Wei Liab,
Yan Wangb,
Fan Liub,
Haijiao Xiec,
Hui Yin*b and
Tian Yi*a
aInstitute of Agricultural Quality Standards and Testing Technology Research, Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei 430064, China. E-mail: yitian_16@163.com
bKey Laboratory of Arable Land Conservation (Middle and Lower Reaches of Yangtse River) Ministry of Agriculture, College of Resources and Environment, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, PR China. E-mail: yinhui666@mail.hzau.edu.cn
cHangzhou Yanqu Information Technology Co., Ltd, Y2, 2nd Floor, Building 2, Xixi Legu Creative Pioneering Park, No. 712 Wen'er West Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310003, P.R. China
First published on 7th September 2023
Various exotic metal cations commonly coexist with ferrihydrite nanoparticles in natural environments. Lack of knowledge about the metal cations effects on ferrihydrite nucleation and growth greatly blights the deep understanding of ferrihydrite mineralogical properties and reactivities, and thus the fates of associated nutrients, heavy metals/metalloids, and organic pollutants. Here, the nucleation processes and mechanisms of ferrihydrite nanoparticles in the presence of Al3+ or Cr3+ were studied by combining visible spectroscopy, in situ quick X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations. The formation of ferrihydrite can be divided into three stages. In stage 1, Fe(H2O)63+ forms μ-oxo Fe dimers, with the gradual increase of Fe–O bond length (dFe–O) and disappearance of Fe–O multiple scattering. In stage 2, ferrihydrite particles begin to form and grow slowly, during which dFe–O continues to increase and edge- and corner-sharing Fe–Fe bonds appear. In stage 3, ferrihydrite growth rate increases significantly and continues to the end of the reaction, with the decreases of dFe–O. The presence of metal cations at a molar ratio of 0.1 to Fe hinders the formation of μ-oxo dimers by affecting the Fe3+ hydrolysis and polymerization at stage 1 and stage 2, but promotes the conversion of the μ-oxo dimer to the dihydroxo dimer with lower energy barrier and the creation of crystal growth sites and thus enhances the ferrihydrite nucleation and growth at stage 3.
Metal cations, anions, and natural organic matters widely exist in natural environments during the ferrihydrite nucleation, growth and transformation. Thus, ferrihydrite nanoparticles commonly contain various impurities (e.g., Al3+, Cr3+, Mn2+, SiO44−, humic acid) through incorporation, coprecipitation and/or adsorption.5–9 The existence of some anions (SiO44−) will favor the ferrihydrite formation, while other anions (SO42−) can inhibit the formation by restricting the formation of Fe dimer species as well as double corner bonding of octahedral/tetrahedral FeIII.10,11 Organic matters can bridge ferrihydrite particles to form aggregates with reduced SSA.6,12,13 Unlike anions and organic matters, cations can not only affect ferrihydrite formation process, but also substitute for Fe and thus affect structure and chemical compositions of ferrihydrite, as well as its reactivity with respect to metal sequestration, mineral stability and dissolution.7,14–16 However, the fundamental knowledge about the effects of coexisting cations on ferrihydrite formation is much less understood.17,18
Though many previous studies have studied the formation processes of ferrihydrite under various conditions, there is no consensus on the ferrihydrite nucleation mechanisms and growth processes, due to extremely small particles of and various structural defects in ferrihydrite nanoparticles.10 Most disagreement centers on the formation or not of Fe(III) oligomers larger than dimers.19 The classic model for ferrihydrite formation from Fe(III) salt solution is based on successive polymerization processes: (i) the Fe cations form hexacoordinated aquo complexes, Fe(H2O)63+; (ii) Fe monomers are self-coupled to form dimers; (iii) larger oligomers (trimers, tetramers, etc.) and/or polymers (Fe13 α-Keggin) form from the further addition of monomer and/or the aggregation of dimers; (iv) larger oligomers and/or polymers interact via olation and oxolation to form primary nuclei.5,19–22 However, other studies have argued that μ-oxo Fe(III) dimer is the dominant species in ferrihydrite formation without the appearance of larger Fe(III) oligomers, based on the results of extended X-ray adsorption fine structure (EXAFS) or Möessbauer spectroscopy.11,18 Further, although the inhibition effects of different cations (Al3+, Cr3+, Pb2+, Cu2+) on ferrihydrite growth formation was observed with small-angle X-ray scattering, due to quartz surface charge changing from negative to positive by cations adsorption and/or precipitation on nuclei surface,23,24 whether and how the coexisting cations can affect the formation of μ-oxo Fe(III) dimer or larger oligomers during ferrihydrite nucleation and growth processes are not clear.
Thus, in the present study, the effect of coexisting cations on ferrihydrite formation was studied by combining visible spectroscopy, in situ quick X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (Q-XAFS) and quantum chemical calculations. Al3+ and Cr3+, two typical substituted cations in iron (hydr)oxides,8,25–27 were chosen, because they are highly hydrolysable cations, and their hydrolysis processes have been well identified.28,29 Exploring the atomic-level interactions among impurity cations and Fe species can help understand the formation processes and mechanisms of natural ferrihydrite nanoparticles.
At the end of the reaction, the derived solids were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction on a Bruker D8 Advance diffractometer equipped with a LynxEye detector using Ni-filtered Cu Kα radiation (λ = 0.15418 nm). The diffractometer was operated at a tube voltage of 40 kV and a current of 40 mA a step of 0.02° and a scan rate of 1° min−1 over a range of 15–80° 2θ Cu kα.
Processing of all the XAFS data was performed using the standard features of ATHENA.33 Spectra were background-subtracted using the following parameters: E0 = 7127 eV, Rbkg = 1, and k-weight = 2. In order to identify and quantify the various aqueous and solid Fe species during Fe3+ hydrolysis and ferrihydrite formation, linear combination fitting analysis (LCF) of Fe K-edge EXAFS spectra was performed using a pool of EXAFS spectra of reference Fe hydroxides (ferrihydrite, goethite, hematite, akaganéite, lepidocrocite) and aqueous Fe species (FeNitr02MHNO3, FeNitr02h and FeNitr05h) (S.I. 1, ESI;† obtained from ref. 18). These aqueous Fe species were composed of known proportions of μ-oxo dimer, Fe(H2O)63+, Fe(OH)(H2O)62+ and Fe(OH)3(H2O)3 species (S.I. 2, ESI†).
Shell by shell EXAFS fitting was also conducted. Structural parameters (bond length (R), coordination number (CN), and Debye-Waller factor (σ2)) were obtained by fitting the experimental k3-weighted EXAFS spectra to the standard EXAFS equation with ARTEMIS.34 Phase and amplitude functions for scattering paths were calculated using FEFF7 (ref. 35) based on the ferrihydrite structure adopted from ref. 2. The fittings were conducted over a K range of 2–11 Å−1 and an R range of 1–3.6 Å, with an amplitude reduction factor (S02) of 0.80 adopted from our previous study.36 To remove the confounding effects of the rising edge to the apparent absorption intensity of the pre-edge features, difference X-ray absorption near-edge spectra (ΔXANES) was conducted over an energy range of 7110–7136 eV.
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Fig. 1 Visible spectra at different time in Fe system (a and b), second-order derivative of spectra at different time in Fe system (c and d). |
Since different Fe species have different optical excitation features, visible spectra can be used to identify Fe species (e.g., monomers, polymers, cluster and particles)18,38 during ferrihydrite nucleation and growth. The visible spectra of Fe species consist of several types of electronic transitions: (1) FeIII crystal or ligand field transitions; (2) interactions between magnetically coupled FeIII ions, and (3) the ligand (oxygen) to metal charge transfer transitions, excitations from the O (2p) valence band orbitals to the Fe (3d) crystal field type orbitals. The ligand field transition or d → d transition in Fe monomers is weak due to the spin forbidden, while these ligand field transitions are high in Fe polymers, clusters and particles owing to magnetic coupling to nearest neighboring Fe atoms.4 The d → d electron pair transition (EPT), a characteristic absorption found in Fe particles, is active due to super-exchange of electrons (magnetic coupling) between two neighboring FeIII ions separated by bridging O anions with geometrical arrangement, which can be used to identify the occurrence of Fe particles.39 The 447 nm peak indicates the existence of μ-oxo Fe dimer, while the absorbance at 488 nm is caused by EPT of Fe particles.4,18,39 The evolution of the spectra features indicate that with reactions going on, μ-oxo Fe dimers form first and then decreases while Fe nanoparticles gradually form, which is consistent with previous studies;11,18 and the formation of μ-oxo Fe dimers in Fe system is slowest in early period.
LCF analysis of EXAFS spectra for samples indicates that Fe hydrated monomer (Fe(H2O)63+) is the main species while 20–30% Fe species is μ-oxo Fe dimer and ∼4% Fe3+ as Fe(OH)(H2O)62+ in three systems when the reactions start (Fig. 3, S.I. 5–8, ESI†). The initial concentration of Fe(H2O)63+ in the three systems decreases in the order of Cr + Fe system > Al + Fe system > Fe system, while the initial concentration of μ-oxo Fe dimer increases in the order of Cr + Fe system (29.5%) < Al + Fe system (29.6%) < Fe system (37.9%). Inclusion of solid Fe oxyhydroxide standards, e.g., ferrihydrite, goethite, hematite, akaganéite, lepidocrocite, in the LCF analysis only slightly improves the fitting (S.I. 8, ESI†). This indicates that the concentration of crystalline solids is very low at the initial reaction stages.
With the reactions going on, the proportion of Fe(H2O)63+ decreases, while the proportion of μ-oxo Fe dimer and Fe(OH)(H2O)62+ increase after the reaction started for 40 min. The maximum amounts of μ-oxo Fe dimer in the Fe, Cr + Fe and Al + Fe systems are almost the same. After that, the concentration of μ-oxo Fe dimer starts to decrease till to the end of reaction. In this stage, inclusion of ferrihydrite, rather than other crystalline Fe hydroxides, can dramatically improve LCF fitting (S.I. 9, ESI†). This indicates that ferrihydrite gradually forms and increases. XRD patterns of the solids obtained at the end of reaction in the three systems confirm that two-line ferrihydrite nanoparticles are formed (S.I. 10, ESI†).
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Fig. 4 Time-resolved Fe K edge ΔXANES for the intermediates in the three systems (the XANES spectrum for the 10 min intermediate in each system was used as standard for ΔXANES calculation). |
The edge energy monotonically decreases as a function of time with FeIII hydrolysis and precipitation, particularly in the lower ‘half’ of the edge (marked as B in Fig. 4), where a maximum downward shift of 0.6 eV is measured in the Fe system and 0.4 eV in the other two systems. A positive relationship is shown between this feature and the covalency of first coordination shell bonding in μ-oxo-bridged FeIII molecules as well as greater distortion.41 Thus, the increased disorder in the first coordination shell (S.I. 12, 14, 16, ESI†) and formation of μ-oxo Fe dimer (Fig. 3) result in the decrease in the edge energy.
The peak of the white line, marked as C in Fig. 4, corresponding to the 1s → 4p transition, decreases in intensity at first 40–50 min, and then increases. The maximum intensity of the white line peak and its energy position can vary as a function of average bond distance within the first coordination shell, with a more intense peak at lower energy resulting from an average increase in bond distance and vice versa.42 The change of the feature C intensity suggests that the Fe–O bond length increases first and then decreases in the reaction, which is confirmed by shell by shell EXAFS fitting as following (Fig. 6).
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Fig. 5 Time-resolved Fourier transformed Fe K-edge EXAFS spectra of the reaction intermediates in the three systems. |
To a better understanding of Fe coordination environment evolution during the ferrihydrite formation, Fe K-edge EXAFS fitting was conducted (Fig. 6; S.I. 11–16, ESI†). The fitting results demonstrate that, during the ferrihydrite formation, the Fe–O bond length in the Fe system increases firstly from ∼2.01 Å to ∼2.03 Å from 0–50 min, and then decreases to ∼1.96 Å till to the end. However, the presence of Al3+ or Cr3+ has almost no significant effect on the Fe–O bond length evolution.
In the Fe system, the energy barriers (ΔG) of the three steps are 33.16 kJ mol−1, 83.09 kJ mol−1 and 19.37 kJ mol−1, respectively (Fig. 7). This indicates that step 2 is probably the rate-determining step, which agrees with previous studies.18 In the Fe + Al system, ΔG values of the three steps are calculated to be 35.08 kJ mol−1, 27.91 kJ mol−1 and 20.66 kJ mol−1, respectively (Fig. 7). That is, step 1 is probably the rate-determining step in the Fe + Al system. In the Cr + Fe system, ΔG values of the three steps are 24.95 kJ mol−1, 52.27 kJ mol−1 and 16.61 kJ mol−1, respectively (Fig. 7). Similar to that in the Fe system, step 2 is the rate-determining step.
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Fig. 7 A proposed conversion pathway of μ-oxo to dihydroxo dimer in three systems predicted based on quantum chemical calculations. |
From the ΔG values calculated for the three systems above, it is found that the conversation paths of Fe–Cr or Fe–Al μ-oxo dimer generally have lower energy barriers compared to those of Fe–Fe μ-oxo dimer, especially in the conversation of Fe–Al μ-oxo dimer.
Stage 1: the concentration of Fe hydrated monomer (Fe(H2O)63+) decreases, while the concentration of μ-oxo Fe dimer increases. Fe–O bond length gradually increases, and Fe–O multiple scattering disappears.
Stage 2: Fe hydrated monomer (Fe(H2O)63+) continues to decrease and μ-oxo Fe dimer continues to increase to its maximum. At this time, ferrihydrite particles begin to form and grow slowly. Fe–O bond length continues to increase and reach its maximum, and Fe–Fe pairs with average bond lengths of ∼3.06 Å and ∼3.39 Å appear.
Stage 3: ferrihydrite nanoparticles grow. Both the contents of Fe(H2O)63+ and μ-oxo Fe dimer continue to decrease, and the ferrihydrite growth rate in each system increases significantly and continues till to the end of the reaction. Fe–O bond length decreases.
Ferrihydrite formation begins with the aggregation of Fe(H2O)63+ hydration ions to form μ-oxo dimer. At this time, the Fe–O bond length increases from the average Fe–O bond length of Fe3+ hydration ions (2.015 ± 0.002 Å) to the average Fe–O bond length of μ-oxo dimer (2.046 ± 0.114 Å). The μ-oxo dimer is then polymerized to form ferrihydrite primary nuclei. At this point, the Fe–O bond length starts to decrease from the average Fe–O bond length of μ-oxo dimer to the average Fe–O bond length of ferrihydrite (1.997 Å).11 Though it was stated that α-Keggin Fe13 is an intermediate product during ferrihydrite formation with situ small angel X-ray scatting measurements,21 it was not detected in current study, which may be probably due to its high reactivity and short life time.
Compared with Fe3+, the cations (Cr3+ and Al3+) are highly hydrolysable cations with lower electronegativity (χ(Cr3+) = 1.6, χ(Al3+) = 1.5 and χ(Fe3+) = 1.8) and smaller ionic radii, and thus can hinder the hydrolysis and polymerization processes.43,44 At the beginning of reaction, the concentrations of Fe(OH)(H2O)62+ in the first order hydrolysate of Fe3+ in the Al + Fe system (3.8%) and the Cr + Fe system (3.7%) are lower than that in the Fe system (4.1%), owing to the influence of Al3+ and Cr3+ on the hydrolysis of Fe3+. In stage 1 and stage 2, coexisting Al3+ or Cr3+ can also affect the polymerization of Fe3+, resulting in a lower content of μ-oxo dimer in the Al + Fe or Cr + Fe system than that in the Fe system. Moreover, ferrihydrite nanoparticles occur in the Fe system earlier than that in the Al + Fe and Cr + Fe systems (Fig. 3), and the content of ferrihydrite in the Fe system (12.1%) is also higher than that in the Al + Fe (3.7%) and Cr + Fe systems (8.3%) at the end of stage 2. These results show that in stage 1 and stage 2, Al3+ or Cr3+ inhibits the formation of μ-oxo dimer by affecting the hydrolysis and polymerization of Fe3+ and thus inhibit the ferrihydrite nanoparticle growth.
In stage 3, the formation rates of ferrihydrite in the Al + Fe (0.75% ferrihydrite per min) and Cr + Fe systems (0.69% ferrihydrite per min) are larger than that in the Fe system (0.66% per min). Due to high Fe3+ concentration and low pH, the conversion of μ-oxo Fe dimer to dihydroxo dimer and then to nucleus, is the main pathway of ferrihydrite formation.18 With lower energy barrier, the conversion of Fe–Al μ-oxo dimer happens more easily than Fe–Cr μ-oxo dimer, and the conversion of Fe–Fe μ-oxo dimer is the hardest. Besides, lower coordination number (CN) of Fe–Al/Cr in the Al + Fe system or Cr + Fe system than that in the Fe system, indicates that the existence of Al3+ or Cr3+ will introduce structure defects into ferrihydrite structure, especially the former. Lower energy barrier and more crystal growth sites caused by structure defects result in faster formation of ferrihydrite nanoparticles.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ra02945j |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |