*d and
aMicro- and Nano-scale Thermal Measurement and Thermal Management Laboratory, School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210023, P. R. China. E-mail:
bJiangsu Key Laboratory for Design and Manufacture of Micro-Nano Biomedical Instruments, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, 211100, P. R. China
cNNU-SULI Thermal Energy Research Center (NSTER) & Center for Quantum Transport and Thermal Energy Science (CQTES), School of Physics and Technology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, P. R. China
dInstitute of High Performance Computing, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, 138632, Singapore. E-mail:
eJiangsu Key Laboratory for Numerical Simulation of Large-Scale Complex Systems, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210023, P. R. China
First published on 25th November 2022
Active and reversible modulation of thermal conductivity can realize efficient heat energy management in many applications such as thermoelectrics. Using first-principles calculations, this study reports a giant thermal switching ratio of 12, much higher than previously reported values, in monolayer 2H-VSe2 above room temperature. Detailed analysis indicates that the high thermal switching ratio is dominated by the ferromagnetic ordering induced phonon bandgap, which significantly suppresses the phonon–phonon scattering phase space across the entire vibration spectrum. The thermal switching in bulk 2H-VSe2 is also investigated and the thermal switching ratio reaches 9.2 at the magnetic transition temperature. Both the phonon–phonon scattering space phase and phonon anharmonicity are responsible for the 9.2-fold thermal switching. This study advances the understanding of heat energy transport in two-dimensional ferromagnets, and also provides new insight into heat energy control and conversion.
New conceptsFerromagnets are potential candidates for thermal switching since they typically have a high switching ratio of thermal conductivity. However, a high switching ratio is only achieved at low temperature and no switching ratio over 3 has been reported around room temperature. Herein, we report a giant switching ratio of 12 at a magnetic transition temperature of 430 K from the ferromagnetic to paramagnetic phase in monolayer 2H-VSe2. We also find that the switching ratio in 2H-VSe2 has a weak dependence on thickness. Combining the fact that the magnetic transition temperature of few-layer 2H-VSe2 decreases monotonously with increasing thickness, a highly efficient thermal switch with programmable switching temperature can be realized based on few-layer 2H-VSe2 by simply using an appropriate thickness. These findings advance the understanding of thermal control in ferromagnets and provide a practical way to design thermal switching with a desired working temperature. |
Compared with electrons, phonons (heat energy carriers) have no mass and charge, i.e., there is a lack of direct connections between phonons and the external environment, making their control much more difficult. Nevertheless, many methods, including structural phase transitions by external stimuli,9–12 electrochemical ion insertion and removal,13–15 mechanical stress,16,17 and charge density redistribution,18 have been proposed to actively and reversibly control phonon transport or thermal conductivity. For example, in ferroelectric perovskites, structural phase transition or domain wall density change triggered by an electric field,12,19–21 temperature,12,22 and substrate strain23,24 has been employed to explore the reversible control of thermal conductivity. Considering the possible technological applications of thermal control, we propose the following two general conditions: (i) the switching ratio should be up to 10; and (ii) the switching temperature or working temperature should be around room temperature. Accordingly, ferromagnets are the most potential material systems for thermal control since they have the highest switching ratio based on published studies.25–27 However, high thermal switching in ferromagnets typically occurs around the magnetic transition temperature, which is much lower than that occurring at room temperature, making condition (ii) not satisfied. Thus, at present, finding a ferromagnet with a high magnetic transition temperature or increasing the magnetic transition temperature by external stimuli is necessary to realize controllable thermal transport for practical applications.
Compared with bulk ferromagnets, it has been demonstrated that an electric field,28–30 magnetic field,31,32 electrostatic doping,33 and strain34,35 can significantly modulate the magnetic transition temperature in two-dimensional (2D) ferromagnets. Thus, 2D ferromagnets have a high possibility to realize a high switching ratio around room temperature. Recently, the discovery of various 2D ferromagnets,36–40 such as CrI3,41 and Cr2Ge2Te6,28 has provided the possibility of realizing novel devices with broad applications from sensing to van der Waals spintronics. The thermal switching properties in several 2D ferromagnets were also investigated by first-principles calculations.42,43 Although these first-principles calculations observed high thermal switching ratios at low temperature, there is no report on thermal switching in 2D ferromagnets around room temperature. Fortunately, a recent experiment reported that ferromagnetic (FM) ordering in monolayer 1T-VSe2 can persist well above room temperature.44 A more recent experiment reported that for an 8 nm 2H-VSe2 thin film, the FM-to-PM (paramagnetic) phase transition temperature can reach ∼430 K due to magnetic anisotropy.45 In addition, with an increase in the thickness, the magnetic transition temperature decreases monotonously from ∼430 K to ∼300 K at around 50 nm. Therefore, the high magnetic transition temperature from the FM to the PM phase in VSe2 provides the possibility of realizing a high thermal switching ratio around room temperature.
To address the possibility of thermal switching in VSe2, in the current study, the switching ratio that originates from the FM–PM phase transition in monolayer and bulk 2H-VSe2 is investigated using first-principles calculations. The calculation results indicate that at the FM–PM transition temperature of 430 K, the switching ratio in monolayer 2H-VSe2 reaches up to 12, which is the highest ratio for ferromagnets around and above room temperature. The switching ratio decreases to 9.2 in bulk 2H-VSe2 along with a decrease of the magnetic transition temperature to 80 K. Our detailed analysis indicates that the high thermal switching ratio is dominated by the large difference in the weighted phonon–phonon scattering phase space (WP3) in monolayer 2H-VSe2 and both the WP3 and phonon anharmonicity in bulk 2H-VSe2. This study deepens the understanding of phonon transport in 2D materials and indicates the possibility of 2H-VSe2 for controllable thermal switching around room temperature.
Due to the significant change in lattice structure, the effect of FM ordering on 2H-VSe2 is secondly reflected in the lattice vibration or the phonon dispersion. Since phonon–orbit coupling may be important in quantifying spin–phonon coupling,48 the phonon dispersion with spin–orbit coupling is also calculated. The calculation results show that spin–orbit coupling has weak effects on the phonon dispersion, especially for the acoustic phonons in 2H-VSe2 (Fig. S2, ESI†); thus, in the current work, the spin–orbit coupling is ignored. For both monolayer and bulk 2H-VSe2, FM ordering creates the phonon bandgap due to the upshift of optical phonon modes (Fig. 2), which is also distinctly indicated by the phonon density of states (DOS) and was observed in a previous study.42 Strain engineering and doping18,49 are two efficient strategies for modulating the phonon bandgap. Here, we discover that FM ordering is another efficient and non-destructive strategy for modulating the phonon bandgap. As indicated in ref. 50, introducing or enlarging the phonon bandgap can decrease the number of phonon–phonon scattering channels since the conservation of both energy and momentum during the scattering process becomes more difficult to satisfy. Thus, FM ordering may significantly alter the phonon transport properties and thermal conductivity in 2H-VSe2.
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Fig. 2 Phonon dispersion and phonon DOS of 2H-VSe2. The red and blue lines as well as the orange and purple lines, respectively, represent the FM and PM phases of monolayer (a) and bulk (b) 2H-VSe2. |
As discussed above, FM ordering has significant effects on the lattice structure and phonon dispersion, both of which are directly related to the phonon thermal conductivity. Thus, based on first-principles calculations using the linearized Boltzmann transport equation, the lattice (phonon) thermal conductivity of FM and PM 2H-VSe2 was calculated since they are semiconductors and phonons dominate the thermal transport.45,51 The calculation details are shown in the ESI.† Notably, the ground state of VSe2 is still under debate. As indicated in ref. 52, estimation of the ground state in VSe2 is quite tricky and dependent on the functional used as well as the treatment of V d-electrons. The basic reason, we think, is the close energy of the two structures, i.e., 1T-VSe2 and 2H-Vse2. In our calculations, the total energy of the 2H structure is just 0.016 eV per unit cell higher than that of the 1T structure. Despite the debate, VSe2 with the 2H structure has been successfully synthesized45 and our calculated phonon dispersion of the 2H structure (Fig. 2) has no imaginary frequency, both of which thermodynamically favor the stability of 2H-VSe2. Thus, the thermal switching in 2H-VSe2 is considered in the current work. For the magnetic transition temperature TFM–PM from the FM to the PM phase of monolayer 2H-VSe2, the experimental data of 430 K is directly adopted.45 Due to the lack of experimental data for bulk 2H-VSe2, the TFM–PM of 80 K is estimated based on the energy of the spin exchange interaction obtained from the Heisenberg model,53,54 the details of which are shown in the ESI.† The decrease in the magnetic transition temperature with increasing thickness is consistent with previous experimental measurements.45 The underlying reason for the decrease indicated by the measurement is the gradual disappearance of magnetic anisotropy with increasing thickness.
From Fig. 3a, the thermal conductivity of both monolayer and bulk 2H-VSe2 in the PM phase is lower than 5 W m−1 K−1 around room temperature, indicating the potential for thermoelectric applications.55,56 As indicated in ref. 57, Se vacancies have important effects on the ferromagnetism in VSe2. In order to measure the effects of Se vacancies on the ferromagnetism and thermal conductivity in 2H-VSe2, we perform two comparative calculations. First, we calculate the magnetic moment of the V atom in monolayer 2H-VSe2, and the calculated results observed were 1.0 μB per V atom, which is consistent with previous work.58 Then, we take two Se atoms away in a 2 × 2 × 1 supercell to mimic the Se vacancies and calculate the magnetic moment of the V atom. Interestingly, the magnetic moment per V atom increases to 1.8 μB. Thus, Se vacancies can significantly enhance the ferromagnetism in 2H-VSe2. For the effects of Se vacancies on the thermal conductivity, vacancies typically decrease the thermal conductivity due to phonon–defect scattering. However, ferromagnetism in 2H-VSe2 increases the thermal conductivity as shown in Fig. 3a. Thus, there is a competition between Se-vacancy-introduced phonon–defect scattering and enhanced ferromagnetism. The increase or decrease of thermal conductivity in 2H-VSe2 depends on which one is dominant. This competition is interesting, which deserves further study.
From Fig. 3a, we can also observe that for both monolayer and bulk 2H-VSe2, the thermal conductivity in the FM phase is much larger than that in the PM phase, i.e., at the TFM–PM of 430 K (80 K) the thermal conductivity of monolayer (bulk) 2H-VSe2 in the FM phase is about 12 (9.2) times that in the PM phase. Notably, the PM phase in the current study is treated as the non-magnetic (NM) phase. There are two reasons for this treatment: (1) the bulk VSe2 observed in many experimental studies59,60 and first-principles calculations predicted the non-magnetic phase in monolayer VSe2;61 and (2) if the randomly oriented magnetic moments, namely spin fluctuations, are considered (PM), the thermal conductivity change or the switching ratio at TFM–PM should be even larger since spin fluctuations typically decrease the thermal conductivity.62 Thus, the large change in thermal conductivity at TFM–PM in the current work represents the lower limit of the switching ratio in 2H-VSe2. Such a large change in thermal conductivity indicates that FM ordering can significantly improve the phonon transport. A similar phenomenon was also observed in the 2D van der Waals ferromagnets FeCl3, RuCl3, RuBr3, and RuI3.43 Interestingly, for 2H-VSe2, at TFM–PM the high switching ratio of thermal conductivity has a weak dependence on the thickness (Fig. 3a). Combining the fact that the magnetic transition temperature of 2H-VSe2 decreases monotonously with increasing thickness,45 a high switching ratio with a programmable switching temperature can be realized by simply employing an appropriate thickness. In order to verify the accuracy of the thermal conductivity and thermal switching ratio, the thermal conductivity of 1T-VSe2 (Fig. S3, ESI†), the convergence of the number of q points and scalebroad during the solution of the Boltzmann transport equation (Fig. S4, ESI†), and four-phonon effects (Fig. S5, ESI†) are investigated. The details are shown in the ESI.† All these considerations support the findings in the current work. Since the structural parameters of the PM and FM phases are different due to FM ordering, in order to understand the effects of pure structural change and pure magnetic order on the thermal properties, we calculate the phonon dispersion of 2H-VSe2 using the PM structure with spin polarization. Interestingly, the phonon dispersion of the PM structure with spin polarization is similar to that of the FM structure but is much different from that of the PM structure without spin polarization (Fig. S6, ESI†), indicating that the giant thermal switching in 2H-VSe2 is caused mainly by magnetic order while the structural change has weak effects.
Based on kinetic theory, the lattice (phonon) thermal conductivity k is determined by the specific heat C, phonon group velocity v, and phonon lifetime τ, i.e., k = ΣλCλvλ2τλ, where λ is the phonon mode. Next, we will investigate the effects of these three parameters individually on the thermal conductivity change at TFM–PM. Since vλ and τλ are phonon mode λ dependent parameters, in order to clearly and intuitively show their effects on the thermal conductivity, the specific heat averaged v and τ are calculated as follows:
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Fig. 4 Specific heat averaged weighted phonon–phonon scattering phase space WP3 (a) and Grüneisen parameter (b) of 2H-VSe2. Throughout, the blue squares represent monolayer 2H-VSe2 and the olive diamonds represent bulk 2H-VSe2. For monolayer 2H-VSe2, the giant thermal conductivity change at TFM–PM in Fig. 3a is dominated by the giant change in phonon–phonon scattering phase space; by contrast, for bulk 2H-VSe2, the change in both phonon–phonon scattering phase space and phonon anharmonicity contributes to the change in thermal conductivity at TFM–PM. |
Although the specific heat averaged τ, WP3, and γ can provide an intuitive explanation for the large change in thermal conductivity at TFM–PM, what is missing is detailed mode dependent information that can provide a deeper understanding about the underlying mechanism of thermal switching. Next, the mode (frequency) dependent τ data are compared at TFM–PM between the FM and PM phases. As shown in Fig. 5, for both monolayer and bulk 2H-VSe2, at TFM–PM the phonon lifetime in the FM phase is much larger than that in the PM phase over the whole frequency range, indicating that FM ordering can improve phonon transport across the entire vibration spectrum. Such an FM ordering introduced improvement of phonon transport is very different from previous strategies for modulating the thermal conductivity, for which phonons within only a narrow spectrum range can be modulated. The improvement in phonon transport across the entire vibration spectrum is the underlying reason for the giant thermal conductivity change for 2H-VSe2 at the FM–PM phase transition.
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Fig. 5 Phonon lifetime of monolayer (a) and bulk (b) 2H-VSe2 at the magnetic transition temperature from the FM phase (hollow symbols) to the PM phase (solid symbols). |
As discussed above, the phonon lifetime is determined by WP3 and phonon anharmonicity. Thus, the mode dependent WP3 and phonon anharmonicity are compared between the FM and PM phases, respectively. For monolayer 2H-VSe2, the mode dependent WP3 in the PM phase is about 10 times that in the FM phase over the whole frequency range (Fig. 6a), verifying the dominant role of phonon–phonon scattering phase space in the thermal conductivity change indicated in Fig. 4a as well as the significant effects of the enlarged phonon bandgap on thermal switching (Fig. 2a). By contrast, for bulk 2H-VSe2, the difference in the mode dependent WP3 data between the FM and PM phases is much smaller (Fig. 6b) since the phonon anharmonicity also contributes significantly to the large thermal conductivity change at TFM–PM, which is verified by the mode dependent γ in Fig. 6d. Therefore, for the monolayer 2D ferromagnet 2H-VSe2, the phonon–phonon scattering phase space dominates the thermal conductivity change at the magnetic transition temperature, whereas for bulk 2H-VSe2, both the phonon–phonon scattering phase space and phonon anharmonicity control the thermal conductivity change at the magnetic transition temperature.
Based on the above discussion, 2H-VSe2 has a giant switching ratio of thermal conductivity. Fig. 7 compares the temperature dependent switching ratio values for some ferromagnets. Notably, the solid symbols represent the theoretical data while the hollow symbols represent the experimental data. As shown in this figure, although a high switching ratio can be obtained at low temperature, a switching ratio of over 3 around room temperature has never been reported in previous literature, either theoretically or experimentally. For example, through magnetic field induced magnetization vector alignment from antiparallel to parallel, a switching ratio of only 2.5 was experimentally obtained at 300 K for Cu/Co50Fe50 multilayer films,71 and a small switching ratio of 1.4 was theoretically predicted for bulk FeRh at 340 K.72 Our work predicts a giant switching ratio of 12 at 430 K and 9.2 at 80 K. Based on the experimental data, the magnetic transition temperature from the FM to the PM phase for few-layer 2H-VSe2 can be modulated via the thickness. Combining the fact that the switching ratio shows only a slight decrease with increasing thickness (the dashed red line in Fig. 7), a giant switching ratio at a desired working temperature can be obtained using an appropriate thickness.
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Fig. 7 Temperature dependent switching ratio of thermal conductivity in ferromagnets.27,42,43,63–72 |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |