Nanoscale Adv., 2023,
5, 4863-4872
Entropy generation in bioconvection hydromagnetic flow with gyrotactic motile microorganisms
18th May 2023
, Accepted 7th August 2023
First published on 8th August 2023
Here, the magnetohydrodynamic bioconvective flow of a non-Newtonian nanomaterial over a stretched sheet is scrutinized. The characteristics of convective conditions are analyzed. Irreversibility analysis in the presence of gyrotactic micro-organisms is discussed. Energy expression is assisted with thermal radiation, heat generation and ohmic heating. Buongiorno's model is employed to discuss the characteristics of the nanoliquid through thermophoresis and random diffusions. Nonlinear expressions of the given model are transformed through adequate transformations. The obtained expressions have been computed by the Newton built in-shooting technique. Results of influential variables for velocity, concentration, microorganism field, temperature and entropy rate are graphically studied. Clearly, velocity reduction is witnessed for the bioconvection Rayleigh number and magnetic variable. A higher heat generation variable leads to augmentation of temperature. An increase in the magnetic variable results in entropy and temperature enhancement. A higher Peclet number results in microorganism field reduction. Temperature distribution rises for radiation and the thermal Biot number. A higher solutal Biot number intensifies the concentration. The entropy rate for radiation and diffusion variables is enhanced.
1 Introduction
Recently, nanotechnology has gained much consideration amongst researchers and investigators. It is due to its involvement in chemical processes, microelectronics, engineering, hybrid powered engines and biological processes. Nanomaterials are basically homogeneous colloidal suspensions of nano-size (1–10 nm) particles in an ordinary liquid which enhances the thermal conductivity of conventional liquids.1,2 Nanofluids have specific characteristics that make them more applicable materials. Nanomaterials have innovative characteristics about heat transfer enhancement. Buongiorno3 gave a theoretical model for heat transport rate enhancement of conventional liquids. He highlighted that only random and thermophoresis diffusions are main mechanisms for thermal transportation enhancement. Nanomaterials are very significant in improving the thermal productivity of hybrid power engines, electronic devices, nuclear system chillers, domestic refrigerators and many others. Shahzad et al.4 analyzed the bioconvection convectively heated micropolar nanomaterial flow between two rotating disks. The mixed convective magnetohydrodynamic flow of a viscoelastic nanomaterial with heat generation was discussed by Waqas et al.5 Anjum et al.6 explored activation energy in the bioconvective MHD flow of a modified Eyring–Powell nanomaterial. Mabood et al.7 reported chemically reactive micropolar nanoliquid flow considering thermal radiation. Numerical analysis of hydromagnetic unsteady nanomaterial flow towards an irregular stretched sheet was reported by Kalpana et al.8 Thermal analysis for the hydromagnetic flow of a nanomaterial subject to entropy was addressed in Riaz et al.9 Further investigations about nanomaterial flow are highlighted through ref. 10–17.
In recent years the bioconvection phenomenon in nanomaterials along motile microorganisms has attracted much attention from researchers. It is because of its significance in tremendous engineering, pharmaceutical and biological processes in fields such as biofuel, biomedicine, fertilizer, biotechnology, bio-microsystem and enzyme biosensor. Bioconvection occurs due to up swimming of microorganisms. Commonly the density of microorganisms is heavier than the base fluid and therefore it raises unsteady upper surface density stratification.18,19 Bio convection is extensively used in environmental science, conversion in engineering, bio-microsystems, biological processes with microbial-upgraded oil recovery systems, enzyme biosensors, mass transport and bioengineering in biotechnology and the ecosystem. Prime utilization of this mechanism is to enhance the capacity of appropriate fraternization and mass transfer. Bio convection refers to macroscopic movement of liquid induced by a density gradient organized by an alternating floating system based on motile microbes. Thermal radiation impact in a bioconvective ferromagnetic Williamson material subject to dissipation was studied by Kada et al.20 Majeed et al.21 highlighted the features of gyrotactic microorganisms in magnetized time-dependent nanoliquid flow. Waqas et al.22 scrutinized thermo and solutal stratification impacts in Casson nanomaterial flow with convective boundary conditions. Azam et al.23 examined activation in the bioconvection flow of a cross nanoliquid subject to gyrotactic microorganisms. Some interesting explorations of bioconvective flow can be seen in Ref. 24–32.
Motivation of current analysis is to address the bioconvective flow of the Reiner–Rivlin nanoliquid. Gyrotactic microorganisms in the presence of convective conditions are discussed. The characteristics of thermophoresis and random diffusions are analyzed. Energy expression consists of radiation, heat generation and ohmic heating. Irreversibility analysis along with chemical reaction is analyzed. The Newton built in-shooting technique (ND-solve) is employed to develop numerical solutions of the considered model. Graphical analysis illustrating the influence of liquid flow, concentration, microorganism field, temperature and entropy rate is organized. Main results are listed in conclusion.
2 Formulation
Here the flow of the bioconvection Reiner–Rivlin nanomaterial past a stretched boundary is examined. Convective conditions along with chemical reaction are analyzed. Thermophoresis, random diffusion and involvement of motile microorganisms are considered. Influences of radiation, magnetic field and heat generation are considered. Physical impact for the entropy rate is explored. A uniform magnetic field of strength (B0) is applied. The surface is stretched with velocity (uw = ax) subject to rate constant (a > 0). Fig. 1 consists of flow configuration.33
| Fig. 1 Flow configuration. | |
Under the above assumptions, the related equations are:34–38
|  | (1) |
|  | (2) |
|  | (3) |
|  | (4) |
|  | (5) |
with the boundary condition:
36–38 |  | (6) |
In the above expressions (
v) denote the velocity components,
νf the kinematic viscosity,
μc the cross viscosity,
g* the gravity, (
y) characterize Cartesian coordinates,
β* the thermal expansion coefficient,
ρp the particle density,
ρm the microorganism density,
γ* the average volume of microorganisms,
hf the heat transfer rate,
B0 the magnetic field strength,
μf the dynamic viscosity,
ρf the liquid density,
b the chemotaxis constant,
σf the electrical conductivity,
hw the mass transfer rate,
T the temperature,
DB the Brownian diffusion coefficient,
Wc the cell swimming speed,
Q0 > 0 the heat generation coefficient,
Tw the wall temperature,
τ the ratio of heat capacitance,

the thermal diffusivity, (
f the specific heat,
T∞ the ambient temperature,
σ* the Stefan–Boltzmann constant,
DT the thermophoresis coefficient,
kf the thermal conductivity,
hn the microorganism transfer rate,
k* the mean absorption coefficient,
C the concentration, Δ
C the concentration difference,
Cw the wall concentration,
kr the reaction rate,
C∞ the ambient concentration,
N the motile microorganisms,
Nw the wall motile microorganisms,
Dm the microorganism diffusion coefficient and
N∞ the wall motile microorganisms.
Letting l as the reference length and transformations:38
|  | (7) |
one has
|  | (8) |
|  | (9) |
|  | (10) |
|  | (11) |
|  | (12) |
In the above equations

represents the magnetic variable,

the buoyancy ratio variable,

the mixed convection variable,

the material variable,

the bioconvection Rayleigh number,

the Brownian motion variable,

the thermal Biot number,

the Prandtl number,

the Schmidt number,

the radiation variable,

the solutal Biot number,

the heat generation parameter,

the thermophoresis variable,

the microorganism Biot number,

the bioconvective Lewis number,

the reaction variable,

the microorganisms concentration difference factor and

the Peclet number.
3 Entropy generation
In mathematical form one can express that:39–45 |  | (13) |
Non-dimensional form is
|  | (14) |
in which
R indicates the real gas constant,

the entropy rate,

the temperature difference variable,

the Brinkman number,

the concentration difference variable and

the diffusion variable.
4 Solution methodology
We consider
and denoting
by prime in eqn (8)–(12). We can express that |  | (15) |
|  | (16) |
|  | (17) |
|  | (18) |
|  | (19) |
4.1 Numerical scheme
The ND-solve technique computes the analysis. The Mathematica software is employed to get the numerical solution. For this we set |  | (20) |
|  | (21) |
|  | (22) |
|  | (23) |
|  | (24) |
with |  | (25) |
5 Results validation
A comparative study of the present investigation with Kaswan et al.46 is constructed in Table 1 in a limiting sense. From Table 1 it is clearly detected that results here are in excellent agreement.
Table 1 Thermal transport rate comparison with Kaswan et al.46
Pr |
Kaswan et al.46 |
Present results |
0.07 |
0.065539 |
0.065536 |
0.7 |
0.164035 |
0.164039 |
1.0 |
0.418237 |
0.418235 |
2.0 |
0.826737 |
0.826738 |
7.0 |
1.804291 |
1.804295 |
20.0 |
3.256791 |
3.256797 |
70.0 |
6.346675 |
6.346679 |
6 Graphical analysis
In this section, the physical description of emerging variables is organized.
6.1 Velocity
Fig. 2 displays the behavior of the magnetic variable for velocity. Physically the magnetic field enhances the Lorentz force which induces a resistance in the liquid flow region and the velocity declines. Fig. 3 shows the impact of the material variable on (f′(η)). Increasing values of the material variable lead to viscous force reduction which intensifies the velocity. Fig. 4 displays the outcomes of the buoyancy ratio variable for velocity. Here reduction in velocity occurs for the buoyancy ratio variable. Fig. 5 elucidates the impact of the bioconvection Rayleigh number. A larger approximation of the bioconvection Rayleigh number (
) corresponds to a decline in liquid flow (f′(η)).
| Fig. 2
f′(η) variation versus M. | |
| Fig. 3
f′(η) variation versus K. | |
| Fig. 4
f′(η) variation versus . | |
| Fig. 5
f′(η) variation versus . | |
6.2 Temperature
The feature of temperature distribution for the magnetic field is illustrated in Fig. 6. A higher magnetic field increases the Lorentz force which produces disturbance in the flow region and consequently the kinetic energy of the system is increased. Therefore thermal distribution is intensified. Fig. 7 shows the outcomes of (β1) on temperature. An enhancement in thermal distribution occurs for a higher thermal Biot number. Results of radiation for temperature are portrayed in Fig. 8. As anticipated, higher radiation impact intensified the thermal field. Fig. 9 and 10 display (Nt) and (Nb) variations for temperature. A larger approximation of (Nt) corresponds to augmentation of the temperature. Additionally, it is seen through Fig. 10 that temperature improves with a higher random motion (Nb) variable.
| Fig. 6
θ(η) variation versus M. | |
| Fig. 7
θ(η) versus β1. | |
| Fig. 8
θ(η) versus Rd. | |
| Fig. 9
θ(η) versus Nt. | |
| Fig. 10
θ(η) versus Nb. | |
6.3 Concentration
Fig. 11 illustrates the impact of (Nt) on concentration. An increment in concentration occurs through a higher thermophoresis variable. The feature of concentration (ϕ(η)) for (Sc) is depicted in Fig. 12. Here due to an increase in (Sc), the concentration decays due to reduction in mass diffusivity. Fig. 13 displays the variation of (β2) for concentration. Clearly, the concentration boosts up for a higher solutal Biot number. Additionally, it is evident through Fig. 14 that concentration decays with a random motion variable.
| Fig. 11
ϕ(η) versus Nt. | |
| Fig. 12
ϕ(η) versus Sc. | |
| Fig. 13
ϕ(η) versus β2. | |
| Fig. 14
ϕ(η) versus Nb. | |
6.4 Microorganism field
Fig. 15 exhibits the result of the bioconvection Lewis number on (χ(η)). Clearly, microorganism field degradation is detected against a higher bioconvection Lewis number (Lb). The influence of (β3) on the microorganism field (χ(η)) is shown in Fig. 16. A higher estimation of (β3) leads to augmentation of the microorganism (χ(η)) field. The graphical feature of (χ(η)) versus the Peclet number is portrayed in Fig. 17. A clearly decreasing trend of microorganisms (χ(η)) is witnessed for a higher Peclet (Pe) number.
| Fig. 15
χ(η) versus Lb. | |
| Fig. 16
χ(η) versus β3. | |
| Fig. 17
χ(η) versus Pe. | |
6.5 Entropy production
Fig. 18 shows the entropy variation against the magnetic variable. With an increase in the magnetic field the Lorentz force causes more resistance in the flow region. As a result, the internal energy of the system increases and consequently the entropy rate is augmented. Fig. 19 displays the impact of the diffusion parameter (L) on (SG(η)). Here entropy rises against the diffusion variable. Effects of (Br) on the entropy rate are given in Fig. 20. An increment in entropy generation is found for a larger Brinkman number due to a larger kinetic energy. Fig. 21 elucidates the outcomes of the radiation parameter (Rd) for (SG(η)). The entropy rate against radiation is enhanced.
| Fig. 18
G(η) versus M. | |
| Fig. 19
G(η) versus L. | |
| Fig. 20
G(η) versus Br. | |
| Fig. 21
G(η) versus Rd. | |
7 Closing remarks
Here the magnetized bioconvective flow of the Reiner–Rivlin nanomaterial by convective conditions is examined. Entropy analysis in the presence of chemical reaction is addressed. Gyrotactic micro-organisms are taken into account. Key points of recent analysis are given below.
• Reduction occurs in liquid flow for the magnetic field and bioconvection Rayleigh number.
• Velocity improves for higher values of the material variable while the reverse impact holds for the buoyancy ratio variable.
• Temperature enhancement is noted for thermophoresis and radiation variables.
• An increase in temperature distribution and entropy rate is witnessed for the magnetic field.
• Higher random motion leads to temperature enhancement.
• A larger approximation of the thermal Biot number intensifies the temperature distribution.
• The reverse trend holds for concentration against random motion and thermophoresis variables.
• A decline in concentration occurs for a higher Schmidt number.
• Concentration increases for a higher solutal Biot number.
• Reduction in microorganisms occurs versus the Peclet number.
• Microorganism field decays against a higher bioconvection Lewis number.
• Entropy rate has similar behavior against radiation and diffusion variables.
• Entropy rate increases versus a larger Brinkman number.
Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts to declare.
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This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |
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