Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA. E-mail: hrabitz@princeton.edu
First published on 19th April 2024
The photo-induced dissociative ionization of lanthanide complexes Ln(hfac)3 (Ln = Pr, Er, Yb) is studied using ultrafast shaped laser pulses in a time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometry setup. Various fluorine and Ln-containing mass fragments were observed, which can be interpreted by the photo-fragmentation mechanistic pathway involving C–C bond rotation processes proposed previously. A set of experiments used pulse shaping guided by closed-loop feedback control to identify pulses that optimize the ratio of LnF+/LnO+. In agreement with previous studies in which very little LnO+ was observed, broad pulses were found to maximize the LnF+/LnO+ ratio, which involves metal–ligand bond-breaking followed by bond rotation and bond rearrangement. In contrast, a transform limited (TL) pulse favored the formation of LnO+. Finally, the recently developed experimental control pulse slicing (CPS) technique was applied to elucidate the dynamics induced by fields that either maximize or minimize the LnF+/LnO+ ratio, which also indicates that longer laser pulses facilitate LnF+ formation during the C–C bond rotation dissociative-ionization process.
Previous studies have considered the photofragmentation mechanisms of Ln(hfac)3 and Ln(fod)3, as well as the propensity for gas-phase formation of lanthanide fluorides.7,11–13 Gas-phase metal fluoride formation is consistent with earlier results by Zink et al.12 who observed the spectroscopic signature of CrF following Cr(hfac)3 photolysis with a ns laser at ∼400 nm. As shown in Fig. 2, they proposed a unimolecular reaction that was initiated by a metal-oxide bond elongation under laser field excitation, followed by Cα–C(O) bond rotation bringing the CF3 group into proximity to the metal.12 A similar rotation-based mechanism was proposed by Condorelli et al. as a reasonable means for explaining the production of SrF2 from the MOCVD of Sr(hfac)2tetraglyme.13 Pollard et al. further observed that the metal fluoride formation would be accompanied by the elimination of CO.7
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Fig. 2 Lanthanide fluoride compounds resulting from C–C bond rotation according to ref. 7 and 11–13 The focus is in a single ligand with other possibly present as well. |
Furthermore, the metal oxides have been rarely observed using Ln(hfac)3 or Ln(fod)3 as precursors in previous laser dissociation-ionization experiments. Small amounts of oxide fragments from Pr(hfac)3 and Pr(fod)3 were reported, but no oxides were observed for the europium, terbium, or gadolinium analogues with CW and ns lasers.11
Intense, ultrashort laser pulses are capable of strongly interacting with matter resulting in phenomena such as above threshold ionization,14,15 high harmonic generation,16–18 Coulomb explosion,19 nonadiabatic excitation of polyatomic molecules,20,21 and even neutron emission.22,23 Nakashima, et al. found that strong molecular fragmentation often occurs when the excitation wavelength is resonant with cation electronic levels.24 For excitation at non-resonant wavelengths, a sufficiently intense short pulse is often necessary to achieve significant parent molecular ionization, while suppressing further molecular fragmentation.24
In our previous study of Ln(hfac)3,25 we showed that intense femtosecond laser pulses can generate a variety of high mass fluorine-containing metal fragments, indicating that two of the three ligands are involved in metal fluorination. In this paper, in contrast with previous other studies,11 we observed large LnO+ peaks with the precursors Pr(hfac)3, Er(hfac)3, and Yb(hfac)3. According to the fluoride formation mechanism proposed by Zink et al.,12 the Cα–C(O) bond rotation brings the CF3 group into proximity to the metal. The bond rotation is thought to take hundreds of picoseconds, and in the previous experiments with CW or ns lasers the rotation should be finished long before the laser interaction is over. In the experiments reported in this paper, sub-picosecond appropriately tailored laser pulses are found to greatly enhance LnO+ generation and restrict bond rotation. Our findings are also supported by the results of time-resolved measurements taken under the control pulse slicing (CPS) mechanism analysis protocol.26 CPS is a versatile technique that allows for extracting time-resolved information from laser-control experiments, including those involving an optimally determined laser field, E(t). The CPS data is attained through a series of experiments in which a pulse's time profile E(t) is “sliced-off” after a time t = τ (i.e., E(t) is smoothly made equal to 0 for t > τ). The physical system's response to the sliced field gives information about processes that are triggered or frustrated by the removed part of the field after t = τ. The evolution of signals (in this case the intensity of the various fragments) corresponding to slicing the field at various times t = τ can then aid in piecing together what parts of E(t) are relevant to the underlying physical processes. As discussed below, the CPS results indicate that a short pulse favors oxide formation because the Cα–C(O) bond does not have enough time to rotate. And, as the pulse is stretched, the formation of PrF+ is more favorable.
The paper is organized as follows: Section II describes the experimental setup including the laser system, the means for sample delivery, and the vacuum system. Section III presents the results and a discussion focused on the following two aspects: (1) controlling the fragmentation ratio of LnO+ and LnF+ using shaped fs laser pulses, and (2) understanding the mechanism for controlling the fragment ratio of PrF+/PrO+ with shaped pulses. Section IV provides a conclusion for the mechanistic understanding of the dissociative ionization studies of the PrF+/PrO+ ratio with shaped fs laser pulses.
The precursor molecules as solids, Pr(hfac)3, Er(hfac)3, and Yb(hfac)3, were purchased from Sterm Chemicals, Inc. and used without further treatment. Each solid sample (i.e., handled separately) was slowly heated inside the vacuum chamber stepwise up to approximately 120–140 °C, slightly above the sublimation temperature, while pyrolysis was minimized, which normally occurs at much higher temperature above 200 °C. We assume that, only the precursor molecules (i.e., Ln(hfac)3) can enter the gas phase for further laser ionization and fragmentation, while any metal-containing pyrolysis products, if they arise, would stay in the solid phase because of their much higher sublimation temperature due to increased polarity upon the loss of ligands. The sample holder was home-made, consisting of a metal reservoir, which was wrapped with heating tape and attached to a thermocouple, allowing for both heating in vacuum and monitoring the temperature. The sample holder had a small opening (∼0.5 mm) into a 0.5 mm diameter tube of 2 cm length pointing towards the focus of the laser lens. As the solid sample was transformed into the gas phase by heating, it effusively leaked through the tube and reached the laser focus for dissociative ionization and subsequent mass spectral (MS) detection. The distance between the tip of the tube and the laser focus could be adjusted for optimal gas density. The pressure of the vacuum chamber was between 1 × 10−6 torr and 5 × 10−6 torr under effusive entry of the heated sample. Ion signals were collected and amplified with a 40 mm diameter microchannel plate, which was coupled to a digital oscilloscope (Lecroy 104MXi) for signal averaging and processing.
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Fig. 3 The LnO+ and LnF+ arising from Pr(hfac)3 (top), Er(hfac)3 (middle), and Yb(hfac)3 (bottom) with a TL pulse. The blue and red ticks indicate isotope variants of Ln. |
We further explore the behavior of the PrF+/PrO+ ratio by comparing it to the two-photon-absorption (TPA) signals (i.e., a measure of the pulse intensity) corresponding to a large number of uniquely-shaped pulses. A polynomial spectral phase function Φ (i.e., Φ(Ω) = AΩ2+ BΩ3+ CΩ4, where Ω is spectral frequency) with three parameters (A, B, C) were used here to generate ∼1000 different pulse shapes by randomly sampling the parameters. We recorded the mass spectra and TPA signal for each pulse.
The blue circles in Fig. 4 show the correlation between the PrF+/PrO+ ratio and the measured TPA signal for each shaped pulse using the polynomial phase sampling scheme explained above. The TPA signal was normalized so that TPA = 1 corresponds to the TL pulse. The pulse gets more stretched at lower TPA signals, where the ratio also generally increases, favoring the formation of PrF+ at the expense of PrO+. At high TPA signals (>0.6) the PrF+/PrO+ ratio stays within a narrow range around the relatively low value of ∼0.35. On the other hand, when the TPA signal is low (<0.4) the PrF+/PrO+ ratio spreads over a large dynamic range approximately from 0.4 to 1.1. The maximum and minimum attainable ratios are close to the ones obtained during the GA optimization shown in Fig. 5(a) and (c). The two red circles in Fig. 4 correspond to two pulses with almost identical TPA signals but with very distinct PrF+/PrO+ ratios (their associated mass spectra are shown in the inset of Fig. 4). Inspection of Fig. 4 shows that, even for pulses with comparable peak intensity, the formation of PrF+ and PrO+ could be controlled over a large dynamic range. Insights into the control mechanism behind this phenomenon can be extracted using the control pulse slicing (CPS) technique, described in the following section.
The CPS results for the optimal PrF+/PrO+ pulse in Fig. 5(b) show that the early portion of the pulse starting around −500 fs gives rise to both PrO+ and PrF+, but with PrO+ initially being the dominant signal up to ∼350 fs. As the pulse evolves beyond ∼350 fs, the signal for PrF+ dominants while the signal for PrO+ significantly decreases. The anti-correlation of the yields between PrF+ and PrO+ during this time window (i.e., 1000 fs > τ ≥ 350 fs) may suggest that the metal–ligand and Pr–O bond breaking is in competition with Pr–F bond formation. The latter agrees well with the C–C bond rotation pathway described in our previous study.25 The final fragment yields after the completion of the entire optimal pulse shape gives rise to an enhanced PrF+/PrO+ ratio, which was not observed for the compressed TL pulse in Fig. 4 that instead minimizes the same ratio. The CPS plot for the TL pulse (i.e., being optimal for the ratio PrO+/PrF+) in Fig. 5(d) shows much higher yields for PrO+ than PrF+ throughout the scan for τ ≥ 0, indicative of a reduced influence from C–C rotation. The C–C rotation is a slow process that usually takes much longer than 1 ps consistent with the latter behavior in Fig. 5(b). The closed-loop optimization and CPS analysis of the optimal pulses suggest that longer pulse durations are advantageous to this process when PrF+ is the goal. In order to confirm this observation we performed a chirp scan. During the scan, a 2nd order chirp phase term AΩ2 was added to the TL laser pulse, and A was progressively increased from −40000 fs2 to +40
000 fs2.
As shown in Fig. 6(a), the PrF+/PrO+ ratio is at minimum when A = 0 (i.e., corresponding to the TL pulse), which then maximally favors the oxidation product. The ratio becomes larger as the pulses are stretched. Interestingly, the change of the ratio versus the chirp parameter is asymmetric for positive and negative chirp. As a result, the ratio versus TPA plot shown in Fig. 6(b) consists of two trajectories corresponding to negative and positive chirp. We may understand the asymmetric nature of the chirped plots in Fig. 6 by the following assessment. First, for a negatively chirped pulse, the blue portion of the light comes first followed by red. For ionization induced by a multiphoton process, a fs pulse needs to overcome a minimum peak intensity threshold in order to initiate ionization. Since the blue photon has a higher energy than the red photon. Thus, fewer blue photons are needed to go above the ionization threshold, and that effectively lowers the peak intensity threshold when the blue photon comes first. So, the pulse effectively appears to be “shorter”.26 This explains why the negatively chirped pulse is more effective for increasing the PrF+/PrO+ ratio.
Naturally, elucidating mechanism information from computational studies would be valuable. In the present case of Ln(hfac)3, such computations would involve electronic excitation, bond breaking, bond formation and ionization. The simulation would need to be done in the strong field regime where multi-photon processes are present, and the overall physics will surely be complex. While such a simulation would be desirable, it is beyond the scope of the present paper. Rather, we took an alternative experimental approach in the section to gain insight into the control mechanism by the CPS analysis and the explanation is in good agreement with the observation from Chirp scans, along with the prior literature on the role of bond rotation in laser-driven dynamics of Ln(hfac)3. The achieved overall experimental view of the mechanism leaves an important goal for future numerical simulations to fill in additional details.
This journal is © the Owner Societies 2024 |