Ho Chang
Sung Jong
*bf and
Hyung Chul
aCenter for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), 5, Hwarangno 14-gil, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02792, Republic of Korea
bGraduate School of Energy and Environment, Korea University, 145, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02841, Republic of Korea
cDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Education and Research Center for Smart Energy and Materials, Inha University, 100, Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon, 22212, Republic of Korea. E-mail:
dKHU-KIST Department of Converging Science and Technology, Kyung Hee University, Seoul 02447, Republic of Korea
eDivision of Energy & Environment Technology, KIST School, University of Science and Technology (UST), Seoul 02792, Republic of Korea
fDepartment of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University, 145, Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, 02841, Republic of Korea. E-mail:
First published on 11th January 2022
Using spin-polarized density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we examined electrochemical N2 reduction (N2RR) toward NH3 production on hetero-RuM (M = 3d transition metals) double atom catalysts supported on defective graphene by means of analysis on the geometric ensemble structure, the N2RR mechanism, the decoupling of strain, dopant and configurational effects and the d-orbital resolved density of states (ORDOS) (dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2–y2) on the hetero-double atoms. In addition, we computationally screened novel catalysts by exploring 4d, 5d and p block metals as the hetero-M metals in the RuM system. First, we found the significantly enhanced N2RR activity of inclined pentagon M (Fe, Mn, and Sc) double atom catalysts (RuFe has the highest activity) compared to the homo-Ru2 double atom catalyst. Our DFT calculations on the interplay of strain, dopant and configurational effects in the inclined pentagon M (Fe, Mn, and Sc) double atom catalysts predicted that (1) the dopant effect was the promoter to improve the N2RR activity of RuSc and RuMn, (2) the tensile strain (RuSc) tended to reduce the NH3 productivity via the N2RR, while the effect of compressive strain (RuFe and RuMn) was insignificant, and (3) the dopant-support interaction induced a unique inclined pentagon M double atom ensemble structure, which leads to the large reduction of the N2RR activity of the hetero-RuSc double atom but the activity increases for the hetero-RuFe and RuMn cases. Finally, our DFT calculation on the analysis of the p–d (dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2–y2) orbital overlap identified the key d orbitals in determining the descriptor (NH2 adsorption energy) for representing the N2RR. That is, the orbitals (dz2, dxz, and dyz) having an orientation toward the z direction in the horizontal Ru2 double atom played an important role in determining the NH2 adsorption process, while for the inclined pentagon M double atoms (RuFe, RuSc, and RuMn), the dxz and dxy orbitals were found to be essential for the modification of NH2 adsorption energy. Finally, a descriptor based DFT search additionally discovered promising hetero-RuOs and RuIr double atom catalysts. This study highlights that the dopant engineering of hetero-double atom catalysts supported on defective graphene can significantly modify the electrochemical reactivity, particularly by the dopant type and geometric ensemble structure.
Recently, ammonia (NH3) has been prominent as a promising candidate for storage and transportation of H2 due to its several advantages. It can be readily liquefied under 8 bar at ambient temperature,6 and its relatively high autoignition temperature (651 °C, compared to 254 °C for diesel) enables us to use it safely from fire and explosion.7–9 Zamfirescu et al. reported that NH3 is competitive compared to other common fuels such as gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and methanol due to its high volumetric and gravimetric H2 storage density and low energy costs.7 It is already widely used for industrial use and has a distributional infrastructure to transport it in amounts larger than 100 million tons yearly or more.10
In industrial NH3 production so far, the Haber–Bosch process constitutes the dominant route.11,12 However, this process consumes a huge amount of energy due to its high operating temperatures (400–500 °C) and pressure (150–300 bar) to break the intermolecular NN bond, which is equivalent to about 2% of the worldwide energy use.13,14 Moreover, natural gas (mainly methane) is used as a source of H2, releasing massive amounts of CO2 as a by-product.
In contrast, electrochemical NH3 production through the N2 reduction reaction (N2RR) can synthesize NH3 directly from N2 and H2 without carbon emission, and it can be operated by supplying renewable electricity such as solar and wind power. In general, electrolytic cells based on a solid electrolyte membrane are used for this process as they allow easy separation of the H2 feed from the NH3 product.15,16 The basic equations for electrochemical NH3 production using electrolytic cells under acidic conditions are as follows:
N2 + 6H+ + 6e− → 2NH3 |
In the anode, water (H2O) is oxidized through the oxygen evolution reaction, giving protons and electrons and releasing oxygen. These protons and electrons are transferred to the cathode via the membrane and electric potential, respectively. In the cathode, NH3 is produced by the N2RR, in which gaseous N2 is sequentially combined with protons and electrons.
Group VIII elements (Fe, Ru and Os) have been known to have excellent activity in electrochemical NH3 production.17–22 In addition, the catalyst research has been expanded to noble metals (e.g. Rh, Pd, Au, Ru, Pt and their oxides, nitrides, and sulphides), non-noble metals (e.g. Ti, Fe, Ni, Mo, V, W and their oxides, nitrides and sulphides), and carbon-based non-metal catalysts.23–39 Among those species, Ru has been reported to be the most active catalyst. For example, according to Nørskov's study, there is a volcanic relationship between the number of valence electrons and the NH3 productivity, indicating that Ru has optimal valence electrons for NH3 production through N2 reduction.20 Ru has exhibited a high reactivity toward electrochemical NH3 production under room temperature and pressure conditions.11,15,16,21,22 However, Ru still shows poor NH3 productivity for the commercialization of electrochemical NH3 production.
To deal with this issue, the concept of single atom catalysts (SACs) has been recently introduced to make a breakthrough in activity for electrochemical NH3 production, since it can improve activity beyond the existing volcanic curve, maximize the number of active sites, and achieve economic feasibility by reducing catalyst loading.40–47 Zhao et al. theoretically reported that single Mo exhibited the lowest N2RR onset potential (−0.35 V) among SACs embedded in defective boron nitride sheets,40 and Lü et al. claimed that the active site for the N2RR on an Fe catalyst anchored to an N-doped carbon framework is Fe–N–C, in which a single Fe atom is bonded to four N atoms.42 For Ru-based SACs, Geng et al. reported that Ru–N–C SACs showed a lower overpotential [ΔG(Ru1–N3) = 0.73 eV and ΔG(Ru1–N4) = 0.77 eV] compared to the Ru (101) catalyst [ΔG = 0.91 eV] by using calculations and experiments.47 This study showed that Ru SACs supported on N-doped graphene have better activity than metallic Ru catalysts for the N2RR. However, they did not discuss the origin of the enhanced N2RR activity in detail.
In the catalytic design, the introduction of hetero-atoms into a pure metal (so-called alloy or multi-metallic catalysts) has been known as a salient approach for the enhancement of catalyst activity and durability: for example, core@shell, surface alloys, and intermetallic alloys.48–50 Nonetheless, a study on the heteroatom addition strategy has not yet been conducted to tune the activity of a single atom catalyst.
In this study, the electrochemical activity of Ru-based SACs, homo-Ru2 double atom catalysts (DACs), and hetero-RuM DACs having Ru and M (M = 3d transition metal) was investigated using quantum mechanics computation based on spin-polarized density functional theory (DFT). We calculate the structural stability, reaction mechanism and activity of the N2RR on homo- and hetero-Ru DACs. In addition, the decoupling of strain, dopant and configurational effects and the d-orbital resolved density of states (ORDOS) (dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2–y2) on the hetero-double atoms are presented for a clear understanding of enhanced catalysis. Finally, using the descriptor we have identified, we computationally screen for a novel catalyst composition by exploring more search spaces (4d, 5d, and p block metals) for boosting NH3 production via N2 reduction.
To model the RuM/C catalysts, we first built a periodic geometry of monolayer graphene consisting of 60 carbon atoms from a P63/mmc-structured graphite supercell by removing all layers except one and stretching the z vector to 20 Å.56 After modelling of pristine graphene, two adjacent carbon atoms were removed to create unsaturated carbon to provide embeddable sites for Ru and 3d transition metal (M) atoms.
Here, we chose defective graphene as the supporting material for DACs instead of pristine graphene. Note that the interaction between pristine graphene and DACs is not strong enough to prevent the aggregation of DACs.57 According to Jamie H. Warner et al., an Fe double atom in defective graphene has been successfully incorporated via the defect-assisted doping method by electron beam irradiation.58 That is, the Fe precursor (FeCl3) solutions are added on the surface of graphene via drop-casting and in turn vacancy sites are created through irradiation with a focused electron beam using an aberration-corrected transmission electron microscope (AC-TEM), leading to an Fe dimer (Fe double atom) embedded into defective graphene.59,60 In addition, Pt dimers can be prepared on defect-rich graphene using atomic layer deposition (ALD), through the creation of nucleation sites, single Pt atom deposition and attachment of a second Pt atom selectively on the single Pt one.61 Following these considerations and computational validation, the RuM/C catalysts were modelled by using mono- and diatomic clusters anchored to defective graphene with double vacancies (see Fig. S1†).
To find the optimized geometry and the total energy of hetero-RuM DACs, all of the atoms were fully relaxed using the conjugate gradient method until residual forces on all the constituent atoms became smaller than 5 × 10−2 eV Å−1.62 For Brillouin zone integration, we chose a (4 × 4 × 1) Monkhorst–Pack mesh of k-points to determine the equilibrium geometries and total energies of RuM/C catalysts.63 To calculate the electronic structure, average energy and occupancy of the d-band, and atomic charge density of the catalysts, we increased the mesh size to (10 × 10 × 1).
In the total N2RR process (N2 + 6(H+ + e−) → 2NH3), N2 is reduced to NH3 through six net coupled proton and electron (CPE) transfer steps, and each step involves the transfer of a CPE from solution to an adsorbed intermediate.39 To calculate the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG) of every step for the N2RR, we introduced a computational hydrogen electrode (CHE) model as pioneered by Nørskov.64 In this model, the free energy of a CPE is equivalent to half that of gaseous H2 [G(H+ + e−) = 1/2G(H2)] under standard reaction conditions (T = 298.15 K, P = 1 bar, and pH = 0) with no external potential. According to this method, the ΔG value can be determined using the following equation;
ΔG = ΔE − TΔS + ΔZPE − neU |
Here, we considered the NH2* + (H+ + e−) → NH3(g) reaction as the final reaction step in the N2RR, where the NH3 desorption energy is indirectly included in the NH2* protonation reaction. Note that the NH2* + (H+ + e−) → NH3(g) reaction is considered to be the combination of NH2* + (H+ + e−) → NH3* and NH3* → NH3(g), which makes it possible to understand the electrode potential effect on the NH3 desorption process.69
In this study, we first attempt to determine the preference of the dissociative mechanism in the N2RR by calculating the free energy change for the N2(g) → N* + N* reaction (ΔGdiss) using the following equation.
ΔGdiss = 2G(N*) − [G(N2) + 2G(bare)] |
If the ΔGdiss value (which can be used to understand what type of N2RR mechanism takes place more favourably) on the catalytic surface is positive (endothermic process), the dissociative mechanism may not be possible for the N2RR to NH3. A negative ΔGdiss value means that N* is more stable than N2*, indicating that the N2RR may follow the dissociative mechanism. Here, we further confirm whether the catalyst having a negative ΔGdiss value goes through the dissociative mechanism by calculating the barrier (ΔGbarr) for the N2 dissociation reaction into 2N*.
Fig. 2 displays the most favourable N2RR pathways and optimized geometric structures of intermediates in each reaction step on the Ru1 SACs and homo-Ru2 DACs. For the Ru1 SAC case, the N2RR is found to follow the associative ‘Distal’ mechanism (note that ΔGdiss = 2.07 eV, indicating that the dissociative mechanism is unfavourable). First, a N2 molecule is adsorbed on top of the Ru atom in an end-on configuration [(1) N2(g) → N2*] and then undergoes two successive protonation reactions to form *N2H* with a side-on configuration [(6) N2* + (H+ + e−) → *N2H*] and N2H2* [(11) *N2H* + (H+ + e−) → N2H2*] with an end-on configuration. Here, the N–N bond length of N2(g), N2*, *N2H*, and N2H2* is 1.12 Å, 1.13 Å, 1.25 Å, and 1.31 Å, respectively. Next, the adsorbed N2H2* dissociates into N* and NH3(g) by protonolysis [(12) N2H2* + (H+ + e−) → N* + NH3(g)]. Finally, NH3(g) is formed by three successive protonation reactions of adsorbed N*. This is consistent with prior reports on single atom catalysis.40–42,45–47
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Fig. 2 The optimized geometric structures of N2RR intermediates along the most favourable reaction pathway on (a) the Ru SAC and (b) the homo-Ru2 DAC. |
On the other hand, our DFT calculation predicts that the homo-Ru2 DAC follows a mixed mechanism of ‘Alternating’ or ‘Distal’ and ‘Enzymatic’ pathways (note that ΔGdiss = 1.24 eV). First, a N2 molecule is adsorbed on top of a single Ru atom in the Ru2 DAC with an end-on configuration, which leads to side-on *N2H* formation by protonation. Next, *N2H* undergoes two successive protonation reactions to form *HN2H* [(7) *N2H* + (H+ + e−) → *HN2H*] and *HN2H2* [(8) *HN2H* + (H+ + e−) → *HN2H2*]. The N–N bond length in N2*, N2H*, HN2H*, and HN2H2* is 1.14 Å, 1.28 Å, 1.37 Å, and 1.46 Å, respectively. Finally, *HN2H* is decomposed into NH3(g) + NH* by the protonolysis of the N–N bond [(17) *HN2H2* + (H+ + e−) → NH* + NH3(g)] and then NH* is converted into NH3(g) via two successive protonation reactions.
The calculated free energy diagrams for the N2RR to NH3 on the Ru SAC and homo-Ru2 DAC are displayed in Fig. 3. The adsorption energies (ΔEads) are calculated as follows: [ΔEads(X) = EX* − (E(bare) + E(X))], where EX*, E(bare), and E(X) denote the total energy of the X-adsorbed surface, the bare surface, and the isolated X species, respectively. E(X) was calculated in a cubic vacuum unit cell of size a = 20 Å, and the calculated E(X) values are shown in Table S1.† For both the Ru1 SAC and the homo-Ru2 DAC, the N2 adsorption under thermodynamic equilibrium potential conditions (0.06 V) is predicted to be an endothermic process, which comes from the large loss of entropy due to the formation of a bound state.68 Note that ΔG = 0.54 eV and ΔEads(N2) = −0.46 eV for the Ru1 SAC, and ΔG = 0.21 eV and ΔEads(N2) = −0.84 eV for the homo-Ru2 DAC. For the N2RR under thermodynamic equilibrium potential conditions for both the Ru1 SAC and homo-Ru2 DAC, the first step [(6) N2* + (H+ + e−) → *N2H*] is calculated to be the most endothermic [note that ΔG = 1.14 eV (Ru1 SAC) and 0.91 eV (Ru2 DAC)] among all the steps for the most favourable N2RR pathway. This indicates that the first N2 protonation [which is defined as the potential limiting step (PLS)] determines the NH3 production potential. Consequently, for the Ru1 SACs and homo-Ru2 DACs, we predict an over-potential of 1.19 V and 0.96 V, respectively, suggesting the higher N2RR activity of a homo-Ru2 DAC than a Ru1 SAC. This is higher than previous single Ru atom calculation results,47 which shows that the overpotentials for Ru1–N3 and Ru1–N4 are predicted to be 0.79 V and 0.83 V, respectively. This difference is related to the presence of N atoms in the defective graphene support. In our DFT study, a single Ru atom is embedded into a defective graphene support (forming a Ru–C bond), while, in the previous calculation, single Ru atoms are associated with three N atoms (Ru1–N3) or four N atoms (Ru1–N4) in the defective graphene support (forming a Ru–N bond). Due to the higher electronegativity of the N atom (3.04) than the carbon case (2.55), the Ru in the Ru–N bond loses more electrons than that in the Ru–C case, which may lead to the increase of adsorption strength in reaction intermediates and in turn the enhancement of N2RR activity.
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Fig. 3 Calculated free energy profiles at equilibrium (○) and limiting (▲) potentials for the N2RR on (a) the Ru SAC and (b) the homo-Ru2 DAC via the most favourable pathway. |
Next, we examine the effect of the addition of a hetero-M atom (M = Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) into a Ru1 SAC in order to enhance the N2RR activity toward NH3 formation.
ΔEf(RuM/C) = E(RuM/C) − [E(Ru/C) + E(M)] |
Here, to find the most stable geometric ensemble of hetero-RuM DACs, we compare the calculated ΔEf values of nine possible ensemble geometries (referred to as c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, and c9) (see Fig. 4 and Table 1). For the comparison, the homo-Ru2 DAC case is also presented. We see that the most stable geometric ensemble of the RuM/C system is classified into three groups. That is, (1) group I (c4 geometry) (we call horizontal double atom); the Ru–M dimer [M = Ru (ΔEf = −3.69 eV), Ti (ΔEf = −4.49 eV), V (ΔEf = −3.96 eV), and Cr (ΔEf = −1.72 eV)] is nearly horizontally adsorbed at two carbon vacant sites, leading to chemical bond formation between a Ru (or M) atom and two C atoms and (2) group II (c8 geometry) (we call inclined pentagon M double atom); the Ru–M dimer [M = Sc (ΔEf = −4.23 eV), Mn (ΔEf = −1.82 eV), and Fe (ΔEf = −2.41 eV)] are connected to one carbon vacant and hollow carbon sites. Here, Ru and M atoms are associated with rectangular- and pentagonal-shaped four carbons, respectively, leading to the formation of an inclined RuM structure. (3) Group III (c9 geometry) (we call inclined hexagon M double atom); the configuration of the Ru–M dimer [M = Co (ΔEf = −2.49 eV) and Ni (ΔEf = −2.87 eV)] is similar to that in the group II case, except that M atoms are bound to hexagon-shaped five carbons, respectively. Here, group III also shows an inclined RuM structure. The optimized ensemble geometries of all hetero-Ru DACs are shown in Fig. S2.† In the following section, we investigate the electrocatalytic activity of hetero-RuM DACs toward NH3 formation in the most stable models.
c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | c5 | c6 | c7 | c8 | c9 | |
Ru2/C | −2.98 | −3.22 | −3.39 | −3.69 | −2.02 | −3.23 | — | — | — |
RuTi/C | 1.09 | — | — | −2.58 | −1.30 | −4.14 | −2.74 | −4.23 | −4.13 |
RuV/C | −0.92 | −2.83 | — | −4.49 | −2.52 | −4.04 | −2.90 | −4.42 | −4.23 |
RuCr/C | −1.78 | −2.97 | −2.55 | −3.96 | −1.99 | −2.93 | −2.16 | −3.09 | −3.19 |
RuSc/C | −0.39 | −1.07 | −0.79 | −1.72 | −0.03 | −1.27 | −1.04 | −1.46 | −1.37 |
RuMn/C | −0.28 | −0.98 | −0.94 | −1.75 | 0.20 | −1.45 | −1.20 | −1.82 | −1.71 |
RuFe/C | −0.90 | −1.74 | −1.64 | −2.26 | −0.71 | −1.81 | −1.83 | −2.41 | −2.35 |
RuCo/C | −0.80 | −1.97 | −2.36 | −2.31 | −0.56 | −2.00 | −1.91 | −2.40 | −2.49 |
RuNi/C | — | −2.16 | −2.00 | −2.15 | — | −2.48 | −2.51 | −2.73 | −2.87 |
Fig. 6 displays the Gibbs free energy diagram for the favourable pathway for the N2RR on the hetero-RuM DACs. The PLS for the N2RR on the Ru1 SAC and homo-Ru2 DAC is the protonation of N2* to form N2H* (see Fig. 3). However, in the case of hetero-RuM DACs, the PLS is changed to the protonation of NH2* except for hetero-RuFe and RuTi DACs. We also find that the onset potential for NH3 formation strongly depends on the type of M, and hetero-RuM DACs show a less negative onset potential than the Ru1 SAC (−1.14 V) except for the hetero-RuV DAC. In particular, the hetero-RuSc, RuMn, and RuFe in group II (inclined pentagon M double atom) have a less negative onset potential [−0.89 V (RuSc/C), −0.81 V (RuMn/C), and −0.73 V (RuFe/C), where RuFe exhibits the best activity toward NH3 production] than the homo-Ru2 DAC [−0.91 V], indicating a reduced over-potential and in turn enhanced NH3 productivity for the hetero-RuSc, RuMn, and RuFe DACs. In contrast, for the hetero-RuTi, RuV, and RuCr DACs in group I (horizontal double atom) [−1.12 V (RuTi/C), −1.27 V (RuV/C), and −1.06 V (RuCr/C)], and RuCo and RuNi DACs in group III (inclined hexagon M double atom) [−1.02 V (RuCo/C) and −1.06 V (RuNi/C)], the opposite is true.
Next, we display the change of the onset potentials of the Ru1 SAC, homo-Ru DAC, and hetero-RuM DACs for NH3 production as a function of the adsorption energy of N2H and NH2 (see Fig. 7). The calculated ΔEads(N2H) and ΔEads(NH2) are summarized in Table S2.†
We see a clear volcanic relationship between the onset potential of the N2RR and ΔEads(NH2), whereas there is no correlation between the onset potential and ΔEads(N2H). The strong dependence of N2RR activity in the RuM system on ΔEads(NH2) [rather than ΔEads(N2H)] is related to the PLS we have identified. For most RuM (M = V, Cr, Sc, Mn, Co, Ni) cases, the PLS is NH2* protonation [(4) NH2* + (H+ + e−) → NH3(g)], where the level of ΔEads(NH2) determines the reactivity toward NH3 production. That is, the strong binding of NH2 to the catalyst leads to a decrease in reaction potential and vice versa. Thus, ΔEads(NH2) can be used for the representation of NH3 productivity via the N2RR, which is called as the descriptor.
Looking closely at the volcano plot of Fig. 7(b), the lowering of the descriptor values [ΔEads(NH2)] compared to the Ru1 SAC increases the activity (onset potential) of hetero-RuM DACs (M = Ru, Ti, and Fe) toward NH3 production until the ΔEads(NH2) value approaches about −3.68 eV (which is defined as the peak position of the volcanic activity-descriptor plot). After that, the N2RR activity is reduced (onset potential is lowered) as descriptor values are further lowered. Here, the opposition correlation between the right and left sides of the volcano plot is related to the type of PLS. On the left leg of the volcano plot, the PLS is the protonation of NH2* [(5) NH2* + (H+ + e−) → NH3(g)] regardless of its mechanism, where the level of NH2 adsorption energy (descriptor value) determines the reactivity toward NH3 production. That is, the strong binding of NH2 to the catalyst leads to a decrease in the reaction potential. On the other hand, on the right leg of the volcano plot, the N2RR occurs via the associative mechanism due to the weak ability to bind the reaction intermediates such as NH2, where the increase of NH2 affinity enhances the NH3 productivity.
To clearly understand the relative role of strain, dopant and configurational effects in determining NH3 productivity in the hetero-RuM DACs in group II catalysts (here, we choose group II catalysts which exhibit higher N2RR activity compared to the group I and III cases), we decoupled these three effects as shown in Fig. 8 and Table S3.† We also displayed optimized N2-, N2H-, and NH2-adsorbed geometries in Fig. S4.†
First, we attempt to only extract the strain effect from the total N2RR catalysis by calculating the onset potential for strained homo-Ru2 DACs having the same geometric configuration as the homo-Ru2 DAC but having a different Ru–Ru bond distance (indicated by RuMstrained). To model RuMstrained, we use the optimized atomic position from hetero-RuM DACs with the geometry of horizontal double atom (group I). Compared to the homo-Ru2 DAC case (2.276 Å), the Ru–Ru bond distance for the RuScstrained, RuMnstrained, and RuFestrained models is 2.300, 2.135 and 2.142 Å, respectively, which are under a tensile strain of +1.05% and compressive strain of −6.20% and −5.90%, respectively, (note that ‘+’ and ‘−’ signs represent the tensile and compressive strain, respectively). Our DFT calculation predicts a substantial decrease of onset potential by 0.15 V for the RuScstrained catalyst, but a small variation for the RuFestrained (onset potential decreases by 0.05 V) and RuMnstrained (onset potential decreases by ∼0 V) catalysts [see Fig. 8(a)], suggesting that the tensile strain tends to reduce the NH3 productivity via the N2RR, while the effect of compressive strain is insignificant. The large decrease of onset potential in the RuScstrained catalyst is related to the decrease of N2 adsorption energy (increase of N2 affinity) [see Fig. 8(b)] from −0.84 V (homo-Ru2 DAC) to −1.10 V and little change of N2H adsorption energy [see Fig. 8(c)], which only raise the level of reactant energy for the potential limiting step [(6) N2* + (H+ + e−) → N2H*] and in turn increase the endothermicity of the reaction.
Next, for the calculation of the contribution of the dopant effect to the NH3 formation, we prepared RuScdoped, RuMndoped, and RuFedoped models by replacing a Ru atom by a Sc, Mn, and Fe atom in RuScstrained, RuMnstrained, and RuFestrained models, respectively. Here, the change of onset potential from the RuMstrained model to the RuMdoped model indicates the contribution of the dopant effect to total catalysis. We find different aspects for all three catalysts due to the dopant effect. For the RuScdoped case, the onset potential is significantly increased to −0.45 V compared to the RuScstrained model, which is related to the dramatic increase of N2H affinity [ΔEads(N2H) = −3.15 eV] and almost no change of N2 binding energy [ΔEads(N2) = −1.12 eV] compared to the RuScstrained model [ΔEads(N2H) = −2.31 eV and ΔEads(N2) = −1.10 eV] [see Fig. 8(b) and (c)]. Consequently, this induces the shift of the PLS from [(6) N2* + (H+ + e−) → N2H*] to [(5) NH2* + (H+ + e−) → NH3(g)]. In the case of RuMndoped, the onset potential is decreased to −1.13 V by the dopant effect compared to the RuMnstrained model. Unlike the RuScdoped case, this is mainly connected to the stronger N2 adsorption and weaker N2H adsorption [ΔEads(N2) = −0.90 eV and ΔEads(N2H) = −2.10 eV]. However, the N2RR onset potential (−0.93 V) and the adsorption energies of N2 [ΔEads(N2) = −0.90 eV] and N2H [ΔEads(N2H) = −2.26 eV] on the RuFedoped model are changed little by the dopant effect compared to the RuFestrained models [−0.96 V (onset potential), ΔEads(N2) = −0.83 eV] and [ΔEads(N2H) = −2.22 eV].
For the contribution of the configurational effect to the total N2RR catalysis, we calculate the difference of the onset potentials between the RuMdoped models and hetero-RuM DACs. Notice that the configurational effect induces the geometric ensemble configuration change of the hetero-RuSc, RuMn, and RuFe DACs from group I (horizontal double atom) to group II (inclined pentagon M double atom), which affects the N2RR catalysis. We find that for the hetero-RuSc DAC, the N2RR activity (onset potential) is reduced by 0.44 V since the NH2 adsorption energy is decreased from −3.29 eV to −3.78 eV by the configurational effect. For the RuMn and RuFe DAC cases, the onset potential is increased from −1.13 V and −0.93 V to −0.81 V and −0.73 V, respectively, which is related to the increase of N2H affinity by 0.67 eV and 0.51 eV compared to the respective RuMndoped and RuFedoped models. Especially for the RuMn case, the potential limiting step is shifted to (5) NH2* + (H+ + e−) → NH3(g) due to the strong NH2 adsorption. These results demonstrate that the strain, dopant and configurational effects play an important role in determining NH3 productivity via electrochemical N2 reduction. In particular, the dopant and configurational effects are responsible for the enhancement of NH3 production.
For the homo-Ru2 DAC case, we see strong interatomic mixing between the p orbital of N in adsorbed NH2 and the dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2–y2 orbitals of Ru2 DAC in the energy ranges from −7.0 eV to −6.0 eV, from −4.5 eV to −3.5 eV and from −3.0 eV to −1.5 eV. To quantitatively understand the degree of interatomic mixing between each d orbital and p orbital, we calculate the fraction of p–d orbital overlap in the total p orbital of the N atom (referred to as χd) (see Fig. 10). Our DFT calculation shows that the order of overlap between p and d orbitals is dz2 (χdz2 = 0.341) > dxz (χdxz = 0.289), dyz (χdyz = 0.290) > dx2–y2 (χdx2–y2 = 0.250) > dxy (χdxy = 0.208). This suggests that the orbitals (dz2, dxz, and dyz) having an orientation toward the z direction in the Ru2 double atom [which is horizontally placed in the x–y plane; group I] have a higher impact in determining the adsorption of NH2 with the catalyst than dx2–y2 and dxy.
![]() | ||
Fig. 10 Fraction of p–d orbital overlap in the total p orbital of the N atom (indicated by χd) according to the variation of the type of d orbital (dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2–y2). |
On the other hand, for the hetero-RuFe DAC case, we find a strong overlap between the p orbital and d orbitals in the range from −4.5 eV to −2.5 eV (see Fig. 9(d)). In particular, unlike the homo-Ru2 DAC case (key orbitals in bonding are in the order of dz2 > dxz > dyz), the dxz and dxy orbitals exhibit larger interatomic mixing with p orbital cases, suggesting that the orbitals (dxz and dxy) having an orientation toward the x direction play an important role in stabilizing a NH2 adsorbate on the hetero-RuFe DAC. Note that dxz (χdxz = 0.336) > dxy (χdxy = 0.315) > dyz (χdyz = 0.296) > dz2 (χdz2 = 0.261) > dx2–y2 (χdx2–y2 = 0.182) (see Fig. 10). Here, the different nature of p–d orbital overlap between the homo-Ru2 DAC and hetero-RuFe DAC is related to the geometric ensemble difference of double atoms induced by the strong hetero-dopant-support effect. That is, unlike the homo-Ru2 DAC [whose two atoms are horizontally placed in the x direction; group I (horizontal double atom)], the hetero-RuFe DAC [group II (inclined pentagon M double atom)] has an inclined geometric ensemble structure in the y-direction where each Ru and M atom has a different z position in the normal direction of the x–y plane (see Fig. S2†). This makes the dxz and dxy orbitals more favourable for the interaction with the p orbital of NH2 than the dz2, dx2–y2 and dyz orbitals, leading to the tilted adsorption configuration of NH2 on the RuFe DAC. For the RuSc and RuMn DACs, we see a similar p–d orbital overlap to the RuFe case, that is, the p orbital mixing mainly with dxz and dxy in the range from −5.0 eV to −2.7 eV (from −7.0 eV to −6.0 eV) for the RuSc DAC and from −4.7 eV to −2.6 eV for RuMn DAC. This demonstrates that the dopant and configurational effects in a hetero-RuM double atom induce an inclined RuM geometric ensemble configuration and in turn activate the dxz and dxy orbitals for NH2 adsorption (rather than the dz2 and dxy + dx2–y2 orbitals), leading to the modification of NH2 binding energy.
Fig. 11 shows the relationship between ΔEads(NH2) and χd for the RuM (M = Sc, Mn, Fe) DACs. We find that for the dxz and dxy orbitals, the increase of p–d orbital overlap (χd) enhances the NH2 affinity linearly, while for the dz2, dx2–y2 and dyz orbitals, no clear relationship is observed. This indicates that the dxz and dxy orbitals have a higher impact in determining the NH2 adsorption process, which is in line with the larger p–d overlap of the dxz and dxy orbitals than the dz2, dx2–y2 and dyz orbitals as discussed above.
Ru1/C | Group I | Group II | Group III | |||||||
Ru2/C | RuTi/C | RuV/C | RuCr/C | RuSc/C | RuMn/C | RuFe/C | RuCo/C | RuNi/C | ||
ΔGNRR | −1.14 | −0.91 | −1.12 | −1.27 | −1.06 | −0.89 | −0.81 | −0.73 | −1.02 | −1.06 |
ΔGHER | −0.22 | −0.37 | −0.20 | −0.77 | −0.55 | −0.36 | −0.29 | −0.42 | −0.81 | −0.80 |
ΔΔG | −0.91 | −0.54 | −0.92 | −0.51 | −0.51 | −0.53 | −0.52 | −0.31 | −0.21 | −0.26 |
We also calculate the onset potentials of the HER (ΔGHER) on the additional four candidates and compared with the onset potential of the N2RR (ΔGNRR) to evaluate N2RR selectivity (see Table S5†). However, ΔGHER on all those candidates is also lower than ΔGNRR. Improving the selectivity by increasing the N2RR onset potential over the HER remains one of the biggest challenges to be addressed in the subsequent study.
First, we investigated the geometric ensemble structure of the hetero-RuM double atom catalysts on carbon vacant graphene. Depending on the type of hetero-atom, we identified three possible ensemble configurations; (1) group I: the horizontal double atom (Ru2, RuTi, RuV, and RuCr), (2) group II: the inclined pentagon M double atom (RuSc, RuMn, and RuFe), and (3) group III: the inclined hexagon M double atom (RuCo and RuNi).
Second, our DFT calculation predicted the significantly enhanced N2RR activity (reduced over-potential) of the inclined pentagon M double atom catalysts (group II) (such as RuFe, RuMn, and RuSc) (RuFe has the highest activity) compared to the homo-Ru2 double atom case. By looking at the potential limiting step, we found that the NH2 binding energy (so-called descriptor) was suitable for representing the N2RR onset potential on the hetero-RuM double atom catalyst. In addition, from the volcanic activity-descriptor plot, we found that the peak position for a descriptor was around about −3.68 eV. We further searched for the catalyst candidate using the descriptor to represent onset potential by varying the chemical composition of RuM (M = 4d, 5d, and p blocks), which leads to the discovery of promising hetero-RuOs and RuIr double atom catalysts, whose onset potentials were close to the onset potential of the hetero-RuFe catalyst.
Third, the study on the relative role of strain, dopant and configurational effects in the inclined pentagon M double atom catalysts (RuFe, RuMn, and RuSc) demonstrated that the strain, dopant and configurational effects play an important role in determining NH3 productivity via electrochemical N2 reduction. That is, (1) the tensile strain (RuSc) tended to reduce the NH3 productivity via the N2RR, while the effect of compressive strain (RuFe and RuMn) was insignificant, (2) the dopant effect was found to have a significant effect on N2RR activity, that is, a beneficial effect for the RuSc and RuFe cases and a detrimental effect for the RuMn case, and (3) the dopant-support interaction induced the change of the ensemble structure from the horizontal double atom to the inclined pentagon M double atom, where the N2RR activity on the RuSc double atoms was substantially reduced, while for the RuFe, and RuMn cases, the change in the ensemble structure resulted in the enhancement of N2RR activity.
Finally, our DFT calculation for the analysis of the p–d (dz2, dxz, dyz, dxy, and dx2–y2) orbital overlap identified the key d orbitals in determining the affinity of the descriptor NH2. That is, the orbitals (dz2, dxz, and dyz) having an orientation toward the z direction in the horizontal Ru2 double atom played an important role in determining the NH2 adsorption process, while for the inclined pentagon M double atom [RuFe, RuSc, and RuMn, where each Ru and M (Fe, Sc, and Mn) atom has a substantially different z position in the normal direction of the x–y plane], the dxz and dxy orbitals were found to be essential for the modification of NH2 binding energy.
Our theoretical study provides the fundamental mechanism of NH3 production catalysis on hetero-double atom catalysts and gives physical and chemical intuition (in particular, interplay of strain, dopant and configurational effects) for next generation multi-metallic atom catalysts for hydrogen storage applications.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/d1ta08358a |
‡ Current address: Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH), Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, 58330, Republic of Korea. E-mail: E-mail: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |