R. D.
b and
aSchool of Chemistry, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B152TT, UK. E-mail: z.schnepp@bham.ac.uk
bDpto. Fisica de la Materia Condensada and Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla, Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC, 41092 Sevilla, Spain
First published on 7th February 2022
Carbons are versatile and diverse materials that have numerous applications across energy and environmental sciences. Carbons with a graphitic structure are particularly appealing due to their high chemical stability, large surface areas and high thermal and electronic conductivity. Numerous methods exist to produce nanostructured graphitic carbons but some of these can be energy-intensive and/or have problems with scalability. One option that is being increasingly explored is the process of iron-catalyzed graphitization. This simply involves the pyrolysis of carbon-rich precursors in the presence of an iron catalyst and has been used to produce carbons with a wide range of structures and properties. This review will examine the current field of iron-catalyzed graphitization, with a focus on molecular organic or biomass precursors. Bio-derived precursors are particularly attractive as a potential option for sustainable production of graphitic carbons. We start with a brief introduction to some key carbon structures, the current applications in which they are employed and some of the key methods that have been developed to produce nanostructured graphitic carbons. We will then review the history of catalytic graphitization before evaluating the wide range of conditions and precursors that have been employed in catalytic graphitization. Finally, this review will investigate the current challenges facing iron-catalyzed graphitization, looking particularly at the limitations of the current understanding of the mechanistic aspects of graphitization, with a view to outlining where research in this field might progress.
One class of carbon materials that is receiving increasing attention is that of nanostructured graphitic carbons. These boast a wide variety of useful properties that include high chemical stability, large accessible surface areas and high thermal and electronic conductivity. This makes graphitic carbon materials valuable in technologies such as batteries,4 fuel cells5 and in separation/purification science.6 Numerous techniques have been developed to produce complex graphitic nanostructures, e.g., chemical vapour deposition,7 arc discharge,8 or laser ablation9 for the synthesis of carbon nanotubes. However, many of these methods are energy intensive and/or difficult to scale up. Therefore, there has been an international drive to develop cheaper, scalable, and more sustainable routes to nanostructured graphitic carbons.10
A promising method for the synthesis of nanostructured graphitic carbons is catalytic graphitization. Catalytic graphitization is broadly defined as the “transformation of non-graphitic carbon into graphite by heat treatment in the presence of certain metals or minerals”.11 The process normally occurs at a much lower temperature than graphitization without a catalyst, which makes it attractive from both an environmental and economic perspective. Various transition metals have been used to promote catalytic graphitization, but iron is particularly appealing, due to its abundance and low toxicity. Iron-catalyzed graphitization can be considered to include processes such as the production of graphite within blast furnaces or the chemical vapour deposition synthesis of carbon nanotubes. We will discuss these briefly, but the bulk of this article will describe the procedure of pyrolyzing mixtures of iron and organic precursors in an inert atmosphere to produce a range of nanostructured graphitic materials (Fig. 1). The simple conditions and wide range of potential organic precursors available for this process (including raw biomass) make it particularly appealing in terms of sustainability. We will compare the many examples of iron-catalyzed graphitization later in the review, but it is useful to start with a brief overview of carbon chemistry.
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Fig. 1 Schematic of a typical iron-catalyzed graphitization process of pyrolyzing (a) an organic/iron mixture to initially produce (b) amorphous carbon and iron oxide nanoparticles then a variety of graphitic nanostructures such as (c) shells, (d) nanotubes and (e) bamboo-like nanotubes. Images reproduced with permissions from ref. 145 and 160. |
Amorphous carbons are defined as containing a mixture of sp2 and sp3 hybridised carbon atoms and display no long-range crystalline order throughout their structure.23 The surface of amorphous carbon typically consists of many reactive, dangling bonds,24 and may also contain heteroatoms such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, or boron throughout the carbon network, depending on the method of synthesis. In contrast, graphitic carbons are composed of sp2 hybridized carbon atoms arranged in hexagonal layers with long-range order that can be detected by diffraction methods. Strictly speaking, the term ‘graphitic’ should be reserved for carbon materials where the individual graphene layers are packed in an ABAB vertical arrangement.25 However, many other carbon materials are commonly referred to as ‘graphitic’ if they have sheet-like structures arranged with an interplanar spacing similar to that of graphite. These can include multiwalled carbon nanotubes (Fig. 2a),26 ‘nanoscrolls’,27 bamboo-like carbon nanotubes (Fig. 2b),28,29 which have a segmented structure, and onion-like carbons (Fig. 2c),30–32 which consist of roughly spherical concentric layers of graphitic carbon surrounding a central ‘core’ that can either be hollow or contain a nanoparticle catalyst. Graphitic carbons have various appealing properties, including high electronic conductivity and chemical and thermal stability.33 Another term that is commonly used in describing some carbon materials is ‘turbostratic’, derived from “turbo” (rotated) and “strata” (layer). Turbostratic carbons contain stacked sheets of sp2-bonded carbon like graphite, but the sheets may exhibit random translation of the graphene layers along with rotational disorder, resulting in areas of larger interlayer spacing.34 This can be observed in X-ray diffraction patterns as a broadening and/or a small shift to a lower 2θ value of the characteristic (002) peak.
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Fig. 2 Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images of (a) multiwalled carbon nanotube, (b) bamboo-like carbon nanotubes and (c) onion-like graphitic carbon shell. Images modified with permission from ref. 26, 29 and 31. |
An important factor in describing the chemistry of carbonization and carbon materials is the fact that some carbons resist graphitization. This was discovered in the early twentieth century and led to a seminal paper by Rosalind Franklin, who coined the terms ‘graphitizing’ and ‘non-graphitizing’ to describe different types of carbon.35 She observed that some organic materials, such as polyvinylchloride and pitch, could be converted to crystalline graphite at >2200 °C whereas others, such as polyvinylidene chloride and sugar retain a porous isotropic structure even up to 3000 °C. Graphitizing and non-graphitizing carbons are commonly called ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ carbons, terms that relate to their observed physical properties. Understanding of the structure of hard and soft carbons has evolved with the development of increasingly sophisticated analytical techniques. The structures proposed by Franklin involved small crystallites of graphite, each of which contains several small graphene layers. In graphitizing carbons, these crystallites are approximately parallel to each other, facilitating graphitization (Fig. 3a). In non-graphitizing carbons, she proposed that the individual crystallites were crosslinked in a random orientation (Fig. 3b). More recent studies, using aberration-corrected TEM, 13C NMR and total scattering, provide evidence for a ‘fullerene-like’ structure for microporous carbons, involving curved sheets of graphene arising from non-hexagonal carbon rings (Fig. 3c and d).36–39 The structures of the different types of carbon are important as they may have implications for the process of catalytic graphitization as well as helping us to describe and characterize some of the materials produced by catalytic graphitization.
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Fig. 3 Structures of (a) graphitizing and (b) non-graphitizing carbons proposed by R. Franklin. Also (c) curved graphitic sheet and (d) fullerene-like structural models of amorphous carbon. Images modified with permission from ref. 35, 38 and 39. |
One of the biggest areas of interest for carbons produced by catalytic graphitization is as electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in proton exchange membrane fuel cells.46 The ORR occurs at the cathode, where oxygen is reduced by electrons and protons to produce water. This process commonly uses a noble-metal catalyst such as platinum, decorated on porous carbons. However, the cost and scarcity of noble-metals has led to a drive to find noble-metal free alternatives. Numerous authors have turned to functionalised carbons, many of which are produced by pyrolysis of organic species. This simple process can lead to a wide range of carbons, and it is possible to introduce various chemical and structural features to optimise catalytic activity. This can be achieved through the addition of iron species and by incorporating nitrogen functionality via the organic precursor or additives.47 There are various potential ORR-active sites in Fe/N-doped carbons, such as Fe–Nx, N/C, and Fe3C@C48 and many of the materials rely on the beneficial properties of graphitic nanostructures (such as high electronic conductivity and thermal/chemical stability) that are produced during synthesis.
Pure graphite remains the material of choice for lithium-ion battery anodes as it displays excellent stability and reversibility.49 However, natural and synthetic graphite both have limitations in terms of energy density, cost, and sustainability so there are considerable efforts to develop alternatives.50 Catalytic graphitization offers a promising alternative and has been used to convert biomass into graphitic carbon materials that can be used in lithium-ion batteries.51 The appeal of this method is that enables a relatively low processing temperature and the opportunity to use a renewable feedstock. Catalytic graphitization also has the advantage of being able to convert non-graphitizing carbons into graphitic structures. There are only a handful of examples of iron-catalyzed graphitization being used to produce materials for lithium-ion battery anodes but given the wide interest in using biomass as a precursor for this application,52 it is likely to become a much larger area of research in the future.53 It should be noted that there are also many efforts to produce nanostructured graphitic carbons for other energy storage applications such as sodium-ion batteries and supercapacitors.54 The structural and chemical requirements for these applications are different and there are now many examples of carbons for energy storage produced by pyrolysis or catalytic graphitization of a range of precursors.55,56
A final promising application for nanostructured graphitic carbons is for use as adsorbents for separation or purification. As mentioned above, activated carbons are already used widely in industry for removal of various impurities or contaminants from air or water. Recently, many authors have investigated graphitic nanostructures such as carbon nanotubes and graphene for purification and separation applications.57,58 There are various ways that graphitic features are believed to facilitate adsorption of contaminants, including π–π interactions with aromatic functionality of organic pollutants59 or binding of heavy metal ions to defect sites or to tube ends.60 Indeed, carbon nanostructures with significant sp2 character such as nanotubes or graphene have been shown to have specific advantages over activated carbon.61–63 However, the high cost of these specialist carbon materials limits their range of applications, particularly in environmental remediation.64 Iron-catalyzed graphitization may offer an economical and sustainable solution, given the potential to transform bio-derived materials65 or even waste biomass66 into complex carbons with promising adsorption properties.
Carbon black and activated carbon are two of the most industrially important carbon materials but there have been substantial efforts to develop routes to more specialist carbon materials such as fullerenes or nanotubes. One of the earliest examples is arc discharge. In this method, an electrical arc between two electrodes in a non-conductive gas is used to generate a plasma. The high-temperature plasma vaporizes solid graphite from the anode, which then deposits onto the cooled cathode as structures such as carbon nanotubes72 and fullerenes.73 The graphite anode can be doped with various metals such as nickel, iron or cobalt, which act as catalysts for the growth of nanotubes and can facilitate growth of specific structures such as single or double-walled carbon nanotubes.74 Arc-discharge continues to be an area of interest for many researchers75 and there is still much to be learned about graphitization in this system, but that is outside the scope of this review. Another technique for growing carbon nanotubes is laser ablation, which was developed to create more controllable conditions. Laser ablation was first reported by Guo et al.,9 and uses a pulsed laser beam to vaporize a graphite target with embedded metal catalyst particles. Like arc discharge, the resulting carbon vapour is deposited onto a cooled substrate in the form of nanotubes and fullerenes.76
Arc-discharge and laser ablation both require a lot of energy and are difficult to scale up. As a result, an alternative method called chemical vapour deposition (CVD) was developed to facilitate the industrial manufacture of carbon nanotubes. In addition to the lower energy requirements, CVD has the advantage of not requiring pure graphite as a reagent. Instead, a gaseous hydrocarbon such as acetylene flows over a two-dimensional substrate. The substrate is coated in nanoparticles of a metal catalyst (typically iron, cobalt, or nickel) and when the hydrocarbon gas is heated, it decomposes and dissolves into the catalyst. Carbon nanostructures grow from the catalyst nanoparticles by various mechanisms such as float growth or base growth (Fig. 4). Compared to arc discharge and laser ablation, CVD can produce a relatively high purity product in a high yield. By changing various experimental parameters such as reaction temperature or the chemical nature of the catalyst or substrate, it is possible to influence the structure of the final product and CVD methods are widely used in industrial manufacture of carbon nanostructures. It is worth noting that many of the methods discussed in this section employ transition metal catalysts such as nickel, cobalt or iron. Considerable effort has gone into elucidating the mechanism by which these catalysts produce carbon nanostructures. While the conditions of iron-catalyzed graphitization are very different from those of arc discharge, laser ablation and CVD, there is much we can learn from the extensive mechanistic studies of these processes, and we will return to this later in the review.
In more recent years, there have been more deliberate efforts to understand and exploit the process of catalytic graphitization. Many of these have stemmed from an interest in improving the efficiency of graphite production by reducing the typical synthesis temperature of >3000 °C.80 The ability of ‘impurities’ to drive catalytic graphitization at much lower temperatures was discovered by Acheson81 in 1896. Since then, many different elements and alloys have been shown to promote the transformation of amorphous carbon to graphitic carbon.82 Early attempts involved the pyrolysis of mixtures of metal powders with amorphous carbons.83 The differences in the type of carbons formed (graphitic or turbostratic/graphitic) were linked to two different graphitization mechanisms. The first of these was proposed to be formation and subsequent decomposition of metal carbides and the second was suggested to involve dissolution of carbon into the catalyst, followed by reprecipitation.84 The latter mechanism was believed to be driven by formation of a solution that is saturated with respect to disordered carbon but supersaturated with respect to graphite.85,86 The precise composition of the carbon precursor was found to affect the degree of graphitization, but importantly, it was shown that even ‘non-graphitizable’ carbons could be graphitized at relatively low temperatures (<1400 °C).87
The specific phenomenon of iron-catalyzed graphitization has been studied in considerable detail since the early reports of catalytic graphitization. This is partly due to the importance of graphitization within the iron and steel industry. For example, in blast furnaces, iron ore is heated with a porous carbon such as coke, which acts as a reducing agent and energy source and is also crucial in maintaining the permeability of the reactor contents for upward flowing gases.88 For environmental reasons, there is a need to minimize coke consumption, which has driven investigations into coke degradation and transformation within blast furnaces.89 One mechanism by which this occurs is the graphitization of coke carbon. A model study used to probe this system combined coke with a fine iron powder (particle size <5 μm). Heating the mixture resulted in the formation of graphitic carbon above 1200 °C.90 The process is believed to result from a dissolution–precipitation mechanism within molten iron catalyst particles.
Another observation that prompted study into iron-catalyzed graphitization was the unwanted deposition of carbon on metals exposed to carbon monoxide. For example, the conversion of carbon monoxide to solid carbon on iron surfaces was observed to cause deactivation of Fischer–Tropsch catalysts,91 damage to brickwork in blast furnaces,92 and carburization in heat exchangers of nuclear reactors.93 While carbon deposition can be problematic in these circumstances, it was recognised that the same process may enable industrial production of useful carbons. In studying carbon deposition, many authors observed tube like filaments, with small crystals of iron or iron carbide (Fe3C), indicating that the iron had catalyzed the filament formation. Work quickly moved to the deliberate synthesis of these tubular filaments from decomposition of carbon monoxide94 or benzene95 over iron catalysts. This research led to development of CVD synthesis of carbon nanotubes,96 as discussed above.
Alongside development of gaseous precursors for catalytic graphitization, there has been increasing interest in iron-catalyzed graphitization of non-gaseous organic precursors. This typically involves mixing solvated iron precursors such as ferrocene, iron nitrate, iron acetate or iron chloride with a solid or dissolved organic material.83,97,98 The mixture is then pyrolyzed in an inert atmosphere to drive thermal decomposition of the organic matter to amorphous carbon. Alongside this, the iron precursor also decomposes. In many cases this results firstly in iron oxide nanoparticles, which are then transformed by carbothermal reduction to Fe or Fe3C. These particles then drive graphitization, which is believed to occur either by dissolution/reprecipitation of carbon or formation/decomposition of carbides. Due to the relatively small size of the catalytic iron nanoparticles, the graphitization process occurs at the relatively low temperature of 800 °C or 900 °C. In many instances, tubular nanostructures are formed, suggesting that the iron-containing catalyst particles move through the amorphous carbon matrix during graphitization, perhaps driven by dissolution and reprecipitation of carbon. Multiple variations of this procedure now exist, using a wide range of organic precursors and these will form the basis of the next sections of this review. We will then return to the question of the mechanism of graphitization.
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Fig. 6 TEM images of (a) graphitic nanostructures with embedded iron nanoparticles produced by pyrolyzing a mixture of sucrose and iron nitrate and (b) the same sample after acid-washing. (c) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and (d) TEM images of graphitic nanotubes produced from glucose and iron nitrate (after acid washing to remove iron catalyst particles). Figures modified with permission from ref. 99 and 100. |
Sugars have also been used to produce carbons where graphitic nanostructures are combined with macrostructural features such as pores or spherical shapes. The simplest approach to this is to initially produce an amorphous carbon and then introduce iron before pyrolyzing (Fig. 5b). This can be achieved just by pyrolyzing a sugar such as glucose to produce a porous amorphous carbon,103 but more elaborate structures can be formed by templating sugars with amphiphilic copolymers before carbonizing them.104 In the copolymer-templated example, the resulting amorphous carbon was then decorated with iron oxide nanoparticles by hydrothermal treatment and then pyrolyzed a second time to drive graphitization. Hydrothermal chemistry can also be used to produce the amorphous carbon precursor e.g. via hydrothermal carbonization of sucrose solutions to generate carbon spheres. The surface of these can be impregnated with iron nitrate, followed by pyrolysis to generate carbon spheres with a highly graphitic surface (Fig. 5c).105 Hydrothermal carbonization can also be used to deposit carbon from glucose around iron oxide nanoparticles before pyrolysis to drive graphitization (Fig. 5d). This has the advantage of maintaining a relatively consistent catalyst particle size.106 It is not particularly instructive to continue discussing all examples of iron-catalyzed graphitization that employ small molecules. A selection of examples from the literature are listed in Table 1 and it can easily be seen that a wide range of precursors and conditions have been used, even within this small area focusing on small molecules. It is clear from these examples that there is scope for tailoring graphitic nanostructures even in very simple systems but there is a need for systematic investigation.
Product description | Organic precursor | Iron source | Temp. (°C) | Notes | Catalyst |
Graphitic tubes/shells108 | Glucose | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | BET surface area 343 m2 g−1 | Fe3C |
Graphite103 | Glucose | Fe powder | 1200 | Glucose pyrolysed to form hard carbon before grinding with iron powder | |
Carbon-encapsulated magnetic nanoparticles, core–shell structure106 | Glucose | Fe3O4 nanoparticles | 700–850 | BET surface area 134–202 m2 g−1 | |
Graphene-like carbon shell encapsulating iron carbide nanoparticles107 | Glucose | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Potassium nitrate added as a promoter, BET surface area 238 m2 g−1 | Fe3C |
Mesoporous graphitic carbon108 | Glucose | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Comparison with starch and cellulose BET surface area 343 m2 g−1 | Fe3C |
Graphitic mesoporous carbon, carbon nanotubes99 | Sucrose | Fe(NO3)3 | 700/800 | BET surface area 198 m2 g−1 | |
Nanoporous graphitic carbon, wormlike porous structure104 | Sucrose | Fe(NO3)3 | 600–900 | Initial hydrothermal treatment, F123 copolymer template, BET surface area 329 m2 g−1 | |
Graphitic nanoribbons105 | Sucrose | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Initial hydrothermal treatment | |
Hollow carbon nanospheres109 | Sucrose | Iron oxide nanoparticles | 450 | Very broad peak in XRD | Fe3C |
Fe3C or Fe nanoparticles with graphitic shells102 | Glucose, sucrose, or urea | Iron acetylacetonate | 800 | BET surface area 40–240 m2 g−1 | Fe3C or Fe |
Graphite encapsulated iron carbide/iron nanosheet composites110 | Glucose and glycine | Fe(NO3)3 | 700–1000 | BET surface area 75–260 m2 g−1 | Fe3C then Fe |
Iron particles with graphitic carbon shells111 | Glucose + dicyandiamide or urea | K3[Fe(CN)6] | 800/900 | NaCl template, dicyandiamide or urea for N-doping | Fe/Fe3C |
Iron and nitrogen doped carbon nanostructures112 | Glycine | FeCl2 | 900 | Additional template of silica beads, BET surface area 740 m2 g−1 | |
Iron-doped porous carbon, graphene sheets, particles wrapped by graphitic carbon113 | L-Histidine | Fe2O3 and FeCl3 | 1000 then 1000 | Ball milling and acid wash after first pyrolysis, BET surface area 200–315 m2 g−1 | |
Metallic nanoparticles in graphitic shells114 | Citric acid | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Initial formation of metal citrate gel at 120 °C | |
Iron carbide encapsulated in graphitic layers115 | 1,8-Diaminonaphthalene | FeCl3 | 700–1000 | Initial polymerisation step, BET surface area 510–920 m2 g−1 | Fe3C |
Product description | Organic precursor | Iron source | Temp. (°C) | Comments |
Turbostratic carbon shells and tubes surrounding Fe nanoparticles97 | Furfuryl alcohol | Ferrocene | 450–820 | Initial polymerization step to polyfurfuryl alcohol |
Turbostratic carbon, shell-like structures125 | Furfuryl alcohol | Ferrocene | 700 | BET surface area 200 m2 g−1 |
Graphitic mesoporous carbons121 | Phenolic resin | Fe(NO3)3 | 900 | Silica xerogel template, BET surface area 1010 m2 g−1 |
Graphitic mesoporous carbon117 | Phenolic resin | Fe(NO3)3 or ferrocene | 700 | BET surface areas of 607 m2 g−1 and 248 m2 g−1 |
Onion-like carbon126 | Phenol/formaldehyde | Ferrocene | 1000 | Different mixing methods compared |
Microporous carbons, graphitic layers118 | Phenol/formaldehyde | Ferrocene | 1000 | Mechanical mixing compared to solution mixing, BET surface areas 216–632 m2 g−1 |
Mesoporous carbon122 | Phenol/formaldehyde resin | Fe(NO3)3 | 900 | SBA-15 silica nanocast BET surface area 670 m2 g−1 |
Mesoporous graphite-like carbon123 | Phenol/formaldehyde | Ammonium iron citrate | 700 | Pluronic P123 as templating agent |
Ordered mesoporous carbons with partially graphitized network127 | Phenol/formaldehyde | FeCl3/FeSO4 | 800 | Initial hydrothermal treatment and copolymer P123 |
Graphitic mesoporous carbon128 | Resorcinol/formaldehyde | Iron citrate | 900 | Silica sol template, surface area depends on iron content |
Highly ordered Fe-containing mesoporous carbon124 | Resorcinol/formaldehyde | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Triblock copolymer pluronic F127 templating agent |
Metal-doped carbon aerogels129 | Resorcinol/formaldehyde | Iron acetate | 900 | BET surface area 461 m2 g−1 |
Graphitic carbon spheres130 | Resorcinol/formaldehyde spheres | Prussian blue | 1000 | BET surface area 381 m2 g−1 |
Macroporous monolithic graphitic carbon119 | Resorcinol/formaldehyde xerogel | FeCl3 | 1000 | Spinodal decomposition during polymerization introduces macroporosity, BET surface area 465 m2 g−1 |
Onion-like or nanocapsule-like graphitic carbon131 | Resorcinol/formaldehyde | Iron(II) acetate | 1100 | Two step pyrolysis to minimise cracking |
Monolithic porous graphitic carbons132 | Resorcinol, furfural xerogel | FeCl3 | 1050 | BET surface areas up to 400 m2 g−1 |
Carbon nanotubes and shells120 | Polyethylene/polyvinyl alcohol | Iron hydroxide needles | 750 | |
Carbon nanofibers with bamboo-like hollow fibril morphology116 | Polyethylene glycol | FeSO4 | 750 | Graphitization believed to be facilitated by sulfur dissolution into the catalyst particles |
Carbon nanotubes133 | Polypropylene | Fe nanoparticles | 700 | Dissolution of precursor in xylene |
Multilayer graphitic nanosheets/nanoshells134 | Poly(4-ethylstyrene-co-divinylbenzene) | Iron(II) acetylacetonate | 850 |
A common type of synthetic polymer used for catalytic graphitization is phenolic resins. These are thermosetting polymers that are generally synthesized from the reaction of phenols with formaldehyde and are commonly used as industrial adhesives. The type of structures and porosity of graphitic carbons produced from phenolic resins depends on the type of iron precursor (e.g. iron nitrate or ferrocene)117 and also the method of mixing, with mechanical mixing of solid precursors favouring micropores and homogeneous mixing of solvated precursors favouring mesopores.118 This is due to the homogeneously-mixed sample displaying more graphitic features, compared to the micropores of amorphous carbon. Organic gels formed from the reaction between resorcinol and formaldehyde have also been successfully graphitized by iron-based catalysts. Again, the polymerization is performed in the presence of the iron precursor, allowing a homogeneous mixture of the two components. An interesting example by Hasegawa et al. uses resorcinol, iron chloride and formaldehyde in an ethanol/water solvent.119 The iron chloride acts as an acid catalyst to initiate polymerization and as the reaction proceeds, the polymer network becomes more hydrophobic, leading to spinodal decomposition and the formation of a macroporous structure. The pore size can be controlled simply by varying the ethanol:water ratio and the macroporosity is maintained in the graphitic product after pyrolysis (Fig. 7a).
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Fig. 7 (a) SEM image of macroporous carbon produced from resorcinol-formaldehyde resin, (b) TEM image of iron hydroxide needles with amorphous carbon coating and (c) the same sample after further pyrolysis, showing empty needle-shaped carbon shells. Also shown are TEM images of (d) Fe-doped SBA-15 mesoporous silica and (e) carbon templated from that silica and f) ordered mesoporous carbon from Pluronic F127-templating of resorcinol formaldehyde with iron nanoparticle circled. Figures modified with permissions from ref. 119, 120, 122 and 124. |
Another route to introduce porosity into graphitic carbons produced from synthetic polymers is to use hard or soft templates. These can be sacrificial or can themselves form part of the carbon product or the catalyst. Maksimova et al.,120 embedded needle-shaped iron hydroxide nanoparticles in polyvinylalcohol and polyethylene before pyrolysis under nitrogen. TEM images of samples heated to 600 °C showed needle-like iron oxide crystals (from iron hydroxide decomposition) coated in a layer of amorphous carbon (Fig. 7b). Pyrolysis to 750 °C results in carbothermal reduction of the iron oxide to iron and a markedly different structure (Fig. 7c) where the carbon has retained the needle-like structure but the catalyst particles have moved out of the carbon shells to form much larger, rounded particles. This suggests that the catalyst phase is highly mobile and the authors propose that this indicates a melting transition of the catalyst particles. Sevilla et al. produced mesoporous carbons by impregnating silica xerogels with a solution of phenolic resin in methanol, followed by pyrolysis and etching of the silica template with HF.121 The resulting mesoporous carbons were then filled with ethanolic iron nitrate and pyrolyzed to 400–900 °C before removing the metal catalyst particles by acid washing. The combination of graphitic features and porosity from the silica template led to remarkably high surface areas and bimodal porosity. Interestingly, these authors found that a lower pyrolysis temperature (≤600 °C) favoured graphitization, perhaps because high temperatures drove sintering of the catalyst particles. In a similar method, Li et al. synthesized a mesoporous silica template (Fig. 7d) with embedded iron oxide particles that was infiltrated with phenolic resin, pyrolyzed at 900 °C and washed with HF to generate a mesoporous graphitic carbon (Fig. 7e).122
The challenge with using silica as a template is the need for harsh treatment (HF or strong NaOH) to remove the silica. An alternative approach is to use soft templates which can be combusted during the pyrolysis process. For example, Wang et al. used Pluronic P123 to introduce mesoporosity into a phenolic resin.123 Pyrolysis without iron produced a carbon with regular porosity and a high surface area of 800 m2 g−1. However, much of this ordered porosity appears to be lost if an iron precursor is also included in the phenolic resin, with the formation of graphitic nanostructures and a lower BET surface area. Another system showed more successful retention of ordered mesoporosity. Li et al. employed a triblock copolymer Pluronic F127 to produce resorcinol-formaldehyde resins with ordered mesoporosity.124 They discovered that a high iron content led to loss of the ordered porosity but that it could be maintained at a low iron:organic ratio (Fig. 7f), with metallic iron nanoparticles dispersed throughout the structure.
Product description | Organic precursor | Iron source | Temp. (°C) | Comments |
Turbostratic carbon with a ribbon morphology146 | Microcrystalline cellulose spheres | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Detailed mechanism study |
Graphitic carbon shells and tube-like structures147 | Cellulose filter paper | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | In situ TEM images of graphitization |
Iron or iron carbide nanoparticles embedded in graphitic carbon matrix148 | Cellulose | Iron oxide nanoparticles | Up to 800 | Initial hydrothermal treatment |
Mesoporous graphitic carbon149 | Microcrystalline cellulose spheres | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Various metals compared |
Carbon encapsulated iron carbide nanoparticles150 | Cellulose | Fe3O4 nanoparticles from FeCl2/FeCl3 | 800–1600 | Thicker graphitic shell at higher temperature |
Mesoporous graphite-containing carbon composites151 | Cellulose | FeCl3/Fe(NO3)3 | 500–1000 | Various cellulose precursors |
Mesoporous graphitic carbon108 | Cellulose fibres | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Compared to glucose and starch, BET surface area 358 m2 g−1 |
Porous graphitic carbon152 | Cellulose | Fe(NO3)3 | 850 | Liquid, gaseous and solid products characterized |
Microporous or mesoporous carbon108 | Potato starch | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Graphitization very slow compared to cellulose or glucose |
Graphitic carbon nanostructures100 | Starch | Fe(NO3)3 | 900 | Comparison of starch, glucose and sucrose |
Graphitic-carbon-encapsulated iron nanoparticles141 | Kraft lignin | Fe(NO3)3 | 700–1000 | Larger particles believed to create thicker graphitic shells |
Graphene-encapsulate iron particles, multilayer graphene sheets/flakes, core–shell structure139 | Kraft lignin | Fe(NO3)3 | 1000 | Lignin dissolved in THF |
Graphene-encapsulated iron particles140 | Kraft lignin | Fe(NO3)3 | 1000 | Different iron:lignin ratios |
Graphene-encapsulated iron nanoparticles153 | Kraft lignin | Fe(NO3)3 | 1000 | Effect of pyrolysis gases investigated: Ar, CO2, H2, CH4 |
Carbon-encapsulated iron nanoparticles and carbon tubules154 | Kraft lignin | Fe nanoparticles or Fe(NO3)3 | 1000 | Comparison of solid and aqueous iron precursors |
Core shell structures155 | Lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose | Fe(NO3)3 | 1000 | Biomass pyrolyzed before Fe addition and second pyrolysis step. Limited graphitization for lignin |
Porous carbon sheets143 | Agar | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Al(NO3)3 as templating agent |
Graphitic mesoporous capsules, graphitized carbon156 | Gelatin | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Mg(NO3)3 to prevent sintering |
Sponge-like graphitic carbon142 | Chitosan | FeCl3, FeCl2 or (Fe(Phen)3Cl2) | 900 | Freeze drying of chitosan gel introduces macroporosity |
N-doped carbon with a high degree of graphitization157 | Chitosan | FeCl3 | 800–1000 | Graphitic N functionality |
The most abundant biopolymer found in nature is cellulose, which is the main component in the cell walls of green plants. Cellulose is a polysaccharide consisting of linear chains of β(1→4) linked glucose units. Cellulose molecules align to form strong microfibrils, with individual cellulose polymers bound together by hydrogen bonds and it is networks and arrays of these microfibrils that provides much of the mechanical strength of plants. Cellulose can be extracted from plant material (or from cellulose-producing bacteria) but is very difficult to solubilise, requiring specialist conditions such as ionic liquids135 or concentrated NaOH at controlled temperatures136 to be dissolved. All the examples of iron-catalyzed graphitization of cellulose therefore use pure solid forms of cellulose such as fibres or microcrystalline powders.
A range of iron precursors have been used for catalytic graphitization of cellulose. Hoekstra et al. pyrolyzed microcrystalline cellulose spheres impregnated with three trivalent iron salts: iron(III) nitrate, ammonium iron(III) citrate and iron(III) chloride.65 The study showed several interesting results. X-ray diffraction of all three systems showed similar compositions in the resulting carbons, with peaks for Fe and Fe3C and a broad peak corresponding to the interlayer plane spacing of graphite. However, only the iron nitrate and ammonium iron citrate showed the shell-like and tube-like graphitic nanostructures characteristic of most examples of catalytic graphitization. The sample prepared from FeCl3 showed much less evidence of graphitic nanostructures in TEM images and appeared to have a high amorphous carbon content. This observation was supported by porosimetry data, which showed mesoporosity in both the iron nitrate and ammonium iron citrate systems but only microporosity in the FeCl3 system (Fig. 8a, d, g). Investigation of the structure of the materials and the mechanism of formation offered insight into the reason for this disparity. Temperature-dependent X-ray diffraction data (Fig. 8b, e and h) showed that all samples initially formed iron oxide (Fe3O4) but for iron nitrate and ammonium iron citrate the peaks are very broad indicating nanoparticles. In contrast, the Fe3O4 peaks for the sample prepared from FeCl3 were sharp, indicating large crystallites. In the nitrate and ammonium iron citrate systems, the magnetite nanoparticles are reduced to wüstite (FeO) nanoparticles (again indicated by very broad diffraction peaks) before reduction to Fe/Fe3C. In contrast, the sharp magnetite peaks in the FeCl3 system are transformed to sharp wüstite peaks before reduction to Fe/Fe3C. SEM images support these observations, with carbons prepared from iron nitrate and ammonium iron citrate containing small nanoparticles of iron, indicated by the bright spots on the backscattered electron images (Fig. 8c, f, i). The carbon derived from FeCl3, however, shows very large iron particles, which appear to be located mainly on the carbon surface. The authors demonstrate that the reason for the very large particles is the volatility of the FeCl3 precursor driving evaporation of FeCl3 from the loaded microcrystalline cellulose spheres and deposition of large particles on the surface. The work provides further evidence that graphitization is closely linked to catalyst particle size. Interestingly, the iron chloride also influences the carbonization process and particularly the formation of micropores because of its Lewis acid character, which ‘activates’ the carbon by promoting dehydration rather than depolymerization reactions.137,138
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Fig. 8 Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms, temperature dependent X-ray diffraction and SEM (backscattered electron) images of carbons produced from microcrystalline cellulose and (a–c) iron nitrate, (d–f) ammonium iron citrate and (g–i) iron(III) chloride. NB: temperature-dependent XRD was performed on samples preheated to 500 °C. Figures modified with permission from ref. 65. |
Another study compared the graphitization of cellulose, starch and glucose, using iron nitrate as the iron precursor.108 Cellulose and starch are both composed of polymers that are based on glucose monomers but while glucose is fully water-soluble, cellulose is insoluble and starch only swells to form gels. Pyrolysis of each of these precursors with aqueous iron nitrate resulted in carbons with very different structures, where cellulose and glucose carbons were mesoporous and the starch carbon was primarily microporous and with a much broader graphite XRD peak. Further study of the system showed that a mesoporous graphitic carbon could be formed from starch, but only by extending the pyrolysis time (Fig. 9). Small-angle X-ray scattering data indicated that the iron carbide particles in the starch system grow very slowly, as can be inferred by the broad peaks in X-ray diffraction data. The authors postulated that the complex gel-structure of starch granules allows intercalation of the Fe3+ precursor within the constituent amylose and amylopectin molecules (Fig. 10). The thermal stability of starch means that the organic network persists for a long time around the iron precursor as it gradually agglomerates to form iron oxide nanoparticles. Smaller iron oxide nanoparticles would in turn lead to small iron carbide nanoparticles. Glucose, being a small molecule, decomposes much earlier, which would facilitate mass transport of iron species through the developing carbon. In the insoluble cellulose system, the iron is dispersed over the surface, again facilitating mass transport and particle growth. The implication from this data is that there is a critical size of Fe3C particle that must be reached before graphitization can occur. This is something that has also been suggested by other authors.116,118
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Fig. 9 (a) XRD data, (b) N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms and (c) porosimetry data for carbons prepared by pyrolyzing starch and Fe(NO3)3 to 800 °C for various hold-times. Figure reproduced with permission from ref. 108. |
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Fig. 10 Schematic of proposed iron-catalyzed graphitization mechanisms for (a) cellulose, (b) glucose and (c) starch. Figure reproduced with permission from ref. 108. |
The other major component of many plant-based biomass sources is lignin. Lignin is an abundant polyaromatic molecule and a waste product of the Kraft wood pulping process, making it a popular candidate for graphitization. The challenge of working with lignin is that it is insoluble in water. To address this, several authors report graphitization of lignin by first dissolving lignin in tetrahydrofuran (THF) and then adding aqueous iron nitrate to maximise homogeneity between the lignin and iron.139,140 After drying the mixtures and subjecting them to pyrolysis under argon, shell-like encapsulated metal nanoparticles were found in the carbon products.140 Similar shell-like nanostructures were reported by Zhang et al., but rather than solubilizing the lignin in THF, the authors added aqueous iron nitrate to lignin powder.141 This resulted in a large polydispersity in the catalyst particles, reflecting the fact that the iron would just coat the lignin particles rather than be dispersed throughout the lignin molecules. Interestingly, the authors found some evidence that the number of graphene layers around a catalyst particle may be correlated to the diameter of that particle.
There are many other biopolymers produced by both plants and animals and several of these have been employed in the production of carbons by iron-catalyzed graphitization. Most of these examples involve polymers that are soluble in hot water, producing gels that can trap aqueous iron precursors. The gels can then be dried in an oven to produce a dense material or freeze dried to give a sponge-like structure which is retained during pyrolysis.142 An advantage of many biopolymers is that they contain functional groups which can facilitate dispersion of an ionic iron precursor. For example, agar is derived from seaweed and consists of two polysaccharides (agarose and agaropectin) which contain hydroxyl groups that can coordinate to aqueous Fe3+ to produce a precursor for catalytic graphitization.143 Chitosan is another polysaccharide that been used to generate porous graphitic carbons. The advantage of chitosan is that each saccharide monomer contains an amine group, which can facilitate doping of nitrogen into carbons during pyrolysis.142 A final example is gelatin, which is a polypeptide derived from collagen. Gelatin forms sticky liquids and resins when combined with metal nitrates and these expand to form foams on drying.144 Like the freeze-dried chitosan sponge, the foam-like structure of the gelatin–metal nitrate mixtures is also maintained during pyrolysis and if gelatin is combined with iron nitrate, the resulting carbon foam contains iron carbide nanoparticles coated in ‘onion-like’ layers of graphitic carbon.145
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Fig. 11 (a–c) SEM and (d) TEM images of carbon produced from iron-catalyzed graphitization of sawdust. (e) N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms (offset along y-axis) of graphitic carbons produced from Fe(NO3)3 and sawdust at various Fe/biomass ratios and TEM images of samples prepared from (f) 1 mmol and (g) 0.5 mmol Fe(NO3)3 per gram of sawdust. Images modified with permission from ref. 160. |
A factor that must be considered in iron-catalyzed graphitization of biomass is the ability of the iron salt to penetrate the biomass structure. Many authors mill biomass to a fine powder before infiltration with an iron salt to maximize coating of the biological material in iron. Hunter et al. demonstrated this systematically, showing that milling a wide range of biomass precursors before iron-catalyzed graphitization led to porous graphitic carbons with consistent adsorptive properties. Another consideration is the nature of the iron precursor. Liu et al. describe an intriguing process using FeCl3 as a catalyst for carbon nanotube production from sawdust.161 Their process involves a fast pyrolysis step, where powdered sawdust is loaded with an iron salt, dried, flushed with N2 and then inserted into a preheated quartz tubular reactor (Fig. 12a).162 The resulting carbon powder was covered in a dense mat of graphitic nanotubes (Fig. 12b). The authors demonstrate that the rapid heating leads to degradation of the cellulosic precursor into volatile low molecular weight hydrocarbons. These dissolve into surface Fe or Fe3C nanoparticles to drive the formation of graphitic nanotubes in a process analogous to chemical vapour deposition. Interestingly, Fe(NO3)3 and Fe2(SO4)3 catalysts did not produce the surface mat of graphitic nanotubes (Fig. 12c) and neither did CuCl2 or NiCl2, indicating that the combined catalytic effect of iron and chloride is required for this phenomenon to occur. Zhang et al. reported similar structures from the fast pyrolysis of FeCl3-treated rice husks.163 It is possible that the unique behaviour of FeCl3 derives from the Lewis acid character of this salt, which is known to change the decomposition pathway of cellulosic materials.164–166 There are many other examples of raw biomass being used to produce graphitic carbons and it is difficult to draw further conclusions due to the large range of iron precursors and pyrolysis conditions used. For the benefit of the reader, these are summarized in Table 4.
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Fig. 12 (a) Diagram of setup for fast pyrolysis and SEM images of samples prepared by fast pyrolysis of sawdust powder with (b) FeCl3 (inset TEM image) and c) Fe(NO3)3. Figures modified with permission from ref. 161 and 162. |
Product description | Organic precursor | Iron source | Temp. (°C) | Comments |
Continuous and bamboo-like graphitic nanotubes160 | Softwood sawdust | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Porosity depends on iron:biomass ratio |
Nanofibers/mesoporous carbon composites161 | Sawdust | FeCl3 | 600–800 | Fast pyrolysis process, comparison of Fe(NO3)3 and Fe2(SO4)3 |
Graphitic carbon nanostructures167 | Pine wood sawdust | Fe(NO3)3 | 900/1000 | Comparison to Ni |
Onion-like structure, curved graphitic shells168 | Beech wood | FeCl3 | 1000/1300 | Impregnation with FeCl3 solution in isopropanol |
Porous graphitic carbons54 | Beech wood | FeCl3 | 1000–1600 | Slow pyrolysis to 500 °C to reduce cracking |
Onion-like graphitic shells51 | MDF wood | FeCl3 | 850–2000 | Slow pyrolysis to 500 °C to reduce cracking |
Mesoporous graphitic carbons66 | Bamboo, nut shells, grasses, wood | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Mechanical milling increases graphitization for hard biomass |
Carbon microfibres with iron nanoparticles169 | Bamboo | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Hydrothermal pre-treatment of bamboo in NaOH |
Porous graphitic carbon170 | Bamboo | K2FeO4 | 800 | Bamboo pyrolyzed to 400 °C before infiltration with iron precursor |
Porous graphene-like nanosheets171 | Coconut shell | FeCl3 | 900 | ZnCl2 used for simultaneous activation and graphitization, BET surface area 1874 m2 g−1 |
Porous graphitic carbon172 | Coconut shell | Fe(NO3)3 | 1000 | Coconut shell milled to a powder before infiltration with Fe(NO3)3 |
Magnetic nanofibers/porous carbon composites163 | Rice husk | FeCl3 | 600 | Various pretreatments of rice husk including hydrothermal and NaOH |
Fe/N-doped carbon173 | Soy bean milk | FeCl3 | 600–1000 | BET surface areas 879–1164 m2 g−1 |
Onion-like graphitic carbon174 | Cotton | Iron(III) acac | 650 | DMF solvent |
Nanoporous carbon@carbon fibre composites175 | Cotton | FeCl3 | 500–600 | MOF precursor, initial activation step |
Mesoporous carbon/iron carbide nanocomposite176 | Cotton fabric | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | BET surface area 154–410 m2 g−1 |
Nitrogen-doped porous graphitic carbon177 | Water hyacinth | Fe(NO3)3 | 700 | Dopamine hydrochloride as N source |
Hierarchically porous carbon nanosheets178 | Moringa Oleifera stems | FeCl3 | 800 | ZnCl2 as activation catalyst |
Graphitic core–shell structures179 | Miscanthus grass powder | Fe(NO3)3 | 900 | Graphitization enhanced with cobalt |
Magnetic carbon nanocages180 | Pine tree resin | Fe(NO3)3 | 1000 | Fe3C catalyst |
Hierarchical porous graphitic carbon181 | Chopsticks | Fe(NO3)3 | 850 | Potassium oxalate as activating agent |
Worm-like structures, carbon nano-capsule182 | Chinese chestnuts | Fe(NO3)3 | 400–800 | Gas and liquid byproducts also characterized |
Graphitized carbon nanosheets183 | Citrus grandis skins | FeCl3 | 1200 | Biomass milled, ZnCl2 cocatalyst |
Carbon-shell coated iron nanoparticles184 | Coffee grounds | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Coffee grounds washed before infiltration with Fe(NO3)3 |
Mesoporous graphitic carbon185 | Chestnut shell, bamboo, poplar, cotton, lotus | Fe(NO3)3 | 800 | Different iron loading and pyrolysis conditions investigated |
‘Graphite-shell-chains’186 | Wood, coffee, tofu residue, cotton | Fe(NO3)3 | 850 | Electron microscopy shows tube-like structures |
Graphitic structures187 | Oil palm frond | Fe(NO3)3 | 1000–1400 | Silica also added |
Graphitized porous carbon188 | Phoenix tree leaves | K2FeO4 | 650–950 | Pyrolyzed biomass (400 °C) mixed with K2FeO4 powder |
Carbon shells/tubes189 | Oryza sativa pulp | FeCl3 | 800 | NaOH pretreatment |
Porous graphitic carbon microtubes190 | Willow catkins | K4Fe(CN)6 | 900 | FeCl2 comparison |
Product description | Precursor | Temp. (°C) | Comments |
Mesoporous graphitic carbon197 | Iron phthalocyanine | 900 | Mesoporous silica template, BET surface area 877 m2 g−1 |
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes198 | Iron phthalocyanine | 850 | Initial vaporization at 650 °C, then flow of gas into second high T furnace with Ar |
Graphitic carbon nanostructures, nanocapsule/nanopipes191 | Iron(II) gluconate | 900–1000 | KMnO3 post-treatment to remove iron species and amorphous carbon |
Graphitic porous carbons with 3D nanonetwork192 | Ferrocene | 700–900 | Initial reflux in CCl4/AlCl3 to drive crosslinking of cyclopentadienyl rings |
Fe-filled carbon nanotubes193 | Ferrocene | 860–920 | Initial sublimation of ferrocene at 150 °C, then flow of gas into second high T furnace with Ar |
Graphitic nanocages | Fe(CO)5, acetylene and ammonia | 750–1050 | Nitrogen doping in product |
Graphitic nanocages | Fe(CO)5 and ethanol | 900 | Vertical tube furnace with three heating zones |
Carbon-encapsulated iron carbide nanoparticles196 | Ferrocene | 600–1600 | High pressure, mechanism study |
Core@shell nanocomposites199 | Ferrocene | 900 | High pressure |
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Fig. 13 (a) Molecular dynamics simulation of carbon cap formation and lift-off and (b) still images taken from environmental TEM video footage of carbon nanotube growth from an iron catalyst. Images modified with permission from ref. 204 and 205. |
Simulations have also shown the possibility of cap formation followed by growth to form a continuous shell around the catalyst particle.207 This is believed to occur when there is not enough energy to overcome the interfacial energy between the cap and the catalyst and correlates to experimental observations of graphitic shells coating catalyst particles in CVD. Factors that appear to contribute to shell formation include particle size (very small particles are not encapsulated), catalyst phase (Fe or Fe3C) and temperature (encapsulated particles tend to be found in the lower temperature regions of CVD ovens). Interestingly, there is evidence that the number of ‘shells’ of graphite around a catalyst particle is linked to the diameter of that particle. Given that the addition of carbons to the edge of an existing graphene sheet is energetically more favourable than nucleation of a new sheet, it is believed that the first shell is completed before a new shell nucleates underneath. This would lead to exhaustion of the carbon supply in the catalyst, which could explain experimental evidence that encapsulated particles in CVD synthesis tend to be formed of Fe rather than Fe3C.208 Catalytic graphitization leads to similar ‘encapsulated’ and tube-like structures, suggesting that there may be parallels with the processes of CVD. However, while some examples of catalytic graphitization produce mainly shells and others mainly tubes, there are also plenty of examples where a mixture of products is formed.
Another feature of catalyst diameter is that it influences the diameter of the resulting carbon nanotube. This is believed to be due to cap lift-off occurring after the cap reaches a similar diameter to the catalyst cluster.209 Cheung et al. demonstrated experimentally that monodisperse iron nanoparticles could be used to produce carbon nanotubes with controlled diameter via CVD.210 These authors also note that an efficient carbon supply is required to drive the growth of large-diameter nanotubes from large catalyst particles. On the other end of the scale, catalyst clusters that are too small (<20 atoms) have been shown in simulations to produce poor quality carbon nanotubes, due to inconsistencies in binding between the cluster and the dangling bonds of the nanotube.211 This reflects some experimental observations that nanoparticles must reach a critical size before they become catalytically active in CVD.212 A similar level of control of nanotube diameter has also been seen in catalytic graphitization. If catalyst particles are smaller, they produce nanotubes and shells of smaller diameter, which is reflected in the porosity of the carbon material.65,160 A point to note is that many authors have observed Fe or Fe3C nanoparticles to be ‘liquid-like’ during the graphitization process and very quickly agglomerate to form larger particles. Controlling this process may be a route to a wider range of graphitic products.
A second important observation from CVD nanotube growth is that of continuous and bamboo-like carbon nanotubes. As the name suggests, bamboo-like carbon nanotubes resemble the structure of bamboo, with regular compartment-like graphitic structures (Fig. 14a).216 This contrasts with the straight channel formed in normal carbon nanotubes (Fig. 14b/c). Bamboo-like carbon nanotubes are believed to form by periodic nucleation steps, where a series of graphitic layers form across the trailing edge of the catalyst particle during float growth (Fig. 14d). The catalyst particle then detaches from the graphitic layers and moves forward before stopping to generate another nucleation point.217 Simulations suggest that bamboo-like carbon nanotubes form in conditions of higher carbon concentration,218 which correlates to an in situ TEM study which identified Fe3C as the catalyst for bamboo-like carbon nanotubes and Fe as active for continuous carbon nanotubes.216
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Fig. 14 TEM images of (a) bamboo-like and (b and c) continuous carbon nanotubes and (d) in situ growth of a bamboo-like carbon nanotube. Figures modified with permission from ref. 216 and 217. |
Continuous and ‘bamboo-like’ nanotubes have also been identified in many reports of catalytic graphitization, sometimes within the same sample.160 Given that many reports of catalytic graphitization identify both Fe3C and Fe in X-ray diffraction data, it is possible that the different materials drive two different types of graphitization. Some interesting insight comes from work by Ichihashi et al., who grew amorphous carbon ‘nanopillars’ by electron-beam-induced chemical vapor deposition on an iron-doped carbon substrate.219 On heating the sample to 650 °C inside a transmission electron microscope, they observed the formation of iron nanoparticles in the substrate followed by ‘liquid-like’ movement of particles outwards along the carbon pillars, leaving a graphitic ‘trail’ behind (Fig. 15). In one case, they observed the liquid-like particle moving at constant speed along the carbon nanopillar to form a multi-walled nanotube. In another case, the catalyst particle moved more slowly, and the tail of the particle periodically paused for several hundred milliseconds, forming graphene caps within the nanotube. Crucially, the nanoparticle catalysts never moved back along the pillar once graphitization was complete, indicating that graphitic carbon does not re-dissolve in the catalyst once it has formed. The authors do not propose a reason for the different behaviour, but they do suggest that the driving force for movement is due to the difference in solubility of amorphous carbon in iron compared to graphitic carbon in iron. A difference in solubility of amorphous carbon in Fe compared to Fe3C could potentially then be a reason for slower or faster movement of a catalyst particle through amorphous carbon.
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Fig. 15 Images from an environmental TEM video showing movement of an iron catalyst particle along a carbon ‘nanopillar’. Figure modified with permission from ref. 219. |
An important point to note is that the crystal phases present during catalytic graphitization may change as the sample is cooled. For example, in situ synchrotron XRD data from Gomez-Martin et al. showed that the onset of graphitization of a wood precursor corresponded to the appearance of an Fe3C phase.222 During cooling, the Fe3C phase transforms to γ-Fe then α-Fe, triggering a second carbon precipitation step. This change in the crystalline composition on cooling highlights the importance of studying graphitization in situ. Systems that are only studied after removal from the furnace will offer limited information on the mechanism by which they were formed.
Another question that is linked to the chemical nature of the catalyst is how carbon is transported within the catalyst particles. Again, much of the evidence so far on this phenomenon comes from studies of CVD processes. For example, Yoshida et al. collected in situ environmental TEM footage of MWCNTs growing from Fe3C nanoparticles.221 All the cylinder layers of the nanotube were observed to grow at the same rate, regardless of diameter, which strongly suggests migration of carbon atoms through the bulk of the catalyst particle. Other examples propose diffusion of carbon atoms around the surface of the catalyst nanoparticles. Again, there is a possibility that different mechanisms operate in different systems. In the complex world of iron-catalyzed graphitization, there may even be multiple mechanisms operating within the same sample.
The mechanism of iron-catalyzed graphitization can be further complicated when considering doping, or the presence of impurities within the system. Doping of Fe–C materials with heteroatoms has been an intense field of study as it has led to improved performance in various applications. For example, N-doped carbons that contain iron species are known to be highly active in the oxygen reduction reaction224,225 and N-doped carbons are also of interest in lithium-ion batteries.226 There is also considerable interest in phosphorus227 and sulfur228-doped carbons. Given that iron can form alloys with nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur, it is reasonable to assume that the presence of these heteroatoms will influence the chemistry of Fe–C graphitization catalysts, whether or not the heteroatoms become integrated into the resulting graphitic carbon. While there are few studies on the effect of heteroatom doping on graphitization catalysts, it is clear that the presence of these species affects graphitization. For example, sulfur doping was shown to affect the number of layers in carbon nanotubes grown by CVD.229 Sulfur has also been used to prevent agglomeration of iron catalyst particles during CVD, which in turn controls the diameter of the carbon nanotubes.230 It is possible that iron sulfide (FeS) or iron nitride (Fe3N) may act as graphitization catalysts in their own right. For example, there have been reports of graphitic structures forming around iron sulfide nanoparticles.231 A final point that is worth noting is that different nitrogen-containing precursors can lead to different types of nitrogen feature in the resulting graphitic carbon, which suggests that the precursor can affect the mechanism of graphitization.232
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Fig. 16 Still images from in situ ETEM footage of an iron-rich particle moving through a carbon matrix. Arrows show the layers of graphite forming on the trailing edge of the catalyst. Images modified with permission from ref. 147. |
Computer simulations have been used to offer insight into the physical properties of the graphitization catalyst. Methods such as molecular dynamics have shown that the melting temperature of metal nanoparticles can be considerably lower than the corresponding bulk material, raising the possibility that graphitization catalysts may be in a liquid or liquid-like state.237 One model, carried out by Ding et al., suggests that both states are possible.238 Their study modelled the growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes on both solid and liquid iron particles and found that the two routes had similar growth mechanisms. The main difference was that the main diffusion pathway of the carbon atoms in liquid nanoparticles was through the bulk, while surface diffusion dominated in solid nanoparticles. In real systems, it may be that both routes take place at the same time, because catalyst particles are unlikely to be completely uniform in size. It is possible that the smaller particles are in a liquid state and the larger particles in a solid state at the same temperature. The study by Ding et al. not only suggests that this is plausible, but that the resulting nanostructure may be the same in both scenarios. A further factor to consider is that some metals, including iron, are known to undergo surface melting. This may provide an explanation for the liquid-like behaviour of the catalyst particles in some systems. Ding et al. have used molecular dynamics to demonstrate that surface melting occurs at temperatures below the melting temperature in both free239 and supported iron nanoclusters,240 with the depth of the surface melt increasing with temperature until the cluster undergoes complete melting. Therefore, as well as both solid and liquid states, it is possible that the nanoparticles occupy ‘in-between’ states in the process of graphitization. Modelling can never take into consideration all the factors of an experimental study. One important consideration when considering the size effect is the introduction of a surface, which is applicable to both CVD and catalytic graphitization processes. While stronger interactions caused by a lower contact angle can decrease the melting temperature,241 favourable epitaxy between the nanoparticle and the substrate can raise the melting temperature by hundreds of degrees.242 This implies that the suggested variation in melting temperature may not be a purely size-based argument. There are many more challenges and discoveries remaining in this field.
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Fig. 17 Schematic of an experimental setup used to study pyrolysis of a gelatin/Fe(NO3)3 mixture in situ viewed from (a) the top and (b) the side. Figure reproduced with permission from ref. 223. |
In situ or environmental TEM has also been used to study graphitization of carbon by iron and other metals. The challenge in these experiments again is replicating the laboratory furnace environment as closely as possible. Since electron microscopes operate under a high vacuum, it is necessary to be cautious when interpreting results from in situ TEM experiments as the materials may behave differently in the vacuum compared to the N2 or Ar atmosphere of the laboratory furnace. It is also important to consider how the high energy electron beam may be interacting with the sample. The earliest example of in situ TEM investigations of graphitization come from Krivoruchko et al.235 The authors dispersed iron hydroxide particles over an amorphous carbon film on a TEM grid. Heating the sample inside the microscope led first to reduction of the iron hydroxide and then movement of the resulting ‘liquid-like’ Fe particles across the carbon film, producing a trail of graphitic carbon. Glatzel et al., used a similar approach but dispersed a sample of cellulose/Fe(NO3)3 on a TEM grid before heating in situ and recording video footage.147 They observed very similar ‘liquid-like’ movement as the Fe/Fe3C nanoparticles graphitized the sample.
An additional factor for explaining the high catalytic graphitization efficiency of iron may be related to carbon solubility at high temperatures and the ability to form metal carbides. While iron can form a stable carbide with carbon, nickel and cobalt carbides are metastable, due to their weaker carbon bonds, with the order of the enthalpy being: Fe–C < Co–C < Ni–C.252 The maximum solubility of carbon in nickel is about 0.6 wt% at 1327 °C, while the maximum solubility of carbon in cobalt is 0.9 wt% at 1320 °C. For iron, the maximum solubility of carbon is 2.06 wt% at 1153 °C for the austenite (fcc) phase. This drops sharply to 0.02 wt% at 723 °C, where the transition to ferrite (bcc) iron occurs, due to the smaller interstitial positions in the ferrite lattice.253 According to the maximum solubility, the order is again iron > cobalt > nickel for the catalytic activity of these three metals. The abrupt decrease in solubility upon the austenite to ferrite transition may also help explain the higher efficiency of iron as a graphitization catalyst from a classic solution-precipitation view.
Other elements have shown to be active catalysts for graphitization, as reviewed by Ōya and Marsh.82 Ōya and Ōtani studied the graphitization of formaldehyde derived carbon at 2600–3000 °C by 10 wt% of Mg, Si, Ca, Cu, and Ge, which formed only graphitic carbon, and Al, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Mo and W, which formed both graphitic and turbostratic carbon.83 In addition, B was found to markedly accelerate homogeneous graphitization, while Zn, Sn, Sb, Pb and Bi had no catalytic effect. Yokokawa et al. studied the graphitization of furfuryl alcohol-derived carbon at 1400–2300 °C by copper compounds and copper metal.87 Weisweiler et al. used monolithic glass-like carbon crucibles filled with different metals and found Ni, Co, Fe, Pt, Mo, Cr and B to be highly effective in catalyzing graphitization, while Ag, Mg, Zn, Cd, Ge, Sn, Pb, Sb, Bi, Se, Te and Pd showed no reaction.85 More recent works have studied the catalytic graphitization of rare earth elements,254 yttrium,255 manganese121 and magnesium.256
Another challenge in iron-catalyzed graphitization is understanding the mechanism. It is still not clear why some organic precursors produce graphitic shells while others generate graphitic nanotubes. It is possible that the different precursors or conditions lead to different catalytic routes. This may relate to the chemical nature of the catalyst (Fe or Fe3C) or to its physical state. When the catalyst does become mobile and produce graphitic nanotubes, it is not known why this movement is apparently random. If the movement of the catalyst particles could be understood and then controlled, it may be possible to further optimize the properties of the resulting carbons by introducing directional order between the nanotubes. On a simpler level, it is also important to gain a further understanding of how catalyst size influences the graphitization process and thus the porosity of the resulting materials. It is clear from all the examples in this paper that there is still much to be discovered in the field of iron-catalyzed graphitization. Increasingly sophisticated simulations, and synchrotron and electron microscopy experiments will undoubtedly offer insight into the nature of the catalytic process. However, there is also a lot of scope in simple, systematic experimental studies of different precursors and conditions.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2022 |