*a and
aCollege of Physics and Technology, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, 541004, China
bWenzhou Institute, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325001, China. E-mail: songsanzhao@ucas.ac.cn
cSchool of Physical Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
First published on 21st October 2024
The acidic stability of RuO2-based electrocatalysts remains a critical hurdle for proton exchange membrane electrolyzers due to ruthenium leaching. Here, we report an ultrasmall RuO2/CoFe2O4 (RFC) catalyst with robust interfacial interactions, synthesized via an adsorption–pyrolysis method. The RFC catalyst demonstrates an exceptionally low overpotential of 191 mV and outstanding stability, retaining its performance for over 100 hours in 0.5 M H2SO4. Experimental analyses indicate that the robust interfacial interactions between RuO2 and CoFe2O4 facilitate efficient charge transfer, significantly enhancing the performance of the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). After the stability test, XRD, Raman, and TEM characterization confirmed that the RFC catalyst maintains its crystal structure and morphology, indicating excellent durability. These findings highlight the potential of RFC catalysts for sustainable hydrogen production and provide a novel approach to the design of advanced electrocatalysts through strategic interfacial engineering, paving the way for improved stability and performance in acidic OER applications.
RuO2 is widely recognized as one of the most promising catalysts for the OER due to its excellent electronic properties and catalytic activity in acidic media.12 However, its limited stability, particularly under long-term acidic operating conditions, remains a major challenge.13 Based on previous studies, the instability of RuO2 under acidic conditions is mainly attributed to two factors: the oxidative release of lattice oxygen and the leaching of surface Ru. The former occurs due to the over-oxidation of Ru into soluble RuO4 species and the involvement of lattice oxygen in the OER, while the latter results from the de-metallization of surface Ru.14 To address these challenges, researchers have employed various strategies to modify RuO2, including doping with other metals, controlling the catalyst's nanostructure, and utilizing interface engineering techniques.15–17
Recently, interface engineering has gained significant attention due to its potential to enhance the activity and stability of catalysts. By designing and optimizing the interface structure of catalysts, charge transfer can be effectively promoted and interfacial interactions can be enhanced, leading to improved catalytic performance.17–20 Additionally, ultrasmall nanoparticles offer unique advantages in enhancing catalytic reaction efficiency due to their high surface area and abundant active sites.21–23 Therefore, combining the advantage of ultrasmall nanoparticles and interface engineering will present an ideal strategy for enhancing the performance of RuO2-based catalysts.
CoFe2O4 has been recognized for its promising OER performance, attributed to its stable structure and adaptable electronic properties.24 Liu et al. reported a novel SrCo0.4Fe0.6O3/CoFe2O4 nanocomposite that exhibited outstanding OER activity in alkaline media, with a low overpotential of 294 mV at a current density of 10 mA cm−2, and demonstrated stability for 110 hours at an applied potential of 1.56 V (vs. RHE). The exceptional performance and stability were attributed to the strong coupling effect between CoFe2O4 nanoparticles and the graphene substrate, underscoring the potential of CoFe2O4 in enhancing OER performance through interfacial engineering.25
Similarly, Deng et al. reported a CoOx/RuOx nano-heterostructure on carbon cloth (CoOx/RuOx–CC) with remarkable OER activity in acidic media, achieving an overpotential of 180 mV at 10 mA cm−2 and stable operation for 100 hours at 100 mA cm−2. The enhanced performance was attributed to efficient electron transfer from Co to Ru, which minimized ion leaching and over-oxidation of Ru, while optimizing the Ru–O bond structure to lower the energy barrier for the OER process.26
Building on these findings, the design of CoFe2O4 and RuO2 composites via interfacial engineering emerges as a promising strategy to further enhance OER performance. Although the application of CoFe2O4 in the acidic OER remains underexplored, its potential is highly intriguing. Specifically, combining CoFe2O4 with RuO2 through interfacial engineering offers a compelling opportunity to improve both catalytic activity and stability under acidic conditions, presenting a promising avenue for future research.
In this study, we designed and synthesized an ultrasmall RuO2/CoFe2O4 (RFC) catalyst with strong interfacial interactions. The RFC catalyst was prepared using an adsorption–pyrolysis method, resulting in significant structural optimization and performance enhancement. Specifically, the strong interfacial interactions and effective charge transfer between RuO2 and CoFe2O4 significantly enhanced the OER activity of the catalyst, while the ultrasmall nanoparticles provided a larger surface area and more active sites. Experimental results demonstrated that the RFC catalyst exhibited excellent catalytic performance in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution, with an overpotential of only 191 mV at a current density of 10 mA cm−2. Moreover, the RFC catalyst maintained its structure and catalytic performance during a long-term stability test of up to 100 hours, indicating high durability and stability. Overall, this study not only successfully designed and prepared a high-performance RFC catalyst through the synergistic utilization of interface engineering and ultrasmall nanoparticles, but also provided new insights into the design of efficient and stable OER catalysts.
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Fig. 1 Structural characterization of catalysts. (a) XRD spectra of the catalysts. (b) Raman spectra of the catalysts. |
The Raman spectra provide further evidence of interfacial interactions between RuO2 and CoFe2O4 in the RFC catalyst. As shown in Fig. 1b, the pure CoFe2O4 (CFO) sample exhibits characteristic vibrational modes typical of spinel-type oxides, such as the T2g mode at 473.3 cm−1 and the A1g mode at 679.9 cm−1.31 In contrast, the pure RuO2 sample displays modes at 504.3 cm−1 and 621.2 cm−1, corresponding to the E9 and A1g vibrational modes of RuO2, respectively.32 The RF catalyst exhibited two A1g vibrational modes (215.1 and 490.9 cm−1) and three Eg modes (275.8, 391.8, and 602.1 cm−1), corresponding to the α-Fe2O3 phase. The RC catalyst displayed vibrational modes characteristic of Co3O4, including an A1g mode at 660.6 cm−1, an Eg mode at 462.2 cm−1, and three F2g modes at 599.6 cm−1, 510.8 cm−1, and 187.8 cm−1. The Raman modes corresponding to both RuO2 and CFO are detected in the RFC composite, showing slight peak shifts and variations in intensity. Specifically, the A1g mode of RuO2 shifts from 621.2 cm−1 in pure RuO2 to 619.1 cm−1 in the RFC composite, while the T2g mode of CFO shifts from 473.3 cm−1 to 475.6 cm−1. These shifts in the vibrational modes indicate structural modifications at the interface, which are likely attributed to strain or charge redistribution between RuO2 and CoFe2O4, suggesting strong interfacial interactions between the two components.
To observe the detailed morphology and microstructure of the catalysts, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used for analysis. Fig. 2(a)–(c) show the TEM images of the RF, RFC, and RC catalysts, respectively. TEM images show that all three catalysts consist of interconnected nanoparticles with different sizes, specifically RF: 16 nm (Fig. 2a), RFC: 3 nm (Fig. 2b), RC: 11 nm (Fig. 2c), CFO: 11 nm (Fig. S2a†) and RuO2: 15 nm (Fig. S2b†). It is evident that compared to other synthesized catalysts, the RFC catalyst exhibits the smallest particle sizes, indicating that the introduction of Co has significantly influenced the morphology of the RFC nanoparticles. The SEM images provided in Fig. S1† further illustrate the morphology of the RF, RFC, and RC catalysts. The RF and RC catalysts display relatively smooth surfaces, while the RFC catalyst exhibits a rougher surface. This rough surface morphology in RFC is attributed to its smaller nanoparticle size, consistent with the TEM results.
Smaller particle sizes often correspond to a larger specific surface area. Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) analysis indicates that the RFC catalyst exhibits a surface area of 108.9 m2 g−1, which is higher than those of the RF (63.2 m2 g−1) and RC (88.2 m2 g−1) catalysts (Fig. S3†). This increased surface area provides more active sites for the OER, contributing to the improved catalytic performance. The detailed microstructure and crystallographic planes of the catalysts were elucidated using high-resolution TEM (HRTEM). For the RF catalyst (Fig. 2d), the lattice fringe spacings of 3.18 Å and 2.70 Å correspond to the (110) plane of RuO2 and the (104) plane of α-Fe2O3, respectively.33 In contrast, the RC catalyst (Fig. 2f) exhibits lattice spacings of 2.55 Å and 3.18 Å, corresponding to the (110) and (101) planes of RuO2, while spacings of 2.86 Å and 2.43 Å match the (220) and (311) planes of Co3O4.34 Furthermore, the HRTEM images of the RFC catalyst reveal a well-defined interfacial structure, indicating interactions between CoFe2O4 and RuO2 (Fig. 2e). The lattice fringe spacing of the (311) plane in pure CoFe2O4 (2.53 Å) is slightly expanded to 2.54 Å within the RFC composite, suggesting the presence of interfacial strain (Fig. 2e and S2c†). This lattice expansion, consistent with the XRD results, provides compelling evidence of interfacial interactions between RuO2 and CoFe2O4.
Elemental composition and distribution of the catalysts were analyzed using energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. The analysis revealed that the RF catalyst contains Ru, Fe, and O elements, each uniformly distributed (Fig. 2g). In the RFC catalyst, Ru, Fe, and Co elements were found, with an even distribution (Fig. 2h). Similarly, the RC catalyst consists of Ru, Co, and O elements, all evenly distributed (Fig. 2i). Additionally, the Ru content in various RFC samples was measured using ICP-MS, as shown in Table S3.† The Ru contents in the RFC catalyst were found to be 14.5 wt% and 23.2 at%, which are lower than those of RF (15.7 wt% and 25.0 at%) and RC (19.4 wt% and 29.2 at%), as detailed in Tables S2 and S3.†
The surface composition and chemical states of the catalysts were analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). All spectra were calibrated against the C 1s peak at a binding energy of 284.8 eV. The wide-scan spectra revealed the presence of Ru, Fe, Co, and O in the RFC catalyst, with no detectable interference from other impurities (Fig. S4†). As depicted in Fig. 3a, the Fe 2p spectrum of the CFO catalyst exhibits characteristic peaks at binding energies of 710.5 eV for Fe 2p3/2 and 724.0 eV for Fe 2p1/2, with satellite peaks at 718.6 eV and 731.7 eV corresponding to Fe 2p3/2. These peaks confirm that the Fe in the CFO sample is in the Fe3+ oxidation state.35 In comparison, the Fe 2p peaks in the RFC catalyst show no shift relative to the CFO catalyst, indicating that the Fe in the RFC sample is also in the Fe3+ oxidation state.
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Fig. 3 Electronic characterization of the catalysts. (a) Fe 2p, (b) Co 2p, (c) Ru 3p and (d) O 1s XPS spectra of the catalysts. |
The Co 2p spectra of the RC catalyst can be divided into four peaks: Co 2p3/2 and Co 2p1/2 (Fig. 3b). The binding energies of 779.6 eV and 794.9 eV are attributed to Co3+ at Co 2p3/2 and Co 2p1/2 sites, respectively, while the peaks at 781.4 eV and 796.7 eV are identified as Co2+. The left-side peaks represent satellites of Co 2p3/2 and Co 2p1/2.36
For the CFO catalyst, the peaks at 781.5 eV and 796.4 eV correspond to the 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 states of Co2+ in tetrahedral and octahedral sites, respectively. These peaks are accompanied by satellite peaks around 785.7 eV. Additionally, the peak at 779.7 eV is assigned to the 2p3/2 state of Co3+ in the octahedral site.37 Compared to the CFO catalyst, the Co 2p3/2 peaks of the RFC catalyst exhibit a positive shift in the binding energy by 0.3 eV, suggesting an elevation in the oxidation state of Co in the RFC catalyst. In addition, the Ru 3p spectra were measured to further investigate the oxidation state of Ru (Fig. 3c). For the RuO2 catalyst, the characteristic Ru 3p spectra exhibit spin–orbit doublet peaks at 462.5 eV and 484.7 eV, corresponding to Ru 3p3/2 and Ru 3p1/2, along with satellite peaks at 465.5 eV and 487.5 eV, respectively. In comparison, the Ru 3p peaks of the RFC catalyst are slightly shifted to lower binding energies (462.3 eV and 484.5 eV), indicating an electron-rich environment around the Ru sites. This negative shift suggests that a significant number of electrons are injected into the Ru sites, leading to a partial reduction of the Ru oxidation state in the RFC catalyst. The O 1s spectrum of the RFC catalyst, as shown in Fig. 3d, is deconvoluted into three distinct peaks: Ol at 529.8 eV (lattice oxygen), Ov at 531.4 eV (oxygen vacancies), and O–OH at 532.9 eV (hydroxyl groups). The proportion of Ov in RFC (45%) is higher than those in RF (41%) and RC (30%), indicating a greater number of oxygen vacancies in RFC (Table S4†). This increased ratio of oxygen vacancies enhances the oxidation kinetics, thereby improving the OER performance.
Overall, the XPS analysis demonstrates substantial electronic interactions at the CoFe2O4 and RuO2 interface in the RFC catalyst. The positive shift in the Co 2p3/2 binding energy indicates an increased oxidation state of Co, while the negative shift in the Ru 3p binding energy suggests a reduced oxidation state of Ru due to electron transfer to the Ru sites. These binding energy shifts highlight significant interfacial charge transfer between RuO2 and CoFe2O4, indicating strong interfacial interactions and charge redistribution at the interface. This redistribution likely enhances the overall catalytic performance by facilitating charge transfer. Furthermore, the increased presence of oxygen vacancies in RFC is expected to accelerate oxidation kinetics, thereby further improving the OER activity of the RFC catalyst.
The in situ impedance Bode phase plots for the RC, RFC, RF, RuO2 and CFO catalysts (Fig. 4g) elucidate the key electrochemical characteristics and charge transfer processes during the OER in a 0.5 M H2SO4 solution. The RFC catalyst exhibits a notable decrease in the phase angle in the low-frequency region (−1 to 0log [Hz]) as the potential increases, indicating lower charge transfer resistance and more efficient charge transfer processes compared to the RF and RC catalysts (Fig. 4h and S12†). In the mid-frequency range (0 to 1
log [Hz]), the RFC catalyst demonstrates significant phase angle variations, suggesting higher charge transfer efficiency and lower interfacial impedance.38–40 Additionally, at high frequencies (1 to 3
log [Hz]), the RFC catalyst shows lower phase angles, indicating higher double-layer capacitance and improved interfacial electrochemical performance. These observations suggest that the RFC catalyst outperforms the RF, RC, RuO2 and CFO catalysts in terms of charge transfer efficiency and interfacial electrochemical properties, likely due to increased oxygen vacancies and stronger interfacial interactions in the RFC catalyst.
Following the constant current test to assess stability, detailed characterization was performed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). As shown in Fig. S13,† the TEM analysis revealed that the RFC catalyst retained its nanoparticle morphology without significant changes in particle size or distribution, indicating high morphological stability. The uniformly distributed nanoparticles demonstrate the catalyst's physical stability under prolonged electrochemical conditions. The XRD analysis in Fig. S14(a)† shows that the diffraction peaks remained consistent with those observed before the reaction, indicating that the crystal structure and crystallinity of the RFC catalyst were maintained during long-term stability testing. Additionally, Raman spectroscopy, as shown in Fig. S14(b),† further supports the structural stability, with A1g and Eg vibrational modes retaining their peak shapes and positions, suggesting preserved structural integrity. These comprehensive characterization results demonstrate the RFC catalyst's exceptional morphological and structural stability after the stability test. The robust interfacial interactions within the RFC catalyst contribute to its superior electrochemical stability. The stability of the nanoscale structure and the abundance of oxygen vacancies play crucial roles in sustaining the catalyst's high performance. Consequently, the RFC catalyst shows great promise for practical applications in proton exchange membrane water electrolysis (PEMWE), due to its long-term stability and catalytic efficiency under acidic OER conditions.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4cy00719k |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |