ab and
aResearch Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics (MANA), National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Namiki 1-1, Tsukuba, 305-0044, Japan. E-mail:
bGraduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, 305-8671, Japan
First published on 18th October 2024
High-performance thermoelectric materials at room temperature are eagerly pursued due to their promising applications in the Internet of Things for sustainable power supply. Reducing sound velocity by softening chemical bonds is considered an effective approach to lowering thermal conductivity and enhancing thermoelectric performance. Here, different from softening chemical bonds at the atomic scale, we introduce a global softening strategy, which macroscopically softens the overall material to manipulate its sound velocity. This is demonstrated in MgAgSb, one of the most promising p-type thermoelectric materials at room temperature to replace (Bi,Sb)2Te3, that the addition of inherently soft organic compounds can easily lower its sound velocity, leading to an obvious reduction in lattice thermal conductivity. Despite a simultaneous reduction of the power factor, the overall thermoelectric quality factor B is enhanced, enabling softened MgAgSb by C18H36O2 addition to achieve a figure of merit zT value of ∼0.88 at 300 K and a peak zT value of ∼1.30. Consequently, an impressive average zT of ∼1.17 over a wide temperature range has been realized. Moreover, this high-performance MgAgSb is verified to be highly repeatable and stable. With this MgAgSb, a decent conversion efficiency of 8.6% for a single thermoelectric leg and ∼7% for a two-pair module have been achieved under a temperature difference of ∼276 K, indicating its great potential for low-grade heat harvesting. This work will not only advance MgAgSb for low-grade power generation, but also inspire the development of high-performance thermoelectrics with global softening in the future.
Broader contextThermoelectrics can harvest waste heat from the environment to power numerous sensors in the Internet of Things, aiding the realization of a carbon-neutral society. Efficient thermal-electricity transfer requires thermoelectric materials to exhibit not only an excellent power factor but also an extremely low thermal conductivity. Traditionally, reducing sound velocity by softening chemical bonds at atomic scale is effective to decrease thermal conductivity and enhance thermoelectric performance, but this approach often involves trial and error to find suitable doping or alloying elements. In this work, we adopt a more macroscopic method by incorporating soft organic compounds, which could globally soften the materials and intentionally reduce sound velocity of material. We demonstrate that in MgAgSb, a promising p-type thermoelectric material with intrinsically low thermal conductivity at room temperature, adding soft organic compounds like fatty acid C18H36O2 can effectively reduce its sound velocity, significantly lowering its lattice thermal conductivity further and improving its thermoelectric performance. Importantly, the addition of C18H36O2 also enhances the reproducibility of high-performance MgAgSb. Based on this reliable MgAgSb, high conversion efficiency can be achieved, showcasing its potential for practical application in the Internet of Things in the future. |
In the past, various strategies have been employed to enhance zT by improving the PF.4 These strategies include, but are not limited to, band engineering,5,6 carrier scattering manipulation7–9 and carrier concentration optimization,10,11 which have led to the advancement of numerous high-performance TE materials since the last century.12 Besides enhancing PF, decreasing κ is also a viable approach to boosting TE performance.13–15 For most bulk materials, κ is composed of electronic thermal conductivity κe and lattice thermal conductivity κL, where κe depends on the transport of carriers (electrons and holes), and κL depends on the transport of phonons. According to the Wiedmann–Franz law, κe = LσT (L is the Lorenz number), κe has a strong positive relationship with σ. Therefore, κL is considered an independent TE parameter beyond S, σ and κe. Due to the complex relationship between S, σ and κe, the strategy targeting a decrease in κL is very attractive.
In bulk materials, κL is governed by the phonon transport and can be described by the “phonon gas” model, which gives rise to the formula = 1/3 × cvvg2τ, where cv, vg, and τ represent specific heat, phonon group velocity, and phonon relaxation time, respectively. This suggests that decreasing κL or finding materials with inherently low κL requires materials to possess low cv, vg and τ. Typically, materials with liquid-like ions can exhibit a reduction of cv,16 and it is challenging to manipulate the cv, because the energy carried by atoms approaches the Dulong–Petit limit of 3kBT per atom in bulk materials at high temperatures. Therefore, decreasing vg and/or τ become the main focus to obtain low κL material. Phonon relaxation time τ reflects the scattering process of phonons, including both intrinsic and extrinsic contributions. Intrinsic phonon scattering (Umklapp scattering, U) requires materials to possess large anharmonicity, which is an important characteristic of many high-performance TE materials, such as PbTe,17 SnSe18 and Mg3Sb2.19,20 Besides intrinsic U scattering, extrinsic phonon scattering by point defects, dislocations, grain boundaries, nanoporous and nanoprecipitate has been frequently introduced into the material to decrease κL, leading to significant advancements in TE materials to achieve high zT values.21–24
It is worth noting that strengthening phonon scattering can also influence vg.25 Generally, phonons in materials can be categorized as acoustic phonons and optical phonons. Since the velocity of optical phonons approaches 0, the main contribution to vg comes from acoustic phonons. Usually, the velocity of acoustic phonons can be approximated by the sound velocity vs due to their equivalence in the long wavelength limit. At the microscopic atomic scale level, vs is influenced by the chemical bonds.26,27 Low force constants between atoms and large atomic mass are beneficial for achieving low vs.28 Doping to soften chemical bonds has been demonstrated to effectively decrease κL and enhance the performance of TE materials.15 On the other hand, from a more macroscopic perspective, vs is determined by the strength of the overall sound transport medium, meaning the softer the medium, the lower the vs. This suggests that if the material can be globally softened, a decrease in κL can also be expected, which however, remains to be verified.
Traditionally, methods such as alloying, work hardening, grain refinement, and second-phase strengthening are commonly used to increase materials’ strength. The rule of mixtures serves as a guideline when adding a second phase into the matrix to form composites, predicting the composite's strength by averaging the strengths of the matrix and second phase, weighted by their respective proportions.29 Incorporating strong, hard second phases can significantly enhance materials' strength, as seen when adding strong SiC to Bi2Te3-based materials can improve their mechanical properties.30,31 Conversely, adding a soft second phase can reduce overall material strength, potentially lowering vs and leading to low κL and high zT. MgAgSb, regarded as one of the most promising p-type TE materials for replacing (Bi,Sb)2Te3 at room temperature, has garnered significant attention in the past.32–34 Due to its high band degeneracy and inherently low κL, MgAgSb can achieve a zT value of ∼0.7 at room temperature and a peak zT value of ∼1.2.35–39 Factors such as hierarchical weak chemical bonds, atomic disorder, local structural distortion and crystal-liquid duality have been identified as important contributors to its intrinsically low κL.28,40–43 Recently, efforts to further lower κL have been realized by nanostructuring and introducing nanopores into MgAgSb, which strengthen phonon scattering and result in an enhanced zT value in the temperature range from 300 K to 473 K.44 However, this ultrafine-grained and nanoporous MgAgSb faces the risk of grain growth at high temperatures, making it suitable for cooling applications at low temperatures rather than power generation at relatively high temperatures. Nevertheless, decreasing κL could be an effective way to improve the TE performance of MgAgSb.
In this work, we introduce and adopt a global softening strategy to decrease vs of MgAgSb, aiming to reduce its κL and enhance its TE performance. Firstly, by adding inherently soft organic compounds, we demonstrate that the vs of MgAgSb can be efficiently decreased. Then, focusing on the addition of C18H36O2, we find that the vs of MgAgSb can be gradually manipulated when adjusting the C18H36O2 content. Despite a decreased PF, the overall TE quality factor B gets enhanced due to the much-decreased κL, resulting in a high zT of ∼0.88 at 300 K and a peak zT of ∼1.30. Further, we reveal that this high-performance MgAgSb is highly repeatable and stable as a result of C18H36O2 addition. Finally, using this high-performance MgAgSb, we achieve a high conversion efficiency η of ∼8.6% and ∼7% for a single TE leg and a two-pair module, respectively, showing great potential for harvesting low-grade heat. This reliable high-performance MgAgSb paves the way for its practical usage for power generations in the future, and the proposed global softening strategy can also stimulate performance enhancement in other TE systems.
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Fig. 1 Global softening for high-performance MgAgSb. (a) vsversus κL at 300 K for various compounds;28,45,46 (b) vs of MgAgSb in literature28,36 and this work; (c) T dependence of κL of MgAgSb without addition and with organic addition, and their comparison to literature;33,36,44 (d) T dependence of zT of MgAgSb without addition and with C18H36O2 addition, and their comparison to literature;33,36,47–49 (e) T dependence of zT MgAgSb with C18H36O2 addition and its comparison to other state-of-art p-type TE materials;50–58 (f) applied ΔT dependence of maximum conversion efficiency ηmax of MgAgSb single-leg and its comparison to other state-of-art p-type single-leg.50,52,53,59–61 |
As mentioned above, vs is strongly dependent on sound transport medium. Therefore, globally softening the materials holds great promise for reducing vs of material, consequently leading to a reduction in κL. Organic compounds, which are normally softer than inorganic compounds, are ideal as possible additives for the softening of overall materials. Zinc stearate (C36H70ZnO4), magnesium stearate (C36H70MgO4) and stearic acid (C18H36O2), known for their universe usage in powder metallurgy,62,63 have been chosen to be added to MgAgSb. As shown in Fig. 1b, the vs of MgAgSb was successfully reduced from its original 1826 m s−1 to 1760 m s−1, 1742 m s−1, and 1731 m s−1 with C36H70ZnO4, C36H70MgO4 and C18H36O2 addition, respectively. As a result, the reduced vs leads to an obvious drop in κL of MgAgSb in the whole temperature range, as shown in Fig. 1c, where κL reaches 0.48 W m−1 K−1 at room temperature and 0.21 W m−1 K−1 at 573 K by C18H36O2 addition, which further brings about the enhancement of zT in MgAgSb. As shown in Fig. 1d, MgAgSb by C18H36O2 addition can achieve a high zT value of ∼0.88 at 300 K and a peak zT value of ∼1.30, which is excellent in the temperature range from 300 K to 573 K compared to the previous reports.33,36,47–49 Moreover, this high zT is very competitive among state-of-art p-type TE materials (Fig. 1e).50–58 With this high-performance MgAgSb, its single TE leg can achieve 3.6% and 8.6% maximum conversion efficiency under the temperature difference ΔT of about 80 K and 280 K, respectively, standing out as one of the best p-type single TE legs compared to PbSe, AgSbTe2 and GeTe.50,52,53,59–61
Due to the addition of C18H36O2, an expected softening effect on MgAgSb is observed, as indicated by the decreased Vickers hardness of MgAgSb shown in Fig. 2b. It should be noted that Vickers hardness is also influenced by changes in microstructure. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the fracture morphology of pure MgAgSb and MgAgSb with 0.75 wt% C18H36O2. As shown in Fig. S3 (ESI†), the grain size decreases in the sample with C18H36O2 addition. However, despite the smaller grain size, the Vickers hardness of MgAgSb still decreases with C18H36O2 addition. This is surprising, as according to the Hall–Petch relationship, smaller grain sizes usually result in increased strength or hardness. The decreased Vickers hardness suggests a more pronounced softening effect with C18H36O2 addition.
The gradual softening of MgAgSb further leads to a corresponding gradual decrease in vs. As displayed in Fig. 2c, both the longitudinal sound velocity vl and transverse sound velocity vt decrease with the increasing C18H36O2 content. Consequently, the derived vs of MgAgSb also gradually decreases. This suggests that vs can be easily manipulated and tailored when adjusting the material's overall softness by different C18H36O2 contents. Due to the deceased vs, it correspondingly results in the decreased κ of MgAgSb. As shown in Fig. 2d, the κ of MgAgSb with 0.75 wt% C18H36O2 addition decreases to 0.65 W m−1 K−1 at room temperature, nearly a 30% reduction compared to 0.95 W m−1 K−1 of MgAgSb without addition. Further, when subtracting κe, calculated based on the simplified single parabolic band (SPB) model (ESI† Note),64 the decreased κL is also evident (Fig. 2e), where κL is decreased from 0.58 W m−1 K−1 to 0.48 W m−1 K−1 at room temperature.
It is important to note that the decreased vs will also influence the scattering process of phonons. For example, both U scattering and nanoprecipitates (NP) scattering are inversely correlated with phonon group velocity, indicating that lower vs will lead to more extensive phonon scattering. As shown in Fig. 2f, employing the Debye–Callaway model65 and including the U scattering, boundary (B) scattering, point defect (PD) scattering and NP scattering36,44,66 (Note and Table S1, ESI†), the simulated κL of MgAgSb without addition closely matches the experimental results. When incorporating the variation in vs with 0.75 wt% C18H36O2 addition, the simulated κL also aligns with the experiments around room temperature, confirming the significant role of vs reduction in decreasing κL. Furthermore, it is worth noting that the minimum thermal conductivity κmin is also related to vs. The κmin models proposed by Cahill et al.67 Clarke et al.68 or Snyder et al.69 all exhibit a positive relationship with vs. This suggests that materials with low vs will also have a lower limit of thermal conductivity, offering more rooms and opportunities for further decreasing κ and achieving high TE performance.
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Fig. 3 Electrical properties of MgAgSb with C18H36O2 addition. Temperature dependence of (a) σ, (b) S, (c) PF, (d) B factor, and (e) zT of MgAgSb with x wt% C18H36O2 addition (x = 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75); (f) the average zT of MgAgSb in literature33,36,47–49,72,73 and MgAgSb with no and 0.75 wt% C18H36O2 addition. |
However, the overall TE performance is not solely determined by electrical transport properties. Thermal transport properties also play a significant role. TE quality factor B = S02σ0T/κL is used to reflect the overall TE performance potential of the material, where S0 is a constant and 2S0 ≈ 173 μV K−1. As shown in Fig. 3d, despite the decrease in σ0, the decreased κL leads to an unchanged B factor at room temperature and even improved at high temperatures, suggesting the better TE potential for MgAgSb with C18H36O2 addition. Due to the enhanced B factor at high temperature, it results in a superior zT of MgAgSb with 0.75 wt% C18H36O2 addition, where zT value of 1.3 can be achieved at 523 K (Fig. 3e). Furthermore, despite the unchanged B factor at room temperature, the optimized S in MgAgSb with C18H36O2 addition enables it to exhibit zT ∼0.88 at 300 K. As a result, the zTavg value reaches 1.17 in the temperature of 300–548 K, making it one of the best values compared to state-of-art MgAgSb, as shown in Fig. 3f.33,36,47–49,72,73
C18H36O2 is an effective process-control agent for addressing the problem of powder adhesion.63 In this work, the addition of C18H36O2 not only softens MgAgSb globally but also resolves the powder adhesion issue. As shown in Fig. S6 (ESI†), compared to MgAgSb without C18H36O2 addition, no power adhesives to the jar wall in MgAgSb with 0.75% C18H36O2 addition, making it easy to retrieve the alloyed MgAgSb powder. It is worth noting that MgAgSb tends to contain various second phases even when undetected by XRD.49 Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) mapping on both pure MgAgSb and MgAgSb with 0.75% C18H36O2 addition has been used to identify distribution of constituent elements. As shown in Fig. S7 (ESI†), both samples display uniform element distributions, though some Sb-rich second phases are observable in pure MgAgSb. By addressing the powder adhesion issue with C18H36O2, the second-phase problem can be alleviated. Another advantage of adding C18H36O2 is that it enables a one-step ball milling process (5 hours) for synthesizing the material, making it much more time- and energy-efficient compared to the two-step process, which usually requires 5 hours followed by an additional 10 hours.33,44 Importantly, due to the absence of powder adhesion, excellent repeatability of MgAgSb can be achieved. As shown in Fig. S8 (ESI†), three synthesized samples of MgAgSb from three separate ball milling jars exhibit very good phase purity. Furthermore, the TE transport properties of MgAgSb with C18H36O2 addition are also repeatable. As shown in Fig. 4a–c, the data for S, σ and κ of three separate samples match well and are within 5% measurement error of S and σ, and 3% measurement error of κ, respectively.
In addition to the repeatable synthesis of MgAgSb conducted three times, the stability of TE properties in MgAgSb with C18H36O2 addition warrants investigation, as C18H36O2 may enter a liquid phase around its melting point of 343 K. Fig. S9 (ESI†) shows an endothermic peak in MgAgSb with 0.75 wt% C18H36O2, likely due to its melting, but the peak is broad and weak because of its small content. Therefore, its impact on TE properties might be minimal. Further measurements of σ around 343 K show a smooth variation, indicating little influence from the potential melting of C18H36O2 (Fig. S9, ESI†). Additionally, the stability of the sample under prolonged high-temperature exposure should also be explored. As shown in Fig. 4d–f, the electrical transport properties (S, σ, and PF) at 523 K and 573 K exhibit minimal changes over 30 measurements. The ratios of Seebeck coefficient (S/S0), electrical conductivity (σ/σ0), and power factor (PF/PF0) for MgAgSb with 0.75 wt% C18H36O2 remain at 1, indicating excellent stability even at elevated temperatures. Here, S0, σ0 and PF0 represents the initial values of Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity and power factor, respectively. In all, as revealed above, despite being an organic compound, C18H36O2 has quite good stability below 573 K, highlighting its significant role in achieving reliable high TE performance in MgAgSb.
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Fig. 5 Conversion efficiency of MgAgSb single TE leg and two-pair module. (a) Contact resistance between MgAgSb and MgCuSb in the single TE leg; (b) I dependence of V and P, and (c) Q of MgAgSb single TE leg under different ΔT; (d) I dependence of η of MgAgSb single TE leg, and (e) MgAgSb/Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5 two-pair module under different ΔT. The inset is the optical image of the two-pair module; (f) applied ΔT dependence of ηmax of MgAgSb/Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5 and full Mg3Sb2-based, full Bi2Te3-based, (Bi,Sb)2Te3/Mg3(Bi,Sb)2-based and MgAgSb/Mg3Bi1.5Sb0.5-based two-pair modules in literature.76–79 |
In addition to the single TE leg, a two-pair TE module has also been demonstrated, with its optical image shown in the inset of Fig. 5e. The n-type TE legs are based on Sb-rich Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5 due to its high chemical stability, as suggested by the recent study.80 The TE performance of n-type Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5-based material is shown in Fig. S10 (ESI†), while Fig. S11 (ESI†) displays the measured V, P and Q under different applied ΔT and different applied current I. The Th is also limited to 573 K, considering the phase transition of MgAgSb. As shown in Fig. 5e, ηmax of this module can reach approximately 7% under ΔT of 278 K, comparable to recently reported Mg-based TE modules under ΔT of 300 K. It is noteworthy that this 7% conversion efficiency is based on n-type Sb-rich Mg3(Bi,Sb)2-based TE leg. Although its TE performance falls short of the Bi-rich Mg3(Bi,Sb)2-based material at room temperature,38,59,74,76,81 it could exhibit much higher chemical stability, making it much more promising for practical applications.
Furthermore, the achieved ηmax ∼ 7% in MgAgSb/Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5-based module is quite impressive compared to full Mg3Sb2-based, full Bi2Te3-based and p-type (Bi,Sb)2Te3/n-type Mg3(Bi,Sb)2-based two-pair modules under the same ΔT.77–79 This highlights the superior potential of p-type MgAgSb for low-grade waste heat harvesting. Moreover, repeatable ηmax of both the single TE and the two-pair module have been achieved with two rounds of tests (Fig. S12, ESI†), demonstrating their good stability. If the TE performance of MgAgSb and Sb-rich Mg3Sb1.5Bi0.5 is further improved, greater enhancement of η can be expected in the future.
Specifically, it is found the vs of MgAgSb can be gradually tuned when adjusting C18H36O2 contents, and an ultralow κL ∼ 0.48 W m−1 K−1 can be achieved at room temperature in MgAgSb with 0.75 wt% C18H36O2 due to the reduced vs and increased phonon scattering, greatly lower than the 0.58 W m−1 K−1 in MgAgSb without addition. Despite a simultaneous decrease in PF by C18H36O2 addition, more reduction in κL results in an overall enhancement of the B factor. Consequently, a high zT value of ∼0.88 at 300 K and a peak zT value of ∼1.30 are achieved, which gives rise to an average zT of ∼1.17 in the temperature range of 300 K to 548 K, surpassing most state-of-art p-type TE materials. Moreover, the MgAgSb with C18H36O2 shows good repeatability and high stability, indicating high reliability. Using this high-performance MgAgSb compound, we achieve a high η of ∼8.6% and ∼7% in a single TE leg and a two-pair module under ΔT of ∼276 K, respectively, demonstrating great potential for harvesting low-grade heat. This work not only advances high-performance MgAgSb for low-grade power generation but also proposes a global softening strategy to manipulate the vs for performance enhancement in thermoelectrics.
Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
‡ These authors contribute equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |