Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences, ETH Zürich, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 2, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland. E-mail: mreiher@ethz.ch
First published on 3rd May 2024
Multi-configurational electronic structure theory delivers the most versatile approximations to many-electron wavefunctions, flexible enough to deal with all sorts of transformations, ranging from electronic excitations, to open-shell molecules and chemical reactions. Multi-configurational models are therefore essential to establish universally applicable, predictive ab initio methods for chemistry. Here, we present a discussion of explicit correlation approaches which address the nagging problem of dealing with static and dynamic electron correlation in multi-configurational active-space approaches. We review the latest developments and then point to their key obstacles. Our discussion is supported by new data obtained with tensor network methods. We argue in favor of simple electron-only correlator expressions that may allow one to define transcorrelated models in which the correlator does not bear a dependence on molecular structure.
Multi-configurational wavefunction methods usually start from (complete) active orbital spaces and deliver a qualitatively correct description of the valence shell of electronic states and are, therefore, the standard starting point for tackling challenging electronic structure problems. However, this ansatz introduces by definition an imbalance in the description of electron correlation due to the resulting (somewhat arbitrary) separation of electron correlation into static and dynamic contributions within and outside the active orbital space chosen. Therefore, a holy grail in electronic structure theory has been the accurate calculation of electronic energies in such composite approaches for static and dynamic electron correlation, as they eventually produce unbalanced error contributions.
Active space methods rely on the restriction of the orbital space in which a full configuration interaction (FCI) wavefunction is then constructed (the classic example is the complete active space (CAS)4,5 or full optimized reaction space6 ansatz). However, the orbitals that are ignored in such a CAS-CI ansatz, significantly contribute to the electronic energy, which cannot be ignored.
To include such dynamic correlations,7 CC approaches are the natural choice to turn to. However, multi-reference CC ansätze are plagued by various formal and practical limitations: the multiple-parentage problem, intruder states,8–11 lack of orbital invariance, increased scaling with the active space size,12 or non-truncating cumulant expansion.13–15 Even though most of these drawbacks can be circumvented by the multi-reference formulation of configuration interaction, this approach requires expensive higher-order density matrices and, due to its truncated CI expansion, suffers from size-consistency issues, as does the truncated single-reference CI.16,17 For an in-depth description of multi-reference methods, see ref. 16 and 17.
As a result, various other approaches have been designed to assess dynamic correlation for multi-configurational methods; examples are, multi-reference perturbation theories,18–20 short-range density functional theory,21–26 multi-configurational pair-density functional theory approaches,27,28 and multi-reference-driven single-reference CC models (see for example ref. 29–37). We note also that much work aimed to describe both static and dynamic correlation accurately in the CC framework alone; see, for instance, CC approaches with internal and semi-internal excitations,30,38 method-of-moments CC,39–41 and CC(P;Q).42–46 For further CC-based methods that aim to describe both static and dynamic correlation, see ref. 47 and references therein.
In the end, multi-configurational methods require a combined approach, which treats dynamic correlation on a different footing, compromising the overall accuracy. As a result, no multi-configurational approach is known to achieve a consistent and systematically improvable accuracy as the single-reference CC model does. Therefore, it is highly desirable to establish a formal theory that can address and eventually solve this problem. Here, we consider explicitly correlated ansätze as a possible solution to the problem. Many ideas have already been put forward, and remarkable successes have been achieved (especially when considering developments in explicitly correlated CC models48–51). However, no universal framework has emerged, and various conceptual problems remain open or, at least, require further discussion. Therefore, we first prepare a general formal framework for these approaches. Then, we highlight features of the various proposals made in the context of explicit correlation theory so far, discuss key challenges, and provide new data to substantiate these challenges. After this analysis, we settle on basic principles that could be considered universally valid for explicit correlation approaches.
![]() | (1) |
The terms ĥ(i) and ĝ(i, j) correspond to the one- and two-electron operators, respectively. The operator ĥ(i) comprises the electronic kinetic energy operator, which may be chosen according to Dirac or in its non-relativistic limit according to Schrödinger for infinite speed of light,52 and the external potential created by the nuclei. For the sake of simplicity, we omitted the nucleus–nucleus interaction, which contributes a constant term in the Born–Oppenheimer approximation and can be added at any later stage.
The two-electron operator ĝ(i, j) describes the electron–electron interaction. Its leading term is the electrostatic Coulomb interaction of the electrons. In the non-relativistic limit of Schrödinger quantum mechanics, this will be the only contribution. Magnetic and retardation effects contribute to higher order in the inverse speed of light 1/c. They can be taken into account to order 1/c2 by Gaunt and Breit operators, containing the inverse of the particles’ distance (as in the case of the Coulomb interaction) and even up to the inverse distance cubed in the case of the second term of the Breit operator. We note that interactions involving the nuclei are also affected by magnetic and retardation effects, which are usually negligible.
Whichever of these models is chosen for Ĥel, already the Coulomb potential generates singularities in the operator at the coalescence of two or more particles. This property leads to well-known coalescence conditions53–55 in the exact wavefunction which are notoriously challenging to describe by conventional orbital-based wavefunction ansätze. This is due to the need for high angular momentum basis functions in order to capture the linear behavior of the wavefunction in the neighborhood of the point of coalescence of two particles.56 For the purpose of this article, we will restrict ourselves to the standard model, the electrostatic Coulomb interaction.
The central problem in electronic structure theory is obtaining the solutions to the electronic-structure eigenvalue problem for some electronic state ψi
Ĥelψi = Eiψi. | (2) |
The solutions to the previous equation can be factorized57 as
ψi = Fϕi | (3) |
The cusp conditions may be classified by the type and number of particles coalescing.
Precisely describing this cusp in the wavefunction is crucial for computing the total energy to high accuracy. However, in the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, errors in the electronic wavefunction at the nuclei are atomically conserved across the potential energy surface as long as one is interested in the valence-shell properties of atoms, molecules, and materials. Therefore, these errors can be expected to cancel when properties, such as energy differences or derivatives, are considered. As an example, we may refer to comparisons of energies obtained for point-like and finite-size nuclei. Both types of nuclear charge distribution models influence the wavefunction in profoundly different ways at electron–nucleus coalescence points,52 which significantly affects, in turn, total energies but leaves relative energies essentially unchanged (see, for example, ref. 58).
We emphasize that the Coulomb singularities arise solely from point particles. By considering finite-size nuclear charge distribution models,59 which is particularly important for large nuclei, the electron–nucleus cusps may be entirely eliminated (although a steep increase of the wavefunction, and hence of the electron density, in the vicinity of atomic nuclei will still be observed).
It is for this reason that we ignore electron–nucleus cusps in this work. This assumption will not hold, however, if we consider properties that probe electron density close to the nucleus, as in the case of the isomer shift of Mössbauer spectroscopy.60 In addition, by assuming the nuclei to be static, the location of these cusps is known a priori, and therefore, atom-centered one-electron basis functions may be employed that explicitly satisfy the cusp condition. This is the case for Slater orbitals,61 and techniques have been devised that also augment existing Gaussian basis sets with this property.62
The electronic coalescence conditions are generally classified into either singlet or triplet, depending on whether the spin function of the considered pair of electrons is symmetric or not with respect to their permutation. For singlet electron pairs, which have antisymmetric spin functions, the cusp condition enforces the following form on the exact wavefunction53
![]() | (4) |
For triplet pairs, the exact wavefunction vanishes at the point of coalescence. Moreover, it possesses continuous first-order derivatives, and the cusp only appears in the second-order derivative.54 The exact wavefunction, therefore, obeys a different condition
![]() | (5) |
A consequence of this property is that certain states, such as high-spin open-shell systems, do not possess electronic cusps in the wavefunction (only in their derivative).
![]() | (6) |
In light of the discussion so far, we argue for omitting the first term, i.e., the one taking care of all electron–nucleus cusps, since we maintain that, although its effect on the total electronic energy may be non-negligible, it introduces an atomically conserved error that drops out for relative electronic energies dominated by changes in the valence region of atoms and molecules. For similar reasons, although the three-particle term has been shown to also have a visible effect on the total electronic energy (see ref. 65 for numerical data and also for a historical perspective on this contribution), we argue that this effect is not likely to be strong for relative properties dominated by valence-shell contributions. Therefore, we contend that its omission will also benefit from systematic error cancellation. We note, however, that correlators that include terms of the first type have been employed recently in the context of transcorrelated multi-reference theories63,64 (see also below).
We highlight that eqn (6) inherently introduces system-dependent quantities into the correlator through the presence of the nuclear positions and charges. However, neglecting the first and third terms removes all system dependence of the correlator and requires the remainder of the wavefunction, that is, ϕi, of eqn (6) to take care of the system- and state-dependence. Note that Tew55 explicitly derived the system- and state-dependence for a spherical model of a particle’s wavefunction around a coalescence point in the form of higher-order expansion coefficients in the partial wave expansion. However, these results are not directly transferable to the product ansatz of eqn (6) that we exploit in this work.
For these reasons, we here advocate for the use of a simple correlation factor, which may be taken to be universal, state- and system-independent, in order to define a comparatively simple yet (for valence-shell dominated relative energies and properties) accurate, explicitly correlated electronic structure method. Hence, the remaining term responsible for the electron–electron cusp is considered the only essential term in eqn (6) for an electronic structure model defined within the Born–Oppenheimer approximation.
By choosing the function F such that the cusp conditions are obeyed, eqn (3) may be employed as an ansatz for the wavefunction. Placing this ansatz into the eigenvalue problem in eqn (2) yields
ĤelF|ϕ〉 = EF|ϕ〉. | (7) |
![]() | (8) |
The parameters in |ϕ〉 may be optimized variationally, and the obtained energy will always yield an upper bound on the exact value. Unfortunately, this expression requires the evaluation of Nel-electron integrals,66 which makes it intractable for even the smallest of systems.
An alternative expression for the energy may be obtained through projection onto 〈ϕ|F−1
![]() | (9) |
The two equations for the energy seem quite similar, and one might ask how they are related. A first observation is that, if the operator F is unitary (i.e., F−1 = F†), the two expressions coincide. Moreover, unitary transformations preserve the norm of vectors, and therefore, by assuming a normalized |ϕ〉, the term in the denominator vanishes
E = 〈ϕ|F†ĤelF|ϕ〉. | (10) |
As a comment, we recall that certain properties of operators no longer hold once these operators are projected on a finite basis, as done in the second quantization formalism. For instance, projecting two operators into a finite basis and taking their matrix product is not necessarily equal to the product of the two operators projected into the same basis.1 This has the consequence that the similarity transformed operator in eqn (9) is only guaranteed to have the same spectrum as the original operator in the limit of a complete basis.
|ψ〉 = e![]() | (11) |
![]() ![]() ![]() | (12) |
0 = 〈ψμ|e−![]() ![]() | (13) |
ECC = 〈ϕ|![]() | (14) |
For simplicity, consider a two-electron system for which the CCSD ( =
1 +
2) method delivers the exact solution. Eqn (13) and (14) may be combined into a matrix equation which, for converged amplitudes, has the following structure
![]() | (15) |
The first column corresponds to the CC energy and amplitude equations, while the other elements correspond to the remaining transformed matrix elements of Ĥel. Note that the structure of the first column guarantees that the reference wavefunction is an eigenfunction of . Hence, CC can be interpreted as optimizing the cluster amplitudes such that the reference wavefunction, corresponding to the first column, becomes an eigenvector of the similarity-transformed Hamiltonian
. By recalling that |ϕ〉 is usually taken as the Hartree–Fock determinant, which only accounts for mean-field interactions, the similarity transformation has effectively transferred all electronic correlation directly into the operator
In CC theory, the amplitudes may also be obtained variationally68 through the use of a symmetric expectation value
![]() | (16) |
This expression, however, is not used in practice since it does not benefit from the natural truncation of the Taylor expansion of the transformed operator and therefore, the evaluation of eqn (16) requires the computation of matrix elements between determinants of arbitrary excitation rank, making the expression exponentially difficult to evaluate, even for truncated . A noteworthy exception is unitary-CC
69 (UCC) in quantum computing70 since unitary gates may be directly implemented on quantum hardware. In UCC, a similar expression to eqn (16) is used, where the cluster operator
is replaced by an anti-Hermitian operator
† which results in a unitary similarity transformation; preserving the Hermiticity of the original operator.
The inadequacies of eqn (16) seem analogous with the ones discussed in Section 2.4 with the correlator F being given by the cluster operator e. A crucial difference is, however, that in the case of CC theory, the excitation operators
are assumed to be restricted to creating excited determinants in the same Hilbert space as the one spanned by the one-particle basis. Therefore, ECC can, at best, converge to the FCI solution contained in the finite Hilbert space. This restriction is generally not true for an arbitrary correlator F defined in real space. In particular, when the correlator is expressed in real space, the excitations are inevitably produced in orbitals that are not contained in the one-particle basis, and hence, the computed energies may even improve upon the FCI solution in that finite space.
While it is sometimes stated that the non-variational nature of the standard CC energy is due to the similarity transformation only being approximate71 – mirroring the conclusions from the last paragraph of Section 2.4 – in reality the similarity transformation is always exact, in the sense that no matter what amplitudes are inserted into the cluster operator, the spectra of the matrix representation of Ĥel and always coincide. The non-variationality of the scheme actually occurs due to the eigenvalue of
only being calculated approximately. For instance, in a four-electron system, if eqn (13) is only solved using CCSDT, the resulting matrix representation would have the form
![]() | (17) |
In this case, the reference wavefunction is only an approximate eigenvector of , and if the eigenvector was computed exactly by also projecting on the quadruply excited determinants, the energy would be equal to the energy computed from Ĥel.
Subsequently, the class of R12 methods has been extended to accommodate correlators depending non-linearly on rij, which are commonly referred to as F12 methods.75 Examples of correlators used in F12 methods include Gaussian-type Geminals76 e−γrij2 and Slater-type Geminals77 e−γrij. Most of these correlators possess a number of free parameters which must be adjusted for the target system. Some contain a single tunable parameter78 while others are composed of a handful of parameters79 whose optimal values may be deduced based on first principles. In the context of Monte Carlo methods,80–83 flexible correlators are often used, which contain dozens of free parameters that are optimized in a black-box fashion using variance minimization techniques.84 A comparison of the performance of a large set of commonly used correlators can be found in ref. 85 and 86.
Ĥtc = e−τĤeleτ | (18) |
![]() | (19) |
First, while the second nested commutator preserves the Hermiticity of the original operator, the first one introduces a non-Hermitian contribution, which prevents the use of optimization techniques relying on the variational principle. This is because, for non-Hermitian operators, the left and right eigenvectors do not generally coincide, and thus, the conventional Rayleigh quotient for computing eigenvectors no longer applies. This issue may, however, be tackled by employing a biorthogonal approach, which allows for distinct left and right eigenvectors and has successfully been applied to the transcorrelated method.97–101 Moreover, this approach provides a framework for performing orbital optimization within the transcorrelated method.64,102 Efforts have also been made to apply the variational principle directly to the transcorrelated method by disregarding the non-Hermitian terms103,104 in Ĥtc.
Second, the nested commutator introduces a three-body operator, which significantly increases the computational cost of the transcorrelated method compared to the conventional two-body electronic Hamiltonian.
