*b and
Woo Youn
aDepartment of Chemistry, KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea. E-mail:
bHITS Incorporation, 124 Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06234, Republic of Korea. E-mail:
cKI for Artificial Intelligence, KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34141, Republic of Korea
First published on 14th December 2021
Drug-likeness prediction is important for the virtual screening of drug candidates. It is challenging because the drug-likeness is presumably associated with the whole set of necessary properties to pass through clinical trials, and thus no definite data for regression is available. Recently, binary classification models based on graph neural networks have been proposed but with strong dependency of their performances on the choice of the negative set for training. Here we propose a novel unsupervised learning model that requires only known drugs for training. We adopted a language model based on a recurrent neural network for unsupervised learning. It showed relatively consistent performance across different datasets, unlike such classification models. In addition, the unsupervised learning model provides drug-likeness scores that well separate distributions with increasing mean values in the order of datasets composed of molecules at a later step in a drug development process, whereas the classification model predicted a polarized distribution with two extreme values for all datasets presumably due to the overconfident prediction for unseen data. Thus, this new concept offers a pragmatic tool for drug-likeness scoring and further can be applied to other biochemical applications.
One example of such biochemical properties is drug-likeness. It can be used to remove compounds in advance that are likely to fail in clinical trials, which is important to enhance the success rate and reduce the economic costs of drug development.8,9 It is presumably associated with the whole set of essential characteristics to pass through clinical trials such as bioactivity, metabolic stability, toxicity, and so on. As those numerous factors can affect drug-likeness, it cannot be directly measured as a single-valued quantity. Therefore, various drug-likeness expressions have been suggested using data-driven approaches as a result of studies for more than two decades.10
In the beginning, the drug-likeness has been defined based on the certain physicochemical properties of the known drug molecules.11 In general, human experts select those physicochemical properties that seem to be closely associated with the drug-likeness and have been analyzed their distribution from drug databases. According to the result, a certain drug-likeness method is determined and used in a virtual screening scenario. Most methods developed in the early days were a classifier type based on the rules derived from the property distribution analysis.12–20 It is designed to determine whether a query molecule has drug potential or not. The representative example is the rules of five (Ro5) proposed by Lipinski et al., which introduced the criteria of the number of hydrogen bond donors, the number of hydrogen bond acceptors, the molecular weight, and the octanol–water partition coefficient for being drug-like.21,22 Though these rule-based filters have been widely used thanks to the convenience, their inflexibility provokes a substantial possibility of screening out good drug candidates. For instance, 16% of the oral drugs violate at least one of the Ro5, and 6% of them violate more than two.23,24 Thus, these rules have been used to predict the bioavailability of molecules.
To prevent such strict cut-off, quantitative approaches have been proposed.24–28 The quantitative estimate of drug-likeness (QED) score is a representative example, which derives a final score from desirability functions fitted to the distribution of eight molecular properties.23 However, a recent study reported that QED is not practical to discriminate drug from non-drug molecules by showing that the distributions of the features used in QED are indistinguishable for drugs and non-drugs.29 This result indicates that human-driven features at the current level may have limitations for a screening purpose in practice.
To overcome the weakness of the previous data-driven methods, deep learning approaches have been attempted.30,31 The key difference of the deep learning approaches from the previous ones is to extract suitable features directly from raw data.3,32 Thus, the performance of deep learning models strongly relies on the quality and quantity of data used in training. Unfortunately, however, no quantitative data for the development of regression models is available because the drug-likeness is not a directly measurable quantity. In this regard, most deep learning approaches for drug-likeness adopted a two-class classification (TCC) method, which aims to classify query molecules into drug or non-drug.29,33,34
The TCC methods inevitably need both drug molecules for a positive set and non-drug molecules for a negative set. The positive set can readily be prepared with the known drug molecules. However, preparing a comprehensive negative set with chemical diversity is not straightforward, as true non-drug molecules can only be verified with the investigation through clinical trials. Thus, TCC approaches proposed so far regarded a certain set of molecules, so-called non-drug-like molecules, as the negative set by assuming that they have a very low probability of turning out to be a drug. Based on this assumption, Hu et al. used an autoencoder-based classifier to distinguish drug and ZINC molecules with ∼700 chemical descriptors that can be obtained from given molecules.33 Beker et al. improved the performance of the classifier to distinguish drug and ZINC molecules by combining autoencoder, Mol2vec, and graph convolutional network (GCN) models with uncertainty quantified from Bayesian deep neural network.29
In the TCC approaches, deep learning models are trained to find features from data that are appropriate for discriminating drugs from non-drug-like molecules. In other words, these TCC models tend to learn features specialized for discrimination between two classes rather than learn the respective features of drugs and non-drug-like molecules, which is in contrast to the traditional approaches that focused on deriving the common features of drugs. This implies that the features for discriminating drug and non-drug-like molecules learned by the TCC models can be significantly affected by the negative set for training. More seriously, TCC models trained with a specific negative set may not distinguish non-drug-like molecules that are substantially different from those in the negative training set. Indeed, Beker et al. pointed out that their TCC model predicted hydrocarbon molecules such as benzene and cyclohexane as drugs, even though they are obviously non-drug-like molecules.29 They argued that such a failure comes from the fact that the training data, which was a set of ZINC molecules, contains only a small portion of those hydrocarbons. It shows that TCC models may have limitations in generalization ability unless both the positive and negative sets encompass the entire chemical space of drug and non-drug-like molecules, respectively. In practice, it is not possible to prepare such an ideal data set, especially the negative one. In this regard, it is questionable whether or not the TCC models can be used in a practical virtual screening process.
Here, we propose a novel approach based on unsupervised learning to define drug-likeness in a data-driven way. Unlike supervised learning, such as the TCC model, unsupervised learning does not need any labeled data. It extracts features directly from unlabeled data, in our case, the known drug molecules. The unsupervised learning allows our model to find common features from the drug molecules. The trained model can be used to assess the drug-likeness of query molecules by analyzing how similar these molecules are to the known drugs in the resulting feature space. Because the proposed method only uses drug molecules in training, we expect it can avoid the aforementioned undesirable dependency on the negative sets of the TCC models originating from the use of an incomplete negative set. Conceptually, the unsupervised learning approach is rather close to the conventional approaches analyzing the common features of known drugs in the sense that it learns the feature space only from the drug molecules. However, it differs from the conventional ones in that it replaces hand-crafted features with those obtained by deep learning models.
Amongst others, we employed a simple language model based on recurrent neural network (RNN) for learning the probability distribution of the known drugs in an unsupervised way. The language model learns the probability of the next word from the previous sequence.35 After that, the trained model can generate new sequences or calculate the likelihood of the given sequence based on the Bayes' rule and the learned probability distribution. In the same way, the language model can be applied to the quantification of drug-likeness by representing drug molecules as a string such as SMILES. The model is trained to learn the probability of the next character from the given piece of SMILES. Then, the model can score the drug-likeness of query molecules in terms of the probability that those molecules will appear in the learned drug space.
To show the feasibility of our unsupervised learning for drug-likeness scoring, we have assessed its performance for several tasks. For comparison, we devised our own TCC model based on a graph convolutional network (GCN), which has been widely used in molecular property predictions,36,37 including drug-likeness, and examined its performance for the same tasks. We prepared various types of data sets, especially several negative sets to evaluate the generalization ability of the models. As expected, the language model showed relatively more consistent performance than the TCC model across different negative sets.
In what follows, we first describe the datasets used in this study. Then, we introduce how the language model can be used for drug-likeness scoring as a new concept and explain the TCC model for comparison with the implementation detail for both models. Finally, we analyzed the performance of the two models with tests on various datasets and drew conclusions.
We considered the known drug molecules as a positive set. We prepared two groups of the known drugs: the FDA-approved drug set (referred to as ‘FDA’) and the other approved drugs (referred to as ‘Worlddrug’). The Worlddrug and FDA sets were used for training and testing, respectively. For fair evaluation, we excluded molecules from Worlddrug if they have the Tanimoto similarity39 of 0.8 or higher with any molecule in FDA.
Negative sets were prepared from various databases: GDB17,40 ZINC15,41 and ChEMBL.42 GDB17 is a set of molecules composed of less than 17 C, N, O, S, and halogen atoms, which are virtually generated through a graph enumeration method. ZINC15 is composed of commercially available compounds for virtual screening in drug discovery. ChEMBL is a set of molecules that are known to be bioactive. For ChEMBL, we used molecules with a pChEMBL value of 5.85 or higher to only consider highly bioactive molecules. We used only molecules having a molecular weight of 600 or less in the ChEMBL's “small molecule” category to meet the SMILES length condition mentioned above. Molecules can be approved as a drug only if they successfully pass through all steps in drug development. As a drug candidate passes through one more step, it becomes more probable to be approved. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that molecules at a later step in the drug development would be more drug-like than molecules at an earlier step. In this sense, within the prepared negative sets, GDB17 can be considered as the most non-drug-like dataset. ZINC15 could be the next non-drug-like dataset as it is regarded as a chemically accessible set for hit discovery. Finally, ChEMBL would be the least non-drug-like dataset among them.
Our language model requires only drug molecules and so was trained with Worlddrug. For the TCC model, we used the same Worlddrug as the positive set, while ZINC15 was used as the negative set in training since Beker et al. have shown that ZINC15 can be effective as a negative set of TCC models for drug-likeness study. To avoid a data imbalance problem, we randomly sampled 2833 molecules from ZINC15 for training, which is the same number as that of Worlddrug. As for the test set, we used FDA as the positive set and 10000 molecules randomly selected from each negative set. Since the size of the test sets used here is small compared to the entire size of the negative sets (e.g., GDB17 contains more than 166 billion molecules), we randomly sampled five different negative sets as our test sets and investigated whether different samplings cause different results.
The purpose of introducing drug-likeness is to remove molecules with a high failure rate before carrying out expensive experiments. Thus, it would be a more practical test to evaluate our models' performance on real drug candidates rather than relatively easy ChEMBL, ZINC15, and GDB17 cases. Here, we used the investigation group of the DrugBank43 database, which contains molecules in the clinical I/II/III stages. 1792 molecules that met the aforementioned structural conditions were obtained from the database and were called the “investigation” set. In fact, some of them may have high probabilities to be approved as a drug, meaning that, on average, they may have more common features with the known drugs. Therefore, the Investigation set cannot be readily judged as negative, unlike ChEMBL, ZINC15, and GDB17. It is intriguing to study how our TCC and unsupervised learning models predict the drug-likeness of those drug candidates. Table 1 summarizes all the datasets used in this work.
Data name | Composition | Description | |
Training | Worlddrug | 2833 Worlddrug molecules | Dataset for training the RNN-based language model. The model only requires drug molecules |
Worlddrug/ZINC15 | 2833 Worlddrug + 2833 ZINC15 molecules | Dataset for training the GCN-based TCC model. ZINC15 has been widely used as a negative set for training TCC models for drug-likeness | |
Test | FDA/GDB17 | 1489 FDA + 10000 GDB17 molecules | GDB17 is a set of molecules composed of less than or equal to 17 C, N, O, S, and halogen atoms generated by a graph enumeration method. It is expected to be highly non-drug-like |
FDA/ZINC15 | 1489 FDA + 10000 ZINC15 molecules | ZINC15 represents a chemically accessible space, expected to be more drug-potential than GDB17 | |
FDA/ChEMBL | 1489 FDA + 10000 ChEMBL molecules | ChEMBL represents a bioactive space. Molecules with a pChEMBL value of 5.85 or higher were used and thus expected to be more drug-potential than ZINC15 | |
Investigation | 1792 molecules from DrugBank that are under investigation | Examples of real drug candidates in clinical trials |
More precisely, the language model outputs a conditional probability distribution, denoted as p(st+1|s0,…,st), since it predicts the probability of the next possible characters (st+1) from the given previous (t + 1) characters, denoted as s0, s1,…,st. Similar to other language models, for the given SMILES, denoted as S = (s1, s2,…,sN), we used a sequence that begins with SOS (start of sequence), followed by the characters of SMILES, and ends with EOS (end of sequence). In other words, the sequence is defined as (s0, s1,…,sN+1), where s0 = SOS, sN+1 = EOS, for the given SMILES S = (s1, s2,…,sN). The model sequentially predicts the conditional probability p(st+1|s0,…,st), starting from s0 = SOS with t ≥ 0, until it meets st+1 = EOS. For every t + 1-th step, the model is trained to predict those conditional probabilities as 1, when st+1 is equal to the (t + 1)-th character of SMILES of the drug molecules, otherwise 0.
(1) |
(2) |
One of the important factors for drug-likeness is the information on stereocenters, as a slight change of the stereochemistry could lead to a huge difference in the drug-target interactions. Therefore, we considered all possible stereoisomers of given molecules for drug-likeness scoring and then chose the one with the highest score.
To train the GCN-based TCC model, we used Worlddrug and ZINC15 as a positive set and a negative set, respectively. We used binary cross entropy as a loss function, so the model was trained to classify whether a query molecule is a drug or non-drug-like. For the input atom feature of each node, we included an atomic symbol, number of hydrogen atoms, degree, implicit valence (prepared by RDKit), and aromaticity as summarized in Table 2. The edge feature, i.e., the bond connectivity, can be written as an adjacency matrix. We used a 5-fold cross-validation method for training since the size of the training set was small (<10000). More details of the training hyperparameters of our models are available in ESI.†
Atom feature | Type | Values |
Symbol atom-type) | One-hot | C, N, O, S, F, P, Cl, Br, I, else |
Number of hydrogens | One-hot | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, else |
Degree (without hydrogen) | One-hot | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, else |
Implicit valence (RDKit) | One-hot | 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, else |
Aromaticity | Integer | 0, 1 |
Fig. 4 shows the resulting ROC curves, and the corresponding AUROC values are given in the legend. The grey dotted line indicates the ROC curve of a random classifier whose AUROC equals to 0.5. Notably, the two deep learning models showed high AUROC values above 0.9, whereas that of QED (0.330) was even worse than the random classification. These results indicate the high potential of deep learning compared to traditional data-driven approaches based on hand-crafted features. Of the two deep learning models, the GCN model performed slightly better than the RNN model. The latter performed well with a high AUROC value of 0.923, while the former showed an almost perfect AUROC value close to 1 (0.991). It is not surprising because the GCN model was trained with ZINC15 as a negative set. If the feature difference between positive and negative samples in a test set is similar to those in a training set, it can readily be identified by the TCC model, leading to high prediction accuracy. On the contrary, the RNN model, which was trained in the way of unsupervised learning, has never seen any molecule in ZINC15 during the training; it has been trained only with Worlddrug as a true drug set. The model does not explicitly learn the difference between positive and negative samples. Instead, it evaluates to what extent the features of molecules in either FDA or ZINC15 share with those of Worlddrug. Thus, the high AUROC of the RNN model means that the molecules of FDA had much more common features with those of Worlddrug compared to those of ZINC15. However, the AUROC of the RNN model (0.923) also implies that ZINC15 molecules also contain a slight extent of the common features of Worlddrug molecules, leading to a slightly lower performance than the GCN model.
Fig. 4 ROC curves of the three drug-likeness models on the FDA/ZINC15 test set. The values in the legend represent the AUROC value of each ROC curve. |
Table 3 shows the mean AUROC values along with the standard deviation of each model during the five tests on GDB17, ZINC15, and ChEMBL negative sets. The standard deviation value is relatively small compared to each mean value, meaning that there is no significant change in the performance of the model. Therefore, we used results from a single test for each data type throughout the article except for Table 3. The bold values denote the highest AUROC value for each test set. Except for FDA/ZINC15 discussed before, the RNN-based unsupervised learning model outperformed the GCN model and QED. The RNN model showed relatively high values with the gradual decrease from GDB17 to ZINC15 to ChEMBL, whereas QED underperformed consistently. In contrast, the performance of the TCC model was significantly decreased in FDA/GDB17 and FDA/ChEMBL compared to FDA/ZINC15. It should be noted that the AUROC value of the GCN model for FDA/GDB17 was even lower than FDA/ZINC15, although molecules in GDB17 can be regarded as more non-drug-like. This result meets our expectation that the features learned in the TCC model are particularly over-fitted for distinguishing FDA and ZINC15, but they may not work well with other test sets. In that sense, unsupervised learning would be a more pragmatic approach for drug-likeness by avoiding the data dependency problem of the TCC model. In addition, we investigated whether the data dependency is common to other data types of negative training sets. We trained each model with a negative set sampled from various data types and carried out the same test with that of Table 3. The result (available in ESI†) confirmed that the TCC model shows a similar data dependency to that of Table 3 regardless of the data type.
Model | FDA/GDB17 | FDA/ZINC15 | FDA/ChEMBL |
RNN (unsupervised) | 0.979 ± 0.005 | 0.921 ± 0.001 | 0.824 ± 0.010 |
GCN (TCC) | 0.747 ± 0.002 | 0.991 ± 0.000 | 0.701 ± 0.012 |
QED (traditional) | 0.539 ± 0.024 | 0.326 ± 0.003 | 0.549 ± 0.004 |
The result in Table 3 may vary since we only used a small fraction of the negative training set sampled randomly. To examine such undesirable data dependency, we performed two additional experiments. First, we trained the model with five different negative sets that have been sampled independently from the same data type and assessed its performance. Second, we applied a PU learning approach by regarding the negative set as unlabeled since the fixed negative set we assumed may contain positive samples. The PU learning enables to label reliable negative samples out of the unlabeled data automatically, so it is expected to alleviate the data bias stemming from the fixed negative set. We adopted the PU learning method proposed by Fusilier et al.49 In both experiments, we found no significant change in the model performance from the original result in Table 3. For more details of the experiments, we refer to the ESI Section.†
Fig. 5 shows the prediction results of QED, the RNN model, and GCN-based TCC model. As a baseline, QED failed to discriminate the drug molecules in FDA from the other non-drug-like molecules, as shown in Fig. 5(a). It evaluated ZINC15 even as the most drug-like data set. One possible reason for the remarkably high score is that ZINC15 has been made to obey Ro5 for use in drug discovery. QED uses the features of Ro5 to evaluate drug-likeness score and hence it will score high if test molecules obey Ro5. The result once again confirmed the previous report that the features QED adopted were not effective for drug-likeness scoring.29
In contrast, the RNN model gave separated distributions for each case. Fig. 5(b) shows the results. The average output value of the RNN model for each dataset gradually increases from the lowest value of GDB17 to the highest value of FDA. The drug-likeness distribution form of GDB17 is close to a typical Gaussian distribution, presumably due to its nature as a collection of randomly generated molecules. On the contrary, the distribution form of the FDA is substantially distorted from a Gaussian function toward higher values, which well reflects the fact that the FDA molecules are true drugs. Interestingly, the distribution shapes of ZINC15 and ChEMBL are closer to a Gaussian function but with slight distortions toward higher values; that of ChEMBL shows more distortion than that of ZINC15. This propensity agrees with our expectation considering the characteristics of each dataset as discussed in the dataset section; GDB17 as the most non-drug-like, subsequently followed by ZINC15 and ChEMBL. This result also supports our suggestion that the drug-likeness defined as eqn (2) can be a reasonable alternative as a pragmatic tool to conventional ones.
Notably, the score distributions given by the TCC model were polarized to either 0 or 1 for all the datasets as shown in Fig. 5(c). It gives well-discriminated scores for ZINC15 and FDA. However, it failed to discriminate the other negative test sets from FDA. This result is another evidence that the TCC model was trained to discriminate ZINC15 and FDA only, so it cannot be generalized to other datasets. Moreover, the TCC model may cause overconfident judgments for unseen data. For example, it predicted high probabilities above 0.9 for 53% of the GDB17 molecules, whereas it gave very low values below 0.1 for most ZINC15 molecules. This is because the GCN model has used ZINC15 as the negative training set. It tends to make overconfident judgments for unseen molecules. In fact, such overconfident prediction by the TCC model has been reported in other domains as well.53,54
Fig. 6 shows five randomly selected molecules from GDB17 that had extremely low drug-likeness scores, less than 25, predicted by the RNN model but had high probabilities above 0.95 estimated by the GCN model. While the RNN model scored them as non-drug-like, which seems reasonable, the GCN model strongly predicted them as drug-like as a result of overconfidence. QED also assigned relatively high values to those molecules ranging from 0.6 to 0.8.
Fig. 7(a)–(c) exhibits the distributions of the drug-likeness predicted by QED, the GCN-based TCC model, and the RNN-based unsupervised learning model for the three datasets, respectively. Both QED and GCN models provided indistinguishable distributions across the three datasets, manifesting their limitations for practical use. The QED scores show very similar distributions for all the datasets, covering a broad range from 0 to 1, already shown in Fig. 5(a). In contrast, the GCN model resulted in polarized distributions to either 0 or 1 for all the datasets, as observed in Fig. 5(c).
Meanwhile, the RNN-based unsupervised learning model made a meaningful difference in the distribution of the three test sets. The distribution form for the investigation set looks more similar to that of ChEMBL. We suspect that the relatively low discrimination between the ChEMBL and investigation sets may be due to limitations in unsupervised learning. It only evaluates how similar molecules in the test set are to those in the training data (in this case, Worlddrug). If the two test sets have almost equal extent of similarity to the training set, they may have similar drug-likeness scores, even though they are different from one another. Nonetheless, the investigation set has more portions at higher values, which follows the propensity observed in Fig. 5(b) Compared to the FDA case, however, the investigation set had more molecules in lower values (less than 60). On average, the RNN model placed the investigation set between ChEMBL and FDA. This prediction result can be rationalized considering the fact that only less than 10% of the drug candidates in clinical trials can eventually be approved as drugs,5,31,55 while the ChEMBL molecules have a much lower success rate. It should be noted that the RNN-based drug-likeness score proposed here has not been proved to be directly interpreted as the real probability of being approved. However, it has shown the feasibility as an alternative to conventional drug-likeness scoring methods.
In this study, we represented molecules with SMILES to implement the RNN-based unsupervised learning model. The drug-likeness score is given as the sum of the log values of each conditional probability output of the RNN model. It should be noted that the RNN model tends to give a higher drug-likeness score for molecules with shorter SMILES codes regardless of their structures, presumably due to numerical issues. For example, methane (obviously non-drug-like molecule), represented as ‘C(EOS)’ in SMILES, can have a high drug-likeness score. Similarly, molecules with longer SMILES codes can have lower drug-likeness scores since the conditional probability of each character in SMILES, which should be smaller than one, is multiplied many times. We expect such weakness can be resolved by using other unsupervised learning models with better model architectures and molecular representation.
Apart from that, the idea of using unsupervised learning for the drug-likeness prediction can be readily applied to other problems in which only one class of data is primarily available. Toxicity, metabolic stability, or synthetic accessibility can be such examples. We believe that our concept proposed here offers new opportunities to solve biochemical problems using a deep learning approach.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: The algorithm and implementation details of all the models used in the experiments. See DOI: 10.1039/d1sc05248a |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |