Jeffrey R.
Owen T.
Warren R. L.
Jennifer M.
Christine M.
f and
a59 Arnhall Drive, Westhill, Aberdeenshire, AB32 6TZ, UK. E-mail:
bHealth and Safety Executive, Harpur Hill, Buxton, SK17 9JN, UK
cCNR-ISP and Universita Ca’ Foscari, Via Torino 155, 30123 Venezia, Italy
dSchool of Public Health, University of West Attica, Leof Alexandras 196, 115 21 Athens, Greece
eBritish Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG, UK
fDepartment of Pure and Applied Chemistry, University of Strathclyde, 295 Cathedral Street, Glasgow, G1 1XL, UK
gInstitut für Geowissenschaften, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Becher-Weg 21, 55099 Mainz, Germany
First published on 3rd November 2022
In the field of air analysis, highlights within this review period included: a new in situ method for measuring resuspended road dust arising from vehicular movements; new ink-printed filter reference materials for black- and elemental-carbon measurements; coupling of a scanning mobility particle sizer to a single-particle-ICP-MS instrument for improved nanoparticle characterisation; developments in total-reflection XRF spectrometry for trace analysis and evaluation of vibrational spectroscopic techniques for measuring respirable crystalline silica in the workplace. The increasing availability of ICP-MS/MS instruments is revolutionising the analysis of environmental samples such as waters for trace elements. The advent of the mass shift mode makes some elements such as P and S much easier to quantify and allows the REEs and some radioisotopes to be determined at much lower concentrations than previously possible. Advances in vapour generation methods are mostly limited to photochemical and chemical vapour generation as reflected in the new table listing the main advances. Solid or liquid phase extraction prior to analysis remains of great interest, although a notable trend is the synthesis of new materials rather than optimisation of commercially available chelating agents and columns. The analytical effort presented in a paper is sometimes much less than the effort put into the synthesis of the materials so one wonders about the likelihood of methods actually being used and results replicated. Notable in the analysis of soils and plants was the unusually large number of review articles – possibly because practical research was hampered by the Covid-19 epidemic. Areas of continued growth were research on nanoparticles, the application of high-resolution continuum source AAS for multielement analysis, the development of miniaturised AES instruments that may ultimately be field-portable and application of LIBS to the analysis of plant materials. A concerted effort to characterise natural minerals that are sufficiently homogeneous to act as reference materials in the microanalysis of geological materials has resulted in the availability of new materials for isotope ratio determinations. Tied to this has been research into U–Pb dating of zircon and a variety of other accessory minerals by LA-ICP-MS and SIMS. New chemometric models have been developed to handle the complex LIBS data arising from the analysis of geological matrices in the field and during ore processing. Studies on the use of ICP-MS/MS to reduce polyatomic interferences in geological applications were widespread, reflecting the availability of such instruments. In contrast, the potential offered by integrating LIBS data with those from LA-ICP-MS has only just started to be explored but is likely to increase with the development of commercial instruments.
All the ASU reviews adhere to a number of conventions. An italicised word or phrase close to the beginning of each paragraph highlights the subject area of that individual paragraph. A list of abbreviations used in this review appears at the end. It is a convention of ASUs that information given in the paper being reported on is presented in the past tense whereas the views of the ASU reviewers are presented in the present tense.
Brown carbon particles contribute to global warming because they can absorb sunlight at relevant wavelengths but understanding of their prevalence and impact is limited by the lack of atmospheric measurements. Systems that utilised either a particle-into-liquid sampler (two variants examined) or a mist chamber sampler coupled to an absorption spectrometer were evaluated15 for use on-board a survey aeroplane. A new instrument developed for ground-based black carbon measurements consisted16 of a CEN-compliant PM-filter-based sampler (with either a PM2.5 or PM10 inlet) together with an integral optical module that enabled passing particles to be monitored prior to their deposition on a filter. The analysis of filter samples in the laboratory for EC and OC enabled calculation of a MAC value for each specific sampling location so that the black carbon absorbance measurements at 635 nm could be converted to the equivalent mass concentrations.
Two new air sampler designs of note were reported. The Versatile Aerosol Concentration Enrichment System (VACES) enabled17 simultaneous sampling of ultrafine particles both on filters and in a liquid suspension for subsequent chemical and toxicity measurements. The Time Resolved Atmospheric Particle Sampler (TRAPS) coupled18 a rotary cascade impactor to an OPC so that both coarse particles (1 μm) and fine particles (0.1 μm) could be monitored at high temporal resolution.
The sampling of volatile metal(loid) species remains a challenge. The microbial-mediated volatilisation of Sb is a poorly understood component of its biogeochemical cycle, so a study was undertaken19 to ascertain suitability of sampling methods to trap volatile Sb. Although sampling into impingers containing HNO3/H2O2 best preserved volatile trapped Sb species, preconcentration onto solid-phase traps containing AgNO3-impregnated silica gel was preferable for remote locations and for achieving a lower method LOD. The performance of both KCl-impregnated sorbent traps and KCl-liquid impinger samplers, widely used to trap gaseous oxidised mercury (GOM), were evaluated20 using a novel 197Hg radiotracer procedure. Reduction of some of the collected Hg2+ species to Hg0 resulted in losses from the sorbent traps even when spiked only with a mass (<1 ng) typical of that collected when clean ambient air is sampled. In contrast, a positive GOM bias observed when spiked KCl-liquid impingers were used was attributed to a small portion of the co-sampled gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) being oxidised. Atmospheric GEM concentrations far exceed GOM concentrations so this finding suggests that the use of impinger-based samplers for GOM is not appropriate.
Testing of a mini inverted soot generator revealed24 that soot particles from the combustion of propane had higher EC:
TC ratios and absorbed more light than particles generated from the combustion of ethylene. The coupling of a micro smog chamber to a miniCAST 5201™ soot generator made25 it possible to generate stable and reproducible model aerosols that mimicked combustion particles found in ambient air. The particles produced ranged from “fresh” soot (typically <100 nm in size, SSA < 0.05, AAE ca. 1 and EC
TC > 0.9) to “aged” soot (up to 200 nm in size, SSA up to 0.7, AAE up to 1.7 and EC
TC < 0.1) and will be useful for method standardisation and intercomparison exercises.
The provision of new isotopic data for existing RMs is beneficial for supporting the growing interest in the use of isotopic fingerprinting in source apportionment studies. A high-yielding (82–97% recoveries) column-based chromatographic procedure was used26 to isolate Hf, Nd and Sr from NIST SRM 1633b (coal fly ash), 1648a (urban particulate matter) and IRMM CRM BCR 723 (vehicular road dust) for isotopic analysis by MC-ICP-MS. Provisional Hf176/Hf177, Nd143/Nd144 and Sr87/Sr86 data were reported. Similarly, the NIST SRM 1648a (urban particulate matter) and NIST SRM 1649a (urban dust) were analysed27 by MC-TIMS and MC-ICP-MS to determine the Am, Np, Pu and U contents and isotopic ratios. The high Np, Pu and U concentrations measured in these two SRMs are indicative perhaps of the legacy of atmospheric fall-out of radioactive particles from nuclear bomb tests.
Two studies on sample preparation for XRFS are noteworthy. In the first, a stirring device ensured32 that ZnO NPs remained suspended in water whilst being interrogated in an X-ray beam. Otherwise, agglomeration and sedimentation occurred rapidly as indicated by a 2.5% per min reduction of the fluorescence signal. In the second study, a casting procedure for the analysis of a SiO2 powder involved33 dispersing a measured quantity of SiO2 in a known amount of epoxy resin that was then poured into a plastic X-ray sample cup and cured to prepare sample discs. The good linearity (R2 = 0.997) for test discs (30 mm diameter, 5 mm thickness) doped with 1–5% (m/m) SiO2 indicated that this approach could be a useful alternative to methods involving either fused beads or pressed pellets.
A review (130 references) on the use of LIBS for online measurements of air pollutants showcased36 the analysis of APM and the determination of S and halogens in gaseous VOCs. Further developments in the application of LIBS and SIBS to the analysis of APM are summarised in Table 1.
Analyte | Matrix | Study aim | Technique | Findings | Reference |
Ag-coated glass particles | Test spherical particles | Development of a direct reading particle sizer and elemental analyser for large inhalable particles | LIBS | Prototype instrument was able to provide accurate sp measurements of aerodynamic diameter over 25–125 μm range using a TOF calculation in a laboratory setting using spherical particles | 295 |
Ti particles | Successful integration of LIBS without compromising TOF measurements | ||||
Future work to include determining LIBS detection efficiencies and testing in the field with non-spherical and polydisperse aerosols | |||||
Fe, Ni, Ti | Air filter samples of exhaust gas from a boiler operation | Investigation into the use of a double-pulse LIBS procedure to enhance emission intensity | LIBS | Combination of 355 and 1064 nm laser wavelengths provided the best enhancement effect | 296 |
The intensity of emission lines by a double-pulse laser was ca. 10× that of a single-pulse laser | |||||
Various | Air filter samples from Antarctica | Rapid elemental APM characterisation on filters in remote locations | LIBS | New approach enabled the elemental composition of APM sampled onto filters to be determined rapidly | 297 |
Undertaken with minimal sample preparation and preparation in field conditions at remote locations without recourse to use of complex equipment | |||||
Various | Test aerosols generated using nebulised elemental standards | Evaluation of the performance of a prototype SIBS instrument | SIBS | Machine-learning models seemed to have better predicative accuracy and lower LODs than conventional univariate calibrations | 298 |
The least absolute shrinkage and selector operator model performed best with R2 > 0.8 achieved and LODs of 0.04–0.17 μg m−3 determined at a flow rate of 15 L min−1 with a sampling duration of 30 min | |||||
Various | Test aerosols generated using nebulised elemental standards | Evaluation of the performance of a prototype SIBS instrument | SIBS | LODs between 0.05 and 0.81 μg m−3 determined for elements such as Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni and Zn at a flow rate of 15 L min−1 with a sampling duration of 30 min | 299 |
Spectral overlaps, matrix effects and instrumental sensitivity issues currently hinder measurement of other elements of interest such as As, Cd, Hg, Pb, Sb and Se |
Although papers that advocate use of LA-ICP-MS for the analysis of APM collected on filter samples have been published in recent years, a more critical insight has now been presented.40 Useful conclusions reached were that: the NIST RM 8785 (air particulate matter on filter media) was unsuitable as a LA calibration standard; analysing a representative portion of a filter in minimal time required a judicious selection of laser beam size and ablation area; and use of less energetic 213 nm lasers was preferable to the use of 193 nm lasers because this minimised the ablation of the quartz filter media itself and thus reduced background elemental contributions to the analytical signal. It was noted that further instrumental developments were required before this approach could be deployed routinely. These included: lasers with increased beam sizes for increased filter ablation coverage; ablation cells with faster wash-out characteristics; and autosamplers for the automated processing of filter samples.
The coupling of a SMPS to a sp-ICP-MS instrument for improved interrogation of NPs involved41 connecting a differential mobility analyser unit, in which charged aerosol particles in a flow of N2 gas were separated by means of their electrical mobility, to a modified RDD. The latter enabled both the aerosol particle stream to be diluted and an Ar carrier gas to be introduced to sustain the ICP-plasma. A sample splitter placed after the RDD allowed aerosol to be sent both to a CPC (to count particles) and to the sp-ICP-MS instrument (to provide data on particle size, count and mass distributions). The novelty of this configuration was that the switching between N2 and Ar gas flows could be carried out downstream of the differential mobility analyser thereby enabling this device to work efficiently. This had not been possible in previous studies in which Ar carrier gas was used throughout.
Further ICP-MS applications are summarised in Table 2.
Analyte | Matrix | Sample preparation | Technique | Findings | Reference |
Fe, Ni | Air filter samples | Microwave-assisted digestion as per EN 14902 | ICP-MS/MS | H2 collision gas (Fe) and H2 + NH3 gas (Ni) mediated mass-shift cell-chemistry optimised for improved Fe and Ni measurements in supporting future air quality and potential source apportionment measurements | 300 |
Fe, Ti | NPs emitted from coal-fired power stations | Extracted from particle emission control devices e.g., bag filtration | sp-ICP-MS | Mass of NPs that escape chimney stacks determined to be low | 301 |
Fe and Ti were the most abundant elements in those NPs released at a rate of up to 1.9 × 1018 and 1.6 × 1018 particles per h | |||||
Other metals release in NPs included Pb and Zn | |||||
Sr | Atmospheric particles (PM10) | Acid digested | ICP-MS/MS | CH3F-mediated mass-shift cell-chemistry optimised for improved Sr87/Sr86 measurements | 187 |
No need for prior Rb/Sr separation | |||||
Various | Gunshot residue particles | Inside of shooters’ gloves rinsed with a detergent/water | sp-ICP-TOF-MS | Rinsing method useful to extract small particles where extraction via tape-lift or adhesive stubs was inadequate | 302 |
Elemental profiling of <100 nm particles possible | |||||
Complemented existing SEM-EDS methods | |||||
Various | Nanoscale mineral dust aerosol (MDA) in snow | Melting snow | sp-ICP-TOF-MS | Median MDA composition largely equated to known crustal elemental abundance ratios | 303 |
Particle size and composition of MDAs were effectively measured in wet deposition samples but there was a greater uncertainty in measuring the particle number |
Identifying sources of actinide-containing particles collected on swab samples is important for nuclear safeguarding purposes. A new thermal ion emitter improved44 U ionisation efficiencies in a new procedure in which particles of interest were initially identified using SEM-EDS and then transferred by a micromanipulator for TIMS analysis. The relative errors for 13 certified U particles (1.3–4.7 μm in size) were <2.7, <1.1 and <4.5% for 234U/238U, 235U/238U and 236U/238U, respectively. The corresponding RSDs were 1.6, 0.5 and 3.3%.
The application of SEM-EDS, a well-established technique for the determination of the elemental composition of imaged particles, was reported in two aerosol-related studies. In the first,48 the analysis of 98 TSP dust samples from various ore processing operations within a nickel refinery plant generated compositional data for individual particles. Process-specific emission sources could be identified so plant operatives could implement dust control systems optimised for location and activity. Future work will examine the composition and morphology of fine (<2.5 μm) and ultrafine (<100 nm) particles because these can be inhaled by workers and may have different toxicities than larger TSPs. From an occupational exposure perspective, it will be interesting to compare new particle data with elemental fractionation data generated using the industry-specific Zatka leaching protocol, which involves the sequential leaching of air filter samples in extractants of increasing potency and subsequent analysis by ICP spectrometry. In the second publication,49 use of the SEM-EDS technique helped elucidate the morphology, chemical composition and wear alteration of brake assembly components (pads and discs) and of released particles. Findings will help the industry to optimise pad components for more efficient operation whilst simultaneously minimising emitted wear particles, the presence of which in the urban atmosphere is of growing concern.
Other applications of XRFS to the analysis of APM are presented in Table 3.
Analyte | Matrix | Study aim | Technique | Findings | Reference |
As | Ambient air particles (TSP and PM2.5 fractions) | As speciation study | SR-XRFS | The AsIII![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
304 |
SR-XANES | Total As determined in TSP was 2.7 ± 0.7 ng m−3 | ||||
Total As determined in PM2.5 was 1.6 ± 0.6 ng m−3 | |||||
As, Cr, Se | Coal fly ash | Solubility/toxicity study | SR-XANES | Soluble hence mobile fractions that contained AsV, CrVI and SeIV species determined and various treatment to render them immobile recommended | 305 |
LC-ICP-MS | |||||
Cr, Zn | Fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM10–2.5) aerosol fractions | Cr and Zn speciation study | EDXRF | Cr2O3 and Cr2(SO4)3 dominant species found in both fractions | 306 |
SR-XANES | Zn2SiO4 and ZnSO4 found in both fractions | ||||
ZnCl2 found only in coarse fraction | |||||
ZnC2O4 found only in fine fraction | |||||
Origin of Cr and Zn species suspected to be from local anthropogenic sources such as combustion sources and/or resuspended road dust | |||||
Fe | Antarctic aerosol samples | Fe speciation and oxidation study to understand better factors affecting Fe solubility and bioavailability in the surface ocean | SR-XRFS | Fe mineral-phase contained mostly hematite and biotite | 307 |
SR-XANES | FeII content in particles ranged between 60% (summer) and 71% (winter) | ||||
Fe | Urban aerosols | Fe speciation study | SR-HERFD-XANES | Better resolution with HERFD-XANES over conventional XANES for improved Fe species identification | 308 |
Mg | Aeolian dust originating from semi-arid regions of Asian continent transported by westerly winds to Japan (KOSA dust) | Mg speciation study | SR-XANES | Mg mostly found in phyllosilicates rather than carbonate minerals suggesting that the contribution of Mg to neutralisation reactions in the atmosphere may be lower than previously expected | 309 |
Ni | PM10 aerosol fraction | Identification and sources of Ni-containing emissions in an industrialised location | Near real-time in situ XRFS | Hourly air samples analysed with concentrations up to 2480 ng m−3 determined | 310 |
Dominant emissions sources identified were a Ni refinery (90%) and a steel-mill (10%) | |||||
Ti | Size fractionated aerosol particles | Ti speciation study | SR-XANES | Several different Ti species determined in particles including anatase, ilmenite, rutile and titanite suggesting that the photochemical reactivity of Ti in aerosols, as determined in laboratory simulation studies, may be over-estimated because only TiO2 is employed as a model species | 311 |
Various | PM2.5 and PM10 aerosol fractions in an urban environment | Identification and sources apportionment of the elemental fraction of APM | Near real-time in situ XRFS | Thirteen sources of elements identified including: biomass burning (7.2%); construction (4.3%); dust (22.1%); heavy-vehicles (17%); industry (3.3%); light-vehicles (5.4%); railways (6.6%); wind-blown dusts (9.5%); sea-salt (5.4%) and sulfates (15.4%) | 312 |
Various | PM2.5 and PM10 aerosol fractions in an urban environment | Intercomparison of online (XRFS) and offline filter measurements (ICP-MS) | Near real-time in situ XRFS | Highly correlated (R2 > 0.8) for major elements such as Al, Ba, Ca, Fe, K, Mn, Pb, Ti and Zn. However, differences of 10–40% noted for some elements. Suggested variables here could include: distance between respective PM2.5 sampling inlets; spectral overlaps in XRFS measurements; filter digestion efficiencies and sample-to-sample variation in element contents in blank filters | 313 |
The portability of vibrational spectroscopic techniques such as FTIR spectrometry makes it possible to undertake occupational RCS measurements in workplaces. Such measurements are, however, prone to interferences from other minerals co-sampled onto air filter samples. In a comparative testing53 of FTIR and XRD methodologies using 253 air filter samples from representative activities such as road construction and tunnelling, coal mining and kitchen benchtop manufacturing, the FTIR results were on average 9% higher than the XRD data. This discrepancy was largely attributed to spectral interferences around the 800 cm−1 region where characteristic Si–O stretches are measured. The authors recommended that, to obtain better FTIR data, spectra should be examined for potential matrix interferences, a peak height ratio method should be used for quantification and filters should not be overloaded. In order to minimise such interferences, a PCR chemometric model was developed54 using coal dust mixtures on filter samples and verified by comparison with the results from XRD analyses. This model allowed quartz to be measured in several coal dust types with a LOD of 5 μg per filter and met the method performance requirements set out in ISO 20581 if airborne silica concentrations of 100 μg m−3 were to be sampled using a nominal 500 L sample volume. Further work will examine the wider applicability of chemometric models for predicting quartz contents in other workplace dusts and whether such models can be used universally with different portable FTIR instruments. In a Raman-based method, test RCS aerosols were sampled55 onto a small 1.5 mm filter spot and analysed either with a hand-held instrument (ca. 0.5 kg) or a larger probe-based portable unit (ca. 5 kg). The best LOQ of 17 μg m−3 was attained for a nominal 24 L air sample collected at a flow rate of 0.4 L min−1 over 60 min using the handheld instrument. Results were within 23% of those obtained using a reference XRD method. Future studies will assess instrumental performance on real-world RCS samples.
A review (291 references) on the characterisation of nanomaterials in the environment covered,57 amongst other topics, the preconcentration of nanomaterials from aqueous samples, their quantification by sp-ICP-MS and XRFS and their characterisation by techniques such as FFF-ICP-MS and LA-ICP-MS. A more specific review (74 references) on the trends and challenges in determining engineered NPs in seawater drew58 the reader’s attention to the important fact that the main limitation of many studies is the use of spiked samples at concentrations much higher than those found in real samples. Of note was the table on atomic spectrometric methods used and the sample preparation procedures required prior to analysis.
An electrodialytic enrichment device for the preconcentration of trace ions from ultrapure water before analysis by ICP-MS generated61 an effluent with a tenfold trace element enrichment. As part of the procedure, the effluent was acidified with HNO3, thereby making QC easier. The “waste” water that had been stripped of trace elements was recycled to make the analytical blanks and standards.
Tables 4 and 5 present the most significant advances in analyte preconcentration using SPE or LPE for water analysis.
Analytes | Matrix | Substrate | Coating or modifier | Detector | Method LOD in μg L.1 (unless stated otherwise) | Validation | Reference |
Ag, Cd, Pd, Re, Zn | Fresh water and seawater | AmberChrom® 1-X8 resin | ICP-MS/MS | 0.11 (Re) to 19 (Zn) ng L−1 | NRCC CRMs SLRS-6 (river water), CASS-6 (near shore seawater) and NASS 7 (seawater) | 314 | |
Am, Pu, Sr, U | Lake water, seawater, urine | DGA branched resin and Sr resin both 50–100 μm | N,N,N′,N′-Tetra-2-ethylhexyldiglycolamide (DGA resin) and 4,4′(5′)-di-t-butylcyclohexano 18-crown-6 in 1-octanol (Sr resin) | ICP-MS/MS | 0.56 (239Pu) to 1.75 (90Sr) pg L−1 | Spike recovery and IAEA proficiency scheme water samples | 315 |
AsV | Water | SAX disk filter | Quaternary ammonium groups | LA-ICP-MS | 0.028 | Spike recovery | 316 |
AsIII, AsV, DMA, AB | Water, seawater, and urine | Graphene oxide | Fe2O3 and [1,5-bis(2-pyridyl)-3-sulfophenylmethylene] thiocarbonohydrazide (from a previous paper) | HPLC-ICP-MS | 0.2 (AsV) to 3.8 (AB) ng L−1 | NRCC CRMs TMDA 64.3 (fortified lake water) and CASS 6 (near shore seawater) | 317 |
As | Water and seawater | Gold NPs (at 350 °C) | HG-AAS | 6.5 pg mL−1 | NRCC CRMs AQUA-1 (drinking water), NASS-5 (seawater) and IRMM CRM ERM-CA713 (wastewater) | 318 | |
As, Bi, Sb | Fresh, sea, waste and ground waters | Cellulose fibres | Trapping of hydrides on Ag NPs | ICP-MS | 1 (Bi) to 15 (As) ng L−1 | Spike recovery | 319 |
Bi, Cr, Pb, Zn | Water | Fe3O4 NPs coated with SiO2 | A ZrIV metal–organic framework with tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)-porphyrin (MPCN-224) | ICP-MS | 0.9 (Bi) to 11.4 (Zn) ng L−1 | Chinese Ministry of Environmental Protection CRMs GSB 07-3186-2014 (200934) (water quality standard) and BY400143 (B2003113) (environmental water) | 320 |
Cd | Tap, mineral and lake waters, and physiological solution | A ZrIV metal–organic framework with terephthalic acid (UiO-66) | FAAS with Ni furnace in the flame | 0.03 | Spike recovery | 321 | |
Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb | Wastewater | Silica gel | V2O5 | FAAS | 8.4 (Cd) to 50.6 (Cu) | Spike recovery | 322 |
Cd, Co, Ni | Waste, sea, tap and reservoir waters | A thiol-functionalised covalent organic framework of 1,3,5-triformylphloroglucinol (Tp) and 2,5-divinyl-p-phenylenediamine | ICP-MS | 0.1 (Cd) to 1.46 (Co) | Beijing Weiye Research Institute of Metrology and Technology CRM GBW08608 (metal elements in water) and spike recovery | 323 | |
Cd, Cu, Ni | Eye drops, serum and tap, mineral and spring waters | Silica gel | N-N′-Bis(5-methoxsalicylidene)-2-hydroxy-1,3-propanediamine | ICP-AES | 28 (Cd) to 62 (Cu) ng L−1 | Spike recovery and a multi-elemental ICP grade standard as an unknown | 324 |
Cd, Cu, Pb | Sea and stream waters, pepper, black cabbage, eggplant, tomato | Melon peel biochar | CoFe2O4 | FAAS | 0.41 (Cu) to 3.16 (Pb) | Spike recovery | 325 |
Cd, Pb, Te, and Sb | Drinking water | (3-Aminopropyl)triethoxysilane (multi-ion imprinted polymer) | APDC | ICP-AES | 0.037 (Sb) to 0.93 (Te) | Spike recovery and comparison with ICP-MS reference method results | 326 |
CrIII, CrVI | Spring water and sewage wastewater | Chelate resin (Lewatit TP207) and anion exchange resin (Lewatit MP68) | LIBS | 88 (CrIII) to 270 (CrVI) | Spike recovery and comparison with ICP-AES results | 327 | |
CrIII | Tap water and green tea | Styrene and 4-vinylpyridine ion imprinted polymers | 1,10-Phenanthroline | ETAAS | 0.35 ng mL−1 | Spike recovery and NIST SRM 1643e (trace elements in water) | 328 |
Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb | Aqueous solutions, bottled water | Glass | GO | LIBS | 14 (Pb) to 15 (other analytes) | Spike recovery | 329 |
135Cs, 137Cs | Seawater | Ammonium molybdophosphate adsorption | ICP-MS/MS | 15 fg L−1 | IAEA CRM IAEA-443 (Irish seawater) and comparison with TIMS analysis | 330 | |
Cu | Water | Activated carbon | Ion-imprinted polymer with N-methoxymethyl melamine and ethylenedinitrilotetraacetic acid, disodium salt | FAAS | 0.038 | NIST SRM 1643e (trace elements in water) and ERML-CA021e (soft drinking water) | 331 |
Hg | Water | Carbon fibre | (3-Mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane | ICP-MS | 2 ng L−1 | Spike recovery | 332 |
Hg, MeHg, EtHg, PhHg | Lake water and fish | Fe3O4 NPs | Polymer of 2,4,6-triformylphloroglucinol and methacrylic anhydride modified with 1,2-ethanedithiol | HPLC-ICP-MS | 0.43 (Hg) to 1.1 (PhHg) ng L−1 | Spike recovery and NRCC CRM DORM-2 (dog fish) | 333 |
Hg, MeHg | Lake and ground waters | Ultrasint® PA11 or PA12 3D printer powder | 3-Mercaptopropyl-functionalized silica gel | ICP-MS | 0.02 (MeHg) and 0.08 (Hg) ng L−1 | IRMM CRM ERM CA615 (ground water) | 334 |
In | Drinking water | Silica gel | Covalently immobilised azolium groups | ETAAS | 5.5 ng L−1 | Spike recovery | 335 |
MnII, MnVI | Tap water, ice tea, an energy drink, mineral water, Sprite | ZnFe2O4 nanotubes (selective adsorption MnVII) | 1-Phenyl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-5-pyrazone and 1-undecanol (SFOD selective extraction of MnII) | ETAAS | 0.005 (MnII) and 0.007 (MnVII) | Chinese RM GSBZ 50019-90 (Fe and Mn water quality standard) and spike recovery | 336 |
εNd (143Nd/144Nd) | Seawater | Fe hydroxide coprecipitation | DGA Resin® | MC-ICP-MS | No LOD reported. The blank was 2 pg from 3 L of sample | Comparison with TIMS results | 337 |
Pb | River water | Calcium alginate beads | FAAS | 2 | Spike recovery and comparison with ICP-MS results | 338 | |
Pd | Estuarine water | Presep® PolyChelate chelating resin | ICP-MS | 0.010 ng kg−1 | Spike recovery | 339 | |
Pd | Seawater | Biorad AG® 1-X8 anion exchange resin | ICP-MS | 0.060 pmol L−1 | Spike recovery | 340 | |
226Ra (system also evaluated for Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, U and Zn) | Fresh, sea and fracking waters | Biorad AG® 50 W-X8 cation exchange resin, Nobias Chelate-PA1 and Eichrom Sr spec resin in series on a lab on a valve | ICP-MS/MS | 4.3 ± 0.1 mBq L−1 (1.75 fg L−1) | Spike recovery and NRCC CRM CASS 6 (near shore seawater) | 341 | |
REEs | Water and atmospheric particulate extracts and digests | SiO2 coated Fe3O4 NPs | Phytic acid | ICP-MS | 0.002 (Lu) to 1.1 (Nd) ng L−1 | Spike recovery | 342 |
TlI and TlIII | Tap, spring, river, sea and bottled waters | Graphene–Fe3O4 composite | Aliquat 336 | ETAAS | 0.01 | NIST SRM 1640a (trace elements in natural water), Environment Canada CRMs TMRain-04 (simulated rainwater), TM-23.4 (fortified lake water), TM-25.4 (low level fortified lake water) and SPS RM SW2 (surface water) | 343 |
Analytes | Matrix | Method | Reagents | Detector | LOD in μg L−1 (unless stated otherwise) | Method validation | Reference |
AgI | Water and soil | CPE | Citric acid and Triton™ X-100 | FAAS | 0.04 | Spike recovery and comparison with spectrophotometry data | 344 |
Ag2S NPs | Water | CPE | Bis(p-sulfonatophenyl)phenylphosphane dehydrate dipotassium salt, Na2S2O3, Triton™ X-114 and glycerol | sp-ICP-MS | Size LOD 22 nm, particle number LOD 5 × 104 particles per L | Spike recovery | 345 |
Al | Tap and river waters, rock, soil | CPE | 3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoic acid, Triton™ X-114 and back extraction into HNO3 | ICP-AES | 0.31 | Spike recovery and NIST SRM 1643f (trace elements in water) | 346 |
Be | Seawater, air filters | DLLME | Dioctylsulfosuccinate, acetylacetone and chloroform | ETAAS | 10 fg mL−1 | Spike recovery and NIST SRMs 1640 and 1640a (trace elements in natural water) | 347 |
Cd | Drinking, tap and ground waters | CPE | Pyridyl-azo-naphthol and Triton™ X-114 | HR-CS-ETAAS | 1.3 | Spike recovery | 348 |
Cd, Fe, Pb | Drinking water | CPE | 2,6-Diamino-4-phenyl-1,3,5-triazine and 3-amino-7-dimethylamino-2-methylphenazine, and Triton™ X-114 | FAAS | 5 (Pb) to 25 (Fe) | Spike recovery | 349 |
Co, Cu, Ni | Water, blood, urine | CPE | (E)-2-(2,4-Dihydroxybenzylidene)-N-phenylhydrazine-1-carbothioamide (DHBPHC) and Triton™ X-114 | FAAS | 0.34 (Co) to 0.94 (Ni) | Spike recovery | 350 |
CrVI | Natural and waste waters | Deep eutectic solvent microextraction | Hexanoic acid and tetrabutylammonium bromide | ETAAS | 5 ng L−1 | Spike recovery | 351 |
FeIII | Water, food | DLLME | 4,5-Dihydroxy-1,3-benzendisulfonic acid, 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide, back extract in decanoic acid in tetrahydrofuran | FAAS | 1.0 | Spike recovery | 352 |
Pd | Water | CPE | 2-(5-Bromo-4-methyl-2-pyridylazo)-5-dimethylaminoaniline and Triton™ X-114 | ETAAS | 0.05 | Spike recovery | 353 |
REEs | Ground water, mining water run off | DLLME | 2-(5-Bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-(diethylamino)-phenol, ethanol and a 1![]() ![]() |
EDXRFS | 1.1 (U) to 10.5 (Eu) | Spike recovery | 354 |
SeIV | Tap, river and well waters, food | LLME | (3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5,7-trihydroxychromen-4-one (quercetin), menthol and lauric acid | HG-AAS | 0.25 ng L−1 | Spike recovery (water samples) and NIST SRMs 1567a (wheat flour) and 1548a (typical diet) | 355 |
Zn | Tap water | DLLME | Dithiazone, choline chloride and dodecanol | FAAS | 0.09 | Spike recovery | 356 |
An investigation on the preservation of As species in water established63 that the bottle type had little effect on species stability and that acidification of the samples to 0.018 M HCl or 0.019 M HNO3 was sufficient to preserve the original sample composition for up to 12 weeks. The use of HNO3 was preferred over that of HCl in order to avoid polyatomic interferences when using ICP-MS. It was suggested that HNO3 had no oxidising effect but this assertion was unfortunately not tested on real samples. It should be noted that chromatographic separations typically separate chloride from As species and that most ICP-MS instruments these days have collision cells that successfully remove the ArCl+ interference so HCl can in fact be used without the risk of species oxidation by HNO3. A different approach was adopted64 for groundwater samples with significant concentrations of iron sulfide and oxide minerals. To overcome the problem of a >60% reduction in AsIII concentrations that occurred after 36 h of collection, samples were preconcentrated on-site onto strong cation- and anion-exchange cartridges. Recoveries of As species were quantitative when the Fe2+ concentrations were <10 mg L−1.
Species-selective preconcentration can be used to improve the sensitivity of speciation methods. Turbulent flow chromatography is a commercial and patented SPE method typically used in clinical analysis to separate low- and high-molecular-weight fractions by diffusion-controlled mass transfer instead of by chemical interaction with a stationary phase. It was tested65 for the preconcentration and fractionation of Gd in surface waters. All low-molecular-weight compounds were retained at loading flow rates above 1 mL min−1 whereas compounds of 5.7 kDa and above were not. The recovery of low-molecular-weight Gd species from the samples (92 ± 5%) was a slight improvement over the 87 ± 4% achievable using standard cation-exchange SPE preconcentration cartridges. The mercury species Hg2+, MeHg+ and EtHg+ were selectively extracted66 offline from sea, lake and river waters onto a C18 column functionalised with 12.5 μg of dithizone. Once extracted, the immobilised species were stable for up to 10 days. The column was then mounted onto the HPLC injection valve for elution and HPLC-ICP-MS detection. The LODs for 50 mL samples ranged from 0.007 (EtHg+) to 0.02 (Hg2+) ng L−1.
The fractionation of trace elements in waters and soil porewaters remains an important topic. An investigation into the environmental bioavailability of Co, Fe, Pb, U and Zn at a mine reclamation site used67 DGT to sample extractable metals from soils and ICP-MS pore-water analysis to estimate their lability and biotoxicity. Although the metals were highly labile and so potentially had high toxicity, analysis of tree core samples, surprisingly, revealed little uptake into the xylem of nearby trees. Dissolved AsIII, SbIII, and SeIV concentrations within a river catchment were successfully mapped68 using a DGT sampler loaded with aminopropyl and mercaptopropyl bi-functionalised mesoporous silica spheres. The time-weighted average data obtained were comparable to data from high frequency sampling and HPLC-ICP-MS analysis. The spatial resolution that can be obtained with these samplers was exploited to follow redox-constrained spatial-patterns of these analytes associated with root penetration. Results obtained using passive DGT sampling and ICP-MS detection for the labile forms of Cd, Ni and Pb in transitional and coastal waters were compared69 with those obtained by standard ASV analysis. Although the concentrations of labile Cd and Pb obtained by the two methods were highly correlated, the values obtained for Pb by ASV were always similar to or lower than the results obtained by DGT-ICP-MS. As ASV cannot be used to determine the labile fraction of Ni due to the irreversible reduction of Ni at the electrode, this new method had a considerable advantage for the analysis of estuarine waters.
Although the combination of HPLC with ICP-MS for elemental speciation is facilitated by the ease of interfacing these two instruments, HPLC mobile phases containing large amounts of organic solvents are often incompatible with ICP-MS. To overcome the problems of high reflected power and carbon deposition on the interface, dimethyl carbonate was used70 as an organic-mobile-phase modifier for the RP chromatography of a series of Br-, Cl- or S-containing organic compounds in urine. A 10% v/v concentration of dimethyl carbonate had an elution capacity equivalent to 23 and 48% v/v concentrations of acetonitrile and methanol, respectively, but didn’t require the addition of oxygen to the plasma. Use of this mobile phase might also have potential for water samples but it is less miscible with water so the maximum usable concentration of dimethyl carbonate in a mobile phase is 10% v/v.
As ICP-MS is a multi-elemental detector, it is always gratifying to see the development of multi-elemental separations. The species CdII, CrIII, CrVI, HgII, MeHg+, EtHg+, PbII, TEL and TML were preconcentrated71 on a C18 SPE column modified with 10 mM 2-hydroxyethanethiol and then eluted with 5 mM cysteine onto a C18 HPLC column from which separation of all the analytes was achieved in 8 min using the eluent as the mobile phase. The LODs ranged from 0.001 (MeHg+) to 0.007 (TML) ng L−1. Accuracy was verified by spike recoveries from real samples and by analysis of the Chinese RMs GBW08602 (Cd in water), GBW08603 (Hg in water) and GBW08601 (Pb in water). The separation and quantification of 5 Gd MRI contrast agents by IC-ICP-MS used72 the PrepFast sample introduction system fitted with a proprietary polymer-based IC column functionalised with quaternary ammonium alkyl groups. Complete separation in less than 2 min was achieved with a gradient of ammonium nitrate buffers at pH 9.2. The LODs of 11 (gadoterate) to 19 (gadobenate) pM were sufficient for the monitoring of these compounds in a river in Germany.
The ReVII and ReIV species have similar physicochemical properties and electrophoretic behaviour to 99Tc and so were determined73 by CE-ICP-MS/MS in simulated contaminated groundwater samples as stable analogues of 99Tc. The CE-ICP-MS interface added a sheath liquid to the CE flow to increase the flow rate for ICP-MS analysis. The LODs were 0.01 (ReVII) and 0.02 (total Re) μg L−1. The authors considered this method to be a promising candidate method for monitoring 99Tc species in contaminated groundwater.
The determination of AsIII by FAAS with a quartz tube atomiser was improved76 by using a Pt-coated tungsten coil heated at 60 °C to trap arsine gas after HG. The LOD of 0.016 μg L−1 was a considerable improvement over that (0.26 μg L−1) achievable without the coil. Results for the NIST SRM 1640a (trace elements in natural water) and the SCP science RM EnviroMAT (drinking water high) were not significantly different from the certified values at the 95% confidence level.
Analyte | Matrix | Vapour generation reagents | Detector | LOD | Validation | Reference |
As | Lake and river waters, sediments | Acetic acid, formic acid and Fe3O4 NPs, 60 s irradiation time | ICP-MS | 0.01 μg L−1 | Spike recovery (water) and against Chinese CRMs GBW07303 and GBW07305 (both stream sediment) | 357 |
Bi | Drinking and tap waters | Fe3O4 NPs as a SPE adsorbent and photocatalyst, acetic acid and formic acid. Online photochemical reactor | AFS | 0.07 μg L−1 | Spike recovery | 358 |
Br, BrO3 | Water | Cu2+ catalyst and acetic acid. Flow through UV reactor with a 14 s irradiation time | ICP-MS | 0.01 μg L−1 | No validation, proof of concept on artificial samples | 359 |
Br, Cl | Bottled and sea waters | Copper acetate, 58 s irradiation time | SF-ICP-MS | 0.03 (Br) and 3 (Cl) μg L−1 | Spike recovery | 360 |
Hg | Water | Ivy root extract in ethanol, 30 s irradiation time | AFS | 0.03 μg L−1 | Spike recovery | 361 |
Ru | Well, spring, contaminated and sea waters | Cd and Co catalyst with formic acid, 31 s irradiation time | ICP-MS | 20 pg L−1 | Spike recovery | 362 |
Ru, Os | Water | Cd and Co photocatalyst and formic acid, 45 s irradiation time | ICP-MS | 0.5 (Os) and 5 (Ru) ng L−1 | Spike recovery | 363 |
SeIV, SeVI | Mineral and river waters | Cd ion photocatalysis and acetic acid, irradiation time not directly reported | HPLC-AFS | 0.16 (SeIV) and 0.21 (SeVI) μg L−1 | Spike recovery and analysis of Chinese RMs GBW(E)080395 (Se in simulated water) and BWB2261-2016 (water quality Se standard) | 364 |
Microplasmas or discharges can also be used to produce volatile metal compounds. An anodic GD was developed79 for the CVG of Cd and Hg in waters and sediment digests prior to ICP-AES detection. The LODs of 0.3 (Cd) and 0.2 (Hg) μg L−1were improvements over those achievable with pneumatic nebulisation. The VG efficiencies were 28 and 69% for Cd and Hg, respectively. Unfortunately, there was no comparison with “traditional” monoelemental CV or HG methods. A nebulised-film DBD was successfully employed80 to vaporise 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione chelates of REEs prior to ICP-MS detection. The sample introduction efficiency of 51–66% gave an 8–9 fold sensitivity improvement over that achievable by nebulisation. The LODs ranged from 0.002 (Gd and Tb) to 0.328 (Y) ng L−1. The accuracy of the method was checked by spike recoveries from lake and rainwaters as well as by analysis of the Chinese RM (GBW(E)082428) (multielement solution).
The inorganic, monomethyl and dimethyl Ge species in fresh and seawater samples were determined81 following production of volatile species by hydride generation. The species were preconcentrated by cryotrapping and then selectively released by gradual heating of the trap. The LODs of 0.003 (DMGe) to 0.015 (iGe) ng L−1 achievable with ICP-MS/MS detection were low enough to provide values for these species in the NRCC CRMs CASS-4 to 6 (near shore seawater), NASS 5 and 7 (seawater) and SLRS 4 to 6 (river water). The values obtained were consistent with values previously reported for total Ge in these CRMs. The concentration of Pb in water was determined82 by HG-MIP-AES using K3Fe(CN)6 as an additive to improve the generation of PbH4 with NaBH4. The LOD of 0.54 μg L−1 allowed the accurate determination of Pb in the Laboratorio Tecnólogico del Uruguay CRM MRC.INO.101 (trace elements in water).
The optimum sample dilution of 1 + 9 for the determination of REEs in seawater samples by SF-ICP-MS was determined87 from analyses of the NRCC CRM CASS-6 (near shore seawater). Although this method was suitable for the analysis of near-shore samples, the analysis of oceanic samples presented problems. It is suggested that these could be overcome by the use of high-efficiency heated nebulisers with aerosol desolvation. The interference effects of Ba polyatomic ions on the determination of Eu were evaluated88 by “Pseudo ID”. Polyatomic ions were treated as surrogates for Eu ions and their contribution quantified by spiking the sample with natural abundance Eu. The LOD was 0.007 pg mL−1. The method was validated by the analysis of NRCC CRMs CASS-4 and 5 (near shore seawater), NASS-5 and 6 (seawater) and SLRS 4 and 5 (river water) for which literature and information values for Eu were used.
The determination of S in lacustrine DOM by ICP-MS/MS was achieved89 by measurement of 32S16O+ formed in the collision cell after removal of 48Ca+ in the first quadrupole. The LOD was 0.2 ng g−1 in dried DOM. Results agreed well both with those obtained previously using FT-ICR-MS and with reference values for the IHSS RM Suwannee River fulvic acid. The same method was employed90 for the determination of δ34S in coastal seawaters and sediment pore waters. Results that were not significantly different to the certified values were obtained for the analysis of IAES RMs IAEA-S-1 (sulfur isotopes in silver sulfide), IAEA-S-2 (sulfur isotopes in silver sulfide) and the IAPSO CRM (seawater) but the precision of 1.1–1.5‰ was an order of magnitude poorer than that obtained using a MC instrument.
Seventeen water CRMs from NRCC and IRMM were analysed91 for REEs and technology-critical elements by ICP-MS/MS. The MS instrument was used in combination with a commercial preconcentration-unit fitted with Nobias chelate-PA1® columns. The REEs, Sc, Ti and Y were measured in O2 mass-shift-mode and Al, Cd, Co, Cu, Fe, Ga, In, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sn, Th, U, V, W and Zn in He-collision mode. Apart from the values obtained for Mo, Ni and U in three of the 17 CRMs analysed, the results were not significantly different from the certified values. There had been no or few results presented previously in the literature for Ga, In, Sc, Sn, Th, Ti and W in these CRMs so this paper provided the first published values for most of these elements. These new data were combined with data from an extensive literature survey to provide new consensus values for those elements without certified values.
In the ICP-MS/MS determination of radioisotopes using a commercial high-efficiency desolvating nebuliser, the 97Mo isobaric interference on 97Tc was eliminated92 by adding O2 as a reaction gas to form MoO+ and MoO2+. Using 97Tc as a yield tracer for 99Tc, the absolute LOD was 0.9 fg (0.6 mBq). In a similar procedure, the 129Xe+ isobaric interference on 129I+ decreased93 substantially when I was reacted with O2 and measured as 129I16O+ at m/z 145. In this way a LOD of 11 mBq L−1 was achieved without the need for any sample pretreatment. The method was validated by spike recoveries from river and synthetic water samples and IDA.
A 304-reference review of sp-ICP-MS covered39 all aspects from basic principles and sample preparation to analytical applications, such as the detection of NPs in various kinds of waters. Although 0.45 μm filters are often used in the preparation of samples for sp-ICP-MS, it was reported94 that the NP affinity for filter materials differed according to the filters used. Best recoveries of NPs (>75%) were obtained when polypropylene membranes were used. Preconditioning of the filters with a multi-element solution improved recoveries by up to 80% but recoveries were dramatically dependent on the water matrix. The authors concluded that to decrease losses either their filtration protocol or centrifugation of samples at <1000g should be used before analysis of water samples. This finding was partially supported95 by a study on the determination of metallic NPs in waste waters and sludges produced at water treatment plants. Samples were centrifuged at 5000g or less for 10 min before sp-ICP-MS analysis. Recoveries of silver NPs from spiked samples were >84%. Particle mass concentrations of <1 ng L−1 for cadmium NPs and ca. 100 μg L−1 for magnesium NPs were found in samples of waste waters and sludges. Most particles were <100 nm in diameter but magnesium particles could be much larger at up to 1500 nm in diameter.
Notably different approaches have been taken for the determination of non-metallic NPs. A review (44 references) of the use of metal tagging or labelling considered96 this strategy to have the advantage of making the most of the detection power of ICP-MS whereas C monitoring was beset with many difficulties. The advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of tagging for polystyrene microplastic standards were discussed. In contrast, microplastics and unicellular algae have been counted and sized97 in seawaters by ICP-MS/MS by monitoring 12C and 13C. Online aerosol dilution was used to reduce drift effects and to make size calibration more repeatable. The best size-LODs were obtained using 12C. Size calibration using polystyrene microplastic standards made it possible to calibrate cellular masses in real samples. The measured results of 51–83 pg (equivalent to sizes of 7.6 to 10 μm) were consistent with results obtained using Coulter counting, TOC analysis and microscopy.
A review (151 references) of the determination of 137Cs and226Ra by ICP-MS covered98 sample preparation, pretreatment and separation steps for a wide range of matrices, including soils, sediments and biological materials as well as several waters.
The quantification of radionuclides in water by ICP-MS is of increasing interest. The low instrument LODs of 0.02 (Pb) to 0.14 (U) ng L−1 made99 it possible to determine stable Pb isotopes, 232Th, 234U, 235U and 238U in drinking water by SF-ICP-MS without any sample pretreatment. In contrast, the detection of 227Ac in fresh and seawaters was only possible100 following preconcentration from 30 L of sample using manganese coprecipitation and extensive column purification. As the yield was known to be <100%, ID was used for quantification by MC-ICP-MS. The method was validated against an in-house RM and spiked seawater samples and internal QC was carried out using duplicate riverwater samples. The absolute LOD of 10 ag was sufficient for monitoring this radioisotope in seawater and could result in a rapid increase in the use of 227Ac as a marine tracer. An automated SPE column method with UTEVA® resin was used101 to extract Th (230Th, 232Th) and U (234U, 235U, 238U) from 20 mL of sea and river waters prior to elution with 0.01 M HNO3–0.01 M HF and quantification by ICP-MS/MS. Results were not significantly different from the certificate values for the NRCC CRMs CASS-6 (near shore seawater), NASS-7 (seawater) and SLRS-6 (river water) and the IAEA CRM IAEA-443 (Irish Sea water). The LODs ranged from 0.02 (230Th) to 5.89 (235U) fg mL−1.
A review (149 references) of the use of “non-traditional” stable isotope ratios in studies of the geochemical and ecotoxicological aspects of marine metal contamination included102 the application of MC-ICP-MS to studies of contaminated marine environments. It was concluded that measurement of isotope ratios will detect changes caused by mankind and follow interactions with marine biota.
A collaborative study by two expert laboratories used various ICP-MS instruments (including SF- and MC-) to determine the trace element mass fractions and isotope ratios in the NRCC CRM AQUA-1 (drinking water) standard. The article provided for the first time103 consensus or indicative values for the mass fractions of B, Cs, Ga, Ge, Hf, Li, Nb, P, Rb, Rh, Re, S, Sc, Se, Si, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y, Zr and the REEs. In addition, six isotopic ratios were proposed for Pb and Sr. The NRCC CRM SLRS-6 (river water) was used as a control standard.
Sample preparation for isotope ratio analysis continues to receive attention. A single column method for isolating Ba from geological and water samples used104 a Bio-Rad AG® 50W-X8 200–400 mesh column. Barium was separated from the major interference elements in geological materials, river water and gas and oil brines using a double elution procedure with 2.5 M HCl followed by 2.0 M HNO3. The δ138Ba value was determined by MC-ICP-MS. Dissolved gaseous Hg and reactive Hg fractions were purged105 from 10 L batches of water samples after addition of acidic SnCl2. The Hg0 generated was captured on a Cl-impregnated activated-carbon-trap before thermal desorption and trapping in a 40% reverse aqua regia solution for determination of δ202Hg, Δ199Hg, and Δ200Hg by MC-ICP-MS.
The determination of236U/238U ratios in seawater and marine corals by MC-ICP-MS was improved106 by adding a secondary electron multiplier to the instrument. The detector was fitted with a retarding-potential quadrupole lens that reduced the size of the 238U tail signal on the 236U signal, so the abundance sensitivity of 238U at m/z 236 improved from 10−6 to 10−10. As a result, the sample mass required for successful analysis (0.7 μg U) was 60- to 100-fold lower than that required for ICP-MS or AMS procedures.
Research continued into methods for improving the sensitivity of LIBS. The determination of N concentrations in waters was achieved110 by detecting the molecular emission of CN radicals from a dried sample spot in an Ar atmosphere. The LOQ of 1.98 μg mL−1 was close to the Chinese upper permissible limit for avoiding water eutrophication. The results were not significantly different from those obtained using the standard method of alkaline potassium persulfate digestion followed by UV-VIS spectrophotometry. The quantification of Pb in dried water samples was enhanced111 by using resonant LA for interrogation of the target. Collection of fluorescence instead of atomic emission spectra provided a LOD of 2 μg L−1. Adding 13 nm gold NPs to a LIBS target improved112 the LIBS emission intensities for Cr, Cu and Pb in dried water samples by up to 26 times (Cr) and resulted in LODs of 5 (Cu) to 22 (Pb) μg L−1. In a similar vein, copper oxide NPs deposited on a PTFE target increased113 by a factor of 10 the emission intensities of Be and Cr from dried water samples and resulted in LODs of 5 and 33 μg L−1, respectively.
Nanoparticles were the topic of a comprehensive review (290 references) that covered57 advances in methods for determination of their abundance, morphology, composition and structure in water, soil, sediment and biological samples. Laser- and plasma-based approaches for NP characterisation were included117 in a broader review (596 references) that also covered monitoring of NP synthesis and the use of NPs for signal enhancement.
Element- or nuclide-specific reviews featured the measurement of total, inorganic and organic P in plant tissue (95 references)118; mapping and speciation of P in soil (105 references)119; speciation of As in traditional Chinese medicines, including medicinal plants (79 references);120 and determination of 129I concentrations and 129I/127I isotope ratios in environmental samples (96 references).121
Analytical methods for the determination of PTEs in plants were the topic of two reviews. The first (206 references) focused122 on medicinal plants and emphasised the need for more widespread QC to ensure the products sold are fit for consumption. The second (109 references) called123 for the development of standard methods of speciation analysis to increase reliability and comparability of results obtained by different laboratories.
• δ7Li values in four soils and four sediments by MC-ICP-MS.124
• δ30Si values in 13 soils and five sediments by MC-ICP-MS.125
• δ30Si values in four soils and one plant (ERM CD281 (rye grass)) by MC-ICP-MS.126
• δ44Ca/40Ca values in nine soils and five sediments by TIMS.127
• δ88Sr/86Sr values in five soils and two sediments by MC-ICP-MS.128
• δ87Rb values in two soils, one loess and two sediments by MC-ICP-MS.129
• δ114Cd/110Cd values in one soil and 13 sediments by MC-ICP-MS.130
• 129I/127I ratios in six soils and 14 sediments by AMS.131
Re-analysis of a suite of environmental CRMs, including some soils and sediments, produced towards the end of the 20th century for the actinide elements gave27 results that agreed with literature or certified values but had lower uncertainties. The authors recommended that many of these CRMs should be re-certified using modern high-precision MS data.
Investigations into the use of strong acids for digestion134 included a comparison (in the Chinese language) of the efficiency of combinations of HF, HCl, H2O2, HNO3, and sample calcination for the digestion of soil standard materials IGGE GSS-1a to GSS-8a. Digestion efficiency was greatest when samples were initially calcinated at 550 °C and then digested with HF–HNO3. The use of H2SO4 and H2O2 for MAD followed by AAS was proposed135 as a safer and cheaper alternative to the use of HF and ICP-MS for the monitoring of trace elements in soils. Digestion (200 °C, 10 min) of 0.5 g Supelco CRM SQC001 (metals in soil) with 9 mL of H2SO4 and 3 mL H2O2, however, gave relative measurement errors for As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb of −13% (Cd) to +13% (Cr). The fact that values for As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb from nine soil samples were less than half of those obtained for digestion with HF + HClO4 further highlights that H2SO4 + H2O2 did not digest all soil types completely.
An example of an element-specific extraction was a method136 for the determination of As in the field. The optimised slurry sampling process involved addition of 0.4 mL HF + 4 mL HNO3 to 200 mg of soil, UA irradiation of the resultant mixture for 25 min, dilution with 6% HCl (v/v), addition of thiourea (40 g L−1) and further irradiation for 10 min to obtain a homogenised slurry. This was introduced into the HG-DBD trap-AES system using a coupling method described previously.137 The LOD was 0.18 mg kg−1. The results (n = 5) for the analysis of Chinese CRMs GBW 07430, 07447 and 07449 (soils) of 18 ± 2, 10.7 ± 0.5 and 8.7 ± 0.6 mg kg−1, respectively, agreed with the certified values of 20 ± 2, 10.3 ± 0.6 and 8.5 ± 0.8 mg kg−1, respectively. It is noteworthy that the entire procedure was carried out in the field even though the use of HF clearly imposed limitations on transportation and handling on site.
The occurrence of high concentrations of naturally occurring NPs is a major obstacle in the determination of engineered metal-NPs, as is the lack of RMs. Philippe et al.138 proposed colloidal extraction for the separation of anthropogenic TiO2 NPs from naturally occurring particles, of which only a small fraction was colloidal in size. Background correction with Nb as a proxy for natural TiO2 gave an ICP-MS LOD of ca. 10 μg g−1 TiO2. The recoveries from four different soil types spiked at between 200 and 600 μg g−1 were 29.1% (sand) to 86.7% (clayey soil) but could be improved by repeating the extraction. A sonication–sedimentation procedure with a sedimentation time of 6 h and a sediment:
water ratio of 2
5 was proposed139 for the separation of Ti- and Zn-containing NPs from larger sediment particles in sediment, soil and road dust samples. For efficient separation in samples with TOC > 5%, sonication times had to be increased from 20 to 30 min and temperatures from 15–25 to 25–35 °C. Method efficiency was assessed by spiking the samples with silver and gold NPs. Recoveries were 44 to 68% and 54 to 83%, respectively. The magnetic properties of zero-valent Fe were exploited140 to separate the nanoscale engineered-particles widely used for soil and water decontamination from naturally occurring colloidal and dissolved Fe. Under optimised extraction conditions (2.5 mM tetrasodium pyrophosphate extractant, 30 min sonication), the LODs of the procedure based on UAE, magnetic separation and sp-ICP-MS were 43.1 nm and 50 μg g−1 for particle size and concentration, respectively. Six soil samples with OM contents of 7.0–64.6 g kg−1 were spiked with 50 or 100 nm-sized Fe NPs at concentrations of 50, 100 or 500 μg g−1. The recoveries were 62.0 ± 10.8% to 96.1 ± 4.8% for number of particles and 70.6 ± 12.0% to 119 ± 18% for mass of Fe. The authors noted that although the method had potential for general application, care should be taken with unknown samples which might have high background levels of magnetic Fe.
An extraction procedure for the separation of naturally occurring mercury NPs from soils was based141 on using tetrasodium pyrophosphate (10 mM) for the dispersion of soil particles and Na2S2O3 and 2,3-dimercaptopropanesulfonate sodium salt (0.5 mM) for the chelation of Hg. The procedure involved shaking (200 rpm, 70 min), sonication (40 kHz, 15 min), agitation and sedimentation (2 h). Quantification was by sp-ICP-MS. The authors considered the very significant and frequently overlooked effect of ageing when assessing the efficiency of the extraction protocol and found no statistically significant difference between the recoveries of Hg from spiked samples that had been stored for either 24 h or 30 days.
Extraction methods for radionuclides continued to be developed. In the analysis of contaminated soil from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear-power-plant, the concentration of the extracting acid influenced142 the Cs isotope ratios determined by TIMS. Extraction with dilute (3 M) HNO3 resulted in a statistically significant 3‰ higher 135Cs/137Cs average isotope ratio than extraction with concentrated acid. Alkali fusion was proposed143 for sample dissolution in a procedure for the determination of Th and U. The optimised method utilised NaOH–Na2O2 fluxes in the fusion process, radiochemical separation of Th and U and analyses using ICP-MS and α-particle spectrometry. Relative measurement errors for U in five CRMs ranged from −39% for IAEA 385 (Irish Sea sediment) to −9% for IAEA 327 (soil from Moscow, Russia). The corresponding errors for Th ranged from −16% for IAEA-326 (soil from Kursk region, Russia) to −7% for IAEA-447 (soil from Hungary). Determination of 107Pd at low levels (<2 ng kg−1) was achieved144 through a multistep separation process involving Pd retention on a Ni resin and determination with ICP-MS/MS. The method was applied to sediment from the cooling pond at Chernobyl.
The bioaccessibility of As, Cd, Cr, Pb and Sb in NIST SRMs 2710 (Montana soil), 2710a (Montana I soil) and 2711 (Montana II soil) and in BGS 102 (Ironstone soil) was determined145,146 with the continuous online leaching method (COLM) already employed in food studies. The US EPA, United States Pharmacopeia, and UBM simulated gastrointestinal fluids were used for extraction. Although there were no statistically significant differences in results from the online and batch extraction procedures, the COLM procedure significantly decreased extraction times from up to 5 h to 5–15 min. An appealing option for bioaccessibility studies when using online leaching was the possibility of determining Pb isotope ratios, thereby providing additional information on contamination sources.
New methods for extraction from plants included147 MAE with dilute TMAH as a rapid method for the extraction of halogens. Under optimised extraction conditions (6 mL 100 mM TMAH, irradiation at 5 min and 240 °C) and ICP-MS analysis, there was no statistical difference between measured and certified concentrations for Br, Cl and I in NIST SRMs 1572 (citrus leaves) and 1547 (peach leaves). Two UAE procedures based on a HNO3–H2O2 mixture as the extractant were proposed as greener alternatives to extractions with concentrated acid. In an optimised method, Iftikhar et al.148 used both FAAS and ICP-AES to determine essential and non-essential nutrients extracted from carrot, cauliflower, pumpkin and spinach by 0.5 M HNO3–10% H2O2. Extraction efficiency was validated with NIST SRMs 1515 (apple leaves) and 1570a (spinach leaves) for which low relative measurement errors (<−5%) were obtained for all elements. In the method of Curti et al.,149 extraction with 7 M HNO3–30% H2O2 yielded relative measurement errors of −18% (Zn) to +10% (P) when applied to the Chinese RM NCSZC7310 (maize). Low LODs (0.04–0.12 ng g−1) were the attraction of a procedure150 for the determination of Se species in rice that was based on enzyme extraction, ion-pairing RP chromatography and ICP-MS/MS analysis. When protease XIV extraction was used, the sum of the extracted species SeIV, SeVI, SeCys2, SeMeCys and SeMet accounted for 93–109% of the total Se content of rice. Spike recoveries were 96–103% for all species except SeCys2 for which the recovery was 66–77%. Already well established in sample preconcentration procedures, NADESs are gaining popularity for metal extraction because of their non-toxic nature. The efficiencies of nine NADESs selected by predictive modelling were assessed151 for the extraction of Cu, Mn, Mo and Zn from barley grass. Optimum extraction efficiency was obtained when the water content of the solvents was >50%. The accuracy of the optimised method was tested using CRM ERM-CD281 (rye grass). The concentrations of Cu, Mn and Mo, as determined by ICP-MS, agreed with certified values but the Zn content was overestimated.
Numerous preconcentration procedures for specific analytes have been reported. Methods for the analysis of soils, plants or related materials, or those developed for other sample matrices that used soil or plant CRMs for validation, are summarised in Tables 7 (LPE methods) and 8 (SPE methods).
Analyte(s) | Matrix | Method | Reagent(s) | Technique | LOD (μg L−1, unless otherwise stated) | Validation | Reference |
Ag | Water, sand | CPE | 2,4-Dimethyl pentane-3-one, NaNO3 salting out agent, Triton X-114 | FAAS | 0.05 | Spike recovery (water samples) | 365 |
Ag | Water, soil | CPE | Vitamin C, KNO3 salting out agent, TritonX-100 | FAAS | 0.035 | Spike recovery (water samples) | 344 |
As | Honey, rice, water | VA LLME | DES benzyl triphenylphosphonium chloride and ethylene glycol, ethylenediamine-N,N′-disuccinic acid chelating agent | HG-AAS | 6.5 ng L−1 | NIST SRM 1568a (rice flour) and 1643e (simulated fresh water), spike recovery (water, waste water samples) | 366 |
Cu | Olive leaves | Sieve-linked double syringe LLME | [2-(((E)-2-(((E)-2-Hydroxybenzylidene)amino)benzylidene)amino)], DCM | FAAS | 1.5 | Spike recovery (olive leaf extract) | 367 |
Fe | Apple, human milk, rice, water | In-syringe supramolecular DLLME | Tiron (4,5-dihydroxy-1,3-benzendisulfonic acid) complexing agent; 1-hexadecyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide IL; extraction in reverse micelles of decanoic acid in THF | FAAS | 1.04 | Spike recovery (water samples) | 352 |
Pb | Water, soil | LLE | Switchable hydrophilicity solvent N,N-dimethylcyclohexylamine-HAc; dithizone complexing agent; Triton X-114 | ICP-AES | 0.07 | Spike recovery, Chinese CRM GBW (E) 080393 (simulated water) | 368 |
Analyte(s) | Matrix | Substrate | Substrate coating | Technique | LOD (μg L−1, unless otherwise stated) | Validation | Reference |
Ag, Au | Oak leaves, sunflower, tobacco, water | Fe3O4 magnetic mesoporous silica | Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide | FAAS | 0.4 Ag | Spike recovery (oak leaves, sunflower, tobacco, water) | 369 |
0.7 Au | |||||||
Cu as 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol ligand | Eggplant, garlic, water | Fe3O4@XAD-16 | FAAS | 10.2 | NRCC HR-1 (river sediment) | 370 | |
Environment Canada RM TMDA 53.3 (fortified lake water) | |||||||
Hg | Beverages, biological samples, plants, seafood, water | GO/thiosemicarbazide | EDXRFS; TXRFS | TXRFS: 2.1 pg mL−1 for liquids and 1.8 ng g−1 for solids | Spiked recovery (water, apple juice, beer, wine); JRC ERM-CA615 (groundwater), CA713 (waste water), BB186 (pig kidney); Sigma-Aldrich QC3163 (seawater); Consortium MODAS LGC standards M-3 HerTis (herring tissue), M-4 CormTis (cormorant tissue), M-5 CodTis (cod tissue); NRCC Tort-2 (lobster); INCT-OBTL-5 (tobacco leaves); NACIS NCSZC73033 (scallion), 73032 (celery), 73013 (spinach) | 371 | |
EDXRSF: 60 pg mL−1 for liquid and 73 ng g −1 for solid samples | |||||||
Pb | Water, cooked meats, fish | Tergitol@SiO2@Fe3O4 magnetic nanomaterial | FAAS | 0.07 | INCT-TL-1-(tea leaves); NIST SRM-1643e (trace elements in water) | 372 | |
Pb | Garlic, kefir, tea, tobacco, tuna | MgCo2O4 | FAAS | 0.39 | Spike recovery (garlic, kefir, tea, tobacco, tuna); NWRI TMDA-64.3 water; INCT-OBTL-5 (tobacco leaves) | 373 |
Use of a novel platinum-coated tungsten coil atom trap improved76 sensitivity for the determination of As by over an order of magnitude relative to conventional HG-AAS. The LOD was 0.016 μg L−1 for a trapping time of 90 s. Although primarily intended for use in (potable) water analysis, the method was tested with Supelco CRM 023 (sandy loam 7) for which the result of 375 ± 3.8 mg kg−1 agreed with the certified value of 380 ± 6.7 mg kg−1.
A single-point standard-addition method161 was proposed as an alternative to conventional external calibration in the ETAAS and ICP-AES determinations of trace elements in complex sample matrices. When silty soils BIM-1 and NES-1 from the GeoPT proficiency testing programme were analysed using the new method, the results for As, Cd, Pb, Sb, Se and Te agreed with the assigned values.
In the determination of F in plant-based materials by solid sampling ETV-ICP-AES, addition of H2 to the carrier gas improved165 LODs to 0.05–0.8 μg kg−1, depending on the F emission line studied. Multivariate optimisation yielded: rf power 1.7 kW; Ar carrier gas flow 0.15 L min−1; Ar bypass gas flow 0.2 L min−1 and H2 reaction gas flow 3 mL min−1. The analysis of 2 mg solid samples with a pyrolysis temperature of 200 °C and a vaporisation temperature of 2200 °C gave results for NIST SRMs 8432 (corn starch) and 8437 (hard spring wheat) that were not statistically different from information values according to Student’s t-test at 95% confidence.
Environmental analysis was included in a review by Fontoura et al.166 (95 references) of recent advances in MIP-AES for trace element determination. It was concluded that the technique could offer a lower-cost alternative to ICP-AES for some applications. A similar conclusion was reached by Proch and Niedzielski167 who compared HPLC-MIP-AES and HPLC-ICP-AES for Fe speciation analysis in soil, sediment and plant samples. As expected, the LODs for the MIP approach were poorer – by roughly an order of magnitude – than those obtained with ICP-AES, but it was still possible to quantify FeII and FeIII in some samples. The determination of Pb by HG-MIP-AES was demonstrated82 for the first time. The experimental conditions for the generation of plumbane were optimised and the effect of acid concentration on signal intensity studied. A relative measurement error of −9.3 ± 4.6% was achieved for duplicate analyses of the Embrapa soil RM Agro E2002a. To assess whether the high salt content of reagents typically used to estimate trace element mobility and availability in soils and sediments would preclude their analysis by MIP-AES, Serrano et al.168 investigated the effects of MgCl2, CaCl2, acetic acid, Na2EDTA, NaNO3, NaOAc–acetic acid and NH2OH·HCl on emission intensities for 15 elements. Although atomic lines with Eupper level values of <4 eV were generally enhanced relative to their intensity in 5% HNO3, the remaining atomic and ionic lines were suppressed. Matrix effects were worse in reagents containing elements with low IPs, such as sodium. Either Rh or OH molecular emission was recommended for use as a IS. Krogstad and Zivanovic169 carried out a more empirical comparison of MIP-AES, ICP-AES and ICP-MS for measurement of Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P, Zn in ammonium lactate extracts of soil. The lower-cost MIP technique was deemed suitable for monitoring of nutrient levels and fertilisation planning.
A microplasma-induced CV-AFS method for the rapid screening and quantification of Hg in fruit gave171 results within 7% of those obtained by HG-AFS when applied to tomatoes, lemons and oranges. Whole fruit samples were punctured with a needle and the resulting juice droplet drawn into a stainless-steel capillary. A voltage was applied between the far end of the capillary and a tungsten electrode, and an argon microplasma generated in which Hg ions were converted to Hg0 before being swept into an AFS detector. The LOD of 0.3–0.5 μg L−1 depended on the type of juice analysed.
A critical and comprehensive review of sp-ICP-MS (301 references) discussed39 the evolution and principles of the technique, together with methods for the study of NPs in numerous sample matrices including soils and plants. Another review (159 references) focussed172 specifically on metallic NPs in biological samples. Both sets of authors identified the paucity of properly validated standardised methods and the lack of suitable NP CRMs as major factors hampering progress in the field.
Such issues did not deter other researchers from proposing sp-ICP-MS methods for determination of various types of nanoparticles, some of which are discussed in more detail in Section 4.3.1 of this ASU. These methods included: a procedure140 for determining nanoscale zero-valent Fe in soil that involved UAE in 0.25 mM tetrasodium pyrophosphate followed by magnetic separation; a procedure141 for determining nanoparticulate Hg in soil that employed 0.5 mM tetrasodium pyrophosphate + 0.5 mM sodium thiosulfate + 0.5 mM 2,3-dimercaptopropanesulfonate sodium salt + 0.01 mM sodium nitrate extractant; a procedure173 for determining gold NPs in plants that featured enzymatic digestion with Macerozyme R-10; and a procedure139 for determining gold, silver, titanium and zinc NPs in estuarine sediments, road dust and soil that was based on UAE in deionised water.
A versatile, open-source Python-based data-processing-platform with interactive graphical user-interface was developed174 for processing ICP-MS data from the analysis of single particles or biological cells. The capabilities of the algorithm were demonstrated by determination of TiO2 NPs in surface waters, microplastics in soil (using sp-LA-ICP-MS) and C in algal cells.
Holbrook et al.175 developed a sp-LA-ICP-TOF-MS procedure for the direct determination of nanoparticles in road-deposited sediment. The method was first evaluated using model gold and silver NPs, then tested on extracts of the sediments and finally applied to solid sediment mounted on double-sided tape. Element signals were classified into three groups. Group 1 consisted of elements (e.g. Al) present in such abundance that it was impossible to distinguish single particles from the background, group 2 consisted mainly of the REEs and group 3 was the PGEs. Single particles could be distinguished in both groups 2 and 3.
Several new metal-assisted PVG-ICP-MS methods used a ‘sensitiser’ – typically a transition metal ion – to enhance the generation of volatile species. A procedure for the determination of Cd in rice used176 a Fenton-like digestion and 20 mg L−1 Co2+ to improve the PVG yield. The LOD was 1.6 μg kg−1 and results for Chinese CRMs GBW 100351 and 100357 (both rice flour) were not significantly different from the certified values. The analysis of a 0.7 mL sample containing 10% formic acid, 300 mg L−1 Co2+ and 30 mM Cl− enhanced177 the photochemical reduction of Ge to give a LOD of 0.008 μg L−1. Results for the two soil CRMs IGGE GSS-3a and GSS-5a were not significantly different from the certified values. Dong et al.178 reported the first use of vanadium species as sensitisers in PVG. The addition of 40 mg L−1 VV (in the form of VO3−) increased the response for both TeIV and TeVI up to 55-fold compared with direct solution nebulisation and 1.5-fold relative to Co2+-assisted PVG. The LOD was 2.9 ng L−1 and accurate results were obtained for Te in the Chinese CRMs GBW 07303a and 07305a (both stream sediment). A method for the determination of Os used179 50 mg L−1 Fe2+ (or Fe3+) as a sensitiser to achieve a LOD of 0.16 pg mL−1. The method was validated by spike recovery because few CRMs certified for Os are available. Recoveries of 1 ng mL−1 Os added to water, sediment and fish protein samples were 94–109%.
The coupling of chromatographic separation with ICP-MS remained of interest. Of particular note was a HPLC-ICP-MS method180 for determination of inorganic As species in rice. A novel on-column species-specific internal-calibration-strategy was proposed to overcome challenges associated with ID, such as cost and non-availability of suitable isotopically enriched standards. A species-specific ID HPLC-ICP-MS method previously applied to other foodstuffs was shown181 to be applicable to the Cr speciation analysis of rice. When 10 rice samples of different origin were analysed, no CrVI was detected. Indeed, a CrVI spike added to basmati rice was reduced to CrIII within 2 h thereby confirming that Cr in rice is present solely as CrIII. An HPLC-ICP-MS method was developed182 and applied, together with LA-ICP-MS, to study Cr uptake in Taraxacum officinale (dandelion). Two methods for Se speciation analysis, one for rice150 and the other for plant-based foods,183 were based on enzymatic extraction and RP IC-ICP-MS. A species-specific ID-GC-ICP-TOF-MS method was developed184 for the determination of MeHg in canal sediment. The LOQ and precision for measurement of the 201Hg/202Hg isotope ratio were similar to those obtained by ID-GC-ICP-Q-MS and ID-GC-ICP-SF-MS. It was noted that the superior performance of ICP-TOF-MS previously observed with continuous liquid-sample-introduction was not achieved for analysis with transient signals.
Rapid data acquisition is important in the elemental mapping of botanical tissues by LA-ICP-MS in order to obtain high-resolution images in minimal time. Careful optimisation of the type of ablation cell, the mixing bulb and the inner diameter of the aerosol-transport tubing reduced185 the single-pulse response for Hg and Se to 50 ± 2 and 61 ± 4 ms, respectively. This represented a 5-fold improvement over the standard instrument configuration and allowed mapping of a segment of mushroom tissue at up to 20 pixels s−1. A simple calibration strategy based on aqueous standards deposited on filter paper was proposed186 for the determination of Cu and Zn in tree rings. Although most results were significantly different statistically from those obtained for the analysis of wood digests, even when normalised using 13C as an IS, the method was nevertheless able to reveal trends in analyte concentrations.
Wider availability of instrumentation led to an increase in publications featuring ICP-MS/MS. A review (79 references) considered37 articles published in the period January 2018 to July 2021 and included some featuring the analysis of soil or plant materials. A method for the Sr isotopic analysis of microsamples combined187 a syringe-driven pump delivering a stable 20 μL min−1 microflow of sample with a high-efficiency sample introduction system, originally designed for the introduction of single cells, to compensate for the low uptake rate. Even though no chromatographic separation of Rb and Sr was undertaken, the 87Sr/86Sr ratio could be determined at ng g−1 concentrations in as little as 240 μL of sample. In a multielement method, N2O was preferred188 to O2 in the ICP-MS/MS collision/reaction cell because it improved sensitivity and selectivity for the determination of “technologically critical elements” in sediments. A procedure for ultra-trace level quantification of 241Am in soils involved189 radiochemical separation followed by the introduction of 0.09 mL min−1 He containing 20% O2 and 12 mL min−1 He reaction/collision gas mixture into the cell for determination of the isotope in mass-shift mode as AmO+. The LOD was 0.017 fg g−1. Results for the two soil CRMs IAEA Soil 6 and IAEA 375 were similar to values reported in the literature.
Several research groups have recommended different collision/reaction cell gas combinations in the determination of Pu isotopes by ICP-MS/MS. The aim was to eliminate the interferences from uranium hydrides. Zhang et al.190 quantified Pu in soil by combining gas flows of 0.15 mL min−1 O2/He and 12 mL min−1 He both to dissociate interfering polyatomic ions and to form PuO2+. In their measurement of Pu in lake sediments, Xu et al.191 used 0.4 mL min−1 NH3 to remove interferences by formation of adduct species such as UH(NHm)n+. Bu et al.192 also used NH3 (30% NH3 in 5 mL min−1 He) to eliminate UH+ interference in the measurement of the 240Pu/239Pu ratio in soil and sediment. The LODs of all three methods were sub-fg.
Precise measurement of the 234U/238U and 235U/238U isotope ratios in Fukushima soil samples was facilitated193 by an improved sample preparation method for MC-ICP-MS analysis. Of various combinations of resin tested three sequential UTEVA™ columns provided the highest recovery of U and the smallest mass bias. Lead isotope analysis was performed194 by a novel combination of plasma-induced CVG and MC-ICP-MS. Although mass-dependent fractionation of the Pb isotopes occurred, this was successfully corrected by a 205Tl/203Tl external normalisation combined with SSB. The method gave results for the two USGS basalt RMs BCR-2 and BHVO-2 that were said to be in good agreement with GeoReM preferred values although no statistical comparison was actually reported. The method was applied to soil samples, mine waste and ore. A procedure for determining Cd isotopes involving MAE and resin purification gave195 results similar to those reported by previous authors for a suite of soil, sediment and plant CRMs. Enrico et al.30 made novel use of a direct mercury analyser as a rapid means of solid sample preparation. Mercury in the effluent from the instrument was trapped with >90% efficiency in a 5:
1 v/v mixture of 10% HCl and BrCl and the solution then analysed by MC-ICP-MS. No significant isotopic fractionation was observed and δ199Hg and δ202Hg values for NIST SRM 1775a (pine needles) and NRCC MESS-2 (sediment) were similar to literature values.
A reminder of the need to choose the correct IS for ICP-MS analysis was provided by Alvarado et al.196 who compared 6Li, 45Sc, 69Ga, 89Y, 103Rh, 115In, 159Tb and 209Bi for the determination of As in soil. Significant analytical bias occurred when the ‘native’ concentration of the nuclide selected as IS in the soil digest approached or exceeded the concentration added.
A novel signal-enhancement strategy for LIBS analysis of soil combined201 APGD and cylindrical (plasma) confinement. The LODs of 2, 31, 21, 35, 49, 67, 43, 20 and 18 mg kg−1 for Ba, Cu, Eu, La, Lu, Ni, Ti, Y and Yb, respectively, were significantly better than the values (10, 133, 102, 175, 262, 356, 246, 158 and 105 mg kg−1, respectively) achievable using conventional LIBS. An alternative approach involved202 addition of 15% KI to soil samples to increase plasma temperature and electron density. The new technique of multidimensional plasma grating-induced breakdown spectroscopy also improved203 emission intensities (ca. twofold relative to 1D plasma-grating induced breakdown spectroscopy). The LOD for the determination of Mn in soil at 403.17 nm was improved from 394 to 306 mg kg−1.
Amongst other advances in the analysis of soils by LIBS was a combined atomic- and ionic-line algorithm204 that improved spectral stability and therefore reduced uncertainty in calibration and a method205 designed specifically for analysis of wet soils that could be used to estimate the sample moisture content and to correct for its influence on the ablation process. A procedure for the determination of Cr combined206 the adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator with support vector regression. Different amounts of Cr(NO3)3 were added to the Chinese soil CRM GBW 07403 in the method development but a linear response was obtained (R2 = 0.998) only for Cr concentrations of 0.02 to 1.0% which are far higher than the Cr concentrations typically found in soils.
The influence of laser-spot size on the determination of Al, Ca, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ti and V in stream sediments by fibre-optic LIBS was studied.207 A change in lens-to-sample distance of as little as 1 mm resulted in a larger ablation crater, lower laser fluence and decreased analyte emission intensities. Under optimised conditions, results close to target values were obtained for a CRM from Tanmo Quality Inspection Technology Co., China.
Interest in the analysis of plant materials by LIBS is growing and it is welcome to see many authors including CRMs or comparisons with established techniques in their work. A single calibration model208 based on matrix-matched RMs was applied to the DP-LIBS determination of Ca, Mg, Mn and P in soybean and sugar cane leaves. Results for the majority of samples were 100 ± 20% of ICP-AES target values. In the CF-LIBS analysis209 of Maerua oblongifolia, a medicinal plant native to Pakistan, results for Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na and Sr were similar to those obtained by ICP-MS whereas Si was underestimated and Ba, Li, Rb and Zn were overestimated. Another CF-LIBS method was tested210 using both plant and soil CRMs. Results for Al, Ca, Mg, N and Na in Chinese RMs NCSZC73014 (tea leaf) and NCSZC73012 (cabbage leaf) were generally within 80 to 120% of the certified values, provided the analyte concentration was normalised to that of a major element such as K.
Improving the accuracy of XRFS analyses of dried plant samples through the modification of sample preparation methods such as sample:
binder ratio and pelletising pressure was the aim of several XRFS studies. A sample mass of 20 mg per 5 mL dispersant and a particle size of 200–300 mesh improved213 analytical performance in the determination of medium and high atomic number elements in tea powder by TXRFS. In the standardless WDXRFS analysis of the conifer species Pinus nigra and Abies alba, a wax binder ratio of 20% in the pellet preparation led214 to a statistically significant underestimation of the concentrations of the light elements Al and Mg but an overestimation of those for Fe and Mn. Variations in pellet mass (1–5 g) and pressure (10 and 25 t) did not have a significant effect on the results. Orlic et al.215 compared the performance of WDXRFS using a standardless calibration based on fundamental parameters (UniQuant) with that obtained by external calibration using cellulose standards, prepared either with a wax binder or as a thin film. The accuracy, precision and LODs obtained with standard calibration using 20% wax binder were better than when either the thin layer or the semi-quantitative standardless methods were used. These last two methods overestimated most element concentrations with a marked drop in accuracy for light elements at concentrations of <50 mg kg−1.
Much of the current effort has been directed toward identifying natural minerals that are sufficiently homogeneous to act as reference materials for microanalytical techniques. Particularly prominent in this review period was the characterisation of new materials for isotope ratio determinations; these have been collated in Table 9. Although most of these materials are available from the authors, many do not exist in sufficient quantities to facilitate their widespread use and so in reality are little more than in-house QC materials.
Isotopes | Matrix | Technique | RM name | RM or other validation | Reference |
C, O | Carbonate of Jurassic age | IRMS | SHP2L | NBS 18 (carbonatite) and NBS 19 (limestone; normalised to VPDB) | 374 |
Cu | Chalcopyrite | LA-MC-ICP-MS | TC1725 | Ratios expressed relative to NIST SRM 976 (Cu metal) | 375 |
Fe, S | Iron sulfides | LA-MC-ICP-MS | Synthetic pyrite and chalcopyrite RMs using plasma-activated sintering | S ratios normalised to VCDT | 376 |
Fe, S | Iron sulfides | SIMS, LA-MC-ICP-MS | JC-Po (pyrrhotite), JC-Pn (pentlandite) | Fe ratios by LA-ICP-MS normalised to IRMM-014 (Fe metal), and S ratios by SIMS to VCDT | 377 |
Hf, O and U–Pb | Zircon | SIMS, LA-MC-ICP-MS, IRMS, TIMS | Zircon ZS | Zircon RMs TEMORA, 91500, Tanz, GJ-1 | 378 |
Nd and U–Pb | Apatite | LA-ICP-MS, LA-MC-ICP-MS | Sumé-570 apatite | U–Pb ages: zircons 91500 and Mud Tank. Range of RMs used to assess accuracy of Nd ratios | 379 |
Nd, Sr and U–Pb | Apatite | ID-TIMS, LA-ICP-MS | MRC-1 and BRZ-1 | Apatite RMs MAD, Durango, McClure | 380 |
O | Calcite | IRMS, SIMS | NJUCal-1 | Normalised to VPDB | 381 |
O, Zr and U–Pb | Zircon | LA-ICP-MS, LA-MC-ICP-MS, SIMS, ID-TIMS, IRMS | Tanz zircon megacrysts | Zircon RMs: 91500, GJ-1, Plešovice, M257 and Jilin | 382 |
O, Zr and U–Pb | Zircon | ID-TIMS, SIMS, LA-ICP-MS, IRMS | Jilin | Zircon RMs: Plešovice Qinghu, GJ-1 | 383 |
O | O17-enriched sodium sulfate | Pyrolysis | Sulf-A, Sulf-B, Sulf-C | Nitrate RM USGS35 | 23 |
O | Apatite | SIMS, IRMS | MGMH#133648, MGMH#128441A, MZ-TH, ES-MM | SARM 32 (phosphate rock). Ratios expressed relative to VSMOW | 384 |
Os, Re | Chalcopyrite | MC-ICP-MS, NTIMS | XTC chalcopyrite (with low Re mass fraction) | NIST Henderson molybdenite RM 8599, NRCG CRMs HLP (molybdenite), JDC (molybdenite), JCBY (Cu–Ni sulfide) | 385 |
S | Sulfide and sulfates | LA-MC-ICP-MS | Synthetic pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, arsenopyrite, barite, and gypsum RMs | Targets synthesised from sulfide or sulfate NP powders mixed with epoxy resin. S ratios normalised to VCDT | 386 |
S | Chalcopyrite | LA-MC-ICP-MS, IRMS | TC1725 | IAEA-S-2 and IAEA-S-3 (Ag2S powders from IAEA). S ratios normalised to VCDT | 387 |
Si | Si powder | MC-ICP-MS | GBW04503 | Blends of synthetic isotopically-enriched Si solutions | 388 |
U–Pb | Scheelite | LA-SF-ICP-MS | Scheelite WX27 | Wolframite YGX | 251 |
U–Th | Zircon | SIMS, LA-ICP-MS, LA-MC-ICP-MS | SS14-28 | Overall isochron with data from three different analytical techniques | 389 |
Zr | Solution | MC-ICP-MS | ZIRC-1 (NRC) | IPGP-Zr and USGS RMs BHVO-2 (basalt) and AGV-2 (andesite) | 390 |
An alternative strategy has been to characterise well-known geological RMs for additional elements and isotope systems not included in the original characterisation. These new data are summarised in Table 10. Many of these materials are powdered RMs that are quite widely available; it should be noted that after a hiatus of several years, the USGS plan to sell some of their more popular geological RMs once again.
Determinand | Matrix | Technique | RM or other validation | Comments | Reference |
B and δ11B | Geological RMs | MC-ICP-MS | δ 11B values normalised to NIST SRM 950 (B isotope solution) | δ 11B values for 18 geological RMs reported | 391 |
B, Hf, Li, Mg, Nd, O, Pb, Si, Sr isotopes, Fe2+/ΣFe | Andesite glass RMs | SIMS, LA-MC-ICP-MS, EPMA, TIMS, colorimetric | Cross-checking of data from different techniques and labs | Expansion of available data for andesite glass RMs ARM-1, ARM-2 and ARM-3 | 392 |
δ 44Ca/40Ca | Geological RMs | TIMS | IAPSO seawater and NIST SRM 915a (Ca carbonate) | 34 Chinese geological RMs | 127 |
δ 114Cd/110Cd | Geological and environmental RMs | MC-ICP-MS | Cd ratio normalised to NIST SRM 3108 (Cd isotope solution) | Cd isotope ratios reported for 34 RMs | 130 |
Cr isotopes | Geological RMs | MC-ICP-MS | Cr ratios normalised to NIST SRM 979 (Cr isotope solution) | Cr isotope ratios reported for 18 existing RMs for the first time | 393 |
Cu, Pb and Zn isotopes | Geological and biological RMs | MC-ICP-MS | Normalisation to Cu ERM-AE647 (Cu), NIST SRM 981 (Pb) and IRMM-3702 (Zn) | Cu, Pb and Zn isotope data for 23 geological RMs | 394 |
Li isotopes | Geological RMs | MC-ICP-MS | Lithium carbonate RMs IRMM-016 and NIST SRM 8545, 8 geological RMs and seawater | New δ7Li data reported for 10 geological RMs | 124 |
Nd–Sm | Allanite | LA-ICP-MS, LA-MC-ICP-MS | In situ data consistent within uncertainty with solution methods | Daibosatsu and LE40010 suitable as RMs for allanite Nd–Sm microanalysis | 395 |
Re, PGEs and 187Os/188Os | Organic-rich geological RMs | N-TIMS, MC-ICP-MS | RM 8505 (crude oil), RM 8505 (asphdiene) | New data for USGS RMs: SBC-1 (marine shale), SGR-1b (oil shale), SCo-2 (marine shale), ShTX-1 and ShCX-1 (calcareous organic-rich shales) | 396 |
Si isotopes | Quartz and zircon | SIMS | NIST 8546 (previously NBS-28) quartz RM and NIST 610 (glass) | Quartz RMs: Qinghu-Qtz and Glass-Qtz. Zircon RMs: Qinghu-Zir and Penglai-Zir. Test materials found to be more homogeneous in Si isotopes than NIST 8546 | 397 |
Si and Zr isotopes | Zircons | LA-MC-ICP-MS | Si ratios normalised to NIST NBS28. Zr ratios normalised to IPGP-Zr | Zircon RMs SA01 and SA02 | 398 |
U isotopes | U ore concentrates | MC-ICP-MS, ICP-MS, SIMS, AMS, TIMS | Various validation strategies depending on analytical technique | 13 labs reported data on 3 candidate NRCC CRMs (UCLO-1, UCHI-1 and UPER-1) | 399 |
U–Pb ages | Apatites | ID-TIMS | Derived from 3D linear regressions | Reference ages for Durango and Wilberforce apatite RMs | 400 |
U–Th–Pb ages | Allanite | LA-ICP-MS, LA-MC-ICP-MS | U–Th–Pb ages consistent within uncertainty with literature and ID-TIMS values | Allenite LE40010 suitable as RM for U–Pb dating and CAPb for Th–Pb dating | 395 |
Zn isotopes | Zn metal, sphalerite | fs LA-MC-ICP-MS, MC-ICP-MS, EPMA | δ 66Zn normalised to JMC-Lyon | Zn metal RMs NIST SRM 683 and NBS 123 suitable as RMs for in situ Zn ratio measurements; matrix effects between sphalerite and Zn-rich minerals discussed | 401 |
While RMs are an important cornerstone of method development and quality assurance, proficiency testing is another facet of good laboratory practice. Meisel et al.217 reviewed (35 references) some lessons learnt from 25 years of the GeoPT, the highly successful proficiency-testing programme for the geochemical analysis of geological materials. The data submitted to GeoPT provided a valuable resource that allowed detailed comparison of different methods of sample preparation and measurement principles. Examples included in the discussion were the recurring problems with the dissolution of the refractory minerals zircon and chromite when only acid digestion is involved, and issues related to preparing samples for XRFS analysis.
In a commendable initiative to promote a more efficient and transparent system for curating geochemical data, a consortium of Australian research laboratories collaborated218 to build a platform called AusGeochem to preserve, disseminate and collate geochronology and isotopic data. The cloud-based system is an open relational data platform designed to be a geosample registry, a geochemical data repository and a data analysis tool. The next stage is to create a global geochemical data network through coordination and collaboration among international geochemical providers via an EU-funded project called OneGeochemistry. At the very least, this will require global agreement on international standards, best practices and vocabularies.
Sample preparation procedures for the precious metals and PGEs continue to attract attention. Conventional procedures involve lead or nickel sulfide fire assays but a novel method for the determination of Au and the PGEs involved222 bismuth fire assay combined with ICP-MS analysis. The bismuth bead produced from the fire assay at 1060 °C was cupellated for 30 min in a magnesia cupel at 850 °C before microwave digestion of the bismuth granule in 40% (v/v) aqua regia. The method accurately quantified Au, Ir, Pd, Pt and Rh and the volatile element Ru and was applied to a range of geological samples including chromite, black shale and polymetallic ores. The LODs were 0.002 (Rh) to 0.025 (Au) ng g−1. Wu et al.223 developed a method for the determination of trace amounts of Ag in geological samples using extraction with inverse aqua regia and ICP-MS analysis. An online aerosol-dilution strategy involving dilution of a sample aerosol with argon prior to the plasma was adopted to reduce the amount of water and acid entering the plasma and thereby eliminate interferences from polyatomic Nb and Zr species. This helped to maintain the high temperature of the plasma while minimising the formation of oxides and other polyatomic ions. The method had a LOD of 0.2 μg g−1 and was applied to 68 geological RMs.
As highlighted in several of the reviews, problems in the use of LIBS are the extraction of useful information from complex LIBS data and the need to reduce interference effects such as background signals, noise and overlapping peaks. As a consequence, much effort has been devoted to chemometric methods for handling LIBS data. These included: a convolutional neural network model for the analysis of phosphate ore slurry;225 a convolutional neural network model with a 2D algorithm for the determination of the lithology and major element compositions in rocks;226 rapid LIBS multielement imaging combined with deep-learning theory for the classification of rocks;227 and machine-learning algorithms to determine structural water in rocks.228
The ability of LIBS to detect virtually any element in the periodic table on-site with little or no sample preparation is very attractive to the mining industry. The application of LIBS to ore prospecting and processing included: evaluation of gold-bearing rocks in Canada;229 determination of the total Fe content in Australian iron ores;230 measurement of the chemical composition of Cu ores;231 study of matrix effects in the analysis of coal;232 identification of the major and accessory minerals in lithium-bearing pegmatites;233 and quantification of six REEs in graphite pellets at the ppm level.234
Various strategies have been adopted for the analysis of rock samples by LIBS. In a novel method for the determination of F in geological samples, pure SrCO3 was placed235 orthogonally to the sample and ablated using an additional laser to provide sufficient Sr atoms for promoting the formation of SrF radicals. The SrF radical spectra have a stronger intensity and suffer from less interference than F atomic emission spectra so the ability of LIBS to detect F in rocks was enhanced. The LOD was 6.36 μg g−1. Of great relevance was a study236 on how best to quantify measurement limits when analysing geological materials using multivariate analysis modelling techniques. The aim was to provide a template for calculating LOQs based on multivariate LIBS regression models and to understand how this value was affected by factors such as instrumentation, method of outlier removal and different atmospheres (air, vacuum or simulated Martian conditions relevant to the ChemCam instrumentation). By studying the effect of the LOQ on model validation, it was demonstrated that the LOQ was an essential metric for a better understanding of model quality.
The development of the LIBS technique has benefitted greatly from its successful deployment in the SuperCam instrument on Mars. Compensation for spectral differences caused by varying distances between sample and sensor usually involve conventional spectral data processing but a new chemometrics model with powerful learning ability has been constructed237 for this correction. The performance of the convolutional neural network designed in this project surpassed those of four alternative chemometric approaches, making it a promising methodology for geochemical sample identification in future space missions. Associated with the LIBS equipment in the SuperCam instrument suite was a microphone, which was used238 to retrieve the physical properties of ablated targets by listening to the laser-induced acoustic signal. Sound data recorded during the LA of hematite, goethite and diamond showed a sharp increase in the amplitude of the acoustic signal during the first laser shots. Examination of the laser craters using Raman spectroscopy and SEM indicated that hematite and goethite had been transformed into magnetite and that diamond had been transformed into amorphous-like C. It was concluded that these transitions were the root cause of the increase in acoustic signal and that this behaviour occurred only for specific phases. This concept was further explored239 by probing Fe-based and Ca-based minerals at a sampling distance of 2 m to test whether merging the acoustic signals with the LIBS spectra could improve the discrimination of spectrally similar minerals in a remote LIBS configuration. Once validated under Earth conditions, the approach was tested in a Mars-like atmosphere. From these preliminary experiments, it was concluded the implementation of this strategy in an open environment needed to be conducted with care and that instruments with a better S/N could improve the results obtained in a Mars-like atmosphere. A portable standoff LIBS instrument was designed240 and constructed within three weeks to monitor changes in the composition of lava streams from an active volcano in the Canary Islands at a minimum of 20 m from the lava flow. This strategy was adopted after several drones carrying compact LIBS instruments had crashed during low-level flights because of the hostile environmental conditions. In spite of there being only subtle spectral differences between samples but considerable signal variability induced by the wind, sufficient information could be extracted from the data using PCA for sample classification.
An exciting development in recent years has been the potential afforded by the integration of LIBS data with data obtained by complementary techniques such as LA-ICP-MS. This was demonstrated241 in the elemental imaging of a uranium ore sample prepared as a thin section. A preliminary view of the elemental distribution on a large area was obtained by LIBS and then a detailed survey of selected areas was performed using LA-ICP-MS. Specially-developed software allowed the imaging data from the two techniques to be merged so that detailed structures (from ICP-MS) could be superimposed on the overall sample image obtained by LIBS. Using this approach, structures responsible for migration of elements in the uranium ore could be identified. Several combined LA-ICP-MS/LIBS instruments are now commercially available, making it possible to acquire simultaneously both spatially resolved data for elements such as C, F, H, O and N and conventional MS data. This configuration provides a wider elemental coverage and greater dynamic range than either instrument alone and we expect to see more reports of its use in geological applications before too long. A novel procedure242 for the analysis of volcanic brines involved freezing the fluids before analysis by LA-ICP-MS/LIBS. Liquid RMs were prepared by adding elements of interest at known but varying concentrations to a natural brine sample taken from a volcanic crater lake. Differences in ablation yield were accounted for by adding Li as an IS and all samples were run as line scans rather than point analyses to prevent the samples thawing. Data for Al, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Na and S in volcanic brine determined by cryo-LIBS and cryo-ICP-QMS in collision cell mode were within 10% of the values obtained by solution ICP-AES. The only exception was the determination of Fe by LIBS for which the difference was 17%. The attraction of the cryo-analytical method was the ease of sample preparation and the potential for determining major and trace elements simultaneously. However, care needs to be taken to ensure homogeneity of the frozen brines.
There has been much research activity focused on the U–Pb dating of accessory minerals other than zircon by microanalytical techniques. Minerals investigated included: apatite245 by LA-ICP-MS/MS, carbonates246 by LA-MC-ICP-MS, cassiterite247 by LA-SF-ICP-MS, garnet248 by SIMS, ilmenite249 by LA-ICP-MS, rutile250 by LA-ICP-MS, scheelite251 by LA-SF-ICP-MS, titanite250,252 by LA-ICP-MS and SIMS, vesuvianite253 by LA-SF-ICP-MS, wolframite254 by LA-ICP-MS and xenotime255 by APT. The continued development of U–Pb dating methods to a wide range of minerals is fundamental in increasing the number of geochronological tools available for unravelling geological processes.
In a review of detrital zircon U–Pb data, Powerman et al.256 noted various obstacles in making use of the growing volume of available data and proposed guidelines for publishing detrital zircon geochronology data. They designed a new software tool called Dezirteer, which could rapidly process and analyse large amounts of detrital zircon analyses (102–105) in batches and prepare tables and images ready for publication. In a new statistical approach for improving the regression of low-count U–Pb geochronology data, Davis et al.257 took LA-ICP-MS line-scan data from samples with low-U mass fractions and regressed them as count rates in a 3D space rather than as ratios on a 2D plot. They demonstrated that the maximum-likelihood estimation for the best-fit mixing surface in a 3D signal-count-space gave accurate results consistent with geological and synthetic data. They observed that this approach did not replace commonly-used programs such as Isoplot but allowed optimal interpretation of LA-ICP-MS data for samples with low U contents. Lin et al.258 assessed factors affecting downhole fractionation in zircon crystals during the rapid LA-MC-ICP-MS acquisition of U–Pb data at high spatial resolution (≤10 μm spot). Two analytical modes using various combinations of FCs and ion counters were employed to cover a wide range of U and Pb mass fractions in the study of three zircon RMs. By correcting for downhole fractionation using Iolite software, U–Pb ages with an accuracy of <1% and a precision of <0.5% could be obtained. A problem encountered in LA-ICP-MS analysis is that the laser focus can vary during routine operation with both manual and automatic focusing systems. Huang et al.250 demonstrated that a 30 μm variation of laser focus led to a systematic shift of 4–6% in 206Pb/238U ratios when ablating zircon RMs. They suggested that poor focusing could explain the relatively poor reproducibility of U–Pb dating by LA-ICP-MS when compared with SIMS analysis.
There has been increasing interest in in situ Rb–Sr dating using LA coupled to either MS/MS or MC-ICP-MS instruments. Rösel and Zack259 presented a procedure to measure, calculate and validate Rb–Sr ages from individual laser spots on detrital micas. The Sr isotopic composition was measured in mass-shift mode using N2O as the reaction gas and mica-Mg as the primary RM. Data reduction was undertaken using a script written by the authors for Iolite. The procedure was validated using various mica samples of known ages; the Rb–Sr ages determined were not significantly different from the respective reference values. A nanopowder pellet called mica-Fe was proposed as a secondary RM for Rb–Sr geochronology. In a study of LA-ICP-MS/MS applied to the Rb–Sr dating of celadonite to decipher alteration conditions after accretion of oceanic crust, methyl fluoride was employed260 as the reaction gas and the 87Rb/86Sr ratios calibrated using several of the MPI-DING glass RMs. Bevan et al.261 demonstrated the capabilities of a prototype “tribrid” MS system coupled to a UV LA system for in situ Rb–Sr dating. The instrument consisted of a quadrupole mass filter and collision cell coupled to a MC-ICP-MS system to provide enhanced ion transmission and simultaneous collection of all Sr isotopes. These features improved the precision on the 87Sr/86Sr ratio by a factor of ca. 25 compared to that of a quadrupole ICP-MS/MS instrument operated under the same conditions with SF6 as the reaction gas. The importance of mass filtering before the collision cell for in situ Sr ratio measurements was highlighted; without this feature, the measured 87Sr/86Sr ratios were inaccurate. No corrections for atomic or polyatomic isobaric interferences were necessary when only ions of m/z 82–92 were allowed to enter the collision cell. The greatest benefits of the improved precision occurred for relatively young samples with low 87Rb/86Sr (<30) contents and so offered new opportunities in geochronological studies. Subsequently, replacement of the quadrupole mass filter in this prototype instrument with a new precell mass filter resulted262 in an improvement in abundance sensitivity of more than an order-of-magnitude. This new setup was capable of producing a stable and flat transmission window between m/z 82 and 94, a vital prerequisite for in situ LA-MC-ICP-MS/MS Rb–Sr dating.
In studies of other geochronometers, a fully automated system was developed263 for in situ measurements of K–Ar ages. The automated prototype consisted of a laser system, an optical spectrometer, a vacuum line, a noble gas mass spectrometer and control software and was designed to date many samples at low cost and with a precision suitable for applications in exploration geology. The K content was quantified by LIBS and Ar in gases produced by the laser was measured by noble gas MS. The system was capable of performing 100 K–Ar analyses within 24 h with uncertainties typically below 5% (1 RSD). Data were reported for different reference minerals including biotite, glauconite, phlogopite, sanidine and tektites. In contrast to K–Ar dating, 40Ar/39Ar dating requires samples to be irradiated in order to produce sufficient 39Ar from 39K for accurate age determination while minimising the production of 40Ar and 36Ar. Zhang et al.264 discussed recent advances in analytical technology and the optimisation of irradiation parameters for Ar–Ar dating. A new approach265 to U/Th dating using fs LA-SF-ICP-MS enabled small archaeological carbonate specimens (shells) with low U contents (ng g−1) to be dated. After optimising the LA coupling to improve the U and Th transmission in the mass spectrometer, image processing was performed to identify contaminated and leached areas at the mm scale and to determine a correction for any detrital material incorporated within the shell structure. Measured ages were consistent with those determined by luminescence methods and with the ages of speleothems dated by conventional solution U/Th techniques. In order to resolve the problem of isobaric interferences of 176Lu and 176Yb on 176Hf in the Lu–Hf geochronology of garnets, apatites and xenotime, Simpson et al.266 proposed a LA-ICP-MS/MS method with NH3 as the cell gas. The resulting age uncertainties were as low as ca. 0.5% (95% CI). Although not as precise as the Lu–Hf ages obtained following chemical separation, the rapid analysis combined with high spatial resolution afforded by this technique offered the opportunity for cost-effective reconnaissance campaigns in complex terrains that record many phases of metamorphism.
The considerable research effort focussed on isotope ratio determinations by MC-ICP-MS and other techniques is reflected in Table 11. Because the range of elemental isotope ratios now being measured in geological materials is so diverse, this table is provided as a starting point for readers to explore the systems of most relevance to them. In general, it is difficult to discern any major breakthroughs, as many of the studies provided modest improvements to existing separation procedures or analytical protocols.
Isotope | Matrix | Separation and purification | Technique | RMs and figures of merit | Ref. |
B | Marine carbonates | Modified microsublimation technique using droplet (<70 μL) of carbonate or RM solution | MC-ICP-MS | Method validated with 3 ERM boric acid RMs, NIST RM 8301 (foram) and a carbonate RM. δ11B long-term reproducibility for NIST 8301 was 14.48 ± 0.18‰ (2SD, n = 11) for B masses of 2.5 and 5 ng | 402 |
C | Carbonates | Not applicable | fs LA-MC-ICP-MS | δ 13C reported relative to VPDB and compared with bulk values determined by IRMS for calcite, dolomite, magnesite and siderite samples. External reproducibility <0.45‰ (2SD) | 403 |
Ca | Geological materials | Chemical purification using DGA resin followed by separation from Sr on Sr Spec resin | CC-MC-ICP-MS | Normalised to NIST SRM 915b (CaCO3). 100 ng Ca sufficient to obtain precision of <100 ppm (2SD) for δ44Ca/40Ca. Validation using 9 rock RMs with a range of compositions | 404 |
Ca | Carbonates, seawater | Automated IC with methanesulfonic acid as the eluent | MC-ICP-MS | Precision of 0.14‰ (2σ, n = 56) for δ44Ca/40Ca. Data reported relative to IAPSO seawater RM | 405 |
Ca, Fe | Geological materials | Matrix removal on single TODGA resin column | MC-ICP-MS, TIMS | Procedure validated with USGS RMs AGV-2 (andesite), BCR-2 (basalt) and BHVO-2 (basalt) | 406 |
Cd, Zn | Marine carbonates | Different chemical cleaning methods assessed. Cd and Zn purified by double-pass AEC on AG-MP1 resin | MC-ICP-MS | Cd data reported relative to NIST SRM 3108 (Cd solution) and Zn data normalised to JMC Lyon-Zn. Precision (2SE) < 0.05‰ for δ114Cd and <0.02‰ for δ66Zn | 407 |
Cu | Geological materials | Separation protocol with 2 columns in tandem: (i) Cu-selective resin (Cu separation from matrix elements); (ii) AG50W-X12 resin to purify Cu | MC-ICP-MS | δ 65Cu long-term precision <0.07‰ (2SD). Protocol validated with 7 USGS RMs and 5 Chinese RMs (GBW series) | 408 |
Cu, Fe, Mo, Ni, Zn | Geological materials | Multi-step ion-exchange procedure for purification of selected metals from one sample aliquot | MC-ICP-MS | 5 USGS RMs: basalts (BCR-2, BHVO-2), Fe–Mn nodules (Nod-A1, Nod-P1) and organic-rich shale (SGR-1) for validation | 409 |
Eu | Geological materials | Two step CEC on AG50WX-8 resin with 2-hydroxyisobutyric acid eluent for complete separation of Gd from Eu | MC-ICP-MS | Procedure validated using a range of USGS and GSJ rock RMs. Mass bias correction using 147Sm–149Sm or 147Sm–154Sm provided the most accurate and precise Eu ratios | 410 |
Fe | Geological materials | Modified AEC procedure on AG1-X8 resin with two passes to purify Fe further | MC-ICP-MS | With double-spiking technique, long-term precision and accuracy <0.02‰ (2SD) for δ56Fe. 5 USGS rock RMs for validation | 411 |
Fe | Fe-dominated minerals | Samples mounted in epoxy resin | LA-MC-ICP-MS | Non-matrix-matched calibration achieved by introduction of water vapour mixed with N2 after LA cell. δ56Fe reported relative to IRMM-014 (iron wire). Precision and accuracy <0.10‰ (2SD) | 412 |
Fe | Fe-rich minerals | No column chromatography; digested samples measured after dilution with 2% HNO3. Comparison with δ56Fe data obtained after column chromatography | MC-ICP-MS | δ 56Fe reported relative to IRMM-014 (iron wire). Long-term reproducibility for δ56Fe < 0.05‰ (2SD, n = 123) on pyrite. USGS and IGGE rock RMs used to assess accuracy | 413 |
Hf–Lu | Columbite-group minerals | Chemical separation of Hf from Ta using 2-column procedure: (i) Ln Spec resin to separate Hf, Lu and Ta from matrix; (ii) AEC on AG1-X8 resin to separate Hf from Ta | MC-ICP-MS and LA-MC-ICP-MS | Normalisation to 178Hf/177Hf = 1.4672 using exponential law in preference to 179Hf/177Hf = 0.7325 for LA technique | 414 |
K | Geological RMs | Single column CEC with AG50-X8, K recovered with 0.5 M HNO3 eluent | MC-ICP-MS | Precision of ca. 0.08‰ (2SD) for 41K/39K on NIST SRM 3141a (K solution) using cold plasma technique. Procedure validated using NIST SRM 999c (KCl powder) and six USGS RMs | 415 |
K | Geological materials, seawater | Two-stage column separation by CEC on AG50W-X12 resin followed by purification on AG50W-X8 resin | MC-ICP-MS | External reproducibility for 41K/39K of <0.10‰ (2SD) for K solutions of 1 ppm or greater. Five USGS rock RMs used to assess accuracy and data normalised to NIST SRM 3141a (K solution) | 416 |
K | Geological and biological RMs | Two-stage column separation required for geological materials: CEC on AG50W-X12 followed by purification on AG50W-X8 resin | CC-MC-ICP-MS | Long-term reproducibility for 41K/39K of <0.07‰ (2SD, n = 12). Wide range of RM types to evaluate performance | 417 |
K | Geological RMs | K separated from matrix elements by CEC on AG50W-X8 resin using the same elution protocol twice | CC-MC-ICP-MS | Intermediate precision for 41K/39K of <0.05‰ (2SD). Data reported relative to NIST SRM 3141a (K solution). 9 RMs including 4 USGS rocks to evaluate accuracy | 418 |
K, Mg | Geological materials | Single column CEC procedure on AG50W-X8 with 0.5 M HNO3 (K) and 1.0 M HNO3 (Mg) as eluents | MC-ICP-MS | Procedure validated using six USGS RMs | 419 |
Li | Geological materials | 2-column separation using cation-exchange resin AG50W-X8 | SF-ICP-MS | Measurement uncertainty (U; k = 2) 1.2‰ on RM IRMM-016 (Li carbonate) and δ7Li values for 19 silicate RMs reported | 420 |
Mg | Geological materials | Mg purification by single-column CEC using AG 50W-X12 resin in micro-column with 4.0 mm internal diameter | MC-ICP-MS | Procedure validated using a range of USGS rock RMs. Long-term precision <0.06‰ for δ26Mg | 421 |
Mg | Silicate rocks | Not applicable | fs LA-MC-ICP-MS | Data reported relative to DSM-3 (Mg solution, Cambridge University). Validation using USGS and DING glass RMs. Long-term precision (2SD) for δ26Mg was 0.10‰ | 422 |
Mg | Low-Mg rocks | Three-step chromatographic procedure using a single column containing AG50W-X8 resin | MC-ICP-MS | Long-term reproducibility for δ26Mg was 0.06‰. Validation using six felsic rock RMs with MgO contents from 0.05 to 0.96 wt% | 423 |
Mo | Low-Mo rocks | Three column purification procedure using Muromac®1X8 (similar to AG1-X8) anion and AG50W-X8 cation resins | MC-ICP-MS | δ 98Mo/95Mo external precision <0.06‰ (2SD). Data normalised to NIST SRM 3134 (Mo solution). Data for 43 RMs reported | 424 |
Nd | Geological materials | Nd purification using single column containing Eichrom TODGA resin | MC-ICP-MS | SSB with Eu as IS. Method validated using three pure Nd standards and 7 geological RMs. Reproducibility for δ146Nd/144Nd < 0.030‰ (2SD) | 425 |
Nd | Fe-rich silicates | Single column diglycolamide-based extraction chromatography using DGA resin to isolate Nd in presence of high levels of Fe | MC-ICP-MS | No significant difference in 143Nd/144Nd precision for two iron-rich RMs (from CRPG France) compared to 5 × 10−6 < 2SE < 10−5 for GSJ RM JNdi-1 (Nd isotope solution) | 426 |
Nd | Silicate rocks | Modified CEC method to separate REEs using AG50W-X8 resin followed by Nd purification on AG50W-X4 resin with 2-methylactic acid eluent | TIMS | Precision of ±2–5 ppm for 142Nd/144Nd for BHVO-2 (basalt) | 427 |
Nd | Foraminifera | Rigorous cleaning protocol prior to dissolution and ion-exchange chromatography on Sr, TRU and LN resins to purify Nd | TIMS | External reproducibility for 143Nd/144Nd of <90 ppm (2RSD) for 100 pg Nd loads | 428 |
Ni | Geological materials | Three-step column chemistry: (i) CEC on AG50W-X8 resin; (ii) AEC on AG1-X8 resin; (iii) purification of Ni from Co, Cu and Zn using AG1-X8 resin | MC-ICP-MS | 60Ni/58Ni in 20 geological RMs measured to validate method. Precision of 0.006–0.084‰ (2SD) for samples containing 100–200 ng Ni | 429 |
Pt | Iron meteorites | Single-column AEC on AG1-X8 resin; Pt eluted with 13.5 M HNO3 | MC-ICP-MS | RM IRMM-010 Pt and NIST SRM 129c (high-sulfur steel) doped with RM IRMM-010 (PtS) prior to digestion to mimic S and Pt content of iron meteorites. Typical between-run precision for δ198Pt was 0.06‰ (2SD) | 430 |
Rb | Silicate rocks | Two column procedure: sample purified in two passes on AG50W-X12 followed by removal of residual K on Sr-Spec resin | MC-ICP-MS | Data reported relative to NIST SRM 984 (Rb isotopes). Long-term precision <0.05‰ (2SD) for δ87Rb | 129 |
S | Sulfates and sulfides | SO2 from offline combustion trapped in aqueous BaCl2 and precipitated as BaSO4 after oxidation with H2O2 | EA/IRMS | IAEA and NIST RMs for validation. Long-term reproducibility and accuracy of δ34S similar to those by direct EA/IRMS | 431 |
Sb | Sb minerals | Not applicable | fs LA-MC-ICP-MS | Long-term reproducibility <0.045‰ for in situ δ123Sb values, normalised to NIST SRM 3102a (Sb solution) | 432 |
Sr | Geological materials | Three-step column procedure using Eichrom Sr resin to: (i) remove Fe; (ii) separate Sr from matrix elements; and (iii) purify Sr | TIMS | Multidynamic method with fractionation drift correction yielded precisions of 29 ppm for 84Sr/86Sr and 5 ppm for 87Sr/86Sr | 433 |
Sr | Limestones | Samples subjected to acetic acid extraction before online Sr separation based on CEC with 1M HNO3 as eluent in the presence of 3.8 mM 18-crown-6 | HPLC-MC-ICP-MS | Method validated using NIST SRM 987 (Sr carbonate) and JCp-1 (Porites coral) RM from GSJ | 434 |
U | Carbonates, seawater, U mill tailings | Column chemistry based on AG1-X8 or UTEVA resins to separate U from other actinides | MC-ICP-MS | Estimated LOD for 236U/238U of 2 × 10−10 using new SEM method with retarding potential quadrupole lens. Precision ±4% for 5 fg 236U at a 236U/238U of 1 × 10−8 | 106 |
V | Marine carbonates | Fe coprecipitation plus AEC on AG1-X8 to remove Fe before 4-step chromatographic procedure to separate V from matrix elements | MC-ICP-MS | Long-term precision <0.14‰ (2SD) for δ51V. Validated using in-house V isotope solution USTC-V and USGS RM COQ-1 (carbonatite) | 435 |
Zn | Geological materials | Zn purification with two column AEC method using Eichrom AG1-X8 | MC-ICP-MS | Long-term reproducibility <0.025‰ (2SD) for δ66Zn/64Zn, normalised to JMC-Lyon. Method validated with IRMM-3702 (Zn isotope solution), and basalt RMs from the USGS and GSJ | 436 |
Zn | Zn-rich minerals | No column chromatography; digested samples diluted in 2% HNO3 prior to analysis. Comparison with Zn isotope data obtained after column chromatography | MC-ICP-MS | SSB with Cu IS. Long-term precision (2SD, n = 42) of <0.03‰ for δ66Zn and <0.05‰ δ67Zn | 437 |
A case study investigated269 instrumental conditions that govern oxide formation in MC-ICP-MS and how different oxide formation rates affect the measurement error of Nd isotope ratios. The several instrumental setups investigated included wet and dry plasmas, different sample introduction methods, the addition of N2 and various sampler and skimmer cone geometries. The oxide-induced isotopic offsets were mostly associated with the introduction system and cone geometry. A qualitative model was developed to predict the expected isotopic offsets and recommendations were given on how to reduce measurement errors in the determination of Nd isotopic ratios by MC-ICP-MS.
For over 20 years, LA-ICP-MS has been the technique of choice for quantifying the elemental composition of fluid inclusions. However, the resultant short transient signals are difficult to sample representatively with single collector ICP-MS instruments. Laurent et al.270 demonstrated that this issue could be overcome by reducing quadrupole settling times significantly through use of a fast-scanning quadrupole mass spectrometer. This allowed faster cycling through a given element list and therefore better resolution of the signals. Short quadrupole settling times of 0.2 ms allowed the analysis of smaller inclusions (down to 4 μm) than usually targeted to be made for more elements (up to 52 in this study) without impeding the basic instrument performance.
Multielement imaging by LA-ICP-MS for geological and other applications continues to be a study area with significant growth. Tanaka et al.271 improved the spatial resolution of fs LA-ICP-MS images by combining a newly designed small-volume ablation cell (internal volume 4 mL) and in-torch mixing of Ar make-up gas to provide a shorter washout time. In addition, they employed a “shaving ablation” protocol in which the distance between line profiles was smaller than the size of the laser pit. Although this research was conducted on biological samples, the authors felt it could be adapted for geochemical applications. A new, open-source, stand-alone software called Ilaps272 was written in Python and designed for processing LA-ICP-MS data for bulk analysis and imaging. It was planned that future versions of this software would be capable of processing data from other techniques such as LIBS, thereby facilitating the intercomparison of results. In order to obtain a signal of short duration for element imaging using LA-ICP-TOF-MS, Neff et al.273 designed a parallel flow ablation cell to speed up aerosol washout. The two-volume LA cell was based on a tube cell design and included a recess in the cover for an improved gas flow pattern at the ablation site. At a LA sampling frequency of ≥1000 Hz, the system was capable of acquiring a 1 megapixel image in less than 20 min, thereby increasing the sample throughput significantly.
The benefits of the reduction in various polyatomic interferences obtained when using ICP-MS/MS in geological applications have been highlighted in several contributions. Klein et al.188 developed an ICP-MS/MS method for the determination of technologically critical elements such as Ga, Ge, In, Nb, Sc, Ta, Te and REEs in sediment digests using N2O rather than O2 as the reaction gas to eliminate spectral interferences selectively. The LODs were between 0.00023 μg L−1 (Eu) and 0.13 μg L−1 (Te) and, except for Te, the results for RMs were within ±20% of certificate values. In contrast, O2 was employed274 as the reaction gas in an ICP-MS/MS procedure to determine REEs in uranium ore samples. Specific chemical separation procedures were established to remove the uranium matrix before measurement and all the REEs were measured as REE oxides in a mass-shift approach. The method was validated using GSJ RMs JA-2 (andesite), JB-2 (basalt), JR-2 (rhyolite) and USGS RM BCR-2 (Columbia River basalt). The significant suppression of polyatomic interferences resulted in LODs of <1 pg mL−1 for all REEs. Lindahl et al.275 observed large irregular biases during repeated measurements of U isotopic ratios using two identical ICP-MS/MS instruments. The source of these variations was drift in the mass calibration of the two mass filters which was more pronounced for heavier isotopes. Considerable improvement in the precision and accuracy of U isotope ratios was achieved by optimising the hardware settings for the mass filter peak resolution. This resulted in a precision of 0.07% RSD for long-term measurements of 235U/238U. An investigation by Bolea-Fernandez et al.276 on whether the ISs used in mass-shift approaches should also be subjected to a mass-shift or could simply be monitored on-mass revealed differences in the behaviour of atomic ions compared to reaction product ions. However, it was found that these differences could always be attributed to insufficient time for stabilisation within the reaction cell.
Examples of laser ablation split stream analysis applied to geological materials included277 the simultaneous determination of S isotope ratios and the trace element composition of several sulfides and sulfates. Although the smaller sample volume introduced into the quadrupole ICP-MS detector in the LASS setup resulted in lower sensitivity and poorer LODs for trace element determinations than for when LA-ICP-MS was used alone, the measurement precision and accuracy for the S isotope ratios by MC-ICP-MS were not compromised. Obtaining data for both S isotope ratios and element concentrations provided the ability to identify relationships between individual pyrite minerals and their formation histories. Simultaneous determination of Sm–Nd isotope ratios and trace element compositions together with U–Pb ages of titanite were achieved278 by splitting the aerosol from a LA system into two gas streams. One line was connected to a MC-ICP-MS instrument for Sm–Nd isotope analysis while the other was used for trace element analysis and U–Pb dating by SF-ICP-MS. Addition of water vapour to the gas stream after the LA cell improved the MC-ICP-MS sensitivity for Nd by 40% and thereby improved the precision of the Sm–Nd isotopic data. The simultaneous acquisition of these geochemical parameters yielded detailed age information based on complicated mineral growth zoning.
A set of 27 synthetic glasses covering a broad compositional range with respect to six major oxides (Al, Ca, Fe, Mg, Si and Ti) was developed284 to study instrumental mass fractionation (IMF) in O isotope measurements. Data from a single continuous SIMS session confirmed that the chemical composition strongly influenced O isotope matrix effects in silicate glasses and that the cation–oxygen bond strength had a strong influence on the IMF value. An empirical model based on the correlation of six major element oxides with the IMF was proposed as the most reliable of the models examined when correcting for such matrix effects in silicate glasses. Another study reported285 that IMF caused δ18O values in aragonite to increase linearly with increasing Ca content by about 3.4‰. The use of multiple aragonite RMs with compositions that bracket that of the unknown sample was recommended for accurate correction of the O isotopic measurements. A natural aragonite crystal (VS001/1-A) was evaluated as a potential new SIMS RM. Taracsak et al.286 characterised matrix effects found in the S isotope analysis of silicate glasses by SIMS. They made more than 600 S isotope measurements on nine different glasses which contained 500–3400 μg g−1 S with a wide compositional range, including mafic glasses, rhyolite and phonolite. The finding of significant composition-dependent IMF effects in measured S isotope ratios was in stark contrast to previous studies that had assumed or shown these effects to be negligible for S isotope ratio measurements by SIMS. Calibration with multiple well-characterised RMs with a wide compositional range was recommended.
The effectiveness of atom probe tomography (APT) was tested288 for nanoscale characterisation of hydrous phyllosilicate minerals, which are likely to be major constituents of material bought back to Earth by extra-terrestrial missions. Application of this technique to a terrestrial analogue (lizardite) showed that the technique had better resolution than more established imaging techniques so it was possible for it to detect previously unobservable nanominerals and nanostructures within phyllosilicates. It was concluded that APT could be a key tool in the analysis of planetary samples. For example, new SiO-rich nanophases were revealed that provided new insights into the nature of the fluid and reaction pathways. The study also demonstrated that APT could be applied more broadly to other hydrous mineralogies. Cappelli et al.289 investigated the problems of atom loss and inaccurate estimates of stoichiometric composition when applying laser-assisted APT to garnet and spinel. By studying oxygen quantification and issues related to uneven ion desorption and variation in charge state ratios, a better understanding was obtained of how measured and true mineral stoichiometries diverged due to the influence of mineral properties and crystal structure on the atom probe field evaporation process.
A new method for the determination of δ13C and δ18O in carbonates featured290 a fibre-coupled laser-diode device emitting 30 W at 880 nm. The carbonate was decomposed to CO2 which was collected under a controlled atmosphere for offline analysis. A comparison of isotopic data for carbonate zones analysed both by classical methods (micro-drilling followed by acid digestion) and the new laser calcination method gave correlation coefficients of 0.99 for δ13C and 0.96 for δ18O for a range of different mineralogies and isotopic compositions. As well as decreasing the overall analytical time considerably by reducing the number of preparation steps, the new procedure offered the possibility of performing spatially resolved analysis at the mm scale. Fibre-coupled diode lasers are very compact compared to other laser systems so an exciting prospect was that they could be paired with field-deployable CRDS/IRIS optical-mass spectrometers for on-site measurements.
The technique of XRFS has been applied to the analysis of geological materials for many decades, particularly for the determination of major and minor elements. Modern XRFS instruments are capable of measuring the halogen elements, so a review291 (154 references) on the application of XRFS to the determination of Br, Cl, F and I in geological materials was timely. Core scanning systems with a variety of sensors have the potential for automating many aspects of core logging and thereby provide detailed and continuous core data and imaging at an early stage in the processing of data from geological cores. This process was assisted292 by the availability of new software, called Corascope, which merged the outputs from optical line-scan imaging and X-ray radiography with downhole elemental composition to reconstruct the complete sedimentary record from cores scanned in short sections.
The μXRFS technique is rapidly becoming a familiar tool for characterising geological matrices. Sample sizes ranging from thin sections to hand specimens can be analysed and information collected over the whole sample surface to provide chemical, textural and mineralogical information. An application to the quantitative mapping of minerals in a drill core from a gold deposit demonstrated293 that μXRFS maps could provide information on mineralogy, mineral abundances and mineralogical textures not visible with the naked eye. Fast mineralogical and elemental mapping of ore samples from a PGE deposit by LIBS were validated294 by μXRFS. Presentations at recent conferences (e.g. Geoanalysis 2022) have confirmed that there is a desire to capture both mineralogical and chemical compositions of geological materials through the integrated use of a variety of modern geoanalytical tools such as core scanners, μXRFS and LIBS. Maybe the day when mineralogists and analytical geochemists work together in the same laboratory and speak the same technical language is not far away?
1D | one dimensional |
2D | two dimensional |
3D | three dimensional |
AAS | atomic absorption spectrometry |
AAE | absorption Ångström exponent |
AB | arsenobetaine |
AEC | anion exchange chromatography |
AES | atomic emission spectrometry |
AFS | atomic fluorescence spectrometry |
AMS | accelerator mass spectrometry |
ANN | artificial neural network |
APDC | ammonium pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate |
APGD | atmospheric pressure glow discharge |
APM | atmospheric particulate matter |
APS | aerodynamic particle sizer |
APT | atom probe tomography |
ASU | Atomic Spectrometry Update |
ASV | anodic stripping voltammetry |
BCR | Community Bureau of Reference (of the Commission of the European Communities) |
BGS | British Geological Survey |
C18 | octadecyl bonded silica |
CC | collision cell |
CE | capillary electrophoresis |
CEC | cation exchange chromatography |
CEN | European Committee for Standardisation |
CF | continuous flow |
CI | confidence interval |
COLM | continuous online leaching method |
CPC | condensation particle counter |
CPE | cloud point extraction |
CRDS | cavity ring-down spectroscopy |
CRM | certified reference material |
CS | continuum source |
CV | cold vapour |
CVG | chemical vapour generation |
Cys | cysteine |
DBD | dielectric barrier discharge |
DCM | dichloromethane |
DES | deep eutectic solvent |
DGA | diglycolamide |
DGT | diffusive gradient in thin films |
DLLME | dispersive liquid liquid microextraction |
DMA | dimethylarsonic acid |
DoE | design of experiments |
DOM | dissolved organic matter |
DP | double pulse |
DPM | diesel particulate matter |
EC | elemental carbon |
EDS | energy dispersive (X-ray) spectrometry |
EDXRFS | energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry |
ELPI | electrical low-pressure impactor |
EPMA | electron probe microanalysis |
ERM | European reference material |
ETAAS | electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry |
EtHg | ethylmercury |
ETV | electrothermal vaporisation |
FAAS | flame atomic absorption spectrometry |
FC | Faraday cup |
FFF | field flow fractionation |
FI | flow injection |
FT | Fourier transform |
FTIR | Fourier transform infrared |
GC | gas chromatography |
GD | glow discharge |
Gd-DOTA | gadoterate |
GEM | gaseous elemental mercury |
GO | graphene oxide |
GSJ | Geological Society of Japan |
HCL | hollow cathode lamp |
HERFD | high energy resolution fluorescence detected |
HFSE | high field strength element |
HG | hydride generation |
HPLC | high performance liquid chromatography |
HR | high resolution |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Authority |
IAPSO | International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans |
IC | ion chromatography |
ICP | inductively coupled plasma |
ICR | ion cyclotron resonance |
ID | isotope dilution |
IDA | isotope dilution analysis |
IGGE | Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Prospecting, People’s Republic of China |
IHSS | International Humic Substances Society |
IL | ionic liquid |
IMF | instrumental mass fractionation |
INCT | Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology (Poland) |
IP | ionisation potential |
IPGP | Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris |
IR | infra-red |
IRIS | interface region imaging spectrograph |
IRMM | Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements |
IS | internal standard |
JMC | Johnson Matthey Company |
JRC | Joint Research Centre (European Commission, Belgium) |
LA | laser ablation |
LASS | laser ablation split stream |
LC | liquid chromatography |
LDSA | lung deposited surface area |
LGC | Laboratory of the Government Chemist (UK) |
LIBS | laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy |
LLE | liquid liquid extraction |
LLME | liquid liquid microextraction |
LOD | limit of detection |
LOQ | limit of quantification |
LPE | liquid phase extraction |
LPME | liquid phase microextraction |
MAC | mass absorption cross section |
MAD | microwave-assisted digestion |
MAE | microwave-assisted extraction |
MC | multicollector |
MDA | mineral dust aerosol |
MeHg | methyl mercury |
MIP | microwave induced plasma |
MOF | metal–organic framework |
MPI | Max Planck Institute |
MRI | magnetic resonance imaging |
MS | mass spectrometry |
MS/MS | tandem mass spectrometry |
μXRFS | micro X-ray fluorescence spectrometry |
NACIS | National Analysis Centre of Iron and Steel, China |
NADES | natural deep eutectic solvent |
NBS | National Bureau of Standards |
NCRM | National Research Centre for Certified Reference Materials, China |
NIOSH | National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology |
NP | nanoparticle |
NRCC | National Research Council of Canada |
NRCG | National Research Centre of Geoanalysis, Beijing |
NTIMS | negative thermal ionisation mass spectrometry |
NWRI | National Water Research Institute |
OC | organic carbon |
OM | organic matter |
OPC | optical particle counter |
PCA | principal component analysis |
PCR | principal component regression |
PFA | perfluoroalkyl |
PGE | platinum group element |
PhHg | phenyl mercury |
PiFM | photo-induced force microscopy |
PM | particulate matter |
PM1 | particulate matter (with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 1.0 μm) |
PM2.5 | particulate matter (with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 2.5 μm) |
PM4 | particulate matter (with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 4.0 μm) |
PM10 | particulate matter (with an aerodynamic diameter of up to 10 μm) |
PP | polypropylene |
ppm | part per million |
PTE | potentially toxic element |
PTFE | polytetrafluoroethylene |
PVG | photochemical vapour generation |
pXRF | portable X-ray fluorescence |
QC | quality control |
QMS | quadrupole mass spectrometry |
RCS | respirable crystalline silica |
RDD | rotating disc dilutor |
REE | rare earth element |
rf | radio frequency |
RM | reference material |
RP | reversed phase |
rpm | revolutions per minute |
RSD | relative standard deviation |
SAX | strong anion exchange |
SD | standard deviation |
SE | standard error |
SEM | scanning electron microscopy |
SF | sector field |
SIBS | spark-induced breakdown spectroscopy |
SIMS | secondary ion mass spectrometry |
SMPS | scanning mobility particle sizer |
S/N | signal-to-noise ratio |
sp | single particle |
SPE | solid phase extraction |
SPME | solid-phase microextraction |
SR | synchrotron radiation |
SRM | standard reference material |
SSA | single scattering albedo |
SSB | sample standard bracketing |
TC | total carbon |
TEL | tetraethyl lead |
TEM | transmission electron microscopy |
THF | tetrahydrofuran |
TIMS | thermal ionisation mass spectrometry |
TMAH | tetramethylammonium hydroxide |
TML | tetramethyl lead |
TOA | thermal optical analysis |
TOC | total organic carbon |
TODGA | N,N,N′,N′-tetraoctyl diglycolamide |
TOF | time-of-flight |
TSP | total suspended particle |
TXRF | total reflection X-ray fluorescence |
TXRFS | total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometry |
UA | ultrasound-assisted |
UAE | ultrasound-assisted extraction |
US EPA | United States Environmental Protection Agency |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
UTEVA | uranium and tetravalent actinides |
UV | ultraviolet |
UV-VIS | ultraviolet-visible |
VA | vortex-assisted |
VCDT | Vienna-Cañon Diablo Troilite |
VG | vapour generation |
VOC | volatile organic carbon |
VPDB | Vienna Peedee Belemnite |
VSMOW | Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water |
WDXRFS | wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry |
WHO | World Health Organisation |
XANES | X-ray absorption near edge structure |
XRD | X-ray diffraction |
XRF | X-ray fluorescence |
XRFS | X-ray fluorescence spectrometry |
Footnote |
† Review coordinator. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |