N. Tan
Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, SE 901 87 Umeå, Sweden. E-mail: jean-francois.boily@umu.se
First published on 11th May 2023
Hydrophilic nanosized minerals exposed to air moisture host thin water films that are key drivers of reactions of interest in nature and technology. Water films can trigger irreversible mineralogical transformations, and control chemical fluxes across networks of aggregated nanomaterials. Using X-ray diffraction, vibrational spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and (micro)gravimetry, we tracked water film-driven transformations of periclase (MgO) nanocubes to brucite (Mg(OH)2) nanosheets. We show that three monolayer-thick water films first triggered the nucleation-limited growth of brucite, and that water film loadings continuously increased as newly-formed brucite nanosheets captured air moisture. Small (8 nm-wide) nanocubes were completely converted to brucite under this regime while growth on larger (32 nm-wide) nanocubes transitioned to a diffusion-limited regime when (∼0.9 nm-thick) brucite nanocoatings began hampering the flux of reactive species. We also show that intra- and inter-particle microporosity hosted a hydration network that sustained GPa-level crystallization pressures, compressing interlayer brucite spacing during growth. This was prevalent in aggregated 8 nm wide nanocubes, which formed a maze-like network of slit-shaped pores. By resolving the impact of nanocube size and microporosity on reaction yields and crystallization pressures, this work provides new insight into the study of mineralogical transformations induced by nanometric water films. Our findings can be applied to structurally related minerals important to nature and technology, as well as to advance ideas on crystal growth under nanoconfinement.
Periclase (MgO; magnesia) is an ideal hydrophilic mineral13,14 for tracking water film-driven transformations,6,15 as its rock salt structure can readily transform to brucite nanosheets (MgO + H2O → Mg(OH)2) (Fig. 1). Transformations can be topotactic16 when water diffuses through the (111) plane of MgO, forming OH groups along the (001) plane of brucite (Fig. 1a). Because these transformations can be short-range, they can even produce intralaminar spacings intermediate to those of both minerals.16,17 At the same time, solution-driven transformations at dehydroxylated surfaces can begin with the protonation of oxo groups (H2O + Mg2+–O2− → MgOH+–OH−)18–21via dissociative water adsorption.22–24 Hydroxylated surfaces produce reactive soluble (e.g. Mg2+, MgOH+) species leading to Mg(OH)2 nanosheet nucleation and stacking (Fig. 1b). Brucite growth then expands the volume of the reactive solid materials by ∼150%. Under confinement, this volumetric expansion has the thermodynamic potential of generating GPa-level crystallization pressures.25 Expansion can crack MgO-based cements26 and refractory castables,27 and is of great interest in the study of reaction-induced fracturing in Earth's crust.12,25
In water-unsaturated environments, water films formed by exposure to atmospheric moisture can be sufficiently thick to mediate brucite growth via dissolution, hydroxylation, nucleation, and crystal growth (Fig. 1b). Reactions can therefore be comparable to those occurring in aqueous solutions, except that they proceed in the nearly two-dimensional environment of water films.20,28 Variations in periclase crystallinity, microporosity, and particle size can, additionally, give rise to a surprisingly wide range of hydroxylation rates, yields, and mechanisms.29–34 Exploring these variations in the low water-to-solid environment of water films is strongly needed, especially considering the widespread importance of periclase in industry,26,27,35,36 and emerging technologies planning to use MgO-bearing wastes for direct atmospheric CO2 capture from moist air.37
Advancing knowledge about these water film-mediated reactions can be achieved by working with synthetic periclase nanocubes with contrasting properties. In particular, synthetic periclase nanocubes tailored by controlled thermal dehydroxylation (Mg(OH)2 → MgO + H2O) are of great utility. When produced below ∼600–650 °C, synthetic periclase nanocubes are more reactive towards hydroxylation compared than those produced above this value.30,31 Nobel prize laureate William Giauque, who in the late 1940s studied MgO hydroxylation to investigate the third law of thermodynamics, explained enhanced MgO nanoparticle reactivity below this threshold temperature in terms of favorable surface energetics,29 and these were finally measured experimentally over 70 years later by Hayun et al.15 In the 1960s, Feitknecht and Braun32 suggested that microporosity favored reactivity, and that it was even responsible for generating high crystallization pressures. In the 1980s, Naono31 validated this link by revealing a systematic hike in microporosity with synthesis temperature, and a near-complete loss above this threshold temperature. At the same time, experimental and theoretical studies detailed the topotactic interconversion of periclase and brucite in near in vacuo conditions,16,17,38,39 as well as morphological transformations and thermodynamics in aqueous solutions.33,40,41 More recently, water films were even shown to drive aggregation of periclase nanocubes into nanobars,3,42,43 a discovery that contributed greatly to ideas on crystal growth by (oriented) aggregation. Less remains, however, understood about mechanisms in nanometrically thin water films that can drive solution-like brucite formation, yet that are insufficiently thick to host vast pools of reactive species as in bulk water. Under these conditions, growth may be at first nucleation-controlled44 while Mg2+/MgOH+ species precipitate to brucite in water films (Fig. 1b). Growth may, however, become later diffusion-controlled45 as brucite nanocoatings hamper the flux of reactive species to growth fronts46 (Fig. 1c).
In this study, we offer new insight into the conversion of periclase by nanometrically thick water films, which were formed under environmental-relevant conditions of high humidity. This work fills a gap between previous efforts focused on low pressure/vacuum16,17,20,38,39,47 and aqueous systems,33,40,41 and by contrasting the reactivity of periclase nanocubes produced below and above the ∼600–650 °C threshold. We show that differences in nanocube size and microporosity have a direct impact on reaction yields and crystallization pressures during brucite growth. Our findings have direct implications in understanding water film-driven transformations of chemically and structurally related nanominerals (e.g. CaO, FeO). They also have broader implications for understanding mineral growth mechanisms under nanoconfinement.
In this study, Pe5 and Pe10 nanocubes were exposed to a flow of 90% Relative Humidity (RH) in N2(g) at 25 °C. This gas composition was generated using a proUmid MHG32 instrument. Reactions were monitored in situ by X-ray diffraction (XRD), vibrational spectroscopy and microgravimetry, and ex situ by electron microscopy, thermal gravimetry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (ESI†).
Simulations of XRD profiles were performed using the Rietveld program BGMN®48 with the GUI software of Profex v4.1. Structure control files were converted from reference structure files from the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure database49 (0000501 for periclase50 and 0007912 for brucite51). Phase quantification by Rietveld refinement using the complete XRD profiles (10–55° 2θ) revealed considerable variations from an abnormal (001) reflection of brucite. Because attempts at using a brucite model with a broken symmetry did not extract meaningful phase quantification results, we limited our Rietveld refinement to the 30–46° 2θ range. This model converged to a stable solution with acceptable deviations (χ2 ≤ 1.5) to the data.
The resulting time-resolved Rietveld refinement results were modeled using kinetic growth models44 described in the ESI.† Briefly, an Avrami-type52,53 model was used to predict nucleation-limited growth in water films, and a Shrinking Core Model54 was used to predict diffusion-limited transport of reactive species to brucite growth fronts. These calculations were carried out using Matlab 2021b (The Mathworks).
All spectra were acquired at a resolution of 4 cm−1 over the 600–4500 cm−1 range at a forward/reverse scanning rate of 10 kHz. These were obtained by coadding 500 spectra for Pe5 (7.5 min acquisition time) and 1000 spectra for Pe10 (15 min acquisition time) using a Bruker Vertex 70/V instrument. This instrument was equipped with a deuterated L-alanine doped triglycine sulfate (DLaTGS) detector.
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Fig. 2 Periclase nanocube morphology and size. Electron microscopy images of (a–d) Pe5 and (f–i) Pe10, alongside (e and j) corresponding schematic representations of typical particles. Scanning Electron Microscopy (a and f) and Transmission Electron Microscopy revealed (b and c) Pe5 nanocubes clustered as nanobars in hexagonal casings, which are relicts of the synthetic brucite from which they were produced. Arrows in (c) highlight preferential arrangement of the ∼8 nm wide Pe5 nanocubes into nanobars in a fashion aligning with previous work.42,43 (g and h) Pe10 nanocubes were monodispersed. (d and i) High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy revealed lattice fringes expected from the crystallographic structure of periclase. See Fig. S3† for information on area and microporosity. |
Pe5 and Pe10 hydroxylation reactions were triggered by exposing the particles to a stream of 90% RH in N2(g) at 25 °C. Reactions were monitored in situ by XRD (Fig. 3a–c), vibrational spectroscopy (Fig. 3d–f) and microgravimetry (Fig. 4). Particle morphological changes were then resolved ex situ by electron microscopy (Fig. 5). Finally, XRD provided insight into variable nanosheet stacking as brucite nanosheets grew in water films (Fig. 6).
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Fig. 3 XRD and vibrational spectroscopic evidence for brucite growth from periclase in nanometric water films. Pe5 and Pe10 samples were exposed to a flow of N2(g) with 90% RH at 25 °C over time. (a and b) Time-resolved X-ray diffractograms of (a) Pe5 and (b) Pe10 revealing the transformation of periclase (Fm![]() ![]() |
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Fig. 4 Gravimetric tracking of periclase hydroxylation and dehydroxylation. (a) Microgravimetrically-measured water loadings by exposing water vapor from 0.9 to 92% RH at 10% RH intervals, each with a reaction time of 1 h. The right-hand side of (a) is a size-scaled schematic representation of the total equivalent water films thickness in relation periclase nanocube size. One water monolayer (ML) corresponds to 12 H2O per nm2. (b) Time-resolved water uptake at 95% RH by microgravimetry. Periclase was covered by a 3 ML-thick water film at the onset of the reaction. Water mass increases were driven by hydroxylation reactions and water film growth on newly formed brucite nanoparticles. Removal of water films by drying after 40 h revealed the reaction of 85% of Pe5 O groups and 75% of Pe10 O groups. (c) Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) of brucite dehydroxylation after exposing Pe5 and Pe10 under 95% RH for 40 h. The full reconversion of Pe5-derived brucite (100% by XRD, Fig. 3c) showed that 15% of Pe5 was originally hydroxylated because (b) microgravimetry revealed 85% conversion. The 80% reconversion of Pe10-derived brucite (80% by XRD) (Fig. 3c) showed that 5% of Pe10 was originally hydroxylated because microgravimetry (b) revealed 75% conversion. Spectroscopic evidence for OH groups on Pe5 and Pe10 is provided in Fig. S5 and S6.† |
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Fig. 6 XRD (001) reflections of brucite over time (a and b) Brucite (001) reflections from time-resolved X-ray diffractograms of Fig. 3 for (a) Pe5 (orange) and (b) Pe10 (blue), highlighting dominant reflections appearing as periclase is exposed to 90% RH for 40 h. Lorentzian fitting parameters of all reflections (Fig. S7†) are shown as (c and e) peak position (2θ) and corresponding d001-spacing and (d and f) peak intensity. |
Vibrational spectroscopy captured the formation of bulk brucite OH groups through the growth of a O–H stretching band, first appearing at ∼3701 cm−1 (Fig. 3d and e). Time-resolved band intensities, obtained by Lorentzian fitting (Fig. 3f), showed that growth curves had comparable shapes to those obtained by XRD (Fig. 3c). The reactions were, however, slower because these measurements required MgO nanocubes in the form of packed thin solid-state films, rather than loose powders as in all other methods used for this work. From the progressive shift of this band to ∼3697 cm−1, we infer that brucite OH groups formed stronger intersheet hydrogen bonds over time. These bonds were, however, not fully established, because only thermal treatment (Fig. S4†) could shift the band to the characteristic vibrational frequency of crystalline brucite (3694 cm−1). This consequently indicated that brucite contained defects which, in the following sections, will be chiefly attributed to nanosheet dislocation.16,17
Microgravimetry (Fig. 4a) showed that periclase nanocubes exposed to 10–60%RH formed water films with steady coverages of up to 2 monolayers (MLs), at least within the first hour of reaction. Exposure to greater levels of humidity triggered, in contrast, an immediate and continuous uptake of water which signaled a rapid onset of the hydroxylation reactions. At 90%RH, reactions were triggered by ∼3 ML-thick films (Fig. 4b) and continued for up to 15 h for Pe5 and up to at least 40 h for Pe10 (Fig. 4b), in alignment with our Rietveld refinement results of the XRD data (Fig. 3c). We additionally find evidence that newly-formed brucite particles increased water film loadings over the course of the reaction. This was seen by microgravimetry through H2O:
MgO ratios exceeding the expected (1
1) reaction stoichiometry (Fig. 3b), and by vibrational spectroscopy (Fig. 3d and S4†) through the rise of the main water band (∼3300 cm−1).
Drying the films off the reacted particles showed that H2O:
MgO reaction ratios were of only ∼0.85 for Pe5 and ∼0.75 for Pe10 (Fig. 4b). These results thus contrasted with reaction yields obtained by XRD (Fig. 3c). To understand the implications of these results, we thermally decomposed the reaction products back to MgO using TGA (Fig. 4c). These experiments showed that dehydroxylation recovered 100% of the weight of Pe5 and ∼80% of the weight of Pe10. Because these results matched reaction yields obtained by Rietveld refinement (Fig. 3c), we conclude that unreacted Pe5 and Pe10 contained non-stoichiometric OH groups. This conclusion was supported further by vibrational (Fig. S4†) and X-ray photoelectron (Fig. S5†) spectroscopic measurements of the unreacted materials.
The sinusoidal portions of Pe5 and Pe10 at the onset of the reactions were best described using a Avrami–Erofeyev52,53 model. This model ([−ln(1 − α)]1/3 = kAEt; where α = [0,1] is reaction progress and t reaction time) described growth in terms of the competing ingestion of nucleation sites and merging nuclei.44 It described the complete conversion (α = 0 → 1) for Pe5 and the partial conversion (α = 0 → 0.5) for Pe10 using a single growth constant (kAE = 6.6 h−1). To give additional perspective on this growth term in the context of water films, we note that a single Pe5 nanocube cannot completely dissolve into three monolayer-thick films (2.1 Mg2+ per H2O). The sustained rates of conversion must have therefore relied on the continual capture of water vapor by newly formed brucite nanoparticles. Again, evidence for this capture was detected by microgravimetry (Fig. 4b) and by vibrational spectroscopy (Fig. 3d and S4†).
The slower reactions in Pe10 after ∼4 h were predicted using a 3D Shrinking Core Model54 (Fig. 1). To this end, we used the Carter–Valensi59 adaptation of the Ginstling–Brounshtein model60 (; R is particle radius) to factor in the important volumetric expansion (
); v is molar volume) on the reaction rates (kVC). The model predicts that diffusion-limited growth (
= 230 h−1 nm2) began after ∼4 h of reaction where ∼15% (α = 0.15) of the Pe10 transformed to brucite by nucleation-limited growth. We note that this level of conversion amounts to the consumption of the topmost ∼0.9 nm of the Pe10 surface, namely the equivalent of ∼5000 nm3 of MgO. As this volume corresponds to about ten Pe5 nanocubes, we conclude that Pe5 was completely converted to brucite under the nucleation-limited regime. This also implies that brucite nanocoatings formed on Pe5 were insufficiently thick to hamper the flux of reactive species to brucite growth fronts.
Imaging of samples reacted over a period of 48 h revealed a progressive conversion of periclase nanocubes to brucite nanoflakes (Fig. 5f and l). Brucite growth from Pe5 nanocubes (Fig. 5a–f) was chiefly limited to the confines of the embedding hexagonal particles. Growth thereby occurred within the microporous interstices of aggregated Pe5 nanocubes/nanobars, as illustrated in Fig. 5m. In contrast, growth from Pe10 extended well beyond the sizes of the original nanocubes (Fig. 5g–l). This implies that a network of water films secured the flux of soluble Mg2+ species from different periclase particles to brucite growth fronts, such as represented in Fig. 5n.
Finally, to directly identify mineralogical phases by imaging, we turned to High-Resolution TEM (HRTEM). Cryogenic conditions minimized risks for electron beam damage.55 Imaging of reacted Pe10 (Fig. 5o) revealed spatially resolved lattice fringes from co-existing periclase (Region 2) and brucite (Regions 1) particles. Both Regions 1 and 3 contained a range of lattice fringes (4.5–6.0 Å) with the lowest value close to the expected d001-spacing value of brucite. In contrast, the larger values indicated that brucite contained various configurations of interstratified nanosheets. These findings consequently align with our vibrational spectra (Fig. 3e, f and S4†), and with previous imaging work,16,17 revealing weak intralayer bonding in dislocated brucite nanosheets. In the following section, we establish a link between these lattice fringes and our XRD measurements.
These two peaks also grew in parallel with another set of reflections at 14–15° 2θ (Fig. 6e and f). These reflections indicate d001-spacing values in the 5.91–6.33 Å range, and therefore correspond with lattice fringes seen by cryogenic HRTEM (Fig. 5o). Shifts in peak position over reaction time also revealed that these spacing values shrank (6.27 → 5.82 Å) as spacing values from the main (001) reflection expanded (4.48 → 4.53 Å). As these spacings were not sufficiently large to accommodate intercalated water (d001 + 2rH2O = 4.82 Å + 2.80 Å = 7.62 Å; where rH2O is the radius of a water molecule), we conclude that the 14–15° 2θ reflections arose from unresolved interstratified layers, and that these dynamically changed during the course of the reactions. Transient mixed oxyhydroxide (Mgx+yOx(OH)2y) intermediates, formed by water diffusion into the periclase bulk,17 could have also partially contributed to these results.
We can explain the uncharacteristically low d001-spacing values if high crystallization pressures were achieved during the reactions. This idea was already conveyed by Feitknecht and Braun32 who, in the 1960s, assigned a similar value (4.578 Å) to brucite grown under comparable conditions. Referring to pressure-resolved d001-spacing values64,65 published decades after that study, we infer crystallization pressures of ∼4 GPa could have been achieved during brucite growth.
This interpretation aligns with thermodynamic predictions12,25 for GPa-level crystallization pressures, and with our observation that removing the water film (Fig. S8†) shifted d001-spacings of reacted materials to low-pressure values. Whereas previous studies12,25 did show that reactions in compacted materials can stop at MPa-level pressures because water films are squeezed from the intergrain boundary, we can explain our findings the inherently large (26 μL g−1) microporosity of Pe5 nanocubes (Fig. 2b and c) sustained GPa-level pressures by retaining the network of water films. This was also the case for a minor portion of Pe10, which could be explained in terms of surface microporosity. These results consequently highlight the singular ability of synthetic periclase nanocubes, especially those of Pe5 aggregated in a 2D maze-like microporous network, to host high pressure reactions.
By resolving brucite growth in terms of concurrent nucleation- and diffusion-limited regimes, our work unveiled important differences caused by nanoparticle formation history on the composition and structure of reaction products. Because water films are important drivers of mineral alteration in nature and technology, consideration of these findings will be needed in studying nanomineral transformations in areas including atmospheric chemistry, catalysis, electrochemistry, geochemistry, and surface science. Considerations of these findings can even apply to broader aspects of material alteration and crystal growth by nanometric water films. This includes structurally-related materials (e.g., CaO, FeO) as well as, more generally, transformations under nanoconfinement (e.g., nanopores) in minerals (e.g., clays, zeolites) or other materials of technological interest (e.g., metal–organic frameworks, carbon nanotubes).
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2nr07140a |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |