Christopher M. A.
*aefg and
aDepartment of Chemical Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK. E-mail:;;
bDepartment of Chemistry, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
cNottingham Ningbo China Beacons of Excellence Research and Innovation Institute, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, 211 Xingguang Road, Ningbo 315100, China
dDipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Chimica, Ambientale e dei Materiali (DICAM), Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, Via Terracini, 28, 40131 Bologna, Italy
eUniversity of Manchester at Harwell, Diamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE, UK
fDiamond Light Source, Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 0DE, UK
gUK Catalysis Hub, Research Complex at Harwell, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell, Oxfordshire OX11 0FA, UK
First published on 24th July 2023
Realising sustainability within the chemical industry necessitates a shift from the traditional linear approach, based on crude oil, to a circular economy using alternative feedstock such as biomass, from which 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) is a potentially highly interesting platform chemical. While its production is relatively straightforward via the dehydration of fructose, derived from either saccharides or lignocellulosic biomass, its production is hindered by undesirable side reactions, which decrease the selectivity of the intended reaction to HMF, hence diminishing the overall yield. Here we report a green, highly selective approach to producing 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) from fructose based on the co-deployment of a biphasic reaction medium, microwave radiation, and a commercial solid acid catalyst (FAU Y zeolites). Following an initial evaluation of catalyst–solvent interactions and diffusion, a hierarchical mesoporous Y zeolite was chosen and deployed within a range of reaction media and process conditions for process optimisation, identifying a biphasic system consisting of ((6:
4 water
2-BuOH)) as the optimal reaction medium. This solvent combination facilitated an HMF yield of ∼73.9 mol% with an excellent selectivity of ∼86.1% at 160 °C after only 45 minutes under microwave irradiation. These, in turn, result in optimal energy efficiency and excellent green credentials relative to conventional heating.
Sustainability spotlightBiomass-derived 5-hydroxymethylfurfural is regarded as a versatile and key intermediate for the production of a range of sustainable bio-based chemicals, and thus it has drawn widespread academic and industrial attention. To further cement HMF as a sustainable platform chemical, synthetic routes with greater efficiency and reduced waste production are critical. The research presented here demonstrates a highly selective and energy-efficient HMF production route from fructose, based on the cooperation of a biphasic reaction media, microwave irradiation, and commercially available FAU Y zeolites, and aligns with the UN sustainable development goals: affordable and clean energy (SDG 7), responsible consumption and production (SDG 12), and climate action (SDG 13). |
HMF production (from fructose) has been reported for both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic species. Motagamwala et al.27 reported a yield of 95% through the deployment of 15 mM H2SO4 in an acetone:
H2O mixed solvent system within 2 h at 120 °C. To aid catalyst isolation,5,12,28 a range of solid acids, including ion-exchange resins,11 metal oxides,29 and zeolites, specifically mordenite,30 H-β,31 H-ZSM5 (ref. 18) and H–Y,14,31 have been proposed and evaluated. HY zeolites, in particular, have been widely investigated and utilised in the chemical industry due to their large pore dimension (0.74 nm opening and 1.3 nm cavities) and high surface areas (>700 m2 g−1). Relative to other commercially deployed zeolites, the former should provide greater acid site accessibility for reactants, with relatively low cost as well. Given their capacity for tunability of acidity and porosity, and excellent hydrothermal stabilities, hierarchical mesoporous Y (i.e., USY) zeolites14,31,32 represent a further promising option. To date, however, the focus of such investigations typically probes porosity and acidity,5,14,31 with catalyst–solvent interactions often overlooked.5 The recent deployment of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxation and pulsed-field gradient (PFG)-NMR studies, the latter being particularly suitable to study diffusion of liquids,33 opens up opportunities to rectify this knowledge-gap, through probing catalyst substrate interactions and molecular diffusion within heterogeneous catalysts, respectively.34–36
Complementary to catalyst design, tuning the reaction media can equally impact process performance towards HMF selectivity.5,6,13 Protic polar solvents (i.e., water), aprotic polar solvents (e.g., dimethylsulfoxide, DMSO6,9,37 and dimethylformamide, DMF7), and ionic liquids13,15 have been explored. From a green perspective, water represents an ideal solvent, i.e. non-toxic, high abundance, and sustainable, which results in its applications across numerous industries.38 However, its deployment for fructose dehydration is negatively impacted by the possibility of HMF rehydration and polymerisation, with yields typically under 50%.28,38 DMSO is frequently reported as a promising alternative,6,9,37 which in itself is catalytic towards the process;26,39–41 however, its inherent high boiling point hampers product isolation.1,28 Ionic liquids are another attractive alternative due to their low vapour pressure, non-flammability, and low toxicity;42 however, the economics of their use are typically prohibitive.11,43
Biphasic solvent systems represent an alternative approach to the conventional mono-solvent reaction media, with the potential for further benefits and refinement. These include facilitating the extraction of the product (HMF) from the (aqueous) reaction phase, to mitigate against further undesirable reactions32,44,45 while also aiding product isolation,45 by employing a low boiling point (organic) extraction phase. Bhaumik et al.46 reported high fructose conversion (89%) and HMF selectivity (88%) over silicoaluminophosphate (SAPO) catalysts in H2O/MIBK at 175 °C, while Román-Leshkov et al.47 employed ion-exchange resin catalysts in an H2O:
2 v/v)/MIBK
2-BuOH (7
3 v/v) biphasic reaction media to obtain the conversion of 74% and selectivity of 68% at 90 °C. Incorporating 2-BuOH within the extraction phase increases HMF solubility, escalating process selectivity by 20% without impacting the green credentials of the process.48,49
The integration of alternative technologies, especially the application of microwave (MW) irradiation, are gaining traction as options to elevate the green credentials of catalytic processes further. In particular, through the reduction in process time, enhanced energy efficiency, and promoted reaction rate.10,12,50 For example, MW irradiation induced a 53% increase in HMF yield over an ion-exchange catalyst relative to conventional heating,11 while a further elevation of 87% was reported for a sulfonated carbon catalyst.10 The latter represents a ∼19-fold increase in energy efficiency.
Here we report the use of hierarchical Y zeolites as the solid acid catalysts for HMF production from fructose under MW irradiation and the optimisation of a biphasic solvent system comprising a reaction phase of H2O and DMSO and an extraction phase of MIBK and 2-BuOH.
Quantitative analysis of reaction samples was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, Agilent Infinity 1260) equipped with a refractive index detector (RID) and UV detector at a wavelength of 277 nm. Product resolution was achieved on a Bio-Rad Aminex HPX-87H ion exclusion column (300 mm × 7.8 mm), using a 0.01 N H2SO4 mobile phase (flow rate 0.6 cm3 min−1) under isothermal conditions (column over at 65 °C). Humins were calculated from the carbon balance. The conversion of fructose (mol%), the product yield (mol%), product selectivity (%), and partition ratio (PR) of HMF are defined in the (ESI, eqn (S1)–(S4)†). PR is defined as the ratio of the weight fraction of HMF in the extraction phase to the weight fraction of HMF in the reaction phase.44 The total energy efficiency coefficient (η) of the reaction was also calculated (eqn (S5)†), which is the amount of HMF produced per unit of work.12 Sustainability metrics, including E-factor (eqn (S6) and (S7)†), mass intensity (MI) (eqn (S8)†), reaction mass efficiency (RME) (eqn (S9)†), and carbon economy (CE) (eqn (S10)†), have been evaluated to assess process efficiency to reduce waste in the environment.53,54 Details of the green metrics are presented in the ESI.†
Despite the lower acidity of HY-30, which possesses only a fraction of 1/70 and 1/12 of Brønsted acidity of HY-2.6 and HY-15,51 it proved favourable for fructose conversion. This increase in fructose conversion correlates with higher HMF yields, with an optimal HMF yield of ∼27% over HY-30 occurring within 45 minutes. This corresponds to a turnover frequency (TOF, eqn (S12)†) of 379.2 h−1, a dramatic increase compared to previous reports for zeolite catalysed fructose dehydration, as summarised in Table S1.† Rac et al.31 also employed HY-30, demonstrating the preferable performance of HY-30 when benchmarked against ZSM-5 and H-BEA, and reported a TOF of 17.4 h−1, albeit at the reduced temperature of 130 °C under conventional heating. However, the decrease in TOF is not solely a consequence of temperature, with HY-30 producing a TOF of 62.4 h−1 at 130 °C under MW irradiation. This is further verified through comparison to the performance of HY-30 at 160 °C in an autoclave batch reactor (Table S2†). The improved heating efficiency and heat transfer by MW heating,29,63,64 increases fructose conversion and process energy efficiency coefficient by a factor of ∼2. Jia et al.5 also investigated different zeolites for fructose dehydration. However, they observed optimal performance for H-BEA zeolites under equivalent reaction conditions to this study. This apparent contradiction can be attributed to the use of HY-2.6, rather than the optimal HY-30, and it is pointed out that the performance of HY-2.6 from both studies produced matching TOFs. HMF selectivity, as shown in Fig. S1,† reveals an optimal reaction length of 30–45 minutes for all the three catalysts. Further increases in the reaction time result in greater formation of humins (Fig. S2†) as the major by-product. The dominant minor by-products include glucose, favoured over catalysts with higher Lewis acid site loadings, and rehydration products (formic and levulinic acid),65 for catalysts with lower Lewis acidity.51
The surprisingly poor dehydration performance of HY-2.6 is justified by two factors: accessibility and hydrophilicity. The first relates to fructose diffusion and the apparent accessibility of the acid sites within the zeolite framework. The HY framework possesses micropores with ∼0.74 nm apertures diameter,51 present in all three catalysts, while HY-15 and HY-30 have the hierarchical structure possessing complementary mesoporosity as well resulting from the post-synthetic treatments (of steaming and acid treatments)66 to extract framework Al species. These mesopores span the range of 4–18 nm (from N2 and Hg measurements), with maxima at 14 and 16 nm, respectively,51 with the degree and size governed by the degree of Al extraction. HY-15 comprise a superior level of smaller mesopores of 2–5 nm (ca. 70.1% vs. 31.0% based on specific mesopores volume), whereas HY-30 has a greater degree of larger mesopores. These secondary mesopores give rise to a hierarchical porous framework, which has been shown to enhance active site accessibility.51,67,68
Water diffusivity within the two hierarchical zeolites (i.e., HY-15 and HY-30) was probed by PFG-NMR, as shown in Fig. S3 and summarised in Table S3.† A drop in water self-diffusivity within the hierarchical zeolite structures, relative to the bulk liquid, is observed, with the linear nature of the log-attenuation plots suggesting a homogeneous pore structure on the macroscopic length scale, which is also defined as quasi-homogeneous behaviour. Both zeolite samples show higher diffusion coefficients for water than for n-octane (a weakly-interacting non-polar hydrocarbon probe molecule). This suggests that water self-diffusion is less hindered in the hierarchical Y zeolites than anticipated,69 potentially due to disruption of the intermolecular hydrogen bonding network when confined within the pores.70
Hydrophilicity is the second potential factor,5 with NMR relaxation applied to explore the adsorption strengths of water and n-octane (Fig. S4, Table S4†). T1/T2 ratios confirm that water adsorption strength correlates with Brønsted acid site density, i.e., [HY-2.6] > [HY-15] > [HY-30], as expected. Increasing hydrophobicity has been shown beneficial in reactions yielding water as a by-product, through reducing the interaction between water and the Brønsted acid sites, and thus lowering hydrophilicity is at least partially responsible for the superior performance of HY-30. In contrast, T1/T2 ratios for weakly-interacting n-octane are comparable, indicating an identical weak interaction across all three catalysts.
Optimisation of the biphasic reaction media, through identifying the optimal ratio of components, is presented in Fig. 3. There is a positive correlation between HMF yields (and fructose conversion) and DMSO content (Fig. 3a). However, this occurs at the expense of partition ratio (PR), i.e., the ratio of HMF in the extraction phase relative to the reaction phase, as MIBK becomes a less effective extraction solvent due to the high HMF solubility in DMSO.47,75 Furthermore, increasing the ratio further, so that DMSO is the dominant species, is counterproductive as the two-phase (reaction and extraction) converge into one. To combat the downswing in PR, 2-BuOH was added to the extraction phase to further increase HMF solubility within it,47,76 as shown in Fig. 3b. Increasing the proportion of 2-BuOH within the extraction phase improves extraction efficiency, with a maximum PR of 1.43 for a MIBK:
2-BuOH ratio of 6
4. However, peak process performance occurs at a 7
3 ratio, which coincides with a decrease in E factor (solvent recycled), from 1.24 to 0.93, and a PR value of 1.30, being consistent with the findings from the relevant studies in the literature (shown in Table S5†).47,76 Having optimised both the reaction and extraction phases, the impact of the ratio of these on HMF production was evaluated (Fig. S5†). Increasing the volume ratio, so that the extraction phase is in excess, shows a significant improvement in overall performance, with HMF yields reaching ∼70% for a 1
3 ratio, whilst a further increase yielded no benefit to HMF yield or green metrics, with E factors (solvent recycled), of 1.94, 0.93, and 1.14 for 1
1, 1
3, and 1
4 volume ratios, respectively. Having established the optimal reaction and extraction media compositions and their relative ratio to each other, it is key to assess if any species leach from one phase to the other. After 45 min at 160 °C under MW irradiation and stirring at 200 rpm, HPLC revealed that 5.1% and 9.6% of MIBK and 2-BuOH are partitioned into the reaction phase, respectively. In contrast, no migration of DMSO or water into the extraction phase is detected.
Having established the ideal reaction and extraction media composition, the impact of mixing (stirring rate) was investigated, with an initial aim to minimise external mass transfer limitations across the liquid–liquid interface,77 as shown in Fig. 4. An initial increase in stirring rate, up to 200 rpm, coincides with an escalation in fructose conversion and thus HMF yield, due to reduced bulk mass diffusion to the catalyst, and superior PR, also due to mass diffusion from the reaction phase to the extraction one, which is enhanced from the mixing of the two phases, shown in Fig. S6,† and the corresponding elevation in the interface surface area. Further amplifying the stirring rate shows no subsequent boost in either conversion or product yield. In fact, these decrease as does the PR. At stirring rates above 300 rpm, the mixing of the phases and catalyst distribution throughout them is more uniform, which may account for the decrease in catalyst performance, as a greater degree of HY-30 is suspended into the extraction phase. With an increasingly dispersed system, i.e., with greater uniformity and hence moving away from a biphasic layered reaction medium, we observe a greater pressure within the reactor and reduced power input requirements (Fig. S7†) for a constant measured temperature. It is pointed out that the temperature is recorded at the external wall of the glass microwave vial at 1 cm height from the bottom of the vial, which coincides with the extraction phase in an unagitated system. The fact that there is a significant pressure difference, as a function of stirring, strongly suggests a significant temperature gradient between the two phases at low stirring rates, which is only overcome at 400 rpm. Evaluation of the pressure generated from heating the two phases separately, shown in Fig. S8,† reveals the reaction phase to be more volatile, and thus is the contributing factor to the different pressure recorded during the reaction (Fig. S7†). At low stirring rates, the recorded temperature more closely reflects the temperature of the extraction phase (given the location of the heat detector), whereas higher stirring rates, and therefore more uniformity in the media, result in a more uniform temperature and recording of the bulk temperature. Specifically, there is an increase in the reaction phase temperature based on the increased pressure, i.e., greater evaporation. This temperature difference at the lower stirring rates also accounts for the PR, with a favourable diffusion gradient from the cooler reaction phase to the hotter extraction phase, although mixing is also critical, and thus there is a trade-off, with 200 rpm providing an optimal compromise. Furthermore, with greater uniformity of the reaction media, the MW power requirements diminish due to the greater microwave heating response of the reaction phase, i.e., at low stirring, the detected temperature and focus of the monomodal microwave is predominantly on the extraction phase, which requires a greater power input to reach an external temperature of 160 °C. While 200 rpm may not result in optimal mixing, this is offset by optimal fructose dehydration performance and PR and thus is considered as the optimal process condition.
The influence of reaction temperature on fructose conversion and HMF yield is reported in Fig. 5. Both initially increase with temperature and time before decreasing at prolonged reaction times for 160 °C and 180 °C due to the increased side product formation as the reaction progresses.78,79 Intuitively, dropping the temperature to 140 °C slows the reaction rate of fructose dehydration but positively impacts HMF selectivity, reaching close to 100% at 1–2 h before again diminishing with extended reaction time. However, at 140 °C, the impact on conversion outweighs the increased selectivity and thus dominates the resulting HMF yield, which is considerably lower than those obtained at the higher reaction temperatures. Evaluation of process energy efficiency (Table S6†), based on HMF production over HY-30, confirms an optimal reaction temperature and time of 160 °C and 45 minutes, with a 2.5 and 4.5-fold increase against the cases at 180 °C and 140 °C, respectively. As observed for the water-only solvent system, microwave heating has a similarly beneficial impact on the biphasic system when assessed against conventional heating, shown in Fig. 6, with the increase in catalytic performance and reduced energy consumption resulting in a 6.7-fold increase in process energy efficiency. Furthermore, deploying MW irradiation obtains a lower E factor (solvent recycled) of 0.93 V s 2.77 for conventional heating.
The capacity for recovery and reuse is a critical parameter to the overall success of any developed catalytic system. While the recovery of HY-30 is facile, via filtration, it is noted that the spent catalyst is discoloured (Fig. S9†), turning from pure white to a light brown, suggesting a degree of humin incorporation. That said, the impact appears to be minor, with good HMF selectivity and yields obtained for the subsequent runs (Fig. 7). After an initial drop of around 8% for selectivity and 10% for HMF yield after the first recycle, performance remained constant until the final recycle (run 5) which showed a further 5% decrease in yield (due to reduced conversion), but no further decrease in selectivity. These decreases are attributed to humin depositing on the catalyst, which may contribute to both pore and active site blockage. Regeneration of the catalyst by calcination (550 °C for 5 h in air), which consumed 3528 kJ of energy, recovered the catalyst to its initial bright white colour (Fig. S9c†) and reinstated the performance to that of the fresh catalyst. The capacity to return the catalyst activity to that of the fresh is clear evidence of a reversible catalyst deactivation mechanism, consistent with pore and site blockage by humins.
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Fig. 8 Comparison of green metrics of industrially relevant heterogeneous catalysts for catalytic fructose dehydration to HMF employing biphasic reaction media. |
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |