gh and
aDepartment of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels, Faculty of Environmental Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Technická 5, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice, Czechia. E-mail:;; Tel: +420 220 44 4237 Tel: +420 220 44 6106
bTechnopark Kralupy VSCHT Praha, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, nám. G. Karse 7, 278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou, Czech Republic
cEnergy and Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI), College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK
dDepartment of Gaseous and Solid Fuels and Air Protection, Faculty of Environmental Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Technická 5, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice, Czechia
eDepartment of Inorganic Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague 6, Czech Republic
fDepartment of Organic Technology, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Technická 5, 166 28 Prague, Czech Republic
gSchool of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University Malaysia, Jalan Sunsuria, Bandar Sunsuria, 43900 Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
hCollege of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen, 361005, China
First published on 31st May 2023
The aldol condensation of furfural and acetone followed by hydrodeoxygenation into bio-jet fuel range alkanes and bio-polyester diols has attracted intensive interest in recent years. Such sequential reactions require a careful tailoring of one or more catalysts consisting of metal and acid–base active sites that can efficiently promote the two step cascade aldol condensation and hydrodeoxygenation. Here, we have begun developing a prominent base catalyst for mild aldol condensation of furfural and acetone by synthesizing acid–base bifunctional MgAl-SBA-15 and further modifying it with potassium. The catalyst with the highest basic site loading of 0.27 mmol g−1 showed a furfural conversion of 83% and 99% total selectivity to products comprising 54% 4-(2-furyl)-4-hydroxy-butan-2-one (FAc-OH, a C8 alcohol intermediate) and 23% of each 4-(2-furyl)-3-buten-2-one (FAc) and 1,4-pentadiene-3-one,1,5-di-2-furanyl (F2Ac) (C8 and C13 aldol condensation products, respectively) after 3 hours of reaction, at 50 °C. Though a higher loading of potassium causes severe blockages of mesopores and inaccessible acid sites, the catalyst could still be regenerated by open-air calcination and be re-used for considerable cycles with fair catalytic performances. Overall, the present study can be the stepping stone for future investigations on further tuning of non-interfering active sites in SBA-15 to promote an efficient one-pot transformation of furfural and acetone via the two-step cascade aldol condensation and hydrodeoxygenation.
Aldol condensation is one of the prominent reactions in organic chemistry that has been used to produce high-quality fuels and chemical intermediates under reaction conditions (e.g., 50–180 °C) with either base or acid catalysts. Conventionally, aldol condensation is catalyzed by homogeneous mineral base catalysts such as sodium and calcium hydroxide. However, the product treatment of this process requires a large amount of water to neutralize the homogeneous catalyst, which has adverse effects on the environment and production cost.8 Alternatively, solid catalysts such as MgO,9 ZnO, and TiO2 (ref. 10) and mixed oxides such as hydrotalcite and MgO–ZrO8,11 have been significantly explored to replace the homogeneous catalysts. In addition, layered double hydroxides (LDHs), also known as anionic clays or hydrotalcite-like materials (HTC), have been mentioned as promising aldolization catalysts among solid base catalysts.12–14 Moreover, re-hydrated HTC materials enable high furfural conversion in aldol condensation between furfural and acetone at temperatures as low as 25 °C.15,16 However, several major disadvantages have been associated with these HTC materials, including high sensitivity to ambient CO2, which makes recycling the catalysts difficult.16–19
Porous solid acid catalysts such as zeolites of different structural kinds, including H-ZSM-5, H-MOR, H-USY and H-BEA, have also been employed for the aldol condensation of furfural with acetone. The best catalytic behavior was observed for the H-BEA catalyst, which yielded only 30.6% FAc (furfural-acetone condensation adduct), 1.4% F2Ac and 6.5% (FAc)2 (originating from dimerization of FAc and furfural, and two FAc molecules, respectively), along with 38.5% furfural conversion at 100 °C and 2 h.20 The lower furfural conversion is due to the kinetically slower acid-catalyzed reaction pathway, in which the activation or protonation of carbonyl oxygens of both furfural and acetone are required prior to an enol formation. This step is followed by the protonation of the hydroxyl group of a β-hydroxyketone intermediate, making it less favorable than the base-catalyzed reaction. When the reaction is base-catalyzed, a high concentration of basic sites (ideally medium-strength basic sites) is required to deprotonate the α-proton of the carbonyl compound (acetone). This results in a carbanion enolate anion formation, which is also a strong nucleophile that easily attacks the electrophilic carbonyl carbon (furfural) under mild conditions.21
In recent years, there has been a lot of interest in synthesizing solid mesoporous bases or employing mesoporous materials as carriers to produce basic species.22–24 Compared to the microporous zeolites, the larger pore sizes of the mesoporous catalysts facilitate faster in-pore diffusion of bulky molecules, enabling higher accessibility to the inner catalytically active sites. Among the candidates with mesostructures, mesoporous silicas such as MCM-14 and SBA-15 seem to be the cheapest in cost and possess good hydrothermal stability.23,25 Therefore, introducing basic guests or their precursors such as magnesium nitrate and calcium nitrate during the synthesis of SBA-15 has been one of the practicable ways of preparing a strong base.26,27 Moreover, a superbasic mesoporous composite can be further made by dispersing neutral potassium nitrate on the directly synthesized MgO-SBA-15, followed by heat activation under an inert environment to form potassium oxide nanoparticles. The pre-coated MgO protects the mesoporous silica from the corrosion of alkaline potassium and, at the same time, improves the dispersion and decomposition of potassium salt and the formation of strongly basic sites.27 It is important to take note that the direct contact of strong alkali metals such as potassium and caesium with the siliceous framework corrodes the siliceous framework and collapses the mesoporous structure of SBA-15 at high activation temperature, leading to the loss of the basic nature of the catalyst.25,27 Also not long ago, Ning and co-workers constructed a new solid mesoporous superbase, comprising KF modified bimetallic Al–La supported on SBA-15 through the wetness impregnation method. The Al–La species have been conjointly precoated on the mesoporous silica surface prior to the introduction of KF salt, followed by activation at a lower temperature. The additional incorporation of Al species enhances the La dispersion inside channels, and the bimetallic species could synergistically shield SBA-15 mesoporous structures against KF corrosion, resulting in higher basicity and total surface area. Similarly, the KF modified monometallic Al supported on SBA-15 showed a well-preserved mesoporous structure, but weaker basic strength than the bimetallic Al–La doped SBA-15.
SBA-15 is an ordered mesoporous silica material that has been gaining popularity, particularly in biomass upgrading, because of the following properties: (i) high surface area for metal nanoparticles or metal-oxide dispersion,28,29 (ii) notable thermal and hydrothermal durability,30 (iii) large pore volumes,31 and (iv) attractive tunable acid–base chemical characteristics.32 These properties have also received widespread attention in the development of bifunctional acid–base SBA-15 catalysts, in which the acidic and basic active sites can be tailored on a single SBA-15 using a top-down (including post-treatment such as alumination and post-grafting of electrophilic and nucleophilic active groups)33,34 or bottom-up (direct co-condensation of metal precursors during the synthesis stage)35,36 approach. The post or direct grafting of SBA-15 with organic moieties, such as amino acid groups, creates acid–base bifunctional organic–inorganic hybrid mesoporous materials.37 However, the acid–base strength of these grafted mesoporous materials is relatively weak and not as stable as metal modified materials, especially at high temperature.
The bifunctionalization of SBA-15 through in situ grafting of both acidic and basic sites in the mesoporous material using Mg and Al precursors has shown excellent activity and selectivity in the degradation of N-nitrosopyrrolidine (NPYR).38 More recently, compartmentalization and segregation of the inorganic acidic and basic sites in hierarchical macro-mesoporous SBA-15 using a spatially orthogonal approach, along with substrate channelling, have shown improved catalytic activity in one-pot transesterification of fatty acid contaminated bio-oils and two-step cascade deacetalization-Knoevenagel condensation of dimethyl acetals to cyanates. The mesopores and macropores of the hierarchical porous framework were spatially separated with active sites, in which the mesoporous region was coated with MgO solid base nanoparticles, while the macroporous region with sulfated zirconia solid acid. Such multi- or bifunctional catalysts are essential for tandem catalytic transformation reactions.39
Studies of hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) of furfural–acetone aldol condensation products over SBA-15 and zeolites supported with acid and metal sites on the surface have been reported. Supported mono- and bimetallic catalysts such as Pt/Beta and Pt/Al-SBA-15, and Ni–Cu/Al-SBA-15 with a Si/Al ratio of 25 have been successfully employed for catalytic HDO of furfural-acetone adducts. The resulting products mainly contain 4-(2-furyl)-3-buten-2-one (F-Ac) to linear C8-alcohol. The acidic character, particularly the Brønsted acid sites created from the tetrahedral Al metal of these porous materials, promotes the hydrogenolysis of the C–O bond of the furan ring in the F-Ac molecule to diols.40,41 Therefore, it is worthwhile to have both acid and base active sites in one single porous material, predominantly for an efficient one-pot transformation of furfural and acetone into valuable end-products like bio-jet fuel ranged alkanes and potential monomer diols that require a cascade of multiple conversion steps, including aldol condensation, hydrogenation/HDO and dehydration.
To the best of our knowledge, the basic nature of porous silica materials, particularly potassium-based promoted or modified acid–base bifunctional MgAl-SBA-15 for the aldol condensation of furfural and acetone, has not been fully explored. The Al metal has no role in the mild furfural-acetone aldol condensation reaction as the Brønsted acid sites require higher reaction temperatures, approximately 100 °C, to be active in aldol condensation.20 Meanwhile, the Mg protects the mesoporous silica against corrosion, improves the dispersion, and facilitates the decomposition of potassium salt to form strongly basic sites. Therefore, the aim of this work is to determine the effect of the basicity of the modified bifunctional MgAl-SBA-15 on its activity and selectivity in the aldol condensation of furfural with acetone under mild reaction conditions. Besides that, the effect of the calcination environment and the method of pre-treatment of the re-used catalyst on catalytic activity has also been investigated.
Low angle XRD was performed in the range of 2θ = 0.5–10.0° with a step size of 0.01° and a scan step of 0.6 s using a Bruker – D8 Advance diffractometer UK, fitted with an X'celerator detector with Co Kα (λ = 1.54 Å). The wide angle XRD patterns were recorded in the range of 2θ = 10–80° with a step size of 0.03° and scan rate of 1.0 s using a PANalytical X'Pert3 diffractometer and Cu Kα (λ = 1.78 Å). An ARL 9400, Axios, PERFORM'X XRF was used to determine the elemental composition of the bulk catalysts.
An EFTEM Jeol 2200 FS, Japan, with an accelerating voltage of 200 kV was used to investigate the morphology of the calcined catalysts. The surface composition of the catalyst was determined by mapping technique using an EDX from AZtec Oxford Instruments.
CO2-TPD was measured using an AutoChem II 2920 (Micromeritics Instrument Corp., USA) equipped simultaneously with a TCD and an MS (Pfeiffer Omnistar GSD320, Germany) detector. About 60 mg of calcined samples were initially pre-treated in a helium atmosphere at 550 °C to remove surface moisture and impurities. The samples were cooled down to 50 °C prior to adsorption with a CO2 molecule for 30 min, followed by purging out any excess pyridine and CO2 with helium (25 mL min−1) at 50 °C. The desorption of CO2 was performed by heating the samples from 50 °C to 800 °C at a heating rate of 10 °C min−1 under a 25 mL min−1 flow of He and held for 30 min. The CO2-TPD profile was recorded as relative mass 44/4 (CO2) by using a MS detector using m/z signal 44, which was divided by the signal of the carrier gas He to achieve higher precision.
The acid site loading was determined using temperature programmed decomposition of n-propylamine to propene and NH3via the Hoffman elimination reaction principle.42 About 10 mg of sample was wetted with 0.4 mL of n-propylamine and dried in a fume hood at room temperature. The physisorbed n-propylamine was subsequently evaporated in a vacuum oven overnight at 40 °C and 100 mbar. The n-propylamine treated samples were analysed with thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) using Setaram SETSYS Evolution TGA-DTA Thermal Analyzer (Caluire, France) instrument equipped with mass spectrometer Pfeiffer Omnistar GSD 320 from 50 to 800 °C with a ramp rate 10 °C min−1 under a N2 atmosphere (30 mL min−1). The m/z = 41 signal for propene was monitored to determine the temperature range over which n-propylamine decomposed and the corresponding mass loss over this range in TGA was used to calculate the moles of n-propylamine adsorbed at acid sites.
The thermogravimetric-differential thermogravimetric (TGA-DTG) analysis of the regenerated catalyst was performed using a TA Instruments TGA Discovery series equipment, USA. The catalyst was heated from 50 to 900 °C with a heating rate of 10 °C min−1 and an O2 flow of 30 mL min−1.
Furfural conversion was calculated based on the formula: where: x0 is the initial mol of furfural at time 0 min and xt is the mol of furfural at time, t.
Product selectivity was calculated as follows: where: nx is the moles of furfural converted to product i and Σnx is the total moles of furfural converted.
All the catalytic experiments were performed in duplicate or triplicate with comparable data, and the experimental errors were within ±5%. Carbon balance was calculated by dividing the total number of carbon atoms detected in each compound produced with Cn atoms (n = 3, 5, 8, 13 etc.) by the initial number of carbon atoms in the feedstock containing furfural and acetone. In all experiments, the carbon balance was very close to 100%.
Parameter/sample | Unit | SBA-15 | 12MgAl-SBA-15 | 8K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 | 20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 |
a Determined by XRF analysis. b Impurities including Cl, SO3, P2O5, CaO, Na2O, CuO, ZnO and Fe2O3. | |||||
SiO2 | wt% | 99.53 | 86.03 | 77.97 | 66.11 |
Al2O3 | wt% | — | 4.86 | 5.11 | 4.17 |
MgO | wt% | — | 8.42 | 8.29 | 7.14 |
K2O | wt% | 0.12 | 0.10 | 8.19 | 21.43 |
Other impuritiesb | wt% | 0.35 | 0.59 | 0.44 | 1.15 |
Si/Al | mol mol−1 | — | 15.1 | 13.0 | 15.9 |
Catalyst | Base and acid site loading | S BET (m2 g−1) | S MIC (m2 g−1) | S EXT (m2 g−1) | V p (cm3 g−1) | V mic (cm3 g−1) | V mes (cm3 g−1) | |||
T max (°C) | Basic site loadinga (mmol g−1) | T max (°C) | Acid site loadingb (mmol g−1) | |||||||
a From CO2-TPD. b From propylamine-TGA-MS. c S BET total surface area determined using the BET equation with P/P0 < 0.05. d S MIC micropore surface area and VMIC micropore volume determined from t-plot analysis. e S EXT external surface area was calculated from the difference between SBET and SMIC. f V p total pore volume obtained from the isotherm at P/P0 = 0.99 (error = ±10%). g V MES mesopore volume obtained from the difference between Vp and VMIC. | ||||||||||
20KNO3/12MgAl-SBA-15 | 168, 616 | 0.276 | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 | 172, 653 | 0.236 | 418 | 0.050 | 30 | 0 | 30 | 0.21 | 0.00 | 0.21 |
8K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 | 109, 492 | 0.029 | 361, 502 | 0.040 | 261 | 12 | 249 | 0.66 | 0.01 | 0.66 |
12MgAl-SBA-15 | 115 | 0.007 | 426 | 0.470 | 485 | 31 | 454 | 0.92 | 0.02 | 0.91 |
SBA-15 | 108 | 0.006 | 154 | 0.290 | 531 | 54 | 477 | 0.98 | 0.02 | 0.96 |
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Fig. 1 (a) Low angle and (b) wide angle XRD patterns, and (c) DFT pore size distribution for parent SBA-15 and modified SBA-15 catalysts. |
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Fig. 2 TEM images for (a) SBA-15 (b) 12-MgAl-SBA-15 and (c) 20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 and elemental mapping of 20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15. |
In accordance with IUPAC classification for mesoporous materials, both parent and modified SBA-15 possess typical type IV isotherms (Fig. S2†), with the BET surface area decreasing with the metal incorporation. As the concentration of guest species added to the parent SBA-15 increases, the BET surface areas and total pore volumes drastically reduce to 94% and 80%. The pore size distribution of SBA-15 samples before and after bifunctionalization is shown in Fig. 1b. DFT pore size measurement indicates that the pore width of the parent SBA-15 lies between 1.6 and 2.4 nm and 6.6 and 9.3 nm, corresponding to micro- and meso-pore sizes of typical SBA-15. The pore size distribution of the modified SBA-15 sample is more constrained, lying only in the mesopore range of 6.5–9.7 nm than the parent SBA-15. However, when the K2O content reaches 20%, the pore size of the modified SBA-15 completely disappears compared to that of the host, suggesting a high degree of pore obstruction.44
Fig. 3a depicts a small peak centered at 110 °C that appeared on the bare SBA-15 support due to the release of weakly adsorbed CO2 from the SBA-15 surface during CO2-TPD analysis.27In situ bifunctionalization of 12 wt% Mg and Al on SBA-15 does not form any new basic sites, as the desorption of CO2 remains in the weak basic site region (<200 °C) with a maximum temperature Tmax of 118 °C and total basic sites of 0.007 mmol g−1. Further incorporation of 8 and 20 wt% K2O species leads to the appearance of new CO2 desorption peaks at a Tmax of 492 and 653 °C, demonstrating a close association between the intense increase in basicity and the K2O species. In addition, the total basic site loading of the 20 wt% K2O loaded catalyst (0.236 mmol g−1) is 35 times more than that of 12MgAl-SBA-15 (0.007 mmol g−1). The excess strong basic sites are attributed to highly dispersed KNO3 salt on the Mg coated-SBA-15, followed by its decomposition to K2O by thermal treatment under a N2 environment. As a comparison, the CO2-TPD analysis was also performed on a non-calcined 20KNO3/12MgAl-SBA-15 sample, which exhibited fifteen times more basic site loading (0.276 mmol g−1) and a comparable basic site strength of Tmax = 616 °C to 8K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15. Apart from 20KNO3/12MgAl-SBA-15, all the samples were pre-calcined and subsequently activated at 550 °C for 2 h under N2 prior to CO2 adsorption before the CO2-TPD analysis. However, we speculate that due to high sensitivity towards CO2 and poor activation temperature, the pre-calcined samples possess poor basic sites in comparison with the freshly prepared non-calcined sample. It is evident from the temperature-programmed decomposition (TPDE) analysis that the KNO3 salt on the MgO-modified SBA-15 completely decomposes after activation at 600 °C.27 Concerning the CO2-TPD result of HTC material (Table S1 and Fig. S3a†), a higher basic strength is observed at Tmax 404 °C and 642 °C, in conjunction with the potassium incorporation onto 2MgAl. Compared to 2MgAl, higher basic site loadings of 0.38 and 0.11 mmol g−1 are exhibited by 20K2O/2MgAl at Tmax 404 °C and 642 °C. In contrast, 2MgAl shows basic site loadings of 0.53 and 0.04 mmol g−1 at a Tmax of 230 °C and 648 °C, respectively.
The mass spectra of reactively formed propene (m/z = 41) and the corresponding desorption temperature of the chemisorbed n-propylamine are shown in Fig. 3b. Usually, the decomposition temperature of adsorbed isopropylamine to propene and ammonia occurs between 300 °C and 550 °C.45 In this study, the parent and modified SBA-15 showed a low-temperature desorption peak of propene below 200 °C, which can be ascribed to physisorbed propylamine. The presence of strong acid sites on modified 12MgAl-SBA-15 is evidenced by a larger high-temperature desorption peak that appeared at a maximum temperature of 426 °C, with an acid site loading of 0.47 mmol g−1 that can be associated with the release of propene from strong acid sites. The incorporation of 8 wt% potassium on the modified-SBA-15 has reduced the catalyst's acidity drastically by 12 times, due to the obstruction of Brønsted acid sites (Si–OH–Al) by the potassium particles. As for the HTC material, the acid site loading of 20K2O/2MgAl was ∼60% lower than that of unmodified 2MgAl (Fig. S3b†), with a slight shift to a lower decomposition Tmax of 295 °C. The lower decomposition temperature indicates blockages of Lewis acid sites of 2MgAl after the high potassium loading.
Based on the catalytic results from the previous section, it can be concluded that K2O doped onto the acid–base bifunctional 12MgAl-SBA-15 has stronger basic sites and thus, exhibited superior catalytic activity for the furfural and acetone aldol condensation under mild conditions of 50 °C. This is because of the strong interaction between potassium and pre-coated Mg on SBA-15 that promotes the dispersion and decomposition of KNO3 salt into K2O, thereby creating a strongly basic site in the catalyst. However, metal species incorporated on materials such as oxides, zeolites, and SBA-15 via preparation techniques such as impregnation and co-precipitation can be unstable and slowly leach out into the reaction mixture over time. As a result, the reusability of the spent 20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 was evaluated to assess its stability and robustness in the aldol condensation reaction.
Fig. 5a and b show the catalytic activities of the re-used and regenerated 20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 with different methods and repeated open-air calcination. Initially, the used catalyst was regenerated by thermal treatment under an N2 atmosphere at 550 °C for 2 h. The catalyst, however, was completely deactivated, mainly due to the incomplete oxidation of the aldol adduct residue. The incomplete oxidation of the aldol adduct residue in the N2 environment was proven with the TGA experiment, in which it degraded from 250 to 500 °C (Fig. S5†).47,48 When the calcination is performed under N2, the residue adsorbed on the catalyst's surface turns into carbon, thus blocking its active site. For this reason, after the first catalytic run, the spent catalyst was recycled by rinsing with acetone several times and drying overnight at 110 °C. However, the catalytic performance of the recycled catalyst was significantly reduced, with furfural conversion decreasing to 31% after a reaction time of 24 h. Following the poor catalytic performance, the spent catalyst from the second run was filtered and cleaned with a Soxhlet extractor using ethyl acetate for 24 h at an extraction temperature of 100 °C and replaced with acetone for 8 h. The recycled catalyst, nevertheless, showed no improvement in the activity and instead suffered serious deactivation, with furfural conversion reaching only 0.3% after 24 h. The result implies that the 20K2O/12MgAl catalyst cannot be recycled through washing with acetone and Soxhlet extraction alone after the reaction.
A further attempt to revive the catalyst performance was continued by filtering out the spent catalyst and washing it with acetone and finally regenerating it thermally by open-air calcination at 550 °C for 2 h. After 24 h of reaction, the catalytic behaviour of the regenerated catalyst was restored but only up to 15%. This suggests that the restoration of catalytic activity can be fixed by burning off the carbon residue and aldol adducts adsorbed on the catalyst's surface. Subsequently, the furfural-acetone aldol condensation reaction was re-investigated using potassium nitrate incorporated on 12MgAl-SBA-15 that was freshly prepared and regenerated using open-air calcination instead of a N2 atmosphere. 20 wt% potassium incorporated on the acid–base modified 12MgAl-SBA-15 was calcined in air at 550 °C for 2 h, and the catalyst was removed from the furnace at around 400 °C, sealed in a glass vial, and then stored in a desiccator prior to the aldol condensation experiment. The catalytic test was performed on the same day to avoid contamination of CO2 from the atmosphere. The fresh 20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 displayed a slightly lower furfural conversion of 65% after a reaction time of 24 h than the catalyst prepared under the N2 environment. As expected, the decrease in the activity indicates the high sensitivity character of the strongly basic material (combination of K2O and MgO) towards ambient CO2.27 The 20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 catalyst from run one was regenerated by acetone washing, followed by drying and calcination in open-air (the same conditions for run 1), and successively tested in the next run 2. The same regeneration step was repeated in subsequent runs 3 and 4. The catalytic performance of the regenerated catalyst decreased slightly in runs 2 and 3, with a furfural conversion of 52% and 45%, but very dramatically to 15% in run 4.
An investigation on the cause of the catalyst deactivation in reusability experiments was carried out by recovering the spent catalysts after run 4 and cleaning them with acetone, followed by calcining in air, and then characterizing them with structural and elemental analyses. Fig. 5c and d, and Table 3 show the results of the XRD and XRF analyses of the regenerated catalysts from both reusability experiments. The low-angle XRD of the regenerated catalysts shows a slight shift in a diffraction plane (1 0 0) to a higher angle value of 1.25° compared to the freshly prepared catalyst in Fig. 1a. The shift in the diffraction angle could be due to the contraction of the silica frameworks after a repeated number of calcinations.49 The low intensity of the 1.25° peak, relative to those shown in Fig. 1, indicates that the mesoporous structure has been greatly blocked. Meanwhile, the wide-angle XRD results for spent catalysts from various treatments were contradictory to those of the fresh catalysts as the diffraction peaks for potassium chloride were observed at 2θ values of 28.37°, 40.55°, 50.22°, 58.68°, 66.43° and 73.74°. It can be anticipated that the various physical treatments of the spent catalyst could have led to the formation of crystalline potassium compounds on the catalyst surface, thus resulting in inferior catalytic performance. Compared to the fresh catalyst, XRF results indicate a 19 wt% and 28 wt% loss in the potassium content with respect to the catalyst regenerated after various treatments and continuous open-air calcination. The loss of potassium metal in the catalyst could be the primary reason, resulting in a loss of the catalytic activity for the aldol condensation of furfural and acetone.
Parameter/sample | Unit | 20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 (various treatment)c | 20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 (repeated air calcination) |
a Determined by XRF analysis. b The regenerated 20K2O/12MgAl-SBA-15 catalysts reported in the table refer to the same re-used catalyst shown in Fig. 5(a) and (b) regenerated after the fourth aldol condensation reaction. c The various treatments refer to the treatments shown for the Fig. 5(a) re-used catalyst. d Impurities including Cl, SO3, P2O5, CaO, Na2O, CuO, ZnO and Fe2O3. | |||
SiO2 | wt% | 65.29 | 70.18 |
Al2O3 | wt% | 4.21 | 4.73 |
MgO | wt% | 7.04 | 8.05 |
K2O | wt% | 17.43 | 15.39 |
C1 | wt% | 4.03 | 0.15 |
Other impuritiesd | wt% | 2.00 | 1.50 |
Si/Al | mol mol−1 | 13.2 | 12.6 |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |