Fengqi Liu,
Yonggang Jiang*,
Junzong Feng,
Liangjun Li and
Jian Feng
Science and Technology on Advanced Ceramic Fibers and Composites Laboratory, College of Aerospace Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, P. R. China. E-mail: jygemail@nudt.edu.cn; fengj@nudt.edu.cn
First published on 18th May 2023
Novel nanorod aerogels have gained tremendous attention owing to their unique structure. However, the intrinsic brittleness of ceramics still severely limits their further functionalization and application. Here, based on the self-assembly between one-dimensional (1D) Al2O3 nanorods and two-dimensional (2D) graphene sheets, lamellar binary Al2O3 nanorod-graphene aerogels (ANGAs) were prepared by the bidirectional freeze-drying technique. Thanks to the synergistic effect of rigid Al2O3 nanorods and high specific extinction coefficient elastic graphene, the ANGAs not only exhibit robust structure and variable resistance under pressure, but also possess superior thermal insulation properties compared to pure Al2O3 nanorod aerogels. Therefore, a series of fascinating features such as ultra-low density (3.13–8.26 mg cm−3), enhanced compressive strength (6 times higher than graphene aerogel), excellent pressure sensing durability (500 cycles at 40% strain) and ultra-low thermal conductivity (0.0196 W m−1 K−1 at 25 °C and 0.0702 W m−1 K−1 at 1000 °C) are integrated in ANGAs. The present work provides fresh insight into the fabrication of ultralight thermal superinsulating aerogels and the functionalization of ceramic aerogels.
Different from nanoparticle or nanofiber microstructures, the emerging nanorod aerogels stand out with its unique structure and excellent properties.15 Nanorods with high aspect ratio not only can form a continuous microstructure instead of inefficient connections between particles, but also can introduce nanoscale pores that facilitate thermal insulation. So far, there are few reports on novel nanorod aerogels, and the only reports are focused on Al2O3 nanorod aerogels (ANAs). Zhang et al.16 prepared low-density (0.146 g cm−3) Si-doped Al2O3 nanorod aerogels with a compressive strength of 1.50 MPa and a thermal conductivity of 0.089 W m−1 K−1 at 1200 °C. Our previous work developed carbon-coated Al2O3 nanorod aerogels with densities as low as 0.086 g cm−3, which exhibited enhanced compressive strength (2.98 MPa) and thermal insulation properties (0.065 W m−1 K−1 at 1200 °C).15 However, the intrinsic brittleness of the Al2O3 nanorod aerogels were not fundamentally improved by either the fiber-reinforced or the carbon-coated strategy,17 and brittle fracture still occurred at large strains, which is not favorable for thermal insulation applications in structures with variable dimensions. Therefore, the fabrication of elastic Al2O3 nanorod aerogels remains a great challenge.
Graphene, as an advanced 2D material with high mechanical strength, large specific surface area and excellent electrical conductivity, is considered an attractive candidate for the construction of multifunctional three-dimensional (3D) aerogels.18,19 Although graphene has high thermal conductivity within layers,20 directionally aligned graphene sheet layers can effectively block the heat transfer between layers and thus obtained graphene aerogels (GAs) can exhibit low thermal conductivity.21 In addition, graphene, which has excellent electrical conductivity, is also an ideal material for sensor applications.22 Nevertheless, pure graphene aerogels generally exhibit poor mechanical properties and severe volume shrinkage due to the weak van der Waals interactions between the building blocks,23 so components such as carbon nanotubes,24 polymers25 and ceramics26 are incorporated to enhance the graphene backbone strength and promote efficient load transfer. The reinforced graphene aerogels then can acquire excellent mechanical properties with reasonable structural design, such as chemical vapor deposition (CVD),27 directional freezing28 and 3D printing.29 However, although the carbon nanotube-modified graphene aerogels feature high elasticity, the maximum compressive stretch and elastic modulus are not significantly improved due to the softness of the carbon skeleton, which results in a significant reduction in the detection range of pressure sensing. Hybridization of polymers with graphene can impart enhanced elasticity and compressive strength to the aerogels, but the obtained hybrid aerogels are difficult to apply for high temperature insulation due to the mismatch of heat resistance.30
In recent years, high temperature resistant ceramic component has been used to composite with graphene to obtain robust aerogels. Zhang et al.31 constructed hybrid aerogels with high compressive and strong mechanical properties by depositing Al2O3 nanolayers on graphene backbone, which can achieve strains up to 80% and a three-fold increase in maximum compressive strength compared to pure graphene aerogels. However, the high cost and relatively low efficiency of the atomic layer deposition (ALD) method limit its mass production. Xu et al.32 developed a versatile method for building elastic aerogels by combining graphene with ceramic fibers, but as mentioned above, the micron-sized holes introduced by the fibers have negative effects on the thermal insulation properties of the aerogels. Additionally, Yin et al.33 also attempted to mechanically incorporate oxide particles (TiO2, CeO2 and Fe2O3) into graphene, but the inevitable aggregation of particles leads to defect generation and performance degradation. Hence, new types of ceramic additives need to be investigated for the simple preparation of elastic ceramic-graphene aerogels for high temperature thermal insulation and pressure sensing.
Here, laminated binary Al2O3 nanorods-graphene aerogels (ANGAs) based on intermolecular interactions and bidirectional freeze-drying techniques were successfully prepared. The advantageous complementary effect between rigid Al2O3 nanorods and flexible graphene sheets confers the desired properties to ANGAs. As reinforcing phase, Al2O3 nanorods were tightly adsorbed onto graphene sheets by hydrogen bonding, resulting in substantially elevated compressive strength of ANGAs compared to graphene aerogels (GAs). The flexible graphene sheets are interconnected to form a robust elastic conductive backbone, which overcomes the brittleness of Al2O3 ceramics and enables ANGAs to exhibit excellent pressure sensing properties. More importantly, the graphene sheets with high specific extinction coefficient not only confine the motion of gas molecules within the layer gap, but also suppress the radiative heat transfer at high temperatures. Consequently, the obtained ANGAs exhibit thermal superinsulation properties over the full temperature range from low to high temperatures. The successful synthesis of ANGAs provides a new strategy for the preparation of multifunctional elastic ceramic-based aerogels.
The preparation process of ANGAs is shown in Fig. 1a. After homogeneous dispersion of Al2O3 nanorods and graphene in polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution, elastic ANGAs with layer-like structure were obtained after bi-directional freezing, vacuum drying and high temperature annealing. By adjusting the content of Al2O3 nanorods, ultralight ANGAs with low densities ranging from 3.13–8.26 mg cm−3 could be obtained, which can be evidenced by samples standing stably on top of a brush (Fig. 2a). Benefiting from the abundant hydroxyl groups on the surface of Al2O3 nanorods as well as graphene oxide (GO), strong hydrogen bondings can be formed between the two, which is proved by the calculation of non-covalent bonded intermolecular interactions (Fig. 2b). The shifts of the CO and Al–O peaks in the FTIR spectra after the combination of Al2O3 nanorods and GO also indicate the formation of hydrogen bondings (Fig. S1†). In addition, as shown in the mapping image (Fig. 2c), the C, Al and O elements are homogeneously dispersed on the graphene sheets. This is because the Al2O3 can be trapped by the target sites (–OH) on the graphene surface under the induction of hydrogen bonding, and then uniformly distributed on the graphene sheet surface to self-assemble into nanoceramic-enhanced graphene heterostructures. While PVA acts as a chemical cross-linking agent to firmly weld the graphene structural units together after annealing, thus forming a stable skeleton.34,35 To obtain the desired anisotropic graphene structure, the bidirectional freezing technique was employed for the preparation of ANGAs. The temperature gradient from the bidirectional freezing platform in two directions makes the ice crystals grow in a lamellar pattern and the graphene sheets adsorbed with Al2O3 nanorods are extruded into the ice crystal interstices. As shown in Fig. 2d and e, the directionally aligned lamellar ANGAs were successfully prepared after the sublimation of the ice crystals and annealing. As can be seen in enlarged SEM image (Fig. 2f), the rigid Al2O3 nanorods, similar to steel rebars in cement, serve as reinforcement for the graphene nanosheets at the nanoscale, which provides a structural basis for the enhanced compressive strength of ANGAs. The enlarged SEM, TEM images and EDS mappings of the ANGAs also indicate that the submicron Al2O3 nanorods are closely attached to the large-size graphene sheets, and the distribution of Al and C elements further proves the composition of the ANGAs (Fig. S2–S4†).
The crystalline phase composition of ANGAs was also explored by XRD. As seen in Fig. 2g, nanorods are composed of δ-Al2O3, which is transformed from the original boehmite phase after heat treatment,36 and graphene was evidenced by the broad peak at around 25°. The thermal decomposition processes of ANGAs with different Al2O3 nanorod contents and graphene aerogels (GAs) during calcination were further analyzed by TG-DSC (Fig. 2h and i). At temperatures below 150 °C (Stage I), the weight loss of the samples was mainly caused by the removal of adsorbed moisture, which was proved by the exothermic peak at 96 °C in the DSC curves. In Stage II (150–400 °C), the significant weight loss is mainly attributed to the pyrolysis of oxygen-containing functional groups in graphene (–OH, –COOH, –COC–) and the production of CO, CO2 and water, etc.37 The TG-DSC curves of ANGAs and GAs in Stage III (above 400 °C) are distinctly different. For GAs, the removal of the more stable functional groups and the decomposition of organic carbon leads to the weight loss in Stage III.38 In contrast, for ANGAs, a significant exothermic peak was observed at 488 °C due to the crystalline phase transition of Al2O3 nanorods from boehmite to γ-Al2O3.36 Notably, thanks to the excellent heat resistance of Al2O3, the sample residue increased remarkably with the increase of Al2O3 nanorods content from 44.1% for GAs to 67.2% for ANGA-10, indicating that the addition of Al2O3 nanorods could significantly improve the thermal stability of the aerogels.
Thanks to the interplay of Al2O3 nanorods and graphene, ANGA-8 was able to recover to its initial state even at a large strain of 80% and had a compressive strength of 4.98 kPa at 80% strain (Fig. 3c), indicating that it could remain elastic under a pressure of 40000 times of its own weight. In addition, ANGA-8 demonstrates outstanding compression durability, with only 2.8% plastic deformation after 500 compression cycles (60% strain) (Fig. 3d). Meanwhile, the maximum compression strength decreased from 1.89 kPa to 1.41 kPa, accompanied by a drop in elastic modulus from 3.10 kPa to 1.83 kPa (Fig. 3e). The excellent elasticity of ANGAs and the greatly elevated compressive strength are mainly attributed to the synergistic effect of Al2O3 nanorods and graphene framework. Compared with the random structure, the ordered lamellar structure obtained by bidirectional freezing facilitates the formation of more effective force support points. At the macroscopic scale, the elastic bridging layers between the lamellae are able to transfer and dissipate the load efficiently through folding and bending after the graphene skeleton is subjected to pressure (Fig. 3f). At the nanoscale, the rigid Al2O3 nanorods act as reinforcing agents and tightly attach to the flexible graphene sheets through intermolecular interactions. The rigid nanorods can support and resist deformation when the graphene sheet is deformed, thus enhancing the compressive strength. In addition, Al2O3 nanorod-reinforced graphene units are able to constitute a robust 3D network structure under the bonding effect of PVA. Thus, the 1D nanorods and 2D graphene combine rigidity and flexibility, leading to the birth of ANGAs with excellent mechanical properties.
As shown in Fig. 4c, ANGAs are placed between two copper sheets connected with wires to form the pressure sensor. The strains of the ANGAs are precisely controlled by a programmable mechanical tester, and the resistance of the ANGAs is measured by a resistance meter. During the loading process, the porosity of the ANGAs decreases and the lamellar pore walls are moved closer to each other, which is more conducive to rapid electron transfer in the aerogel network, thus exhibiting a lower resistance. After unloading, the resistance returns to the initial state. As shown in Fig. 4d, each compression cycle curve is symmetrical, suggesting that the resistance can recover quickly during unloading as well. It can be found that the response stability of ANGAs at 1% strain is poor, with a response fluctuation of 34.29%. Compared with pure GAs, the ANGAs with the addition of non-conductive Al2O3 nanorod have higher resistance, which causes the samples to be less sensitive to minor resistance changes caused by small strains. As the strain continued to increase, the stability of the sensor response increased and the response fluctuations decreased to 3.41% for 2% strain, 3.07% for 3% strain, and 2.46% for 5% strain. Also, the response fluctuations at 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% strain were all below 3%, with fluctuations of 1.09%, 1.83%, 2.97%, and 2.22%, respectively. When the strain is 50%, the sensor response fluctuation rises to 6.38% in 5 cycles. Therefore, ANGAs have excellent sensing stability in the strain range of 2% to 40%. It can be observed from Fig. 4e that the average sensor response at 2%, 3%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% are 3.29%, 4.34%, 6.4%, 9.3%, 24.5%, 38.4% and 53.3%, respectively. In order to establish the relationship between the sensor response and the loading pressure, the pressure values at different strains were identified according to Fig. 3a. As can be observed in Fig. 4f, the variation of resistance increases with increasing pressure and the corresponding pressure value (0.044–0.92 kPa) subjected to the sensor can be determined by resistance change from the curve. The detection pressure of ANGAs at 2% strain is 0.044 kPa, which is also the pressure sensing sensitivity of ANGAs. Notably, the upper pressure detection limit increased dramatically by up to 6 times from 0.14 kPa for GAs to 0.92 kPa for ANGAs after coupling with Al2O3 nanorods. Considering the relatively large fluctuations at 50% strain, the cyclic durability of the ANGAs was further tested at 40% strain. Thanks to the excellent structural stability of the aerogels, no significant resistance decay was observed in the 500 cycles. In addition, the response fluctuation of ANGAs in 500 cycles is 4.43%, which is slightly higher compared to the fluctuation in 5 cycles (2.22%), but still at a relatively low level. All of the above results indicate that ANGAs can be used as reliable pressure sensors in practical applications.
Generally speaking, for porous materials with pore size less than 1 mm, the total thermal conductivity is considered to be the integrated effect of solid thermal conductivity (λs), gas thermal conductivity (λg) and radiative thermal conductivity (λr).40 At room temperature, λr can usually be neglected due to the small contribution, i.e., the thermal conductivity of the material can be simplified to the sum of λs and λg.15 The density and room temperature thermal conductivity of GAs, ANAs, and ANGAs are shown in Fig. 5a and b. The density of the aerogels increases from 1.75 mg cm−3 for GAs, 3.13 mg cm−3 for ANGA-2 to 8.26 mg cm−3 for ANGA-10 as the proportion of nanorods increases. The thermal conductivity of the samples follows the same trend as the density, increasing from 0.0192 W m−1 K−1 for GAs, 0.0196 W m−1 K−1 for ANGA-2 to 0.0213 W m−1 K−1 for ANGA-10, which is due to the growth of λs caused by the higher density. However, the thermal conductivity of ANAs (0.0265 W m−1 K−1) is still 24.4% higher than that of ANGA-10, even though ANAs have a lower density (7.21 mg cm−3). For ANAs, the overlapped Al2O3 nanorods form a porous skeleton (Fig. S4†), so that gas molecules can pass through the pores for heat transfer. For ANGAs, the layered graphene sheets can fill the pores between the nanorods, confining the movement of gas molecules within the gaps of the lamellas. Consequently, the heat transfer through the cell wall is substantially suppressed, which substantially reduces the λg. Besides, the ultralow density and narrow bridging between the layers also reduce the λs. Therefore, the extremely low λs and λg together contribute to the super-insulation performance of ANGAs, which even possess a lower thermal conductivity than that of air (0.024 W m−1 K−1).41
Compared with the polymer reinforced phase, ceramic reinforced graphene aerogel can be used for high-temperature insulation due to its excellent thermostability, so the high-temperature insulation properties of ANGAs have been further investigated (Fig. 5c and d). As predicted, the high-temperature thermal conductivity of ANGAs was dramatically reduced after the incorporation of graphene compared to ANAs, and the difference becomes more pronounced with increasing temperature. At 1000 °C, the thermal conductivity decreased by 26.4% from 0.0988 W m−1 K−1 for ANAs to 0.0727 W m−1 K−1 for ANGA-10. According to classical heat transfer theory, λr can be represented as:42
According to above equation, the increase in density is beneficial to limit the high temperature radiative heat transfer. At Al2O3 nanorod content below 6% (ANGA-6), the decrease in λr due to the elevated density can compensate for the increase in λs, thus leading to a reduction in total thermal conductivity. As the density of aerogel rises further, the increase in λs outweighs the decrease in λr, resulting in an increase in thermal conductivity instead. Overall, the lamellar ANGAs with high specific extinction coefficient can significantly weaken the λr, and the ultra-low density and the confined lamellar pore structure can effectively suppress the λs and λg, respectively, so that the ANGAs exhibit superinsulation performance at both high and low temperatures (Fig. 5e). Remarkably, ANGAs show great advantages in density and high-temperature thermal conductivity compared with previously reported ultralight ceramic aerogels (Fig. 5f), including SiC nanowire aerogels (900 °C),44,45 ZrO2 fiber aerogels,14,46–49 Al2O3 fiber aerogels50–52 and Al2O3 nanorod aerogels.15,16 In order to demonstrate the thermal insulation performance of ANGAs more visually, a cube ANGA-6 with a diameter of 3 cm was placed on a heating platform of 300 °C (Fig. 5g). The temperature of the upper surface of the sample increased slowly from 24.8 °C at 1 min, 28.1 °C at 5 min, 35.6 °C at 10 min to 52.9 °C at 30 min, illustrating its great potential as a thermal insulator.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ra01070h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |