Gary M.
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia, 102 Engineers Way, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4741, USA. E-mail:; Fax: +1-434-982-2658; Tel: +1-434-982-2714
First published on 13th January 2023
Lithium-ion batteries are used in many applications due to their high volumetric and gravimetric energy density. One general route to increase cell level battery energy density is to use thick electrodes, although as electrode thickness increases electronic and ionic microstructure transport limitations must be given more consideration. One system that enables the development and study of very thick electrodes is “All Active Material” (AAM) electrodes, which are comprised of only electroactive material which has been mechanically compressed and mildly thermally treated to result in a porous electrode pellet. In this manuscript, the incorporation of a material with relatively high gravimetric capacity but low electronic conductivity into an AAM cathode will be described. The material, LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 (LNMO), when used in isolation has very high polarization as an AAM electrode which is attributed to the low electronic conductivity in the electrode microstructure. A second material with higher electronic conductivity but lower gravimetric capacity, LiCoO2 (LCO), was combined with the LNMO to form a multicomponent AAM cathode. The LCO/LNMO blends displayed improvements in electrochemical battery properties attributed to the LCO forming a percolated network for electron conduction while the LCO and LNMO particles/phases still remained segregated in the electrode architecture. The electrochemical outcomes were further analyzed in the context of pseudo-two-dimensional simulations of cycling the cells. This study establishes a new concept in incorporating relatively low electronic conductivity materials into AAM electrodes by taking advantage of a multicomponent architecture.
In the absence of conductive additives, electronic transport through the matrix for AAM electrodes must proceed solely through the electroactive material. LiCoO2 (LCO), with relatively high electronic conductivity (upon ∼3% delithiation over 1 S m−1),15,21 thus has been used as an AAM cathode in multiple studies.11–13 However, LCO has drawbacks of environmental concerns and relatively high cost, and also the gravimetric capacity is lower than many other layered metal oxide cathode materials.22,23 Alternative layered oxide cathode materials with higher capacity often substitute Co with lower cost Ni and Mn, however, electronic conductivities of these materials are intrinsically much lower than LCO.24–30
Inspired by the framework of conventional composite electrodes where conductive carbon additives form a percolated network to facilitate efficient electronic conduction through the electrode matrix, it was hypothesized that LCO could serve a similar role of providing the necessary electronic conductivity to enable the use of Co-free cathode materials. These materials otherwise have limited capacity in AAM electrodes at reasonable rates of charge/discharge due to low electronic conductivity. An illustrative cartoon of the concept of the LCO phase facilitating electronic conduction through the electrode matrix can be found in Fig. 1. In this work, blended AAM cathodes with different ratios of LCO and a Co-free layered cathode material LiNi0.5Mn0.5O2 (LNMO) were prepared. LNMO was chosen as an exemplar material because it is Co-free, has relatively low electronic conductivity to make the impact of the blending with LCO more pronounced,31,32 and has the same Li stoichiometry and layered structure as LCO and thus deleterious interface formation during thermal processing was expected to be less likely.19,30,33
For LCO, 200 mM each of Na2C2O4 and cobalt sulfate heptahydrate (CoSO4·7H2O, Acros Organics) were separately dissolved into 400 mL of DI water in two 1000 mL beakers. The reaction conditions were otherwise the same as the LNMO precursor synthesis. The CoC2O4·2H2O was mixed with Li2CO3 (Fisher Chemical) with a target molar ratio of 2:
1.05 oxalate precursor
lithium carbonate. The mixture was heated to 800 °C without a hold at the top temperature using a heating rate of 1 °C min−1. Upon reaching the set temperature, cooling proceeded to room temperature without temperature control. The synthesized powder was then ball-milled (Fritsch Pulverisette 7 planetary ball miller) with zirconia beads of 4.8 mm diameter for 5 hours at 300 RPM using a powder to beads mass ratio of 1
For AAM cathodes used in battery full cells, PVB-coated LNMO and LCO powder were used and blended at the desired mass ratio by hand using mortar and pestle. The compositions used on a LCO mass percentage basis were 0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60%, and 100% (denoted as 0%LCO, 15%LCO, 30%LCO, 45%LCO, 60%LCO, and 100%LCO). 0.2 g of resulting cathode powder was loaded into a pellet die (Carver) with diameter of 13 mm before being hydraulically pressed at 430 MPa for 2 minutes (Carver). The pressed pellet was thermally treated by heating to 600 °C at a rate of 1 °C min−1 without a hold and then allowed to cool without control over the cooling rate to room temperature in air. 600 °C was chosen to according to previous studies, as below this temperature the pellets often have lower mechanical stability which impacts processing into functional cells.8,30 The AAM cathode pellets had thicknesses ranging from 450 to 550 μm as measured using callipers and loadings ranging from 145 to 150 mg cm−2. Due to the morphology and particle size differences, the pellet geometric void/pore volume fraction for pure LNMO was 0.41 and approximately linearly decreased to 0.33 for pure LCO (see Fig. S1, ESI†). No noticeable shrinkage or expansion was observed before and after the mild sintering for all processed pellets.
AAM cathodes were also processed and paired with Li metal anodes for experiments where constant current followed by constant voltage (CCCV) charging and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were conducted. For these cathodes, the PVB coated 0%LCO, 45%LCO, or 100%LCO powder of 0.2 g were pressed using a 16 mm diameter pellet die (Carver) at 280 MPa for 2 minutes. The same processing temperature after compression was used, and the same range of porosities were observed (and there was no shrinkage after thermal treatment of the pellets). The increased diameter of 16 mm was chosen to minimize excess electrolyte outside of the pellet region, which was important for analysis of the high frequency resistance. The resulting pellets had loadings 96–99 mg cm−2.
For AAM LTO anode fabrication for full cell batteries, 0.2 g of PVB-coated LTO was pressed following the same procedures as the cathode powders. For thermal treatment of the electrode, the temperature was increased at a rate of 1 °C min−1 to 600 °C, held for 1 h, and the temperature was ramped down at a rate of 1 °C min−1 back to room temperature. The AAM LTO electrodes had thickness ranging from 710–720 μm and loadings ranging from 148–152 mg cm−2, with geometric porosity/void fractions of 0.40.
For AAM electrode cells, AAM pellet cathode and anode were adhered to a stainless steel bottom plate and a spacer, respectively, using a custom carbon paste. The carbon paste was made by blending a slurry consisting of by weight 4.76%:
90.48% CB
ethanol. The attached pellet electrodes were vacuum dried at 80 °C for 1 h before transferring to the glove box. Glass fiber (Fisher, type G6 circles) was used as a separator for AAM electrode cells and the same electrolyte as for the conventional composite electrode cells was used. Cells were cycled between 1.0 V and 2.85 V (cell voltage relative to LTO anode). Each individual charge and discharge cycle used the same current density, although the current density/rate applied was systematically varied for rate capability testing. Rate capability tests were conducted using C rates varying from C/20 to C/2.5, where the C rate was determined by cathode material mass and an assumed gravimetric capacity of 150 mA h g−1 cathode. As a frame of reference, C/20 for AAM electrode cells was ∼1.13 mA cm−2 as loading was ∼150 mg cm−2.
The cells assembled for CCCV and EIS measurements were assembled in the glovebox using the same electrolyte as all other cells. The AAM cathode was paired with and circular Li foil of 2 cm2 (same area as the AAM cathodes) as anode. Two layers of Celgard separator with diameter of 18 mm were used to prevent shorting during lithium plating. CCCV was performed by first charging the cell at a constant current of 1.1 or 0.55 mA cm−2 until reaching a target voltage, and then holding at each target voltage for 20 h. The target voltages were between 3.9 to 4.4 V in 0.1 V increments. The CCCV was accomplished using a MACCOR multichannel battery cycler, and EIS was performed using a Gamry Reference 600 after each voltage hold. The high frequency intercept of the Nyquist plot was fitted using Zview. All cells for electrochemical characterizations were assembled inside the glove box.
As described in Section 2, powders were hydraulically compressed and underwent an additional thermal treatment to form AAM electrodes. XRD patterns collected for all AAM electrodes can be found in Fig. S4 (ESI†). The XRD patterns suggested that the mild sintering procedure did not result in any new phases for 0%LCO (pure LNMO) and 100%LCO. With increasing LCO content, the relative peak intensity of the LCO constituent increased (e.g., the (003) peak at a 2θ of 18.96°) as expected. Although the thermal treatment would be expected to result in some interdiffusion between Co and Mn/Ni,30,42,43 from XRD the LCO and LNMO materials appeared to remain segregated and compositionally and structurally distinct. More specifically, the (003) peak for pure LNMO was distinctly located at 2θ of 18.63°, while for LCO the corresponding peak was at 2θ of 18.96°. For the blended materials, the relative magnitudes of these peaks changed, but the peak positions did not shift, suggesting that the two materials remained largely compositionally and structurally segregated, at least for the bulk materials responsible for the XRD patterns.
SEM images of the surfaces for each AAM electrode composition after compression and thermal treatment processing can be found in Fig. S5 (ESI†). For pure LCO and LNMO, with the mild thermal treatment conditions applied to the porous ceramic pellets, there was a slight increase in the mean primary particle size, however, the size distribution was wide so it was difficult to explicitly confirm a particle coarsening effect. The primary particle size was 400 ± 80 nm for LCO, and 460 ± 100 nm for LNMO (uncertainties based on standard deviation for 20 independent particle measurements). For the blend pellets, it was noticed that as the LCO content was increased the fraction of smaller particles observed in SEM also increased, consistent with a relative increase of the amount of smaller LCO particles in the electrode pellet.
Disordered jammed sphere packing, expected to be a reasonable representation of the AAM electrodes, has been reported to have a critical volume fraction to achieve percolation for a given sphere material in the system of 0.199 for a three-dimensional system.44 Based on the reported crystal density for LNMO and LCO,45,46 the LCO volume fraction reached 0.17 for 30%LCO (slightly below the threshold) and 0.27 for 45%LCO (well above the threshold). The calculated volume fraction of LCO for each sample can be found in Fig. S6 (ESI†). To further support the formation of a percolated LCO network, EDS mapping of 15%LCO, 30%LCO, 45%LCO, and 60%LCO AAM electrodes was performed and can be found in Fig. 2. While the two-dimensional EDS maps cannot confirm that there was three-dimensional continuous connectivity of the LCO particles, it was observed that the LCO particles started to form larger connected regions for 45%LCO, and had a very well-connected structure for the 60%LCO. Due to the two-dimensional limitations of EDS and preferential surface sensitivity of the technique,47,48 formation of a percolated network of LCO may have occurred at a lower loading than the observed 45%LCO.
For the AAM LCO electrode (100%LCO) paired with AAM LTO using a voltage window from 1.0 V to 2.85 V (corresponding to approximately 2.56 V to 4.41 V vs. Li/Li+, assuming the OCV of LTO was 1.56 V vs. Li/Li+),52 the first cycle at a slow charge/discharge rate (C/80) attained nearly the same gravimetric discharge capacity (139 mA h g−1 cathode) as the conventional composite cathode cells (initial discharge voltage profile can be found in Fig. 3a). The AAM electrode cell dQ/dV calculated using the initial discharge curve (Fig. 3b) had a small initial peak at ∼2.6 V, which corresponded to the small peak at ∼4.15 V (vs. Li/Li+, AAM treated LCO in conventional composite cell, see Fig. S7b, ESI†). There was a strong peak at 2.3 V, which was consistent with the conventional composite cell data and previous reports.8,12,13 As shown in Fig. 4, at higher rates of C/20, C/10, C/5, and C/2.5, the AAM electrode cell discharge capacity was 112 mA h g−1, 62 mA h g−1, 29 mA h g−1, and 12 mA h g−1, respectively, on an LCO mass basis. Such decrease in capacity was expected to have originated from the ionic transport limitations though the thick electrode microstructure for this material pairing, as has been described thoroughly in previous reports.8–13 Additional cycling voltage profiles and rate capability outcomes can be found in Fig. S8a and S9 (ESI†).
For the AAM LNMO cathode cell (0%LCO in Fig. 3), the first discharge at C/80 (0.282 mA cm−2) only reached 97 mA h g−1 cathode (Fig. 4). Based on the conventional composite electrode dQ/dV result and the voltage offset from using LTO in the AAM cell, a peak was expected at 2.16 V; however, a sharp dQ/dV peak was not observed for this discharge (Fig. 3b). The first cycle discharge capacity retention of the AAM cell relative to the conventional composite cathode cell for LNMO was 60%, while for LCO it was 99% at C/80. Such differences were hypothesized to result from the much lower electronic conductivity of the LNMO, which has been reported with a range from 10−5 to 10−6 S cm−1 for the pristine material before cycling.31,32 These electronic conductivity values were more than 4 orders of magnitude lower than LCO, where for over 95% of the lithiation range typically accessed for LCO the electronic conductivity was over 10−1 S cm−1.13,56,57 Cells cycled at C/200 and C/500 delivered 117 mA h g−1 LNMO and 138 mA h g−1 LNMO on the first discharge cycle (see Fig. S10 for the first cycle voltage profiles, ESI†), which was 72% and 85% retention relative to conventional composite electrode initial discharge gravimetric capacity. Interestingly, the first charge capacities at C/200 and C/500 were quite similar (169 mA h g−1 and 171 mA h g−1), where the differences (2 mA h g−1 cathode) were much smaller than that of the discharge (21 mA h g−1 cathode). This outcome was consistent with the LNMO material having a variable electronic conductivity as a function of lithiation, where the electronic conductivity increases upon delithiation similar to other layered materials such as LCO.13,56,57 Thus, the charging process may have extracted all available capacity from the LNMO active material, facilitated by the improved electronic conductivity as the material was delithiated. However, as more Li intercalated into the LNMO crystal during discharge, the electronic conductivity would have decreased. This severe drop would have resulted in electronic overpotential which likely limited the electrochemical capacity that was able to be discharged. The later P2D simulations section contains a more detailed discussion of the impacts of LNMO electronic conductivity.
Although LNMO has lower electronic conductivity than LCO, at C/10 the AAM LNMO discharged 63 mA h g−1, which was greater than the pure AAM LCO. This was likely due to a few contributing factors. First, as mentioned earlier it was suspected that LNMO has an increasing electronic conductivity with delithiation, and thus was able to extract that level of capacity at C/10 before reaching extents of lithiation during discharge where the electronic conductivity dropped, and the resulting overpotential limited the ability to deliver additional capacity. Second, another factor beyond electronic conductivity was the potential of the electrochemical reactions for the different cathode materials (e.g., thermodynamic, or OCV, factors). LNMO had an overall lower OCV for electrochemical charge/oxidation compared to LCO. As an example, a large charging voltage plateau region for LCO was ∼0.14 V higher than that of LNMO (see Fig. S7, ESI†). The lower charging potential for extracting lithium and capacity means that after reaching an equivalent charging capacity that LNMO has greater potential range remaining before hitting the cutoff voltage, where the cutoff was the same for all AAM electrode full cells. Thus, the relative thermodynamic driving force for extracting additional capacity on charge at greater charging extents was expected to be greater for LNMO relative to LCO. In addition, porosity of AAM LCO electrodes (∼0.33) was lower than that of LNMO electrodes (∼0.41), likely due to morphology differences for the powders. Thus, the overpotential from ion transport through the electrode microstructure was greater for the LCO electrodes relative to LNMO electrodes. Ion transport through the electrode microstructure has previously been demonstrated to be a major limiting factor for thick AAM electrodes,9,11,13,14 and the higher porosity for the LNMO would improve the relative ionic conductivity of these electrodes. At higher rates such as C/5 the AAM LMNO delivered very low capacity (6 mA h g−1), suggesting the low electronic conductivity of LNMO (0%LCO) was too resistive at that rate to facilitate much of the electrode achieving high extents of lithiation. Voltage profiles and rate capability results starting from C/20 can be found in Fig. S8f and S9 (ESI†).
Closer inspection of the first discharge voltage profile at C/80 (Fig. 3a) revealed that as the LCO content in the AAM electrodes increased, the average discharge voltage also increased. This was a consequence not only of the higher electronic conductivity of LCO compared to LNMO, but the intrinsic properties of the material with regards to the potentials at which the intercalation reactions occur. The relative impact of the voltage of the electrochemical reactions of the different materials can be further informed by examining the dQ/dV of the first discharge voltage profile at C/80 (Fig. 3). As mentioned previously, pure LNMO (0%LCO) had a very broad dQ/dV across the voltage range without a sharp peak. However, even the 15%LCO AAM cathode had a clear dQ/dV peak assigned as arising from the LNMO component at 2.16 V (vs. LTO/anode). As the LCO content in the electrodes was increased from 15%LCO towards 100%LCO, the dQ/dV peak that was due to the LCO component (at ∼2.3 V) increased while the LNMO dQ/dV peak decreased, as would be expected for their changing relative compositions in the electrodes. However, the LNMO peak intensity change was not proportional to the LNMO content, in particular when comparing the dQ/dV peaks for 15%LCO and 30%LCO. This observation may have been due to the more limited improvement in matrix electronic conductivity at these extents of LCO loading, which then did not enable the LNMO to be fully accessible in the electrode for delivering capacity at these discharge rates.
An overpotential distribution analysis throughout the discharge simulation was performed (Fig. 5b), and a detailed introduction of the process associated with such analysis can be found in a previous report.14 In brief, the overpotentials associated with ionic resistance, electronic resistance, interfacial resistance, and OCV differences are calculated at different depths within the cell during the discharge simulation. These overpotentials are then weighted by the electrochemical current being produced at each location, and then summed. Thus, at any given point in the discharge the relative overpotential for each of the resistances mentioned above for the cathode, anode, and separator were calculated. Such analysis provides insights into the factor(s) responsible for deviations between the discharge potential and the thermodynamic maximum potential for a given extent of discharge capacity delivered. In addition, the electrolyte and electrode Li+ concentrations at selected discharge capacities were calculated during the simulation and can be found in Fig. S12 (ESI†).
Due to the limited electronic conductivity of the solid phase (lower than ionic conductivity of electrolyte phase), the initial condition from discharge simulation included a more delithiated region near the current collector for the LNMO electrode (Fig. S12b, ESI†).30 For the first 10 mA h g−1 cathode discharged, due to a combination of the OCV difference across the cathode depth due to the lithiation distribution at the end of charge and the limited electronic conductivity, the intercalation was largely confined near the current collector in the LNMO (Fig. S12b, ESI†). The OCV overpotential contribution was even negative due to the more lithiated LNMO near the current collector, and the low electronic conductivity drove the electronic overpotential to ∼0.08 V (Fig. 5b). As the discharge proceeded up to 79 mA h g−1 cathode, the intercalation preferentially still happened near the current collector side, which was due to the low matrix electronic conductivity arising from the LMNO material. The electronic overpotential reached a plateau of ∼0.11 V, which notably exceeded the other overpotential sources, including the sum of overpotentials from the separator and anode. The OCV overpotential reached a plateau of ∼−0.09 V and resulted from the material being more lithiated near the current collector side first during discharge, and thus net resulted also due to the low electronic conductivity of the LNMO material. For the rest of the discharge process (concluding at 93 mA h g−1 cathode), very little lithiation occurred in the LNMO near the current collector due to the limited capacity still available in this region, which then resulted in more lithiation occurring near the separator. The current had to travel via the electroactive material before reaching the lithiation region near the separator and the electronic conductivity near the current collector had significantly decreased due to that material being near the full lithiation state. These two effects combined to result in the electronic overpotential significantly increasing. In summary, the following processes resulted in the LNMO AAM cathode full cells having relatively low discharge capacity: (i) the low electronic conductivity drove intercalation/lithiation early in the discharge near the current collector region in the cathode; (ii) once the current collector side reached near its capacity limit, more and more current had to pass through this region which had very low electronic conductivity (due to decreasing electronic conductivity with increasing lithiation); and (iii) the electronic overpotential then severely increased, causing the cell voltage to plummet and reach the lower voltage cutoff.
The electrochemical potential of the electrode materials provided the driving force for the electrochemical reactions to occur.30 This was analyzed in the context of the OCV of the materials in the electrode, which varied as a function of charge/discharge time and location as the reactions proceeded. LCO had ∼90% of its capacity above ∼3.8 V (versus Li/Li+), where LNMO had only ∼56% of its capacity above this voltage. Before moving to the same analysis as the one done to the pure LNMO cell, a capacity contribution separately from each material (LNMO and LCO) was extracted from the simulation and can be found in Fig. 6. For the first ∼30 mA h g−1 cathode capacity delivered, both LCO and LNMO contributed roughly similar capacity, which could be attributed to the initially sloped OCV functions for both materials. From ∼30 until ∼60 mA h g−1 cathode capacity delivered, the LCO started to contribute more capacity because it had much more capacity at ∼2.3 V (cell voltage, corresponding to the LCO voltage plateau at ∼3.9 V vs. Li/Li+). From ∼60 until ∼115 mA h g−1 cathode capacity delivered, the LNMO replaced LCO as the major capacity contributor due to its voltage plateau at ∼2.1 V (cell voltage, corresponding to the LNMO voltage plateau at ∼3.7 V vs. Li/Li+). For the final portion of delivered capacity until the end of discharge, both LCO and LNMO approximately equally contributed capacity, due to the sloped OCV function and similar to the early portion of the discharge capacity. It is noted here that the blended electrodes resulted in the electrochemical lithiation during discharge being more distributed throughout the electrode depth during discharge. In contrast, single component electrodes had more localized electrochemical activity as a function of cell depth. It is speculated that spreading out the reaction as a function of electrode depth may have advantages in accommodating the changes in stress/strain that accompany changes in lithium composition in the AAM electrodes. Such mechanical advantages are speculative, but are intended to be investigated in more detail in future work.
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Fig. 6 Simulated capacity contribution from LCO (purple) and LNMO (black) at C/20 discharge (1.13 mA cm−2) for the 45%LCO cathode AAM electrode cell. |
The same overpotential distribution analysis from the simulation results as was conducted for the LNMO AAM electrode cell was performed for the cell with the 45%LCO cathode and is shown in Fig. 5d. The Li concentration in the electrode for the solid (averaged based on the wt% of LNMO and LCO) and electrolyte phase can be found in Fig. S13 (ESI†). The change in Li electrode concentration of each of LNMO and LCO at selected delivered capacity points is also provided in Fig. S14 (ESI†). For the first 30 mA h g−1 cathode capacity delivered, both LCO and LNMO had slightly more Li intercalated near the separator region. This was in contrast to the pure LNMO case where the initial intercalation was near the current collector and was due to the relatively higher electronic conductivity of the blended material solid electrode compared to the ionic conductivity of the electrolyte. The interfacial overpotential from LNMO was slightly greater than that of the LCO, which originated from the smaller interfacial area of LNMO and smaller reaction rate constant used in the simulation. From 30 until 56 mA h g−1 cathode capacity delivered, the LCO interfacial overpotential increased but that of LNMO decreased, which was because the LCO was in its voltage plateau regions and thus less capacity was provided by LNMO. Correspondingly, much more Li was intercalated into LCO and also more Li was intercalated near the separator region. From 56 until 78 mA h g−1 cathode capacity delivered, the capacity from LCO voltage plateau was nearly depleted. A large amount of Li intercalated into the LCO, but this capacity was concentrated in the current collector region. Such observation was consistent with previous thick AAM electrode reports,11,12,30 where an electrode with a flat OCV curve and relatively higher electronic conductivity (relative to ionic conductivity) resulted in a reaction front which initiated from the separator and propagated towards the current collector. Correspondingly, the ionic overpotential rose and fell depending on whether it was further from or closer to the separator, respectively. From 78 to 110 mA h g−1 cathode capacity delivered, the LNMO interfacial overpotential increased but that of LCO decreased, which was because the LNMO started delivering a larger fraction of the capacity due to now being in the LNMO voltage plateau region. In examining the change in Li electrode concentration, the LNMO accepted more Li, but the reaction was not as concentrated as LCO at the separator side. Such behavior may have resulted due to (i) the electrode electronic conductivity was not as high as when LCO was being discharged because the LCO network was now at a much higher extent of lithiation and correspondingly lower electronic conductivity; (ii) LNMO had slightly smaller reaction rate constant and interfacial area than that of LCO; and (iii) LNMO OCV compared to LCO was more sloped (see Fig. S7, ESI†), and flatter OCV profiles promote sharper reaction propagation gradients.
From 110 mA h g−1 cathode capacity delivered until the end of discharge, a reaction front in the LNMO similar to that observed for LCO earlier was observed. There was also a similar peak that occurred with regards to the ionic overpotential, and more Li was intercalated into the LNMO at the current collector side. Note that the electronic overpotential throughout the discharge was dramatically suppressed from the electronic conductivity enhancement of the blended LCO. The electronic overpotential started to increase at ∼120 mA h g−1 cathode capacity due to the decreasing electronic conductivity of LCO phase. Such decrease in electronic conductivity of LCO led to a decreased voltage, and the resulting voltage was lower than observed experimentally suggesting that the electronic conductivity in the simulation may have been underestimated at high extents of lithiation for the LCO.
In qualitatively examining the Rcell at different holding voltages (Fig. 7a), all three cells started at ∼10.6 Ω, suggesting the pristine AAM electrode without delithiation had electronic conductivities which were much lower than the electrolyte conductivity, and thus the liquid electrolyte carried the most of the current. Such observation was consistent with the literature reported and measured electronic conductivity data, where the solid LCO and LNMO were both over 2 orders of magnitude lower in electronic conductivity than the ionic conductivity of the liquid electrolyte. Until 3.9 V, the LCO had the largest decrease in Rcell followed by 45%LCO, and the LNMO, implying electronic conductivity increased in all AAM electrodes. Such observation was also consistent with the aforementioned cell data. Between 3.9 V and 4.4 V, all Rcell values increased, which may have been due to reductions in the ionic conductivity of the liquid electrolyte. It was expected that the electrolyte would be consumed by side reactions for both the cathode electrolyte interface (CEI) and solid electrolyte interface (SEI) on the Li foil. SEI would be expected to especially consume electrolyte during the lithium plating which occurred during the charging process. Note that the areal AAM loading was on the order of 100 mg cm−2, thus thick SEI should form during charge and change the electrolyte composition dramatically. The LCO and 45%LCO had very similar trends in Rcell values, which supported the speculation that 45%LCO had a percolated LCO network which resulted in an electronic conductivity similar in magnitude to pure LCO. The increase in Rcell for both LCO and 45%LCO at higher voltages had smaller increases than the LNMO AAM electrode cell. This would be consistent with lower electronic conductivity for the LNMO because for that material a higher fraction of the current must travel through the liquid electrolyte, which would result in a greater Rcell increase if the electrolyte concentration changed and the resulting electrolyte conductivity decreased.
CCCV profiles (Fig. 7b–d) were also evaluated for the different AAM electrode cells. For LCO, only a small capacity was achieved below 3.9 V, which was attributed to the relatively low electronic conductivity at the extent of lithiation below this potential and the relatively low amount of capacity for LCO at this lower redox potential. Above 3.9 V, the charging capacity from during the CC steps in the experiment were much greater, suggesting the increased electronic conductivity of LCO after delithiation had facilitated less polarization from that process within the cell.
For LNMO, nearly all capacity occurred during the CV step until 4.4 V. One specific observation of note was the CV step at 3.9 V, where there was an initial increase in current followed by a decrease. In most cases for a CCCV discharge, the current is supposed to exponentially decay during the CV step. Such observation was additional support that the electronic conductivity increased for LNMO with delithiation. However, this electronic conductivity increase was still insufficient to provide much charge capacity during the subsequent CC step. A separate identically processed cell was charged with CCCV mode all the way to 4.4 V (CCCV profile can be found in Fig. S16, ESI†) with half of the current density. The voltage initially spiked to ∼4.0 V (∼0.3 V above the potential from the same material processed into a composite electrode), then decreased down to ∼3.9 V, and finally more gradually increased to 4.4 V. There was no material activation process in the identical material evaluated in conventional composite electrodes at C/10 (Fig. S7, ESI†). Thus, this initial voltage spike and then decline on charge was attributed to the LNMO electronic conductivity effect on the electrode matrix electronic conductivity as a function of the extent of lithiation.
The 45%LCO AAM electrode had similar CCCV patterns to the LCO AAM electrode, where below 3.9 V there was minimal capacity from CC mode. Above 4.0 V, the charge capacities during CC steps were much greater. These observations were also consistent with the aforementioned trend where 45%LCO was expected to approach LCO AAM electrode electronic conductivity due to LCO material percolation.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2023 |