Yifan Lianga,
Zuchao Huanga,
Zengrui Pana,
Xubo Zhangb,
Meng Xub,
Yunchang Shenc and
Jun Li*a
aKey Laboratory of Microbial Technology for Industrial Pollution Control of Zhejiang Province, College of Environment, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310014, China. E-mail: tanweilijun@zjut.edu.cn
bDeqing Hengfeng Wastewater Treatment Co. Ltd, Huzhou 313200, China
cHuzhou Deqing Ming Kang Biological Co. Ltd, Huzhou 313200, China
First published on 5th July 2023
In wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), external carbon sources are often required due to low C/N influent. However, the use of external carbon sources can increase treatment costs and cause large carbon emissions. Beer wastewater, which contains a substantial amount of carbon, is often treated separately in China, consuming significant energy and cost. However, most studies using beer wastewater as an external carbon source are still on a laboratory scale. To address this issue, this study proposes using beer wastewater as an external carbon source in an actual WWTP to reduce operating costs and carbon emissions while achieving a win–win situation. The denitrification rate of beer wastewater was found to be higher than that of sodium acetate
, resulting in improved treatment efficiency of the WWTP. Specifically, COD, BOD5, TN, NH4+–N and TP increased by 3.4%, 1.6%, 10.8%, 1.1%, and 1.7%, respectively. Additionally, the treatment cost and carbon emission per 10
000 tons of wastewater treated were reduced by 537.31 yuan and 2.27 t CO2, respectively. These results indicate that beer wastewater has significant utilization potential and provide a reference for using different types of production wastewater in WWTPs. This study's findings demonstrate the feasibility of implementing this approach in an actual WWTP setting.
One key issue that WWTPs in China face is the need for an external carbon source due to low carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N) influent, particularly in the southern regions of the country, and this is closely related to denitrification efficiency.5–7 Despite efforts to conserve carbon sources by not setting up primary sedimentation tanks, insufficient carbon sources remain a significant challenge. Thus, it is crucial to reduce the use of external carbon sources and improve their utilization rate. To address this issue, researchers have explored denitrification of wastewater under low C/N ratio conditions.8,9 However, increasing the nitrate cycle rate has been found to have limited impact on improving denitrification efficiency under such circumstances.10 Some researchers have proposed new processes and optimized existing ones. For example, step feed,11 simultaneous nitrification and denitrification (SND),12 and endogenous denitrification (ED)13 technologies have been developed, which have improved the utilization efficiency of carbon sources in influent, resulting in improved denitrification rates.14 Autotrophic denitrification using iron and hydrogen as electron donors and inorganic carbon source has also been studied.15,16 However, these new process is not yet widely applicable in WWTPs due to technological limitations. Despite ongoing efforts to develop new methods, adding an external carbon source remains a common approach to improving the nitrogen removal rate in WWTPs.
The most commonly used external carbon source in China's WWTPs is commercial carbon source, particularly sodium acetate (NaAC) and glucose (GLU).17 However, such sources have several drawbacks, including hidden safety risks and high costs. Different types of commercial carbon source also result in varying nitrogen removal rates.18 Moreover, the need for supporting facilities such as measurement and management further increases the operation and management cost.19 Methanol, another external carbon source, poses safety risks due to its flammability, necessitating additional safety measures during transportation and storage.20 Researchers have explored alternative sources of external carbon, such as biodegradable polymers (BDPs) and natural materials based on cellulose, to reduce costs and increase environmental friendliness. However, BDPs are more expensive,6,21 and methane is susceptible to oxygen concentrations.22 Although natural cellulose-based sources have been studied as potential alternatives,23 the initial and saturated carbon release rates vary significantly, and the effect after addition is unstable, making them unsuitable for widespread application.24 Therefore, a low-cost, high-performance, and environmentally friendly external carbon source is necessary. Production wastewater may be a satisfactory alternative to commercial carbon sources. Further research is needed to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of production wastewater as an external carbon source in WWTPs, but it holds promise as a potential solution to the challenges associated with existing external carbon sources.
Studies on using production effluents, such as beer effluents, as external carbon sources have mostly been conducted on a laboratory scale. Na et al. explored the influence of the dosage of beer wastewater on nitrogen and phosphorus removal in a laboratory-scale AAO reactor,25 and Mielcarek et al. explored the influence of beer wastewater on microorganisms in a laboratory-scale anaerobic sequencing batch reactor.26 However, laboratory scale experiments have their limitations, such as the inability to simulate the change of water quality and quantity in the actual WWTP, the actual situation of the operation method cannot be applied, and the cost accounting and carbon emission accounting cannot be carried out. The production wastewater containing carbon produced in the process of agricultural products and food production has high organic concentration and good biodegradability.8 Quan et al. used hydrolyzed molasses (the percentage of biodegradable substrates was 47.5%) and methanol as external carbon source in sequencing batch reactor (SBR) to treated urban wastewater, and the nitrogen removal rate was 91.6 ± 1.6%, which was better than methanol (85.3 ± 2.0%).27 Fernandez Nava et al. achieved the denitrification of wastewater with nitrate content of 2500 mg L−1 by using sugar, beverage and dairy plant wastewater as the only external carbon source in SBR.28 Studies have shown that carbon-containing industrial wastewater can be used as an external carbon source for WWTPs and has great potential for practical use. However, relevant policies in China limit its practical application, which also leads to less research on the practical application of production wastewater in WWTPs.29
In recent years, China has implemented environmental protection policies that require industrial wastewater to be treated to meet specific standards before it is transferred to WWTPs via sewage pipes. However, some industrial wastewater, which contains high concentrations of organic matter, has high biodegradability, low toxicity, and few side effects, also undergoes pretreatment before being transferred to WWTPs. This pretreatment process reduces the influent C/N ratio of WWTPs, which wastes a significant amount of available carbon sources and increases treatment costs for both industrial enterprises and WWTPs. To address this issue, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the State Administration for Market Regulation of China issued an amendment to the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Beer Industry (GB 19821-2005) in December 2020.30 This amendment clarified that the wastewater of alcohol enterprises, including beer wastewater, can be used as a high-quality external carbon source for WWTPs. This can promote the stable operation of WWTPs and reduce their operating costs and carbon emissions. However, despite this policy change, there are still limited reports on the practical application of beer wastewater as an external carbon source in actual WWTPs. In light of this, it is important to investigate the potential of beer wastewater as an external carbon source and assess its economic and environmental impact when used in WWTPs. This knowledge can help inform future policies that encourage the use of production wastewater as a carbon source in WWTPs.
This paper proposes a system that uses beer wastewater as an external carbon source and applies it to an actual WWTP to reduce the operating costs and carbon emissions of the WWTP. The study analyzes the data of the WWTP in 2017 (before adding beer wastewater) and 2021 (after adding beer wastewater) to investigate the change in treatment effect before and after using beer wastewater as an external carbon source, the denitrification rate of activated sludge in beer wastewater as a carbon source, the economic cost analysis of the system, and carbon emission changes of beer wastewater as an external carbon source. Based on these analyses, it is predicted that production wastewater (wastewater with high carbon content that can be used as an additional carbon source, such as sugar wastewater, wine wastewater and vinegar wastewater) will be widely used as a carbon source in WWTPs in the future.
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Fig. 1 Main process flow of the wastewater treatment plant, and the transportation and adding method of beer wastewater. |
The yeast plant uses brewery wastewater to produce yeast. After precipitation, the sediment from the beer wastewater is used as a raw material for yeast production, and the upper beer wastewater becomes the production wastewater. According to the Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Beer Industry (GB 19821-2005) in China, the yeast plant is required to treat the production wastewater by itself or outsource it to relevant companies to make it meet the discharge standard before it can be discharged into the sewage pipe network. However, this approach can be expensive. The water quality of the beer wastewater, including pH, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total nitrogen (TN), ammonia nitrogen (NH4+–N), and total phosphorus (TP), is summarized in Table 1.
Water quality parameters | Concentration (mg L−1) or range |
COD | 134![]() ![]() |
BOD5/COD | 0.76 ± 0.08 |
TN | 1056–2195 |
NH4+–N | 400–786 |
TP | 371–1301 |
pH | 4.37–4.64 |
To reduce costs and promote a win–win situation, the WWTP has entered into a partnership with the yeast plant, using the beer wastewater as an external carbon source. The transportation and dosing method of the beer wastewater to the WWTP is illustrated in the red dotted line in Fig. 1. The production wastewater is transported by truck from the yeast plant to the WWTP and stored in a storage tank. Because the influent carbon source decreases at night, the beer wastewater is transported to the regulating tank by pump at night and added to the influent regulating tank through the overflow. The dosage is approximately one ton of beer wastewater per ten thousand tons of wastewater, which translates to a beer wastewater to water intake ratio of approximately 1:
000. Therefore, pH adjustment and pretreatment are not required. Moreover, to prevent TN in beer wastewater from affecting denitrification, the beer wastewater is mixed with influent water.
![]() | (1) |
The emission of N2O generated in the direct emission process were calculated in a similar way to COD, through formula (2).
![]() | (2) |
The carbon emission from indirect emission process mainly includes the emission from chemicals and electricity consumption. It is calculated using formula (3).
![]() | (3) |
Indirect emissions from truck transport cannot be ignored. According to the Standard for Carbon Emission Calculation of Urban Sewage Treatment and Sludge Treatment and Disposal Project (T/CABEE 040-2022) (in Chinese).35 the carbon emissions generated by the transportation part are based on formula (4). It is known that the distance to transport the wastewater from the yeast plant to the WWTP is 2.6 km, and the carrying vehicle is heavy diesel truck (with a load of 30 t), each carrying 20 t wastewater, 40 times a year.
![]() | (4) |
Wastewater can produce CH4 emissions in sewage pipe network, which are often ignored in carbon emissions accounting. And this part is calculated according to formula (5).
![]() | (5) |
![]() | ||
Fig. 2 The variations of (a) COD; (b) BOD; (c) TP; (d) TN and NH4+–N before (2017) and after (2021) adding beer wastewater. |
In Fig. 2(a), the influent COD concentration before and after adding beer wastewater was 250.5 ± 37.8 (in 2017) and 218.8 ± 9.7 mg L−1 (in 2021), and the effluent COD concentration was 23.2 ± 6.6 and 13.1 ± 1.4 mg L−1, reaching the average removal rate of 90.6% and 94.0%, respectively. The removal efficiency of COD is obviously improved. Of the same change, the average removal rate of BOD, TP, TN and NH4+–N (Fig. 2(b)–(d)) increased from 96.6, 93.1, 70.1 and 98.2% to 98.2, 94.8, 80.9 and 99.3%. In addition, the effluent concentration of TP, TN and NH4+–N decreased from 0.2 ± 0.1, 8.8 ± 2.0 and 0.5 ± 1.1 mg L−1 to 0.1 ± 0.03, 5.2 ± 1.5 and 0.2 ± 0.1 mg L−1, which is an impressive improvement. Previous studies have demonstrated that carbon-rich wastewater, such as kitchen waste and agricultural food waste, can improve nitrogen and phosphorus removal.37,38 In conclusion, when the beer wastewater was used as an external carbon source in the WWTP, the treatment effect is significantly improved.
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Fig. 3 Denitrification rate of activated sludge with sodium acetate and beer wastewater as carbon source. |
Fig. 4(a) displays the average amount and cost of external carbon source used per 10000 tons of water treated per month before and after using beer wastewater as carbon source in the WWTP. The commercial carbon source used in the WWTP were GLU and NaAC, with GLU used before the application of beer wastewater and NaAC used in emergencies after the application of beer wastewater, mainly due to the reasons caused by the resumption of factory work after holidays or the cleaning of factory equipment. The fluctuations in chemicals usage were related to change in influent water quality. The average dosage of GLU per 10
000 tons of water treated before using beer wastewater was 493.21 ± 441.70 kg, while the average amount of NaAC per 10
000 tons of water treated after using beer wastewater was 35.68 ± 61.32 kg. This suggests that the amount of chemical usage significantly decreased after the application of beer wastewater as an additional carbon source.
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Fig. 4 Changes in costs: (a) consumption and expenditure of commercial carbon source; (b) transportation route and distance. |
The market price for GLU and NaAC are 1300 and 850 yuan per ton respectively. The total annual cost of carbon sources was 1078
428 yuan before using beer wastewater, and it decreased to 48
501 yuan after using beer wastewater. Because the yeast plant and the wastewater treatment plant cooperate is a win–win situation, the yeast plant saves the cost of treating the wastewater, and the sewage plant saves the cost of buying commercial carbon sources. Therefore, the beer wastewater is provided free by the yeast plant to the wastewater plant, and the wastewater plant does not charge the yeast plant for treating the wastewater. Consequently, the commercial carbon source cost of the WWTP decreased from 641.17 yuan to 103.86 yuan per 10
000 tons of water treated, representing an 83.8% decrease, and the annual savings amounted to 1
927 yuan.
Fig. 4(b) illustrates the transportation route and distance of yeast plant wastewater, which is transported by truck from the yeast plant to the WWTP. As a result, the total amount of wastewater transported by the yeast plant to the WWTP throughout the year is about 800 tons, with each transportation volume being 20 tons at a cost of 200 yuan per transportation. The total transportation cost of yeast wastewater is 8000 yuan, and the cost is 10 yuan per ton. The cost of the yeast plant's own treatment, including investment in wastewater treatment facilities and depreciation charges of 12.50 yuan per ton and running costs of 4 yuan per ton, is approximately 16.50 yuan per ton. Thus, the wastewater treatment cost of the yeast plant decreased by 6.50 yuan per ton.
In conclusion, the application of beer wastewater as a carbon source has significant economic advantages due to the reduced cost of commercial carbon sources at the WWTP and the decreased transportation cost of yeast wastewater. The total cost was reduced by 543.81 yuan, demonstrating the economic feasibility of utilizing beer wastewater as a carbon source.
In 2017, prior to the implementation of beer wastewater as an external carbon source, the carbon emissions included direct emissions of CH4 and N2O from the biological wastewater treatment system (BWTS) (data on chemicals and electricity consumption in treating beer wastewater were obtained from a brewery in Qingdao, China), indirect emissions from chemical and electricity consumption, CH4 emissions from pipeline transportation of the wastewater, direct emissions of CH4 and N2O from the WWTP, and indirect emissions from chemical and electricity consumption. In contrast, in 2021, after the implementation of beer wastewater as an external carbon source, the carbon emissions included those from trucking the beer wastewater and direct and indirect emissions from the WWTP.
According to Table 2, the total annual carbon emissions from the BWTS and WWTP were 8734.89 t CO2 in 2017. However, after the implementation of beer wastewater as an external carbon source, the total annual carbon emissions decreased to 4484.51 t CO2 in 2021, which reflects a reduction of 51.3%. Notably, the total emissions decreased by 4250.38 t CO2, which was largely attributed to the reduced use of chemicals in the WWTP.5 Specifically, the use of an external carbon source in the WWTP reduced the carbon emissions caused by it from 15.21% to 2.04%. This resulted in a reduction of 1236 t CO2, which accounted for 29.1% of the total reduction.
Carbon emission classification | 2017 | 2021 | ||||
Annual (kg CO2) | Proportion (%) | Annual (kg CO2) | Proportion (%) | |||
Beer wastewater treatment station | Direct | CH4 | 20![]() |
0.23 | — | — |
N2O | 185.08 | 0.0021 | — | — | ||
Indirect | PAM | 9.61 | 0.00011 | — | — | |
Electricity | 1950.47 | 0.022 | — | — | ||
Pipe network | — | CH4 | 30.25 | 0.00035 | — | — |
Truck transportation | — | — | — | — | 14.60 | 0.00033 |
Wastewater treatment plant | Direct | CH4 | 224![]() |
2.57 | 199![]() |
4.42 |
N2O | 134![]() |
1.54 | 99![]() |
2.22 | ||
Indirect | PAC | 2![]() ![]() |
23.47 | 855![]() |
19.08 | |
PAM | 18![]() |
0.21 | 5362.50 | 0.12 | ||
GLU/NaAC | 1![]() ![]() |
15.21 | 91![]() |
2.04 | ||
Electricity | 4![]() ![]() |
56.83 | 3![]() ![]() |
72.13 | ||
Total | 8![]() ![]() |
4![]() ![]() |
The carbon emissions from electricity consumption increased from 56.8% to 72.1% of the total carbon emissions, mainly because of the reduction in total carbon emissions. However, the total carbon emissions from electricity consumption decreased by 1724
941 t CO2, and this was related to equipment upgrades at the WWTP. In 2017, the total carbon emissions from the BWTS were 22
508.8 tons, primarily due to CH4 emissions from the treatment process (90.5%). In contrast, in 2021, the WWTP still produced carbon emissions for beer wastewater treatment, but it reduced the use of chemicals, which greatly reduced the carbon emissions from chemical use. The increase in carbon emissions from truck transportation was only 0.0146 t CO2.
The total amount of water treated in 2017 and 2021 was 17643
300 tons and 16
190 tons, respectively. This difference accounted for the higher direct carbon emissions from the WWTP in 2017 compared to those in 2021. Furthermore, it can be determined that the carbon emissions per 10
000 tons of water treated by the WWTP decreased from 4.95 t CO2/10,000 t in 2017 to 2.68 t CO2/10
000 t in 2021. This represents a reduction of 2.27 t CO2/10
000 t, or 45.8%.
In conclusion, the implementation of beer wastewater as an external carbon source in the WWTP significantly reduced the use of chemicals and carbon emissions. The findings of this study suggest that this practice can serve as a promising method for reducing carbon emissions in WWTPs.
The Amendment to Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Beer Industry, recently issued by China, indicates that China is beginning to recognize the significant value of beer wastewater as an additional carbon source for WWTPs. As regulations improve, production wastewater that can be used will be discharged directly into the sewage pipe network without pretreatment and under monitored conditions, leading to an increasing availability of production wastewater for WWTPs.
In this study, a method of applying beer wastewater to an actual WWTP was proposed, the treatment efficiency, carbon emission, cost and denitrification rate using beer wastewater as an external carbon source are analyzed. The results showed that the treatment efficiency of COD, BOD, TN, NH4+–N and TP increased by 3.4, 1.6, 10.8, 1.1 and 1.7%, respectively. Additionally, this approach reduces treatment cost and carbon emission by more than 1 million yuan and 4250.38 t CO2 per year, respectively. Furthermore, the denitrification rate of beer wastewater as carbon source is , slightly faster than NaAC
In conclusion, beer wastewater has significant potential as a carbon source for wastewater treatment, leading to improved treatment efficiency and substantial economic and environmental benefits. In the future, the development and utilization of production wastewater is likely to become an important trend. Therefore, policies should be developed that implement different treatment methods for different type of wastewater, avoiding one-size-fits-all policies, in order to promote the rational use and redistribution of resources. Such efforts will contribute to China's carbon peak and carbon-neutral goals and further reduce the costs of WWTP treatment. In addition, the effects of beer wastewater on aeration rate, excess sludge production and microbial community in WWTPs need to be further explored.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |