Marta I.
ae and
aUniversity of Innsbruck, Institute for Ion Physics and Applied Physics, Innsbruck, Austria. E-mail:
bInstituto de Física Fundamental, C.S.I.C., Madrid, Spain. E-mail:
cDipartimento di Chimica, Biologia e Biotecnologie, Università di Perugia, Perugia, Italy
dDepartamento de Física and IUdEA, Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
eDepartment of Physics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, USA
First published on 17th November 2022
We report a novel method to reversibly attach and detach hydrogen molecules to positively charged sodium clusters formed inside a helium nanodroplet host matrix. It is based on the controlled production of multiply charged helium droplets which, after picking up sodium atoms and exposure to H2 vapor, lead to the formation of Nam+(H2)n clusters, whose population was accurately measured using a time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The mass spectra reveal particularly favorable Na+(H2)n and Na2+(H2)n clusters for specific “magic” numbers of attached hydrogen molecules. The energies and structures of these clusters have been investigated by means of quantum-mechanical calculations employing analytical interaction potentials based on ab initio electronic structure calculations. A good agreement is found between the experimental and the theoretical magic numbers.
Therefore the investigation and characterization of the hydrogen–sodium interaction are important to the H2 energy community, driven by the need to develop fundamentally new ways to store hydrogen in low-weight environments with high storage density.9 The physisorption energy of H2 in pristine carbon-based materials is only around 40–50 meV and ∼30 meV in coronene,10 so the goal of doped complexes would be to raise the adsorption energies sufficiently to allow for efficient storage at moderate pressures near ambient temperatures.11,12 In line with this, the characterization of the isolated cation sites and their ability to attach H2 molecules13 are very important since it allows us to very accurately determine the structures and interactions intervening in the hydrogen storage on nanoporous materials.
Along with a high number of already established methods of investigating this process,14 this work opens up a new approach using a well-tested technique in laboratory astrochemical investigations.15–18 Superfluid helium droplets provide a powerful and flexible environment for investigations of hydrogen interactions with single molecules and dopants. With this different approach, complete knowledge of the most stable structures and configurations can be obtained. Laimer et al. reported in 2019 on the production and stability of highly charged droplets of superfluid helium.19 The potential of these multiply charged helium droplets led to the construction of a new experiment, which enables a more intense and controlled investigation of processes including the nucleation of dopant cluster ions as well as their decoration with helium or molecular hydrogen20 inside of these superfluid helium nanodroplets at a temperature of 0.37 K.21 This experimental setup allows accurate and reproducible control of the number of the attached hydrogen molecules. The resulting charged sodium/hydrogen complexes are analyzed using time-of-flight mass spectrometry and shell closures for the attachment of hydrogen are determined via local maxima in the ion yield of these species.
In this work, we present experimental as well as theoretical data showing the relative ion abundance of up to 15 hydrogen molecules attached to either a monomer or sodium dimer cations. They are investigated in consideration of their ability to reversibly bind molecular hydrogen. The relative ion abundances of Na+(H2)n and Na2+(H2)n from mass spectra obtained by sequential pickup of sodium and molecular hydrogen into multiply charged helium nanodroplets are compared with quantum mechanical calculations. The computational results provide detailed information about the binding energy and structure of a specific number of H2 molecules attached to a positively charged sodium atom or dimer. The structure of the paper is as follows: Section 2 outlines the methods employed, both experimental and theoretical; in Section 3 we analyze the experimental data and present the theoretical results; Section 4 is devoted to conclusions.
Fig. 2 displays a section of mass spectrum obtained by the method described above. A larger range of masses (m/z) that can be reached in the experiment can be found in the ESI,† Fig. S2. Important mass peaks are the bare sodium monomer (m/z = 23) and dimer (m/z = 46) cations, followed by mass peaks due to Na1,2+(H2)n. In the mass spectrum sodium cluster ions Nam+ up to sizes of n = 13 can be identified and the corresponding mass peaks are indicated in Fig. 2 by the dashed vertical lines (as well as in Fig. S2 in the ESI†). Under the present conditions, where sodium cluster ions are solvated by hydrogen molecules, the cluster size distribution of Nam+ does not exhibit the well-known intensity anomalies often reported for cationic alkali clusters,29,30 however, several Nam+(H2)n cluster size distributions exhibit clear intensity anomalies as a function of the number of hydrogen molecules n. The mass spectra for different pressures in the evaporation cell were measured to confirm the magic numbers of the Na+(H2) and Na2+(H2)n cluster size distributions shown in the results.
The setup is easily adjustable and in order to rule out pick up effects, experiments with H2 predoping and helium as an evaporation gas where performed. This alternative sequence leads to the same cluster products and similar relative ion abundances as the previous pick up sequence. To probe the possible underlying mechanism in the alternative pick up sequence, we carried out high level ab initio calculations. When sodium is picked up first, as in the regular sequence, the main pathway would follow a charge transfer from the HND to sodium (Na+) with subsequent addition of molecular hydrogen, resulting in the mass spectrum shown in Fig. 2. On the other hand, with a reversed pickup sequence in which H2 doping is achieved first, charge transfer leads to H2+ and via pickup of additional hydrogen molecules to H3+ as the first charge carrier (see ref. 20 for an explanation leading to this triatomic species), this species can further encounter Na with two possible outcomes,
H3+ + Na → NaH + H2+ Δ(E) = 4.628 eV | (1) |
H3+ + Na → Na+ + H2 + H Δ(E) = −4.053 eV | (2) |
It can be seen that the theoretical electronic energy difference (obtained from reactants and products optimizations at the MP2/aug-cc-pVTZ level of theory) clearly favors the second pathway, thus suggesting an explanation of why both pick up sequences lead to the same results. Since NaH+ is not a chemical species but rather an aggregate and H in eqn (2) is more weakly attached to the Na+ cation than the corresponding diatomic, H2, it is preferentially removed from the cluster upon collision induced activation. This explains the low abundance of the Na1,2+(H2)nH peak series. It is also worth noting that for similar clusters of Cs+(H2)n formed in HNDs, no CsH+ species were detected.31 A mass spectrum corroborating this fact can be found in the ESI,† Fig. S3.
We have taken for the total interaction potential a sum of two-body (2B) terms and thus we write for (H2)nNam+
![]() | (3) |
The different contributions are represented by suitable functional forms,31,32 whose parameters are optimized on accurate quantum ab initio estimations33–35 for both interaction energies and monomer properties. A full account of the procedure and parameters to describe the complete force field is given in the ESI.†
An important point to be emphasized is the different representation of the long range in Na+(H2)n and Na2+(H2)n clusters stability which is controlled by the induction attraction. In particular, while Na+ is a charge point,36–38 Na2+ is a strongly polarizable and elongated ionic diatom39,40 showing an equilibrium distance, Re, of 3.71 Å and a strongly anisotropic charge distribution, as suggested by its high electric quadrupole moment (see the ESI†). Therefore, the radial dependence of the induction attraction for configurations involving Na2+ aligned along the intermolecular distance (see configurations L and Tb in the Potential Energy Surfaces section of the ESI†) assumes the canonical R−4 dependence (such as that for Na+) only asymptotically (RRe), while in the region of interest for cluster stability (R ∼ Re) the R−6 dependence, typical of a dipole, is found to be more appropriate (see Fig. S4 in the ESI†).
The expressions of the different terms in eqn (3) as well as a full account of the procedure and parameters to describe the complete force field is given in the ESI.†
In the PIMC, hydrogen molecules will be treated as pseudoatoms.41,42 In this method43 the analogy in the partition function for a system composed of N classical ring polymers, each having M beads with the corresponding quantum system of the N particles is exploited to obtain the energy and structures of the clusters. We have used the thermodynamic estimator,44 and classical minimization procedures such as Evolutionary Algorithm and a Basin-Hoping technique45,46 to start sampling the initial configuration. Details of the method and parameters of interest are given in the ESI.†
The DMC method47,48 computes the ground state of the cluster by means of a transformation of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation into a diffusion equation by changing the variable time, t, to imaginary time, τ = it. The ground state of the system is then achieved as a lasting term in the (imaginary time) propagation of the diffusion equation. In this method, the wavefunction is represented by a set of replicas describing different configurations of the particles of the system and, at each time step Δτ, the particles randomly move according to the kinetic energy term in the Hamiltonian and the replicas multiply or disappear with a probability depending on the value of the potential energy term.47,48 We have used the implementation for rigid bodies due to Buch and collaborators49–51 and a classical Monte Carlo (MC) method to obtain the initial configurations for the DMC calculations. The working parameters and details on the calculations can be found in the ESI.† We have used for all the calculations 1.007825 amu and 22.98977 amu for the masses of H and Na atoms, respectively.
Once we have briefly described the theoretical methods, we present in Fig. 3 the percentage of differences found in the cluster total energy when we use a pseudo-atom approach or we just take the 2B terms in the potential interaction for the case of Na+(H2)n. A comparison is made with the rigid-rotor DMC approach including the 3B terms considered as the “exact” result. We can see that the error in total energy stabilizes very quickly and for n ≥ 8 it becomes practically constant. These differences correspond to the total energy but, actually, when we consider energy differences known as evaporation energies, shown in Fig. 4, it can be appreciated that the main features regarding peaks, plateaus and slopes remain unchanged, and would lead to similar structures or magic numbers. In particular it can be observed that the 3B effects are more noticeable and that a pseudoatom approach, except for the smaller hydrogen clusters, brings no significant differences. This could be anticipated from Fig. 3 where the differences remain almost constant with a very small slope, for the pseudoatom approach.
![]() | ||
Fig. 4 Evaporation energies, for Na+(H2)n, within several approaches, DMC with a rigid rotor model, 2B and 3B interaction potential and PIMC with a 3B potential. |
Therefore our rather thorough analysis indicates that for larger clusters a simpler treatment (2B interactions only, or considering a system composed of pseudo atoms) can still yield accurate predictions, regarding structure and stabilities. For analysis of the results and comparison with the experiment in the next section, we will use DMC within the rigid rotor model and the 3B interaction potential for a sodium monomer, while a 2B interaction model will be used for the sodium dimer clusters.
At this point it is also useful to stress that dissociation energies computed in this work E0 = −112.28 meV for Na+H2 and E0 = −38.86 meV for Na2+H2 dimers, are larger than those previously found for Na+He (E0 = 32.61 meV in the harmonic approximation in ref. 52) and Na2+He (E0 = −6.1 meV,53,54E0 = −7.0 meV55), of about a factor of 3 and 6, respectively. These differences result in the easy replacement of He by H2 in the evaporation cell and are mostly due to the higher polarizability of H2 compared with He, even if the electrostatic contribution which is absent for adducts involving He plays a non-negligible role.
![]() | (4) |
The left and right-hand sides of eqn (4) are plotted in Fig. 5b and c, respectively, for Na+(H2)n. The local averages Iav and ΔEav were obtained by averaging over adjacent sizes with weights computed from a Gaussian with a standard deviation σ = 1 (the results did not change significantly if σ = 2 was chosen). The similarity of the data in Fig. 5b and c is excellent. Cluster ions with n = 6 and 8 clearly form magic numbers, although the local maximum at n = 4 in the experimental data is not completely supported by the theory. Likewise, experimental and theoretical data for Na2+(H2)n are plotted in Fig. 6b and c, respectively. Again, the two data sets are very similar; they feature local maxima at n = 2,6,
10, and 12.
These evaluations are also performed for different H2 pressures in order to exclude anomalies due to size distribution effects and the results for nearly all pressures are similar to the ones previously shown and in fact the survival of the higher ion yield at several pressures is also an indication of larger stability, or in other words, magic numbers.
The appearance of exceptionally stable structures or “magic numbers” with agreement between theory and experiment deserves some comments, specially concerning the differences and similarities between the sodium monomer and dimer and their interactions with the H2 molecules.
The simplest case corresponds to the sodium monomer, in which three clear islands of stability are apparent, for hydrogen sizes, n = 4, 6, and 8, as shown in the bottom of Fig. 5. In Fig. 7 we show the theoretical radial distribution, D(R), for several compositions of these clusters. The distributions are normalized to the number of H2 contained within. It can be seen that up to n = 8 the distributions vanish between 3–3.5 Å while for n = 9, there is a small recurrence between 4–4.6 Å that corresponds to the beginning of a new shell around the Na+ cation. These results are very similar to those found for Li+Hen,41 where also a close resemblance can be found in the second energy differences for that system, and the one we show at the bottom of Fig. 5. This result is a consequence of the interactions brought into play in both cases, with similar equilibrium distances and well depths between the cation and the other component of the cluster (He/H2) that, in turn, have a small interaction between them.
In the structure two angles are relevant, that we will call (θ, Φ). The angles θ in a given cluster are those formed between the vector defining the bond in a particular H2 molecule, and the vector from its center of mass to the cation. More interesting for the geometry are the Φ angles, which are those formed between two vectors that are directed from the sodium atom, to the center of mass of two different H2 units. These angles can be better seen in the ESI,† where we have plotted the minimum energy structures obtained with classical MC simulations, in the case of Na+(H2)6 and Na2+(H2)12 for the sodium monomer and dimer, respectively. They have also been included as insets, in some of the next figures.
In the case of the sodium monomer, the structure is nearly rigid, the H2 molecules orient with their bond perpendicularly to the vector joining each molecular center of mass to the cation, angle θ = 90°, with a narrow distribution around this value. On the other hand, how the different monomers are arranged surrounding the cation, is better defined by the angle Φ and the distribution for the cluster Na+(H2)6 is shown in Fig. 8. As can be seen, this distribution, D(Φ), shows two predominant peaks with maxima at angles around 90 and 160 degrees and with little dispersion, certainly signaling a clear structure corresponding to an octahedron, that was also found previously in other clusters.41,61 This structure is close to the classical one, which is included as an inset in the figure. Similar tight structures can be found for n = 4 and 8, with geometries corresponding to a tetrahedron and square antiprism, respectively. Barbati et al.62 reported structures obtained from ab initio calculations up to n = 7 and the same structures were found for n = 2, 3, 4, and 6.
For the case of the sodium dimer clusters, Na2+(H2)n, we present in Fig. 9 the radial distributions of H2 molecules with respect to one of the sodium atoms composing the dimer (Na(1) in Fig. S3 in the ESI†). It can be seen that there are some H2 monomers around Na(1), leading to one peak, and at longer distances, the rest of the monomers are more directly joined to the other atom, Na(2), leading to the second peak. The plot indicates that there is a preference for H2 to evenly cover each Na atom. This feature has been checked by integration of the distributions of Fig. 9 up to the middle of the two peaks (around 5 Å), and it was found that the number of diatomic molecules around each Na is, in general terms, half the total number of them. This is the origin of the relatively large stability of the clusters with an even number of H2 molecules observed both in the calculations as well as in the measurements of Fig. 6.
The existence of a bond in Na2+, leading to a more anisotropic and weaker interaction with H2 as compared with Na+, also makes the distribution more prone to forming caps around each alkaline atom, rather than a spherical distribution around a single sodium cation. This effect can be seen in Fig. 10 for n = 12, in which we plot (similarly as in Fig. 8) the distribution of angles Φ formed between two vectors connecting one of the sodium atoms, Na(1), and the center of mass of any two hydrogen molecules. The peak around Φ = 30° corresponds to H2 diatoms which are around the other Na atom, Na(2). If we discard the H2 monomers surrounding that atom (equivalent to eliminating the peak on the right of Fig. 9), we get a bimodal distribution (green curve in Fig. 10 whose central angles correspond to six molecules forming the cap of an icosahedron (for comparison, see ref. 31 for the icosahedral structure found for Cs+(H2)12). This structure is close to the classical one, shown as an inset in Fig. 10.
The theoretical calculations confirm and support these conclusions and explain the behavior of the monomer versus the sodium dimer. The present results are expected to be of relevance for organic materials containing alkali atoms, where electron transfer to the organic component leads to positively charged alkali ions that act as attractors for hydrogen molecules in novel hydrogen storage materials.6
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2023 |