Finally, both additional terms introduce non-standard integrals, which need to be evaluated, as is the case for F12 methods. Approaches for computing these integrals include grid-based methods,63,105 density-fitting techniques106,107 and Monte Carlo approaches.108
The addition of the three-body operator in Ĥtc from the third term in eqn (19), poses a significant challenge for the transcorrelated approach due to the steep increase in required storage for the generated integrals as well as the computational cost of working with them. For instance, in the case of DMRG, the three-body contribution increases the computational cost of the tensor contractions by two orders of magnitude.107 Recently, a promising remedy109–111 for taming the expensive three-body operator has emerged. It is based on the normal-ordering of the operators in Ĥtc with respect to a reference state, usually chosen as the Hartree–Fock solution following the particle-hole formalism. This allows one to include the mean-field, one- and two-body contribution from the three-body operator and leaves a “pure” three-body contribution, which is presumed to be small so that it may be neglected. The validity of this approximation has been demonstrated111 on a set of atoms and small molecules contained in the HEAT112 benchmark dataset.
The transcorrelated method has a number of advantages over other explicitly correlated methods. First, using a projective technique to solve for the energy, the cusp conditions may be satisfied while limiting the required integrals to at most three-electron ones. Second, by directly folding the correlation into the Hamiltonian, through the similarity transformation, and optimizing the wavefunction with this transformed operator, the correlation captured by the determinantal expansion is guaranteed to not overlap with the one already accounted for by the correlator.63 Indeed, to ensure this property for R12/F12 methods, orthogonality conditions113,114 need to be enforced in order to guarantee that the correlator generates excitations outside the Hilbert space spanned by the finite basis. This formalism is quite cumbersome and usually limits the flexibility of correlators to simple functions.63
In the matrix product operator (MPO) formalism117,118 of DMRG, a matrix product state (MPS) represents the ansatz for the wavefunction
![]() | (20) |
The maximum values of the auxiliary indices αi introduced in the factorization are given by the bond dimension. The bond dimension is the key parameter for determining the accuracy and cost of the DMRG algorithm.119 For the exact FCI solution, the extent of the indices αi must be allowed to grow exponentially along the chain. In practice, the bond dimension is fixed to a maximal value for the duration of the optimization, and the MPS tensors are truncated to this value. However, the validity of a chosen bond dimension can be probed rigorously by inspection of the singular value decompositions inherent to the DMRG algorithm and by systematic extrapolation to infinite bond dimension.120
Similar to the wavefunction, the Hamiltonian is factorized into an MPO
![]() | (21) |
In tcDMRG, due to the non-Hermiticity of Ĥtc, the variational principle no longer holds so that the conventional DMRG optimization of the entries in the MPS is no longer directly applicable. Hence, in order to optimize the MPS, we rely on the imaginary-time tangent-space formulation of DMRG (iTD-DMRG)121–123 in which the imaginary-time evolution of the MPS is performed using the time-dependent Schrödinger equation in the manifold of MPS with fixed bond dimension m
![]() | (22) |
The operator projects the product Ĥtc|ϕMPS(t)〉 onto this manifold. At t → ∞, the solution converges to the optimal approximation of the ground state solution in the manifold. In our implementation, this propagation is performed using a second-order Trotterization scheme.
Following our original work on tcDMRG,88,107 we employ a correlation factor
![]() | (23) |
Although the damping function is a necessary ingredient in this ansatz, it introduces the somewhat arbitrary parameter γ that prevents this specific tcDMRG approach from being a well-defined electronic structure model. For this reason, the effect of this parameter on the tcDMRG energy will be investigated in this work.
As a reference, FCI results for LiH were obtained with the CISDTQ module in the Psi4 (ref. 126) program with conventional integrals obtained from the restricted Hartree–Fock routine from Psi4.
We observe that the error resulting from this approximation decreases as the value of γ increases. This can be understood by recalling that as γ → ∞, the effect of the transcorrelated similarity transformation vanishes. Therefore, any approximation that is introduced in the treatment of Ĥtc also disappears. Our results suggest that this approximation is justified, as also shown in ref. 111 since the error is smaller than 0.13 mHartree for all values of γ. Therefore, this approximation is assumed in all our subsequent results.
In Fig. 2, we analyze the convergence of the energy with increasing bond dimension in the DMRG calculation.
It appears that for this system, the tcDMRG method leads to either identical or smaller errors for bond dimensions larger than 4, than the conventional DMRG approach, depending on the parameter γ in the correlator. However, in general, the convergence behavior of the two methods remains similar.
![]() | ||
Fig. 3 LiH tcDMRG ground-state potential energy curves (cc-pVDZ (DZ) basis set, normal-ordered approximation) obtained with different values of γ. For comparison, imaginary-time time-dependent DMRG (iTD-DMRG) results in the cc-pVDZ basis, and FCI results obtained with the larger cc-pVQZ (QZ) and cc-pV5Z (5Z) basis sets are given. An explicitly correlated Gaussian (ECG) result127 is provided as a highly accurate estimate of the exact Born–Oppenheimer energy. |
Turning our attention to the transcorrelated results for increasing values of γ, it is clearly seen that the effect of transcorrelation decreases in such a way that the electronic energies approach the ones obtained by conventional iTD-DMRG in the same one-particle basis (cc-pVDZ). By contrast, we observe for small γ a large effect on the electronic energies leading to solutions that even fall below the exact energy (represented by the ECG reference result of ref. 127), highlighted by the potential energy curve obtained for γ = 0.5. Reducing the value of γ even further to 0.1, we found that the energy at an interatomic distance of 3 bohr even falls to −8.578 hartree, which is ∼0.5 hartree below the exact energy.
For intermediate values of γ, especially for one which corresponds to an omission of this parameter, i.e., for γ = 1.0, we observe that the tcDMRG results coincide with the quadruple-ζ FCI results around the equilibrium distance, resulting in improved accuracy of two cardinal numbers (w.r.t. the zeta parameter of the orbital basis). However, this improvement is not conserved along the entire potential energy curve, and ultimately, the tcDMRG curve undershoots the FCI results.
We monitor the parallelity of the electronic energy obtained with various methods,
ΔE(RLi-H) = Emethod(RLi-H) − EFCI cc-pV5Z(RLi-H), | (24) |
Table 1 collects the total electronic energy at equilibrium distance, the electronic dissociation energies De, vibrational constants ωe and ωexe and the non-parallelity errors (NPE) obtained by the various methods.
Method | R eq [bohr] | E(Req) [Ha] | D e [eV] | ω e [cm−1] | ω e x e [cm−1] | NPE [Ha] |
Reference | 3.015 (ref. 127) | −8.070538![]() |
2.52 (ref. 128) | 1405 (ref. 128) | 23 (ref. 128) | — |
FCI (5Z) | 3.005 | −8.050255 | 2.56 | 1369 | 12 | 0 (by definition) |
FCI (QZ) | 2.995 | −8.042676 | 2.53 | 1409 | 36 | 0.002093 |
FCI (TZ) | 3.016 | −8.036660 | 2.47 | 1404 | 23 | 0.007405 |
FCI (DZ) | 3.051 | −8.014803 | 2.26 | 1359 | 22 | 0.013682 |
iTD-DMRG (DZ) | 3.051 | −8.014803 | 2.26 | 1359 | 22 | 0.013682 |
tcDMRG (DZ, γ = 3.0) | 3.048 | −8.018552 | 2.25 | 1364 | 22 | 0.013566 |
tcDMRG (DZ, γ = 1.5) | 3.009 | −8.026977 | 2.32 | 1408 | 25 | 0.009773 |
tcDMRG (DZ, γ = 1.25) | 2.992 | −8.032831 | 2.37 | 1441 | 26 | 0.008475 |
tcDMRG (DZ, γ = 1.0) | 2.983 | −8.042693 | 2.44 | 1476 | 26 | 0.006439 |
tcDMRG (DZ, γ = 0.75) | 3.003 | −8.058122 | 2.53 | 1465 | 24 | 0.005913 |
tcDMRG (DZ, γ = 0.5) | 3.061 | −8.080827 | 2.50 | 1354 | 22 | 0.011948 |
The NPE is defined as the difference between the maximum and the minimum error of the potential energy curves with respect to FCI/cc-pV5Z taken as reference,
![]() | (25) |
Parallelity of the potential energy curves is a desired property so that the calculation of relative energies can benefit from error cancellation.
Table 1 illustrates that the tcDMRG method with large values of γ converges to the conventional DMRG results in the same basis. By decreasing the parameter γ from 3.0 to 1.0, the downward trend of ΔE (also seen in Fig. 4) is mitigated, but results in the introduction of a hump in the error which becomes more significant with decreasing γ. For γ = 0.5, a relative overestimation of the energy leads to an increase in the NPE.
Concerning the harmonic frequency ωe, we find all approaches are scattered around the experimental result by up to 10%. In fact, we see a strong dependence on the atomic-orbital basis set, where FCI harmonic frequency of the quintuple-ζ basis set significantly deviates from the convergence of FCI results obtained for the smaller basis sets. Inspecting the potential energy curves in these cases does not point toward any serious problem but demonstrates the sensitivity of the harmonic frequency to the local shape of the potential energy curve. Similar observations can be made for the FCI anharmonic constant ωexe in the large basis sets, which deviate significantly from all other anharmonicities obtained, which are in the order of 10% around the experimental value.
Regarding De (see Fig. 4), we see that increasing the parameter γ leads to a decreased slope of ΔE, but also introduces a hump. Overall, the flatter profile results in an improved estimation of De for larger values of γ.
Although electron–nucleus and electron–electron–nucleus cusps profoundly impact the electronic wavefunction and, hence, the total electronic energy, we here argued that they may be neglected for an electronic structure model that yields reliable electronic energy differences due to changes in the valence region. The resulting model features a rather simple correlator. We examined the properties of this correlator in comparison with more elaborate correlators that also consider electron–nucleus distances explicitly (and hence, molecular structure in the Born–Oppenheimer approximation). We discussed that our simple electrons-only correlator allows us to define a molecular-structure-independent correlator and, therefore, leaves all structure dependence to be incorporated in the smooth function that is to be multiplied with the correlator.
In our presentation, we highlighted the transcorrelated method’s non-variationality and, hence, the importance of developing reliable variational methods applicable in this context. We also discussed the source of the non-variationality of CC compared to the transcorrelated method.
Our correlator considers the analytic knowledge about the wavefunction near electron–electron cusps. However, this behavior is to be suppressed at large inter-electronic distances, which is the reason for the introduction of an exponential decay that depends on this distance and acts as a damping function. In principle, one may introduce a parameter that can be used to switch off the contributions of the inter-electronic distances so that one recovers results of the orbital basis without introduction of a correlator. We argue that it should be possible to choose the parameter in this (nested) exponential in some simple, maybe even system-independent way. This would guarantee that a well-defined electronic structure model emerges that, for instance, does not rely on structure-dependent correlators that would change along a reaction coordinate or some other trajectory across a Born–Oppenheimer surface.
To highlight our arguments with a specific example, we provided results of the transcorrelated method (with the simple electrons-only correlator and fully analytic integral evaluation techniques) for the LiH diatomic molecule, and related the results to accurate reference calculations. We investigated the effect of the normal-ordering approximation of the three-body operator in the context of the tcDMRG method. Moreover, we demonstrated that while the transcorrelated method has the potential to increase atomic orbital basis convergence, our current choice of correlator leads to non-systematic improvement in the energy along the potential energy curve.
In future work, a systematic analysis of the parameter in the damping function of the correlator should either reveal the best universal choice of this parameter valid for all molecules or provide analytic means to choose this parameter in a system-specific manner without the need for extensive prior optimization. Subsequently, it will be necessary to evaluate the still lacking long-range dynamic correlation that results from the choice of an active orbital space in a multi-configurational ansatz. Those correlations may then be efficiently captured by multi-reference-driven single-reference CC models,29,30,130–133 which might provide higher accuracy results than multi-reference perturbation theory would deliver for a transcorrelated zeroth-order Hamiltonian.
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024 |