Rüya Meltem
Sarah H.
Nuno M.
Chris I.
c and
Alexander D.
aReading School of Pharmacy, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, RG6 6UB, UK. E-mail: r.sariyer@pgr.reading.ac.uk; kkgill@uvic.ca; s.h.needs@reading.ac.uk; a.d.edwards@reading.ac.uk; Tel: +44 (0)118 378 4253
bDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Centre for Biosensors, Bioelectronics and Biodevices (CBio), University of Bath, Bath BA2 7AY, UK. E-mail: n.m.reis@bath.ac.uk
cReading School of Biological Sciences, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, UK. E-mail: d.j.hodge@pgr.reading.ac.uk; c.i.jones@reading.ac.uk
dSchool of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, Highfield, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
First published on 17th October 2023
Measuring the complex processes of blood coagulation, haemostasis and thrombosis that are central to cardiovascular health and disease typically requires a choice between high-resolution low-throughput laboratory assays, or simpler less quantitative tests. We propose combining mass-produced microfluidic devices with open-source robotic instrumentation to enable rapid development of affordable and portable, yet high-throughput and performance haematological testing. A time- and distance-resolved fluid flow analysis by Raspberry Pi imaging integrated with controlled sample addition and illumination, enabled simultaneous tracking of capillary rise in 120 individual capillaries (∼160, 200 or 270 μm internal diameter), in 12 parallel disposable devices. We found time-resolved tracking of capillary rise in each individual microcapillary provides quantitative information about fluid properties and most importantly enables quantitation of dynamic changes in these properties following stimulation. Fluid properties were derived from flow kinetics using a pressure balance model validated with glycerol–water mixtures and blood components. Time-resolved imaging revealed fluid properties that were harder to determine from a single endpoint image or equilibrium analysis alone. Surprisingly, instantaneous superficial fluid velocity during capillary rise was found to be largely independent of capillary diameter at initial time points. We tested if blood function could be measured dynamically by stimulating blood with thrombin to trigger activation of global haemostasis. Thrombin stimulation slowed vertical fluid velocity consistent with a dynamic increase in viscosity. The dynamics were concentration-dependent, with highest doses reducing flow velocity faster (within 10 s) than lower doses (10–30 s). This open-source imaging instrumentation expands the capability of affordable microfluidic devices for haematological testing, towards high-throughput multi-parameter blood analysis needed to understand and improve cardiovascular health.
Recent deeper multiparameter analysis has been established in small studies using current laboratory tools such as time-resolved cytometry or multiparameter phenotyping of platelets, demonstrating that quantitative concentration–response measurement provides significant novel insight,11,12 indicating the need for greater depth of analysis, ideally in scalable measurement systems. The difficulties of analysing haemostasis and thrombosis at scale are exacerbated by the need to perform tests shortly after phlebotomy, so the blood donor needs to visit a laboratory research site. Although some lab tests can be conducted on stored samples or from biobanks (e.g. serology, genetics), it is not possible to store live platelets in blood samples and transport them to laboratories without dramatically altering their phenotype. Such measurements must typically be completed within 1 hour of drawing blood, even when using automated analysers,13 making larger-scale use challenging. As a result, clinical use remains limited, and large-scale research studies are restricted to the few narrow parameters (e.g., platelet count, prothrombin time) that can be measured easily. This impedes our ability to perform essential population studies that combine detailed platelet and coagulation measurements with other large-scale techniques including genomics, proteomics, metabolomics and data science. Alternative techniques are therefore needed to answer questions such as the underlying causes of altered coagulation pathways or platelet function by age, diet, or during infection that have not yet been fully understood.14–18 The ideal tools would measure multiple coagulation and/or platelet parameters in response to panels of stimuli, use inexpensive consumables and avoid costly laboratory instrumentation, and must be easy to use without training whilst capturing as much data as possible.
To this end, a range of microfluidic devices have been developed to measure many elements of blood haemostasis, including soluble and cellular factors (e.g. fibrinogen and platelets). For example, fibrinogen has been measured in whole blood using microfluidic channels.19 Migration-based platelet aggregation in microdevices allowed measurement of platelet activation.20–23 A two-channel microfluidic device with a collagen-coated section examines the effects of stirring on shear-induced platelet activation by measuring migration distance.20,21 Another two-channel microfluidic chip tests platelet aggregation induced by a combination of two stimuli, adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and collagen, measured the migration distance by adding stimulated blood to the microchip.22 Paper-based microfluidic lateral flow devices have been used to monitor blood coagulation, with blood coagulation initiated by adding CaCl2 solutions, and following migration time of blood. A linear relationship between the migration time and the viscosity of the fluid was observed.23 Larger numbers of channels allow multiplexing measurement of more parameters, for example use of transparent melt-extruded 10 channel devices instead of porous media allows different changes to be detected, for example red cell aggregation for ABO blood typing that is visible from digital scans alongside delayed capillary rise.24 These studies illustrate the general suitability of microfluidic systems for measuring blood function; but for microfluidic assays to fulfil their potential, larger scale application in research and diagnosis is now needed.
Blood rheology is complex, with multiple studies showing how the viscosity of blood varies with shear rate25 whereas plasma (without cells) shows rheological behaviour closer to a Newtonian fluid with viscosity independent of shear rate.26 Hemodynamics affect platelet function and coagulation, with wall shear rate and wall shear stress being the major parameters characterising laminar flow of blood in vivo.27 For humans, typical average wall shear rates range from 40 to 500 s−1 in blood vessels experiencing pulsative flow, and arterial thrombosis formation is observed in human arteries at wall shear rates as low as 100–200 s−1.27 Flow chambers have therefore been widely used for studying and reproducing the process of thrombosis formation in vitro,28 with channel size plus flow rate affecting shear and dynamic viscosity during blood flow; channel sizes of 100–300 μm have been recommended.28 Smaller sizes result in dominance of platelet-wall interaction over platelet–platelet interaction. A transient viscosity study showed that blood viscosity changes quickly during coagulation at different shear rates (20–80 s), with the time-to-gel point in ranging from 60 to 120 s; the gel point is defined as the time at which at least a 20% increase in blood viscosity is observed.29 The same authors showed blood viscosity plateauing at shear rate of 80 s−1. Several studies have proposed microcapillary rheometers that measure rheology with very small sample volumes over wide of shear rate ranges (10–105 s−1).30–32 Although very precise, these require complex instrumentation.
To gain maximal data from microfluidic devices, portable and inexpensive instrumentation is needed that captures time and position-resolved data. Ideally imaging should be coupled to control of sample processing, simplifying use and ensuring consistency of captured data. Digital imaging has never been smaller, cheaper, or higher performance, with increasingly sophisticated mass-manufactured CMOS digital cameras capable of quantifying a wide range of assay readouts. These can be combined with free open-source hardware and software (FOSH and FOSS), to develop affordable scientific instruments that replace expensive bespoke laboratory equipment.33,34 The growth of FOSH is following a previous rise of FOSS with a 20 year lag35 with potential to reduce experimental costs for science and engineering.34 Open source systems make scientific equipment more accessible not only for diverse research but for a wider range of users,36 for example the Raspberry Pi computer and camera has been used to develop low-cost open-source multi-fluorescence imaging33 and controlled temperature and pressure monitoring systems.37 Alongside imaging, the Raspberry Pi has flexible outputs that allow easy and inexpensive addition of robotic sample manipulation and light control.38 Affordable 3D printing allows cheap and rapid replication and iterative prototyping of complex instruments.39 3D printed devices can simplify sample preparation and nucleic acid amplification.40 3D printed structures combined with CMOS digital cameras are ideal for microscopy, illustrated by the openflexure system41 and digital holographic microscope.42 Open-source hardware can ensure technological advances in digital imaging drive rapid scientific progress.38
Here, we demonstrate for the first time that integration of multiplexed ‘dip stick’ microfluidics24 with a time and distance-resolved robotic imaging technique, allows detailed analysis of fluidic properties of blood, and most importantly capturing any changes of those properties during and immediately following stimulation with agents that trigger activation of blood (e.g. coagulation). To allow low cost open-source robotic digital imaging instrumentation to facilitate large-scale screening, we integrated it with mass-produced melt-extruded microfluidics to couple capture of high-density data with an ability to multiplex stimuli. The vertical “dip-stick” format simplifies automation of sample testing because it requires no liquid handling, in contrast to horizontal devices where a liquid sample must be added into a well; with vertical dipping, devices can simply be lowered into the sample using a robotic arm or a servo motor. Furthermore, many devices can be dipped simultaneously with a single servo. To assess this combination, we tested activation of fibrin polymerisation with thrombin. By imaging instantaneous capillary rise and equilibrium capillary height in vertical array of hydrophilic microcapillaries, it was possible to extract quantitative information about blood coagulation in whole blood samples by best-fitting high-density experimental data to pressure balance models of transient and equilibrium fluid flow in vertical hydrophilic microcapillaries. With the initial stage of capillary rise showing mean superficial flow velocities of 10–30 mm s−1, corresponding to theoretical wall shear rates of 100–600 s−1, blood viscosity can be assumed independent of shear rate. Pressure balance models were validated using known glycerol–water mixtures, and we show the technique is able to quantify differences in viscosity and surface properties (surface tension and contact angle) between water, plasma and whole blood. This study demonstrates the power of inexpensive (<£300) open source instrumentation to expand data captured from microdevices, opening the door to larger scale measurement of the dynamics of haemostasis.
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ΔPH = ρgH | (5) |
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Alongside determining endpoint equilibrium, the microfluidic imaging system enabled tracking the transient vertical flow of fluids up the ‘dip stick’ test strips from time-lapse images, streamlining image analysis and allowing us to determine dynamic parameters that cannot be derived from equilibrium or endpoint observation. A full pressure balance using upward Laplace forces balanced by hydrostatic head and frictional resistance forces (eqn (6) and (7)) was applied to model the liquid rise in the hydrophilic microcapillaries (Fig. 2a), taking inspiration from our earlier work with the ‘Lab on a stick’ concept.24 We note this model is simplified by excluding an inertial term and assumes that instantaneous velocity primarily reflects a net pressure balance, with minimal contribution by acceleration. For capturing more accurately capillary forces and considering the elliptical shape of the microcapillaries, the minor and major axis of each individual capillary in the 10-bore MCF, having average diameters of 160, 200 and 270 μm, were used to take into consideration the elliptical shape of the microcapillaries. Due to the manufacturing melt-extrusion process, the middle eight capillaries were slightly wider than the outer two, and the axes narrowed moving from the middle to the edges resulting in minor deviations in the flow of liquid (Table S1†).
Time-resolved imaging of glycerol–water mixtures allowed instantaneous superficial fluid velocity, u(t) given as dH/dt to be recorded and then plotted versus time or reciprocal of H(t), which showed that as expected (eqn (8)) the dynamics of fluid rise in the vertical microcapillary films is also very sensitive to the fluid properties (Fig. S2†). We note that as predicted by eqn (8), a largely linear relationship was seen when instantaneous velocity was plotted against 1/H(t), and we found this plot to be a valuable way to visualise the vertical flow dynamics, alongside plotting height vs. time. In contrast to the equilibrium rise, this linear relationship between velocity and reciprocal height was independent of capillary diameter. The pressure balance model was validated by modelling flow of glycerol–water samples with known properties using excel solver, from which our observed and derived values gave excellent prediction of the dH/dt (Fig. S2†) with experimental data confirming our models. A full comparison of predicted and experimentally measured viscosity, surface tension, and contact angle suggests these values for the smaller two capillary diameters stayed within ∼13% and even for the largest capillaries stayed within 20%.
By studying the initial gradient of superficial fluid velocity, dH/dt over hydraulic height H(t), we noticed that the larger diameters presented a greater variation in linear fluid movement across the 10 capillaries in each microfluidic strip, whereas smaller diameters were more consistent, shown by the smallest spread in datapoints on the right-hand side of Fig. 3b, corresponding to initial time points. This is presumably related to small variations in Laplace pressure, with wetting of the inner hydrophilic capillary becoming more inconsistent as inner capillary diameter increased. The initial superficial fluid flow revealed largely independent of internal diameter, in line with observations for glycerol:
water mixtures (Fig. S2†), in the case of more complex samples divergence from linear flow occurred earlier on for larger diameters (Fig. 3b). The ability of our technique and imaging system to distinguish small difference in microcapillary flow for blood and blood components illustrates the importance of having fast time-lapse capture of fluid velocity data especially from early time points. The equilibrium, or single endpoint measurements alone provided limited data compared to considering transient flow, as velocity is strongly dependent of viscosity and frictional resistances. This indicates that the time-resolved robotic imaging instrument improves our ability to measure important fluid properties such as viscosity vs. a single endpoint or equilibrium image. Also, it is worthwhile mentioning that our method is not able to provide comprehensive rheological measurements nor replacing advanced rheology equipment including microcapillary rheometers for lacking consideration of shear dependence of viscosity; however, the simplicity of operation and simple instrumentation compensates for this.
The pressure balance model predicts a linear relationship between dH/dt velocity and reciprocal of liquid head, 1/H(t) for the initial stage of capillary rise. This is the stage at which viscosity of blood can be safely assumed to be constant and independent of shear rate based on data widely available in literature. The non-linear term in eqn (8) disappears when H(t) → 0, therefore we explored how closely model predictions matched the experimental data for blood components. Initial velocities depended significantly on sample properties (Fig. 4), with the blood and blood components having higher viscosity than buffer or water, translating in reduced dH/dt values. Again, time-resolved imaging provided significant additional data on viscosity and frictional resistances that could not be gained from equilibrium, endpoint analysis, with most data sets ending at similar endpoint value of 1/H(t) in x axis. A close fit of the capillary flow to the pressure balance model (both dynamic and endpoint) allowed extracting multiple unknown parameters, in particular fluid properties but also air–liquid–wall interface properties. The steady, shear-rate independent model worked well for 160 and 200 μm microcapillaries but with the larger 270 μm, we noticed some degree of divergence from linearity (Fig. S4†). This is presumably linked to the Fahraeus–Lindqvist effect,47 with blood viscosity decreasing with decreasing channel size28 during in vivo flow studies of thrombosis. This suggests our approximation of shear-independent blood viscosity in early time points is more realistic and our new technique can be more effective when narrow microcapillaries are used. Linked to higher Laplace forces, narrower capillaries also offer longer overall distance travelled by the fluid potentially providing higher resolution measurements with the same camera setup.
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Fig. 4 Observed dynamic flow of blood and blood components is consistent with higher viscosity than water. Comparison of experimental instantaneous superficial fluid velocity dH/dt vs. reciprocal H(t) with modelled velocities calculated from transient pressure balance. Data shown comparing water and buffer with PPP and PRP (top) and comparing WB with washed RBCs for both 160 and 200 μm inner diameter. Parameters used for models, and constraints used to fit these parameters, are presented in Table 1. These illustrate that the model reasonably fits experimental data. Data indicates 10 replicate capillaries where error bars indicate ± SD from a single donor; similar results were observed in 3 repeat experiments with different donors. |
The highest fluid velocities were observed at very early stages of capillary flow, estimated from images captured within the first 3 seconds at very short intervals. It must be noted that we expected greater noise in these instantaneous velocities, where time intervals are very short and small variations in image capture timing and/or dipping of the strip will result in larger noise in estimated velocity compared to linear predicted velocities. We believe the apparent higher noise at observed velocities above 5 mm s−1 (e.g.Fig. 4) can be accounted for by the our lower confidence in time differences between images at very early stages, compared to the longer time intervals between images used to estimate velocity at later times when velocity is far lower. This apparent noise in instantaneous velocity at early timepoints contrasts to the observation that velocities become less dependent on capillary diameter (Fig. 3b), and variance between replicate capillaries is low. This explanation can be tested using additional image capture methods such as high-resolution, high-framerate video cameras. Alternatively, the pressure-balance model assumes ‘quasi-steady state’ and therefore neglecting fluid acceleration or consider fluid inertia, that could potentially affect very early time points where initial acceleration of liquid into the capillaries takes place, which might also contribute to variation between observed and predicted velocities.
Table 1 lists the fitted model parameter values which set constraints reflecting the expected range of these properties for blood and blood components, to improve how readily the derived parameters could be determined empirically. We also fixed density to reduce the number of unknown parameters, using well characterised density values for blood and plasma taken from the literature (summarised in Table S4†). For glycerol:
water mixtures we used surface tension values from the literature to calculate contact angle from equilibrium rise. However, for blood components, we combined the surface properties affecting Laplace pressure at the capillary meniscus, i.e., surface tension and contact angle, into a single term, cos(θ) × γ, in order to minimise subjectivity of the calculations.
160 μm | 200 μm | Constraints | |||
cos![]() |
Dynamic viscosity, μ (cP) | cos![]() |
Dynamic viscosity, μ (cP) | Dynamic viscosity (cP) | |
Water | 0.025 | 1.04 | 0.022 | 1.04 | 1.04 |
HBS | 0.025 | 1.04 | 0.022 | 1.04 | 1.04 |
PPP | 0.023 | 1.70 | 0.021 | 1.70 | <1.7 |
PRP | 0.024 | 1.70 | 0.019 | 1.70 | <1.7 |
RBC–EDTA | 0.034 | 2.86 | 0.037 | 4.72 | >2, <6 |
RBC–citrate | 0.034 | 2.02 | 0.036 | 3.79 | >2, <6 |
WB | 0.034 | 4.58 | 0.033 | 6.00 | >2, <6 |
Our experimental results showed that the fluid rise in the capillaries can be reliably predicted with the pressure balance modelling (Fig. 4). The similarity between water and buffer, and between plasma with or without platelets, provides reassurance that these observations are repeatable. Some deviations from the model were seen with the highest velocities, which is expected considering these were estimated from sequential images only a fraction of a second apart, and with high velocities meaning relatively small variations are amplified. This shows that time- and distance-resolved imaging allows us to determine not only endpoint equilibrium height data based on total migration distance, but also derive viscosity and frictional resistances by studying transient flow at early time points. Thus, the open source RMS instrument improves microfluidic blood analysis allowing unknown liquid properties such as density and viscosity can be derived.
Stimulating whole blood with thrombin within the capillaries led to a rapid and concentration-dependent reduction in the height of capillary rise at all timepoints, compared to unstimulated blood. When multiple replicate endpoint measurements were taken to estimate this overall retardation of vertical flow, similar responses were found with multiple donors (Fig. 5 and S3†). Note that the concentration of thrombin loaded into the microcapillaries during freeze drying, appear somewhat higher than those typically used for thrombin stimulation in other studies.48 During rapid capillary rise of the blood/sample, there is stimulus dissolution and mixing taking place as well as fluid movement. At this stage of development of this technique, it is not possible to establish the actual concentration of thrombin experienced in the blood that is being released; this may account for the higher loading dose required to get stronger observed responses.
We would expect viscosity to increase over time following thrombin dissolution, and furthermore a gradient of coagulation can be expected with highest viscosity at the top where the blood has been exposed to stimuli for longest (Fig. 5b). Furthermore, for simplicity, at this initial stage of analysis any impact of coagulation localised near the meniscus on surface properties (surface tension and contact angle) was not considered. With stimulation occurring within the microcapillaries during flow, it is not possible to determine all surface properties experimentally from the height at equilibrium, in contrast to unstimulated liquids, which do not change during capillary rise (e.g.Fig. 2–4). This is for two reasons: firstly, the equilibrium height will only reflect the surface properties at that timepoint, which may differ from earlier times; secondly, stimulation eventually leads to coagulation to a point when flow ceases as a cross-linked fibrin gel is formed, so equilibrium may never be reached. To confirm those assumptions, we laid test strips flat after 30 minutes but with thrombin-loaded capillaries found no further flow could occur (data not shown), confirming that thrombin stimulation eventually leads to capillary blockage.
Nevertheless, we clearly observed decreased fluid velocity that would be consistent with a rapid and dynamic increase in viscosity following stimulation, seen most clearly when instantaneous dH/dt was plotted against reciprocal height 1/H(t), as expected since coagulation of blood during haemostasis should lead to obstructed flow (Fig. 5c). This effect was reproducible with two further blood donors showing similar response to thrombin (Fig. S3†) demonstrating that coagulation can be activated within the capillary during capillary rise, and that instantaneous velocity is sensitive to rapid changes in coagulation. In future, higher resolution imaging should be able to directly observe the meniscus curvature, which would allow any changes in curvature to be monitored during dynamic stimulation. This additional information could enable more direct estimation of viscosity changes, by monitoring changes in instantaneous surface properties. However, there would be a trade-off between using far higher resolution cameras (thus more expensive instrumentation), or a smaller field of view (thus fewer samples imaged), to simultaneously collect information about meniscus position (to monitor instantaneous velocity) and curvature (to monitor surface properties).
Our current pressure balance model does not consider variation of fluid properties over time or distance, and as noted above cannot distinguish between changes in viscosity (that affect resistance to flow) and alterations in surface properties (that affect the pressure drop that drives flow). In spite of these limitations, we explored if the observed data was consistent with an increase in viscosity over time after stimulation simply by plotting modelled instantaneous velocities for a series of higher viscosities, keeping all other parameters fixed (Fig. 6). Fig. 6a shows our model fitted to blood flow without a stimulus using the surface property value determined from Fig. 5; we found surface properties were somewhat changed after freeze-drying the stimulus, indicated by a better fit with a lower surface property value (Fig. 6b). For strips with stimulation, by plotting a range of theoretical viscosity increases from 2×, 3×, 4×, and 6× the starting viscosity, we observed a shift of the dH/dt versus 1/H data that matched predictions of lower starting viscosity at earliest times (i.e., higher 1/H), downwards towards fluid flow at higher viscosities at later times. This effect increased and took place earlier as the loaded thrombin concentration increased (Fig. 6b) consistent with a concentration- and time-dependent viscosity increase following stimulation during vertical capillary flow. This suggests our technique has the potential to capture dynamic changes in blood coagulation during capillary flow from observation of instantaneous velocity, this cannot be matched by any of the techniques currently available, not even by rheological measurements as coagulation is a fast process making measurement of transient properties especially challenging. Whilst thrombin stimulation was used here as proof-of-concept, this assay could be used with other stimuli that trigger coagulation and/or platelet activation. The use of whole blood means that both fibrin formation and platelet activation are triggered simultaneously, more closely mimicking physiological conditions. Such a test is most likely to be used for routine haemostatic tests, similar to those administered before surgical procedures or to investigate the suitability of an anticoagulant drug for treatment. The main benefit over existing coagulation tests is the large number of replicates possible in a single 30 second test, permitting a wider detection range, allowing either multiple samples, or expansion to a larger range of stimuli, to be tested in parallel. The ability to measure 120 capillaries simultaneously opens the door to larger scale stimulation panels beyond our proof-of-concept with thrombin.
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Fig. 6 Modelling viscosity changes following thrombin stimulation of blood. The velocity of blood flow into capillaries was modelled using known blood density (1.055 g mL−1) plus surface property value (cos(θ) × γ) derived from the data, as follows: (a) no stimulus with cos(θ) × γ = 0.033 mN per degrees per m2) as derived for whole blood in Fig. 5; (b) no stimulus and with thrombin (5, 15, 50 and 150 U mL−1) with adjusted lower surface property value that fits the no stimulus data better i.e. cos(θ) × γ = 0.025 mN per degrees per m2). The mustard-coloured lines represent increases in viscosity ranging from 2×, 3×, 4×, to 6× the initial viscosity whilst keeping the surface property value constant. In all cases, the indicated range of viscosities are plotted to explore how well the pressure balance model could estimate the impact of increased viscosity over time following stimulation. Predicted velocity dynamics fitted experimental data earlier and with higher viscosities as thrombin concentrations increased; in contrast without stimulus the model fits observed values closest with no change in viscosity. |
Measurement of migration distance has previously been used in horizontal flow by adding stimulated WB to a microfluidic chip.22,23 The stimulated blood reduced migration distance, indicating increased platelet aggregation induced by a combination of two stimuli, ADP and collagen. The new imaging system not only determines the final migration ratio but also captured the instantaneous velocity of the fluid by taking at least 6 frames per second. Changes in velocity have also been observed with other tests for example those analysing the impact of platelet activation. Velocity of WB in microchannels was slower in the presence of ADP than without,49 this concurred with our thrombin activated WB, as we observed decreasing velocity over time due to increased coagulated along the capillary length, lower exposure to the thrombin stimulus and which lowered the equilibrium heights.
Previous studies used microfluidic devices which had no more than 2 channels, and measure flow in horizontal rather than vertical flow.20–23,49 The use of 2 channels is typically used to compare migration distance between stimulated vs. unstimulated blood, yet the use of a single stimulation significantly reduces the amount of information generated, especially since biological systems are often better quantified by concentration–response relationships. While here we used 10 replicate capillaries per condition to demonstrate the concept, future analysis combining ‘dip stick’ devices with the RMS instrument is expected to make full use of 12 simultaneous test strips containing up to 10 conditions per strip, yet minimising the blood volume required. Furthermore, in contrast to laboratory instruments such as flow cytometers, our integrated microfluidic imaging system can be used without training, with illumination, dipping, and imaging all automated. The low cost (∼100× cheaper than flow cytometer) and open source hardware make this system accessible to anyone.
A challenge that remains unaddressed with our technique is the difficulty of loading reagents in the microcapillaries without risking altering the capillary flow. Flow in capillaries is strongly influenced by the surface properties within the capillary. Whilst thrombin freeze-dried within capillaries clearly activates blood, our initial model fitting suggested the loaded capillaries may also have altered surface properties (Fig. 6). This could either be due to coagulation triggered by thrombin near the meniscus, or to the loaded thrombin affecting contact angle and/or surface tension. We noted higher noise between replicate capillaries when using freeze-dried test strips (regardless of the loading reagent) than when validating the method using strips without reagent freeze-drying (e.g. compare Fig. 5avs.2c and d). This loading process is a major focus of ongoing study and optimisation, especially to expand the range of stimuli to make full use of the high sample capacity of the system.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3sd00162h |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |