*a and
aSchool of Traffic & Transportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, Hunan, China. E-mail: wangzg@csu.edu.cn
bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 117575, Singapore. E-mail: mpezwei@nus.edu.sg
First published on 17th October 2022
Multifunctional materials are in high demand for practical engineering applications. Owing to the ubiquitous noise and impact energy hazards in many settings, traditional materials and conventionally designed metamaterials are incapable of preventing these types of hazard simultaneously. Herein, we report a new paradigm, via a decoupled approach, in the design of acousto-mechanical multifunctional metamaterials. We leverage the morphology of a Helmholtz resonator, such that the sound-absorbing and mechanical components are designed independently. For sound absorption, we adopt a coherent coupling design for a favorable resonant response, while for the mechanical response, we adopt customized struts. We then demonstrate our concept via 3D printing. Experimentally measured remarkable broadband absorption in the practical low-frequency range (<1.0 kHz) is achieved. Absorption mechanisms are attributed to viscous and thermal boundary dissipation. Compression tests also reveal that the metamaterials are highly deformation resilient with a recovery of up to 98%, owing to both the lattice structure design and the viscoelastic behavior of the base material. Through this decoupled design, we further demonstrate the potential of our metamaterials in customizable absorption, strength, pseudo-reusability, and impact resistance. The proposed design paradigm broadens the horizon for the design of multifunctional materials, offering an impetus to their exploration for practical applications.
New conceptsTraditional materials, or even modern engineered metamaterials, are incapable of effectively mitigating frequently occurring low-frequency noise and impact energy hazards at the same time. This limitation is primarily due to their mechanism-motivated design principle, where an intrinsic tradeoff between the two exists. A new multifunctional material that can solve this multi-physical problem is highly desirable. Herein, we report a new paradigm in the design of acousto-mechanical metamaterials via decoupling the underlying mechanisms for each function. In particular, we leverage the absorption mechanism of the Helmholtz resonance, which enables independence in the design of structural elements from the sound-absorbing elements. For the sound absorption design, we adopt a coherent coupling design to achieve a favorable localized resonance, while for the mechanical response, we adopt customizable strut features. The metamaterials are 3D printed as a proof of concept. As experimentally demonstrated, the metamaterial is capable of excellent broadband low-frequency (<1.0 kHz) sound absorption, shows high deformation recoverability (up to 98%), and has a physically-tolerable strength for human use (<1 MPa), is pseudo-reusable, and impact resistant. Both the absorption and mechanical responses are fully customizable depending on the requirements. This proposed design approach broadens the horizon in the design of multifunctional metamaterials. |
It is thus intuitive to introduce sound absorption to materials that are already mechanically robust, as opposed to the other way round. One direction we can look into is to leverage the inherent mechanical robustness of lattice structures. Defined as periodic porous structures with elementary features such as struts, shells, plates, or a combination of these, lattice structures display unprecedented mechanical properties that include excellent specific stiffness/strength and unique plateau deformation behaviour that is not found in traditional materials. Intrinsically, lattice structures present high design freedoms for customizable mechanical properties. Notwithstanding, there have been reports on the potential of lattice structures for sound absorption. However, they are mainly limited to the high-frequency range.22–24 The absorption capabilities of these lattices are attributed to their structural porosity, as opposed to a specified acoustic mechanism-guided design. For example, the introduced micro-pores for removing trapped powder in selective laser melting printed lattices opportunely form “flawed resonators”.23,24 In turn, triply periodic minimal surface structures display weak resonance due to the high connectivity of their fluid phases.22 As a result, absorption valleys are commonly observed in these lattices. Moreover, owing to their periodic microscale geometries, they display poor absorption below a frequency of 1.0 kHz (Fig. 1(b)). Even for a lattice with a dedicated design for sound absorption,23 the working frequency range seemingly still focuses on frequencies over 1.0 kHz. A close relative of lattice structures – porous sandwich panels – has been studied as a potential sound absorber.25 However, sandwich panels generally lack customizability for on-demand absorption and mechanical properties.
Interestingly, revisiting the physical mechanism of the Helmholtz resonance, we found that it gives independence to the design of structural elements from the sound-absorbing elements. Specifically, a Helmholtz resonator is composed of a resonant plate with micro-pores and an empty cavity. This “pore-cavity” structure dissipates incident acoustic waves via air frictional flow at the perforations.26 There are two underlying bases for this mechanism: (i) the acoustic energies are mainly dissipated at the pores, and (ii) the empty cavity affects the absorption mainly via its thickness. As mentioned, lattices have unique structural characteristics – such as being ultra-strong or deformation-recoverable – depending on the material selection and design. Thus, theoretically speaking, we can introduce any type of lattice structure in the empty cavity to achieve the desired mechanical property while retaining the sound absorption properties.
Herein, we propose a new paradigm in the design of acousto-mechanical multifunctional metamaterials, based on decoupling of the absorption and mechanical mechanisms. As shown in Fig. 1(c), this approach can overcome the design constraints associated with traditional metamaterials and is also highly customizable for the desired properties. For example, we can modulate the acoustic impedance of resonant plates for frequency-selective absorption and different lattice structures for on-demand mechanical responses, such as high-strength, damage-tolerance, resilience, etc. Thereby, we present a new class of decoupling-enabled porous multifunctional metamaterials (DPMMs). As a proof of concept, these metamaterials are then realized via digital light processing (DLP) 3D printing. As demonstrated experimentally, our DPMM is shown to be capable of excellent broadband low-frequency (<1.0 kHz) sound absorption, having a high deformation recoverability (up to 98%), having a physically-tolerable strength for human uses (<1 MPa), being pseudo-reusable (without apparent absorption loss after cyclic compression), and being impact resistant. Moreover, we further demonstrate the customizable sound-absorbing and mechanical performance of our DPMM for meeting requirements for different applications.
The total impedance of the metamaterial is attained from the calculation of each component. Employing the heterogeneous design, Zs,i represents the surface impedance of the i-th component. This consists of the impedance of the resonant plate (Zm,i) and the cavity (Zc,i), which is calculated as
Zs,i = Zm,i + Zc,i. | (1) |
![]() | (2) |
The impedance of the cavity Zc,i is geometrically determined via the cavity depth. However, in the proposed design, the cavity volume (Vc) is partially occupied by the lattice volume (Vl). Herein, a correction coefficient, λ = Vl/Vc, is introduced to take into account of the influence of the lattice on the effective cavity depth. Hence, the corrected cavity impedance is given by
Zc,i = −jZ0cot(k(1 − Vl/Vc)D) | (3) |
Thus, the sound absorption coefficient under an incident sound wave is calculated as
![]() | (4) |
Herein, the surface impedance Zs in this parallel system is calculated as
![]() | (5) |
Based on the analytical model, the real parts (acoustic resistance) and imaginary parts (acoustic reactance) of a single and parallel system are schematically compared in Fig. S1(a), ESI.† Apparently, a single circuit can only yield one resonant peak, while the parallel system offers a broad absorption bandwidth. Therefore, a heterogeneous absorber with a parallel connection system is desired for broadband absorption. Herein, we adopt the principle of coherent coupling1,18,20 for the design of our heterogeneous absorber. Using this method, the absorption spectra of each imperfect component (IC) are designed in a weak resonance (Fig. S1(b), ESI†). These components possess different perforation porosity and yield resonant peaks at different frequencies. From a physics point of view, the combination of these weak peaks is synergistic in nature in which a well-damped state is established.
A macroscopic metamaterial unit is shown in Fig. 2(a). Based on the above discussion, the acoustic units are designed with four coherently-coupled weak components. Each component consists of a rigid plate with a different morphology, and they are partitioned by rigid thin walls to impede lateral airflow transfer. The resonant plates possess different perforation ratios, denoted as σA, σB, σC and σD, which are determined by the Zs,i perforation diameter, the number of pores (ni), and the side length (Lc) of each component. As such, the acoustic absorption is associated with the following variables: tplate, di, σi, and D.
Overall, following the above design steps, a multifunctional metamaterial is constructed. This present decoupling-enabled porous multifunctional metamaterial is thus abbreviated as a DPMM. DPMMs are then fabricated via DLP 3D-printing. An illustration of a cuboid sample with two macroscopic units is shown in Fig. 2(b). The geometric parameters are given in Tables S2 and S3, ESI.† It is worth noting that the correction coefficient, λ, for our re-entrant based DPMM is around 5%. If λ increases owing to an increased number of struts, or an increased strut thicknesses, there might be significant deviations in the sound absorption curves. Also, we limit our concept herein to struts that are sound hard. Our correction model would cease to be accurate if porous, perforated, or ultra-soft struts – those that would have an influence on the effective fluid-flow mechanisms – were introduced into the cavity. Representative microstructural features, including the re-entrant unit, resonant plate, strut, and pore, are observed using a microscope. There are no fractures, burrs, or fault-segmentation observed. The distinct microstructural features of the as-printed micro-perforations are shown in Fig. 2(b). Details of the actual dimensional accuracies are given in Fig. S2 and Table S4, ESI.†
From eqn (4), an excellent absorption spectrum can be obtained when the structural surface impedance comes in proximity with the impedance of air at the resonant frequencies. Indeed, Fig. 3(b) shows that the real and imaginary parts of the relative impedance Zs/Z0 are close to 1 and 0 over a broad frequency regime. Fig. 3(c) physically illustrates the damping condition via the distribution of log10|R|2 in the complex frequency plane,32 where R denotes the reflection coefficient. In the lossless case, the reflection coefficient contains zeros and poles that are conjugate symmetric. Herein, owing to the coherent coupling design, there are four zeros attained as marked by the black arrows. Apparently, they lie close to the real frequency axis, implying that the energy loss and leakage balance greatly in this system. The superiority of the proposed heterogeneous design is further demonstrated here by comparing it with other patterns (Fig. S5, ESI†). Compared to the present design, the absorption curves in Fig. S5(a) (ESI†) demonstrate that Pattern II yields only one low peak (α < 0.8), and Pattern I and Pattern III produce many absorption valleys with a narrower quasi-perfect (α > 0.9) bandwidth, which is explained by their flawed acoustic resistances (Fig. S5(b), ESI†).
The sound wave attenuation mechanisms are elucidated here. We propose two mechanisms that work synchronously for effective sound absorption: (i) dissipation by friction of the viscous flow of the air molecules, and (ii) thermal boundary layer dissipation. The two mechanisms lead to the obvious thermoviscous effect at the resonance frequency. In the simulations, it is assumed that the system is lossless, and linearization is performed for the Navier–Stokes equation. Eventually, the thermoviscous effect is calculated using the continuity equation, momentum equation and energy conservation equation as given respectively in eqn (S1)–(S3), ESI.† Herein, the four imperfect components (ICs) are cut along the corresponding pores as shown in Fig. 3(d). Then, the acoustic energy-dissipating phenomenon is clearly disclosed by the acoustic features at the resonant frequencies (f1 = 460 Hz, f2 = 520 Hz, f3 = 570 Hz, and f4 = 690 Hz). From the total viscous-thermal energy dissipation density distribution shown in Fig. 3(e), regardless of the IC, the acoustic energy dissipation in the pores is overwhelmingly dominant, while the contributed dissipation in the cavities is negligible. Owing to the high rigidity of the tough polymer (with a Young's modulus of around 1.45 GPa23), the thin walls are treated as solid and sound-hard boundaries, and thus each IC contributes to the sound absorption individually. Fig. 3(f) plots the pores’ contributions in each component. The results coincide with the resonant frequency of a Helmholtz resonator: ωr = (c02Spores/tplateVc)0.5, where Spores denotes the cross-sectional area of the pores. From IC1 to IC4, the increasing Spores and smaller di jointly contribute to the increased resonant frequency observed. Eventually, the overall energy-dissipating curve is high and successive. Also, the resonant frequencies correspond to the dissipation maximum. Similarly, the air velocity is much higher in pores than in cavities (Fig. 3(h)). When air particles are moving vigorously in the air columns in the micro-perforations at the resonant frequencies, the ICs attain the velocity peaks (Fig. 3(h)).
The viscous dissipation is pivotal compared with the thermal dissipation (Fig. S7, ESI†). This can be explained by the difference in their physical mechanisms. Regarding thermal dissipation, this is induced by the breakdown of the adiabatic propagation of sound waves. Energy conversion and loss occur in thermal boundary layers. In turn, viscous dissipation occurs in the pores due to the vibration and friction of air molecules, which is calculated using33
![]() | (6) |
For further understanding of the underlying physics of the outstanding absorptive characteristics, we compare the proposed weak-resonance design recipe with the traditional perfect-resonance strategy. For the latter, the absorption coefficients of the resonant peaks in every component are capable of reaching values above 0.99, owing to the energy leakage and loss being balanced perfectly. Then, these perfect components (PCs) are assembled. A comparison of the absorptive performance is given in Fig. S8(a) and (b), ESI.† In the traditional design, the number of absorption peaks reduces, but for the present design, the four ICs form a higher and wider absorption spectrum. The bandwidth with α = 0.5, 0.9, and 0.95 reflects the huge gap between the two design recipes (Fig. S8(c), ESI†). The pronounced discordant impedance matching state physically explains the vital drawbacks of the traditional design by which the system is heavily over-damped (Fig. S8(d), ESI†). Hence, a flawed response is observed, which is featured as distant zeros far from the real frequency axis. The dotted contour lines in Fig. S8(e) demonstrate the quasi-perfect absorption domains where α > 0.9. In stark contrast to the traditional design, the present design offers a well-matched impedance with the air medium, and the zeros are located close to the real frequency axis, thereby forming a broadband quasi-perfect regime.
Overall, the superb absorptive performance of the DPMM lies with the coherent coupling effect induced by weak resonances. Specifically, the weak components are dexterously tuned via lowering their damping capacities to the target domain (Fig. S9, ESI†). Benefitting from the peculiar heterogeneous arrangement, the dexterously tuned pore size decreases the loss factor, and the system is impelled to balance the energy loss and leakage to the full, thereby attenuating low-frequency noise in a broadband regime.
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Fig. 4 Cyclic performance, resilience benchmarking, and mechanisms. (a) Representative cyclic compression stress–strain curve of the DPMM. (b) Digital images of the deformation sequence, including both loading and unloading. (c) Comparison between our metamaterial and previously reported microlattice metamaterials in terms of the recoverability and compressive strength. Referenced data: Al2O3 hollow lattice,35 Ni–P hollow tube,36 Al2O3 nanolattice,37 NiP microlattice,38 nano glass,39 nickel hollow tube,40 Au nanolattice,41 and NiP hierarchical lattice.42 (d) Schematic illustration of the unique buckling behaviour of four selected representative units. |
The benchmarking of the resilience of our metamaterials with some previously reported microlattice metamaterials is depicted in Fig. 4(c). Resilience reflects the ability of a material to recover its initial configuration after being subjected to a large applied strain in the plastic or inelastic regime. Generally, the strength and recoverability of metamaterials are mutually exclusive. For quantification, herein, we define the recoverability as the ratio of the recovered strain, εr, to the total applied strain, εt, i.e., εr/εt. For a given strain, the recoverability of a material is close to zero if the material fractures and the recovered strain is marginal. Apart from this re-entrant DPMM, the recovery performance of five other samples, with different lattice structures and densities, are plotted in the same figure. Leveraging the decoupled design, varying properties can be achieved using different lattice designs. Details of these lattices are discussed in the next section. Apparently, four data points are found to display a recoverability of over 80%. Our metamaterials show a marginal degradation over multiple loading cycles compared with previously reported metamaterials. The strength of DPMMs is not the highest among the reported metamaterials, but the overall recoverability–strength performance is exceptional. Other metamaterials with comparable or higher compressive strengths typically have small recoverability values, exhibiting severe failure at low strain values.
To gain a deeper insight into the mechanisms, the characteristic features during deformation are further explored here. We propose that the remarkable resilience lies in two mechanisms: (i) the mechanical units, i.e., the lattice structure, (ii) and the viscoelasticity of the base material. A deformation mode at a compressive strain of 0.1 is presented in Fig. S12(a), ESI.† The localized bending and global buckling are discussed here. Corresponding microscopic characteristics of the representative re-entrant units are illustrated in Fig. 4(d). U1 and U2 are representative units on the left side of the lattice structure as annotated in Fig. S12(a), and they are bent inward to the right side. However, they tilt in the opposite direction. The similar phenomenon is observed for U3 and U4. Moreover, owing to these unique types of buckling behaviour for the individual units, the global auxetic effect is more pronounced (Fig. S12(b), ESI†). Subjected to further axial loading, the strut buckling would then be more prevalent for which interior inter-cell interactions then become significant. Eventually, an obvious cell agglomeration is produced. This agglomeration effect, on the one hand, strengthens the load-bearing ability, but, on the other hand, it causes some damage in high-stress nodes. In the compared reported microlattice metamaterials, most of them exhibit localized fracture of struts. As such, with successive loading, the accumulated strut fracture eventually leads to severe deterioration of the mechanical performance. Nonetheless, a substantial number of localized strut fractures here are suppressed owing to the buckling-dominated behaviour of the auxetic lattice. This ultimately enables our metamaterial to preserve its original morphology in subsequent cycles. Meanwhile, we found that the viscoelasticity of the base material plays an important role in the exceptional recoverability. The viscoelastic effect is experimentally validated by comparing the hysteresis loop of two samples with and without relaxation (Fig. S13, ESI†). Obviously, Sample B without a relaxation time cannot fully recover its original shape, and thus shows reduced recoverability.
Considering human use,34 as shown in in Fig. 5(h), we separate the 0.01 to 1 MPa and 1 to 10 MPa regions into physically-friendly and physically-intolerant regions, respectively. Benefiting from the decoupled design, the three kinds of lattice offer a progressive strength range. The experimentally measured yield strengths are depicted by the scattered data points in the physically friendly region. It is of note that the region from 0.01 to 0.1 MPa is easily achieved using soft materials such as polymeric foams. However, these materials would have limited energy absorption capacities in protecting humans from crash hazards.
Fig. 6(a) presents the sound absorption coefficient curves of the DPMM in its pristine and deformation-recovered states after cyclic compression tests. Although strut fractures and damage occur from the compression, the plate layer is, however, unaffected. The ability to fully recover also enables the cavity morphology to be retained. The DPMM is thus able to retain its sound absorption capabilities without distinct changes to the absorption peaks, bandwidth, and trend. Deviations may be attributed to the slight tearing of the cell walls where some lateral sound wave propagation may take place. Generally, the damage after compression has a negligible effect on the sound absorption. Overall, in contrast to traditional sound-absorbing materials, our metamaterial is experimentally verified as being mechanically robust with dynamic functionalities, with sound-absorbing properties retained after multiple mechanical loading cycles. The energy-absorbing protective design also endows the DPMM with an extraordinary force attenuation capacity. We illustrate this via free-fall drop tests, which are schematically illustrated in Fig. S15, ESI.† Herein, we adopted various fragile objects: a beaker, glass light bulb, and goose egg, for illustration. Aftermath images of the drop tests are shown in Fig. 6(b) and Video S1 (ESI†). When the DPMM is used as the protection surface, all of these objects are well protected. No damage is observed. In turn, when there is no DPMM protection, e.g., free-fall tests onto the ground, catastrophic failure occurs with the shattering of these objects.
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Fig. 6 Multifunctionalities and potential applications. (a) Sound absorption curves of the pristine and deformation recovered DPMM. (b) Aftermath images of a beaker, bulb, and goose egg free-fall dropped onto the DPMM (top) and the floor (bottom). (c) Radar chart for the overall appreciation of the DPMM compared with mainstream acoustic and mechanical metamaterials, i.e., advanced absorbers,19,20 microlattice metamaterials,24,30,36 and advanced foams.9,11 (d) Illustration of the potential applications of the DPMM, for use in aerospace, automobile, and construction industries, etc. |
Fig. 6(c) shows an overall appreciation of the DPMM via comparing it with mainstream acoustic and mechanical metamaterials. Herein, we base the performance metrics on practical mechanical and acoustic requirements. Specifically, six figures of merit are designated: low-frequency absorption, continuous broadband, resilience, safety, designability, and practicality. The benchmark for these comparisons is detailed in Table S7, ESI.† Low-frequency absorption herein refers to the efficient absorption below 1.0 kHz. Continuous broadband refers to multiple absorption peaks and no abrupt absorption valleys in the spectra. The resilience index means recoverability after a large-strain deformation. Safety is justified by two aspects: the potential risks to human health during the manufacturing process, and the yield strength. Designability refers to the geometric and configurational tunability for the desired properties. Practicality is justified by the low-frequency performance, safety, and reusability after large-strain deformation. Fig. 6(c) indicates that our metamaterials are capable of balancing a high performance in all six criteria. For advanced absorbers, we refer to the elaborately designed sound-absorbing metamaterials.19,20 They are practical in noise control engineering as they can offer excellent low-frequency broadband absorption. However, they display low mechanical robustness. Catastrophic collapse is inevitable upon mechanical loading. Microlattice metamterials24,30,36 have remarkable designability owing to the high design freedom of their geometries. Their acoustic absorption performance is limited, however, and most are not recoverable except for nanolattices. These microlattices possess high strength that far exceeds 1.0 MPa, and hence they are not viable as impact protectors for human use. Advanced foams9,11 refer to foams fabricated with new materials or using advanced processing technologies. We acknowledge that they display a better deformation resilience and sound absorption bandwidth, and that some9,12 even display good absorption at the low frequencies (below 1.0 kHz). However, advanced foams are usually synthesized using hazardous materials. Also, they are ultra-lightweight for which they may pose a hazard to human health if loose fibres are breathed in.45 Next, we list some representative application scenarios of the DPMM in Fig. 6(d). In its pristine state, our metamaterials function as excellent sound absorbers to reduce noise. Under dynamic impact energy, they can absorb crushing energy to protect their inhabitants. Specifically, they could be used as a cushion, backrest, or lining for the walls of an automobile or aircraft. In addition, the concept of DPMM is also materials agonistic – as long as the material is 3D printable. In this way, extended applications and performance, apart from those presented using the tough polymer herein, are made possible. For instance, a DPMM made using a high-strength steel functions as a single-use protection material against high kinetic energy projectiles.
We have also demonstrated the tremendous potential of our metamaterials, including absorbing sound in a specific low-frequency region, a broadband range, and offering a wide physically-friendly strength range. More significantly, our metamaterial is experimentally verified as being mechanically robust, where its sound absorption properties are retained after multiple cyclic loadings. The demonstrated free-fall tests using fragile objects also indicate that the DPMM displays an extraordinary force attenuation capacity. All in all, the proposed decoupled design enables our metamaterials to be low-frequency broadband sound-absorbing, deformation resilient, impact-resistant, pseudo-reusable, and physically-safe. They can be adopted as protective materials in transportation and construction, where they can eliminate indoor noise and offer protection against potential impact damage.
Compression tests: the geometries of the mechanical specimens prepared for compression are illustrated in Section S1, ESI.† Cyclic compression tests were performed using a Shimadzu AG25-TB universal testing machine at a strain rate of 0.002 s−1. The metamaterials were allowed to relax for 300 s before each compression, except for the control group prepared for examining the viscoelastic effect. The specimens were placed in the centre of the platens, and then compressed by the moving rigid plate along the longitudinal direction until each cycle was completed. A digital camera was used for capturing the deformation modes.
Sound absorption tests: the standard impedance tube setup (SKC ZT13) was adopted for sound absorption coefficient measurements. A tube with a 100 mm diameter, with an effective working frequency range of 63 Hz to 1600 Hz, was utilized. The specimens were printed to this tubular dimension so that a snug fit with the impedance tube was ensured.
Finite element analysis: the FE model was constructed in COMSOL Multiphysics using the Thermoviscous Acoustics module with its built-in boundary layer theory. The solid material was set as the hard-boundaries without transverse air transmission. The incident sound wave was transmitted based on the pressure-acoustics module, and a perfectly matched layer (PML) was applied to mimic non-reflecting infinite fields above the model domain.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2mh00977c |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |