Issue 21, 2023

Targeted degradation of ABCG2 for reversing multidrug resistance by hypervalent bispecific gold nanoparticle-anchored aptamer chimeras


Hypervalent bispecific gold nanoparticle-anchored aptamer chimeras (AuNP-APTACs) were designed as a new tool of lysosome-targeting chimeras (LYTACs) for efficient degradation of the ATP-binding cassette, subfamily G, isoform 2 protein (ABCG2) to reverse multidrug resistance (MDR) of cancer cells. The AuNP-APTACs could effectively increase the accumulation of drugs in drug-resistant cancer cells and provide comparable efficacy to small-molecule inhibitors. Thus, this new strategy provides a new way to reverse MDR, holding great promise in cancer therapy.

Graphical abstract: Targeted degradation of ABCG2 for reversing multidrug resistance by hypervalent bispecific gold nanoparticle-anchored aptamer chimeras

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Article information

Article type
16 Jan 2023
11 Feb 2023
First published
13 Feb 2023

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 3118-3121

Targeted degradation of ABCG2 for reversing multidrug resistance by hypervalent bispecific gold nanoparticle-anchored aptamer chimeras

W. Lu, J. Chen, Z. Guo, Y. Ma, Z. Gu and Z. Liu, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 3118 DOI: 10.1039/D3CC00168G

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