*bc and
aDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Technion, Haifa-3200003, Israel. E-mail:
bHelmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Institute of Membrane Research, Max-Planck-Str.1, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany. E-mail:
cUniversität Hamburg, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 6, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
First published on 3rd January 2023
Block copolymers (BCPs) are promising materials for water purification. They enable the fabrication of integral asymmetric isoporous membranes with high permeability and good selectivity. Commonly, the characterization of such hierarchical structures is performed by conventional electron microscopy (EM) means, namely scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM, respectively). However, due to the inherent lack of contrast between BCP domains, external contrast agents are required to achieve informative, high-resolution imaging. In addition, such EM techniques are typically limited to a certain cross-section or surface morphology only. In this paper, we harness the selective growth of AlOx in the pore-forming domains of BCPs to create an internal and stable contrast difference between the blocks. This in turn allowed us to perform advanced three-dimensional characterization of the membranes with focused ion beam (FIB)-SEM and TEM tomography, providing an understanding of the 3D structure and properties such as 3D geometry of the pores, 3D tortuosity, and 3D permeability. This 3D characterization also provides better correlations between the membrane structure and its performance. Such knowledge can allow better design and fine-tuning of BCP membranes and other membranes for their applications.
The growing demand for high-performance membranes has led to the development of block copolymer (BCP) based membranes.5,6 For this purpose, BCP self-assembly combined with non-solvent induced phase separation (SNIPS), a robust method for fabricating BCP membranes, was developed in the past decade and a half. SNIPS combines the self-assembly of BCPs and non-solvent induced phase separation,7 resulting in one integral but asymmetric membrane, with ordered pores at the top of the membrane and a sponge-like, mechanically robust support layer at the bottom of the membrane. SNIPS membranes are fabricated by creating micron thick BCP films, followed by short solvent evaporation which induces the organized self-assembly at the top of the film. The film is then immersed in a non-solvent bath to promote the phase separation and formation of a porous structure. The resulting membrane has a high pore number density, a narrow pore size distribution, low defectivity, and a mechanically stable integral asymmetric structure.7,8
An array of BCP materials for SNIPS membranes have been investigated to tune the pore size, functionality, and membrane mechanical and thermal properties. The most common among them is the diblock copolymer poly(styrene)-b-poly(4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-b-P4VP).9 Other BCPs either possess diverse thermally stable blocks (e.g. poly(tert-butyl styrene), poly(4-trimethylsilyl styrene))10 or polar blocks11 (e.g. poly(acrylic acid),12,13 poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate14), or implement the usage of triblock copolymers, e.g. poly(isoprene)-b-PS-b-P4VP.15,16 In addition, strategies such as blending BCPs with different molecular weights and compositions,17 adding additives,18 or post-modification of pore-forming blocks19 have added more degrees of freedom in pore size control, while post-modifications20–22 also enabled additional pore functionality.
In SNIPS membranes as well as in other filtration membranes, electron microscopy is a central tool for characterizing and studying the membrane structure and correlating between the nanoscale structure and the membrane's performance.17,23–25 Typically, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used to probe the surface properties, such as the pore size and its distribution, and the membrane's cross-sectional morphology.26 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is often used to observe the membrane at high magnifications, allowing insights into the pore morphology.27 However, moving beyond 2D imaging (surface and cross-sectional) to probing the 3D structure of the membrane is essential for fully understanding the polymer physics that governs the assembly of the membranes and for creating better structure–performance correlations that include the tortuous, connected, 3D pores and pathways. This 3D knowledge is expected to lead to better membrane design and functionality.
Generally, electron microscopy (EM) imaging of polymer-based structures has several challenges. Most polymers are sensitive to the electron beam, and as a result, radiation damage such as scission and cross-linking occurs, which can be destructive to the specimen and impair the ability to reliably image the structure.28 To overcome the radiation challenge, imaging of polymer-based structures is typically performed using a low electron dose (typically ∼20 e− Å−2 or lower).29,30 This may lead to low signal-to-noise images. In addition, the imaging contrast can impose an additional challenge. The main mechanism of contrast of soft matter depends on variations in mass and topography (SEM) and mass-thickness (TEM). Thus, elements that are similar in atomic number or specimens that have a uniform thickness and topography will result in low contrast images. SNIPS membranes are commonly composed of light elements, leading to low contrast between the blocks and between the BCP membrane and the epoxy filling that is often used for TEM cross-sectional specimen preparation. Therefore, external staining agents are commonly used to enhance the contrast in BCP samples, in particular for TEM imaging.31 For example, for PS-b-P4VP SNIPS membranes, iodine is used to selectively stain the P4VP pore-forming block.32 However, such staining tends to fade over time and might not be stable during long image acquisition methods. Other methodologies for contrast enhancement involve chemical or physical modifications and/or etching.33 For 3D imaging, it is desired to have high contrast imaging and stable specimens.
Recently, we demonstrated the ability to selectively grow AlOx in the P4VP domains of SNIPS membranes.34 This was performed using sequential infiltration synthesis (SIS), an atomic layer deposition (ALD) based method, in which gaseous precursors diffuse into the polymer and interact with it, leading to the growth of inorganic materials within the polymer. SIS can be harnessed to create hybrid organic–inorganic materials for applications such as anti-reflective coatings35 and batteries.36 If desired, SIS can be followed by the removal of the polymer template, resulting in inorganic nanostructures with high fidelity, e.g. membranes,37 nanorods,38 and nanoparticles.39 SIS selective growth in one BCP domain is typically induced by Lewis acid–base precursor–block interactions.40 For example, the preferred interactions between trimethyl aluminum (TMA) and the pyridine group led to the selective growth of AlOx within the P4VP domains of PS-b-P4VP membranes.34 The SIS process in these membranes led to the pore size and pore wall composition alteration. Additional pore size reduction and creation of AlOx pore walls that are susceptible to further modifications were achieved with additional ALD cycles.
Here, we investigate how the combination of SIS and ALD can be used to enhance the imaging contrast of SNIPS membranes and enable 3D characterization in both SEM and TEM. The selective growth of AlOx in the P4VP pore-forming domain can achieve an inherent and stable contrast between the blocks over time and temperature, thanks to the higher atomic number of Al and the covalent bond that is formed between Al and the pyridine group during the SIS process. This allowed us to perform high contrast and stable 3D characterization using advanced EM techniques, namely, focused ion beam assisted SEM tomography (FIB-SEM tomography) and TEM tomography. These complementary techniques enabled us to achieve a deeper understanding of the membranes’ 3D structure and correlate it with their performance.
FIB-SEM tomography was performed using a ZEISS Crossbeam 350 (ZEISS, Oberkochen, Germany) with an FE-SEM column and Ion-sculptor focused ion beam (FIB) column. Membranes were milled using the FIB at low currents with a pixel size of 2 nm and a slice thickness of 5 nm. A series of section images (i.e., 660–1800 images) was obtained using the Zeiss Atlas 3D package, in order to ensure precisely known slice thicknesses for permeability and tortuosity evaluation. During the collection of the imaging datasets, the FIB (30 kV/3 nA) and the SEM beam (1.4 kV, 30 μm aperture) were operated simultaneously. The series of slice images was then aligned and reconstructed into a 3D volume using Thermo-Scientific Inspect 3D software. The reconstructed volume was processed and analyzed using FEI Amira 6.4 Software. Pore network model analysis of FIB-SEM tomography was analyzed using the Xpore module of FEI Amira. More detailed information on this process can be found in the ESI.†
TEM images were taken on a Talos 200C field-emission gun equipped transmission electron microscope (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) with an acceleration voltage of 200 kV in the bright-field mode. Cross-sectional TEM samples were produced by embedding the membrane samples in an epoxy resin (EPO-TEK®) followed by preparing ultrathin slices (∼150 nm) using a Leica Ultra-microtome EM UCT system (Leica Microsystems, Wetzlar, Germany), with a diamond knife (Diatome Ltd, Switzerland). TEM tomography images were obtained using α-tilts ranging from −65° to 65° at intervals of 2°. The tilt-series images were then aligned and reconstructed into a 3D volume using Thermo-Scientific Inspect 3D software. The reconstructed volume was processed and analyzed using FEI Amira 6.4 Software.
The heavier Al atoms, which scatter more electrons, enabled us to obtain BSE images with good contrast and thus observe the channels with higher details (Fig. 1c). Noticeably, AlOx (lighter regions of the image) covers the whole pore circumference, allowing us to distinguish between the pore walls (P4VP + AlOx), the surrounding matrix (PS), and the pores throughout the cross-section. The AlOx SIS and ALD also improved the TEM imaging contrast (Fig. 1d), where the pore channels are observed with higher clarity. The Al regions scatter more electrons and therefore appear darker in bright field (BF) TEM. Once again, we can notice a full coverage of the pore-forming P4VP by AlOx, allowing us to image the cross-section with higher clarity, contrast, and resolution. Therefore, we can further probe the 3D structure of our membranes in multi-modal EM, namely, FIB-SEM tomography and TEM tomography, as illustrated in Fig. 2. These complementary techniques allowed us to achieve a deeper understanding of the membrane's 3D structure and learn about the correlation of structure–performance.
The effect of AlOx is even more pronounced in 3D volume reconstruction (Fig. 3g and i). We can barely notice any details in the pristine membrane. The interface between the layers is almost non-visible and the pores are hard to distinguish. In both samples with AlOx, on the other hand, we can observe the well-ordered surface pores, the distinct interface between the layers, and distinguishable pore channels. Such a contrast allowed us to further analyze the pore network system in 3D volume.
We chose to focus on the 75A membrane for pore network analysis since the significant AlOx growth in this membrane enabled clear imaging of the highly ordered selective layer with a distinct interface between the selective and supporting layers. To analyze the 3D pore network, we started by segmenting the 3D data into pore channels and the polymer matrix (Fig. 4a). The good fit between the segmented and original data in their overlay (Fig. 4b) indicates the reliability of the threshold algorithm. The complete 3D segmented data (Fig. 4c) together with the good segmentation agreement show that we can analyze our membrane's pore network throughout a high depth range (∼1.8 μm).
The segmented data are then analyzed by a 3D pore network model, using the xPore algorithm in Amira®. This analysis enables us to model the flow of liquid through the membrane pores, with a transmembrane pressure drop. The resulting pore network (Fig. 4d) visualizes the pores’ location (blue spheres) and the connecting channels (gray cylinders). One should note that the membranes’ surface connectivity (visualized by gray cylinders at the top of the membrane) is an artifact. However, since we are probing a large volume, this surface effect is negligible. The 3D pore network algorithm computes the effective absolute permeability k (in μm2) by analyzing the flow through the channels and the effective 3D tortuosity factor. Detailed information on how the algorithm computes all these parameters can be found in the ESI.†
To probe the correlation between the 3D pore structure and the membrane's macroscopic properties, we calculated the permeabilities of the overall structure (selective plus supporting layer) and the selective layer alone from the pore network 3D model and then compared them with the experimentally calculated permeability (Table 1). When the simulation was based on the selective layer alone, we observed a good agreement between the simulated permeability from the pore network 3D model and the experimental permeability (Table 1). The measured permeability is calculated from the permeance, taking into account the length of the selective layer (see the ESI for additional details†).7 Thus, the good agreement supports the presumption that the selective layer is the bottleneck for flow. On the other hand, when we simulated the permeability of the entire 3D characterized volume, including the sub-structure, we obtained higher permeability values compared to the measured permeability while the flow rate in both layers was of the same order of magnitude (Table 1). These comparisons indicate that the selective layer mainly hinders the flow while the rather thick and tortuous 3D structure of the supporting layer has a negligible contribution to flow reduction. Importantly, this is the first time, to the best of our knowledge, that simulations from 3D characterization data provide insights into the relation between asymmetric membrane structures and the membrane's macroscopic properties.
Layer | Calculated from pore network 3D model | Experimental data | ||
Absolute permeability (k) [μm2] | Total flow rate [nm3 s−1] | Tortuosity (τ) | Absolute permeability (k) [μm2] | |
Selective | 3.33 × 10−6 | 2.51 × 1012 | 1.29 | 5.32 × 10−6 |
Selective & Supporting | 3.27 × 10−5 | 1.73 × 1012 | 1.74 | — |
One should note when calculating the permeability from the experimental data, we used the rough assumption that the selective layer has perfectly aligned cylinders with an ideal tortuosity factor of 1 (the tortuosity is defined as the deviation of a path (in our case, the pores) from a straight line). However, we observed a tortuosity factor of 1.29 from the pore network 3D model (Table 1), indicating that the pores are not perfectly aligned throughout the selective layer. Nonetheless, the good agreement between the calculated and the measured permeability implies that the selective layer tortuosity does not significantly reduce the permeability.
Overall, FIB-SEM tomography together with AlOx staining provides unprecedented ability to probe the full 3D structure of the membranes and thus determine the significant role of the selective layer in the macroscopic properties. However, the requirements for resolving the selective layer and the sub-structure are at the limit of what can be achieved in FIB-SEM tomography runs, and hence small features in the selective layer are not well-resolved. Herein, we can bridge this gap by using TEM to achieve higher resolution for the selective layer. Thus, TEM tomography was performed as a complementary 3D characterization method to FIB-SEM tomography.
The 3D volume reconstructed from the tomography tilt-series demonstrates the advantages of using TEM (Fig. 5a and b). The pores are more pronounced due to AlOx growth (dark regions), and the high resolution provides higher levels of detail, compared to SEM (Fig. 3). The improved contrast between the blocks is visible over the depth of the pores with a high amount of detail. However, as discussed above, there is an inherent lack of contrast between the embedding material (epoxy resin) and the PS membrane matrix that hinders the ability to perform accurate segmentation. A demonstration of this effect can be seen in Fig. 5c and d. A selected slice from the 3D reconstructed volume (Fig. 5c) is segmented using a standard threshold algorithm and median filter (Fig. 5d). The segmented image shows that although AlOx and hence the P4VP domains are clearly identified, the background epoxy and the PS region cannot be separated, reducing the ability to clearly resolve the BCP domains and the pores. Nonetheless, the 3D TEM tomography data enables unique 3D pore analysis.
With the 3D high-resolution data, several pore wall geometries can be identified in the top selective layer (Fig. 6a), including straight walls (blue arrow), curved walls (white arrow), and bent walls (black arrow). We focus on the pore morphology at the highly ordered selective layer, before the expansion to the supporting layer, as this area is the main hindrance to permeability, as discussed above. To quantitatively analyze the pores’ structure throughout the reconstructed 3D volume, we classified four different pore-wall geometries: straight walls (S), single-side-bent walls (BL/BR for left or right wall bend, respectively), double-side inward bent walls (BLR), and curved walls (B). We followed the geometry of 13 different pores throughout the volume and plotted each pore's geometry vs. the perimeter of the pore, i.e. along the lateral direction of the pore's axis (Fig. 6b shows an example for one pore, see the ESI for all profiles†).
Each geometry was assigned a penalty for deviation from a straight line, summarized in Table 2.
We arbitrarily chose a negative sign to denote both a right-hand side single wall bend and a double-wall inward bend, for visualization reasons only. This choice has no effect as we will look at the absolute value of the penalty for deviation. We assigned a penalty of 0.25 (positive or negative) for a single-wall bend, as we assume that its effect on flow is more minor than the other geometries. The penalty for double-sided bends (both inwards or curved) was set to 0.5 (positive or negative) as both hinder flow more drastically. Curved walls cause a longer residue time by elongating the path along the channel, while inward bent walls effectively reduce the pore diameter, causing a smaller mean-free path.
To evaluate the overall effect of the different pore geometries, we summed the absolute deviation penalty for each pore over the entire circumference of the pore and calculated each pore's deviation from a straight pore, a value we call the perimeter factor (PF), using the following equation:
![]() | (1) |
From these results, we observed an average deviation of 30% from a straight line. To our knowledge, this is one of the first times where the deviation from a straight line throughout a pore's 3D volume has been investigated. While deviation from a straight line differs from tortuosity, the PF can give us a further understanding of our pore's geometry in 3D and can play a factor in the overall membrane performance. As the separation mechanism is size based, if the channel's 3D nature is not completely straight, the residue time of the material going through each channel can vary within the membrane, affecting the effective overall permeance, selectivity, and local flow rate in the pores. Additionally, this deviation is in good agreement with the results from FIB-SEM tomography for the selective layer, where the tortuosity factor was 1.29. Therefore, we can postulate that the tortuosity factor and the 3D deviation are relatively similar and atone for similar flow effects. This shows the need for both FIB-SEM tomography and TEM tomography as complementary processes, one to probe the membrane structure and network, and the other to learn about the selective layer in more detail.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ These authors equally contributed to the paper. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |