Astrid H.
Clare P.
Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, UK. E-mail:;
First published on 18th August 2023
Iodide-based redox mediation in Li–O2 batteries is regarded as a promising system due to its relatively high round-trip efficiency, compared to alternative systems. Here we explore the role of electrolyte composition in the solvation of I−, which has been shown to be critical for the efficient operation of this redox mediator, using a molecular dynamics approach. A combinatorial exploration of I− and H2O concentrations was performed, for a fixed concentration of Li+, across a series of glymes, with increasing chain length (mono- to tetraglyme). The resulting radial distribution functions show that shorter glymes allow for a closer packing of the I− redox mediator. Furthermore, increasing the I− concentration also reduces the solvation of Li+ in the glymes, especially in G2. The presence of water further pulls the I− and Li+ together. With increasing water content, its presence in the iodide's coordination shell increases markedly – an effect most pronounced for monoglyme. Competition between Li+ and I− for the coordination of water is modulated by the different solvents as they perturb the local coordination shell of these important complexes, with longer chain lengths being less affected by increases in water concentrations.
The I−/I3−/I2 redox system can be described as a complex iodide (I−) oxidation process to iodine (I2), with an intermediate recombination process to generate polyiodide species such as I5−, I7−, or I9−, although in practice only I3− is of importance in most applications, as that is the dominant species that can be observed:
2I− ⇌ I2 + 2e− |
I− + I2 ⇌ I3− |
The equilibrium constant of triiodide formation (KI3−) is typically high in the organic solvents used in electrolytes in DSSCs and LOBs,10 and therefore in practice, this complex redox system becomes a de-facto I−/I3− redox couple. This makes iodide a practical redox mediator as I2 is highly reactive and volatile.
It has been known for a long time that the electrochemical behaviour of halogen couples depends strongly on the electrolytic solvent,1 with more polarizable halogens being more susceptible to this effect. This is highly relevant for applications where the redox potential of the mediator determines the energy efficiency of the process, such as in DSSCs and LOBs. Pande and Viswanathan11 discussed this effect in reference to redox mediators for LOBs, arguing that, since the Gibbs free energy of a particular species in solution (ΔGsol) is primarily dependent on the interactions in its first solvation shell, these interactions ought to influence the equilibrium of redox pairs differently depending on their nature. The solvation of I− has been explored experimentally with UV/Vis and NMR, where strong effects from concentration and solvent choice were seen.12
The I−/I3−/I2 redox system has been characterized extensively in a range of conventional solvents, most notably water13–15 and acetonitrile.16–21 Recently, several studies have investigated the effect of an electrolyte's physicochemical parameters (solvent acceptor/donor number, salt concentration, etc.) on the measured redox potentials of the I−/I3− redox pair10,22,23 and their influence on its capacity to mediate the decomposition of various discharge products in LOBs.6,12,24 During LOB discharge, O2 gets reduced and precipitates as a Li oxide, such as Li2O2, i.e. an oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). During charging, oxygen gets oxidised and is released as O2 back into the atmosphere, i.e. an oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Redox mediators aid in these reactions by transporting electrons to/from electrode, from/to the discharge product.
It is by now well established that adding water to iodide-mediated electrolytes, either as an additive or from ambient air, can switch the dominant product from Li2O2 to LiOH.9 This change would enable a moisture-tolerant Li–air battery (LAB), allowing for the use of air instead of pure O2, while also stabilising the electrolyte, as Li2O2 is reactive towards solvents.25
Amongst the more promising and studied solvents in the metal–air-battery literature are the glymes, a series of solvents based on dimethyl ethers of poly(ethylene glycol) – the simplest is known as dimethoxyethane (DME) or monoglyme (G1). Here, we study the glyme series: ethylene glycol dimethyl ether (monoglyme, G1), diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (diglyme, G2), triethylene glycol dimethyl ether (triglyme, G3) and tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether (tetraglyme, G4), as seen in Fig. 1. They will be referred to by G1, G2, G3 and G4 from this point. At very high salt concentrations, the glymes have been studied due to their propensity to form solvate ionic liquids,26 including with the I−/I3− redox couple.27
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Fig. 1 The glyme series, going from monoglyme (G1) to tetraglyme (G4), and TFSI, the electrolyte anion. |
Whilst some prior computational studies have looked at the diffusion of O2 and other atmospheric gases using molecular dynamics,28–30 in this work, we look at the influence of various parameters on the solvation of relevant species in solution, linking this to the efficiency of I−/I3− as a redox mediator for glyme-based LOB systems.
To simplify the role of Li+ in this study, its concentration is kept fixed at 400 mM, whilst the concentration of the two anions, I− and TFSI, are varied. This concentration is chosen due to the low experimental solubility of LiI in some of the glymes studied. The chosen counter-anion is bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide (TFSI, also shown in Fig. 1), a common counter anion in the literature.
The Gromacs software package was used for all simulations.32 The forcefield chosen was the all-atom optimized potentials for liquid simulations (OPlS-AA) for the glymes (with additional torsional parameters33), Li+, and I−, with the simple point-charge (SPC) H2O model. C–H bonds used constraints. The TFSI models used the parameters of Canongia Lopes and Pádua.34 This is similar to our previous work.12
The simulations used the first four glymes, i.e. G1, G2, G3 and G4 (Fig. 1). [Li+] is kept at a constant 400 mM in all of the systems. The counter anions are varied, with a series of [I−] (which we will use for naming): 50, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mM. The [TFSI] is 350, 300, 200, 100 and 0 mM in these respective systems to ensure a charge balance. Water concentration was set at dry, 1k, 5k and 20k ppm. Table 1 in the ESI† shows the number of molecules in each case. After running the simulations, the built-in analysis tools of Gromacs were used to generate radial distribution functions and their coordination numbers (CNs). Each individual radial distribution function and their CN plot are found in the ESI,† with the collated and derived plots shown in the main matter. An example of the CN between I− and I− can be seen in Fig. 2 for the dry case. To simplify the presentation of the data, we opted to extract a CN at a fixed distance, chosen for I−–I− as 5 Å (each figure will note the chosen plateau) due to the plateau seen in Fig. 2. The extracted CNs are then plotted as a function of iodide concentration, as seen in Fig. 3a.
Comparison of the I−–I− interactions, as [I−] increases across the different solvents, can be carried out by analysing the coordination numbers (CNs) of I− to I−, as seen in Fig. 2. For all [I−] studied, a plateau can be observed between 5 and 7 Å. Thus, this point (5 Å) can be used to provide a more tractable visualisation of how the coordination evolves over the compositional range of interest (Fig. 3a).
At the lowest [I−] studied (50 mM), both G2 and G3 show a very small CN with I− at 5 Å, while G1 and G4 CN values only start at larger distances (yellow and purple traces in Fig. 2a) than for G2 and G3. It must be noted that at 50 mM I−, there are only 20 I− atoms in the system; thus, I−–I− comparisons at low [I−] should be considered to have large error bars. At 100 mM, the I−–I− CN in both G2 and G3 decreases, while in G1 and G4 it increases. Notably, all values are lower than the ca. 0.2 of G3 at 50 mM. At 200 mM [I−], a small increase in the CN can be observed for all but G4, which slightly decreases.
At 300 mM [I−], there is a noticeable increase in the I−–I− CN in all of the glymes. G2 shows the largest change, with a CN of about 0.3. Going to 400 mM [LiI], G2 increases even more. G1 also increases notably, while there is only a small increase for G4 and G3.
Fig. 3 shows the evolution of the coordination shell of I− over [I−] for key constituents: I− (at 5 Å), Li+ (at 3 Å), TFSI (at 4.5 Å) and O (solvent) (at 5 Å). The previously discussed I−–I− tends to become less prominent upon using the same y-scale for all the components shown here. For I−–Li+ (Fig. 3b), there is a small non-uniform variation, with CN close to 1. Thus, one can expect that Li+ will be found in the local environment of I−, while the reverse statement about the local environment of Li+ is only true at the highest [I−] (as seen in section 2.7 of the ESI†). For I−–TFSI (Fig. 3c), there is a gentle decrease as [I−] goes up, which is to be expected, as [TFSI] goes down simultaneously. The I−–O-solvent (Fig. 3d) values have a gentle downwards slope. It is also interesting that the CN between I− and O-solvent is somewhat similar across the different glymes. Thus, despite the bulkiness of the longer-chain glymes, they are able to effectively solvate the I− ion.
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Fig. 4 CNs of I− to I− at a fixed distance of 5 Å, for the four different glymes (G1 = yellow, G2 = green, G3 = red, G4 = purple) studied here, across the four different water concentrations (from left to right: (a) dry, (b) 1k, (c) 5k, and (d) 20k ppm of water). Note that (a) is a subset of the data shown in Fig. 3. |
At 5000 ppm of water (Fig. 4c), the effect on G1 is far stronger than at 1000 ppm. There is also an increase in I−–I− CN for G2. Increases for the G3 and G4 are minor, as compared to the 1000 ppm case.
At 20000 ppm of water (Fig. 4d), the I−–I− CN drops substantially for G1, while staying quite similar for G2. The CN for G3 increases substantially. There is also a modest increase for G4. Broadly speaking, higher [I−] leads, unsurprisingly, to a higher CN between I−–I−.
The interactions between I− and Li+ occur at shorter distances, as expected due to the attractive charges, which is evidenced by a plateau in the CNs at 3 Å (section ESI 2.6†). As the [Li+] is constant throughout the compositional range, there should be a small decrease in the CN, at the distance of 3 Å, as a function of [I−], as the I−/Li+ ratio becomes smaller. Interestingly, that behaviour is not seen in dry electrolytes, which have a somewhat narrow distribution of CNs across the glymes (emphasised in Fig. 5a, where the y-axis is expanded as compared to Fig. 3b).
Neat electrolytes display some variation upon increasing the [I−], however without a clear trend (Fig. 5a). Upon the addition of water, the I−–Li+ CNs undergo changes, as water pulls these ions together. The trend is clear at the start with G1 at 1000 ppm (Fig. 5b), with a smaller effect for G2, and no effect for G3 and G4.
At 5000 ppm, G1 and G2 still show a strong effect due to the increase in water (Fig. 5c), with G3 showing a small effect, unlike G4. Interestingly, there seems to be a weak downwards trend for G1 as [I−] increases. At 20000 ppm (Fig. 5d), all four solvents show a more tight organisation of I− and Li+ in the electrolyte than in neat electrolytes, with the same small downwards trend as seen for G1 at 5000 ppm.
The I−–H2O interaction is used here to measure how easily the I− can participate in formation of LiOH during the ORR, as it is well established that water-containing I-mediated electrolytes promote LiOH formation under certain conditions. Fig. 6 shows the CNs of I− to H2O with increasing water concentrations. For the 1000 ppm case (Fig. 6a), there is very little change as [I−] increases, across all four glymes. G1 has a slightly higher CN than the other glymes. At 5000 ppm (Fig. 6b), while all glymes have a higher I−–H2O CN than for the 1000 ppm case, that of G1 continues to be considerably higher than those of G2 and G3. Notably, the CN stays relatively flat across the [I−] range. Interestingly, at 20000 ppm (Fig. 6c), the I−-concentration has a clear effect on the CN of I− to the H of H2O for the two shorter chain glymes. For G1, the CN increases nearly monotonically (the CN at 300 mM is slightly higher than for 400 mM). The CN for G2 increases over the [I−] range, while for G3 and G4 the CN stays flatter.
Finally, we look at how I− interacts with the solvent O atoms of the solvents chosen (Fig. 7). In neat electrolytes, there is a downwards trend as the [I−] increases (Fig. 7a). The shortest glyme, G1, has in most cases the lowest CN. As water gets introduced to the system, the CN of I−–O-solvent drops significantly for G1 even at 1000 ppm of water (Fig. 7b), whereas G2 to G4 are slightly changed, but not in a systematic manner. Further increasing the water concentration to 5000 ppm (Fig. 7c) leads to a lower CN in the case of G1 and G2. There is also a very small decrease for G3 (more easily visualised in Fig. 7 of the ESI†). At 20000 ppm of water (Fig. 7d), all four glymes demonstrate a substantial decrease in CN, with G1 showing the lowest numbers.
Water is clearly a key driver for modulation of the solvent shell around both Li+ and I−. Considering that water is a highly polar solvent, it is not very surprising that the ions show a strong response to its presence. We have previously reported this phenomenon affecting the electrochemistry of LiOH-based LOBs.6 With increasing water concentration, its role seems to be enhanced, pulling I− and Li+ closer together (Fig. 5), as the glyme solvent is being pushed out of the first solvation shell of these ions (Fig. 7 and 8). This effect is stronger for the shorter chain glymes, which is congruent with previous studies of Li–glyme35,36 and Na–glyme37 interactions, where a stronger binding is expected for longer-chain glymes due to the crown-ether-like coordination around the Li+/Na+. This effect might also have a kinetic component, as unravelling crown-ether-like solvation complexes should be a multistep process, wherein every step will have some competition between the anions, water and the oxygens of the glyme molecule in question.
As an interesting counterpoint to the small [I−] effect seen in the interaction between I− and water (Fig. 6), the interaction of Li+ with the O of the solvents (Fig. 8) shows far stronger I−-concentration effects, along with an increasing effect with increasing [H2O]. Thus, the glymes get pushed out of the solvation shell of Li+ by both I− and H2O. However, there seems to be a critical ratio for the I− to see strong interactions between I− and H2O. It also shows that the shorter glymes are more affected by these interactions. Unfortunately, the shortest glyme, G1, is a very volatile solvent, unlike the other glymes,38 which might make it impractical in LOBs due to exposure to the open cathode.
The electrolyte's solvation environments have been noted to have a considerable effect on the redox chemistry of LOBs. The donor (DN) and acceptor (AN) numbers are one metric of solute/solvent interactions. These metrics have been used to guide the choice of redox mediator in the LOB literature11 due to how they affect the efficiency of the overall redox mediation. It was also noted that the AN is more important for tuning the I−/I3−, as the AN is a measure of Lewis acidity, which can describe how well anions interact with the solvent.
In G4-based electrolytes, it was noted that increasing the Li+ concentration did not affect the apparent AN, unlike in DMSO.12 DNs are a measure of Lewis basicity, which is correlated with the solvation energy of the Li+ and the solvent. The glymes studied here are low-DN solvents, though it has been noted that a high DN can be beneficial,39 assuming a sensible choice of salt.40
It may be conceptually easier to look at the solvation directly, rather than using the DN/AN, considering how the electrolyte composition is varied here, as it is known that the local environment changes the I−/I3− redox, e.g. through solvent choice.10,23 For example, increasing the solvation energy of Li+ and O2− can increase the potential of the reaction.41 Thus, the oxidising power of the I−/I3− couple can be modified by changing the solvation environment.22 This can be exploited to change the reaction mechanism by using additives that modify the solvation of I−. For example, adding an ionic-liquid cation has been observed to increase the I−/I3− redox potential in G4-based electrolytes, driving the OER instead of iodate formation.24 The overall results here show that modifying the electrolyte composition does affect the local environment of the I−. Thus, using the shorter glymes will allow for more control of the solvation, though it has been noted that G2 should be a better chelator of Na+ than G1.37 Coupled with how strongly the water concentration affects the local environment, this gives us another means of controlling the reactions of the system.
Striking the balance of how much exploration of the compositional space of electrolytes should be done is going to be challenging, especially as we have not been able to identify a direct trend that gives a clear predictor that would simplify the selection of electrolyte components. However, based on prior work, there do seem to be a number of local maxima of higher performance, whether the focus is on the solvent choice37 or I−/H2O ratio.6,42 Some work has gone into exploring solvent choice and I−/H2O ratio simultaneously,12 but always for a subset of the compositional variables; e.g., this paper has a fixed amount of Li+ to reduce the complexity. Thus, we believe that optimising these electrolytes will simultaneously be challenging but might bear fruit.
Future work on these systems would benefit from the inclusion of I3− and/or O2 in the simulations, due to their role in the electrochemistry of the I−-mediated Li–air batteries. While it was not explored here, modulating the local environment can affect the redox properties of the I−/I3− couple,10,24 and alternative salts can be used to change the relative stabilities of intermediaries.40 However, such simulations would require the use of polarisable force fields, which are not readily available. A very ambitious approach would be to use ab initio MD simulations to explore these systems’ reactions (such as side reactions with 1O2), as the classical force field used here cannot be applied to reactions. However, while such an approach could give the deepest insight, it would be prohibitively expensive to explore the full range of compositions that we explored here. Thus, future simulation work might incorporate some ab initio simulations and create force fields through machine learning.
Another direction for future work would be to incorporate electrodes into the simulations. This would give insight into the layering behaviour of the electrolyte, i.e. probe the double layer, and how that will be modulated by the composition of the electrolyte and the magnitude/sign of the applied voltage. It is expected that electrodes would impose an ordering on the electrolyte (especially the ones that would be used in a simulation with periodic boundary conditions). Upon applying a potential, ions would adsorb on the surface, allowing for more structuring of the electrolyte. Recent work from multiple groups has resulted in MD codes43–45 that allow for simulations where the electrodes have a constant potential, giving us new tools for the future.
However, the interplay between these components is complex, as while water does increase I−–I− interactions (a requirement for I3− formation), it can encapsulate I−. The short-chain-length glymes allow for a greater interaction between the reactive species in the electrolyte. It is also possible to tune their properties through careful choice of salt/water content, thus modifying the electrolyte's redox properties.
Footnote |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |