c and
aMinerva Research Group, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, 55122 Mainz, Germany. E-mail: yafang.cheng@mpic.de
bInstitute of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Staudinger Weg 7, 55128 Mainz, Germany
cMultiphase Chemistry Department, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Hahn-Meitner-Weg 1, 55128 Mainz, Germany
dTsinghua University, 100084 Beijing, China
eInstitute for Carbon-Neutral Technology, Shenzhen Polytechnic, Shenzhen 518055, China
First published on 8th August 2023
Phase transitions of water and its mixtures are of fundamental importance in physical chemistry, the pharmaceutical industry, materials sciences, and atmospheric sciences. However, current understanding remains elusive to explain relevant observations, especially at the nanoscale. Here, by using molecular dynamics simulations, we investigate the dissolution of sodium chloride (NaCl) nanocrystals with volume-equivalent diameters from 0.51 to 1.75 nm. Our results show that the dissolution of NaCl in aqueous nanodroplets show a strong size dependence, and its solubility can be predicted by the Ostwald–Freundlich equation and Gibbs–Duhem equation after considering a size-dependent solid–liquid surface tension. We find that the structure of dissolved ions in the saturated aqueous nanodropplet resembles the structure of a molten NaCl nanoparticle. With decreasing nanodroplet size, this similarity grows and the average potential energy of NaCl in solution, the molten phase and the crystal phase converges.
Then comes the question of what will happen if the particle size keeps decreasing, e.g., down to 1 nm or smaller? Will the solubility become infinitely large? What’s the state of these nanoparticles? So far, there are very few quantitative studies on size-dependent solubility of nanoparticles with a diameter of 2 nm or smaller. The reason for the few studies is the experimental challenge involved when investigating solubilities of particles of a few nanometers or less.10–12
Here, the size-dependent solubility of NaCl nanoparticles in water droplets is investigated for a diameter range from 0.507 to 1.745 nm by classical MD simulations. The size-dependent solid–liquid surface tension and structures under the corresponding critical conditions were also analyzed. In the MD simulations, an improved detection approach is developed to directly distinguish solid-like and liquid-like structures of NaCl nanoparticles in water droplets. With this approach, the solubility of a certain size of NaCl nanoparticles is determined. Then, solid–liquid surface tension and solubility of NaCl nanoparticles at other sizes are calculated by the Gibbs–Duhem equation, the Ostwald–Freundlich equation and the Tolman equation. We also analyzed the structure of saturated aqueous nanodroplets of different sizes. In the end, the connection of dissolution and melting processes and its implications in the phase transition of aerosol particles is also discussed.
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Fig. 1 Size-dependent solubility (saturation mass fraction) of NaCl nanoparticles at 300 K. The solubility range of NaCl nanoparticles is obtained from the MD simulations for particles with 8 to 108 pairs of NaCl ions (red and orange bars) and 7 pairs of NaCl ions (red circle). aThe size-dependent solubility of NaCl nanoparticles is taken from experiments for particles with dry diameters of 5.18 to 54.2 nm (green triangles). b,cThe NaCl bulk solubility from MD simulations (grey circle) and from experiment (brown triangle) is taken from ref. 9. The size-dependent solubility curves are obtained based on the combination of the Ostwald–Freundlich and the Gibbs–Duhem equation with and without considering size effects on surface tension. The size effect on solid–liquid surface tension is considered based on the 2nd order Tolman equations for the light blue shaded curves. dThe size effect on solid–liquid surface tension is considered based on the 1st order Tolman equation with the bulk solid–liquid surface tension from ref. 17 for the light pink shaded curves. eThe green curve without considering the size effect of surface tension is based on the NaCl bulk solubility obtained experimentally and the bulk solid–liquid surface tension from ref. 3. fThe pink curve without considering the size effect of surface tension is based on the NaCl bulk solubility from MD simulations and the bulk solid–liquid surface tension from ref. 17. |
Size-dependent solubility based on the simulations cannot be explained by the combination of the Ostwald–Freundlich and Gibbs–Duhem equations with a single bulk solid–liquid surface tension (σsl,bulk) (eqn (3)). The prediction curve obtained based on the single σsl,bulk = 102 mN m−1 and the bulk saturation mass fraction calculated by MD simulations17 (pink line in Fig. 1) does not fit the data well. This indicates that the simulated solubility data become sensitive to σsl as the crystal gets smaller. Therefore, the size-dependent solid–liquid surface tension of NaCl nanoparticles should be considered to reproduce the size-dependent solubility of NaCl nanoparticles.
The saturation mass fraction of NaCl particles with diameters less than 0.665 nm does not vary monotonically. The saturation ratio
remains similar when the diameter of the crystal decreases from 0.665 to 0.530 nm, with 13 to 8 pairs of NaCl ions. The saturation mass fraction suddenly jumps to ∼1 when the diameter of the crystal drops to 0.507 nm (7 pairs of NaCl ions), suggesting an infinite solubility. This result is consistent with that in the melting process simulations (Fig. S9†), where the NaCl particle with 7 pairs of NaCl ions is considered as molten at 300 K.
With a size-dependent solid–liquid surface tension (σsl) based on the second-order Tolman equation (ESI Note 3†),40–42 the size-dependent solubility from MD simulations can be well explained by the combination of the Ostwald–Freundlich and Gibbs–Duhem equations (blue shaded curves in Fig. 1). Compared to the fitting curves from the first-order Tolman equation (light pink shaded curves in Fig. 1), the blue fitting curves from the second-order Tolman equation better capture the variation of NaCl solubilities. In addition, the size-dependent surface tension competes with the effect of crystal size on the solubility of nanoparticles. The reduction in particle size contributes to an increase in solubility, but this gain is inhibited by the reduced surface tension, particularly when the particles are smaller than 0.665 nm with 13 pairs of NaCl ions.
As shown by the light red lines in Fig. 2, in the incomplete dissolution state, both Na+ and Cl− ions are primarily distributed within ∼1 nm distance from the center of mass (COM) of the particle, and more concentrated within distances of ∼0.4 nm. Na+ ions have the highest density distribution at ∼0.3 nm distance from the COM, while Cl− ions are concentrated at the COM and ∼0.4 nm distance from the COM. Meanwhile, water molecules are distributed at distances >0.4 nm and mostly concentrated at distances of ∼1 nm from the COM.
As shown by the red and blue lines in Fig. 2, in the critical dissolution state, the concentration distribution of Na+ and Cl− ions becomes similar but not homogeneous, and the concentration of ions decreases gradually from the COM to the particle surface. Water molecules are concentrated at a position closer to the COM compared to that in the incomplete dissolution state, and individual water molecules enter the interior of the particle (<0.4 nm distance from the COM). This shows that only a few water molecules are required to destroy the crystal structure inside the NaCl nanoparticle, where saturation can be much higher than that on the surface of the particle.
As shown by the light blue lines in Fig. 2, in the complete dissolution state, the distribution of Na+ and Cl− ions is even more similar. This indicates that the distribution of ions and water molecules would be homogeneous when the mass saturation of NaCl particle is close to the bulk mass saturation. Note that the fixed COM position of the total system in the MD algorithm might cause small fluctuations of the nanocrystal position relative to the total COM, which may give rise to some smearing of the profiles of the ion and water molecule densities near the COM of the total system.
The structure of different-size droplets in the critical dissolution state is further analyzed to quantify the characteristics of the inhomogeneous distribution of ions and water. The saturated droplet composed of 32 pairs of NaCl ions (corresponding to 1 nm diameter) with 130 water molecules is taken as an example. As shown in Fig. 3a, the profile of number density of ions and water molecules at different distances from the center of mass (COM) indicates ions are highly concentrated in the area around the COM of the droplet and are more diluted in the area near the surface. For example, the profile of the number of ions and water molecules at different distances from the COM in this droplet suggests only ∼4 water molecules exist in the area around the COM of the droplet with a radius of 0.5 nm, while there are 16 ions in the same area (Fig. 3b).
The two-dimensional density map of the relative fraction of ions shows more visually the gradient distribution of the ions (Fig. 3c). Except for a thin interface where no ion exists, the bulk solution with a concentration of 14.4 mol kg−1 is homogeneous. This is similar to the result from the previous simulation, where the smooth density profile of ions in the bulk solution with a concentration of 11.48 mol kg−1 indicates the homogeneous structure of the system.18 In contrast, the droplet composed of 32 NaCl and 130 water molecules shows inhomogeneity of the ion/water distribution with a gradient. The concentration becomes larger when the position is closer to the center. Furthermore, the distribution of Na+ and Cl− ions is rather stratified. The bidimensional density map of the difference of the relative fraction of Na+ and Cl− ions (Fig. 3d) shows that Na+ ions are more concentrated in the center of the droplet, while Cl− ions are more concentrated at the surface of the droplet.
Above the size of 15 pairs of NaCl nanocrystals, the depression of the melting point of the nanocrystals in comparison to the bulk is quite proportional to N(−1/3), showing a significant size dependence (red dashed line in Fig. S9† and N is the number of ions). This phenomenon also occurs in other substances, i.e., pure metal and alloy nanoparticles.19–21 The dependence can be derived from the decrease in phase stability of the nanoparticles due to surface effects.22 By using the q8 calculation, the melting point of the NaCl nanocrystals is also determined (blue diamonds in Fig. S9†). The results show that above the size of 8 pairs of NaCl nanocrystals, the melting point depression of the nanocrystals is proportional to N(−1/3) (blue dashed line in Fig. S9†). The approach of Qi et al.19 (2001) cannot be applied to determine the melting temperature for NaCl nanocrystals below the size of 15 pairs. Note that the melting temperature for the NaCl nanocrystals below the size of 15 pairs is already less than the Debye temperature, and the heat capacity no longer follows the Dulong–Petit law. The vibrations of the atoms must be considered for accurate heat capacity data.
By comparing the average potential energy of dissolved and molten NaCl nanoparticles with diameters below 6 nm, we find that the structure of dissolved NaCl in saturated solution becomes similar to the structure of molten NaCl when the NaCl particle size decreases. The average potential energy of NaCl (μNaCl) only depends on the relative position of the ions,14 so that it can reflect the spatial distribution of the ions. The average potential energies in different simulated systems are compared to analyze the similarity of NaCl in the dissolved state and molten state quantitatively (Fig. 4). Dark circles represent μNaCl in the molten NaCl particles at the respective melting points, and the values are all close to −700 kJ mol−1 (grey line). This means that the spatial distribution of ions in a molten NaCl particle at the respective melting point is almost the same and independent of size. This phenomenon was also found for other substances, such as copper.23 However, μNaCl in the dissolved droplets at the critical dissolution state (blue circles) decreases with the decrease of size. The blue circles approach −700 kJ mol−1 and deviate from the blue dashed line (≈−358.35 ± 20.95 kJ mol−1), which represents μNaCl in bulk saturated solution. It suggests the structural similarity of dissolved NaCl in saturated nanodroplets to molten NaCl at the melting point increases when the size of the NaCl particle decreases.
In Fig. 4, the red circles represent μNaCl of the NaCl nanoparticles at 300 K, which deviate from the red line that represents μNaCl of the bulk NaCl crystal (≈−780 kJ mol−1). The increase of μNaCl with the decrease of particle size is because the bigger particle is more stable and thus has a higher melting point temperature. As the particle size decreases to ∼7 pairs of NaCl ions, the red circles and blue circles almost converge at around −700 kJ mol−1. The convergence of μNaCl suggests that 7 pairs of NaCl ions at 300 K is in a molten state and can be considered as a saturated droplet of NaCl with infinite solubility. Due to the size-dependent solubility, smaller molten NaCl particles at 300 K (≤7 pairs of NaCl ions) can also be considered as a saturated droplet of NaCl with infinite solubility.
The radius of gyration of the particles and the radial distribution function of ions to ions (RDFion–ion) also supports the analysis of μNaCl. The similarity of the radius of gyration of the NaCl particles in the dissolution and melting processes becomes more pronounced when the particle size decreases (Fig. 5). The similarity of the relative positions of ions in the dissolution and melting processes increases when the particle size decreases (Fig. S12†). Harbury4 gave a similar assumption that there is a significant comparability between a supersaturated solution and undercooled melts. In summary, the dissolution of bulk NaCl solids is a traditional dissolution, while the dissolution of NaCl particles at the nanoscale is analogous to the melting process of NaCl particles at the nanoscale. These two different types of phase transition, dissolving and melting, “meet” at ≤7 pairs of NaCl ions at 300 K.
The radial distribution functions of Na+ to Na+ (RDFNa–Na), Cl− to Cl− (RDFCl–Cl), Na+ to Cl− (RDFNa–Cl), and Cl− to Na+ (RDFCl–Na) give valuable additional information that the q8-determined solubility and melting point of NaCl nanocrystals are on firm ground. The RDFNa–Na and RDFCl–Cl of the q8-determined unmelted NaCl nanocrystals and undissolved NaCl in saturated nanodroplets show rather sharp peaks at the first to fourth nearest neighbor distances of ∼0.40 nm, ∼0.56 nm, ∼0.69 nm, and ∼0.79 nm (Fig. S13 and S15†). The RDFNa–Cl and RDFCl–Na of the q8-determined unmelted NaCl nanocrystals and undissolved NaCl in saturated nanodroplets show the same sharp peaks at the first to fourth nearest neighbor distances of ∼0.28 nm, ∼0.49 nm, ∼0.63 nm, and ∼0.84 nm (Fig. S17 and S19†). This is well compatible with the simple predictions from the snapshot of 9 pairs in a NaCl crystal shown in Fig. S20,† indicating that the nanocrystals are still crystalline despite their smallness, and the crystal structure is not disturbed by the condensation of a few water molecules. Meanwhile, the RDFNa–Na and RDFCl–Cl as well as the RDFNa–Cl and RDFCl–Na of the q8-determined molten NaCl nanocrystals at the melting points and dissolved NaCl in saturated nanodroplets show flatter peaks compared to the ones of the unmelted and undissolved NaCl nanoparticles (Fig. S12, S14, S16 and S18†). This captures well the different structural features between the solid and liquid states of NaCl, thus supporting the results of the solubility and melting point of NaCl nanoparticles determined by the q8 method. Snapshots of NaCl nanoparticles during the melting and dissolution processes in Fig. S20† support the solubility and melting point of NaCl nanoparticles determined by the q8 method as well. The snapshots of NaCl nanoparticles at a temperature lower than the q8-determined melting points show that the typical shape of nano-sized NaCl nanocrystals is not spherical. Both in the case of melting and the dissolution process, a spherical shape occurs only when the transition to the fluid phase takes place.
Overall, this study provides a new perspective to connect the dissolution and melting processes of NaCl nanoparticles, and this connection may also be suitable for other solids. For a substance whose melting point is higher than 300 K at the macroscopic level, there exists a critical diameter (Dc) at which the melting point is 300 K. Naturally, when the diameter of the nanoparticle composed by this substance is below Dc, the particle is expected to be liquid at room temperature. The nanoparticle whose diameter is larger than Dc is solid at room temperature, while a small amount of adsorbed water molecules can turn it into a molten-like liquid with a thin solution coating. These general principles may be useful for studies about nanoparticles in various fields, including the environmental, pharmaceutical and materials sciences.24–26 This study mainly focuses on the thermodynamics of dissolution. A deep understanding of the NaCl dissolution mechanism also requires knowledge of the kinetics, and we would like to direct the readers to other related research.27,28
In this study, the melting processes of NaCl nanocrystals is also simulated. The JC force field is adopted to keep synchronous with the simulations of the NaCl dissolution process. The particles with different diameters are simulated at different temperatures to determine the melting point. More details about the setup are shown in ESI Note 1.†
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The NaCl nanocrystal is considered as dissolved or molten when the time average of the q8 value of each ion in the crystal is less than 0.35. q8 is the local bond-orientational order parameter to provide the best separation between solid-like (>0.35) and liquid-like (≤0.35) states of each NaCl ion in the nanoparticles (Fig. S5†). We added 5 water molecules each time for the certain NaCl nanocrystal in the simulation. The crystal with N + 5 water molecules is considered as dissolved when the time average of the q8 value of each ion in the crystal is less than 0.35. At this point, we consider the solubility range of the crystal to be within the range of water molecule quantities of N to N + 5. Furthermore, based on the known molar masses of NaCl ions and water molecules, we can calculate the corresponding range of saturated mass fraction values, which represents the solubility range.
Since at 300 K the crystal structure of NaCl is already close to perfectly rigid, a simple study of the radial pair distribution functions between the different pairs of ions can clearly identify which NaCl clusters are still in a nanocrystal state and which are already in a liquid state (Fig. S6†).
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The radial distribution functions (RDFs) of ions with respect to other ions can reflect the spatial distribution of ions.29,37 They are calculated as:
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Footnotes |
† Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: https://doi.org/10.1039/d3fd00095h |
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work. |
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |