e and
aChinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) key laboratory of nanosystem and hierarchical fabrication, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Beijing 100190, China. E-mail:;
bUniversity of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
cAcademy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking University, Beijing 100871, People's Republic of China
dSchool of Science, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
eCenter for Nanochemistry, Beijing Science and Engineering Center for Nanocarbons, Beijing National Laboratory for Molecular Sciences, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China. E-mail:
First published on 15th June 2023
Effectively reducing the voltage loss in organic solar cells (OSCs) is critical to improving the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of OSCs. In this study, highly efficient ternary OSCs were constructed by adding a non-fullerene acceptor Qx2 with a high open-circuit voltage (VOC) and low energy loss (Eloss) into PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 based binary devices. The third component Qx2 shows slightly complementary absorption with m-BTP-PhC6 and also optimizes the molecular packing, orientation, and morphology of the active layer. Moreover, the incorporation of Qx2 reduced the energetic disorder and improved the electroluminescence quantum efficiency, which suppresses the Eloss and further leads to a higher VOC than the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 binary blend. Consequently, synergetic enhancements of VOC, short circuit current (JSC), and fill factor (FF) are realized, resulting in the PCE of 18.60%. This work shows that the selection of the appropriate third component has positive implications for reducing Eloss and improving the PCE of OSCs.
New conceptsCompared with inorganic or perovskite solar cells, the open-circuit voltage (VOC) of OSCs is still low, owing to the relatively large energy loss (Eloss). It is necessary to effectively reduce Eloss to further improve the PCE of OSCs. Previously reported work has focused on molecule design to improve the electroluminescence yield or reduce the reorganization energies to reduce non-radiative Eloss. However, it could hardly simultaneously improve all photovoltaic characters. We present a straightforward strategy to construct high-efficiency ternary OSCs with low Eloss by incorporating a high VOC and low Eloss small molecule acceptor Qx2 into the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 blend. The best PCE of 18.60% was achieved in the optimal ternary devices due to the synergistic enhancement of VOC of 0.871 V, JSC of 26.71 mA cm−2, and FF of 80.04%. The optimal ternary devices based on PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2 achieved a higher electroluminescence yield value than that of binary devices based on PM6:m-BTP-PhC6, corresponding to a lower non-radiative energy loss (ΔE3) and a higher VOC. This work demonstrated that the appropriate selection of the third component not only reduces the nonradiative energy loss of the device, further increasing VOC, but also realizes the simultaneous increase of JSC and FF. |
The ternary blend strategy has been widely used as a practical and straightforward approach to improve the efficiency of OSCs.14–16 By incorporating a third component, the light-harvesting of blend films could be improved, effectively promoting the short-circuit current density (JSC).17–19 Since most advanced non-fullerene acceptors possess favorable light-harvesting capabilities, the scope for further improvement of the JSC is limited. Meanwhile, the open-circuit voltage (VOC) of the OSCs is mostly lower than 0.9 V, which is much lower than the VOC of perovskite and GaAs solar cells.20 The unsatisfactory VOC could be attributed to relatively large energy loss (Eloss). Compared with other high-efficiency solar cells, for instance, the GaAs solar cell has an Eloss of 0.29 eV and perovskite solar cells have an Eloss as low as 0.34 eV,21,22 most of the advanced OSCs still possess a large Eloss of higher than 0.5 eV,23,24 which shows a noticeable distance from the theoretical value of 0.25–0.30 eV derived from the Shockley–Queisser (SQ) limit.25 Therefore, suppressing the Eloss of OSC is the key to achieving higher VOC as well as further improving PCE.
With the “tilted” orientation of the hexyl chains relative to the molecular plane, m-BTP-PhC6 is an outstanding non-fullerene acceptor material that exhibits more ordered intermolecular packing, resulting in enhanced electron mobility and good efficiency.5 However, the relatively large energy loss of PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 based OSCs results in a non-ideal VOC. Compared to the structure of m-BTP-PhC6, Qx2 has a different molecular backbone and side chains. The introduction of Qx2 could form a slightly complementary absorption spectrum with the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 blend. Moreover, although QX2 has a similar lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy level to m-BTP-PhC6, the PM6:Qx2 based OSCs possessed a much higher VOC with an Eloss of less than 0.5 eV. Therefore, it is highly expected that Qx2 is a suitable third component for PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 based OSCs to increase the VOC and JSC simultaneously due to the lower Eloss of PM6:Qx2 binary devices.
In this contribution, we construct high-efficiency ternary OSCs with suppressed Eloss by incorporating the small molecule acceptor Qx2 into the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 blends. The contact angle measurement confirmed that Qx2 is mainly located at the interface of PM6 and m-BTP-PhC6 as additional charge transport channels, leading to an ideal active layer morphology. The best PCE of 18.60% was achieved in the optimal ternary devices due to the synergistic enhancement of JSC of 26.71 mA cm−2, VOC of 0.871 V, and FF of 80.04%. The JSC improvement may be ascribed to the complementary absorption of m-BTP-PhC6 and Qx2, higher exciton dissociation probability, and suppressed recombination in the ternary blends. The increased FF is ascribed to the more balanced and efficient charge transport. The PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2 (1:
0.42) based ternary devices gained a higher electroluminescence yield value of 1.94 × 10−4 than PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 based binary devices, corresponding to a decreased nonradiative energy loss (ΔE3) of 0.221 eV and a higher VOC.
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Fig. 1 (a) Chemical structures and (b) normalized UV-vis spectra of PM6, m-BTP-PhC6 and Qx2 thin films. (c) Energy level alignment diagram of the studied materials5,26 (d) The change of the VOCs in ternary devices with different weight ratios of Qx2. |
Active layer combinations | Qx2 content [%] | V OC (V) | J SC (mA cm−2) | Fill factor (%) | Efficiencya (%) |
a The average values with standard deviation were obtained from at least 10 individual devices. b The ternary devices utilize 2PACZ as the transport layer. | |||||
PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 | 0 | 0.850 (0.848 ± 0.004) | 25.69 (25.48 ± 0.23) | 78.43 (78.37 ± 0.40) | 17.12 (16.92 ± 0.12) |
PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2 | 30 | 0.875 (0.869 ± 0.004) | 25.91 (25.96 ± 0.26) | 79.12 (78.76 ± 0.72) | 17.97 (17.77 ± 0.10) |
30b | 0.871 (0.866 ± 0.006) | 26.71 (26.77 ± 0.14) | 80.04 (79.21 ± 0.87) | 18.62 (18.35 ± 0.17) | |
PM6:Qx2 | 100 | 0.935 (0.937 ± 0.003) | 24.28 (24.34 ± 0.25) | 75.37 (74.29 ± 0.79) | 17.11 (16.95 ± 0.10) |
To investigate the internal causes of the JSC increase, the external quantum efficiency (EQE) curves are plotted in Fig. 2c and Fig. S1b (ESI†). Though the inevitable spectrum mismatch and nonlinear photocurrent response to light intensity lead to a difference between the JSC from EQE measurement and JSC from the J–V curve, the integrated JSC of the devices from the EQE spectra matched well with the JSC from the J–V curve with errors less than 5%. The introduction of Qx2 leads to a slight blue-shift in absorption edge, but higher ternary EQE values over almost the entire absorption range (450–800 nm).
The behavior of the exciton dissociation as well as the charge recombination mechanism were also analyzed. Various relevant measurements were performed, including the dependence of photocurrent density (Jph) extraction on the applied electric field and the dependence of JSC and VOC on the light intensity. The Jph is the difference between JL and JD, where the JL represents the light current density and the JD represents the dark current density. Veff is the difference between V0 (the voltage when Jph = 0) and V (the applied bias). Firstly, with the Veff > 2 V, the Jph of all devices approached saturation (Jsat), which means complete dissociation and charge collection. We utilize the ratio of Jph/Jsat to evaluate the exciton dissociation probability (P(E, T)).27 As shown in Fig. 2d, for the optimized PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 binary and PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2 ternary device, P(E, T) is 0.9856 and 0.9870, respectively. It turns out that ideal exciton dissociation results in high JSC and FF.28 Furthermore, the power law relationship between JSC and the light intensity (Plight) can be characterized as JSC ∝ (Plight)α, where α is the exponential factor describing the degree of charge recombination (Fig. 2e).29 Compared to the α value of the binary devices (0.979 and 0.980), the α value of the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2 ternary device (0.990) is improved, demonstrating more efficient free charge collection with less biomolecular recombination within the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2 devices.
As shown in Fig. 2f, the relationship of VOC dependence on Plight can be fitted by VOC ∝ n(kT/q) lnPlight, where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the absolute temperature, and q is the elemental charge. The n value is utilized to evaluate the degree of trap-assisted recombination.30 The closer n is to 1, the more trap-assisted recombination is suppressed. Accordingly, the n values for PM6:m-BTP-PhC6, PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2, and PM6:Qx2 devices turn out to be 1.296, 1.137, and 1.351, respectively, demonstrating that the addition of Qx2 can effectively prevent the trap-assisted recombination in devices.31 And it could also be verified by the enhanced FF. Further detailed Jph–Veff curves, and the dependence of JSC and VOC on the light intensity of the two binary and ternary OSCs, are presented in Fig. S2 (ESI†).
To investigate the dynamic charge transport process in the active layers, the space-charge limited current (SCLC) method was performed to measure the carrier mobilities. Fig. 2g and Table S3 (ESI†) show the hole mobility (μh) and electron mobility (μe) obtained by fitting the curves. In comparison with the two binary blends, both μh and μe of the ternary blends are increased, indicating a more balanced charge transport. Transient photocurrent (TPC) and transient photovoltage (TPV) measurements were also performed (Fig. 2h and i) to further explore the charge transport process. The photocurrent of the ternary device decays faster than that in the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 device, indicating that the trap-state density of the ternary device is lower than that in the PM6:m-PhC6 based device.32 The reduced trap state density is one of the reasons that the trap-assisted recombination of the ternary device is inhibited after the incorporation of Qx2. Moreover, the charge extraction time of ternary OSCs (0.050 μs) is shorter than that of PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 based binary devices (0.062 μs). Likewise, the carrier lifetimes are 5.23 μs, 25.71 μs, and 6.28 μs for PM6:m-BTP-PhC6, PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2, and PM6:Qx2 OSCs, respectively. The reduced charge extraction time and increased carrier lifetime of the ternary OSCs are conducive to increased charge mobility and inhibited charge combination, which contributes to the improvement of JSC and FF.33–35
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In eqn (1), ΔE1 originated from the mismatch between solid angle solar irradiation and omnidirectional blackbody radiation of the absorption above the optical gap. Therefore, ΔE1 is inevitable once the Eg is confirmed.38 ΔE2 is due to the radiative recombination below the bandgap of the active layer in bulk heterojunction OSCs, which is partly associated with the reorganization energy and the energetic disorder degree of the blends.37 ΔE3 is attributed to the nonradiative recombination at the donor/acceptor interfaces in OSCs, which can be calculated from:36
ΔE3 = kT![]() | (3) |
The bandgaps are calculated as 1.419 eV for the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 binary blend, 1.420 eV for the optimized PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2 ternary blend, and 1.427 eV for the PM6:Qx2 binary blend. More detailed information on the Eloss is shown in Table 2 and Table S4 (ESI†). As shown in Fig. 3d, the energy loss shows a decreasing trend with increasing Qx2 content. Eloss of the optimized ternary device is 0.539 eV, lower than that of the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 based device (0.560 eV). Profiting from the introduction of Qx2, the differences in energy loss principally originate from the decrease of ΔE2 and ΔE3, which can be attributed to the sharp absorption edge and the suppressive nonradiative recombination (Fig. 3e).
Qx2 content [wt%] | E g (eV) | qV OC (eV) | qV SQOC (eV) | qV radOC (eV) | E loss (eV) | ΔE1 | ΔE2 | ΔE3 | EQEEL |
0 | 1.419 | 0.859 | 1.156 | 1.094 | 0.560 | 0.263 | 0.062 | 0.238 | 1.00E-4 |
30 | 1.420 | 0.881 | 1.157 | 1.100 | 0.539 | 0.262 | 0.057 | 0.221 | 1.94E-4 |
100 | 1.427 | 0.934 | 1.164 | 1.124 | 0.493 | 0.263 | 0.040 | 0.192 | 5.95E-4 |
As discussed in dedicated studies, active layer absorption edge and nonradiative recombination are related to the energetic disorder. We evaluated the degree of the energetic disorder in terms of an Urbach energy parameter (EU), which follows Urbach's rule:39
α(E) = α0e(E−Eg)/EU | (4) |
For further analysis of ΔE3, we measured and contrasted the ECT (energy of charge transfer states) and electroluminescence quantum efficiency of the two binary and optimized ternary devices.18,19,40ECT could be obtained by Gaussian fitting of highly sensitive EQE and EL (electroluminescence) using Marcus equations:41
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The results of the EQEEL measurement are presented in Fig. 3f and Table S4 (ESI†). The EQEEL of the optimized ternary device is 1.94 × 10−4, obviously higher than that of the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 based binary device (1.00 × 10−4), and thus the ΔE3 of the optimized ternary device (0.221 eV) is lower than that of the binary device (0.238 eV). Accordingly, in comparison with the binary devices, the reduced ΔE2 and ΔE3 induced a suppressive total energy loss for PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2 based devices, which contributes to the increase of VOC.
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Fig. 4 Contact angle images of PM6, m-BTP-PhC6, m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2, Qx2 films with water and glycerol droplets. |
For the PM6:m-BYP-PhC6:Qx2 ternary blend, the ωm-BTP-PhC6/Qx2 turns out to be 0.709, which is in the range of −1 and 1, implying that Qx2 is more inclined to locate at the interface between PM6 and m-BTP-PhC6. Therefore, the Qx2 introduction may promote molecular miscibility at the donor and acceptor interface, and this structure facilitates efficient separation and collection of charges, which benefits the JSC increase.
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and grazing incident wide-angle X-ray diffraction (GIWAX) measurements were performed to further verify the morphology of the active layers. From the AFM height images of the blend films shown in Fig. 5a, we find that all the blends contain similar fibrous structures. The PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 blend reveals a root-mean-square (RMS) surface roughness value of 1.09 nm. By contrast, the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6:Qx2 blend with 30.0 wt% Qx2 has a smoother surface (RMS = 0.968 nm) than those of the PM6:m-BTP-PhC6 and PM6:Qx2 binary blends (RMS = 1.09 nm and 1.03 nm, respectively). This demonstrates that the excessive aggregation of the two acceptors in the ternary blends could be suppressed due to the good compatibility between m-BTP-PhC6 and Qx2, thus facilitating charge transport. GIWAXS analysis was also used to characterize the molecular packing of the active layers. Fig. 5b and c displays the two-dimensional GIWAXs (2D-GIWAXs) patterns and the corresponding in-plane (IP) and out-of-plane (OOP) intensity profiles of relevant binary and ternary blend films. By the evident lamellar stacking peaks in the IP-direction and π–π stacking peaks in the OOP direction, we confirmed that all the blended films are more inclined to face-on orientation, which improved the charge transfer capability in OSCs and indicated that the incorporation of Qx2 to construct ternary blended films has very little effect on the orientation of the molecules. The corresponding crystalline correlation lengths (CCL) correlated with the π–π stacking peaks in PM6:m-BTP-PhC6, PM6:Qx2, and ternary blends are 21.34 Å, 21.88 Å, and 21.62 Å, respectively. The CCL result indicates that the introduction of QX2 did not significantly affect the crystallinity of the ternary blend films and moderate domain sizes are conducive to charge transport and collection. The π–π stacking peaks in PM6:m-BTP-PhC6, PM6:Qx2, and ternary blends are 3.63 Å, 3.59 Å, and 3.65 Å, respectively. The increased π–π stacking distance in the ternary blends verifies the better miscibility at the interface of donor and acceptor phases.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |