Juan A.
Harold D.
b and
Zhiyong Jason
aDepartment of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA. E-mail: zjren@princeton.edu
bThe Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
cInstitute for Integrated Catalysis, Energy and Environment Directorate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 902 Battelle Blvd., Richland, WA 99352, USA
First published on 5th September 2023
Hydrothermal liquefaction presents a promising approach for the conversion of wet waste into biocrude and biofuels. However, the post-hydrothermal liquefaction wastewater poses significant challenges for treatment and valorization due to its high concentration and complex nature. In this study, we investigated the conversion pathways of major organic contaminants within the microbial electrolytic treatment of wastewater from food waste hydrothermal liquefaction. To achieve this, we employed high-performance liquid chromatography and 2D nuclear magnetic resonance. Our findings demonstrate volatile fatty acids and monohydric and polyhydric alcohols were effectively transformed through the synergistic metabolism of fermentative and electroactive bacteria, which led to over 70% chemical oxygen demand removal of the recalcitrant compounds and a record high H2 production rate (1.62 L L−1 d−1). We also employed the liquid-state 15N nuclear magnetic resonance on wastewater samples for the first time and revealed that the nitrogen-containing heteroaromatics were persistent to microbial electrochemical treatment. By integrating the chemical profiles with bioanode community profiles, we constructed a metabolic network that provides insights for enhancing treatment efficiency and facilitating resource recovery.
Previous studies have explored various approaches for PHW treatment, and extraction of value-added chemicals was reported from PHW derived from simple substrates such as rice straw5,6 or with model PHW solution.7 However, the complexity of PHW presents barriers in terms of increased separation cost and difficulty. Gasification, for example, can reduce organics while producing H2 and CH4,8–10 but the energy needs for drying and operation can be prohibitive. Anaerobic fermentation, on the other hand, converts organics to CH4-rich biogas, but the performance was inhibited due to PHW toxicity.11,12 Microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) has been recently investigated in treating recalcitrant wastewater and recovering high rate H2,13–16 and it demonstrated a good synergy with HTL, because not only the aqueous phase can be cleaned via microbial electrochemical process, the produced high quality H2 can be used onsite for biocrude upgrading. For instance, Shen et al. reported MEC treatment of swine manure PHW with an excellent COD removal of 97.87 ± 0.13% after serious dilutions.17 In addition, a moderate H2 production rate of 168.01 ± 7.01 mL L−1 d−1 was achieved.18 However, almost all studies only reported the general metrics such as COD, total organic carbon (TOC) or total nitrogen (TN), but little is known about the constituents of the organics and nitrogen species and how they are transformed during these treatment processes. Such knowledge is critical in understanding the conversion pathways especially for those recalcitrant compounds and helping to develop more efficient technologies.
In this study, we demonstrated that MEC could achieve high-rate H2 production using PHW as the sole substrate. Moreover, for the first time we studied the evolution of PHW chemical profile during MEC treatment by using a combination of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). We deciphered the transformation processes and mechanisms of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and mono- and polyhydric alcohols, and we identified that heterocyclic nitrogen compounds were recalcitrant to MEC treatment. We further analyzed and correlated the anode biofilm ecology with chemical profile changes. The transformation patterns outlined in the study will guide the future development and optimization of MEC and other PHW treatment technologies, and the methodology described herein extends beyond the scope of this work and presents a compelling paradigm for understanding the transformation pathways.
When conducting MEC experiments using PHW as feedstock, we first diluted PHW using PBS with different dilution ratios (10×, 20× and 40×) as noted in the results section. Different concentrations of PBS (pH = 7.05 ± 0.05) were tested: 20 mM, 50 mM, and 100 mM. 100 mM PBS is composed of 9.16 g L−1 Na2HPO4 and 4.90 g L−1 NaH2PO4, and other concentrations were prepared by proportional dilutions. The concentration of PBS used in each reactor was consistent, i.e., if a reactor was inoculated using 50 mM PBS, then it was also tested using 50 mM PBS for dilution and as catholyte. The produced H2 was collected using a 100 mL gas bag (Calibrated Instruments, USA) attached to the gas-tight cathode chamber. The gas composition was analyzed with a gas chromatography equipped with a TCD detector and with ultra-high purity nitrogen as carrier gas (SRI 310, SRI Instrument, USA). The H2 production rate is calculated by:
The COD to H2 yield (kg-H2 per kg-COD) is calculated as follows:
The cathodic H2 recovery (rcat) is calculated as follows:
All experiments were conducted in triplicate reactors under 25 °C. The reactors were operated in batch mode where the electrolyte was changed every five days, except for parameter optimization experiments where the electrolyte was changed after each day.
The heterocyclic compounds were analyzed using Agilent 5975C GC-MS with Agilent HP-5MS 30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm film thickness with helium as carrier gas at 1.0 mL min−1. Oven temperature was initially held for 0.1 min at 35 °C, ramped at 6 °C min−1 with a final temperature of 325 °C. Final oven hold of 1 minute was used. The inlet was heated at 270 °C and 1 μL of sample was injected using a splitless injection.
To prepare the samples for NMR characterization, we first filtered PHW through 0.22 μm filter, then pipette 5 mL of filtrate to a tube. We then froze-dry the samples overnight and redissolve the sample with D2O (3 mL unless otherwise noted). The sample was then transferred to an NMR tube. 1H, 1H–13C HSQC NMR experiments were conducted using a 500 MHz instrument equipped with cryoprobe (Bruker, USA). The number of scans were 16 times with 1024 points in the 1H dimension and 512 points in the 13C dimension. The pulse delay time was 1.3 s. For 1H–15N heteronuclear multiple bond correlation (HMBC) experiments, a 10 times higher concentration factor is used by increasing the amount of filtrate while using the same amount of D2O. The number of scans were 16 times with 2048 points in the 1H dimension and 512 points in the 15N dimension for HMBC experiments. The pulse delay was 1.7 s. The acquired spectra were then processed with Mnova software following standard processing steps including apodization, zero filling and phase correction.
Raw sequencing reads was then analyzed using DADA2 pipeline to construct amplicon sequence variants (ASV).20 The taxonomic assignment of ASVs was conducted using the SILVA database (Version 138.1). Community analysis was conducted in R using the phyloseq package.21 The metabolic network was constructed by first consolidating the metabolites identified through HPLC, and the microbial genera identified through 16S rRNA genes sequencing. Then we list possible metabolic pathways of these genera which involves the identified metabolites through metabolic pathway database MetaCyc (https://metacyc.org/). Following trimming repetitive pathways and abbreviating long pathways, we proposed the metabolic network.
A tailored HPLC database was built to characterize the organic compounds in the PHW (Table S2†), and volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and alcohols were identified as the primary organic groups. Acetate (4319 ± 6 mg L−1) and glycerol (4992 ± 253 mg L−1) were the species that had the highest concentrations. VFAs such as acetate were generated during HTL via several different routes, including hydrolysis of lipid and deamination of amino acids.1 Acetate could also originate from the acetyl group of the hemicellulose backbone.24 Glycerol, on the other hand, almost exclusively came from the hydrolysis of lipids. The high concentration of glycerol also indicates a high proportion of lipids in the original food waste feedstock. Besides acetate, other VFAs such as propionate, butyrate and isovalerate are also present in significant amounts. Longer-chain VFAs, on the other hand, tend to partition into the biocrude phase instead of aqueous phase. It is worth noting that 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PDO), a valuable platform chemical, is also present in high concentration (1247 ± 17 mg L−1). 1,3-PDO is a three-carbon diol with one less hydroxyl group than glycerol and is well known as a glycerol fermentation product.25 However, to the best of our knowledge, the production pathway for 1,3-PDO during HTL has not been reported or studied, and thus warrants future investigation.
Interestingly, mono- and di-saccharides such as glucose, fructose and sucrose were not detected in appreciable amounts. These saccharides are formed from hydrolysis of lignocelluloses and non-cellulosic carbohydrates, but they can also undergo further transformation in HTL process. Previous literature reported a relationship between HTL reaction temperature and glucose concentration in the PHW, with lower temperature (200 °C) led to higher glucose concentration.26 Our PHW was produced from high-temperature HTL (349 °C), so it is likely mono- and disaccharides have undergone further transformations.
The TN concentration in the PHW was 2812 ± 101 mg L−1, which was mostly contributed by ORG-N and NH3-N. NH3-N is typically high in PHW as deamination of protein would result in ammonia production. The high concentration of organic nitrogen is another distinct feature of PHW and poses major challenges to its treatment, because such compounds are rarely present in common wastewater streams that most technologies are not designed to remove them. We summarized the COD and TN profile of the PHW used in this study along with other literature values in Fig. 1A. The PHW used here exhibits similar COD and TN concentration to PHW derived from manure, sludge, and lignocellulose feedstock. However, the TN concentration is relatively low compared to PHW derived from algal biomass because of the lower proportion of protein in the feedstock. For fast-growing microalgae strains, protein is typically the dominant organic compound, a characteristic that does not extend to mixed food waste.
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Fig. 1 (A) COD/TN composition of feedstock PHW used in this study and other PHW studies. Literature data were collected from Watson et al. (2020).27 The COD removal (B) and H2 production rate (C) of PHW-fed MEC in 3-day period under different applied voltage and dilution ratio. (D) The current density profile under different buffer strength after introduction of fresh electrolyte. The shadows represent standard deviation from triplicate experiments. |
Based on the characteristics of the PHW, we carried out matrix experiments using different dilution ratios and applied voltages to identify the optimal operating conditions for the treatment of PHW and generation of H2 from MEC reactors. Since the organic concentration is much higher than typical wastewater, we employed a range of dilution ratio from 40× (1.5 g L−1 COD) to 10× (6 g L−1 COD). Results show that COD removal peaked at a dilution ratio of 20× (3 g L−1 COD), with a removal rate of 65% after one day under an applied voltage of 1.0 V (Fig. 1B). Detailed organic transformation process is discussed in Fig. 2. Kinetically, higher organic concentration leads to faster electron transfer toward the cathode, which consequently improves H2 production rate (Fig. 1C). However, the total amount of organic to be removed also increased, which result in a lower removal efficiency for 10× dilution group. The highest H2 production rate achieved was 1.62 L L−1 day−1, under an applied voltage of 1.0 V with 10× dilution. This value is one order of magnitude higher than previous achieved rate (0.17 L L−1 day−1) using swine manure PHW as feedstock under an applied voltage of 1.2 V.17 The COD to H2 yield also shows a significant improve, with 0.074 kg-H2 per kg-COD under this condition, compared to 1.028 × 10−5 kg-H2 per kg-COD in the previous study. The high H2 production rate reported here could be attributed to a robust electroactive community on the bioanode, whereas the high COD to H2 yield indicates a relatively high contribution of electroactive bacteria to COD removal compared to non-electroactive species. The microbial characterization results will be discussed later.
We subsequently chose 1.0 V and 20× for the following experiments as it yielded the highest COD removal while providing a high H2 production rate. We collected the current density profile under different PBS buffer strengths (Fig. 1D) and found that the current density positively correlates with the buffer strength used for dilution. Typically, buffer plays two roles in microbial electrochemical systems: (1) to maintain stable pH against fluctuation; (2) to provide a good conductivity. In this case, the buffer mainly contributes to pH stability, as the conductivity of PHW (18.4 mS cm−1) was in fact higher than that of buffer. Except for the initial current decrease, the current profile was maintained relatively stable until substrate depletion. The optimal current density (∼2 mA cm−1) achieved is among the higher end of MECs.18
Different from acetate, glycerol cannot be directly metabolized by electroactive microbes, but its quick degradation was believed to be due to anaerobic fermentation. This is supported by the increase in concentration of 1,3-PDO, which is a common fermentation product of glycerol (Fig. 2C). In this pathway, glycerol is first dehydrated to 3-hydroxypropanal with glycerol dehydratase, which is then consequently reduced to 1,3-PDO through 1,3-PDO dehydrogenase.25Fig. 2A shows 1,3-PDO concentration peaked after two days of PHW treatment, coordinated with glycerol depletion. 1,3-PDO concentration started to decrease after that, presumably due to consumption. Previously, sulfate-reducing bacteria strains isolated from freshwater sediments have been proven capable of using 1,3-PDO as substrate and converting it to acetate and CO2 while reducing sulfate to sulfide.30 It is likely that similar pathways are responsible for the 1,3-PDO decrease observed in our reactors, especially considering that many sulfate-reducing strains are also electroactive.31 The biofilm characterization results indeed showed an enrichment of Desulfovibrio spp., which will be discussed in the latter section. Ethanol is another possible product from fermentation of glycerol as well as many other carbon sources.32,33 However, its concentration showed a constant decrease, indicating that the ethanol utilization rate is higher than its production rate (Fig. 2A).
Unlike acetate that showed a quick depletion, or butyrate and valerate which maintained at low level, propionate went through the largest variation throughout PHW conversion process (Fig. 2B). Its concentration increased on day one as a result of glycerol fermentation, as some strains of genera Propionibacterium and Anaerotignum (some previously belongs to Clostridium) are shown to have such fermentation pathways, and Anaerotignum spp. were indeed identified in the bioanode comunity.34,35 Subsequently, its concentration decreased, presumably due to its consumption by electroactive bacteria, as propionate is a known substrate for electroactive microbes.36–38 Interestingly, the concentration exhibited another increase after day three. Among the HPLC identified chemicals, this could only be explained by 1,3-PDO transformation to propionate as glycerol is already depleted after day 2. Although these two compounds are both three-carbon compounds, the biotransformation between 1,3-PDO and propionate is not documented to the best of our knowledge. It should be noted that HPLC does not offer a full chemical profile of the PHW composition. Therefore, propionate production after day 3 could also be coming from metabolites unidentified by HPLC.
During each regular batch operation, VFAs and alcohols were both effectively removed with a removal level of 55.1% and 89.4% respectively after 5 days of MEC treatment (Fig. 2D). This correlates with the 72.5% COD removal from 2871 ± 120 mg L−1 to 790 ± 35.4 mg L−1. The COD profile shows a similar pattern to VFAs and alcohols: over 60% COD removal occurred during the first three days of MEC treatment, whereas removal kinetics became more sluggish on day 4 and 5 as substrate was depleted. The anolyte and catholyte conductivity were kept stable throughout the process and anolyte pH did not show significant drop due to the incorporation of the bipolar membrane (Fig. 2E). The stability of anolyte pH is of particular importance as slightly acidic (pH < 5) environment could severely inhibit the microbial activity.39
The cumulative H2 production also demonstrated a similar time pattern, where the first 3 days contributed 89% of H2 production (Fig. S1†). The cathodic H2 recovery, on the other hand, was always kept over 90% during the experimental period, indicating little to no side reaction besides H2 evolution reaction.
Open-circuit control reactors were tested under the same conditions. The VFA and alcohols showed slow and gradual removal of 26.4% and 31.9% in five days, respectively (Fig. S2†). The removal of alcohols was attributed to the fermentation of glycerol – which led to products of smaller molecular weight such as ethanol and acetate. The VFA removal was also marginal, as the anode cannot be used as the terminal electron acceptors in open-circuit condition. These results further stress the importance of applying a suitable voltage to drive the microbial electrochemical reactions.
Overall, the HSQC spectrum provides an intuitive visualization of the chemical information contained in the PHW, and this advantage is even more significant when the spectra across time were combined and animated. Readers are referred to the ESI (Video S1†) which contains an animation showing the time-series HSQC spectra of the PHW during MEC treatment. The most prominent change of HSQC spectra took place during the 1st day of MEC treatment, where a significant number of peaks faded away and the intensity decreased for most remaining peaks. The changes in the spectra were more subtle after day 2, indicating less metabolic activity going on. This observation is in line with the COD/DOC profile during MEC treatment where 58% of COD degradation and 73% of DOC removal took place during the first two days. This information could be especially helpful for determining the appropriate hydraulic retention time (HRT) for continuous operation. A zoom-in view of the HnCO region of the spectrum (Fig. S3†) confirmed the HPLC results where the glycerol was depleted after two days and the 1,3-PDO concentration experienced an increase followed by a decrease.
The HSQC spectrum of the PHW after MEC treatment (Fig. 3B) depicts much less signal than the raw PHW, indicating successful removal of organic compounds. The animated time series spectra of the aromatic region showed although there are recalcitrant aromatic compounds that were not degraded during MEC treatment, many peaks within this region were shifting downfield (Video S2†), indicating possible transformation of the aromatic compounds. Such transformation was likely due to microbial conversion.42 For example, anaerobic electroactive bacteria such as Geobacter metallireducens has been known to possess enzyme that catalyze dearomatizing reaction of benzoyl-CoA, a central intermediate for anaerobic aromatic degradation.43
The ORG-N content in the PHW was high (1476 ± 89 mg L−1), representing more than half of the total nitrogen. During the MEC treatment, although NH3-N was effectively consumed which resulted in >50% TN removal, the ORG-N removal was limited to 22% (Fig. S4†). Therefore, understanding the chemical nature of the ORG-N presents a prerequisite to improving nitrogen removal efficiency. In HTL, ORG-N is mostly produced via Maillard reaction where the reducing sugars react with amino acids and form nitrogen-containing heterocyclic compounds such as pyrrole, pyridine, pyrazine, and their derivatives.3,44 In order to elucidate the nature of these organic nitrogen, we applied 1H–15N HMBC NMR on the untreated PHW. Three major peaks were identified from the HMBC spectrum (Fig. 3C), with δN in the range of 250–280 ppm which corresponds to pyridine- and pyrrole-like nitrogen. This result shows that the majority of the organic nitrogen atoms contained in PHW should be those on the heterocyclic rings. This would also partly explain the peaks in the aromatic region shown on the HSQC NMR spectrum. To confirm the results by 1H–15N HMBC NMR, we further extracted the heterocyclic compounds contained in PHW and used GC-MS to qualitatively identify their chemical formula. It should be noted that the majority of these heteroaromatic compounds have a relatively small molecular weight as larger compounds typically partition into HTL biocrude phase. Readers are referred to Table S3† for the complete table. Indeed, multiple nitrogenous heterocyclic compounds were identified from the raw PHW, a majority of which are heteroaromatic compounds (Table 1). The heteroaromatic structures identified in this study align well with previous literature on PHW characterization. For instance, a stream of PHW from HTL of Spirulina algae contained pyridine and pyridine derivatives.4 Indole and pyrrole derivatives were found in another PHW from HTL of macroalgae Laminaria saccharina.45 Interestingly, the two most prevalent nitrogenous compounds in the above Spirulina-derived PHW, 2-Piperidinone (δ-valerolactam) and caprolactam, are nonaromatic. Similar heterocyclic yet nonaromatic structures are also observed in our analysis, including derivatives of pyrrolidinone, piperazine and caprolactam (Table S3†). The relatively low removal on ORG-N indicates that traditional bioanode metabolism has limited capability of removing nitrogen on the heteroaromatic rings. Biological wastewater treatment processes have been shown capable of degrading ORG-N, but those ORG-N are mainly biogenic protein or peptides.46 The anthropogenic ORG-N in PHW formed from Maillard reaction, on the other hand, are indeed less susceptible to microbial metabolism. Combining MEC with upstream or downstream processes that are specifically tailored for removing the refractory nitrogenous species is therefore recommended to further enhance treatment efficiency. For instance, adsorption has been shown to successfully remove heteroaromatics in aqueous phase.47,48 Alternatively, advanced reduction process can be applied to mineralize the heteroaromatic compounds.49 Biological degradation are also feasible, as certain amino acids such as tryptophan and histidine also possess heterocyclic structure. However, it is recommended to use pretreatment such as ozonation to improve its biodegradability.50
The molecular weight distribution was determined by SEC. Untreated PHW has an average molecular weight of 65 Da, further confirming that larger molecules tend to partition into the biocrude phase instead of aqueous phase. The average molecular weight went through slight increase during the MEC treatment, indicating that the smaller molecules are more readily removed than larger ones. Interestingly, a peak at 11374 Da emerged after 4 days of treatment – this could be attributed to the extracellular polymeric substances excreted by anode biofilm. Compared to another PHW derived from sewage sludge which has an average molecular weight over 300 Da, the average molecular weight of PHW is this study is significantly lower.51 This is likely a result of higher HTL reaction temperature, as the average molecular weight has been found to be negatively correlated with the reaction temperature. The relatively low molecular weight of organics in this PHW further suggested that it is well-suited for biodegradation, as minimum hydrolysis of large molecules is needed prior to microbial metabolism.
The fermentative bacteria together account for <30% abundance on the anode biofilm, yet they played an important role in COD degradation. The raw PHW contains a high concentration of glycerol (4992 ± 253 mg L−1) that is not readily available for electroactive bacteria. Glycerol is therefore first fermented through various pathways to fermentation end products such as 1,3-PDO, ethanol, acetate, and propionate, as shown in HPLC analysis, which were then subsequently available as electron donor to electroactive bacteria such as Geobacter spp. (Fig. 4C). The utilization of these fermentation end products, in turn, thermodynamically promotes the fermentation pathways as the products are promptly removed. Such syntrophic interactions between electroactive bacteria and fermentative bacteria have also been reported in previous studies.54,55 The high abundance of electroactive bacteria identified in the sequencing is believed due to their preference in attached growth compared to fermenters. Our 16S rRNA gene sequencing of electrolyte samples unfortunately yielded low purified DNA concentrations that prohibited further analysis. This is partially due to the inhibition by chemicals in PHW on microbes and a result from regular replenishment of electrolyte. Despite their low abundance, fermentative bacteria were able to synergistically metabolize with electroactive bacteria due to their faster rate of fermentation compared to respiration, which is evidenced by the facile depletion of glycerol in the electrolyte. Besides the interspecies interaction, the presence of electrode potential could also alter the metabolic behavior of the fermentative bacteria – a process now known as electro-fermentation.56,57 For example, a reductive current has led to a twofold increase in 1,3-PDO production yield in a glycerol fermentation system.58 For the purpose of COD removal and H2 generation, the fermentation end-products distribution did not have much effects since the metabolites would serve as the electron donor for electroactive microbes. However, the knowledge on such metabolic pathways shed light on the development of downstream processes for enhanced removal or biosynthesis of value-added products.
The metabolic network proposed here is based on the possible metabolic pathways of the microbial genera identified through 16S rRNA genes sequencing. It should be viewed as a qualitative representation and does not indicate quantitative information such as the abundance and rate of each pathway. Metagenomics and metatranscriptomics, on the other hand, could provide a more quantitative understanding of the functional profile of the anodic community.59 Future studies that employ such methods could shed light on the abundance and expression profile of important metabolic genes, especially those that are responsible for the degradation of nitrogenous heterocyclic compounds.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3gc02252h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |