Gonzalo del
a and
aElectronic Technology Area, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Mostoles 28933, Spain. E-mail:
bGdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Appl. Phys., Narutowicza 11/12, 80-233 Gdańsk, Poland
cNational Taiwan University, Dep. of Mat. Sci. and Eng, ., No. 1, Roosevelt Rd, Sect 4, Taipei, 106, Taiwan
First published on 3rd April 2023
Mixed-cation mixed-halide perovskite solar cells have been characterized in DC at different temperatures (from −20 °C up to 50 °C) and the time evolution of the device efficiency has been assessed using different degradation protocols (indoors and outdoors). The completely planar p–i–n structure is ITO/CuNiOx/PTAA/CsFAPbIBr/PCBM/PEI/Ag. Pristine current–voltage characteristics barely show hysteresis, at any temperature. Open circuit voltage decreases with temperature at a rate of −1.5 mV °C−1, and the obtained PCE temperature coefficient is lower than −0.001% K−1, which is an outstanding value for this emerging photovoltaic technology. Cells have been degraded under different protocols: indoors using different light/dark cycles and outdoors in a high temperature and high irradiation location. Cells show no significant decrease of the efficiency after more than 350 h of indoor light cycling and the estimated T80 obtained for the sample degraded outdoors under high irradiation and high temperature conditions is ∼15 days.
Regarding material composition, many studies are currently focusing on using mixed-cation mixed-halide PSC with the aim of increasing device stability and efficiency. The incorporation of new cations such as formamidinium (FA) or Cs has proven to increase device stability.5 On the other hand, the incorporation of Br or Cl increases the energy gap and therefore lowers the absorption spectrum of the active layer material. In addition, some authors have observed that charge recombination is reduced when increasing the Br/I ratio.6 Regarding the layer structure, p–i–n structures have been demonstrated to exhibit lower hysteresis, and better stability than n–i–p layer structures.7
On the other hand, other authors have focused on avoiding lead in the perovskite composition due to the high toxicity of this metal, which could hamper device commercialization. Non-toxic inorganic cations like Sn and Ge have been used to replace Pb.8 Regarding Hole Transport Layers (HTL), one of the most used materials is spiro-OMeTAD. However, since this material easily degrades at high operating temperatures, other materials such as polytriarylamine (PTAA) are becoming more popular. PTAA has been demonstrated to be a good HTL material for different photovoltaic device configurations, including n–i–p, p–i–n and tandem solar cells.9 Some authors have already demonstrated a reduction in the charge interface recombination when substituting inorganic oxides, such as CuOx, with PTAA.10,11
However, in spite of the outstanding progress of PSC, very little attention has been paid to the device performance efficiency close to operating temperatures. The temperature of the cell can easily reach 60–70 °C in high irradiation locations during the summer. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how these conditions affect the efficiency and stability of the cells. Some authors have studied the performance of PSC under simulated temperature and illumination conditions, concluding that PSC efficiency does not significantly change between 25 °C and 50 °C at 1 sun.12 Another experimental study reported a PCE variation with temperature of −0.08% °C−1 for triple-cation PSC.13 In addition, temperature measurements are a valuable tool for determining the activation energy, Ea, from the y-axis intercept of VOCvs. temperature. By comparing this activation energy with the energy gap, Tress et al. determined where the main recombination process takes place, either in the bulk or at the perovskite/contact interface.14
Regarding the stability of PSC, new ISOS protocols have been recently established,15 adapting the ones developed in 2011 for organic solar cells.16 These protocols include light cycling experiments since PSC show two different trends under these conditions. On the one hand, some authors have observed a recovery of the efficiency during the dark period,17 while others have observed the opposite behaviour, a light-induced enhancement of the efficiency under light soaking.18,19
In this work, CsFAPbIBr based solar cells have been manufactured and characterized in DC at different temperatures, from −20 °C up to 50 °C. The samples barely show hysteresis, at any scan rate, and the efficiency did not significantly drop under high temperature conditions, yielding a PCE temperature coefficient of TPCE ∼ 0. Pristine samples have been degraded using 2 h/2 h and 16 h/8 h light/dark cycling indoor degradation over several days and no significant decay of the efficiency was observed. An outdoor degradation protocol was applied to a cell for 32 days, yielding a T80 of around 15 days.
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Fig. 1 Evolution of FF and PCE of a solar cell under light soaking during activation. The inset shows the J–V characteristics recorded at t = 0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and 24 minutes. |
Pristine activated J–V curves have been recorded for several devices, in forward and reverse scans at different scan rates, from 5 mV s−1 up to 1 V s−1. Fig. 2 shows an example of the forward and reverse I–V characteristics, measured at 20 mV s−1, under 1 sun. The inset shows the Hysteresis Index (HI) defined by expression (1) at varying scan rates (from 5 mV s−1 up to 1 V s−1).
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Fig. 2 J–V characteristics in forward (green) and reverse (red) scans measured at 20 mV s−1. The inset shows the variation of HI with the scan rate. |
As can be observed in Fig. 2, the curves barely show hysteresis at 20 mV s−1 and HI is always lower than 6% in the chosen scan rate range (see the inset of Fig. 2). According to Calado et al.,20,21 hysteresis in PSC appears when two conditions are fulfilled, the presence of mobile ion distribution across the device and when recombination at the interface (contacts) is the governing mechanism. Since ions are usually present in perovskite devices, our hypothesis is that recombination at the interface does not dominate the overall recombination mechanism at room temperature. This hypothesis will be supported in the next section, with the value of the activation energy obtained from the temperature dependence of VOC.
A total of 14 devices have been characterized in DC after being completely activated. The J–V curves have been recorded under reverse scan conditions at 20 mV s−1 at different illumination levels. Table 1 summarizes the values of the solar cells' parameters at 1 sun.
J SC (mA cm−2) | V OC (V) | FF (%) | PCE (%) |
15.25 ± 3.22 | 1.02 ± 0.05 | 0.59 ± 0.04 | 9.43 ± 1.39 |
J–V curves have been measured at different illumination levels (0.13, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 sun). From the dependence of VOC on light intensity, the ideality factor has been extracted, yielding a value of 1.4 ± 0.4. As is well known, it is very common to consider the ideality factor as a representation of the dominant recombination process. In perovskite solar cells, the losses from radiative and Auger recombination are rather negligible. It has already been proved that nonradiative recombination is the dominant recombination mechanism. However, it is still challenging to conclude whether efficiency losses are coming from interface recombination and/or from bulk defects. In general, it is considered that the ideality factor increases when bulk recombination (SRH) dominates. However, if the interface recombination is very high, the ideality factor is not governed by bulk mediated recombination.22 In these devices, the obtained ideality factor is 1.4, reinforcing the aforementioned hypothesis that bulk recombination is dominant.
The inset of Fig. 3b shows the extrapolation of VOC at 0 K (activation energy, Ea), at different irradiation intensities. The obtained values for Ea range between 1.59 eV at 1 sun and 1.65 eV at 0.13 suns, which are very similar to the band gap energy (Eg) of this perovskite material, ∼1.58 eV, obtained from EQE measurements. According to Tress et al., an Ea similar to Eg supports the view that the main recombination process takes place in the bulk and neither via tail states nor interface recombination.14 This is in good agreement with the previous assumption of neglectable recombination at the interface in these devices at 25 °C.
Fig. 4 shows the ideality factor at different temperatures, calculated from the slope of VOCvs. light intensity. At open-circuit conditions, the generation and recombination processes cancel each other out, and no net current is extracted from the device. Therefore, the transport processes can be omitted. We clearly see that the ideality factor does not significantly change with a value of around 1.4 in the temperature range from 50 °C to 10 °C. This value again suggests that bulk recombination governs the whole recombination mechanisms. At the lowest temperature, the ideality factor drops to 1.2. This significant drop is consistent with an increase of the interface recombination process. However, this conclusion is not straightforward, since the perovskite defect density at the interfaces is not affected by temperature, but rather the phase of the material. The phase transition of the perovskite material from tetragonal to orthorhombic starts to develop at around 0 °C and full transition occurs at −40 °C.23 On the other hand, the carrier thermal energy and the energy barrier between transport layers may depend on the temperature, which could enhance interface recombination at low temperatures.
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Fig. 4 Ideality factor vs. temperature obtained from the dependence of VOC on the irradiation level (see the inset). |
Fig. 5 shows the dependence of FF on light intensity at different temperatures. At high light intensities (1 sun) FF changes from 64% (at 50 °C) to 50% (at −20 °C), which is a 14% drop, whereas at low light intensity, 0.13 suns, the drop is from 71% at 50 °C to 67% at −20 °C (only 4% drop). We have presented a similar change of FF in devices with the same configuration.22 In this work we have also found that at low temperatures, when interface recombination becomes relevant, the drop in FF with light intensity is more pronounced, as can be seen in Fig. 5 for temperatures below 0 °C. For temperatures above 0 °C the slope of FF with light intensity decreases, confirming that bulk recombination is significantly dominant.
A second degradation experiment was carried out outdoors. The cell was placed on a sun tracker for 32 days in Madrid (GPS: 40.334, −3.883) from the 10th of June to the 12th of July 2022. During this period the average temperature was 26 °C with the maximum and minimum being 39 °C and 12 °C, respectively. The average relative humidity was 34% and the total global irradiation was 256 kW h m−2. During the experiment there were two periods of time with no data recorded due to a problem in the data acquisition system. Since T80 occurred during one of these periods, we have linearly interpolated the efficiency in that period. From the interpolation of the efficiency evolution, the estimated T80 was >15 days, which is a remarkable value for this technology, given the extreme temperature and irradiation conditions (Fig. 7).
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Fig. 7 Evolution of the efficiency and irradiance in the outdoor degradation experiment. The dotted line has been interpolated to estimate T80. |
Commercial nickel nitrate hexahydrate (Ni(NO3)2·6H2O) (98%, Alfa Aesar), copper(II) nitrate trihydrate (Cu(NO3)2·3H2O) (99%, Sigma-Aldrich), 2-methoxyethanol (99%, Alfa Aesar), acetylacetone (Kanto Chemicals), poly(triaryl amine) (PTAA) (Solaris L), lead iodide (PbI2) (99.99%, Alfa Aesar), formamidinium iodide (FAI) (GreatCell Solar), cesium bromide (CsBr) (99.999%, Alfa Aesar), dimethylformamide (DMF) solvent (99.8%, Sigma-Aldrich), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solvent (99.9%, Sigma-Aldrich), chlorobenzene (CB) (Sigma-Aldrich), isopropanol (IPA) (Sigma-Aldrich), toluene (extra dry, Sigma-Aldrich), [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) (99%, Solenne), and polyethyleneimine (PEI) (branched, average Mn 10k, Sigma-Aldrich) were used as received.
0.1 M Cu:
NiOx (5% Cu) was prepared by dissolving Ni(NO3)2·6H2O and Cu(NO3)2·3H2O in 2-methoxyethanol
acetylacetone in a 9
1 volumetric ratio and sonicating the resulting mixture to make sure it completely dissolved.10 PTAA (Solaris M) solution was prepared with toluene (concentration 8 mg mL−1) and diluting to 2 mg mL−1 before use. The perovskite precursor solution with 1.4 M equimolar concentration was prepared with the formula Cs0.15FA0.85Pb(I0.95Br0.05)3 using 1290.8 mg PbI2, 409.3 mg FAI, and 89.38 mg CsBr and dissolved in a 4
1 volumetric ratio of DMF
DMSO. It was stirred overnight at room temperature in a glovebox before the spin-coating process. PCBM was prepared by dissolving the powder in CB with a concentration of 20 mg mL−1, and also stirred overnight at room temperature in a glovebox. The stock solution of PEI was prepared by dissolving PEI in IPA with a concentration of 8 wt% and diluted to 0.1 wt% and stirred overnight before device fabrication.
The hole transporting layer (HTL) made of Cu:
NiOx was coated by static spin-coating in a glovebox at 1500 rpm with 1500 rpm s−1 acceleration for 60 s. It was annealed using a two-step method, firstly at 150 °C for 5 min in a glovebox, and then at 300 °C for 15 min in ambient air to achieve a complex phase transformation. The HTL passivation layer has been performed using PTAA with spin-coating at 5000 rpm with 5000 rpm s−1 acceleration for 30 s. It was annealed at 100 °C for 10 min. For the fabrication of the perovskite layer, spin coating combined with anti-solvent dropping was used. The process started at 1000 rpm with 200 rpm s−1 acceleration for 5 s, and then continued at 5000 rpm with 5000 rpm s−1 acceleration for 30 s. At the 15th second of the second step CB was dropped onto the sample to facilitate the formation of the intermediate phase of the perovskite. The dynamic spin-coating with around 200 μL perovskite precursor solution was used due to the hydrophobic properties of PTAA. Subsequently, a 110 °C annealing process for 20 minutes was used to form the perovskite crystal. The electron transporting layer (ETL) was made with PCBM material and spin-coated at 1000 rpm with 1000 rpm s−1 acceleration for 30 s. PEI was used as a buffer layer and work-function modifier and spin-coated at 3000 rpm with 3000 rpm s−1 acceleration for 30 s. Lastly, 100 nm of silver was thermally evaporated on the top of the samples under pressure lower than 5 × 10−6 mbar to complete the device with an active area of 0.09 cm2. The samples were encapsulated using UV resin (FMPV® EN-2, FrontMaterials) and covered with 1 mm glass at the top of the active area. To remove any air bubbles the samples were kept in a 10−2 mbar vacuum for 30 min and subsequently cured with UV for two 10 min cycles.
Indoor degradation was performed by measuring J–V curves every 10 minutes under 1 sun illumination (ISOS-L-1 protocol). Devices were kept at open circuit conditions between measurements.
Characterization of the cell outdoor degradation was done following the ISOS-O-2 stability protocol described by Khenkin et al.18 Periodic J–V curves were monitored for each cell in an experimental outdoor setting consisting of a dual-axis automatic sun tracker and a National Instruments PXIe-4139 Source Measurement Unit, coupled with a National Instruments PXI-2527 32-channel multiplexer. Between measurements, all cells were kept at open circuit conditions. Solar radiation components (direct, diffuse, and global in both horizontal and 2-axis tracking planes) were constantly monitored via a Kipp & Zonen Solys2 GPS-based sun tracker equipped with Kipp & Zonen CMP6 and EPLAB SPP pyranometers, together with a Kipp & Zonen CHP1 pyrheliometer. Outdoor weather conditions (temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind data and precipitation) were also monitored using Ahlborn FHAD and Thies Clima sensor modules.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |