Rolf A. T. M.
van Benthem
Johan P. A.
*a and
Rint P.
aDepartment of Chemical Engineering & Chemistry, and Institute for Complex Molecular Systems, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands. E-mail:;
bDepartment of Chemical Engineering & Chemistry, Laboratory of Physical Chemistry. Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
cShell Energy Transition Center Amsterdam, Grasweg 31, 1031 HW Amsterdam, The Netherlands
First published on 1st September 2023
Neighboring group assisted rearrangement substantially increases relaxation rates in dynamic covalent networks, allowing easier (re)processing of these materials. In this work, we introduce a dynamic covalent network with anionic phosphate diesters as the sole dynamic group, incorporating β-hydroxy groups as a neighboring group, mimicking the self-cleaving backbone structure of RNA. The diester-based networks have slightly slower dynamics, but significantly better hydrolytic (and thermal) stability than analogous phosphate triester-based networks. Catalysis by the β-hydroxy group is vital for fast network rearrangement to occur, while the nature of the counterion has a negligible effect on the relaxation rate. Variable temperature 31P solid-state NMR demonstrated a dissociative bond rearrangement mechanism to be operative.
There is a growing interest in integrating DCNs in fast and industrially significant processing methods, such as (reactive) extrusion,22 melt blowing,23 and additive manufacturing methods like 3D-printing and direct ink writing.24–26 Dissociative DCNs are particularly suitable for these methods, by virtue of the decreased crosslink density and viscosity of these materials at processing temperatures.27 Still, many chemistries demand the implementation of an external catalyst in order to display exchange rates rapid enough for fast reprocessing. These catalysts may leach out over time, compromising long-term dynamic properties.11 Recent research by our group and others has therefore focused on DCNs with immobilized internal catalysts by means of neighboring group participation.28–32 In these DCNs, neighboring group participation leads to a dissociative rearrangement mechanism via cyclic intermediates that have a high energy, and are therefore present at low concentration, thus, just like vitrimers, the material does not lose its network integrity upon heating.
Our group has utilized neighboring group assisted rearrangement in phosphate triester-based dynamic covalent networks by means of pendent β-hydroxy groups.33 This β-hydroxy group allowed for the initiation of neighboring group mediated transesterification exchange reactions in the network via the formation of a cyclic phosphate triester intermediate (Scheme 1a). Stress relaxation rates were shown to be high enough for processing by extrusion. Variable temperature solid-state NMR spectroscopy was utilized as a method to prove a dissociative exchange mechanism. Although relaxation rates are fast, both the thermal- and hydrolytic stability limit the range of potential applications.
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Scheme 1 Schematic representation of a dissociative transesterification reaction in (a) phosphate triester DCNs.33 (b) RNA self-cleavage.36 (c) phosphate diester DCNs. |
In contrast to this, phosphate diesters, especially in their anionic form, are hydrolytically more stable, but not dynamic enough for use in DCNs. The higher negative charge density on the phosphorus center makes for a less electrophilic moiety, and transesterification as well as hydrolysis are slow.34 The accelerating effect of neighboring group participation of the β-hydroxy group in phosphate diesters is a well-known concept in nucleic acid chemistry, where a β-hydroxy group (the 2′-OH of the neighboring ribose unit, see Scheme 1b) of RNA initiates self-cleavage, yielding a cyclic phosphate diester as cleavage product.35,36 Using β-hydroxy containing phosphate diesters in DCNs is therefore a promising approach to obtain dynamic, yet hydrolytically stable materials. The usage of β- and γ-hydroxy containing phosphate esters has been reported by other groups,37,38 but mechanistic aspects of diester transesterification in these materials were not studied in detail. Furthermore, the used synthetic method is known to yield a mixture of phosphate mono-, di- and triesters, complicating mechanistic studies.39,40
In the current work, we designed a DCN based on β-hydroxy containing anionic phosphate diesters as the sole dynamic moiety, closely mimicking the RNA backbone structure and its neighboring group assisted cleaving mechanism (Scheme 1c). To obtain these networks, a linker was made in two facile synthetic steps, and combined with a polar or an apolar polymer backbone to yield two dynamic polymer networks. The networks were studied with rheology and dynamic mechanical analysis. The mechanism of network rearrangement was studied using variable temperature 31P solid-state NMR. Hydrolytic- and thermal stabilities were tested and compared to the phosphate triester-based dynamic covalent networks with pendent β-hydroxy that we reported on previously. Finally, the catalytic properties of the β-hydroxy group on the transesterification reaction was studied.
The bifunctional linker BDDE-dP-TEA was used to synthesize polymer networks containing exclusively anionic phosphate diesters as dynamic moiety. Commercially available polycaprolactone-triol (PCL-3f, Mn = 1.93 kg mol−1) or polyethylene glycol-triol (PEG-3f, Mn = 1.0 kg mol−1) was reacted with BDDE-dP-TEA in an equimolar ratio to yield a polymeric network, PCL-dP-TEA or PEG-dP-TEA, respectively (Fig. 1c). Network formation was carried out at 150 °C under reduced pressure for 2 hours, after which the material was transferred to a vacuum oven at 180 °C overnight, to ensure further curing. The resulting networks were reprocessed by means of compression molding under 1 bar at 150 °C for 30 minutes and then slowly cooled under pressure to 100 °C followed by active cooling to room temperature. The gel fractions and swelling ratios of the reprocessed samples were determined using THF as solvent. PCL-dP-TEA had a gel fraction of 81% and a swelling ratio of 2.73; PEG-dP-TEA had a gel fraction of 82% and a swelling ratio of 1.42. The 31P solid-state NMR spectrum of PEG-dP-TEA at room temperature (Fig. 1d) showed two broad peaks at −1.41 ppm and 16.38 ppm, corresponding to the linear anionic phosphate diesters and the 5-membered cyclic anionic phosphate diesters, respectively.
To investigate potential effects of counterions in this system, PEG networks with more acidic counterions pyridinium (pKa = 5.2) and methylimidazolium (pKa = 6.95) were also prepared, yielding PEG-dP-Pyr and PEG-dP-MIM, respectively. It was found that these counterions do not notably affect network rearrangement kinetics (for details see the ESI†). This implies that these weakly acidic counterions (pKa > 4) do not protonate the anionic phosphate diester (pKa = 1.25) enough to contribute to the transesterification reaction. This is in line with what has been shown before in literature, where isomerization of anionic phosphate diesters was shown to be pH-independent at pH > 4.41 Furthermore, synthesis of networks with alkali metal counterions was considered, but was found to be non-trivial. It was therefore decided to solely continue with triethylammonium as counterion.
Additionally, shear rheology data was obtained to probe network rearrangement kinetics in PEG-dP-TEA and PCL-dP-TEA. Stress relaxation experiments were performed between 110 °C and 170 °C under 5% strain, results of which are shown as normalized curves in Fig. 3a and b (DMTA results show the modulus to not significantly change in this range of temperatures). Both networks exhibit full stress relaxation at elevated temperatures, with increasing relaxation rates as temperature increased. At 170 °C, complete stress relaxation was achieved within 2000 seconds for PEG-dP-TEA, and 3500 seconds for PCL-dP-TEA. The characteristic relaxation times (τ) were estimated by fitting the relaxation moduli, G(t), to a stretched exponential function, with stretch parameter β (eqn (1)).
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Fig. 3 Shear rheology experiments under 1% strain with temperature variation. (a) Stress relaxation experiment on PEG-dP-TEA including fitted data (dashed lines). (b) Stress relaxation experiment on PCL-dP-TEA including fitted data (dashed lines). (c) Characteristic relaxation times of PEG-dP-TEA, PCL-dP-TEA, a β-hydroxy containing phosphate triester DCN33 and an associative phosphate triester DCN,16 (d) Arrhenius plot using characteristic relaxation times derived from (a) and (b). Values in the graph are the apparent activation energies of flow as calculated from the linear fit. |
As shown in Fig. 3c, relaxation times for the β-hydroxy diester networks are generally shorter than for associative phosphate triester DCNs,16 yet higher than for the dissociative β-hydroxy containing triesters.33 This lies within expectation, due to the lower reactivity towards nucleophilic substitution of anionic phosphate diesters compared to phosphate triesters. An Arrhenius plot of the temperature dependence of fitted relaxation times (Fig. 3d) shows the apparent activation energy of viscous flow (Ea) to be 85 kJ mol−1 for PEG-dP-TEA and 78 kJ mol−1 for PCL-dP-TEA, both marginally higher than our previously reported value of 68 kJ mol−1 for β-hydroxy containing phosphate triesters.33 The higher relaxation rates for PEG-dP-TEA compared to PCL-dP-TEA are attributed to the more polar backbone of PEG, stabilizing the transition states of the substitution.42
Dynamic bond exchange effects on the viscoelastic properties of the networks were further probed with frequency sweep experiments in shear, conducted from 10−2 to 102 rad s−1 at different temperatures. As shown in Fig. 4, both PEG-dP-TEA and PCL-dP-TEA show a constant plateau modulus at higher frequencies (>0.5 rad s−1) which drops gradually with higher temperatures. Towards lower frequencies, the storage modulus (G′) decreases, accompanied by an increase in the loss modulus (G′′), indicating relaxation from the bond exchange reaction. The onset in drop of G′ shifts to higher frequencies with increasing temperature, and the plateau modulus decreases with increasing temperature, which is indicative for a dissociative exchange mechanism.2
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Fig. 4 Frequency sweep data at different temperatures under 1% strain of (a) PEG-dP-TEA and (b) PCL-dP-TEA. |
The VT 31P SSNMR data from the heating run were used to evaluate the standard enthalpy for dissociation in the bulk polymer (ΔHθ). The ratio between the concentration of ring-opened state ([OP]) and 5-membered cyclic ring-closed ([CP]) was calculated from the VT 31P SSNMR peak integrals. For simplification, the peaks assigned to the two isomeric forms of the ring opened state were not evaluated separately, and a possible difference in reactivity between the primary- and secondary β-hydroxy was neglected. The concentration ratio ([CP]/[OP]) was used to evaluate ΔHθ for dissociation using a Van ‘t Hoff plot (Fig. S29†), and was determined to be 26 kJ mol−1. This is slightly lower than the previously reported value of 35 kJ mol−1 for phosphate triesters,33 indicating that the cyclic phosphate diester intermediate is somewhat more stabilized than the cyclic triester intermediate.
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Fig. 6 Degradation experiment of PCL-dP-TEA and PCL-PX. (a) Measured gel fraction over time. (b) Pictures after 0 h and 96 h of (top) PCL-PX and (bottom) PCL-dP-TEA. |
We previously showed that the thermal stability in our triester-based network was limited because of the elimination of ethylene glycol through (associative) transesterification reactions at higher temperatures, thus eliminating the functional group responsible for the internal catalysis (Fig. 7b).33 This resulted in a significant increase in relaxation times in repeated stress relaxation experiments above 140 °C. Since the internal catalyst is incorporated in the linker (and thus the polymer backbone) in the diester-based material, this problem should have been eliminated in the current system. After confirming persistent stress relaxation in PCL-dP-TEA for temperatures up to 140 °C (see Fig. S17–S19†), the thermal stability of PCL-dP-TEA was compared to that of (previously synthesized)33 PCL-PX by means of repeated stress relaxation experiments at 160 °C on single samples (Fig. 7a). The differences in behavior for the two materials is immediately clear. For PCL-PX, the relaxation time over four cycles increased by 400%, whereas for PCL-dP-TEA, this was only 50%. We attribute the slight increase in relaxation time observed for PCL-dP-TEA to the formation of higher phosphates (Fig. 7c), as also shown using VT 31P SSNMR (Fig. 5).
The influence of the β-hydroxy neighboring group as internal catalyst for network rearrangement was investigated through small molecule experiments. 3-Ethoxy-2-hydroxypropyl ethyl phosphate (EGE-dP) was synthesized from ethyl glycidyl ether (EGE) as a model for the dynamic moiety in the networks (Scheme S3†). Diethyl phosphate (DEP) and ethyl methyl imidazolium diethyl phosphate ([EMIM][DEP]) were used as a model for a neutral and anionic phosphate diester, respectively. EGE-dP, DEP and [EMIM][DEP] were refluxed in toluene for 20 h in the presence of 2-ethyl hexanol. From the 31P NMR spectra (Fig. 8) and the 1H NMR spectra (Fig. S5 and 6†) was found that no exchange occurred on the phosphate center in the case of DEP and [EMIM][DEP]. However, with EGE-dP, it was clear that exchange with 2-ethyl hexanol had occurred, as evidenced by the appearance of new peaks downfield in 31P NMR, assigned to exchanged centra (1.10 ppm and 0.24 ppm), and a peak assigned to the ring-closed state (16.5 ppm). These results suggest that the presence of a neighboring β-hydroxy group is essential for network rearrangement in an anionic phosphate diester-based DCN.
The synthesized networks showed full and relatively fast stress relaxation at elevated temperatures, with PEG-dP-TEA showing notably higher relaxation rates than PCL-dP-TEA. We attributed this difference to the more polar PEG backbone providing more stability to the transition state. Although these networks show lower relaxation rates than our previous β-hydroxy containing phosphate triester network (PCL-PX),33 we showed a considerable increase in thermal- and hydrolytic stability. This shows that switching from phosphate triesters to anionic phosphate diesters can greatly improve material stability over time, by only slightly compromising rearrangement kinetics.
The catalytic effects of both the present β-hydroxy group and the counterion of the diester anion were investigated. Our results indicate that the counterion has negligible effect on the rearrangement kinetics, while the presence of the β-hydroxy group was shown to be vital for exchange to occur. This once more highlights the importance of neighboring group participation in (dissociative) dynamic covalent networks.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Synthetic details, 1H, 13C, 31P (SS)NMR spectra, stress relaxation data, Tikhonov regularization, DMA and DSC thermograms, and ΔHθ determination. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |