Izaac Sita,
Bidemi T. Fashinab,
Anthony P. Baldob,
Kevin Leungb,
Vicki H. Grassian*c and
Anastasia G. Ilgen*b
aDepartment of Nanoengineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
bGeochemistry Department, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 87123, USA. E-mail: agilgen@sandia.gov
cDepartment of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA. E-mail: vhgrassian@ucsd.edu
First published on 1st August 2023
Organic acids are prevalent in the environment and their acidity and the corresponding dissociation constants can change under varying environmental conditions. The impact of nanoconfinement (when acids are confined within nanometer-scale domains) on physicochemical properties of chemical species is poorly understood and is an emerging field of study. By combining infrared and Raman spectroscopies with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we quantified the effect of nanoconfinement in silica nanopores on one of the fundamental chemical reactions—the dissociation of organic acids. The pKa of formic and acetic acids confined within cylindrical silica nanopores with 4 nm diameters were measured. MD models were constructed to calculate the shifts in the pKa values of acetic acid nanoconfined within 1, 2, 3, and 4 nm silica slit pores. Both experiments and MD models indicate a decrease in the apparent acid dissociation constants (i.e., increase in the pKa values) when organic acids are nanoconfined. Therefore, nanoconfinement stabilizes the protonated species. We attribute this observation to (1) a decrease in the average dielectric response of nanoconfined aqueous solutions where charge screening may be decreased; or (2) an increase in proton concentration inside nanopores, which would shift the equilibrium towards the protonated form. Overall, the results of this study provide the first quantification of the pKa values for nanoconfined formic and acetic acids and pave the way for a unifying theory predicting the impact of nanoconfinement on acid–base chemistry.
Nanoconfinement effects on chemistry are poorly understood and constitute an emerging research field. So far the very few studies of nanoconfinement effects on acidity indicate that in highly charged clay mineral interlayers, acidity of water increases by ∼4 orders of magnitude.9 Similarly, recent study by Zhu et al. shows that the local pH inside silica nanopores is lowered, compared to adjacent bulk solution, due to selective uptake of protons inside the negatively charged SiO2 pores.13 Again, lower pH is reported for silica nanopores functionalized with 2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate (DMAEMA) and 2-(metacryloyloxy)ethyl phosphate (MEP) polymers, which was attributed to an increase in the deprotonation of these surface-bound species under nanoconfinement.5 Contrary to the studies above, Rubinovich et al. observed the equilibrium constants for the hybridization of single stranded DNA are shifted towards undissociated complexes in nanoconfined conditions due to entropic stabilization of these large molecules inside nanochannels.14 These limited studies on acidity in nanopores indicate that de-protonation reactions could be either enhanced or hindered under nanoconfinement, especially for those nanopores that have a negative surface change. The results we report here for silica nanopores show similar trends as observed for air–water interfaces, where protonated forms of organic acids are stabilized.15 Currently, there is no fundamental understanding of how acid dissociation is affected by nanoconfinement. Environmentally relevant molecules, such as organic acids, humic substances, nucleotides, amino acids, proteins and DNA, have one or more acid dissociation constants and therefore understanding the impact of nanoconfinement on various types of acidic groups is urgently needed.
For these reasons, here we quantify the effect of nanoconfinement on the pKa values for two simple organic acids, formic and acetic acids. Formic and acetic acids can be found in the environment from cellular processes cycle, fermentation and are the main constituents of volatile organic acids.16,17 These organic acids are also involved in many industrial processes like paper manufacturing, metal ore mining, and food production that can be in chemical runoff and introduced into aqueous environmental systems.18,19 Additionally, many environmentally prevalent organic molecules, biomolecules and humic substances contain one or more carboxylic acid functional groups, and their deprotonation can be sensitive to nanoconfinement.
Here we utilize these small organic acids as a convenient model system to investigate the effect of nanoconfinement on acid–base chemistry. In this study, Raman and attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy were employed to experimentally estimate the acid dissociation constants of formic and acetic acids when nanoconfined in cylindrical silica nanopores. In addition to experimental approach, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to estimate pKa shifts for nanoconfined acetic acid in 1, 2, 3, and 4 nm silica slit pores.
For solution phase spectra of the acids, 25 mM concentrations were prepared and titrated to pH ranging from 2–6 (formic acid) and 2–7 (acetic acid). About 800 μL of the titrated solution was pipetted onto the AMTIR crystal and a spectrum was recorded. A spectrum of milliQ water without pH adjustment was used as the background.
For collecting spectra of nanoconfined formic acid, a suspension containing 10 mg of SiO2 in 800 μL milliQ water was prepared and sonicated for 30 seconds. The suspension was drop casted on the AMTIR crystal and dried overnight under filtered CO2-free air. To initiate the experiment, the 700 μL milliQ water was pipetted on the dried SiO2 film and a background spectrum was collected. To collect spectra of SiO2 film saturated with acid solutions, a 700 μL aliquot of 25 mM formic acid at target pH was pipetted on the film and then removed; then another 700 μL aliquot of the same solution was pipetted on the film and a sample spectrum was collected. A similar step-wise addition method was used to collect spectra of nanoconfined 25 mM acetic acid, where acid at target pH value was added, then removed, followed by the fresh acid addition.
To determine the pKa values of the aqueous and the nanoconfined formic acid from the ATR-FTIR data, the intensities of ν(CO) and νas(COO−) vibrational bands were used because they represent the protonated and deprotonated formic acid forms, respectively. A linear baseline was used to determine peak heights (intensities). At pH 2, ν(CO) was considered to represent the 100 mol% of the expected protonated form, while at pH 6, νas(COO−) was considered to represent 100 mol% of deprotonated form. Sigmoidal functions were fit to the two measured acid and base line intensities, and the pKa value was determined independently for each at the 50% intensity value. The same method was used to determine the pKa of 25 mM acetic acid solution (bulk phase and nanoconfined in SiO2 pores). The intensity measured at pH 2 ν(CO) was considered to represent the 100 mol% of protonated form, and at pH 7 νas(COO−) to represent the 100 mol% of deprotonated form. The reported pKa value for formic acid is 3.75,25–27 and for acetic acid is 4.75.27–29
A 500 mg 4 nm silica sample was equilibrated in 10 mL of 500 mM formic or acetic acids at pH 2–7. The silica particles were equilibrated in centrifuge tubes for 48 hours at room temperature, with intermittent agitation every 12 hours. The particles were allowed to settle by gravity while the supernatant was discarded. The silica-acid slurry was placed in quartz crucible, excess acid was dabbed with Kim-wipe, and covered with microscope cover glass. Raman spectra were collected using a Horiba XploRA plus Raman spectrometer with a cooled CCD detector (Jobin Yvon's Synapse camera). An unpolarized HeNe laser was used with a 532 nm excitation and ∼10 mW radiation power. A 10× microscope objective lens was used with a laser spot diameter of ∼3 μm. An 1800 nm grating was used, and an average of 30 scans was collected between 1800 and 600 cm−1. For each silica-acid slurry, 10 spectra were acquired at different spots on the sample. Consistent with nanopore measurements, the bulk acid solutions at pH between pH 2 and 7 were also in the same quartz crucible during data collection. All spectra were processed by fitting linear segments under peaks to correct for baseline.
To calculate the pKa of the aqueous and the confined acids from the Raman data, the intensity of the Raman spectra corresponding to the deprotonated forms of acetic acid (927 cm−1) and protonated forms of formic acid (1219 cm−1) were plotted against pH for both the aqueous and the nanoconfined acids. These bands were chosen because (1) they are less susceptible to coupling effect by other bands, (2) they do not share bands with pristine silica, and (3) are very sensitive to changes in pH. The resulting plots were fitted with sigmoidal function. The half of the difference between the maximum and minimum intensity is the midpoint of the intensity plot. The point where the midpoint intercepts the sigmoidal function is equivalent to the pKa of the organic acid.
Thermodynamic integration calculations determined the free energy difference of the acetic acid/acetate transformation according to the following equation:
Molecular dynamics simulations were performed with the GROMACS30 software package version 2022.2. Force field parameters for the silicate were treated with Clayff,31,32 while the remainder of the system, including the acetic acid and acetate, were modelled with the CHARMM33 force field version 27 with TIP3P34 waters occupying the bulk and 2D pore channel. Each system representing any given λ value was initially subject to up to 5000 steps of minimization, followed by equilibration at 300 K, 1 bar for 1 ns with the Berendsen35 barostat. Afterwards, runs were continued at 300 K, 1 bar with the Parrinello–Rahman36 barostat in 10 ns increments. It is from these runs of which δH/δλ for each given thermodynamic state was considered. To compute the total free energy difference, Bennett acceptance ratio37 (BAR) was utilized to determine the free energy difference between the initial and final state. The total free energy and estimated variance are reported as computed within GROMACS with the command gmx bar. Volume scaling of the system cell both during equilibration and further runs was applied semi-isotropically to maintain the periodicity of the silicate slabs, with x and y dimensions of the simulation cell remaining fixed with variability in the z component of the volume. Full electrostatics were computed with the particle mesh Ewald38 method with a short-range cutoff of 12 Å. Related calculations have previously been conducted using Density Functional Theory Molecular Dyamics (DFT/MD).15
Fig. 3 shows experimentally determined speciation curves for formic and acetic acids at different pH values using characteristic vibrational bands in ATR-FTIR spectra. The mid-point for the protonated and de-protonated band intensities indicates the pKa value of formic and acetic acids in bulk solution are 3.2 and 4.5, respectively. Using the same data analysis approach, the pKa values of nanoconfined formic and acetic acids are 3.4 and 4.6, respectively. The measured solution pKa values for formic and acetic acid agree well with potentiometric measurements performed in our laboratory (Fig. S1†), supporting that spectroscopic method can be used as an effective technique to determine molecular acid dissociation constants. Our measured values deviate by approximately 0.3 units from the values in the literature, because these compiled literature values are for solutions with ionic strength close to zero,43,44 while the solutions in our study have the ionic strength of 0.25. As alkyl chain length increases, the acidity of the carboxylic acid decreases as the alkyl group destabilizes the carboxylate ion.45 However, as the alkyl group lengthens, the inductive effect lessens as the added carbons are farther away from the carboxylate. This inductive effect is apparent at the difference in measured pKa values for formic and acetic acid solutions of ca. one pH unit.
In general, in silica nanopores ATR-FTIR peaks for (de)protonated acid forms show the same response to increasing pH as was observed for bulk solutions, where protonated peaks disappear, and deprotonated peaks appear. Peak shifting, changes to spectral intensities, and broadening and/or narrowing can be indicative of surface complexation when compared to solution spectra; if molecules adsorb on SiO2 surfaces inside nanopores, molecular symmetry can change leading to peak shifting or full width half max (FWHM) changes.46,47 Additionally, if adsorption onto solid surface takes place, local concentrations are increased which can be observed in the significant increase in spectral intensities, sometimes as large as 100×.21,22 However, this is not observed as measured ATR-FTIR intensities are similar for bulk solution samples and those in SiO2 nanopores (Fig. 2).
The Raman spectra for solution phase formic and acetic acid have similar spectral responses to pH changes (Fig. 4). As pH increases for solution phase formic acid, the protonated bands represented by the 1721 cm−1 ν(CO) and 712 cm−1 δ(COH) peak intensities decrease while the deprotonated 1219 cm−1 and 1352 cm−1 ν(COO−) band intensity increases.42 The carboxylate band is very intense and when plotted on the same scale, swamps the δ(COH) band intensity. Significant spectral changes occur between pH 3 and pH 4 (see Fig. S3†), similar to what was observed in ATR-FTIR data. For solution phase acetic acid, as pH increases, the 1711 cm−1 ν(CO) band and 891 cm−1 ν(C–C) decrease while the deprotonated carboxylate bands, 1416 cm−1 νas(COO−), 1349 cm−1 νs(COO−) and 927 cm−1 ν(C–C) bands increase. Again, significant spectra changes occur between pH 4 and pH 5.
Fig. 4 Raman spectra of bulk and nanoconfined solutions (a) formic acid solutions, (b) acetic acid solutions, (c) nanoconfined formic acid solutions, and (d) nanoconfined acetic acid solutions. |
Using the approach earlier explained in the material and method section (i.e., plot of intensity ratios vs. pH), the pKa of the acids in solution were 3.5 and 4.6 for formic and acetic acid, respectively (Fig. 5). Under nanoconfinement, the pKa values increased to 3.8 and 4.8, respectively.
For Raman intensities, the intensities measured for acids nanoconfined in silica pores are smaller than in solution. Because of the absence of signal enhancement, we conclude that the organic acids are not complexing with the SiO2 surfaces to any significant degree, and the majority of the acids reside within the body of the nanopore. To show what the spectra would look like if the organic acids were strongly adsorbed to the surface, acetic acid was adsorbed onto alumina at various pH values using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy (Fig. S2†). The spectra did not change despite varying the solution pH and showed peak shifting of the carboxylate peaks, indicating adsorption onto alumina surfaces. In the case of formic and acetic acid nanoconfined in silica pores, spectral changes in response to changing pH was observed so the acids are not adsorbed to the silica surface.
The nanoconfined spectra behave similarly to solution spectra in terms of decreasing intensities of the protonated bands and increasing intensities of de-protonated bands as pH increases for both organic acids. However, the nanoconfined ATR-FTIR spectral intensities is ca. 30% of solution whereas Raman is ca. 50% of that measured in solution. Instead of the laser beam probing a volume of only organic acid and water, part of the sampled volume is being filled by silica, resulting in a lower concentration of acid molecules and lower intensity values. There is minimal peak shifting when solution and nanoconfined spectra are compared for either acid from both spectroscopic techniques. Additionally, the FWHM of protonated and deprotonated bands do not change significantly. Due to sensitivity issues, the concentration used for Raman spectra is 20× higher than used for ATR-FTIR.
Tabulated pKa values for vibrational measurements on solution and nanoconfined acids are shown in Table 1. Under nanoconfinement and using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy, formic acid has a pKa value of 3.4 and acetic acid has a pKa value of 4.6. Both pKa values are higher than those in bulk solution by 0.2 (6.3%) and 0.12 (2.7%) pH units for formic and acetic acid, respectively. For pKa values calculated using Raman spectroscopy data, both pKa values are higher than those in bulk solution by 0.4 (11.8%) and 0.26 (5.7%) pH units for formic and acetic acid, respectively. Our ATR-FTIR and Raman experimental results suggest that the protonated forms of the organic acids are more stable compared to their deprotonated forms, resulting in a decrease in dissociation constants and increase in pKa values.
ATR-FTIR | Raman | |||
Solution | Nanoconfined | Solution | Nanoconfined | |
Formic acid | 3.2 | 3.4 | 3.5 | 3.8 |
Acetic acid | 4.5 | 4.6 | 4.6 | 4.8 |
CH3COOpore− + CH3COOHbulk → CH3COOHpore + CH3COObulk− |
In Table 2 we list the calculated free energy differences for the chemical transformation above and the corresponding ΔpKa values.
Unconfined | 1 nm pore | 2 nm pore | 3 nm pore | 4 nm pore | |
Acetate/acetic acid free energy difference (kJ mol−1) | 0 | –3.17 ± 0.11 | –0.98 ± 0.07 | –0.74 ± 0.06 | –0.85 ± 0.09 |
Acetic acid pKa shifts | 0 | +0.54 ± 0.02 | +0.17 ± 0.01 | +0.13 ± 0.01 | +0.15 ± 0.02 |
In all the slit pores, pKa shifts to more positive values, indicating that acid strength decreases under nanoconfinement. There is a clear differentiation between the 1 nm pore and the remaining pore size systems. When slit pore size is 1 nm, pKa shifts by +0.54 ± 0.02 units, and the difference in the estimated free energy difference is 3 times larger than was observed in the 2 nm pore. For an organic molecule like acetic acid, the 1 nm pore represents an extreme nanoconfined environment where other factors like channel solvent density and surface adsorption would also likely have greater differential effects when compared to the other pore sizes, though these factors were not explicitly explored. When comparing the difference in energies between 2 nm and 3 nm pores, it is diminished. Most notably, the pKa shifts predicted by our MD simulations are in qualitative agreement with the experimentally measured pKa shifts for acetic acid in SiO2 nanopores with 4 nm diameter, although the experimental system is cylindrical, and not slit-like. Future MD work will consider other pore geometries and ionic strengths to attain better fidelity to experimental conditions and to investigate whether dielectric effects, which can be screened by salt, are solely responsible for this confinement effect.
For our study, VAA = 0.0014 for ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and 0.035 for Raman spectroscopy, which is well below the onset of dimerization in solution. One could argue that under nanoconfinement, the organic acid could be sequestered or excluded from the pore, altering the volume fraction. However, the intensities of the characteristic solution and nanoconfined peaks are very similar (Fig. S3†). This suggests that the pores are not sequestering or excluding organic acids and that the solution concentration is similar to that of what is inside the pores. The caveat is that the VAA onset of dimerization can be different under nanoconfinement than in solution, however, it would require the difference to be ∼2 orders of magnitude. Thus, the interaction that is observed is of organic acid–water and not organic acid–organic acid nature. This means that electrostatic repulsion is not the dominant force for the observed increase in the pKa values. Additionally, molecular size of non-solvated formic acid is approximately 3.4 Å and 4.9 Å for acetic acid.57 The molecular size of solvated formic acid is approximately 11.4 Å and 12.5 Å for acetic acid.57–59 The solvated sizes are rough estimations based on molecular sizes and distances. Both non-solvated and solvated sizes are significantly smaller than the 4 nm pores in the experimental portion of this study, therefore we assume that steric effects are not dominant. As shown in our MD simulations, steric effects may become important when we reach 1 nm slit pore opening.
Under nanoconfinement, previous studies have shown that the dielectric response is significantly lowered (ε = 2)6 compared to bulk water (ε = 78).3,10,11 Confined water molecules are more ordered (have less rotational freedom) and since nanopores are spatially limited, the density of dipoles is reduced.7 These effects result in a reduced dielectric response for confined water. As the organic acid undergoes deprotonation in nanoconfined environments, the rearrangement and restructuring of water molecules to hydrate the conjugate base and proton is more difficult compared to hydrating the neutral acid. The reduced dielectric constant in a confined system could reduce the ability of water molecules to accept a proton from an organic acid, thus increasing the pKa of the acid. Nie et al. used ab initio calculations to show the increase in H-bond dissociation energy for carboxylic acids in protein interiors as the dielectric response of the media decreases.60 The low dielectric environments enhance H-bonding interactions and are more stable than in higher dielectric media. This suggests that the deprotonation of carboxylic acids becomes more difficult in low dielectric media, thus explaining the observed increase in the pKa value of two acids examined here. Talik et al. showed polypropylene glycols (PPG) hydrogen bonding strength between water molecules and the PPG–OH groups increased under nanoconfinement.61 Moreover, Ilgen et al. found that the solvation energy of dissolved cations is decreased in a nanoconfined system compared to bulk solutions, which causes an increase in the inner-sphere complexation reactions within SiO2 nanopores.3 A reduction in the solvation energy of nanoconfined species could lead to increased complexation, including protonation of organic acids reported here. Adams et al. probed the transport of protons in confined reverse micelles as a function of size and acid concentration.62 The authors reported an inability to execute a Grotthuss shuttling of protons due to the Eigen hydronium complex strong adsorption onto the polar surface. This causes a buildup of protons within confined environments and limits proton mobility suggesting that ability to deprotonate and transport a proton away through a network of water molecules from an organic acid is hindered, stabilizing the acid. Zhu et al. investigated the pH difference between bulk solutions and solutions within nanopores.13 The authors concluded that the pH of nanopores can be lower than in bulk, due to selective uptake of proton into the pore volume. With increasing proton activity inside nanopores, the de-protonation reaction equilibrium is expected to shift towards the un-dissociated species. Additionally, the carbonyl and acidic proton have been shown to be the main active sites for hydrogen bonding.57,60 Once the organic acids deprotonate, the electrons are delocalized in the carboxylate and the strong hydrogen bonding site is lost, reducing the stability of deprotonated acids. For these reasons, protonated organic acids are stabilized in nanopores, which is reflected in the increase of pKa value under nanoconfined environments.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d2ra07944e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |