Maximilian A.
Robert E.
a and
Bettina V.
aMax-Planck-Institute for Solid-State Research, Heisenbergstrasse 1, 70569, Stuttgart, Germany. E-mail:
bDepartment of Chemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Butenandtstraße 5-13, 81377 München, Germany
First published on 11th May 2023
Lithium rare earth metal halides have emerged as attractive candidates for solid electrolytes in all-solid-state batteries due to their high ionic conductivities and stability against oxidation. Here, we study their electrochemical properties as a function of the synthesis procedure and post-synthetic treatment and report on the impact of iso- and aliovalent substitutions in the cation and anion sublattices of the lithium rare earth metal iodides Li3MI6. For selected compounds we have investigated the impact of the synthetic approach, i.e. of different solid-state synthesis protocols, and mechanochemical ball-milling without and with post-synthetic calcination on the resulting materials. Lithium rare earth metal iodides obtained from solid-state synthesis generally outperform the mechanochemical synthesized compounds in terms of ionic conductivity and activation energy for ion diffusion, but when mechanochemical ball-milling is combined with a post-synthetic calcination step, these iodides show similar ionic conductivites as their counterparts obtained from conventional solid-state synthesis. Furthermore, we report a series of new Li3MI6 compounds with M = Y, Sm, Gd–Lu, partially Cd2+-substituted Li3+yGd1−yCdyI6 and partially Cd2+-, Ca2+- and Zr4+-substituted Li3±yY1−yMII/IVyBr6−xIx phases. Using a combination of ssNMR, EIS and PFG-NMR we reveal the influence of structural parameters such as RE/Li radius ratio, intra-layer cation and stacking fault disorder on the ionic transport properties, obtained from in-depth PXRD analyses. We find that the ionic conductivity is strongly affected by the ratio of the RE/Li radius ratio as well as by the degree of intra-layer cation disorder. It ranges between 3.0 × 10−5 S cm−1 and 4.6 × 10−4 S cm−1 for M = Lu–Sm at 20 °C with activation energies between 0.20 eV to 0.33 eV. The combination of partial anion and cation substitution increases the ionic conductivity up to 3.0 × 10−3 S cm−1 and leads to a lower activation energy of 0.17 eV. This study highlights the impact of microstructural effects on the electrochemical properties of solid electrolytes. The rational design and modification of solid electrolytes, along with their comprehensive (micro)structural analysis is thus crucial to optimize their ionic transport properties for applications in all-solid-state batteries.
One approach to rationally engineer the ionic conductivity of SEs is the iso- or aliovalent substitution of one or more constituent elements. Aliovalent anion substitution in lithium argyrodites Li6PS5X with halides led to a decrease in anion site disorder and to an increase in lithium site disorder as the ionic radius of the substituted halide anion increases from X = Cl to Br and I. This decreasing anion site disorder is accompanied by a decrease in ionic conductivity.29 It was also shown that additional aliovalent cation substitution in the iodide substituted lithium argyrodite Li6+xP1−xGexS5I leads to an increase in anion site disorder and simultaneously increases the charge carrier concentration, and hence the ionic conductivity.30,31 Alternatively, decreasing the charge carrier concentration via aliovalent cation substitution led to an increasing vacancy concentration in Na3−xEr1−xZrxCl6 and, thus, again to an enhancement in ionic conductivity.32 Similar effects were also observed for Na3−xY1−xZrxCl6,33 Li3−xEr1−xZrxCl634 or Li3−xYb1−xMxCl6 with M = Zr4+, Hf4+.35,36 In Na3GdBr6−xIx,27 Li3YCl6−xBrx37 and Li3HoBr6−xIx19 it was shown that isovalent anion substitution can be used to tune the ionic conductivity and its activation energy. While in Li3HoBr6−xIx an increase in iodine content led to a decrease in activation energy due to softening of the anion lattice, this is also accompanied by an increase in Li/rare earth (RE) site disorder, which led to a reduction of the ionic conductivity due to an increased electrostatic repulsion along the lithium conduction pathways. As a result of these competing effects (softening of the anion lattice vs. cation site disorder), an optimum of 2.7 × 10−3 S cm−1 at 20 °C for the ionic conductivity and of 0.18 eV for the activation energy was observed at different degrees of anion substitution. Alternatively, ion transport properties in solids can be controlled by using different synthetic protocols. For example, in Li3MCl6 with M = Er, Y17,38,39 higher ionic conductivities were achieved when the samples were solely ball-milled, compared to mechanochemical ball-milling (MCBM) with subsequent calcination. However, the exact reverse trend was already observed for Li3YBr6,38 where an increase in ionic conductivity was found after annealing of the material obtained from MCBM. This difference is rationalized by different structures of chlorides and bromides, where the ionic percolation pathways are affected differently by defects introduced via MCBM.
In this study, we performed a systematic investigation of the influence of the synthetic protocol, of the size of the RE cation and of partial anion and cation substitution on the ionic transport properties in lithium rare earth iodides. Several lithium RE iodides Li3MI6 with M = Y, Sm, Gd–Lu (only M = Er25 and Ho19 were reported, while predictions28 exist for Sc, Y, La), as well as partially Cd2+-substituted Li3GdI6 and partially Cd2+-, Ca2+- and Zr4+-substituted Li3YBr3.5I2.5 were synthesized and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). For selected diamagnetic compounds, solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) and pulsed-field-gradient nuclear magnetic resonance (PFG-NMR) were used to connect (micro)structural properties with the Li diffusivities.
The sample synthesized from low temperature (LT) showed a higher purity of the obtained product than the high temperature (HT) sample (94 wt% vs. 90 wt%). We ascribe this difference in purity to the boiling retardation at HTs, which is accompanied by partial separation of the eutectic precursor melt (synthesis in a glassy carbon crucible) before the reaction is complete.
In the diffraction patterns of Li3TmI6 collected after the 1st and 2nd MCBM step (black and red lines at the bottom of Fig. 1a) TmI3-related reflections are clearly visible. There is no change – neither in the very sharp peak shape nor in the relative intensity of the peaks – during the first two low energy MCBM steps (1st: three 5 mm balls, 10.5 h, 10 Hz, 2nd: three 5 mm balls, 6 h, 15 Hz MCBM), suggesting that no noticeable conversion of the starting materials occurs at this stage. As the energy impact during milling is significantly increased (one 10 mm ball, 4.5 h, 30 Hz), the diffraction pattern clearly changes after the 3rd MCBM step (purple line in the bottom of Fig. 1a), where reflections attributed to TmI3 are absent. An additional MCBM step (one 10 mm ball, 9 h, 30 Hz) (green lines in Fig. 1a) only leads to slight changes in the peak shape. The reflections become slightly broadened and a hump in the background appears at around 7°, indicating that the solid phase begins to amorphize. For Li3YI6 the same behaviour can be observed (see top part of Fig. 1a). After subsequent annealing, reflections attributed to MOI (green lines and black asterisks in Fig. 1b) are present in the diffraction pattern of Li3TmI6. As lithium rare earth metal iodides are very sensitive towards oxidation, especially at elevated temperatures, even tiny oxygen impurities can lead to the formation of MOI during heating.
Additionally, we investigated the different steps of the synthesis via MCBM of Li3YI6 with ssNMR. The results are depicted in Fig. S11a to S11c and summarized in Table S8.† In contrast to the PXRD analysis, it can be seen that after the 3rd milling cycle LiI (shoulder at −4.4 ppm in Fig. S11a†) is still present, whereas this signal disappeared after the 4th milling step, which finally indicates a complete conversion of all starting materials. Thus, the disappearance of the lithium iodide related signal in the 7Li-ssNMR spectra can be seen as an additional indicator for the completeness of the reaction in Li3YI6. In the 89Y-ssNMR spectra of the HT-SSS (given in Fig. S11c†) two distinct signals can be observed. We tentatively assign these signals to highly disordered yttrium (broad signal at 627.7 ppm) and to an impurity of YI3 (narrow signal at 638.4 ppm). For the sample annealed after MCBM only one, but asymmetric signal at around 624 ppm is visible, indicating a complete conversion of the starting materials.
The HT synthesized Li3YI6 shows full intra-layer cation disorder and stacking fault disorder (see Fig. S6a†), whereas the LT synthesized sample exhibits significantly lower intra-layer cation disorder of only 62%. We assume that the high temperatures used in the SSS, which are close to the melting point of the MI3 reactants, facilitate entropy-driven cation mixing and thus trigger higher degrees of intra-layer cation disorder in the final product. The influence of the cooling rate needs to be investigated further, but for the isotypic Li3HoBr6 we did not observe a correlation between cooling rate and intra-layer cation disorder. After MCBM the few remaining reflections indicate that the product is highly disordered and the broad peak shape points to very small domain sizes. Furthermore, the reflections in the PXRD patterns of the ball-milled samples exhibit an unusual shape: reflections with h and k components are comparatively narrow, while 00l reflections, in contrast, exhibit a strong, symmetrical broadening (see Fig. S4a†). As there is no anisotropic broadening of the reflections, this effect is most likely caused by a pronounced anisotropic morphology of the crystalllite domains, i.e. by plate-like crystallites with a much higher lateral than vertical extension. Therefore, we used the full width at half maximum (FWHM) as a semi-quantitative measure for the aspect ratio. For all ball-milled samples, the vertical extension of the crystallites, determined from the FWHM of the associated reflections, is very small (between 2.5 nm and 3.8 nm), which corresponds to a thickness between three to five layers. In contrast, the broadening of the 104 reflection corresponds to coherent domain sizes between 14.4 nm and 15.3 nm, which almost approximate the lateral domain sizes. When comparing the diffraction data of Li3TmI6 after the 3rd and 4th MCBM step (see Fig. S4a†), it becomes clear that after conversion of the starting materials, additional MCBM leads to a decrease in both vertical and lateral domain sizes. Calcination after MCBM leads to a narrowing of the reflections (green lines in Fig. 1b) in PXRD. Furthermore, additional reflections appear in the range between 4.75° and 8.25°, indicating an ordering of the intra-layer cation substructure. Quantitative analysis of the diffraction patterns reveals that the domain sizes along the [001] (vertical) and [104] (approx. lateral) zone axes significantly increased (empty and filled bars in Fig. S4b†). Moreover, the shape of the domains tend to become more isotropic. In addition, subsequent calcination reduces the intra-layer cation disorder from 100% to 35% and 60% (filled circles in Fig. S4b†) in Li3YI6 and Li3TmI6, respectively. In direct comparison, the diffraction patterns of the lithium rare earth metal iodides of the ball-milled samples after subsequent annealing appear to be similar to the phases obtained from conventional SSS (Fig. 1b, green and red lines).
We observed similar trends by using PFG-NMR for the characterization of the ionic transport properties. The results for the ball-milled and for the subsequently annealed Li3YI6 are depicted in Fig. S38.† The Arrhenius plots of the diffusion coefficients of the differently synthesized samples are given in Fig. S38b† and the extracted activation energies as well as diffusion coefficients at a given temperature are depicted in Fig. S38c.† Li3YI6 synthesized from SSS exhibits a lower activation energy compared to the MCBM and subsequently annealed sample. Similar to EIS, the sample obtained from MCBM shows a lower diffusion coefficient compared to the SSS, whereas MCBM with subsequent annealing leads to a similar diffusion coefficient.
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Fig. 5 (a) PXRD diffraction patterns and (b) degrees of intra-layer cation disorder and stacking fault disorder obtained from Rietveld refinements of the different Li3MI6. Asterisks and diamonds correspond to impurities of MOI and MI3, respectively. In (c) ionic conductivities at 20 °C with intra-layer cation disorder and in (d) activation energies for ion diffusion obtained from EIS are shown as a function of the ionic radii43–45 of the rare earth metal cations. |
Using EIS we looked into ion diffusion within the different Li3MI6 compounds. The Arrhenius graphs, as well as the extracted ionic conductivities at 20 °C and the respective activation energies for ion diffusion of the different Li3MI6 are summarized in Fig. S16a,†5c and d. Here, a clear correlation of the ionic conductivity with the ionic radius of the RE metal in Li3MI6 can be observed. While Li3LuI6 with an intra-layer cation disorder of 82% exhibits an ionic conductivity of 3.0 × 10−5 S cm−1, it gradually increases by more than one order of magnitude with increasing size of the RE cation to 4.6 × 10−4 S cm−1 for Li3SmI6 having an intra-layer cation disorder of only 44%. In contrast, the activation energy for ion diffusion EEISa tends to stay constant for M = Lu–Tb (≈0.23 eV) and seems to increase for M = Tb–Sm (to 0.33 eV). In principle, the activation energy can be affected by several parameters such as cation disorder, volume of the diffusion paths, nature of the underlying anion sublattice or even microstructural effects. One approach to classify materials according to their activation energies is to look at their pre-exponential factors σ0 in the Arrhenius equation.46–48 By plotting the respective σ0 of the different Li3MI6 against their activation energies according to the Meyer–Neldel rule49–51 (see Fig. S27†), a Meyer–Neldel energy Δ0 of around 20 meV is observed for these lithium rare earth iodides. Since the observed Meyer–Neldel energy is close, but slightly lower than the thermal energy kBT (25 meV at 20 °C) Li3MI6 compounds cannot unambiguously be classified as type two materials, where Δ0 < kBT and σEISion is directly proportional to EEISa. Interestingly, Li3TmI6 shows a three times higher ionic conductivity (≈3 × 10−4 S cm−1) than expected according to its ionic radius and degree of intra-layer cation disorder, and exhibits the lowest activation energy for ion diffusion of 0.20 eV compared to the other Li3MI6 phases. To exclude that the higher conductivity is due to charge doping with Tm2+ according to Li3+yTmIII1−yTmIIyI6, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were performed and the obtained spectra are shown in Fig. S10.† Here, only features that can be related to Tm3+ could be observed and no signs of Tm2+ were found. A similar observation was made for Li3YbI6, which also shows a slightly higher ionic conductivity of 9.2 × 10−5 S cm−1 than one would expect from its ionic radius and degree of intra-layer cation disorder. We attribute this finding to the essentially complete absence of stacking faults in Li3YbI6, in contrast to all of its homologues.
The effect of partial aliovalent cation substitution on the lithium ion transport properties in Li3+yGd1−yCdyI6 was investigated with the use of EIS and the results are given in Fig. 8a, b, S28–S31, and S16b.† As mentioned above, for small degrees of cadmium substitution of y ≤ 0.25 the honeycomb-type structure Li3+yGd1−yCdyI6 is more dominant and for higher substitution degrees with y ≥ 0.5 the chain-type structure Li2−y+5x(CdyGd1−y)1−xI4 is mainly formed. For y ≤ 0.25, when the honeycomb-type structure motif is the major phase, the ionic conductivity in Li3+yGd1−yCdyI6 could be doubled to 8.0 × 10−4 S cm−1 when y is increased to 0.1 (see Fig. 8a) compared to the unsubstituted Li3GdI6, whereas higher values of y led to a decline in ionic conductivity to 1.5 × 10−4 S cm−1 for y = 0.25. The increase in ionic conductivity for 0 < y ≤ 0.1 in Li3+yGd1−yCdyI6 can be ascribed to the simultaneous decrease of the intra-layer cation disorder (from 53% to 36% and 38%) and increased lithium charge carrier concentration. The subsequent decline in ionic conductivity for y = 0.25 originates from a drastically increased intra-layer cation disorder to 84%. Comparing the ionic conductivity of the honeycomb-type structure of the unsubstituted Li3GdI6 and of the substituted Li3.1Gd0.9Cd0.1I6 with the chain-type structure Li2.2Cd0.36Gd0.36I4, which showed an ionic conductivity of 1.8 × 10−4 S cm−1, it can be seen that the former structure motif tends to outperform the latter in terms of ionic conductivity. A similar trend is observed for the activation energy for ion diffusion, which is lowered from 0.26 eV for y = 0 to 0.22 eV for y = 0.1 as depicted in Fig. 8b, and suggesting that the electrostatic repulsion lithium ions encounter is reduced when Gd3+ is replaced with Cd2+. Interestingly, the chain-type structure Li2.2Cd0.36Gd0.36I4 showed an activation energy of only 0.15 eV and hence is significantly lower compared to the unsubstituted Li3GdI6 and to the substituted Li3.1Gd0.9Cd0.1I6, which presumably can be ascribed to the reduced electrostatic repulsion between lithium and Cd2+ compared to Gd3+ and to the different ordering within the chain-type structure. According to the Meyer–Neldel rule a similar Meyer–Neldel energy (20 meV) with Δ0 < kBT was observed for the Cd2+-substituted Li3GdI6 as for the other Li3MI6.
To better understand the different ionic conductivities of the different structure motifs, the nature of the underlying diffusion paths of the honeycomb- and chain-like structure were investigated using bond valence sum (BVS) calculations implemented in the softBV software.53,54 The bond valence energy landscape (BVEL) for lithium migration was calculated for Li2.2Cd0.36Gd0.36I4 and the obtained diffusion pathways are illustrated in Fig. S37.† The diffusion pathways within the honeycomb-type structure have already been discussed by Plass et al.19 for Li3HoBr6 and Li3HoI6 in detail, where extended 3D-percolation networks of the inter- and intra-layer lithium ions were observed. In the mixed chain-like layer (see Fig. S37a†) the lithium ion migration pathways predominantly connect the octahedral lithium sites on 4f in a 1D-fashion along c. The Li pathways are extended to 2D in the solely lithium (on 2a and 4f) occupied honeycomb inter-layer as depicted in Fig. S37b.† An extension of the BVEL to 2D within the mixed chain-like layer is only feasible where coincidentally two lithium ions occupy neighbouring octahedra of different [LixCd0.5−xGd0.5−xI6/3](0.5+3x)−∞-chains. Nevertheless, the lithium ion migration pathways of the mixed chain-like and solely lithium containing honeycomb layers are connected with each other along the stacking direction and thus the BVEL is extented to quasi-3D (see Fig. S37c†). Compared to the honeycomb-type structure, however, the ∞[LixCd0.5−xGd0.5−xI6/3](0.5+3x)−-chains in Li2.2Cd0.36Gd0.36I4 tend to limit the dimensionality of the lithium ion percolation network and thus the total number of possible diffusion opportunities is reduced, which is reflected in a lower lithium ion conductivity as observed by EIS.
To obtain further insights into the nature of the amorphous side phase, ssNMR spectroscopy was performed; the 6Li- and 7Li-spectra of the different pure and substituted lithium yttrium halides are shown in Fig. S12a, S12b and the shifts of the respective signals are summarized in Table S9.† The main peaks in Li3YBr6 and Li3YI6 can be found at around −1.2 ppm and −3.9 ppm in the 6,7Li-ssNMR spectra, respectively. The shift of the main signal to lower frequencies in the ssNMR spectra of Li3YI6 compared to Li3YBr6 is in agreement with the increasing softness of the iodide anion and the resulting stronger shielding of the lithium ions. While in Li3YBr6 the signal is asymmetric, which indicates that this signal is a convolution of several contributions, in Li3YI6 an additional shoulder at around −3.7 ppm in the 6,7Li-ssNMR spectra can be observed, along with a minor impurity of LiI (asterisk at −4.5 ppm in Fig. S12a†). We tentatively ascribe this broad, but distinct shoulder in Li3YI6 to the inter-layer lithium, since the pronounced cation disorder within the RE/Li honeycomb-layer in Li3YI6 effectively decouples the inter- and intra-layer lithium ions and thus increases the 2D-character of the material. This is consistent with the larger inter-layer distance in Li3YI6 compared to Li3YBr6. As a consequence, the inter-layer lithium ions are less shielded, leading to the observed shoulder at higher frequencies. The anion substituted Li3YBr3.5I2.5 exhibits one asymmetric signal at around −1.9 ppm in the 6,7Li-ssNMR spectra, which is shifted to lower or to higher frequencies with respect to the unsubstituted Li3YBr6 or Li3YI6, respectively. The corresponding signal in the Cd2+ and Ca2+ substituted Li3+yY1−yMIIyBr3.5I2.5 can be found at a similar position in the 6,7Li-ssNMR spectra and is slightly shifted to higher frequencies in Li2.9Y0.9Zr0.1Br3.5I2.5. Similar to Li3YBr6 and Li3YBr3.5I2.5 the signals are asymmetric in the cadmium and calcium substituted compounds and most likely composed of multiple contributions. Furthermore, an additional, broad signal arises once a divalent or tetravalent dopant like Cd2+, Ca2+ or Zr4+ is introduced. These additional signals can be found at around −2.5 ppm, −2.2 ppm and −1.6 ppm in the respective 6,7Li-spectra. The fact that the broad signal of the inter-layer lithium in the zirconium substituted compound is slightly shifted to higher frequencies, whereas the ones of the cadmium and calcium substituted compounds are shifted to lower frequencies (with respect to the anion substituted Li3YBr3.5I2.5) can be explained with the concept of hard and soft acids and bases. According to the charge of the substituent (Zr4+ > Y3+ > Cd2+/Ca2+) and to the mean bond distance found in the respective binary bromides and iodides (dCa–X > dY–X ≈ dCd–X > dZr–X) the acidity and thus the deshielding effect of neighbouring metal cations on lithium decreases from Zr to Y to Cd and Ca. Thus, we tentatively assign these signals to the additional inter-layer Li in the Cd2+/Ca2+-doped compounds or to a signal resulting from Li depletion out of the mixed honeycomb into the Li inter-layers in the Zr-doped material. If or to what extent this signal may be attributed to an amorphous side phase, which could also be observed in PXRD, cannot be stated unambiguously.
The lithium ion transport within the mixed aliovalent cation and isovalent anion substituted lithium yttrium halides has been investigated with the use of EIS and the results of the measurements are given in Fig. 8c, d, S22, S32–S36, and S16c.† Similar to Li3HoBr6−xIx,19 Li3YBr6 exhibits a higher ionic conductivity of 1.7 × 10−3 S cm−1 (similar to Gombotz and Wilkening14) compared to the softer analogue Li3YI6 with 1.4 × 10−4 S cm−1, due to the significantly smaller degree of intra-layer cation disorder of only 14% in Li3YBr6. While the isovalent anion substituted Li3YBr3.5I2.5 exhibits a higher degree of intra-layer cation disorder of 53% compared to the pure bromide, the increase in ionic conductivity to 2.8 × 10−3 S cm−1, originating from the beneficial increase in lattice softening of the anion sublattice, still prevails. When the charge carrier concentration is increased additionally by incorporation of divalent metal cations such as Cd2+ or Ca2+, the intra-layer cation disorder is further increased to 74% and 100%, respectively, and the ionic conductivity slightly deteriorates accordingly to 1.7 × 10−3 S cm−1 and 1.8 × 10−3 S cm−1. If the vacancy concentration is increased by aliovalent substitution with a tetravalent metal cation like Zr4+, the intra-layer cation disorder is also increased to 71%. In contrast to the increase in charge carrier concentration for the divalent metal substitutions, the increased amount of lithium vacancies tends to be more beneficial in terms of ionic conductivity. In fact, Li2.9Y0.9Zr0.1Br3.5I2.5 exhibits a slightly enhanced ionic conductivity of up to 3.0 × 10−3 S cm−1. Similar effects can also be observed for the activation energy for lithium ion diffusion as summarized in Fig. 8b. While the pure lithium yttrium bromide or iodide show similar activation energies of 0.23 eV, it decreases to 0.17 eV for the anion substituted Li3YBr3.5I2.5. Again, increasing the charge carrier concentration by substituting with divalent metal cations such as Cd2+ or Ca2+ leads to a slight, but unfavorable increase of the activation energy to 0.19 eV and 0.20 eV compared to the solely anion substituted Li3YBr3.5I2.5. In contrast, increasing the vacancy concentration by substitution of the trivalent RE cation with tetravalent Zr4+ does not deteriorate the activation energy for ion diffusion, as Li2.9Y0.9Zr0.1Br3.5I2.5 exhibits a similar activation energy as Li3YBr3.5I2.5. Plotting the respective pre-exponential factors σ0 against Ea (blue squares in Fig. S27a†) a Meyer–Neldel energy Δ0 of 34 meV was obtained. Here, Δ0 deviates more strongly from the thermal energy and thus these mixed substituted lithium yttrium halides can be classified as type one materials with Δ0 > kBT and where the ionic conductivity and the activation energy show an inverse correlation. To obtain a comprehensive picture of the long-range lithium ion migration, lithium diffusivities were probed additionally by PFG-NMR in pure and substituted lithium yttrium halides. The obtained data are summarized in Fig. S39† and more details are provided in the ESI.† Both the activation energies and tracer diffusion coefficients obtained from PFG-NMR show very similar behaviour as the activation energies EEISa and ionic conductivities σEIStot obtained from EIS. Again, the unsubstituted Li3YBr6 exhibits a slightly smaller activation energy and a higher diffusion coefficient compared to the pure iodide. The anion substituted Li3YBr3.5I2.5 and mixed substituted Li2.9Y0.9Zr0.1Br3.5I2.5 show an even smaller activation energy ENMRa and an increased DNMRtr of 4.9 × 10−12 m2 s−1 and 6.1 × 10−12 m2 s−1, respectively. Substitution with divalent cadmium and calcium cations leads to an unchanged or slightly increased ENMRa and to a reduced DNMRtr of around 3 × 10−12 m2 s−1.
Furthermore, we report the synthesis and characterization of several new isostructural lithium rare earth metal iodides Li3MI6 with M = Y, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu. All Li3MI6 exhibit a high degree of stacking fault and intra-layer cation disorder as already observed for Li3HoBr6−xIx.19 While the degree of stacking fault disorder tends to have a minor influence on the ionic transport properties, the ionic conductivity in these iodides is strongly affected by the size of the RE cation and by the degree of intra-layer cation disorder. The ionic conductivity ranges from 3.0 × 10−5 S cm−1 for Li3LuI6 with 82% of intra-layer cation disorder to 4.6 × 10−4 S cm−1 for Li3SmI6 with an intra-layer cation disorder of 44%.
Small degrees of Cd2+ substitution in Li3+yGd1−yCdyI6 lead to an enhancement of the ionic conductivity from 3.9 × 10−4 S cm−1 for pristine Li3GdI6 to 8.0 × 10−4 S cm−1 for y = 0.1 and improve the activation energy for ion diffusion from 0.26 eV to 0.22 eV. An increase of the degree of substitution to Cd/Gd = 1 (corresponding to y = 0.5) leads to the formation of a chain-like ordering within the mixed layer and results in a composition of Li2.2Gd0.36Cd0.36I4, contrary to the honeycomb-type motifs found in the unsubstituted Li3MI6. As a consequence of the different ordering, the chain-type structure shows a decreased ionic conductivity of 1.8 × 10−4 S cm−1 due to the resulting more confined Li diffusion pathways.
Isovalent anion substitution in Li3YBr6−xIx leads to an overall improvement of the ionic transport properties. Additional aliovalent cation substitution with divalent metal cations in Li3+yY1−yMIIyBr3.5I2.5 (with MII = Cd2+ or Ca2+) leads to a slight diminishing of the ionic conductivity. In contrast, substitution with Zr4+ in Li3−yY1−yMIVyBr3.5I2.5 leads to a further improvement of the ionic conductivity to 3.0 × 10−3 S cm−1 in Li2.9Y0.9Zr0.1Br3.5I2.5.
Taking all the observed trends into account, the ionic transport properties in lithium rare earth iodides simultaneously depend on several parameters like it is schematically shown in Fig. 9.
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Fig. 9 Schematic illustration of the influence of several parameters on the ionic conductivity in layered lithium rare earth iodides. |
(i) The packing of the anion sublattice defines the nature (size and shape) of the available diffusion pathways and the energy landscape that lithium ions encounter during diffusion. (ii) The charge carrier/vacancy concentration determines the amount of active charge carriers, where an increased vacancy concentration is found to be more effective than increasing the lithium ion concentration. Secondly, the BVELs are also affected by the size and charge of the countercations in the next nearest vicinity. (iii) Intra-layer cation disorder in the observed structures leads to an inhibition or blocking of diffusion paths, i.e. reducing the dimensionality of the lithium ion percolation network. The intra-layer cation disorder itself, i.e. occupational intermixing, can either be tuned by the synthetic approach or by the relative sizes of the cations and anions within the structure. (iv) Stacking fault disorder overall shows an unsignificant influence on the ionic transport properties in structures with an extensive 3D-percolation network, but becomes more dominant in structures with diffusion paths of lower or more confined dimensions.
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† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. CCDC 2222205. For ESI and crystallographic data in CIF or other electronic format see DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |