*a and
aSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallic Materials, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, People's Republic of China. E-mail: tao@seu.edu.cn; 101012333@seu.edu.cn
bSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Design and Manufacture of Micro-Nano Biomedical Instruments, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, People's Republic of China. E-mail: major212@seu.edu.cn
cSEU-FEI Nano-Pico Center, Key Laboratory of MEMS of Ministry of Education, Collaborative Innovation Center for Micro/Nano Fabrication, Device and System, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, People's Republic of China
First published on 8th March 2023
It is a challenge to obtain high thermoelectric efficiency owing to the conflicting parameters of the materials that are required. In this work, the composition-adjustable 2D bismuth antimonide (Bi100−xSbx) is synthesized using an e-beam evaporation system with homemade targets. Engineering multiscale defects is done to optimize the thermoelectric performance in the compound. Sb alloying introduces atomic defects, lattice distortion and increased grain boundary. They drastically decrease the thermal conductivity, with an ultralow value of ∼0.23 W m−1 K−1 obtained for the composition with x = 18. It is noticed that the atomic and nanoscale defects do not deteriorate the electrical conductivity (105 S m−1), and the value is even comparable to the bulk counterpart over a wide composition range (0 ≤ x ≤ 35). Annealing induces pore structure with microscale defects, which increase the Seebeck coefficient by 84% due to the energy barrier. The resultant ZT of 0.13 is enhanced by 420% in the annealed Bi82Sb18 when compared with the as-grown Bi. This work demonstrates a cost-effective and controllable way to decouple electrons and phonons in the thermoelectric field.
Conceptual insightsIt has long been a challenge for thermoelectric performance development to overcome the coupling between phonons and electrons. Effective scattering sources in different dimensions can scatter phonons in a wide range of frequencies. However, this usually deteriorates electron transportation, since the mean free paths (MFPs) of phonons and electrons are close in most thermoelectric materials. In the 2D scenario, the dominant topological surface states have linear dispersion-induced larger relaxation times, indicating high electrical conductivity outweighing the bulk states. In this work, multiscale defects involving atomic, nano and microscales selectively target phonons and low-energy electrons, respectively, for improved thermoelectric performance. Therefore, one can obtain decreased thermal and maintained electrical conductivity with improved Seebeck coefficient simultaneously. This work presents a multiscale electron–phonon decoupling strategy to tune the coupled thermoelectric properties independently in 2D topological materials. |
The thermoelectric properties of single crystal bismuth antimonide with various compositions were investigated in 1972 by Yim et al.11 Thermal conductivity of ∼2 W m−1 K−1 and ZT ∼0.55 along the trigonal axis at 80 K were obtained.11 Recently, Gao et al. demonstrated that spark plasma sintering could produce fine-grained Bi85Sb15, which has a low thermal conductivity of 1.5 W m−1 K−1 and a ZT ∼0.6 at ∼125 K.12 Besides decreasing grain size, another nanostructure engineering method to reduce thermal conductivity is decreasing the dimensions. For instance, 2D materials tend to exhibit lower thermal conductivity than their bulk counterparts because of the size effect. However, it inevitably deteriorates the electron transportation, but doping or alloying might resolve the problem. When the electrical conductivity is drastically increased owing to extra carrier injection or Fermi level tuning, the thermal conductivity can be decreased simultaneously or increased negligibly, as has been widely investigated in several thermoelectric materials, such as Bi2Te3,13,14 Bi2Se315 and Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3.16 For instance, when doping Cu in Bi2Se3,15 the electrical conductivity increased by around twofold while the thermal conductivity only changed by 10%. In Bi100−xSbx, alloying Sb has been found to change the electrical conductivity by 300%.11 Therefore, combining dimension reduction and Sb tuning might be an effective way to decouple the electron and phonon transportation in this material.
Low dimensional systems are expected to produce a sharp increase of density of states and increase the Seebeck coefficient.17 However, the Seebeck coefficient has been observed to be lower in bismuth antimonide and other thinner Bi-based topological materials owing to the surface states.10,18,19 When the thickness modification is widely used to change the Seebeck coefficient in bismuth antimonide,10,20 Walker et al.21 recently found that the Sb composition determines the crystal orientation and suppresses the surface states, which may also have an effect on Seebeck coefficient of 2D bismuth antimonide. In addition, post-annealing is a facial approach for tuning the morphology and thermoelectric properties. Annealing-induced porous structures were successfully utilized to increase the Seebeck coefficient and reduce the thermal conductivity due to the energy filtering effect and enhanced scattering intensity.22,23
To investigate the thermoelectric properties, an accessible facial method is in great demand to realize large-area 2D Bi100−xSbx on a preferred substrate. Up to now, various physical vapor deposition methods have already been reported, including molecular beam epitaxy (MBE),5,21 magnetron sputtering24 and thermal evaporation.10 Here, highly oriented Bi100−xSbx on a SiO2/Si substrate was obtained by employing a cost-effective electron beam (e-beam) evaporation method using homemade bismuth antimonide as targets, with x ranging from 0 to 35. Various structures, morphologies and thermoelectric parameters were investigated. It was found that low thermal conductivity and a high Seebeck coefficient could be acquired while maintaining high electrical conductivity in 2D Bi82Sb18 by tuning the composition and annealing. Our work provides insights into independently tailoring the thermoelectric transport coefficients of 2D materials, which are compatible for use in small-scale devices such as portable refrigerators, cooling laser diodes, terahertz detectors and integrated circuits.25,26
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Fig. 2 (a) XRD patterns of e-beam-evaporated 2D bismuth antimonide. The diffraction peaks can be indexed to the standard PDF#44-1246 (Bi). Note that (003) planes used here in the hexagonal coordinates are equal to (111) in the rhombohedral coordinates.34 (b) Lattice parameter c of 2D bismuth antimonide. The dashed line indicates Vegard's law and the inset is the crystal structure of bismuth antimonide. (c) Raman spectra of 2D bismuth antimonide. (d) Mode frequencies and FWHM of Eg (Bi) peak. |
The diffraction rings (Fig. 3a) and morphology image (Fig. 3b) indicate the polycrystalline nature of 2D bismuth antimonide with nanograins (∼30 nm) in our work. High-resolution TEM images (Fig. 3c and d) of Bi82Sb18 reveal that the lattice fringes are 0.227 nm and 0.329 nm, corresponding to the (110) and (012) planes, respectively. Moreover, the disordered atomic arrangement within the grain boundary region can be observed in Fig. S1a and b (ESI†). The respective morphologies of the as-grown 2D Bi100−xSbx (x = 0, 7, 18, and 35) are displayed in Fig. 3e–h. Protruded grains of several tens of nanometers are embedded randomly on the surface, as reported before.35,36 The formation of the protruded grains could be attributed to the Stranski–Krastanov growth mechanism during the deposition process.37 The resultant surface roughness is ∼5 nm (Fig. S1c, ESI†). There is almost no difference in the composition of the flat area and the protruded grains (Fig. S1d and e, ESI†), eliminating the element segregation. EDS and Raman mapping (Fig. S1f–h) also confirm the homogeneity of the film. As x increases, the number and size of the protruded grains decrease (Fig. 3e–h), possibly due to the decreased atomic migration capability. In addition, it can be seen in the AFM images (Fig. 3i–l) that the grain size gradually decreases as x increases from 0 to 35, which will cause the increase of grain boundaries, leading to the phonon or electron scattering.
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Fig. 4 Electric and thermoelectric properties of as-grown 2D bismuth antimonide with 17 nm thickness. (a) Comparison of thermal conductivity of our Bi82Sb18 with other Bi-based materials.10,12,50–54 (b) Thermal conductivity (the thermal conductivity is measured by TDTR method, fitting curves are shown in Fig. S2, ESI†). (c) Electrical conductivity, Seebeck coefficient and Hall coefficient. (d) Carrier concentration and Hall mobility. (e) Power factor. (f) ZT value. |
The electrical conductivity of the as-grown 2D bismuth antimonide exceeds 105 S m−1, comparable to the values reported for bismuth antimonide bulks or films, and higher than that of Bi–X (X = Te, Se) by one order of magnitude.5 This is because the charge carrier concentration in Fig. 4d is higher than those for the bulk or thick film counterparts.38,41–43 Decreased thickness inducing increased charge carrier density has been reported in our previous work on 2D bismuth44 and other Bi-based topological insulators, such as Bi2Te3 and Bi2Se3.45,46 This can be attributed to the Fermi level increasing inspired by metallic surface states.46–48 It has to be noted that, when Sb is added, the mobility varies in the opposite way to the carrier concentration (Fig. 4d), but there are no patterns in lattice distortion (Fig. 2a and c) or grain size (Fig. 3i–l). Therefore, in this work, the electron scattering could be dominated by charge carriers rather than the above defects. Moreover, the addition of Sb only results in a 19% decrease in the carrier mobility (Fig. 4d), but drastically suppresses the thermal conductivity by 60% (Fig. 4b), providing a platform to study “phonon-glass electron-crystal”.49
The Seebeck coefficient in Fig. 4c shows a negative value before x = 25, indicating n-type nature with the electrons as the major carriers.10 When x increases from 0 to 11, the absolute value of the Seebeck coefficient increases by 42%, which could be a result of the increased Eg.5 The Seebeck coefficient gains a peak value of −25.4 μV K−1 when x = 11. Similarly, the turning point of bulk Bi100−xSbx reported by Yim et al. is around x = 12.11 When x > 11, since the p-type Sb may bring in more holes in bismuth antimonide, the total Seebeck coefficient can be influenced by both electrons and holes:55
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ZT finally reaches a maximum value of 0.058 (Fig. 4f) in Bi82Sb18, which has the lowest thermal conductivity and achieves a significant improvement of 142% compared to 2D Bi. The results prove that the Sb composition can tune the thermoelectric performance of e-beam-evaporated 2D bismuth antimonide owing to the suppressed thermal conductivity via lattice distortion and grain boundaries.
After annealing, according to the XRD patterns and Raman Spectra in Fig. S3 (ESI†), the crystallinity is increased in Bi82Sb18. Moreover, pores or the purple SiO2 substrate are exposed after annealing, as seen in Fig. 5b. The sublimation of bismuth antimonide may happen since the melting point (271–630 °C) is higher than the annealing temperature. A similar phenomenon has occurred in copper thin film.58 AFM and SEM images (Fig. S5, (ESI†)) indicate that the pore depth is the same as the film thickness, and the lateral size of the exposed area is <3 μm.
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Fig. 5 (a) Normalized thermoelectric parameters of as-grown and annealed 2D Bi82Sb18. (b) SEM images of annealed 2D Bi82Sb18. (c) Schematic diagram of improving thermoelectric performance through tuning composition and annealing in bismuth antimonide: Sb composition optimized the thermal conductivity through lattice distortion and nanograin boundaries; annealing further enhanced the Seebeck coefficient via sublimated micropores. (d) Comparison of ZT and σ of bismuth53 and Bi–X (X = Te,51 Se,52 Sb,10,43,53). |
As shown in Fig. 5a, annealing leads to a larger change in the Seebeck coefficient than in electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity. There is an 84% increase in the Seebeck coefficient from the as-grown sample (−17.9 μV K−1) to the annealed one (−33.0 μV K−1). This might be due to the energy barrier formation-induced energy filtering from the grain boundary, pore structure, or exposed SiO2.59–61 According to the Scherrer equation, the grain size of Bi82Sb18 is decreased by 14.67% after annealing. The energy filtering effect can be partially attributed to the grain boundaries.
The pores or exposed SiO2 areas produced by annealing could also act as potential barriers to scatter low-energy charge carriers by changing their momentum62 (Fig. 5c). When the exposed area increases, higher Seebeck coefficient can be obtained (Fig. S6, ESI†). Moreover, SiO2 can be seen clearly in the annealed Bi85Sb15, Bi73Sb27, and Bi65Sb35 in Fig. S7 (ESI†), in which the increased Seebeck coefficient is achieved (Fig. S4a, ESI†). The pore structure or secondary phase oxides have been reported to improve the Seebeck coefficient in bulk or thin films such as Bi and Bi2Te3.22,63,64 However, it has to be noted that the size of the pores or oxides in their work (nm) is much smaller than ours (μm). Although the electrical conductivity in Fig. 5a is reduced a bit, it is still higher than that of other Bi–X films by one order of magnitude (Fig. 5d). An improved PF ∼ 1.3 × 10−4 W m−1 K−2 is obtained, which is ∼189% higher than that of the as-grown one (Table 1). It is noticed that the thermal conductivity of Bi82Sb18 slightly increases from 0.23 to 0.3 W m−1 K−1 after annealing. This can be attributed to the exposed SiO2 substrate having higher thermal conductivity (κ = 1.3 W m−1 K−165), and it can be detected during the TDTR measurement. The resultant ZT value of annealed Bi82Sb18 improves by 124% and reaches 0.13 (Table 1), which is mainly attributed to the enhanced |S|. Such a ZT value is comparable to thicker Bi–X (X = Sb, Se, Te) films and even bulk counterparts at room temperature, as compared in Fig. 5d and Table 1.
σ (105 S m−1) | S (μV K−1) | PF (W m−1 K−2) | κ (W m−1 K−1) | ZT | Ref. | |
Bulk Bi | 3.35 | −58 | 1.1 × 10−5 | 5.4 | 0.06 | 53 |
Bulk Bi2Te3 | 0.235 | −156.2 | 5.7 × 10−4 | 0.78 | 0.21 | 51 |
Bi2Se3 thin film | 0.0019 | 556 | 5.8 × 10−5 | 0.534 | 0.033 | 52 |
Bulk Bi85Sb15 | 1.6 | −87 | 1.2 × 10−3 | 2.8 | 0.12 | 53 |
Bi87Sb13 thin film | 1 | −85 | 7 × 10−4 | 2 | 0.12 | 10 |
Bi82Sb18 (as-grown) | 1.4 | −17.9 | 4.4 × 10−5 | 0.23 | 0.058 | This work |
Bi82Sb18 (annealed) | 1.2 | −33.0 | 1.3 × 10−4 | 0.30 | 0.13 |
Briefly, when the Sb composition decreases the thermal conductivity by 60% through lattice distortion and nanograin boundaries, the annealing-induced microporous structure increases the Seebeck coefficient by 84%. They both contribute to the improvement of ZT in 2D Bi82Sb18, as shown in Fig. 5c. Moreover, our bismuth antimonide also possesses high electrical conductivity, providing a platform for the study of topological and transistor devices.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2mh01226j |
‡ Equal contribution to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |