b and
aDepartment of Chemistry, Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials (iChEM), Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials, MOE Key Laboratory of Computational Physical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200438, China. E-mail: xxchem@fudan.edu.cn
bDepartment of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces (PCOSS), Collaborative Innovation Center of Chemistry for Energy Materials (iChEM), Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
cDepartment of Chemistry and Materials Innovation Factory, University of Liverpool, 51 Oxford Street, Liverpool L7 3NY, UK
dHefei National Laboratory, Hefei 230088, China
First published on 15th April 2023
The detailed structure of the water layer in the inner Helmholtz plane of a solid/aqueous solution interface is closely related to the electrochemical and catalytic performances of electrode materials. While the applied potential can have a great impact, specifically adsorbed species can also influence the interfacial water structure. With the specific adsorption of p-nitrobenzoic acid on the Au(111) surface, a protruding band above 3600 cm−1 appears in the electrochemical infrared spectra, indicating a distinct interfacial water structure as compared to that on bare metal surfaces, which displays a potential-dependent broad band in the range of 3400–3500 cm−1. Although three possible structures have been guessed for this protruding infrared band, the band assignment and interfacial water structure remain ambiguous in the past two decades. Herein, by combining surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy and our newly developed quantitative computational method for electrochemical infrared spectra, the protruding infrared band is clearly assigned to the surface-enhanced stretching mode of water molecules hydrogen-bonded to the adsorbed p-nitrobenzoate ions. Water molecules, meanwhile, are hydrogen-bonded with themselves to form chains of five-membered rings. Based on the reaction free energy diagram, we further demonstrate that both hydrogen-bonding interactions and coverages of specifically adsorbed p-nitrobenzoate play an important role in determining the structure of the water layer in the Au(111)/p-nitrobenzoic acid solution interface. Our work sheds light on structural studies of the inner Helmholtz plane under specific adsorptions, which advances the understanding of structure–property relationships in electrochemical and heterogeneous catalytic systems.
Besides the bias potential, the interfacial water structure is often influenced by specifically adsorbed molecules and ions that are ubiquitous in EC systems and play a key role in important EC reactions. Suitable adsorbates, for example, have been regarded as cocatalysts in CO2 reduction, notably on gold electrodes.14,15 The specific adsorption of p-nitrobenzoic acid on Au(111) (Au(111)–PNBA, a classical EC system) above 0.44 V vs. the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) in a 1 mM PNBA and 0.1 M HClO4 aqueous solution results in the broad OH stretching band fading and a sharp band appearing at approximately 3630 cm−1, which was first observed by the Osawa group.16 The sharp band indicates a distinct interfacial water structure. It is noteworthy that the PNBA molecule has been extensively applied in fuel cells, catalysis, self-assembly, photodetection, etc.,17–19 where it specifically adsorbs as p-nitrobenzoate (the PNBA− ion) on the Au(111) surface via the oxygen atoms of carboxylate.20–22 Similar sharp bands at approximately 3630 cm−1 were observed for other carboxyl-containing adsorbates, such as glycine and fluoroacetate.23,24 To understand the structural transformation of interfacial water accompanied by the sharp band appearing, three possible structures have been guessed: the formation of an in-plane confined water layer under the ordered adsorption of the PNBA− ions; some non-hydrogen-bonded water OH moieties and isolated water molecules embedded in the adlayer; or water molecules hydrogen-bonded to the adsorbed PNBA− ions.16,24,25 However, the assignment of the sharp band and the interfacial water structure of this classical specific adsorption system remain ambiguous in the past two decades.
In this study, the EC-IR spectra of the Au(111)/p-nitrobenzoic acid solution interface were measured by in situ SEIRAS under conditions of attenuated total reflection (ATR) with a chemically deposited and annealed Si prism/Au film working electrode,26 which is less surface contaminated and closer to the bulk metal electrode than a vacuum-evaporated electrode.16 Our newly developed computational method of EC vibrational spectra that simultaneously takes the electrified surface and implicit solvation model into account has been successfully applied to high coverage adsorption systems such as Au(111)(√3×√7)–SO42− and Pt(111)(2 × 2)–3CO,27,28 which are, nonetheless, only slightly influenced by the interfacial water layer. To further accurately interpret the experimental EC-IR bands related to the interfacial water, explicit water layers were introduced into the solvation model of the computational method here in this work.5,29,30 By comparing the calculated vibrational frequencies and Stark tuning slopes of possible explicit water configurations in the Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA frame with the corresponding measured results, we assigned the sharp band related interfacial water structure, and found that the interfacial water molecules prefer to self-assemble as hydrogen-bonding chains of five-membered rings and partially hydrogen-bond with the adsorbed PNBA− ions. Finally, we sketched a reaction free energy (ΔGre) diagram by calculating the potential-dependent Gibbs free energies Gads(V) of all configurations to further confirm the energetic preference of the adstructure and reveal the mechanism of structural stability of the water layer under the specific adsorption of the PNBA− ions.
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Fig. 1 Probing atomistic structures in the Au(111)/PNBA solution interface. (a) A CV curve of Au(111) in a 0.1 M HClO4 and 1 mM PNBA aqueous solution. Scan rate: 50 mV s−1. (b) The measured STM image at 0.66 V vs. SHE.17 (c) The corresponding calculated STM image of the Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA− adstructure at 0.69 V. (d) Experimental EC-IR spectra measured by SEIRAS at 0.84–1.14 V vs. SHE, using the spectrum at 0.34 V as the reference to clearly characterize the entire adsorption process of PNBA− ions. In (b), repetition lengths along two 〈110〉 directions are approximately 14 Å (a axis) and 8 Å (b axis), respectively, which correspond to five and three times the lattice constant of the (1 × 1) surface, indicating a Au(111)(3 × 5) unit cell. Image (b) adapted from ref. 22 with permission, copyright (2011) American Scientific Publishers. |
The calculated STM pattern (Fig. 1c) of Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA− (θ = 60°) (Fig. S1b†) matches perfectly the measured one. The elongated blob deriving from the cross-section of the vertically adsorbed PNBA− charge density near the Fermi level EF is 5.47 Å (approximately 5.43 Å in the measured STM pattern) away from another elongated blob in the (3 × 5) unit cell. Pairs of elongated blobs are aligned to form wheat-like stripes extending along the 〈110〉 direction of the underlying substrate. Other STM patterns (Fig. S1d and f†) from the configurations of Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA− (θ = 0°) and (θ = 120°) can be excluded because of the different blob alignments along the 〈110〉 direction and longer distances between the adjacent blobs of 6.72 and 6.80 Å than the measured one of 5.43 Å. Therefore, the structure or the frame of Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA discussed below refers to the configuration in which the PNBA ion or molecule at the corner is rotated by θ = 60° from the a axis.
To precisely interpret the measured EC-IR spectra related to the interfacial water by the computational methods, explicit water molecules, especially the first-nearest water layer (1st WL), should be introduced into the Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA frame. We started from four possible combined Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA configurations with the 1st WL as shown in Fig. 2, based on the following considerations: (i) as the average density of liquid water32 is around 1.00 g mL−1 under ambient conditions, the 1st WL (3 Å thickness) should contain nine water molecules in the frame of Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA. (ii) Based on the experiments of surface probe microscopies,33–36 the hydrogen-bonding network of interfacial water should consist of five- or six-membered rings. (iii) The difference of the chemical environment induced by the water molecules self-assembling and water bonded with adsorbed PNBA− ions assembling as multi-membered rings should be taken into account. Additionally, the combined configuration of the adsorbed PNBA molecules is also included in Fig. 2 to systematically consider the possible adsorbates in the Au(111)/PNBA solution interface.
The Ion-6MW configuration can be excluded first, given that it is unstable at 0.84–1.14 V vs. SHE, which transforms into the Ion-5MW configuration during the structural optimization. Other configurations, Ion-5MW, 6M-Ion&W, and Mol-5MW, are all plausible by comparing their calculated EC-STM images (Fig. S2†) with the measured result. These patterns are nearly consistent, although there is a slight brightness segregation of the elongated blobs for the Mol-5MW configuration.
By comparing the calculated EC-IR spectrum of the Ion-5MW configuration with the measured one at 0.94 V (Fig. 3a and S5†), it is found that the calculated band at 3654 cm−1 agrees well with the measured sharp band at 3647 cm−1, which is assigned to the OH stretching mode of water hydrogen-bonded to the adsorbed PNBA− ion (νPNBA−⋯W(OH) in Fig. S6a†). Moreover, we can exclude the other hypothetic structures that the sharp IR band is associated with the in-plane confined water layer induced by ordered adsorption of PNBA− or the non-hydrogen-bonded water OH moieties. In contrast to the former hypothesis, the vibrational frequency of the νW⋯W(OH) mode of Ion-5MW (Fig. S6b†) is found to be located at 3449 cm−1, which is close to the corresponding vibrational frequency of the pure WL 3434 cm−1, and is not evidently shifted to a higher wavenumber by the in-plane confinement. As opposed to the latter one, the vibrational frequency of the νNHB(OH) mode of Ion-5MW is shifted to a higher wavenumber around 3743 cm−1 and its spectral intensity is almost two orders of magnitude lower than those of the band counterparts of νPNBA−⋯W(OH) and νW⋯W(OH). Additionally, the measured negative-going bands related to the interfacial water at 3506 and 1642 cm−1 are found to be derived from the contributions of the νW⋯W(OH) mode and the bending mode for water hydrogen-bonded with themselves (i.e., δW⋯W(W) in Fig. S6c†), respectively.
To further verify the assignment of the sharp IR band, we calculated the EC-IR spectra for the adsorption configurations with the first- and second-nearest water layers (1st + 2nd WL). By comparing the EC-IR spectra for the configurations of the 1st WL and 1st + 2nd WL (Fig. S8a and b†) with six-membered rings in Fig. S9,† the main contribution of the spectral intensity derives from the 1st WL, whereas the 2nd WL contribution is almost one order of magnitude smaller, since the dipole responses of vibrational modes are enhanced specifically near the surface. For the configuration of Ion-5MW with the 1st + 2nd WL (Fig. S8c and d†), its EC-IR spectrum approximates to the combined configuration with the 1st WL and is slightly closer to the measured spectrum in Fig. S10.† Therefore, accurate description of the 1st WL structure is the key to realizing a quantitative spectral prediction of the adsorption system with the interfacial water. We would also like to point out that our current computational method for predicting the EC-IR spectra using a hybrid explicit/implicit solvation model has not yet been able to accurately simulate and analyse the measured asymmetric bands caused by the dynamic effect from the interfacial water layer. This problem might be solved by considering the molecular dynamics with efficient computational analysis.37–39
The EC-IR bands related to the adsorbed PNBA ions or molecules are also influenced by the interfacial water due to hydrogen-bonding interactions. Different from the degenerate 1340 cm−1 band of the Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA− configuration without water molecules being involved (Ion W/O W in Fig. 3b), the corresponding IR band of the Ion-5MW configuration splits into bands of 1546, 1389, and 1356 cm−1, which are assigned to the anti-symmetric and the symmetric carboxylate stretching modes of and
, and the symmetric nitro group stretching mode of
, for the adsorbed PNBA− ions in Fig. S6d–f,† respectively, while the 1110 cm−1 band is assigned to the CN stretching mode of νPNBA−(CN) in Fig. S6g.† These calculated EC-IR bands agree well with the corresponding measured bands of 1525, 1386, 1355, and 1118 cm−1. Similar to the bands related to the interfacial water, the bands of
for the 6M-Ion&W configuration are slightly shifted to a higher wavenumber as the PNBA−⋯W hydrogen-bond strengthens. Meanwhile, the Mol-5MW configuration can be excluded, because the pair of asymmetric νPNBAasym(CO2) bands at 1610 and 1581 cm−1 for the adsorbed PNBA molecules (Fig. S7†) caused by the decrease of the molecular symmetry match poorly the single band at 1525 cm−1 in the measured EC-IR spectrum.
EC-STS, a commonly used quantity for the identification of the potential-dependent electroadsorption, is used to further confirm the structure of the water layer in the Au(111)/PNBA solution interface. Different from the small STSs of the EC-IR bands related to the adsorbed PNBA− shown in Table S1,† all absolute STSs for the measured bands related to the interfacial water, i.e., , σW⋯Wν(OH), and σW⋯Wδ(W), exceed 100 cm−1 V−1 at 0.84–1.14 V vs. SHE. The calculated STSs for the relative ratios of
for the Ion-5MW configuration are 1.40 and 1.35 (Table 1), respectively, which are in good agreement with the corresponding measured values of 1.44 and 1.36, confirming Ion-5MW as the suitable candidate structure for the observed interfacial water. In this regard, the 6M-Ion&W configuration is disproved, since the relative ratios for the calculated STSs of
are 1.93 and 1.89, respectively, which are too large as compared to the measured ones.
Modes | ν PNBA−⋯W(OH) | ν W⋯W(OH) | δ W⋯W(W) |
a Detailed vibrational modes of νPNBA−⋯W(OH), νW⋯W(OH), and δW⋯W(W) are listed in Fig. S6. | |||
Expt. | −104.15 | 149.61 | 141.31 |
Ion-5MW | −80.99 | 113.25 | 109.72 |
6M-Ion&W | −56.60 | 109.33 | 107.24 |
Mol-5MW | — | 59.78 | — |
It is interesting to note from Table 1 that the STSs for the νW⋯W(OH) and the δW⋯W(W) bands are positive (149.61 and 141.31 cm−1 V−1, respectively), while the counterpart of the νPNBA−⋯W(OH) band is negative (−104.15 cm−1 V−1), indicating that the OHW⋯W bond strengthens and the OHPNBA−⋯W bond weakens as the potential increases. To understand the molecular mechanism behind this trend, natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses in the periodic implementation were carried out to quantitatively relate the chemical-bonding response to the applied potential.40 As can be seen in Fig. 4a and b, the NBO occupancies of the OHW⋯W anti-bonding orbitals decrease as the potential shifts positively, which induces the strengthening of the OHW⋯W bonds. In contrast, increasing the occupancies of the OHPNBA−⋯W anti-bonding orbitals results in the weakening of the OHPNBA−⋯W bonds. In addition, the variations in the NBO occupancies of the OH anti-bonding orbitals are more sensitive to the applied potential (Fig. 4b), since the projected electronic density of state (pDOS) of OH anti-bonding orbitals is close to the Fermi level of the specifically adsorbed PNBA− Au(111) surface (Fig. S11†). Therefore, the STSs of the bands related to the interfacial water are determined mainly by the occupancies of the OH anti-bonding orbitals of the water molecules.
To verify the contribution from hydrogen-bonding energy for the formation of the Ion-5MW configuration and to further consider the contribution from the coverage of specifically adsorbed species, the calculations of reaction free energies of combined configurations with the 1st WL were extended to different adsorbates: pyridine (Py), benzenesulfonate (the BS− ion) and different adsorption frames: Au(111)(3 × 5)–PNBA− and Au(111)(3 × 5)–BS− in Fig. S12.† For the selected adsorbates PNBA−, Py, and BS−, the energies of the single Ion⋯W hydrogen bond are 15.32, 21.45, and 28.94 kJ mol−1, respectively. For the adsorption frames of Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA− and Au(111)(3 × 5)–PNBA−, –BS−, the coverages of adsorbates decrease from 0.13 to 0.07. As the Ion⋯W hydrogen-bonding energy increases in Fig. S13,† the interfacial water layer prefers to transform the structure from Ion-5MW to the 6M-Ion&W configuration, which is consistent with the analyses from the combined configurations of Au(111)(3 × 5)–2PNBA−. Moreover, the interfacial water molecules with the decrease of the coverage of adsorbates prefer to form the Ion-6MW configuration under a low Ion⋯W hydrogen-bonding energy. Therefore, in addition to the hydrogen-bonding energy, the coverage of specifically adsorbed species also makes an important contribution to stabilizing the Ion-5MW configuration in the Au(111)(3 × 5) unit cell.
By considering the hybrid explicit/implicit solvation model with a suitable structure of the first-nearest water layer, our computational method of the EC vibrational spectra can be applied not only to high coverage adsorption systems, but also to lower coverage and more general adsorption systems including interfacial water molecules. The method can be improved further by combining with the new development of the DFT method,41–43ab initio molecular dynamics and other efficient computational methods for the EC vibrational spectra to precisely consider the dynamic effect caused by the interfacial water layer.37–39 It is anticipated that the applications of more advanced spectroelectrochemical techniques, such as tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy and nanoscale IR spectroscopy with ultrahigh spatial resolution, will provide multi-view evidence for the interfacial water structures under specific adsorption and deepen our understanding on the inner Helmholtz plane.
To simulate the EC-IR spectra, VASPsol implementation was employed to mimic the surface solvation effect.50 The relative permittivity εre and ionic strength I were set to 78 and 0.1 M (corresponding to a Debye screening length λ of 9.5 Å), respectively. The surface tension was set to zero (no cavitation energy). The finite difference method was employed to simulate the IR spectra. The differential step size of Cartesian coordinates Δx was set to 0.01 Å. The detailed computational method of EC-IR spectra was summarized in ref. 27 and 51. Other computational details are provided in the ESI.† The calculated potential of zero charge (PZC) of the pure WL configuration is 0.51 V vs. SHE, which is close to the measured PZC, 0.56 V.52
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3sc00473b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |