Origin and remedy for HSQC artifacts in proton-detected INADEQUATE spectra†
NMR pulse sequences visualizing 1JCC and nJCC bond connectivity via an intermediate state of 13C–13C double-quantum coherence and 1H detection are an indispensable tool to solve small-molecule structures at the natural abundance level of 13C. A longstanding issue with these experiments set up to display 2D spectra with single-quantum frequencies is that in addition to the 1H–13C–13C correlations of interest, appearance of HSQC-type artifacts can complicate analysis and obscure JCC connectivities. The origin of these artifacts is described and remedies for their suppression are introduced. They include refocusing of 1JCH couplings prior to creation of 13C–13C double-quantum coherence, which is known to enhance sensitivity by reducing loss into zero-quantum coherence for pairs of two protonated 13C.