*j and
aKey Laboratory for Renewable Energy, Beijing Key Laboratory for New Energy Materials and Devices, Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, The College of Materials Sciences and Opto-Electronic Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China. E-mail: yshu@iphy.ac.cn
bFrontier Institute of Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China
cDepartment of Energy Storage Science and Engineering, School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China. E-mail: hcmao@ustb.edu.cn
dChemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Lemont, IL, USA
eShanghai Key Laboratory of Magnetic Resonance, State Key Laboratory of Precision Spectroscopy, School of Physics and Electronic Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, P. R. China
fKey Lab for Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
gYangtze River Delta Physics Research Center Co. Ltd, Liyang, 213300, China. E-mail: rongxiaohui@ioply.cn
hSpallation Neutron Source Science Center, Dongguan 523803, China
iState Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Informatics, Shanghai Institute of Microsystem and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, People's Republic of China
jDepartment of Nuclear Science and Engineering and Department of Materials Science and Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. E-mail: liju@mit.edu
First published on 20th September 2024
Na-ion batteries (NIBs) are emerging as a promising alternative to Li-ion batteries (LIBs). To align with sustainability principles, the design of electrode materials must incorporate considerations for abundant and environmentally friendly elements, such as redox-active Fe. Despite its appeal, the enduring challenge of Fe migration in layered cathodes remains inadequately addressed over decades. Here, we propose a “seat-squatting” strategy via Li-substitution to fundamentally suppress Fe migration. Li is strategically introduced to migrate first, occupying available migration sites without inducing structural damage and effectively raising the activation energy for Fe migration. Experimental and theoretical validation using O3-Na0.83Li0.17Fe0.33Mn0.5O2 (NaLFM) demonstrates a robust suppression of irreversible Fe migration. As a result, the NaLFM cathode delivers enhanced structural and electrochemical cycling stability. This work illustrates a compelling strategy to curb irreversible Fe migration in NIBs, offering a pathway for the development of stable and cost-effective layered oxides based on Fe redox centers.
Broader contextTransition metal-based cathode materials play a pivotal role in advancing rechargeable battery technologies, particularly for applications in electric vehicles and grid-scale energy storage systems. Among these, Fe, abundant in Earth's crust, stands out for its potential in enhancing the cost competitiveness of batteries. While LiFePO4 has been widely adopted, the emergence of Na-ion batteries (NIBs) presents an opportunity to leverage Fe's advantages further. However, Fe-containing cathodes in NIBs face challenges such as Jahn–Teller distortion and migration issues, compromising their performance and durability. Despite efforts to understand Fe migration, existing strategies often prioritize reducing Fe content or resort to costly element substitutions, undermining the goal of maximizing Fe utilization. Addressing this gap, our study introduces a novel ‘seat-squatting’ strategy through lithium substitution to fundamentally suppress Fe migration in NIB cathodes. Through computational simulations and experimental validation, we demonstrate that Li incorporation within the cathode structure effectively impedes Fe migration, leading to enhanced structural stability and battery performance. Our findings highlight the potential of this approach in enabling the development of stable and cost-effective Fe-based cathode materials for next-generation NIBs, paving the way for sustainable energy storage solutions. |
It is intriguing that, despite the numerous reports on NIB cathodes, the research on Fe migration has primarily focused on confirming its existence, with limited efforts invested in developing effective mitigation strategies.8,12,14,15 Among the existing literature, computational studies have pinpointed that local Fe enrichment and the Jahn–Teller (J–T) effect of Fe4+O6 are the key factors triggering Fe migration.16–18 Conversely, other studies have centered on reducing Fe content through substitution to minimize structural damage arising from Fe migration.19–28 This approach represents a reversal of priorities, as NIB cathodes should ideally maximize Fe utilization, rather than resorting to the use of more expensive elements like Ni and Co for substitution. Boivin et al. recently reported that Mg substitution can enhance the oxidation degree of Fe3+, effectively limiting the amount of Fe3+ that can migrate at high voltages. Furthermore, the reversible migration of Mg can delay the P–O phase transition, thereby suppressing Fe migration.29 However, this method has its limitations, including the instability of Fe4+ and its susceptibility to being reduced to Fe3+ by the electrolyte.8 Moreover, the limited mobility of Mg does not provide a long-term solution.30
In this study, we introduce a facial “seat-squatting” strategy by Li-substitution to fundamentally suppress Fe migration. Our density functional theory (DFT) calculations demonstrate that the inclusion of smaller Li within the Na layer significantly increases the activation energy for Fe migration. To validate our hypothesis, we synthesized O3-Na0.83Li0.17Fe0.33Mn0.5O2 (NaLFM) and compared it with our previously reported O3-Na0.83Mg0.33Fe0.17Mn0.5O2 (NaMFM), which contains half the Fe content yet experiences Fe migration.30 A comprehensive analysis, combining operando X-ray diffraction (XRD), 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy (Fe-MS), and 7Li solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) experiments, unequivocally demonstrates the effective suppression of the irreversible migration of Fe from an octahedral site in the transition metal (TM) layer to a tetrahedral site in the Na layer during deep desodiation in NaLFM. This suppression is accompanied by excellent structural stability. Our proposed strategy is substantiated by nudged elastic band (NEB) calculations. The O3-NaLFM exhibits a higher half-cell reversible capacity of ∼220 mA h g−1 at 10 mA g−1, and the NaLFM/hard carbon full cell delivers an impressive specific energy of up to 270 W h kg−1 (total mass of cathode and anode active materials) with 93% and 85% capacity retention after 100 and 200 cycles, respectively. Our work underscores the potential of Li's “seat-squatting” effect for NIBs, providing an effective means to suppress irreversible Fe migration. This strategy opens the door to the development of more stable and cost-effective layered oxides based on Fe redox centers through the “seat-squatting” approach.
Studies have shown that LiTM (Li in transition metal layer) in Li-rich materials migrates to the alkali layer during charging, and, under specific local conditions, Li migration can occur without encountering an activation barrier.31 Furthermore, investigations into NIBs have uncovered instances of reversible LiTM migration between the transition metal (TM) layer and the Na layer.32,33 Drawing inspiration from these findings, we posit that Li may be the ideal candidate to implement the “seat-squatting” strategy. Specifically, Li is more readily incorporated into the TM sites due to its small ionic radius.34 Additionally, the migration of Li is not expected to cause significant alterations to the original structure, primarily due to its smaller radius and +1 valence.33,35 Moreover, reversible hopping of lithium ions between TM layers and Na layers at high voltages can effectively stabilize the host structure after a high-level sodium deintercalation process.34,36–40
To explore the “seat-squatting effect” of Li+, we conducted initial energy calculations on C2/m Na0.33FeO2 and Li-substituted Na0.33FeO2 systems, where Li+ was introduced at the tetrahedral site of the Na layer.16 Our calculations indicate that the energy barrier for Fe migration from an octahedral site in the TM layer to a tetrahedral site in the Na layer of Na0.33FeO2 is lower than that of Li-substituted Na0.33FeO2 (Fig. 1 and Fig. S1, ESI†). This suggests that Li+ occupying the tetrahedral site in the Na layer can raise the energy barrier for Fe migration, implying that LiTM may have the capability to impede Fe migration in layered oxides like NaFeO2. Our energy calculations have thus established the feasibility of the “seat-squatting” strategy, motivating us to extend our hypothesis to experimental scenarios.
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Fig. 1 Energy calculation of Fe-migration's energy barrier on (a) C2/m Na0.33FeO2 and (b) Li-substituted Na0.33FeO2. |
To elucidate changes in the electronic structure and local environment of NaLFM, K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) and soft X-ray absorption structural (sXAS) spectra were obtained at Fe- and Mn-L2,3 edges in total electron yield (TEY) modes at various charge/discharge states in the first cycle. Fig. 3(d) and (e) show the normalized Fe and Mn K-edge XANES spectra at different charge and discharge states. The Fe K-edge shift indicates a valence change from +3 to a higher value, in line with the observed shift in the Fe L-edges (Fig. 3(f)). In contrast, the Mn K-edge showed minimal changes, signifying distortions in the MnO6 octahedra rather than variations in the oxidation state.41,42Fig. 3(g) demonstrates that the Mn L-edge sXAS remains unchanged during 1st charging, indicating the maintenance of Mn ions in their Mn4+ states upon Na+ deintercalation. Upon discharging to 1.5 V, both Mn K-edge and Mn L3-edge peaks shifted to lower energy regions compared to the fresh electrode, implying a reduction in Mn valence. The Fe K-edge and L-edge shifts exhibited high reversibility throughout the charge–discharge process.
Operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was employed to investigate changes in the electronic structure of Fe and Mn during the first discharge of NaLFM. As the voltage decreased to 2.6 V (Fig. 3(h) and (j)), the Fe K-edge shifted to lower energy by 3.8 eV, implying a reduction of Fe. Further discharge to 1.5 V showed negligible changes in the Fe XANES spectra, suggesting no further reduction at this voltage region. In contrast, operando Mn K-edge XANES spectra (Fig. 3(j)) exhibited significantly different behavior. Mn ion oxidation states remained stable until 2.6 V, beyond which they gradually reduced, as indicated by the decreased half-height of the lower energy pre-edge (Fig. S10, ESI†). Notably, we used the half-height of a lower energy peak located at the Mn K pre-edge of the standard manganese-based compounds for this study, due to Mn K-edge spectrum's inherent complexity, direct differentiation of Mn ion oxidation states through absorption edge shifting is difficult.41,43 This particular peak was chosen as an indicator due to its strong linear correlation (correlation coefficient of 0.9, as shown in Fig. S11, ESI†) with the valence state of Mn, thus serving as a reliable means to assess Mn oxidation states. These findings suggest that Fe and Mn alternately contribute to capacity during the first discharge, with oxygen reduction also playing a role in charge compensation, as evident from the transfer of nearly 0.46 electrons above 2.6 V (approximately 125 mA h g−1), whereas Fe can only provide a maximum of 0.33 electrons (approximately 90 mA h g−1).
O K-edge spectra were measured in total electron yield (TEY, probing up to ∼5 nm) modes and total fluorescence yield (TFY, probing up to ∼100 nm) of sXAS to explore the involvement of oxygen redox in charge compensation (Fig. S12 (ESI†) and Fig. 3(j)). Na2CO3 had a peak of 533.5 eV in the O–K edge spectra, which vanished during charging and reappeared at 1.5 V in both TEY and TFY modes.44 The peaks observed at 529.5 and 532 eV correspond to the unoccupied Fe/Mn 3d-O 2p t2g and eg* hybridized states, respectively. Upon charging from OCV to 4.5 V, the density of unoccupied states just above the Fermi level increased continuously, whereas during the reverse discharge, the density of unoccupied states declined continuously, suggesting the reduction of O anions. The integrated area under the O K-edge pre-edge (528 to 533 eV) at different stages during the first cycle was compared in the TFY mode (Fig. 3(k)). The pre-edge peak area increased while charging, demonstrating an increase in O 2p holes and the average effective charge, indicating oxygen's charge compensation role. During discharge, the integrated area of the pre-edge peak decreased, suggesting the high reversibility of oxygen anion-redox in NaLFM. The O K-edge sXAS spectra demonstrated that NaLFM exhibited reversible oxygen anion-redox throughout the voltage range during charge and discharge, thus together with TM redox, making this a hybrid anion- and cation-redox (HACR) cathode.45 Furthermore, the effect of Li substitution in active anion-redox reactions (ARR) was investigated further using density of states (DOS) calculations (Fig. S13, ESI†). The results revealed that Li-substituted samples have a higher anionic redox activity of O2−/O−.
To verify our hypotheses and gain a comprehensive understanding of Li and Fe migration during Na (de)intercalation, we performed ex situ7Li pj-MATPASS NMR and 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy. Fig. 4(c) illustrates changes in Li's local environment during Na (de)intercalation. We observe two major resonance clusters: one centered around 1000–1750 ppm representing Li sites in the transition metal layer (LiTM), and the splitting into four lines at 1712 ppm (LiTM1), 1544 ppm (LiTM2), 1250 ppm (LiTM3) and 1300 ppm (LiTM4) probably stem from the varied Fe:Mn ratio of surrounding TMO6 (TM = Fe,Mn) octahedron.46 In addition, the minor resonance at ∼650 ppm is assigned to Li sites in the AM layer, and the splitting into two lines at 719 ppm (LiAM1), 610 ppm (LiAM2).33,47 As charging progresses, the LiTM peak decreases, while the broad peak at ∼610 ppm, assigned to migrated Li+ in the AM plane (LiAM2), grows.31,36,48 The LiAM2 could be attributed to Li+ ions in the O-type layers of the high-voltage “OP2” phase (potentially occupying both octahedral and tetrahedral sites49), a formation corroborated by operando XRD characterizations. The out-of-plane migration of Li ions is largely reversible, as the LiAM2 peak fades away upon discharge and the LiTM peak regains dominance.
Fig. 4(d) and (e) presents the 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy of NaMFM and NaLFM samples at different charge states, with fitted parameters listed in Table 1. The pristine samples exhibit similar spectra with an isomer shift of ∼0.36 mm s−1 and a quadrupolar splitting of ∼0.70 mm s−1, indicative of high-spin Fe3+ in an octahedral environment. Charged materials are fitted with three components. The main component represents Fe3+O6 in an octahedral environment with a lower isomer shift (∼0.30 mm s−1) and a larger quadrupolar splitting (∼0.85 mm s−1) than its pristine counterpart. The former is due to the covalency of the M–O bond increasing upon deintercalation, which increases the electron density at iron nuclei,50 the latter is due to the distorted local environment.51 Due to the non-centrosymmetry of its ligand environment, the second component with an isomer shift of 0.20 mm s−1 and a high quadrupolar splitting of 1.5 mm s−1 is assigned to Fe3+O4 (tetrahedral coordination).12 The third component, with an isomer shift close to zero and a quadrupolar splitting of ∼0.5 mm s−1, aligns with Fe4+O6 in layered oxides.
Component | IS (mm s−1) | QS (mm s−1) | Area (%) | ||
NaMFM | Pristine | Fe3+O6 | 0.3628 | 0.6665 | 100 |
Charged 4.3 V | Fe3+O6 | 0.3019 | 0.8260 | 42.19 | |
Fe4+O6 | −0.0943 | 0.4287 | 38.92 | ||
Fe3+O4 | 0.2081 | 1.5110 | 18.89 | ||
NaLFM | Pristine | Fe3+O6 | 0.3630 | 0.7114 | 100 |
Charged 4.5 V | Fe3+O6 | 0.3309 | 0.8817 | 70.53 | |
Fe4+O6 | −0.1114 | 0.5491 | 29.47 | ||
Fe3+O4 | — | — | 0 |
Comparing fully charged NaMFM and NaLFM samples, NaMFM exhibits clear Fe migration, while NaLFM does not. Combined with the 7Li pj-MATPASS NMR results, all the phenomena strongly suggested that Li, who is more easily able to migrate than Fe, has grabbed the migratable site from Fe during charge, thereby inhibiting the migration of Fe. Furthermore, Li ion out-of-plane migration is mostly reversible, resulting in gentler structural changes. Additionally, migrated Li atoms during charging release repulsive forces between neighboring oxygen layers, anchoring the adjacent TM layer to prevent further P to O transformations and minimize volume changes.
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Fig. 5 Theoretical calculations (a) bond-valence (BV) calculation of migration channels for Li and Fe ions, (b) illustration of three different migration scenarios for nudged elastic band (NEB) calculations, and the (c) corresponding activation energy. (d) The Illustration example of four different Na arrangement scenarios (N-3, N-2, N-1, and N-0) for Na0.33Li0.17Fe0.33Mn0.5O2, along with additional N-3, N-2, N-1, and N-0 configurations as depicted in Fig. S13 (ESI†). The 9 Na ions in the Na layer are divided into two groups based on their proximity to the Li ion: the first-nearest neighbor positions, containing three Na ions, and the non-first-nearest neighbor positions, comprising six Na ions. N-3/N-2/N-1/N-0 configurations require three/two/one/zero Na ions to be positioned at the first-nearest neighbor positions of the Li ion, while the remaining Na ions are situated at non-first-nearest neighbor positions. (e) Calculated total energies of 18 configurations for Na0.33Li0.17Fe0.33Mn0.5O2, with a total of 18 unique configurations calculated out of all 84 non-symmetry-equivalent configurations. |
To delve deeper into the kinetic properties uncovered by the BV method, we conducted NEB calculations to determine activation energies for the aforementioned hopping pathway of Fe and Li ions. The calculated barrier shapes and corresponding activation energies for Fe and Li ions are depicted in Fig. 5(b) and (c). Our computations reveal that the activation energy of Li+ (0.45 eV) is significantly lower than that of Fe3+ (3.0 eV), indicating that Li+ is more prone to migration than Fe3+. Furthermore, once Li+ migrates to the tetrahedral site in the Na layer, the activation energy for Fe3+ to migrate increases by 0.5 eV, making it more challenging for Fe3+ to move. Additionally, as the number of Li ions occupying tetrahedral sites increases, the available tetrahedral sites in the Na layer decrease, further impeding Fe migration. Our theoretical calculations confirm that Li ions impede Fe migration, thereby enhancing the performance of Na-ion cathodes.
Following structure optimization, it was observed that all N-3, N-1, and N-0 configurations exhibited a tendency for Li ions to reoccupy the octahedral positions within the transition metal (TM) layer, while only one structural type, N-2, demonstrated a propensity for Li ions to remain within the Na layer. The calculation results underscore that, during the discharging process, the arrangement of Na ion configurations, linked to the Coulombic repulsion magnitude, plays a pivotal role in determining the reversibility of Li ions. Among the aforementioned Na ion configurations, the lower energy configurations were associated with N-3, N-1, and N-0, while N-2 configurations exhibited higher energy levels (Fig. 5(e)). This observation suggests that, in the context of the discharging process, the formation of N-3, N-1, and N-0 configurations is more favorable, thereby facilitating the reversible migration of Li ions between the TM layer and Na layer.
Based on our experimental and computational findings, Li has proven to play a pivotal role in effectively suppressing Fe migration in the cathode. Moreover, the migration of Li exhibits a remarkably high degree of reversibility. Additionally, regarding the small fraction of Li that remains in the sodium (Na) layer, it can continue to serve as a pillar to back-stop the inter layer gliding. However, this approach is not without inherent challenges that require attention. For example, the small amount of migrated Li residue may be depleted upon Na deintercalation in very-high voltage regions (refer to ICP results in Table S4, ESI†), and Li migration may also result in oxygen loss,35 limiting the cycle life somewhat at very high charging voltages.
In this study, we propose a simple yet potent approach to restrain Fe migration in the cathode, leveraging Li's natural ability to inhibit Fe migration in layered oxides undergoing O-type phase transitions. For practical applications, since Li acts as an inert dopant and does not contribute to capacity, the optimal Li/Fe ratio needs to be optimized based on the specific composition to achieve an ideal balance among cost, capacity, and cycling stability. Therefore, when designing layered cathode materials using the cost-effective Fe as the redox center, pairing it with Li is an excellent choice, as not a lot of Li is needed to stabilize the heavily desodiated structure.
The O3-type NaLFM has shown a remarkable full cell specific capacity of ∼170 mA h g−1 and excellent cycling stability, maintaining 85% of its initial capacity after 200 cycles. In contrast to O3-NaMFM, our experimental results indicate that there is no Fe migration in the O3-NaLFM system, even though its Fe content is twice that of the control material O3-NaMFM, as confirmed by operando XRD and 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy. Solid-state 7Li NMR experiments also demonstrate the reversibility of Li migration. Our experiments suggest that the “seat-squatting” effect of Li effectively suppresses Fe migration. Furthermore, BV and DFT calculations theoretically support our findings, indicating that Li is more likely to migrate than Fe and that Fe migration becomes more difficult after Li migration.
In this work, we proposed a simple yet effective strategy to solve the long-standing issue of Fe migration, thereby redirecting the research emphasis of layered Na-ion battery cathodes back to Fe as the redox center and paving the way for the development of high-performance and cost-effective Na-ion cathodes.
The operando X-ray diffraction (XRD) signals were collected on an X’Pert Pro MPD X-ray diffractometer (D8 Advance with a LynxEye_XEdetector, Bruker) with Cu Kα1 radiation (λ = 1.5405 Å) and metal aluminum (Al) metal as the window of a specially designed electrochemical cell. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was used as the binder of the current-collector-free electrode. The cell was cycled between 1.5 and 4.5 V vs. Na+/Na at a current density of 10 mA g−1.
For the Na0.33FeO2 system, the calculations were based on a supercell obtained by expanding the conventional cell NaFeO2 (C2/m) by a factor of 2 × 3 × 2, which includes 8 Na, 24 Fe, and 48 O atoms.
In the case of de-sodiated NaLFM, the calculations were carried out using a 3 × 3 × 1 supercell of the R-3m NaFeO2, which contained 3 Li, 9 Fe, 15 Mn, and 54 O atoms. Li et al. reported that the energy required for Fe migration from the transition-metal (TM) layer into the Na layer drops significantly when Fe clusters together.17 Consequently, we constructed a configuration of local Fe clusters in the TM layer, where the Li atom was surrounded by three adjacent Fe atoms and three Mn atoms. In NEB calculations, we adopted the local Fe-clusters configuration with the lowest energy to obtain the activation energies of Fe and Li ions.
In the calculations of density of states, for NaFe0.5Mn0.5O2, Na0.83Fe0.5Mn0.5O2 and Na0.83Li0.17Fe0.33Mn0.5O2, the calculations were based on the supercell obtained by 2 × 3 × 1 expansion of the conventional cell O3-NaFeO2 (Rm), including 18 Na, 9 Fe, 9 Mn, 36 O atoms, and 15 Na, 9 Fe, 9 Mn, 36 O atoms, and 15 Na, 3 Li, 6 Fe, 9 Mn, 36 O atoms, respectively. For Na0.5Fe0.5Mn0.5O2 and Na0.5Li0.17Fe0.33Mn0.5O2, the calculations were based on the supercell obtained by 2 × 3 × 1 expansion of the conventional cell P3-NaxCoO2 (R3m), including 9 Na, 9 Fe, 9 Mn, 36 O atoms, and 9 Na, 3 Li, 6 Fe, 9 Mn, 36 O atoms, respectively. For the calculations of density of states, Gaussian smearing was employed with ISMEAR = 0 and SIGMA = 0.05.
In the calculations of structure optimization and static enengy for Na0.44Li0.17Fe0.33Mn0.5O2, Na0.33Li0.17Fe0.33Mn0.5O2 and Na0.22Li0.17Fe0.33Mn0.5O2, we constructed the 3 × 3 × 1 supercell based on O3-NaFeO2 (Rm). In these configurations, Li ions were strategically placed at the tetrahedral centers of the Na layer, whereas Na ions were randomly distributed at the octahedral positions within the Na layer.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d4ee01867b |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |