Chakradhar Reddy
Nidhi L.
f and
Sachin S.
aEnviromental Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India. E-mail:
bCentre for Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
cInstitute of Environmental Physics, Department of Physics, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. E-mail:
dHydraulics and Water Resources Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madas, Chennai, India
eDepartment of Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Jodhpur, India
fSchool of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
First published on 19th September 2024
Mercury (Hg), a ubiquitous atmospheric trace metal posing serious health risks, originates from natural and anthropogenic sources. India, the world's second-largest Hg emitter and a signatory to the Minamata Convention, is committed to reducing these emissions. However, critical gaps exist in our understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution of Hg across the vast Indian subcontinent due to limited observational data. This study addresses this gap by employing the GEOS-Chem model with various emission inventories (UNEP2010, WHET, EDGAR, STREETS, and UNEP2015) to simulate Hg variability across the Asian domain, with a specific focus on India from 2013 to 2017. Model performance was evaluated using ground-based GMOS observations and available literature data. Emission inventory performance varied across different observational stations. Hence, we employed ensemble results from all inventories. The maximum relative bias for Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) and Gaseous Elemental Mercury (GEM; Hg0) concentrations is about ±20%, indicating simulations with sufficient accuracy. Total Hg wet deposition fluxes are highest over the Western Ghats and the Himalayan foothills due to higher rainfall. During the monsoon, the Hg wet deposition flux is about 65.4% of the annual wet deposition flux. Moreover, westerly winds cause higher wet deposition in summer over Northern and Eastern India. Total Hg dry deposition flux accounts for 72–74% of total deposition over India. Hg0 dry deposition fluxes are higher over Eastern India, which correlates strongly with the leaf area index. Excluding Indian anthropogenic emissions from the model simulations resulted in a substantial decrease (21.9% and 33.5%) in wet and total Hg deposition fluxes, highlighting the dominant role of human activities in Hg pollution in India.
Environmental significanceMercury, a toxic pollutant that accumulates in the food chain and can cause serious health problems, must be closely monitored in India. Being the world's second-largest anthropogenic Hg emitter, India has signed a global treaty (the Minamata Convention) to reduce it. This study utilizes the GEOS-Chem model (2013–2017) to reveal the seasonal and spatial patterns of Hg deposition in India. Significant wet deposition fluxes occur in the biodiverse Western Ghats during the monsoon season, highlighting potential ecological threats. A strong link between vegetation and dry deposition suggests a role of plant cover. Notably, Indian anthropogenic emissions contribute substantially to Hg deposition fluxes (21.9% and 33.5% of wet and dry deposition, respectively), underlining the further studies and urgency for emission control strategies. |
Mercury (Hg) poses a significant threat due to its toxicity and detrimental impacts on human health and ecosystems. Spatio-temporal variability studies are crucial, particularly in densely populated countries like India. India is the world's second-largest atmospheric Hg emitter,8,9 and projections suggest an increase in emissions without stringent control measures.10,11 Recognizing the global scope of Hg pollution and its health consequences, the Minamata Convention ( was adopted in 2017. India ratified the convention in 2018, committing to reduce atmospheric Hg emissions and overall environmental pollution.
While countries like Canada, the USA, and Europe have established extensive mercury monitoring networks in the past three decades, India lacks such a comprehensive system to map the spatio-temporal distribution of mercury across its vast subcontinent. Existing data rely on estimates rather than real-time measurements from various emission sources.12 Further compounding this challenge, India's unique tropical and subtropical climate is shaped by diverse landscapes like the Himalayas, the Thar Desert, and the ocean. Furthermore, the distinct monsoon system in India is likely a key driver of Hg transport.13,14 Understanding Hg emission sources, atmospheric distribution, transformation, and fate is essential for implementing effective mitigation strategies. Therefore, establishing an India-specific understanding of Hg sources and sinks is critical.
Most studies on mercury pollution in India have focused on measuring atmospheric Hg levels near contaminated sites, which limits our understanding of mercury pollution on a national scale. These localized measurements provide valuable insights, but they do not represent the diverse environmental conditions and emission sources across the vast subcontinent. Moreover, the lack of comprehensive observational data and modelling studies has hindered our ability to assess mercury pollution on a national scale. Studies have shown elevated mercury levels in the blood, urine, and breast milk of residents and workers near an integrated steel plant in Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, with levels exceeding control areas by 30 times.15,16 Similarly, communities residing near coal-fired power plants exhibit higher hair mercury levels compared to urban populations without such facilities.17 While ground observations provide valuable insights into specific regions, chemical transport model simulations offer a powerful tool for comprehensively mapping the spatial and temporal distribution of mercury concentrations and deposition over vast geographical regions. However, existing models vary considerably in their general formulation, spatial resolution, and parameterization of physical and chemical processes. Evaluations from previous studies across different regions18–20 demonstrate the applicability of these models for regional and global assessments over extended periods. The GEOS-Chem model, in particular, has been successfully applied to analyze the seasonal and spatial patterns of wet mercury deposition in the USA, China, and Europe.21–25 While extensively validated for various other regions,26–28 to our knowledge, model-based studies focused on the Indian subcontinent remain scarce. This research aims to address this gap by employing the GEOS-Chem model to investigate the spatiotemporal variability of mercury over India.
This study investigates the spatiotemporal variability of mercury (Hg) over the Indian subcontinent from 2013 to 2017 using the GEOS-Chem (GC) global chemical transport model. The model simulations are validated against observations from ground-based Global Mercury Observation System (GMOS) stations. We employ a suite of widely used global anthropogenic emission inventories (AMAP/UNEP-2010, WHET (2010), EDGAR (2012), STREETS (2013–2015), and AMAP/UNEP-2015) to examine their impact on simulated spatial variations in Hg concentration and deposition. The objectives of this study are to (i) analyze the spatial distribution of Hg arising from these different emission inventories, (ii) evaluate the seasonal variations in wet and dry deposition fluxes and their connection to meteorological parameters and (iii) quantify the contribution of Indian anthropogenic emissions to Hg pollution over the region.
Section 2 details the GEOS-Chem model setup, emission inventories employed, and the characteristics of the GMOS stations used for model evaluation. In Section 3.1, we compare simulated results with measured data from these GMOS sites to assess model performance. Section 3.2 presents the spatial distribution of modeled Hg concentration across the study region. Building upon the validated model, Section 3.3 explores the spatial and temporal variations of Hg wet deposition fluxes, along with the key factors influencing these patterns. Similarly, Section 3.4 delves into the variations and driving forces behind dry deposition fluxes, while Section 3.5 discusses the impacts of Indian anthropogenic emissions on these deposition fluxes. Finally, Section 4 summarizes the key findings of this study and discusses their broader implications.
Fig. 1A shows the spatial distribution of total anthropogenic Hg emission fluxes from various emission inventories. These inventories differ in their spatial resolution and estimated Hg emissions over India. Notably, WHET and STREETS exhibit similar Hg emissions and spatial resolution (1° × 1°), while EDGAR has the finest resolution (0.1° × 0.1°) but the lowest estimated emissions. A key difference lies in the markedly lower EDGAR estimate for Hg emissions over India from non-ferrous metal production compared to UNEP2010. Total emissions across all these inventories for India fall within the uncertainty range of 104 to 395 Mg A−1 according to the recent AMAP/UNEP 2018 report.9 We conducted global and nested Asian simulations for each emission inventory, along with a sensitivity simulation excluding Indian anthropogenic emissions. Additionally, India was divided into six regions as shown in Fig. 1C (Northern India (NI), Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP), Central India (CI), Eastern India (EI), Western India (WI), and Southern India (SI)) based on geographical and meteorological conditions37 to better understand the regional variability of mercury emissions, concentrations and deposition over India.
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Fig. 1 (A) Spatial distribution of annual anthropogenic Hg emissions (tonnes) across India based on different emission inventories. The inventory name and total Hg emissions (tonnes) for India are included within parentheses in the corresponding map title. (B) Comparison of total anthropogenic Hg emissions (tonnes) across various Indian regions for each emission inventory. (C) The spatial distribution of GEOS-Chem grid points (0.5° × 0.625° resolution) over the Indian subcontinent represented using distinct colors to differentiate the various regions.37 |
Fig. 1B illustrates the total anthropogenic Hg emissions across various Indian regions based on the emission inventory. Coal combustion is the dominant contributor, accounting for 53%, 61.8%, and 66.8% of total emissions in AMAP/UNEP 2010, AMAP/UNEP 2015, and EDGAR (2012), respectively. Anthropogenic Hg emissions are highest in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and lowest in Northern and Eastern India. These inventories use population distribution as proxy data to geo-distribute emissions like residential and industrial combustion and for the solid waste incineration sector.5 Hg(II) and Hg(P) emissions are merged to form the Hg(II) tracer in the GC nested and global models. The Hg(0):
Hg(II) speciation profile varies across inventories: WHET and STREETS share a 53
47 ratio, while EDGAR employs 52
48. AMAP 2010 and 2015 use 66
34 and 68
32 ratios for India, respectively.
While India lacks significant geogenic Hg emissions, other sources were considered, including open fire biomass burning (2.11 Mg A−1; Global Fire Emission Database version 2, assuming a Hg/CO emission ratio of 100 nmol mol−1),38 and emissions from soil (28.25 Mg A−1) were considered. Emissions from snow (0.043 Mg A−1) and land reemissions (3.96 Mg A−1) are very low compared to other emission sources. These re-emissions depend on meteorology and exhibit minimal variation (less than 20%) across the five-year study period. Notably, these re-emission sources are projected to increase with rising anthropogenic emissions.
The limited availability of monitoring data in India (only one station at Kodaikanal, 10.23°N, 77.47°E) severely restricts our ability to capture the spatial variability of mercury concentrations across the vast and diverse Indian landscape. This lack of comprehensive observational data hinders our understanding of the complex interplay between local emission sources, meteorological conditions, and long-range transport of atmospheric mercury over India. To partially address this gap, we incorporated data from six GMOS stations within the nested Asian domain to improve model evaluation. These stations include Everest-K2 (27.96°N, 86.81°E), Mt. Aliao (24.54°N, 101.03°E), Mt. Waliguan (36.29°N, 100.9°E), Mt. Changbai (42.4°N, 128.11°E), Listvyanka (51.85°N, 104.89°E), and Minamata (32.23°N, 130.41°E) (refer to ESI Fig. S1†). In addition to GMOS observations, we incorporated Hg concentration data from various research articles (see ESI Table S1†) for the nested Asian domain.
The temporal correlation coefficient (r) between modeled and observed Hg concentrations at GMOS stations exhibited good correlation (>0.6) for most stations (Kodaikanal, Listvyanka, Minamata, Mt. Aliao and Mt. Changbai). Moderate correlation (0.4 < r < 0.6) was observed for Everest and Mt. Waliguan. These variations in correlation might be attributed to the complex terrain (higher elevation and hilly terrain) surrounding these stations. The relative bias for both TGM and GEM concentrations at all GMOS stations remained within an acceptable range (±20%).
A detailed analysis of different emission inventories revealed variations in model performance across the GMOS stations. EDGAR performed better at Everest and Mt. Aliao, while WHET excelled at Kodaikanal, Minamata, and Mt. Aliao. Conversely, UNEP2015 demonstrated better agreement with the observations at Listvyanka, Mt. Waliguan, and Mt. Changbai. Further, simulation results were compared with literature data covering regions other than GMOS stations. Simulations using the UNEP2015 emission inventory resulted in a very low mean absolute percentage error (14%) at remote/rural stations like Bayinbuluk, Changdao, and Miyun. At urban sites like Beijing and Shanghai, simulations with WHET and STREETS exhibited a low mean absolute percentage error (17.2%). Given the limited availability of consistent reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and particulate-bound mercury (PBM) data at most GMOS sites and higher biases in reactive mercury measurements,43,44 we have excluded these data from our evaluation in Fig. 2 and have averaged the available RGM and PBM data over the measurement period and compared the resulting averages against our model simulations. The model overestimated the concentrations of RGM and PBM compared to the observations at these locations. The magnitude of this overestimation varied depending on the chosen emission inventory. Simulations using UNEP 2015, EDGAR, and UNEP 2010 inventories overestimated these concentrations by a factor of 2, while WHET and STREETS overestimated them by a factor of 4. This can be due to measurement uncertainties associated with losses due to oxidant interference and incomplete capture of RGM.42,45,46 Additionally, potential inaccuracies in the speciation of Hg in emission inventories might contribute to the overestimation.33,47,48
To assess the impact of resolution on Hg concentration, we compared global and nested simulations. Nested simulations exhibited a lower but comparable root mean square error (0.861 ng m−3vs. 0.835 ng m−3 for global and nested simulations, respectively) and mean absolute percentage error (19.8% vs. 19.0% for global and nested simulations, respectively) in concentration compared to the global simulation. Therefore, we employed nested model simulations from different emission inventories to understand spatial and temporal variation over India.
Fig. 3 (right panel) shows box and whisker plots for Hg concentrations across different Indian regions and emission inventories. Annual mean TGM concentrations are highest over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (1.51–2.02 ng m−3), with the 25th percentile ranging between 1.39 and 1.81 ng m−3 and the 75th percentile between 1.57 and 2.17 ng m−3. This region also exhibits the highest emissions. Lower annual mean TGM concentrations (1.26–1.45 ng m−3) are observed in Northern India. These spatial patterns closely mirror the distribution of anthropogenic emissions. The mean and median TGM values across all regions are nearly identical, except in Central India, where the mean is slightly higher due to elevated anthropogenic emissions.
Spatial variations in Reactive Gaseous Mercury (RGM) and Particulate Bound Mercury (PBM) concentrations were also analyzed. RGM concentrations were highest over the Indo-Gangetic Plain (65–147 pg m−3). Conversely, the lowest RGM concentrations were observed in North India (7–27 pg m−3). A similar pattern emerged for PBM, with the highest concentrations (25–67 pg m−3) found over the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the lowest (1.6–5.5 pg m−3) in East India. Notably, the mean values of both RGM and PBM exceed the median across all Indian regions. This suggests a skewed distribution with a few areas having exceptionally higher concentrations. Additionally, RGM and PBM exhibit stronger spatial variability compared to TGM due to their shorter atmospheric lifetimes. There is significant variability in RGM and PBM concentrations across the emission inventories. The higher Hg(II) emissions in the EDGAR inventory compared to UNEP2010 contribute to its consistently higher mean RGM and PBM across most Indian regions (except Western India), as shown in Fig. 3.
The climate over India, as classified by the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), consists of four distinct seasons: winter (January–February), summer (March–May), monsoon (June–September), and post-monsoon (October–December) ( The monsoon season is crucial, receiving a staggering 60–90% of annual rainfall over India.54 Summer brings intense heat waves and droughts, while winter experiences lower temperatures, dry atmospheric conditions, and minimal precipitation. The post-monsoon season witnesses a shift in the wind direction from southwesterly to northeasterly, accompanied by low relative humidity over Northern and Western India.55 Thus, it is important to study the monthly variation of mercury deposition over the Indian region.
Fig. 5 illustrates the monthly variations in modeled wet deposition fluxes (μg m−2 month−1) across Indian regions for different emission inventories, including a simulation with Indian emissions turned off. Notably, the monsoon season contributes a substantial 67% of the total annual wet deposition flux over India. Except for Northern India, all regions experience higher wet deposition during the monsoon compared to the combined deposition of the remaining seasons. Mercury wet deposition during the monsoon season is reduced by 24% compared to an average reduction of 17.8% across all seasons when Indian emissions are excluded. Summer exhibits the highest wet deposition over Northern and Eastern India. This phenomenon might be attributed to westerly winds, a key synoptic system transporting rain and snow eastward across the Himalayas during winter and summer.56 These winds may also facilitate the long-distance transport of Hg(II) from Central Asia to the Himalayas.57 The post-monsoon season witnesses the highest wet deposition in Southern India, likely due to the influence of northeasterly monsoon winds.
A strong correlation (R > 0.75) exists between annual precipitation and total wet deposition flux across all regions except Northern India (R = 0.70). This indicates that precipitation is a key driver of Hg wet deposition, explaining 56–60% of the total variance (R2) in Hg wet deposition across the country. Since the GEOS-Chem model relies on MERRA-2 meteorological data, we evaluated its performance by comparing modeled monthly precipitation with observed rainfall data from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) gridded rainfall datasets58 and the GPM IMERG satellite product59 (see ESI Fig. S6†). The correlation coefficient between MERRA-2 precipitation and IMD data for India is 0.69, while the correlation between MERRA-2 and IMERG data is 0.74. This indicates a good performance of MERRA-2 over India, although complex terrain might pose challenges in resolving orographic effects.60 While MERRA2 overestimates precipitation in Northern and Eastern India, the observed percent change in model precipitation between years (25% from 2013 to 2014 in Northern India and 16.5% from 2014 to 2015 in Eastern India) and the corresponding 5% variation in annual wet deposition fluxes suggest that this has a limited impact on our overall results. Despite higher deposition fluxes, studies over the Himalayas have demonstrated that mercury concentrations in wet deposition are lower during the monsoon season compared to non-monsoon seasons. This reduced concentration is likely attributed to a dilution effect, which can counteract the increased Hg loading from atmospheric deposition.61–63
Precipitation types also play a significant role in wet deposition. The GC model distinguishes between large-scale wet deposition (LS), caused by large-scale and anvil precipitation, and convective wet deposition (Conv), driven by convective rainfall. Notably, large-scale wet deposition contributes a higher share (79–82%) to the total deposition compared to convective wet deposition (18–21%) across India. However, convective wet deposition becomes particularly significant over the Indo-Gangetic Plain, especially during the summer season (March–May). Interestingly, the correlation coefficient (R) between convective wet deposition and convective precipitation is lower in Eastern India (R = 0.50–0.53) compared to other regions (R > 0.78). In contrast, large-scale wet deposition exhibits a strong correlation with total deposition across Eastern India (R > 0.77). Indian anthropogenic emissions contribute a larger fraction (30.5%) to convective wet deposition compared to large-scale wet deposition (19.8%).
Fig. 6 (left panel) depicts the spatial distribution of annual average dry deposition fluxes for different emission inventories during 2013–2017. The highest Hg0 dry deposition occurs in Eastern India (14.1–16.6 μg m−2 year−1), while the lowest is observed in Northern India (5.2–6.0 μg m−2 year−1). Dry deposition of Hg0 flux accounts for about 64–75% of the total annual dry deposition of all mercury species. Hg0 dry deposition is highest in Eastern India (14.1–16.6 μg m−2 year−1) and lowest in Northern India (5.2–6.0 μg m−2 year−1). A significant positive correlation (correlation coefficient: 0.82–0.90) exists between dry deposition velocity and Hg0 dry deposition. Dry deposition of reactive gaseous mercury (HgIIg, RGM) contributes 23–34% to the total annual dry deposition. RGM dry deposition is highest in the Indo-Gangetic Plain (4.3–11.1 μg m−2 year−1) and lowest in Northern India (1.7–2.7 μg m−2 year−1). Notably, RGM dry deposition patterns are more strongly linked to concentration patterns (correlation coefficient: 0.51–0.62) than dry depositional velocity (0.13–0.23). Particulate bound mercury (HgIIp, PBM) dry deposition contributes only about 1–2% to the total annual dry deposition. PBM dry deposition exhibits a similar spatial distribution to RGM, with the highest fluxes (0.25–0.66 μg m−2 year−1) in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and the lowest (0.07–0.11 μg m−2 year−1) in Northern India. Similar to RGM, PBM dry deposition is more closely associated with concentration patterns (correlation coefficient: 0.54–0.60) than dry depositional velocity (almost zero).
Fig. 7 depicts the monthly variation in modeled Hg0 dry deposition fluxes (μg m−2 month−1) across Indian regions for different emission inventories and with a sensitivity simulation excluding Indian anthropogenic emissions. GEM dry deposition peaks at the end of the monsoon (August–September) and persists through the post-monsoon season across all regions. A strong positive correlation (correlation coefficient > 0.7) exists between the leaf area index (LAI) and GEM dry deposition, suggesting that LAI variations (ESI Fig. S11†) significantly influence the observed spatial GEM dry deposition in India. GEM concentrations are lowest during the monsoon season and highest during the post-monsoon season over India. This is consistent with the finding in ref. 67 and 77, where both GEM concentrations and CO2 concentrations were reported to be lowest during the summer growing (which coincides with the monsoon season in India) season due to enhanced plant growth rate. Further, there is a 13.7% and 24.0% decrease in GEM dry deposition flux due to Indian anthropogenic emissions in monsoon and post-monsoon seasons, respectively. RGM exhibits the highest dry deposition flux during summer and the lowest during the monsoon season (ESI Fig. S10†). Peak post-monsoon dry deposition in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Western India coincides with higher RGM concentrations during this period. As RGM is more soluble and reactive than GEM, its dry deposition velocity is generally higher.70 RGM dry deposition velocity is highest during the monsoon season and lowest during winter. The dry deposition velocity of RGM is most dependent on wind speed, and the wind speed is highest over India in May.78 The RGM concentrations are lowest during the monsoon. In contrast, PBM dry deposition is highest in winter and lowest during the monsoon (ESI Fig. S10†) following the seasonal pattern of PBM concentrations. The model simulates RGM and PBM dry deposition fluxes primarily following concentration variations rather than dry deposition velocity.
Indian anthropogenic emissions account for 33.5% (with the range varying from 26.4% using the UNEP2010 inventory to 42.4% using the STREETS inventory) of the total dry deposition within the region. There is a decrease in GEM dry deposition fluxes across all regions of India due to local anthropogenic emissions, with an average reduction of 18.3% (12.4% using the EDGAR inventory to 22.4% using the STREETS inventory). However, seasonal patterns in GEM dry deposition influenced by meteorological conditions persisted even without local emissions. This decrease is most pronounced in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Central India, where dry deposition fluxes decreased by 25.2% (17.4–32.3%) and 21.3% (15.5–24.8%). In contrast, the reduction in North India was less severe, with a decrease of only 9.8% (6.4–13.3%). This spatial pattern aligns with the decrease in gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) concentrations (ESI S12†). The highest reduction (25.5% and 21.3%) occurred in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Central India, respectively, and the lowest (7%) was observed in North India. Indian anthropogenic emissions substantially impacted dry deposition fluxes of both reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) and particulate-bound mercury (PBM), leading to an average decrease of 68.3% (60.1–77.8%) and 75.7% (69.1–83.1%), respectively. Spatially, the Indo-Gangetic Plain experienced the most substantial decrease (76%) in RGM and PBM dry deposition, while the lowest decrease (29%) was observed in Northern India. Similar to the spatial patterns observed for concentration decrease, there is an averaged 80% (74.5–86.3%) reduction in annual average RGM concentrations and an averaged 81% (75.9–86.8%) reduction in PBM concentrations across India, respectively.
The study also revealed that Hg wet deposition is highest over the Western Ghats and Himalayan foothills due to increased precipitation. Wet deposition exhibited strong seasonality, with peak values occurring during the monsoon season (contributing 67% of the annual wet deposition). Large-scale wet deposition contributed more to the total mercury deposition in India than localized convective wet deposition. Sensitivity analysis further reinforces this, demonstrating a 21.9% reduction (with the range varying from 14.9% using the UNEP2010 inventory to 29.5% using the STREETS inventory) in wet deposition fluxes across India when excluding anthropogenic emissions within the country. This highlights the substantial influence of global mercury transport on mercury fluxes in the Indian region. Dry deposition exceeded wet deposition annually, accounting for 70–75% of the total deposition. Dry Gaseous Elemental Mercury (GEM,Hg0) deposition, the dominant form (75% of total dry deposition), is highest over Eastern India due to an increased leaf area index (vegetation). Dry deposition exhibited strong seasonality, with peak values during the monsoon and post-monsoon seasons. Furthermore, our analysis highlights the substantial contribution of Indian anthropogenic emissions to total Hg dry deposition fluxes. Excluding these emissions from the model simulation resulted in a 33.5% reduction (with the range varying from 26.4% using the UNEP2010 inventory to 42.4% using the STREETS inventory) in dry deposition across India, underscoring the dominant role of human activities in Hg pollution.
Recent updates to the GEOS-Chem model, such as the updated oxidation chemical mechanism79 and higher biological reactivity of GEM in the dry deposition scheme,28 could potentially alter the spatial and temporal distribution of mercury over India. These updates have shown to decrease global mercury wet deposition fluxes while increasing dry deposition fluxes28 compared to our study. Future studies incorporating these model updates could provide a more refined understanding of mercury pollution dynamics in the region. Additionally, the development of Indian-specific gridded anthropogenic inventories and specific trends for these emissions would be beneficial for enhancing the accuracy of mercury modeling and assessment in India. Moreover, expanding Hg measurement networks across diverse Indian regions is crucial for refining model accuracy.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |