Soo Hyeon
*b and
aUniversité Paris Cité, CNRS, Laboratoire d'Electrochimie Moléculaire, F-75013 Paris, France. E-mail: Christophe.demaille@u-paris.fr
bIIS, LIMMS/CNRS-IIS UMI2820, The Univ. of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan. E-mail: nclement@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
First published on 8th March 2023
The mechanism responsible for electron transport within layers of redox DNA anchored to electrodes has been extensively studied over the last twenty years, but remains controversial. Herein, we thoroughly study the electrochemical behavior of a series of short, model, ferrocene (Fc) end-labeled dT oligonucleotides, terminally attached to gold electrodes, using high scan rate cyclic voltammetry complemented by molecular dynamics simulations. We evidence that the electrochemical response of both single-stranded and duplexed oligonucleotides is controlled by the electron transfer kinetics at the electrode, obeying Marcus theory, but with reorganization energies considerably lowered by the attachment of the ferrocene to the electrode via the DNA chain. This so far unreported effect, that we attribute to a slower relaxation of water around Fc, uniquely shapes the electrochemical response of Fc-DNA strands and, being markedly dissimilar for single-stranded and duplexed DNA, contributes to the signaling mechanism of E-DNA sensors.
Of particular interest here are E-DNA sensors using dilute layers of single-stranded DNA oligonucleotides as sensing elements. The oligonucleotides are end-grafted at one end and, at the other end, bear redox labels not electronically conjugated to the DNA base stack, nor able to act as intercalators. This description fits many E-DNA sensors and also excludes systems where through-DNA-chain electronic conduction was either evidenced or can be suspected.11–13 For the DNA systems considered here, a close approach of the redox label to the electrode is thus required for electron transfer events to occur. As a result, the motional dynamics of the chain and electron transfer at the electrode are the only two processes potentially kinetically controlling the electrochemical response. Which of these processes is actually rate limiting has been the subject of debate for almost 20 years.14–23
In early works from our group, fast scan rate cyclic voltammetry (CV) was used to investigate this issue.14,15,24 The response of ferrocene (Fc) labeled dT20 chains was analyzed and it was concluded that dynamic bending or rotational motion was governing the CV response of the Fc-(dT.dA)20 duplex. Subsequently, Ferapontova et al. studied the behavior of methylene blue (MB)-labeled, end-attached DNA duplexes (16–22 bases long) and also observed CV characteristics compatible with diffusional control.18,21 White et al. reported a similar diffusive-like behavior for end-grafted single-stranded MB-dT21 chains.22 Schuhmann et al. reached similar conclusions for ferrocene-labeled short DNA analogues (peptide nucleic acids, PNA, 3–16 bases long) grafted onto electrodes from high scan rate cyclic voltammetry studies.23
In a series of important contributions, Plaxco et al. reported experiments to decipher the electron transfer mechanism within redox oligonucleotide layers.17,19,20 They first used alternating current voltammetry (ACV) to study the electrochemical response of MB-labeled, end-attached single-stranded oligo-(dT) nucleotides.17 The ACV data analysis provided an apparent first-order electron transfer rate constant varying as the inverse of chain length. This was interpreted as evidence of the rate of electron transfer controlling the electrochemical signal. Later, these authors carried out the same experiments using chronoamperometry as the experimental technique.19 They then observed an inverse square dependence of the apparent electron transfer rate constant on chain length, from which they concluded that chain dynamics was actually the current limiting factor. Afterward, they applied the same technique to analyze the response of double-stranded redox DNA and reached the same conclusion.20
All of the above works report rate constants, characterizing the electrochemical response of redox-DNA systems, in the order of 1–1000 s−1 or apparent diffusion coefficients in the order of 10−10 cm2 s−1 or lower. However, it is striking that these values are orders of magnitude lower than those characterizing the dynamics of short DNA strands free in solution. For example, the translational diffusion coefficient of a single-stranded (ss) 20 bases oligonucleotide is in the order of 10−6 cm2 s−1.25 Similarly, a double-stranded (ds) DNA strand of the same length is characterized by a rotational diffusion constant in the order of μs−1.26,27
It is also intriguing that chain dynamics in the expected μs range were systematically observed in experiments where anchored oligonucleotides were end-labeled by a fluorophore and surface-induced fluorescence quenching was used to monitor the motion of the DNA chain.27,28 Fluorescence quenching and electrochemical experiments both require the end-label of the DNA chain to approach the anchoring surface within (sub)nanometer distances, albeit in fluorescence no electron transfer occurs. This suggests that the slow rate constants measured by electrochemistry reflect a kinetic control by the electron transfer step rather than by chain dynamics.
The present work aims to address this question by: (i) assembling a model end-grafted redox oligonucleotide system, (ii) characterizing its electrochemical response with fast scan rate cyclic voltammetry, and (iii) interpreting the results based on a realistic molecular dynamics model for DNA. These simulations, which were previously computationally inaccessible or not quantitative enough, have become possible with the refinement of coarse grained sequence-dependent DNA models such as oxDNA.29 For the present work, we have developed a code (Qbiol) dedicated to electrochemical application enabling the complete dynamics of the anchored DNA to be numerically reproduced and resolved in time.
We evidence that the electrochemical response of both single-stranded and duplexed redox oligonucleotides is actually kinetically controlled by the electron transfer at the electrode, complying with Marcus theory,30–32 but with a reorganization energy considerably lowered by the attachment of the redox label to the flexible DNA chain and to the electrode. This decrease in reorganization energy drastically changes the electrochemical response of redox DNA strands in a way that can be mistaken for diffusional or elastic bending control. Furthermore, the reorganization energies are markedly dissimilar for ssDNA and dsDNA, which largely contributes to making hybridization detectable electrochemically, i.e. underlies the signaling mechanism of E-DNA sensors.
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Fig. 1 Structure of the dilute ferrocenylated DNA oligonucleotide layers. N is the number of (dT) nucleotides, n the number of CH2 units of the hydroxyl-terminated alkyl thiol surface diluent. |
The oligonucleotide length was systematically varied by considering N values of 10, 20, 35, and 50. The single-stranded Fc-dT chains (ssDNA) were surface thiol-attached to ultra-flat template-stripped gold surfaces, via a 6-carbon long, thiol-terminated alkyl linker. Short, hydroxyl-terminated alkyl thiol chains (HS–(CH2)n–OH) were co-adsorbed with the DNA as surface diluent. Co-adsorption was preferred over the more commonly used backfilling of already adsorbed DNA layers,33 as it produces particularly well-defined, homogeneous thiol-DNA layers, avoiding flat-lying adsorption of oligonucleotides.34,35
Alkyl chains of various lengths, featuring n = 2, 3, 4, or 6 CH2, were used. They are not longer than the C6 DNA surface linker which allows free strand motion around its 5′ end. By controlling the DNA/alkyl thiol ratio, the final Fc-DNA surface coverage could be finely tuned, and its influence on the CV response systematically studied.
We purposefully assembled diluted Fc-DNA layers with a chain surface coverage ≪10 pmol cm−2. Thorough control experiments were carried out to verify that the ssDNA chains were properly anchored via their 5′ thiol linker, and that their 3′ Fc-labeled end freely explored a small volume of solution extending from the surface and solely limited by the chain length (ESI, Section 3†).
The changes in signal characteristics with v are shown in Fig. 3. The variation of the anodic (Epa) and cathodic (Epc) peak positions and of the anodic peak intensity (ipa), normalized by v, or by are displayed in parts a, b, and c, respectively (blue symbols). At scan rates above 10 V s−1, the anodic peak potentials shifted positively while the cathodic peak shifted negatively, so the peak separation markedly increased up to more than 0.5 V at 10 kV s−1. Such a large increase in peak separation is attributed to the electron transfer rate becoming comparable to the reciprocal of the CV characteristic “observation” time τcv = RT/Fv, with F the Faraday constant. In the same high scan rate region, the ratio ipa/v markedly decreased (Fig. 3B), while the corresponding ratio
increased without reaching a plateau (Fig. 3C). Such behavior is compatible with the ssDNA chain undergoing too-fast-to-be-measured chain dynamics, the system thus behaving as a thin layer cell (TLC) where a redox species is free to “move” rapidly within a thin layer confined to the electrode surface.38,39 This is expected here since, even at the highest scan rate explored of 10 kV s−1, τcv is 2.6 μs, approaching but still larger than the expected sub-μs motional time characteristic of (dT)35.27 Such a case is also confirmed by our molecular dynamic simulations reproducing the motion of the anchored chain (vide infra).
As discussed by Laviron39 in TLC the CV response is identical to that of a motion-less surface-attached species except that, for simple diffusion, the electron transfer rate is characterized by a standard first-order rate constant k0 = ks/L, where ks is the standard heterogeneous electron transfer rate constant of the species and L is the thin layer thickness.
In the present case, the motion of the redox label is more complex than simple diffusion, but the equivalence with a motion-less surface species still holds and one can also define a k0 value, proportional to the equilibrium probability of the presence of the redox label at the electrode and to ks (see below).
Moreover, since large overpotential values (Epa − E° and Epc − E°) were explored (Fig. 3A), the Marcus–Hush–Levich (MHL) model has to be employed to describe the electron transfer kinetics, rather than the Butler–Volmer model.30–32 The MHL model describes the electron transfer kinetics in terms of two parameters: k0 and λ, with the latter being the solvent reorganization energy, which is characteristic of the molecular structure and solvation of the redox probe.30 In CV the peak separation is only modestly dependent on the λ value,32,40,41 so that fitting of the Epa − E° and Epc − E° vs. v variations can be carried out using k0 as a single adjustable parameter (ESI, Section 4†). For Fc-dT35 this yields the best-fit value of k0 = 900 ± 100 s−1 (Fig. 3A, blue traces).
Conversely, the peak current is quite sensitive to the λ value (ESI, Section 4†).32,40,41 A typical λ value of ∼0.85 eV is reported for ferrocene species,31 both in solution and immobilized on electrodes as part of compact self-assembled thiol layers. We therefore calculated the ipa/v versus v variation with λ = 0.85 eV using the MHL/TLC model (black line in Fig. 3B). As shown, this could not account for the sharp decrease of the ipa/v ratio we experimentally observed at high scan rates. However, by using λ as an adjustable parameter (while keeping k0 = 900 s−1), the experimental ipa/v vs logv variation could be very satisfyingly reproduced with a best-fit value of λ = 0.27 ± 0.03 eV (Fig. 3B blue solid line), and so could the
variation (Fig. 3C). Such a remarkably low λ value seemingly reflects an unexpected effect of the attachment of the ferrocene label to the surface via the flexible DNA chain.
The full CV characteristics of the Fc-(dT.dA)35 layer are presented in Fig. 3 (red symbols). Most notably, upon increasing the scan rate, the peak-to-peak separation increased while the ratio ipa/v decreased in a similar way as observed for the Fc-(dT)35 layer, but from a much lower scan rate threshold of only a few V s−1. Interestingly, the ratio passed toward a broad peak (inset in Fig. 3C). Such a CV behavior was previously reported by us for Fc-(dT.dA)20 layers immobilized on non-MCH treated polycrystalline gold electrodes, and interpreted as a sign of diffusion or elastic rod-bending control of the CV.15,24 However, we now realize that this behavior can be quantitatively explained by the MHL/TLC model, which enables the v dependence of the CV characteristics to be perfectly reproduced (Fig. 3, red traces). This result points to fast Fc-(dT.dA)35 strand dynamics and to kinetic control of the CV by the electron transfer rate. Accordingly, our simulations predict that Fc-dsDNA strands undergo fast rotational motions around their anchored 5′ end, characterized by times in the ns range, vide infra. By contrast, even at the highest scan rate explored for Fc-(dT.dA)35 (1000 V s−1), τcv is much larger (26 μs).
Fitting of the peak potentials versus log(v) yielded a best-fit k0 value of 35 ± 5 s−1 (Fig. 3A, red trace). The ipa/v variation could be nicely reproduced using the best-fit λ of 0.17 ± 0.03 eV (Fig. 3B). Notably, the peak shape of the experimental vs. v variation could nicely be reproduced by the MHL/TLC model (see inset in Fig. 3C), which predicts such shape only for low enough λ values (ESI, Section 4†).
The k0 and λ values measured at the lowest coverage values explored are specifically considered below, as they are typical of isolated (non-interacting) chains, which we primarily intend to model in this work. These values are plotted as a function of N in Fig. 4.
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Fig. 4 Variation of the kinetic parameters k0 and λ with the DNA chain length with various number of nucleotides (N). (A and B) Fc-dTN. (C and D) Fc-(dT.dA)N. Red curves in (A) and (C), and insets are fits of eqn (2) to the data, in (B) and (D) are guides to the eye. |
For the single-stranded chains Fc-dTN, k0 decreased rapidly with increasing chain length, N, (Fig. 4A). More precisely, k0 nicely decreased as 1/N, see log(k0) vs. log(N) plot in the inset. As shown in Fig. 4B, λ of Fc-dTN varied little with increasing N. For the Fc-(dT.dA)N duplexes, k0 also decreased rapidly with increasing chain length (Fig. 4C), while being systematically at least an order of magnitude lower than that for non-hybridized chains. Fig. 4D shows that λ increased with N, while remaining below ∼0.1 eV. Note that for N = 10, the hybridization could not be unambiguously evidenced likely due to a too-low melting point of this short duplex.
Both for Fc-(dT)50 (Fig. 5A) and Fc-(dT.dA)50 (Fig. 5C), k0 was seen to decrease exponentially with n. Such a result is strong evidence that, for our system, electron transfer to the redox Fc heads does not proceed through the DNA chain, since in this case its rate would not be affected by the length of the alkyl thiol diluent. Conversely, such dependence is expected if the electron is transferred by the Fc label to the electrode through the diluent layer. This result falls in line with the dependence of the current on the diluent thickness previously noted for some E-DNA sensors.42,43
For the dependence of λ on n, one can observe that, for Fc-(dT)50, λ remains approximately constant around a low value of 0.1 eV (Fig. 5B). For Fc-(dT.dA)50, λ values are typically even lower (Fig. 5D), going from almost zero for n = 2 and increasing to a maximum value of ∼0.1 eV for n = 6.
As expected, a “mushroom” – shaped distribution is found for ssDNA and a hemispherical distribution for the rigid, rod-like dsDNA. The instantaneous vertical position of Fc over the gold electrode interface, z(t), is of particular interest here and monitored throughout the simulation time. Fig. 7C and D show short samples of such time traces obtained for Fc-dT35 and Fc-(dT.dA)35, respectively. Numerous collisions of the Fc label with the electrode, defined by z < 1 Å, can be identified (blue and red circles). The average collision time 〈τc〉 is on the order of sub-ns for ssDNA and ns for dsDNA. Such very short collision times are due to the confinement of the Fc-head motion to the immediate vicinity of the electrode, within a nanometer-scale hemispherical region defined by the chain length. Similarly short collision times were obtained by White et al. from random walk simulations of the Brownian motion of a molecule confined to a hemispherical volume on an electrode.22
Most importantly, these collision times are several orders of magnitude shorter than the μs time scale one would predict from diffusion coefficients of the ss and dsDNA chains. This further supports our view on the motional dynamics of the Fc label being too fast to kinetically limit the electron transfer rate in anchored DNA layers, and validates the use of the TLC model.
Averaging the time traces enables ρ(z), the equilibrium probability of finding the Fc label at a distance z from the electrode surface, to be derived. ρ(z) vs. z profiles simulated for Fc-dTN chains of various lengths (N = 10–50) are shown in Fig. 6E and F for ss and ds DNA, respectively. The profiles obtained for ssDNA are almost ideally Gaussian-shaped, as expected for a one-dimensional elastic-diffusive motion,45 whereas they display a more complex shape for dsDNA. The probability of finding the Fc-label at the electrode surface, ρe = ρ (z = 0), is particularly relevant for interpreting CV experiments. Fig. 7 shows ρe values for different N.
For Fc-ssDNA, a clear 1/N variation of ρevs. N is seen, in agreement with the predictions of Plaxco et al. in their earlier work.19 More quantitatively, ρe is accurately given by ρe = 1/Lc, where Lc is the contour length of the ssDNA chain, counting 0.7 nm per base.46 Hence, as far as its presence probability at the electrode is concerned, the Fc head of Fc-ssDNA behaves similarly to a free species rapidly diffusing within a planar thin layer of thickness Lc. For Fc-dsDNA, a faster, approximately exponential decay of ρe with N is observed. These results illustrate that approaching the electrode is sterically “harder” for the Fc when the DNA strand is hybridized.
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Eqn (1) can be a priori calculated exactly, knowing ρ(z) from the simulations. It can also be simplified by noting that ρ(z) varies much slower with z than kET(z), so that one can take ρ(z) ∼ ρ(z = 0), i.e. one can solely consider the presence probability of the Fc head at the electrode surface, noted as ρe. This yields:
k0 = (kET(z = 0)/β)exp[−βd] × ρe = ksexp[−βd] × ρe = ksd × ρe | (2) |
Knowing ρe for any N value from our simulations, we fitted eqn (2) to the experimental k0vs. N variation for Fc-dTN, using ksd as a single adjustable parameter. The resulting best-fit curves, represented by red traces in Fig. 4A and inset, reproduce the experimental data very satisfyingly, with the best-fit value of ksd = (5.5 ± 0.5) × 10−3 cm s−1. This value is very close to the ksd value of (3 ± 0.5) × 10−3 cm s−1 we measured in solution for ferrocenedimethanol, a good model of the DNA Fc label, at an MCH-coated gold electrode (see Fig. S3†). Similarly, the experimental k0vs. N variation for Fc-(dT.dA)N duplexes could be reproduced on the basis of eqn (2), using ρe values simulated for the duplexed chains, and the best-fit value of ksd = (2.0 ± 0.5) × 10−3 cm s−1 (red trace in Fig. 4C and inset). These results are very strong evidence that the CV response of both the ss and ds Fc-DNA chains is controlled by the equilibrium presence probability of the Fc head at the surface, modulating the electron transfer rate.
Another test of the validity of the above formalism is brought by analyzing the experimental dependence of k0 on the thiol-alkyl diluent length. Fig. 5A and 6B show that, both for ss and dsDNA, k0 decayed exponentially with the diluent length (represented by n), as predicted by eqn (2). More quantitatively, linear regressions of the ln(k0) vs. n data yielded a slope of −0.95 ± 0.15 per CH2 unit, both for ss and dsDNA layers. This value is in good agreement with the decay length of ∼−1 ± 0.1 per CH2 characteristic of tunneling processes through alkyl thiols.47,48
Finally, the fact that k0 was observed to decrease as the surface coverage, Γ, was raised (Fig. S11–S13†) can simply be explained by the surface crowding lowering the presence probability of the Fc head at the electrode.
The above results evidence that the electron transfer rate through the diluent layer kinetically controls the CV response of end-anchored Fc-DNA chains.
Indeed, as illustrated here (ESI, Section 4†), the MHL/TLC model predicts that, only for sufficiently low values, one can obtain broad bell-shaped vs. v variations, within an experimentally attainable range of scan rates. Therefore, we suspect that the peak or plateau-shaped
vs. v variations, or equivalently the proportionality between ipa and
often reported in CV studies of end-attached DNA (or PNA) chains,15,18,21–24,49 actually reflect control of the electrochemical signal by the electron transfer rate associated with a low λ value, rather than by chain dynamics.
Our simulations can bring some insights into the reason why the attachment of the Fc head to a DNA chain, end-tethered to the surface, yields lower reorganization energies than typical redox species free in solution. Three hypotheses are proposed.
The first one is based on the observation that collision frequencies for Fc-DNA are much larger than what can be calculated for free Fc confined into a planar nanogap of a thickness comparable to the chain length, Lc. Indeed, in the latter case one would expect collision times in the order of 〈τc〉 ∼ Lc2/D = 100 ns, taking D = 10−5 cm2 s−1, and Lc ∼ 10 nm, i.e. a collision frequency two orders of magnitude lower than derived here for Fc-DNA.
Because of such a high collision frequency, it can be envisioned that the Fc head of DNA could, unlike free Fc, enter the Stern layer. The penetration of Fc in this electrostatic layer is to be understood in the framework of the collision theory, with Fc-DNA displacing adsorbed ions from the surface,50,51 and the displacement rate scales with the collision frequency. Within the Stern layer, the Fc head would experience a static dielectric constant, εs, lower than in the bulk and approaching the value of the optical dielectric constant, εopt = 1.78.52 The solvent reorganization energy (λ0) would consequently decrease, at the electrode, as it is given by:30
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This effect would fall in line with the recent observation that redox molecules, immobilized on an electrode and close enough to the surface to be located within the electric double layer, display greatly decreased λ0 values.53
The total reorganization energy (λ) determined here, is the sum of the solvent (λ0) and internal (λi) reorganization energies: λ = λ0 + λi.
For ferrocene, λi was theoretically evaluated to ∼0.016 eV.54 Hence the above considerations would predict λ ∼ 0.058 + 0.016 = 0.074 eV, which is close to the minimum value we found here for Fc-ssDNA. In that framework, the increase of λ with the surface coverage (Fig. S11–S13†) could be explained by a decrease in the collision frequency due to chain crowding. The modest variation of λ with the chain length (Fig. 4B†) is also coherent with the weak dependence of the collision frequency with N as simulated (Fig. S4†). The expected independence of the collision frequency on the diluent length would also explain why λ was not found to be a function of n (Fig. 5B).
For Fc-dsDNA, the fact that we measured vanishingly small values of λ tends to show that λ0 was reduced to an even greater extent than for Fc-ssDNA, but also suggests that λi was reduced as well. This could be attributed to the rigidity of the dsDNA backbone and linker that limits the structural changes of the Fc head.55 Just like for ssDNA, the experimental increase of λ with Γ is compatible with a negative correlation of λ with the collision frequency. The increase of λ with N (Fig. 4D), and the fact that it is more pronounced than for ssDNA, parallel the simulated variation of the collision frequency with N (Fig. S4†).
The second hypothesis tentatively explaining the low λ values obtained for Fc-DNA is also based on a lower value of εs, but from a different origin, and is inspired by the studies of electrons transfer between redox centers in proteins. In these systems, low λ values have been reported and explained by the very slow relaxation of water due to the strong coupling of the redox species with slow parts of the system (here the coupling of Fc with DNA affecting water relaxation).56 Finally the Fc head may partly enter the hydrophobic layer formed by the alkyl chains of the diluent thiol, where εs is small. Future relevant work following the present study will include exploration of the temperature dependence of k0 and λ values, as well as other experiments. This will bring further insights on the microscopic mechanism of the electron transfer of Fc-DNA.
We also show that the modulation of the electrochemical response of redox DNA strands by hybridization can be fully explained by a variation of the k0 and λ parameters. Hybridization is associated with a decrease in the presence probability of the redox label in the vicinity of the electrode, lowering k0. More importantly, the formation of the DNA duplex also results in a marked decrease in the reorganization energy, which strongly alters the electrochemical response of the system. As such, this hitherto unsuspected phenomenon contributes significantly to the signaling mechanism of E-DNA sensors.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Material and methods, supporting discussions, and supporting figures. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3sc00320e |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |