental lattice decreases when the lanthanides are inserted in the A-site of the perovskite structure, the reduction of the volume of the lattice is due to the difference in ionic radius between Ba2+ and Ln3+ in the A-site and it can also be clearly seen that the diffraction peak shift of the BSmZT phase is larger than that of the BLaZT phase, indicating that the lattice volume of the BSmZT compound is slightly smaller than that of the BLaZT phase. This shift can be justified by the deference of the effective ionic radii for the coordination of lanthanide 12 (RSm3+ = 1.24 Å and RLa3+ = 1.36 Å) and barium (RBa2+ = 1.61 Å) according to Shannon 56.58
Structural refinements of the XRD spectra of the prepared materials were performed by the Rietveld method with Jana 2006 software to obtain more information about the structural parameters of the synthesized materials, this method allows the determination of several parameters related to the structure refinement such as space group, mesh parameters (a, b, c), density, profile half-width parameters (u, v, w), reliability factors (Rp, Rwp, Rexp, and GOF), Wyckoff, thermal agitation factor (Uiso), and site occupation. The observed experimental profiles of lanthanide-doped BZT and BZT ceramics were refined by a theoretical profile related to JCPDS number 05-0626. Fig. 2 shows typical Rietveld refinements of XRD data recorded at room temperature for compounds synthesized at 1200 °C. Good agreement is observed between the experimental moduli and the calculated XRD spectra for all compositions refined by the Rietveld method, this confirms that all the synthesized materials have a perovskite tetragonal structure with the space group P4mm. Subsequently, the Pseudo-Voigt function which can be written as PV = ηL + (1 − η)G, where η is the mixing factor, G is the Gaussian function, and L represents the Lorentzian function, was used to assimilate the shape of the X-ray diffraction peaks.59 Furthermore, the Caglioti (U, V, W) equation was used to describe the half-width of the diffraction peaks.60 The starting model used to refine the composition of BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT are that of structural parameters related to the tetragonal phase of BaTiO3, such as space group (No. 99), lattice parameters and atomic positions of each atom.61 In this model, Ba/Ln is placed at site 1a (1/2, 1/2, z); while Ti/Zr atoms occupy site 1b (0, 0, z). As already known in the BaTiO3 structure, there are two crystallographically distinct oxygen atoms 1c (1/2, 0, z) and 1d (0, 0, z) occupied by O1 and O2, respectively.
The results and conditions of structural refinement by the Rietveld method for the compounds BZT, BLaZT and BSmZT are reported in Table S1.† The lattice parameters indicate a decrease in tetragonality, with an increase in the size of the Ln3+ cation that partially replaces Ba2+. The decrease in the c/a ratio is mainly due to the decrease in “c” when the ionic radius of the lanthanides La3+ and Sm3+ is reduced, while the “a” parameter is almost invariant for both compounds (BSmZT and BLaZT). The decrease of the lattice volume for the doped compounds is a logical result related to the decrease of the ionic radius of Ln3+ inserted in the A site of the BZT structure. On the other hand, the refinement quality is judged by the values of the reliability factors R. All the prepared materials show good refinement quality due to the low values of R factors such as Rp, Rwp, Rexp and GOF, as shown in Table S1.† Subsequently, the obtained crystallographic parameters such as atomic positions and thermal agitation factor Uiso of all atoms resulting from Rietveld refinement for the compounds BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT are summarized in Table S2.† The distances between the O1 and O2 atoms and the atoms located in the A site (Ba/Ln) and B site (Ti/Zr) are also grouped in Table S3,† analysis of the data in this table indicates that the elongations along the c-axis (O2–Ti/Zr–O2) are small for the BLaZT compound, indicating that the distortion of [Ti/ZrO6] octahedra in the lattice of lanthanum-doped ceramics is slightly small compared to the other compounds, the decrease in the distortion of [Ti/ZrO6] octahedra in the BLaZT compound may be related to the decrease in tetragonality in the latter compound. After the final refinement of the samples, the crystal structure of the BSmZT materials was drawn by VESTA software using the CIF file (see Fig. 3), we see in this figure a schematic representation of a tetragonal supercell (P4mm), the final position parameters of each atom and illustrating the [Ti/ZrO6] and [Ba/SmO12] clusters obtained from the Rietveld analysis.
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Fig. 3 Schematic representation of BSmZT supercells drawn with the “VESTA” software in the P4mm space group with two types of clusters: [Ba/SmO12] and [Ti/ZrO6]. |
The coordination between the Ba/Sm atoms and the twelve oxygen atoms of these supercells forms a polyhedron called a cuboctahedron which is written as a [Ba/SmO12] cluster. The shape of the cuboctahedron has twelve common vertices, which result from the union of two triangles and two squares, fourteen faces and twenty-four identical edges, each separating a triangle from a square. The type of bonding between Ba/Ln and O atoms can be determined by the difference between the electronegativities (E) of (Ba/Ln) and O atoms. If the values exceed (1.7 eV), the bonds have a higher ionic bond character than the covalent bond character.62 For our materials, the difference between (EO and EBa/Ln) is about 2.6 which indicates that the Ba/Ln–O bond of the ionic bond character. Although the two atoms of Ti and Zr are linked to six atoms of O, to form a polyhedron called an octahedron that is written as clusters [Ti/ZrO6] (see Fig. 3). These octahedrons have six vertices, eight faces and twelve edges, formed by the union of eight triangles.62 The bonds between the atoms of Ti/Zr and O have an ionic character. These characteristics are due to the differences between the E of the atoms around (2.0 eV for Ti/Zr–O) and below (Ba/Ln–O) in the lattice. However, the [Ba/LnO12] clusters have a higher ionic character than the [Ti/ZrO6] clusters. But in general, the quality of the refinements is insufficient to discuss the proposed structural model and study the structural parameters in more detail.
![]() | (1) |
The relative density ρr is the ratio of measured density ρm = m/V and the theoretical density ρt = ZM/V0NA, where m, V, M, V0, and NA are the weight of the pellet, volume of pellet, molar mass, the volume of a unit cell and Avogadro's constant.
The calculated densities for the prepared ceramics are presented in Table 1. The relative densities of BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT ceramics are 93%, 92.72% and 94.53%, respectively indicating that the samples are well densified.
Sample | ρm (g cm−3) | ρt (g cm−3) | ρr (%) |
BZT | 5.6376 | 6.0701 | 93 |
BSmZT | 5.6413 | 6.0842 | 92.72 |
BLaZT | 5.7521 | 6.0848 | 94.53 |
The micrographs of BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT ceramics are shown in Fig. 4(a)–(c), respectively. As can be seen, all samples sintered at 1300 °C shows regular grain shapes with low porosity and clear grain boundaries. In addition, the grain size is reduced when barium is partially replaced by lanthanides (Sm3+ and La3+). ImageJ software is used to calculate the average grain size (D). The values of grain size (D) for BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT are 2.43 μm, 1.52 μm and 1.45 μm respectively. The histogram of the grain size distribution according to a Gaussian fit was also added individually in these SEM images (see Fig. 4). The decrease in the average grain size can be related to the decrease in the tetragonality of the system due to the insertion of the lanthanides into the BZT.66
![]() | (2) |
The relative permittivity (dielectric constant εr) and the dielectric loss (tan(δ)) were determined from the complex impedance measurements Z* (Z* = Z′ + jZ′′) using the following expressions.67
![]() | (3) |
![]() | (4) |
![]() | (5) |
The relative permittivity as a function of temperature for BZT and lanthanide-doped BZT (Ln3+ = Sm3+ and La3+) at different frequencies (1 kHz to 1 MHz) in the temperature range of 40–250 °C is shown in the Fig. 5.
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Fig. 5 Temperature dependence of dielectric permittivity for: (a) BZT, (b) BSmZT, (c) BLaZT, (d) comparison of dielectric permittivity at 1 kHz for synthesized ceramics. |
In Fig. 5(a)–(c), we notice the appearance of a dielectric peak, this relative permittivity peak ε′ is associated with the transition from the ferroelectric tetragonal phase to a paraelectric cubic phase.38 We also observe that all compounds have the same transition temperature for all frequencies, which confirms that the prepared ceramics do not exhibit relaxation behavior, the curie temperature corresponding to this phase transition for all compounds is presented in Fig. 5(d). Therefore, the dielectric permittivity value of BZT compounds doped with lanthanides Ln3+ = La3+ and Sm3+ is higher compared to non-doped BZT and the value of the ferroelectric–paraelectric phase transition temperature (TC) decreases when lanthanides are inserted into the BZT structure.
The increase in dielectric permittivity for lanthanide-doped compounds compared to non-doped ones is caused by the substitution of barium by lanthanides, the cuboctahedral groups [BaO12] are substituted by the deformed cuboctahedral groups [LnO12] this process can be obtained by the Krӧger–Vink notation described by the equation below :58
![]() | (6) |
This equation means that for two Ln3+ ions positioned in the A-site, a cationic vacancy () is necessary for charge neutrality in the perovskite structure, i.e. the substitution of Ba2+ ions by Ln3+ ions leads to a vacancy in the A-site, which increases with increasing Ln3+ ion content. Again, the change in lattice parameter causes the Ti4+/Zr4+ ions in the B-site of the unit cell to be decentered, so that the coupling between the octahedral groups of [Ti4+/Zr4+O6] weakens and results in a sharp decrease in the transition temperature.
The variation of the dielectric loss (denoted by tan(δ)) as a function of temperature for lanthanide-doped (Ln3+ = Sm3+ and La3+) and undoped BZT compounds is shown in Fig. 6(a)–(c). The value of the dielectric loss (tanδ) is affected by structural parameters, the amount of oxygen ions transported in the material and defects (vacancies, holes, electrons,…), etc.68 The value of tan(δ) can be calculated from eqn (5). It is found that the rate of increase of the loss tangent (tan
δ) is slower in the region of low temperatures, and all is constant, while for higher temperatures (above 150 °C), the value of tan
δ increases sharply. On the other hand, the phase transition temperature (ferroelectric–paraelectric) TC appears clearly for BZT and BSmZT and is not observed for BLaZT.
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Fig. 6 Temperature dependence of dielectric Loss: (a) BZT, (b) BSmZT, (c) BLaZT, (d) comparison of dielectric loss at 1 kHz for synthesized ceramics. |
The increase in tan(δ) may be due to the presence of certain types of unknown defects such as oxygen vacancies formed during sintering or to the distribution of thermally activated charge carriers (electrons). The amount of vacancies in a material depends on the nature of the material, the thermal conditions of preparation (sintering) and the nominal voltage of the reactants.69 Normally, during the sintering process, some types of cations may have multiple valence states, the electrical neutrality of the lattice is then violated due to these newly created valence states. Oxygen vacancies are formed at high sintering temperatures; this mechanism can be properly explained using the Kroger-Ving notation:70
![]() | (7) |
The comparative study of the relative permittivity (ε′) and dielectric loss (tan(δ)) of the present samples with other materials is summarized in Table 2, which is comparable to the values of other reported materials.
Composition | Sintering temperature (°C) | tan(δ) | References | |
Ba0.985Mg0.015Ti0.98 Zr0.02O3 | 1150 | 2348 | 0.050 | 72 |
La/Mn Co-doped BaTiO3 | 1290 | 980 | 0.030 | 66 |
Ba0.95Pr0![]() |
1500 | 9780 | 0.017 | 39 |
Ba0.95Nd0![]() |
1500 | 10![]() |
0.023 | 39 |
Ba0.95Gd0![]() |
1500 | 4320 | 0.049 | 39 |
Ba0.85Ca0.15Zr0.10Ti0.90O3 | 1350 | 4805 | 0.016 | 73 |
BaZr0.05Ti0.95O3 | 1200 | 1500 | 0.020 | 74 |
Ba0.985Sr0.015Zr0.10Ti0.90O3 | 1300 | 1600 | 0.050 | 66 |
BaZr0.01Ti0.99O3 | 1300 | 2479 | 0.026 | Present work |
Ba0.95Sm0.034Zr0.01Ti0.99O3 | 1300 | 7228 | 0.016 | Present work |
Ba0.95La0.034Zr0.01Ti0.99O3 | 1300 | 7324 | 0.012 | Present work |
Nyquist plots (complex impedance spectra) and their temperature dependence for different compositions of BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT are shown in Fig. 7(a)–(c) respectively, and Fig. 7(d) represents the comparison of Nyquist plots at T = 380 °C for the three compounds (BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT).
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Fig. 7 (a–d) Complex impedance spectrum (Nyquist plots) for: (a) BZT, (b) BSmZT, (c) BLaZT ceramics at different temperatures and (d) comparison of Nyquist plots at T = 380 °C for BZT, BSmZT, BLaZT. |
The plots have semicircles; their centers are located below the real impedance axis. A careful observation of the complex diagram confirms the presence of two depressed semicircles, the first on the low-frequency side shows a contribution due to grains and the second on the high-frequency side is due to grain boundaries, the depressed semicircles for all ceramics indicate a non-Debye type relaxation process due to the distribution of relaxation times.76 The presence of non-Debye type relaxation or multiple relaxation times in materials can be due to several causes such as arbitrary grain size distribution and growth, different grain shapes and directions, or electromagnetic scattering effect.66,73 In addition, to describe the electrical properties of the materials, an electrical circuit consisting of two branches in series is used to represent the specific electrical properties of grain boundaries and grains; this series combination of two circuits in parallel identifies the effect of grain boundaries and grains respectively. The first circuit assigned to the grains has resistance Rg, capacitance Cg, and the constant phase element CPEg, and the second circuit corresponding to the grain boundaries also has resistance Rgb, capacitance Cgb, and the constant phase element CPEgb respectively. The presence of the constant phase element in the grains and in the grain boundaries indicates a non-ideal capacitive behavior, and this non-ideal behavior of the grains and grain boundaries may be due to the presence of more than one relaxation process.77–79 The capacitance C and the phase element value CPE are related as where α < 1.80,81 Fitted Nyquist plot and the equivalent circuits for the BLaZT composition at different temperatures is presented in Fig. 8. The values of R, C and CPE corresponding to the grain and grain boundary contributions were calculated using MT-Lab software; the results obtained are presented in Table S4.†
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Fig. 8 Nyquist plot fitted for BLaZT composition at different temperatures. Red lines show data fitted with MT-Lab software. |
The analysis of the obtained results shows that the resistances Rg and Rgb of the three compounds decrease with the increase of the temperature, this decrease of Rg, Rgb and Rt(Rg + Rgb) is related to two factors: the thermal activation and the liberation of the trapped charge carriers with the increase of the temperature what confirms the semiconducting nature of the three samples.82 It is also noted that the grain resistance value (Rg) is lower than the grain seal value (Rgb) for all selected temperatures.
Fig. 9(a)–(c) represent the variation of the imaginary part of the impedance (Z′′) as a function of frequency at high temperature for (a) BZT, (b) BSmZT, (c) BLaZT and Fig. 9(d) represents the comparison of (−Z′′) as a function of frequency at T = 380 °C for the three compounds (BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT).
This figure has two aspects: (i) appearance of a peak at a characteristic frequency corresponding to each temperature which called relaxation frequency. It broadens with increasing temperature, indicating the presence of a temperature-dependent relaxation mechanism in the samples. This mechanism is due to the existence of immobile charge carriers at low temperature and defects at high temperature, (ii) the maximum amplitudes of −Z′′ decrease and move towards the higher frequencies with increasing temperature, this indicates that the relaxation process is thermally activated with an accumulation of space charge at the barrier.66,68,83–85 Fig. 9(d) shows that the values of (−Z′′) increase and the relaxation frequency decreases with the insertion of rare earth into the A-site of the BZT perovskite. The relaxation frequency that is the one for which the maximum value of −Z′′ is obtained is called the relaxation frequency (fmax) and the corresponding relaxation time (denoted τ) can be calculated from the relation 2πfmaxτ = 1.
σac = 2πfε0ε′![]() | (8) |
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Fig. 10 The variation of ac conductivity with frequency at different temperatures for: (a) BZT, (b) BSmZT, (c) BLaZT and (d) comparison of ac conductivity at T = 380 °C for BZT, BSmZT, BLaZT. |
We can see from Fig. 10(a)–(c) that the ac conductivity increases with frequency for all temperatures. The ac conductivity at each measured temperature shows two distinct regions. At low frequency, we observe a first region where the conductivity does not change with frequency, i.e., it is independent of the test frequency, indicating that the dc conductivity plays a dominant role in this region. For the second region, the conductivity increases with frequency. This type of ac conductivity can be explained by the Jonscher power law.86
σ(ω) = σdc + Aωn | (9) |
σ(ω) = σac + A1ωn1 + A2ωn2 | (10) |
Fig. 11(a)–(c) show the nonlinear curve fitted to the modified Jonscher power law for BZT, BSmZT, and BLaZT at 340 °C. The values of the fitting parameters A1, n1, A2, n2 and σdc for all compositions at different temperatures are presented in the Table S5† were calculated from the nonlinear fit by eqn (10).
As it is mentioned before, the variation of “n” values with temperature has led to the knowledge of different conduction models in our materials. Several types of models have been reported by many researchers in the literature.77
Fig. 12(a) and (b) represents the variation of the parameters “n1” and “n2” with temperature (300–400 °C) for undoped and Sm and La doped BZT compounds, This observation indicates that the non-overlapping small polaron tunneling effect (NSPT) is the appropriate model to understand the charge transport mechanism in grains (region I). According to this model, the AC conductivity of these samples is due to the addition of a charge carrier at a site that leads to local lattice distortion.77 On the other hand, we observe that “n2” varies inversely with temperature. This observation indicates that correlated barrier hopping (CBH) is the appropriate model to understand the mechanism of charge transport in grain boundaries (region II).71 The AC conductivity of the second region in these three samples is due to the hopping of charge carriers between two sites on the potential barrier between them due to thermal activation.56
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Fig. 12 The variation of the parameter (a) “n1” and (b) “n2” with temperature (300 to 400 °C) for all compounds. |
The dependence of σdc on temperature can be described by the Arrhenius law:
![]() | (11) |
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Fig. 13 The variation of ln(σdc) as a function of 1000/T for; (a) BZT, (b) BSmZT BLaZT, and (c) BLaZT ceramics. |
Composition | Ega from σdc (eV) | Egba from σdc (eV) |
BZT | 0.921 | — |
BSmZT | 0.741 | 0.453 |
BLaZT | 0.779 | 0.525 |
The conductivity of the material depends mainly on two factors: (i) the concentration and (ii) the mobility of the charge carriers present in the material,91 in ferroelectric materials with a perovskite-like structure, especially in titanates, the conduction mechanism is mainly due to oxygen defects and these defects can increase or decrease depending on the preparation conditions.91 Fig. 10(d) illustrates the variation of conductivity as a function of frequency of doped and undoped BZT ceramics at T = 380 °C and shows that the AC conductivity of BSmZT and BLaZT is more reliable than that of undoped BZT, this is due to the substitution of Ba (divalent element) by the lanthanides Sm3+ and La3+(trivalent elements); this heterogeneous substitution prevents the creation of oxygen vacancies in the lattice.71 Results in a decrease in conductivity in doped compounds compared to undoped compounds, caused by the decrease in the concentration of oxygen vacancies (OVs).
The existence of a stretching coefficient parameter (β) is confirmed by the asymmetric broadening of the relaxation peaks (), this parameter allowing to determine the type of relaxation process in the ceramic (Debye or non-Debye) either for the grains or for the grain boundaries.86 The modeled Kohlrausch–Williams Watts (KWW) function proposed by Bergma is used to calculate this coefficient (β), the modified notation of this function is presented as follows:96
![]() | (12) |
The green lines in Fig. 14(d) represent the fit by eqn (12)of the variation of M′′ as a function of frequency at T = 350 °C for BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT ceramics. The results found for the temperature range 300–400 °C are presented in the Table S6.† the analysis of these results indicates that the values of β between 0 and 1 (0 < β < 1) that show a deviation of the non-Debye type, the variation of β related to the contribution of grains and grain boundaries as a function of temperature are shown in Fig. 15(a)–(c).
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Fig. 15 The variation of β-parameter with temperature (300 to 400 °C); (a) BZT, (b) BSmZT, (c) BLaZT. |
An Arrhenius-type behavior model expressed by the following formulas defines the relaxation process induced by the imaginary modulus:
![]() | (13) |
![]() | (14) |
τ0 represents the pre-exponential factor; kB and T are the Boltzmann constant and temperature, respectively. The activation energy related to the grain and grain boundary response was determined from the slope of the linear fit in the Arrhenius plot (shown in Fig. 16(a)–(c)) is plotted between ln(τM′′) vs. 1000/T. Ega and Egba calculated or our materials are shown in Table 4.
Composition | Ega from M′′ (eV) | Egba from M′′ (eV) |
BZT | 1099 | 1029 |
BSmZT | 0.728 | 0.604 |
BLaZT | 0.759 | 0.729 |
A comparison of activation energy values suggest that higher energy is required for charge carrier mobility across grain boundaries and within grains for undoped compounds compared to lanthanide-doped compounds. This is because less energy is required for charge carrier activation in Sm3+ and La3+ doped compounds.
The comparison of dielectric loss, imaginary impedance and imaginary modulus diagrams is very important to separate grain and grain boundary effects and/or to differentiate at the microscopic scale the process responsible for the localized dielectric relaxation and the long range conduction mechanism.95,97
Fig. 17(a) shows the variation of dielectric loss as a function of frequency for BZT, BSmZT and BLaZT respectively at T = 350 °C. No peaks were observed in the dielectric loss plot, indicating the absence of a dielectric relaxation process in all three samples. Indeed, to confirm the presence of a dielectric relaxation process in a material, a relaxation peak must be present in both the dielectric loss and imaginary impedance plots (−Z′′ and M′′).93 On the other hand, Fig. 17(b) shows the evolution of the imaginary impedance and imaginary electric modulus as a function of frequency at T = 350 °C for the example compound BSmZT. The peaks observed in the impedance and modulus plot confirm the presence of distinct conduction mechanisms.95 Similarly, two peaks were observed in the modulus plot while only one peak is observed in the spectroscopic impedance plot (see Fig. 17(b)). We can then neglect the contribution of the electrode polarization in our results because the electrode-sample (interfacial) polarization generally appears at frequencies below 100 Hz,95 and a partial overlap of the M′′ and Z′′ peaks in our samples, as shown in Fig. 17(b), indicates the presence of both long-range conductivity and localized relaxation processes.92,98
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2ra06758g |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |